wsfw r sf-k- atmon on oth december richard tofts aged 8 rears maim- at brr ktufuce hoe line kwinjiiic on list dec bnuur miller pd ttjts7 vufxomucinkehooonuitw dec mrs maty v snsorwtoaged sojearielid u mouths shofctorxnat her rvtidescn t sqaodng ou nt dec hits msrgsret shortieri sgd re mtxldf ha etquesinc on the blh december tb infant tain daughter of yu11sti ftlolhn j- sundays vvhlumiai kincardine ob the ltlh deoem- bet george williams tontirty of nockwbod aged s reel s tbursdat jakuaut 1 1801 4 notes and comments aoolsorto legal banishment ft re psfted ftw mouctori nfe where lid of il ww omvictod ol stealing tboet from the tore ii which he was employed there w oo rtfortnatory and the boy was too young lo be tenteuced to prison therefore jodfit summoned his mother aad order ijp b to pre him a severe tpsakioc ta the of the goort after which he wis ifoleased n sadder bat wiser urehia- niatn feat arts of the plait of civic orm upon which the people of toronto will tote ia january says the globe are the redaction of the number of wards iq six each to be represented by foor- alder men the lengthening of- the aidennanic tennof office the reduction of the- number ol committees to four each consisting of six members with a cnalnnan to be nomi nated bythe mayor the payment of a salary of 2000 each to the chairmen and o tooo eafih to the aldermen for municipal honors or lown elctd actoni fleevo by acclimation nom ations elsewhere the intoi est mantfjeated in the municipal nomiualioi otmondey was not as great ai it baa tomi times been in the pait some forty or ft y ratepayer gathered in the lowrrj hall and the nomination of oandi datea proce ded as usual the circulation of mr 8ej letter to ibe doctori n couple tit rocks ago declining lo accept further hoi or at the handa of the munici pality ten icred it ucootaary to look else- wbsc for i fit and proijer person lo 811 the chair of ch of msgistrete daring the present year dr lowrywns apparently the un tmmoui hoice of the electorate hii being tne c ily nomination for the office of teturuiag officer declared him he nominations were at ickjrmiijn tomisittr tlieiuisno lack contest kan the noevoship between l beeve th elected follows nm iuikvc irdit ift it lowuv proposed by thomas efslon seconded by h p moore roa cocycilluits 1 jcket t- axransox proposed by col allan secc udod by levi lambert s jjuuc jtuxcts proposed by h joans seconded b jt p warden the intimation that commissioner smith of the salvation army and a righthand man of general booth has reaigneoi his position ouring to a misunderstandvigre- specting the geneials darkest england scheme and that consoqncntly there is a danger of the scheme collapsing will be read with disappointment by the benevo- jently disposed it is also that pen booth did the book which bears his name which will be a furthsr disap- potntment to people of an upright war of thinking ilal ihl a 1 i the oensnsis to b taken on april 6th ilx george johnson the dominion etatis- ticiajfcwho was census commissioner for nova scotia in 1sxi has charge of the work in a statementiost mack by hr johnson it appears that the census sufi will consist of 15 general cpmmissiqners 220 county commissioners and 3000 enumerators the information will be passed from hand to hand and win finally reach- ottawa where mr johnson who has quite a taste for statistics will digest it and prepare it for publication some desirable and indeed important features will be added li the census this year tve are to larn what the educational condition of the people isl and we are not to be misled br fig which include absentees as well a actual resi a man who has been out of the country for a certain length of time will not have the pleasure of being counted u canada has several problemsof an inter esting 8ndlarreaching character which are engaging the attention of the peoplt the first ana widest of all is what is to be her destiny at this moment with fire millions and more of people with great wealthy rapidly developing industries with two of the greatest railway systems in america or the worldi and with all the eleinents of national life canada is nothing bn a colony an u the british crown this position is humiliat ing but it pays the people of canada have all the advantages of british prestige for their protection ah thi ministers and consuls of- the empire are the servants of the canadian people without cost and they hare been able to work oat large problems of dornestic economy undisturbed by any haunting sense of foreign aggression or any respanaibfliry for the happenings of the world at large dinfirieaa fie t x the chaapior went a long distknee out of its way last week to give juiimehonored friend and supporter mr robert aghew the following castigatipn hr babcrt agner hotelkeeper at acton hie had himself interrttrwed br the editor of the free fkeis during the ihtarrier he lusmu tted that the recent charge of violation of the license act on which he pleaded pmf tyiad m fined nx laid against bim u the nsagloa of g knton boteltaepez and thtt the moqn tu jmloiisj on fridx it georsetoru where the acton young men were on trial for illicit drink ins ft agnewf ft iru hinted tlhat agnew wu the tirtfmo en acton haielkeepett ipite agoew hastoatigiianoflionof hie own impo ku seldom heard of down here nobody ir jealous ofhim ai qfha alleged influence aod it is doobtfutu ms came wouid erenhste been mentioned dirtng he list month if he had not got himself into trouble through riouiinf the license act hi mxrnoation acahist the uhtos boteleeper ii plainly untrue mi that against the aeton one ht most likely equady so agnew wwwif teem to be greatly troubled with the jealouiv which he is so quick ts charge again then if he used more discrvtian hi the matter m opening his bar and his mouth it would be better for hfm and he will dp wehio keep the uwlieuertiunheteematahatebeen doing of late and talk less ifhe wfll do the first he need not be afraid of getting into trouble through the jealousy or spite qf anyone and if he does the iecoudtndrtick to itlongeaoaglitay four or five years perhipsjii aeqoaintancec may come to think that he has a little common sense after all it is to be feared that they dout suspect him of anything of the kind now in all fairness the fixe pkeas is bound to say that the chtpnpiot puts a construc tion upon some of ifr agnew words he never in tended la hs remarks ia this jourfial went through thetce a cobburg fatality rescued to die but toeocjy dec 27 on chrutmas morn- iflr while tl young people were dririnfc home across bice lake to hanrrd from bewdle where they bad pent the niht dancing the tleigu and horses broke through theice precipitfciing the whole party into the water after a desperate struggle the men nucceeded in getting the girls and tfaemseltes on the hoe the weather was intenaely oold and before the half drowned people could get ashore a number of them were severely frostbitten on their arrival on land they look possesion of a vacant house which fortaosteiy con tained a stove before a fire could be lighted kiss elfie johusfon sufcambed to hehardilipsshehad aodergone and- died not withstand in g the efforts of the others to save her life several others of the party are in a critical condition and fears are entertainesi that one oi more of sheth will not recorer from the effect of their cold pluigft and exposure died amonr strangers lrcmoir dec 25 thebodyof kordoch ifcjveod son of alexander hcleod th conoeaaion of kinlou was bronght to luck- now station yesterday the young roan had broken his leg in the woods in hichi- gaif and diacljypnlnth bporiois koch lymph ii being -manpfae- sored ia beriin and sold to foreign pby- fiffafrf l 3 joipc iarvit proposed by col allan secoudedb yaiex grant l geo iiiviupropcsedbyvv j king seconded h- j rt- matthews y 5 jonx ktxxct proposed by alex grant sec inded by col allan 8 a e kicklin proposed by h p moore sec jaded by l francis j b peareou proposed by john harvey sc conded by john williams ft wv i smrra proposed by thomas ebbage conded by patrick kelly 9 wk willturs proposed by a e kicklin m conded by h jeans at the c ose of the hour drixjwry took occasion u i thnk the electors for the great honor done him of electing him to the chief office of the municipality without a contest wo years ago he had the satis faction of being eieeted to the council at the head c t the poll last election he had enjoyed th e some honor and now his elec tion to the highest position in the gift of the people of acton by acclamation was a distinctioi which could not hut be appreci ated by him he sincerely hoped the pro- medings o the yenrin the council would be entirely a tisfactory to the public there si emed to be little disposition to listen to further speeches and the meeting hereadjou medwithoat giving the candidates who entei the contest an opportunity to make any promises as to their court- if elected that- a rise choice has been made in the selection f dr lawry as reeve is conced ed in moa t quarters the dr has taken a lively inte rest in the affairs of the munici- pahty daang his long residenoe here he is- well cri- in council matters served for several ye irs on the public school board and was ts chairman for one year he will give i he daties pertaining to the office all necesi ary attention and in county coandl ii atters will ably represent actons interests v there l considerable of a choice among cndi ates entering the contasst messrs anderscat and havili lave en tered the wntest as new candidates having never offe ed themselves previously for any pubhc poition kew men generally run weu th s marbe their experience while t lis is mr francis first inning in the manic ipal arena he has had consider- able ralui bit experience in public matters this has peen gained by gome four or five years epeatin the 6choolboard of which body he was for one year chairman mr francis has proved himself a faithful ser vant in j this capacity and- he would he doubt gcte satisfactory service as a munici pal councillor he is somewhat handi capped bowever hy his absence froaihome this week having been obliged to take a trip to g loversville jvt on buslneas if his friends desire to secure his election they most woi t l mr- h xrej was fh4 choice of the people two year ago and occupied ft seat at the council ioard for a year at he expira tion of tfie year he retired considerably dis- gusted w th municipal matters and deter mined coringistw at least to give his business his entire attention at the solicitatii m of a number of electors he bis decided stand another election- his years ex jerience vih be valuable to him if ejected connci lor kenney and mr williams have we ire informed withdrawn from the contest mr a e kitklin the retiring chairman of the pu 3lic 6chcol board is in the fray and like he other candidate is anxious to come out it the head of the poll he is the only nati bom citizen among the candi dates ha spent his life in acon and the electors w ould naturally expect him to have as great an interest in actoa and its pros perity as any other candidate could possibly have j mr pearson is not new to mraudpal life a year spent in the council fits him in many ways for arefurn thereto he is a worker anil has the ability to enable him to sene the public well mr pearson came has geveraa times been mentioned ia con nection with the bfieveship but to that position hi has no aspiration at present councillor smith has been- a member of acions minirfpalparliament three years if ever a p lbuc officer endeavored lo please eyery ratepayer he met that man is councillor smith he has always been ready inal times and placesto promise im- provemehfe desiredi and that he has suo ceeded pretty sticcessfofly in fulfilling many of- these promises the detailed report of the street and sidewalk committees fifteen hnndred dollar account tor the year amply proves councillor smith naturally feels that as a reward for the large amount of work done to please electors he should be returned for another year- ixixnox or khoql rarstlx the attendance at the nomination of canuidates o fill the vacancies onthe public school board yesterday was wme- what larger than usual though still the at tendance wis small there was however no dearth of candi- as the following list will of eaitliuiiatnv iu the lg fight will be tor the meoar graham and webster at the nbtulnatlou on monday the whole af ternooc wu devoted to the dls- cumjou of pbblic q cations by th oondi- dates who are tn th aeld the following is the uit of candid tea esovuiixo boeve richard qiaham dr webster flrtt do ity john warren ditid oook second dopu j nury p lawton p aj-vleb- councillor i robert btewtrt john wrialcifforth f hot hliohu and oeo camp bell uckuiuuayor tjiouiu ooldlc and ueorg ilowird uilton uaynr b lc aoclatuatloa ltett d koboruouk d i eclamttioa councillors north ward ck hoc g a heuiitrwt j v oudo 3 h uccoi tu j a harrison d w ctuipbeu bouth wt d james u field charles jones wllllahi anus rone junes hutue hj nouiurako esst wtr i u coowayitbomu uo- dotj1 r b porttf goorpo smith janief ltoduy ojuttturmyorjjohu tnjuliart by aocla- inatiod rficvfl u lsu rthltxed deputy rveve u ulpliofor thomas kyuolds councillor vard no 1 w wbltaker john iou adchtiholm by a clamalionj ward no l william joyee hot ry watson capt robert wullams john vccd luald thotnu patterson joseph boon ward 3o- j cabradbury james taylor w h vounf robert howea robert lacaa iiiujfotiitetittjji houatritvbyteelauiatiou dputy roetv josepl fletchtir by accumalion coandllort w u ar nstroag robert hamilton uatthew lonw dan el wm bindley thoclath osottqetowkoldcoaiicn rrmloctd by ac clamation kiafaaawcti oit council nilecld by ac clamation leslie the ichoolhoaee ia s s no 8 erin wu in a state of oomn otion oa friday dec 13th where in the ifiernoon a very sacoeas- ful public exam ins iou wu conducted by the leather aisiik 1 by mr hansford of osprioge in the pn aecce of afairnumberof visitors those ptseot expressed them selves u well uleised with the way the children answered the questions asked in thflrarioas branch ss iu the eveoiog a grand entertainment wu rendered a grat part of which was given by the ponili of the school who ac- quited themselvet villi credit and kept op the reputation j ey had gained in the afternoon the n citations readings and dialogues were inu rsperied with song and music among ii e mr gibbons with his solos came oat ach time to be loudly encored u also pi the reid bros of ospringe the iastrumentsjl part of the programme wu given in the n ain by messrs carrol femb and liechm in with their violins and this mixed with- m rathoman selections- by re tubti bj mlnr j oltoil h messrs anderson swackhammer and plme 1 erin hjf fl family and walked j there all the way from toronto in politics be was a life long reformer and did yeomans work in the cause he wax a native of clachan argyllsjiire scotland the disciples held their annual sunday school entertainment ou tuesday evening there u a good attendance methodist churct anniversary services were held 6d sun ay when eev r h hallofliciated r mr george toun his been engaged u teacherjat baliinafad for i6d1 miss beid- inleuds going to tor- messrs andersoi swackhammer and pierce gave lone k the literary part of the programme mr kirkwood ieeve of the township filled the chair to the satisfaction of all the eatertaiomenl wu closed by ringing god save the queen the ieicellent programm refiec ed creditably on mr arbackle teacher who had undertaken the responsibility of g tting up the entertain ment and had dot e his part so well and carried every am ngement to so lucoessf ul an iss se co k ceoicetowk w h proposed by hagfa rflded by w d smith thoiclb h proposed by w by w d smith- doxnii proposed by w j king seconded by hugh mcdonald i mciuk smyth seooc dad by thomas easton 5 krcxrrv easton secoi ied by wm hemstreef c spkight 33ft mm rvrmmiviilthitrit jkiizn proposed by wt a- e proposed by thomas cius c proposed by a e jkicklin seconded by w t bmyth 7 stoiuct ivh proposed by thomas easton secoi ied by we smith 8wjaxia booeirr proposedby alex grant seooni ed by w king mr a e 1 tcjtlin has withdrawn any of the other cajndidafes ire at liberty to take similar i otibn op to the nay of polling in cue more ban the requisite number to fifl the vacant ie remain in the field a poll will beopene at each of the municipal polling places on wednesday 7th of janu ary t ten ai itsmmm the appleby to supply pountay around nwsltem8ut piled by corroa pejndtnt an 1 exohangas milton axgoot deal ofdaa age was done by a in at mean id itobartun 4 cos llmekllni on the c pit near 1 ullon on tuesday a building and a large luantlty of wood were burnl the dkll elootrlo light co litre haled- their wll ingneas to a ept the arrangement offered br the town esonol and will prob ably put in their plai it pretty soon they are segitlating wl h uessrs eilrd the neoesiary steam s school i mvs ftk- r 1 pvvjsi 1 j- 4 1 r r m ass power for their dyna no mist llena henderion hti beuaappoiat ed teaobjeof the i ablio school at the boyne the poultry 8how is being held in the town hall on tuedty wednesdsy and thurtdtyof this weik the bfelben of 81 clair lodge no 135 aod st clalt chapter no 75 oitc are prepanuk their annul ball which will come off on jan 20ti the itev jos johnston formerly of horubyiandomsghjwas inducted to the pastoral charge of thipresbytetiau churches ofcayuta sod moura healy by the bytery of hamiltoni the eoiohers jorj- in their verd iet rela live to the death of tbe late villlism harri son jrby train accident on the 13rd inst found that he was accidentally killed but the company are oensured for not comply ing with statutory requirementa of having a man cm the last car of the backing train and also for allowing shunting at the station o near the time of the arrival of the passeueer train kna wilfrk eldest son of tbos boim nassa gaweya died on saturday axed about 0 yean death result from dlphthsris oroup the funeral took place on sunday afttruo u at s oolook lbs ramaios wars intern tt the ebeoaier cemetery the parent will havt the deepest sympathy in this th r sad barssremsnt noml nation day yasmrdsy all the old council or the township were reelected by aojiini lion cotneqaently the will be no townthi p election this year bar mr pair eramosa circuit will preioh he minloniry sermoui next stb- hath al ebonewr ohurolr at 1080 am bethel appointment at 980 pm and uampb llville at q80 pm erin i at t h childrensspcisi on tuesday even lug of last week in burns church ilev r eowlie pn behalf of the ooogresrstioo pre- seuled the organist miss a wood with a well filled purse as a token of esteem and of the high appreciation of her valuable servicesj daring theipast five years miss wood iu completely taken by surprise her father responded in suitable terms mr neil mckiunqn one of the earliest best known and most highly respected resi dentaoferin township passed away on christmas afternoon at his residence cork street ioelph after a few days illness l was close on 73 years of sge- about two and a half years ago he moved into the city and has since eujoyed the quiet fr e trip around the world yikvzt happy via r elite blyi rodte or its equivalent in gold is given by bmt ilagtmnc for the largest 1st of words constructed out of the words btirt uapuim also pisnos orgsasj parlor suites oold watches silver ilea bets parlor opal 8tovsetc etc all positively riven away everyone sending not less thsn twenty words will get a present bend 13 dents in stamps mentioning the actoa fucr plus for rules illustrated catalogue and copy of paper to bm i ihipujat toronto out there la a probability of a strike oi the 1500 employees of tbe pullman car works owing to a reduction of ten per cent which is ordered for the 1st of january apprentice wanted a boy to learn tbe newspaper aod fobprintfnff tmaiaeaa uostbara passed high bchool entrance examination apply st once to kcw years nei and then the el actions and the fire en ine question we have very f ae sleighing just ua thewaictous vigiaa arrived tuesday a whole batch if weddings arc the result of the holidays which goes to how that when su kick goes his rounds c apfd hangs on behind dr and mrs i uld dined on christmas with the doctor parents in toronto odr holiday m rket has been well stock ed with some o the finest poultry ever slaughtered mr e i jreilmin ii rusticating for a week with relatii es in the wolveriue city mr fredbeaa iiont having put ia a very snccefsful seaoh on the lakes hu anchored in gfenwilliains of the winter mr frank ree i is enjoying hii holidays with hii parents lere he is now wearing acorpor4a colois of the royal military college the salratioi army have ooe into winterqaartert n- the premises in creel mans block laie y occupied by the haald a devil before a i lint printers devil mr fred b c oojwiiiie is eejoying the vacation of the law school at his home here miss kettie duff cf milton spent a por- tion of the holidt ys with her sister mrs wa evans heie s migcrrn fn itquesiog ou christmu dayby the eev l h drumm mr eobl mccullough of c eorgetowu to mick jane gillisf of esquesi ig at the manic pal nomination held at stewart town on monday a most lively time prevailed dr webster and mr graham were the nominees for the reeve- ship and though he webster faction were intensely in the asjority yet championed by their sweet 1 sngued leader th gta- ha mites made a 1 old stand and will un doubtedly make a strong fight in view of the zcellent manner in which our town dads lave managed municipal affairs during the put year and in view of the quia vi ling mi dale tn which they ore at present mixed on the fire engine question it wu decided to jive them all anotheryeor ia which to steal jhten matters out ac cordingly all wers reelected byscciama tion we heartil r approve of the decision of the ratepayer u in all the year the affairs of the tow l hare been managed in a most satisfaofoif manner with that one little exception of the fire engine i in glenwiliiams on dec 30th mr frank mge to lizzie daughter of mr ben j wi jiama of glenwikiams georgetown hen id please copy in esquesing dq chris ttnas day mr eobt mccalloagj of this town to mia rsuegiiiiof eejaeaidg ia brampton sncbristmu day mr john anthony of this place to miss kor vaj of dun dalle in georgetown on same day mr george heart well of geo getown to ntiss fansom ofhamiltonj tbesfl arnahe k ad of chrisfmu favors the girls like to receire keep right on brothers boav in a gee getown on cbristmu day tbe wife of m mckay esq of t daaghter- oar town wu joly with visitors christmas week i moog whom were mr will mcgnire fror i toronto dental college mr aod mrs m clark from momaster university hiss smis and mr jai bal lantvne of to root i mr xom wheeler of shefsarne mr will appleby travel ietot toronto i od mrs a coffin ind id of toronto two drunks ttx k occasion of the ial time got lot ded with no 1 p3pp er and on nday were mnfeteaby aire kennedy for hhe benefit of the municipality lo tl e tuoe of about 2000 each tn default i fine one of tbe pair is cooling off in ciifla van allen milton the 3 1 bonal 1 a co engine come to hand on toeada afternoon and when weighed tipped tbe icklei at iooo lbs it is a beaaty and hu i fine record oar oiti zenssre now tooling forward to a test about u ansiousl u for bob engds ibootiug match i ucciat uuu has reaigned u she onto j muttf j thomson who hu forthe post three years taught with taachscceptance end success m s 6 ko s erin and who is now leaving to take charge of the senior department of tbe elillsburg school wu at the close of the examination of her school an friday last presented by her pa pits with or buket address ann a beautiful silver cake rockwcjod the kincardine eeportsr has the follow ing with refecicoe to one who spent his boyhood here and is remembered with the kindliest feelings br all on wednesday morning dec ltb there passed away to blessed best after ml prolonged illness at the age of thirtylhree years one of oar most energetic business mea ia the person of mr george williams merchant he had been a resideyi of kincardine for about fifteen years and during the whole of that time b held the highest respect of the community and occupied very important positions in work connected with the- methodist chorea foe years he was a teacher in the sabbath school and accept ably to the congregation filled the position of one of he stewards of the church in the prayer and class meetings u well as in every branch in hi church service he al- ways took a prominent part andcheerfully contributed his time and means to- the ad vancement of the cause of the muter he so faithfully served jln the social circle he wu a companionable young man and had many worm friends for a number of years he wu a member of the lodge of kincardine oddfellows who honored him with their confidence by placing him in the highest office within their gift at the time of his death he wu a put grand of fenetangore lodge and his funeral on fri day at two oclock will be conducted with the honors of the order he wu born af eden mills pear qaelpb on the 15th of december 1657 hii death at aj compar atively early age brings deep griff lo his parents brothersod bisters it caases a gloom to pst upon the large circle of friends of the deceased liiffimily and the sym pathy of the community ia spontaneons and general j among xmu viators to rock wood were mrs c 8 8mith it acton misses lawrie aad livingstone point edward dr and mrs bart mr and mrs tno jagbmr w hamilton toei moi row of toronto miss mcfarlone of nor al mr sinclair ba chatham ed snuf of the drayton adcocaiejmines b ack of clarksburg and many others jimmy gay 1 he best known dog jn eramoeajthe prop rty of mrs 8 doffield had one of his hind legs cut off in a collision with a gtr trait the other day a horse belonging to wm bolls of kasa- agaweya broke lo ie from the railroad hotel sbeda monda night and running the length of he villa s left the cart to which it was attached stt ck between the fence and a telegraph pol near the presbyterian church where the i hoir was practicing for the teameetidg 1 hit thoroughly crszed the already badly ft ightened animal which accelerated its gait and caused it to strew fragments of- barn u over jbe farms of david bchultz and lobert patsmore a most inooeufal tea meetiig ander the aaspice of the pi osbyterian church held on tuesdiy evenin in the town hall the receipts which were very good are to be nsed to replenish the s 8 library a large namber of clerical speakers took part and got off the niaa tea meeting jokes we are pleased to tee that the bockwood ccrreaponiot of tie goelph hltrtatyu recovered trom tbe t ffeote of a blow received some days igo whl e looking for items for bis paper in tbe neghborbood of a wood pile the council of kramou will be some what if mil ir to thi t of last year beeve matrie an i depot reeve fletcher are elected by toot a lumber of new names are on tbe 1st for oancillors which will not deprln oi of an election h p moore fbzz tazas acton new- machine and bepalr aop oiiimdeurlflckbiolil maohinefy bohew agrlcmltcinsl implemenu em butmor tr plp iltuns ws bsvs both iran and leumaaifi- eodoilnnldiacbln roes la tbe business ido mnasnsrsassfacuon in all orae sn- trusted to us binder bepalrlng a specialty ob4ndiu dlokntsom muuotot acton jfautharvnsmill r x e jl r to the municipal electors of the township of esqnes- ing lx0ntsstgestixiayatbe argent request of friends la the township irrespective of poli tic or relicfoa i hare again consented to be dominated aa a candidate for the omen of finrt deputy uajere forth enanlag year 1891 aad as it will be poatible for ma to do but little if any active canvassing i hereby respectfully request all who deem it to be to the interest of the rnooici polity that i should be elected to use their influence to that end and so eatly to tbe polls monday morning 5th january and mark their ballots opposite the name of john warren x- u eieeted 1 will consider it my doty and pleasure to perform to tbe best of my ability tbe duties pertaining to that responsible position without learpr favor and with such regard lo eoonomy as the circumstances will permit for iain really tired of burdensome taxes with the compliment of the season i am ae ever your humble servant johx wabkek r b0elert 4 co 25 27 lower wyndhasin st gilelph the weekly tliwes ha hilt out the best home newspaper pronptlr suosmut trustaorthllr iu telegraphic serrlee u nosurpassei iu fsrm sud household departmenu itu- ktbort aso and wholesome ulerature tod llsseuaur mk it p jour- nl tot th cnsrlfsn homes il 0u the beit wnateret the costt two papers for one price subscrlpusn price rftb wajait tuj ont dolur a vear for a umlmd urn snwcrlden jijcfiajtnis hqtclaas ssrleojiursl journall lor only si s rear subwrifce now aii v on sendlllj four an subscriptions srfth m smompaottej will reeeiv the to paps ooe tear tree address tlie times printing company hamilton ontario frtototttismtitiif w ttjrticia acaioiaocutj c boussooitwr mm and rredsrtck strsass 4 grjeen wood want ir aktb6 sbotfi li eordvot orjea meal tt ixrftwoocyullioilifrt lonttnrjsj ttealars enejulrs w eemeinber tonr friends 6pecul attentios oivbs to phetegraphs r and pertraits tki folt chbistmas at eamshaws photo studio photos taken and finished in any style desired and in time for the holidays jl ramshaw turds ualaaeml far sale everrarkere treaty fackages hew soods arrited this week at the right house cokbistikg o clan tartan dress goods cretonnes quilted satins cambric and bfflt handkerchiefs checked muslins bleached sheetings ladies underwear oxford shirtings diapers toweling collars and cuffs fancy aprom corsets dress buttons purses boston bsi blankets wool and union sheetings dress serges shirts and pants canton flannels rillow cottons lase collars ssteens quilted skirts festher bosa and muffs canvas curtain poles furniture trimmings wflton carpets wool carpets window shades etc a magnificent assortment of christmas presents- comprising combs and brushes trays and brushes manicure sets whisk eoldera work boies paper knives rose jars match safes easels hat backs school companions pin boxes needle cases the ca8pfts amd hotjsefubkish- ikg goods have ajj en0km0u6sale this season cbossleys tape8tby brussels wilton and axminister cabpets beat the wobld in the beauty of theibj30lobujg the charmim truihrulneaa to nature in their designs and their superior qualities thf great sale at about haxf pbices ib still going on 60 as to clear out the stock before rebuilding kibbons marked down trom mo to 54c 50c to 85c 55c to 15c 30c to 15c soc to lsjc astrachan gloves 1150 to 85c 84c to 75c 75c to so aprons from0c to 80c soc to 85c 2sc to 20c dress goods from 80c lo 55c 70e to 50c 40olo 25c feather trimming 40c lo isc a variety of window curtains from 1250 to 16 from 850 to it boys gloves s7fc to 00c mens gloves tl25 to tl tl to 75c jerseys h50 to ts 3 to t j mens wool undershirts 90c to 50c soc to co childrens underwear 50c to 85c faaoinator 4125 to 90c 90c to 55c silk plushes 2 to 1165 il75 to ji15 uc5 lo 1125 tl to soc 85c to 60c goc to 45c 1150 to 75c brocade plushes tl50 to tl75 velvetwo 75 to 25c aigrettes 1155 to 75c 1135 tp 50c hate 1150 to 5c bearer hats 1150 to 75c birds tl85 to 90c tl to 75c 75 to 50c r 83c lo 20c vings 75c 10 50c 50c to 85c 85c to 0c 85c to 10c the maulles and mantle cloths sre still selling off al about half pricef please come east of the cabfet window before enlericglhe doors corner of king and haghsou streets hamilton dec 18tb 1890 thomas o watkiinsrs fob europe -s- oubbntee mr george jeffrey leaves guelph on thursday january ist and sails from new york by the umbria on the 3rd for the euro pean markets to make extensive pur- chases for the spring trade special sale of mantles on just now g b ryan co guelph 3snew goods itobbtgroods cheap g8qqids ordered clothing department for the fsll snd winter trade we bsvs now iu stock ibe hoest rang o suitings overcoatings and pantings you evp ldyour ey on wbtevor you toetotun itwu ps y0 to com u u prle mcti gent8 furnishings new sblru collars cuffs ties and lnderaoar lu abundanoe readyimade clothing in liens youths boys snd childrens bulu and overcoats we have a very large stock at verylow nrl h phofldn jobprmpg includw books psopbieu postsnbtk besds cireolars ac exeenled la w v beci kyl of ue art at moderate prices aod m short dfxic apply or address h p moose a fmspstssoffleeaetbsi wanted m kelly bros actoil en loca or trif ellnfl to sell toy knarsstestl m nartwmstock salary orcarnffistjonpsii wimklr oault fre special attntton dm to berionsrs wortsrs twrer fail to mafj mod wmkly vases wrtmmtatooeetpaldesjaii e o graham sarstrymsi tcrooto omi this bou is reliable acton jxtdge no 204 tooj m8et8 lo tbe oddfsllows hall hatituwt block every wednmdav evening tldtteil bretbeeu always welcome for copy of eonsa- tulion as4 laws apply to tfa nnderalgiud ox say of th members w williams bhwobdeh n o becntaiy foe sale 1 yrftmn nbw kinds of eotatoib 1 crbrn jewel- t t early kaine s etcttl v early kew zealand 5 oreo uoontain si qossen of boe t puritao 8 ilomidfi star 9 atfodroe seedlips 10 woodanii ii rhicsco market 11 srlyoem l3 ptu of america u boebester fstorlte u bl patrtck- for puticulars appy to v rlf gbipps garfeasr j w darby veterinary surgeonr evtbton ontabio tfrttfltti sn ffl nf flffrnrrm a i medal attention siren to dueaaes ot th teettlbd mouth of bones and tattle surgical operabons of all kinds pertamed veterinary niedklnes alwsys on hand and prepared to ordertcalls promput attudnl to by day or aleht er by telrapb rrxtcz uobzsideice everton ont new years beef ashley lasne are irfnirint tor ooe of tbe moat tecaptinj christmas displayi ertcr seoj is actoa and for theiniidays wfllj hare aneatockof 1 meats fowls sotttj mm will gladden the heart of all costomera leara yoor cbxistmas orders early quelpli bufuiesa- college guelpj ontario vdpgmlasd wolsnedooatedfotme- cassfal bnslseas tatitht bow to mnx a lrtint make money and beoome eoterpriamf osefal dtisen i aotuai business both m thtery and 1 tisjei siring daily experience in mrthand backing and offioe work a fesvtore of ooro sjhobthakd aso ttpewiltcwg tbe beat flem f or educated yoong ladiaa fitadanu wish- ing to beoome shorthand writers an tborooshly drmd in bnaiaees coirpoodenc tboee visaing to beoome general tcstim reporters agita special sdtastageeaflarrted by no other echool in this ooantry penmanship for raioeei drawing and oniimatitml trark tanght by two expert penniten of ions toarhitii tlxurlapca y thefbenc uanouageuuoght br tbe latest dereloprnent ottbe natnral uetbod andiwitlijemarkabh tfsnlta forekcnlate aod texma adaress v i umaik36wikiifnal r a wllford halls ilth pamphxeiv disease cured wiuoutmericiiie jas matthewljacton has been appointed anit fori e vireouucs of dr balls oelebnted health unphtet which he keeps on hand tbe pmmpl etottiffia bytha treattnenl it adtiaos rare can- r dueasa with- dot medicine the price for be pkmpblet is four dollars and a guarantee is given that if tbe pdocnaaer is not satisfied 1 arr- putting the treatment into ccnsciebttoaa month to nfand the money pamphlet with a pledge nei treatmens or allor it to be tbawqiordhall for the raise receired from taeni please enqaira of any psmiest acton bir drglflordi rt b b cook g uolhouand ura o hntbouand jdhnharrey uh john haryey 1 wdnam henwtrmt txljioore mkomobre james matthews lira jas uatthowl cmsaoe for one hejetarn of tbe a to use the tils family iti tnoot mediaine seoithisastu- f um fouowing wm mnlld hob t moore kali melawun tho iaa cameron r cameron qrlppa mrs wtr i mrs ptter aames wfll be added uj do wm lane martin matun wi jorjjimoxtniwrna if iaa question whicn thousands of men sad w men sze being askeitlust at this time ia cans a the reason is thai the value of this paper i above an qaes- uon jit uwdl written aid si oesnpendiumot all that is belnf done or uioog in the world it devotee itself to ngntine im rtcht whether you ate old ot young it will interest you and all who uto in the kainw ibose with jpa thuyejit ufftot weral attr srn plans f or lhafis i ererr sabeeriber by limkutg tfck comt a member rf a jandleg life suy which shali bare fww or many good boocs ft fbfmto read according as tbe plan has bel i energetically worked or not it also ojfen it fa active can- vaasers and agents good cash mnryylrti or valuable premiums auch am uy par for all thelboridtlmepojtintowor ingforlttthils the same time conferring a beaent o ell subscribers wbo may be induced toned it jneofthwmoat attractive features of th wr xaa which ii pecnllarto it stone in cenads ratwhich hu been titopted in the united btat ion the same lines nnot laid down by the uontmel trr- aatste prises offered to set lars in public school tor the ocst craestory ol ho snd sdven ture in canada from moktfiel aaitaudwmttolbeatrantiean to the facile oceans including newloundleot tbe key island of the qulf have come stories onto of which bare been written in a literary style befltting professional wrltersad tnsnr c which ooutaln new sad valnabls facta in oa tdixti blilorv amonfiit the many authorities 10 witness to the axcellenoeoltnaae stories ire the judges jnoaebproyineewlkawarjkbe lisaa and ue f ftp s awacbats of lion of the dominion aad r a the mwspapen who sp lhewfoi 1 speak hoi mentatbe every por- l kindly of thefh tion to tbe er nepart- snd itsr tl fs5 ssi aarlalhtories and lu jactjuie whole body pi tbe pat er make n a jswantobwoahetsmllyi very nouse- ssmss tarlowsberihewsas ts3i page isjjft anenlwrgament aqa 1 to two pens 7 within two lysara sddms grour tolu s5g2 m s a year tb nbuabafaammssaramiiidbi all bon to wll send you a sampl copy or a libany eidimi