mm rasmrrji whetfstrwa eluott jtsrraat tbvrremcoeeotuie bhdvl brkbttrfrtftroe the lltti i oil by u tevbebertke4dovlt ujohn wriottof milton t gpftj orjtbe uth jannarj the jeuemeft r to maflttt dsaghtei m of the lab inbn jetrlffcas homkdjottmttik jltt utt rsewenccof the hrtaevsttai prtimt tlreet kincardine on sutdec imc by rev mar tnrnbnll atafttod ir rev j lmorwy 1l juaud u1tejttotiu johnston b a of iindtav brotbwrw the lirtd rev tbotuan j doditkl sux wcmo- ton rltnkt iv tsirttttont to aanam rihobxrof j-johrivtonlikloeerdtiteilft- urlimawejea wencn pl oikp 0 tanuu- at hit hbmt ot l con i ro on ui hui jottary john ganlble agcdn jeers end smooths mht xttm pfrirr fircss thursday iamjurt s3 1801 nofgsa com 4hon edward blake has given 150000 itf the toronto university to be applied to thcendovmcntoianitticnlitioitchotrehlpe the holdere of which shell be exempt from fee daring the tenure of theicjobolenbipe opinion rs greatly divided among euro pjean medical men at to the curative value t dr kochs lymph the geueral recom mendation it that itjehoold be employed with extreme carr as in e6me cam ui ad- ministration pradaoei fatal reunite jndgmente were dree on satarday at ok0odeauaneitiiiatrgeorcimemoer elect or north b tow iu ontario leguleian for oormpt practices by agesta and finding corrsnt acta proved against agents of mr btiotoo member elect for hamilton in the hater case argument- was taken coder section 1 c3 elections act r b 0 chap 9 and jodgement was reserved notil the itth itut there will probably beajgood deal of eiclt- ment in the efectionof the warden at the rieoontr council next tuesday drf rob ertson milton drbuck trafalgar and dr webster esqucsing are among the upirarvu milton has sirongtr claims for representation than any other monicipility having been patient for sixteen years dr robertson miltons reeve ii folly qualified for the honorable position and will likely be the choice of the county council parliament is not tailed yet although by this time the date of next session should be known thereis a report now that the f members will novte summoned to meet until after easter cad then there will be a very brief session the estimate and pressing legislation alone being considered a second sod concluding session for the present parliament is predicted for the fall between the sessions it is said the cabinet wdijbe re organized and young bleed will be infused into ililaii ti ll ontario farmers arealire to the fact that they moat make arrangements to meet the changed conditions introduced by imposi tion of high ddties on their exports to the united states the dairymens conven tion held at berlin this week shows they are prepared to torn their attention towards the production of an article for iwhich the market ia known to be practically lmtimi butter making on the cream- ery system is sn industry capable of great expansion in this country property con ducted it is better paying than railing crops for export- it has besides the farther ed- t vantage of giving steady profitable employ ment to ihe sons and daughters of the arm all the year round while it enriches instead of impoverishing the sotl the star talk of the day montreal had jo flref hui week dr koch is going to egypt for a rest j bong kila of saarfwichr islands died vj tuesday v the eemnur returns how the population trfstpetersbnrgtobe mrs lacy wood celebrated her i0sth birthday at barre vl on friday emin pasha is said to be engaged in constant hostilities witirthe arabs south rfleke victoria i heavy fallsofsnow are reported from ihe mohawk valley in new york state and traffic isdelayed i at tipton ind william sair on saturday shot and kflwhu wife snd then shot him- sell cause jealousy i hri sotdifft coromittcct euidde at shoal lake msil on satarday by shooting her little chm fbbid thebedy gas exploded in a sewer msnbole in chi cago saturday night killing mrs c b cross and injuring a dozen oiher people the lota by theburnink off dobaons car- pet mills in philadelphia on friday night u over msxfs insured for flxwoo three indian boys ran iway from school it engnsher oklahoma the other day to escape riiastiwtment and afere frozen to death tbeiamily otitma peters of seepawa were poiaoned by eating some prunes on baxurday and one or two otlhe children may die between 40fr and 200 pounds of- opium rained at abodt t000 was seized at oak- landcal bi saturday whileueing taken aboard a ferryooat far san francisco the jspaiew parliament house at tokio was burned on tuesday it was a spacious wooden building and was formally opened by the mikado in koveinber last the scott act was defeated in char lottetown prince edward island on thursday of last- week by a majority of fourteen and the city it is stated is terri- hy excited overit the laie duke of bedfords income su over 300100 a year he was the richest man in the peerage except the dake of westminister his body has been cre mated according to his frisb the inaugural session the country around trhb nftwopunciun initiated an jthsi mombrt tftkithelr 1rcw thestan at cleret oclrxk on monday momttig tl oemten blect 6 tit municipal council ied into the council chamber ud tor mbscrilidfi to uio dedaritiaur of olticaml fpttulcftfoti klfctm ibcir txxi rwvqrydf ivwrj in the chwi cliitfr founcillor aivdcnoa it uh left and- coini- illort uftvill pwirton ami urvgopposit before virococding frith the burincirf of klrtdfty the wrevt tvddrcsmd the couiidl uponvufout mutcrt of interest to the wtnbers riid aftectinr tfii muuloipality heid we hrwgjiict toother for the ifirit time and an here to do the wiucu pf acton it altordi mo plcasuro to con- rratulate you npon yow election tp the jpoiitiout of honor yon now ooouii people toy the rctunneration is generally abu ud fault finding what will be uid of ut las a council this year i cannot predict bnt ii know that if we do our duty to the muni jcipolity we can look forward at least to tbc appredawon of reasonable people we wx jnew lucu andcommritiydylnaxpcrieuccl two of us are here for the first time we arc sent here to do the business of the vil not as the representatives of any party or class and 1 hope we- will trausact it honorably aiid courteously and without jthcloss of life or limb different matters of importance will come up for oar consideration perhaps the first jaf an unusual character will be the removul of the drill shed to the park we- must decide what is advisable 1 have thought for a long time that a- reading room is desirable for the yoang men of the community there are a latge aumborin town now the compfaiul t made that at present no place is open to ihem in which to spend an evening ejeept jthe bedrqam of their boarding house or the bar rooms of the hotels- i hope some action will be taken to provide for this jwont the sidewalks this year will nbl demand much attention they are nearly all in good repair as far the sheets this cannot jbe said mill street is cansidexably of the character of mortar at certain scusous and i think the best thing we can do is to haad jit over to councillor anderjcr that being somewhat in his lin the one man question the securing of one man forthc performance of all munici pal labor is one which lias for years loom- ed v occasionally some years ago 1 spoke in javoro it and it has much to recommend it we mos however eicr- ciseearc that the property of the 1rpor- ation shall not suffer the town hall is editors table if yon have a bee in lyoar bonnst r a hive in year garden r op must want a jour nal that will tell you how to handle them to make the most profit at ihe leastfzpenae the camadkui bet jwrual a large 21psge semimonthlv published at deetoo d a ones editor oe all this and more it gives you practical articles from tbe best beekeepers of caoada and the u 8 and the cream of ajptbe apicaltural literature pniblisbed in the euglish ucraogt qaes- tioas of all kinds are afked and answered throagh ita oobmni the luhscriptioa price is 75 cents k year bat to readers ot uu fixe putm ihe pobluhers otfer a special rote of fifty oenta for a trial year to new kmcribenaiyowii have to roen- tion this paper when remiuiag- address tfr canadian bjeuntatfoetod bow in excellent coodilfon land when i j tnto other halls georgetown foe uutanoe iaird tec their filthy and disgraceful con dition and the unsightly scribbled walls i realize how well ours has been kept the cemetery is in fplcndid ahape is not cost ing much for oversight and is now paying ss wl the school is being cared for to je satisfaction of the board and in fact we have nothing to do with it nor will we ussnme anything in that direction unless requested by the board other mailers will from time to time oome up and i sincerely hope that in oar meetings and indeed outside of them there will be respect paid to each other we have co secrets in the transaction of conn- til business bctr i think we should have confidence in each other and in the consid eration of matters coining before tfs the preliminaries can often be better discussed between ourselves outside the regular open meetings of ihe council we will now proceed with the business the day and i trust we will be able to thow at the end of our term as creditable rpsults as have been achieied by any pre vious coancil i at the close of the 1 teeves remarks the council went to work moved by b pearsou eeconded by jqhn harvey that leave be granted to in troduce a bylaw to appoint an auditor for tie municipality and that saadbylaw be no read a first lime carried afovedby george havill seconded by joseph anderson that bylaw no to ap point an auditor be now read a second and third time that the uame of w j king be filled in as each auditor and that rule ij be suspended for siich purpose carried ibfieve lowry- nominated w h denny a hi nominee for auditor jithe bylaw was carried and the nomin ations confirmed jifoved by j b pearson seconded by george havill that the committee do now i gtt into committee of the whole for the j purpose of striking committees for the i yearvrcarried jithe council then went into committee ottbe whole with councillpr anderson in wfi chair i i lithcotiimitiees were appointed as fol lows jfixtfce j b ejfson tad george havtu ititszrrs emrwisjx irn lxjcps 36im hir- vey and joaph anderson ffcrtm blllvrljottt and j b pearson pjlbr cooncillori john harrey jos ander- swcdtijottt go- hviu sad j bfearsoa ipa citizens jsiaei utxihewx john lawson v s h mattbevs w e smith snd robert gibbons jcejarrntt dr lotcry and goo harill bziuixg booir the boeve snd councniorr j s pearson john hsrvetgeo havih snd joseiih osdenon tnd citizens h p ubore wh storej- dsenderson bts dr giffard j whmg bjpdokeand liirsriaui tt ifoore j moved by j b pearson seconded by george havid that the report of the striking committees be adopted carried tbe business havingbeenconcludedsome desultory contersation ensued the members individnally declaring that thej- were pre pared to deal fairly with all questions upon their merits and that they represent no person or class a few pleasantries were exofaanged in re gard to the smoothness with which every thidg had run and the first council meeting oftaol adjourned to meet on monday even- ing 2tjthinst 8 oclock- nwa lurhibuppjud by qorrtt- pondenu ahd bxohrtffbt erin mr fretlosmpuiuftltheit ou monday for chllhwook bcf rejwfled thai ecvcral youii men in lliil vicinity wilt gq out west in tbo aprlafii mac tsitith of toronto tpeut sunday at homo thejllisietcolemuofqah are visit- inj thtlr aunt mrs samuel coleman we are are soiy to loam that ir ralph richardson is lylnn seriously ill with iufiammation of the langs 4 mr job u wright wai made happy last week tbo surviving mem ben of the barowcll fmily of kdeu mills preaented him with a bauuful silver hoaded oano as a slight wcoguition of the many kindneaoea reudered bjshim to mrs v dardwell the ldjady who died reoeutly lukden mills at the ago of wyears the select knuhls held a mueliog in the town ball on mouday evening and although badly ad verttwd and consequently poorly attended yet a short description of the benefit of the order by a few of its friends from guelph iodaoedoo leu uiao six new members to joiiir the prof pacts are that many moreiathi neighborhood will tiuite in tho near fat are- knatchbull a townslnp sabbath school convention will be held next friday afternoon and evening the 23rd tho afternoon acasion commences at 220 oclock aj1 interested in sabbath school work are cordially in vitcd to be present coracrod son of frauklin hamahaw knatchbull is lying very seriously ill at present with pneumonia in ho right lung it is hoped that he may soon bo restored to health again mr jno kilching sen is in very poof health at prescnl- thc youngest son of mr thcc boles is lying very ill with diphtheria ud but slight hopes are entertained for his recovery much sympathy ii felt for mr boles and family asit was only a few days ago since his eldest son died with the same disease rcxiirtt last saturday mr samuel brown crewsons corners obtained the loan of mr jos millars cutter to drive to guelph all went well until he was return ing home in the evening along the town- lini and when opposite mr robert dredges farm the horse became frightened at some thing and rtn away mr brown escaped uninjured but- it is said the cutter is a total wreck parts of the harness were also badly broken c the sleiglungr is pretty fair just now ond the teamsters are putting in their best lick georgetown the countycouncil the members who will sit at the county council this year are as follows actoifrdr wh lcwrr- briunrotojtit mortimer gsswbgktoihtg h kennedy ifiltojf dr eobertson qyjllz m- felsn j bfggr r bfkjuztrao dr watifter jobh wrrea and hfjuwsoh kiouriireta i uentim d hutcbcoo ketaox w g vetliu a- p- alton t ujck husband and xv veiihkitum the cjouncij will meet next tuesday for organizatiorv frozen jo death while drunk iiuu jon 17 alboh yofluggoi drank aod while io that euii jion was frozen to death a oowoera jafy found to that interim electfofts lectipa contests for the ontario legis latufe are now in progress fa north nor folk south norfolk north perth aod east darbam the candidates ire korth norfolk e c carpenter liberal and bihu boughaer conservative booth norfolk w a chariton liberal ondj wiluain morgan conservative rforth perth dr- ahress liberal and thomai magwood conservative but durham george campbell con- aerfauivekqoaj bigfiter and tb ooljina tbaee elections will take place jlo- a very quiet week with the eicepuon of division court day mr isaac clark an old time aslesuean of this place is calling on friends this week the rev mr cosgrove is the gentleman at present fa charge of the presbyterian floci here he is a very pleasing and attractive ipeaker and wears not the iron did of his predecessor a party of waterworks enthusiast lost friday look the altilndc of the fine between htrt andsilvercrcek pxs warren was in charge while uturt joe barber and d cook weal along in chaige of the eommiat- ery and chain department with the deacon to read the riot act ia all powwows with the natives the thermometer nu at zero and t bt re are those with so little faith in the abstemious proclivities of the party who say spirits were sent down to keep their spirits op well we dont believe it of the deacon anyway the greatest height was fouud to be about 1q feet above ths level of our main itrect at mcleods corner and now the question ariiea will that height gire enough power for fire protection there is a boose of ootoriodsly bad repu tation in thenieighborhood of oar park in fact more than one and it is high time our authorities stirred themselves in the matter of their suppression when one wife has to complain that her husband cannot be in duced to leave the delfah of one of these establishments or sffonl her any support the rev mr creawcllof mcmaiter hall occupied the pulpit of the baptist church here on sunday in the absence of the pastor rev mr norton who wot at another pjace in charge of the dedication services of a church on tuesday night last a party of the foremost young peo3eo our town met at the residence of mr john r barber to spend an hoaror two previous to the depar ture of two of our leading young men from our midst they ire mr fred roitoo who has gone to do business for himself at ingertoll and mr jos roy who takes a- positiou on the staff of the bonk of hamil ton in toronto no two young men of oar town are more widely known or better liked theiruniform geniality ever nojc- ing them new friends and our wish is that wherever fortune may finfl them the fickle jade msy always smile propitiously mr dalrymple of orange vflle take mr boys place here on thursday evehfig lost a merry- party assembled artf j t thompson 10th line ksqaesiflg to give the gopd folks of the house a genuine oldfashioned sur prise party they were right royally entertained and at a late hour when tired withmusic dancing and feasting each said goodbye to their kind entertainers and wended their way homeward all were united in their opinion that they had had more than a goct lime from here there were the misses medermid and mr- dan- can mcdernyid miss appleby miss bai- lantyueand mr hagh matthews mr mcmasier miss williams and mr h logan from the gleo the independentorderoftforeaterswent from here last thursday in a mostsaggeat- rely independent way on the straw of bro betseys sleigh to visit their brethern at the gfen the glen foresters bad an entertainment oo hand with- mr c c whale as lecturer a pleasant evening was spent by all the place of the rev mr fatten on this circuit baa been supplied by the bev h h barnwell of rock wood the missionary services on sunday in the methodist oho rob here were conducted in the morning by the rev mr harnwell and in the evening by the rev d tf f gee brother of the superintendent here he is finely eloqaent and hold the closest attention of hit audi ence for nearly an boor hiis cassia ballaotyne baa retarped to her home here we understand for good mrs a goodoll of ahaodaie is visiting at ber mothers mrs john aldous the judgment of the court of sppcal has gone against the wateroui co in- their salt agsiast the town of palmers too and u we are in even a beiter poaitioo ban tbe people of palmers ton ota tbe sameqneatiod it only remains for oar council to retreat from the rath posflion in whioh they plac tbemaelves ud brow our muket open to all competitors if indeed wejwaijtaj flreengine at all milton j the to inty ooancil meets texttttesday the mary sittings of division couft i a a held last friday invlt t oa ore out for a ball to bojvon on tho v- ttlng of tha mlh fnai ubder the auspice i i st clair lodgo no ibs mid st clair k chapter no u r 0 good p ogreaa is being mode in tho build big of t ic new methodist church here and it ii cz a tod that ft will bo opoticd about tho ohd o february all f tho forty oiio oaudldates who wrote a 1 iii ton have passed the high school oxamin tons all of those whip were rooon ui ended having been allowed to pau last wook mr james uarriton of milton went tc tike stock of the chatteli of his nephew uie late wm harrison jr to factliu o tho winding up of the citato of the latter whilo in tho barn ho fell but of the hay m wi and broke his collar bouo- cjifimpi mi rev j vi itae of acton conducted propaji tor services in kuoi chiirohlast friday racanc probati ner coueag e rew80n8corner8 the social at the homo of mr robert brown oji tutaday evening of last woek was nit rtiuoceaful the home watfoll to ove flowing after tapper tbe pro gram ra i was proceeded with hev mr harto cqpjiog ihflchsir the reed bros of otp inge and mr harry gibbons pro vided e totlleut masio while ipeechet and reel tat jus of merit were also given the oumpai y appeared to enjoy tbemstlvh fully a dhs proooeis were 12 a fei weeks ago we readia the book wood o retlpondeooa of the gaelph mer cury tb it messrs neil 6rachan and rich- srdson ot that plaos had left for the other sldiof 1 30 line to swell the number of young caoadi ma who hadljdue before we now learn t lot these oong gentleman have re turned having been unable to find work there the correspondent referred to will learn a terawhile that canada is the place every t me thro lgh the ludefatigible efforts of rev mr hi rt the debt of over goo which rest ed on t parsonage at rock wood has been entire wiped oat the lev wh harvey ba of guelph former j of this circuit preached mission ary icr nana at the brick church and eden mills hat sabbath a sot iaj will- be held st the residence of mr jo in brown on tuesday evening s7ih proceei s for the church organ fund the tetr h j harnwcihwu rather sud- deoly ailed away to fill he vacancy ou george own circuit caused by the removal of re w m palton to sunsteod college where he has aas umed the profess onbip of modern languages rev dr han do i chairman of the dutrict called the offi iais together last saturday to con- aider ll e matter the board concurred in fr 1 ornwelli removal provided the chairm tn secured local talent to fill the antil the first of april when a hi be appointed as mr harts oakville the dhildren of st jades sunday school were tr atcd lostsaturday afternooo to a long an 1 delightful ileigh ride as they were s xut to retarn home each icholar was pre tented with a fancy bug of candies the ch idren thoroughly enjoyed the after nooo thee pen meeting given on friday even ing iasi by the r t of ti was a good success mr wm- mcneil chairmab made a few remarks he referred to an iocidea of his schoolboy dayr which touched the hearts of all present two of the com mniona of his youth a young lady and a oang genuemaa left school at the came t rat as he did the young man left town to go to a city to seek his fortune the young 1 dy naa married in oakvills but after a ew years raod iwiv and both are lying in irnakardsgraveene i a hamilton and thi other in owen soaad surely when w hear of inch incidents as theae it cannot 1 elp bat arouse oar tympalhiee for the tea perance cause rev 6 s craig deliver an address on temperance of a iup rior nature presenting something entirely sew to the aadienoe an essay oq local option was read by mr lebarre the oldest mjoffiber of bar council dr lask read statistics showiag that the average life of the jteetjouler was longer than that of the moderate drinker of- ihe drunkard knowing ibis to he a fact as regards years yet how much better sboald we know that it li fact as regards acts for he liveth long who liveth well readings irere given by messrs hasbaad and aaitin tbe singers who were to have furnished music for the occasion failed to pat in an appearance consequently tbe evening enjoyment was not enlivened by the tweet strains ef music after the singing of the national anthem per fa apt one of the most intelligent i audiences ever assembled in ookvilie returned home feeling that they had a mach deeper sympathy for the cause than ever before on tuesday evening a sociable time was spent among the members of our council tea was served from eight to nine after which toasti were given and some choice renderings of music mr wm baker an old ookvilie boy war married hi hamilton on the 7th inst to miss graham of that city mr baker is one of the most extensive fruit dealer in hamilton his many ookvilie friends wish bim much joy mrs williamson attended the executive meeting of the dominion alliance held in toronto on tuesday last ii no reasonable offer refused for any for the next thirty days at kelly bros clothint hous5 iri order to clear these goodsout wqvill letthem go regardless of price we will give you d reduction of 2 50 to 4501011 all orlered overcoats for the next 30 days to clear out the overcoat stock kelly bxwsa6tpn our half price sale still continues s worth of goods for as fast as our opponents copy our way of doing liusi ness we originate something- new the latest- is our tfalf price sale tablets which will without doubtj very muc 1 in terest the ladies for the next number of days we start today by setting aside several of our large tables down the centre of the store on these tables will be placed many ines offered will be about two thousand yards of dress gcods come and see thestring of bargains irom one end of the store to the other the sale will continue until everything has been dis- posedof g b ryan 5i go guelph canadian pinters read wmmi m i vn- ah arija ncoatilwrt sttuj bnuittkkhlvnroa in io uiait aollduj lor wflnttm rxwt pigeons waintefe h j t naantjtr of tilgoou will be uurehawl fa ielm an clob oauiuusldlifi 5utsriataaisljfljfir r- 4 sse ws acah w four trial nnmbettt ii ith areal p prstaldmetfet raeatit of i id t6f at 10 ma jtmeantaaaar bastinontblv for lbs priss address woaana work aumu stn itia 0allaoerata7aar onimarrlmrisdiia rlntbuorm pacaji job printing including books pamphlets rosttrs bill heads cireattn axeotd ia t w bast atjl of um art at moderate prices aod m apply or address h f uoofii foti paxil office wanted acton men lyator trarolliiff to soil my iruatuiml nursbtt stock baujy or comffi wtoo psjj l wwkjy oatowrw hpcii orauoo pstatb begtaoen vfoatgr darer fall tb mai4 rood voalyiragk whimaatodesftepartjiniuri1 b p obahau arswrmao i tbisboasaurallabla toronto ont it house and lotfor safe the dudftiipwd ossn for sale his lioos aod jot ko 11 uaiditrwji acton tbfr-pnjp- trty is well tittisted jyxt urttm domioloo bow and oostoiiua lo ad ithrea ijaariers tb lot no u halo street acton tbfr-pnjp- trty is well tittisted jyxt urtfaa domioloo bow mtoini a lot aftd ithree iioariers tb is aoobifortable oo and am a sobp ad joining which is at present rented for a good prlmr terms and foil particulars made known p poo application ta i hexby bbudpepjaeton j ff m actou jo4geno 2041 ldoj mt tuektti in lie odafalltrri bsll uattbava jm- bloc atari waddoadarr brethran alitn wateoma for j kaj olook erarjwsddeadatoteninf vi ran alwar wateome for copy of j totion and lavs apply to the a of tbo mambars wwnilum8 bqwoeda o booroiarj prank burgess j t 1 house painter paper h arjger i sign wner etc j j r iv-i- is prepared to axeente adezs in any at u abore ilnm in tbebeatmanrier andstraaaonable i terms ptery iob baring ro y peraonal ataention i can aasori inatonmrsloocptob as orainlof in all woods a smaavlty s orders left at my aestdaausfain bu arton will reeeire prompf i l a j ift dtfibv fv-v- evebtos veterlntajy surgeon osmbicrj- ttfteats kit dlaeaaea of idomeatleated anififala j i x special attention aires to dlswera cmbe teeth and month of boraee ua eattle bnrriear operations of all kinds prfomad veterinary medicine alvaya on napd and prepared fa order calls promptly attapdad to by day or ilalit orby telecrapb j orncx xan bxsrjexcz ererton ont l r hrlton un10npir7aibr8 jiutaal eire insurance co the annnal afaeting of tbe abore company iu be bold in tho f towk hall- acton i j ithtjrbday 6th frbbbltaby it oclocx r jt for tbe purpose of electing jfwo directors lobear and dispose ot tbe annnal beport and for tba transaction of otber bnslneaajn n witb tbe company johnhimsey colts cameeox president boastaryi v caa furnish youwith the best prosses for country news and job work to be pad in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder ressj cowe to hcton knd see our improved countiy prouty prs at work if so do you intend to build this spring j why not write to the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates no 81566 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster its merits work we have ran the proaly or sight years and the lospcr see run it the better we like it it is simple easy t run easy on type easy to handle oosts little for repairs and is easy on the printer s pocket book we call it the best press to be had in the world today for the money come and see onr preas at work if yoa deiire samples o work tend for them and wi will gladly tarnish them we can give rod yoai choice of a number of dirrcnm sizes and styles of presses afall prices think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 6jo to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from h pmqorb n- genf for canada acjton ont johfl m bond co quelph h for prices for your -i- v- m mu r ja immense reductions winter goods at- the v hbuse chenile and clber makes of caruins down from 115 to ij from m250 to u from 17 to ibo itdies mantlet from 1860 to 1060 from to to 10 50 irom til to 7 from 10 to 8 ciroolara from 1875 ti u faomk7 t 15 mantle oloshs from s to 1150 from 860 to 125 fromatfm t0 1150 from l60 toll from 85c to 1950 to u from fl85to ii irom 1335 to 1150 boys attrachan gloves from 870 to 50a hens do from ii to 75c ladles do from 1150 to ii from 1135 to ii from 85o to 50c ladteafaacinaora from 1145 to 65c bonnet bibboot from 80c to 60c from 63c to 20c from 60c to 25c from 5o to 85c from 45c to s5i from 0c to l mena wool undarablrts from 90o to 50c childrens do from 60c to 85c dress goods from 70c to 50c from6so to 50c from t0o to 30o bed coihforters irom it to3 from 12 19 to 1175 they are the largest importers of build ers harf ware in weetcrnontario and can sell yon 80c from 80o to 25c from 36c to 20c silk plashes from 13 to 1165 from 1175 to 1115 from il6s to lotrt from 85c to 00a from goo to 45c ladiei clouds from 18 to uk from ij to 75c from vlsoto 7a from i ooottoooo fancy silk plnahes from 1160 to 75c brocaded silk plobes irom 1250 to 1175 strineo valvitom ciei 35c mminmairrtterwllto75cfromlu5to60oanalto6c feather triminlng fromioc tolls 25iis hau from 1160 to 35c add j to ic beaver hafffrom 1160 to 50c birds from 1185 totoctlroni lltoffc fma7l fc 60c from 82o to 30c fancy wings from 75c tbsoo from 50c tb 85c from 85c to 30c ana ss tn in krlrvs millinery down to le8b than half prices reafm to 908 i bbu88bl8 bof m ebb from 1 jo to 75c remnants ot tapestry carpet do in from 95i tvl fhia- 00c tapestry borden irom too to 00c from 70e to 50c uagntodent chenilla onruimi dlwn ftooilso to rt j22r from wjrhmlromjl0joi the hodsbftjbninftaoodb havbbadis ftrailmodsfsj tbxbab thsjbmpwor of oarrnaay ls ijboto j ptpharlko bfrincbtwlaf 68 paokage8 of newqi er8 which wluoaatjo case thraad soajaajba burtloga fluinikwtiis flwoefi 4ai tad 5 bdsry cowooi jting and hughbom 8 hwulltod jm bth 18j1 odb arbivbd the last two weeks 00n8i8tqyomo4ftb iaav uu worth of themselvea in carpets every year j 10 caa s white votm jbhmungs pillow cottoprottonade denloia tickioga awning lutes madias vests 8hirtfdgscantop flannel in blaacbedr uobislaolm s i fhnnol 1 oase fins 1 case bmsjwindow fcrniahioas 3 1 alea ooiinn v antertb stores only ode door wb8t op htj0 alomnh th30 to sal firazraninffwkindb ofpozatozs 1 crmiijewel w 1 earltu everett barltkeweaalanil 5 greai mmtain ewqaeenoffioeos 7 paritan 8 atoning starr j 9 uonroefieedena i 10 tvoodhnll 1 11 chicao market s 11 esrltoem u pridem america ii uoabester favorite u bttpatrick for particnlars apply to wit gbippb gardener thied teas in canada yob clines portable foot heater v 1 over aoo000 in nae injcanada and tbe united et ten hoars solid comfort for 2o invslnable for nae in all tbe bonaeboldand in ato now is the time to seed for samples endnote to the feline man fnmrr r for tbe larm or gvrdan dnrable and uatlnc fiendosatrialotdbrandweaaanre ronsatia i faction u1 be tbwerolt i-aasia- j- ri v v discount to tbetrade ntiea lists and parties larsonappllcatioi addnas we- j m dootty co k cueldh ont or a wllford halls health payiphiet dueaae oare gf itho ettiolne jasmatthews actoh idrbainoelebntadeaitli fanpuet which be keeps on land tbefanpbjetelataiabttb tr lt4visoa sure oecmor disease witb r ont medielne the prioe bat tb pempblet la i fonrdollantaad a enarantee at ctvett that ilu tbe poieliamc ia ruttaetttaed erhr nrung tbe ji treatment into enradeafuoaa metm ior one 1 monufap refnnd the fampejw with a pledge aaver a toraliowittobcneod has been a bawii lsli j he eircniation of ktratrfeealui famuuet which tbe wnford hall fovthevalqereodved ment pleaa nxinlre of tctoi betdiguiortl 1 eevbb oooa o ilnlholland wrs g bnlhollabd john harsey lara john harvey hlsfenilr iwithnt medicine use ottms treat- of the fouowms wwatadee 1ooertaloore ksftellesm t oameroo vraitoameron wm grippe fromhfcto aajn 13 to ft horn 90ciiria joe to i front mo to 16c romsoc to 66c i aprons bom 40c to liogori ttbiitmkdr wi b t 0 ucore mrs to moore jamautthrii urodsocaa- istsme other nanus will be added weakly 8easonhl89i laur thank we ninoow aeaf door qeakf tjewb blocks iv i- fl utttaf ivtjgi i rtewrbjgssotrb