Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1891, p. 1

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mmm j t mrm i j yfi ijc jurtnit fxtt f rs 11 rcl4tltel every thorsdit mork1ko fr putt stai imiuni office uttl stbekt actox oxt trans or srwcurfrtiwoiie lollir rt rar it mid in adranotor riihln thrw nimtki from bjfimibtorjmr mjo per year trmu to paid tbfc date to which etery ittbarrlituoa u paid ti denoted by the data on tbsaddrces label abvibtttrsa rantraostco1 adyertise- ttnesta 6 nt per kocpareil un tor flm fn- sertiou s cants per hne for each tobwoucnt lawrtion octmctrltkrtbc1olloils tabic shotts osrjatet for the insertion of advertisement for hiecified periods l yigjl u t iii 3 ica i 33 inches j 10 iobea sinctfea 1 inch 3o0 sauti 9x0j too asai s0m b soo jooj 110 vm n uo ss 191 im adrertiscmcnw without jwiflc directions wvlt be tnhcrtl uu ord aul charcod accord- lostr transient utmimenta muu i paid advertisements will be cbiissl enco caeh month if desired for chanjk oftener than oocettnoouitue conipohuoa naastlwpaidtar rofulu ntoc cawfijf eofitticttdttrtiwljiattiiibu be in theoac br jan oa tqouii otherwise tbeytalhaejqf orrr until the following week ilriioonf editor ind lrotrelor school- books eykhvttllxu ik tuk school book line klu stock w days bookstore bsu voilt cllllimex to for their books we have the best assortment and lowest price -vr- days bookstore guelph the traders bank of oaruda tbobrporalcd by act of larualnouli head office toronto acton ontario thursday january 29 1891 t price three cents cilttalavthouukl cifttat pain er 1000000 coo000 bank of montreal fitsnttss b irrrtorp tt n lowrt sr b mcpi fl gradaitottrinitycouccuembio couece of physicians and sarmoac omceani reiaic at uiehaad ot frederic itreet acton l besxett ivs demist i gtoaarrotx ojrriaio pjtaushallvlpsddslls dctist vtcllxiicurk hotel ererr friiav d r- urex pkisicux saureox aotscarrtre mcx itrstdnltr 0r uegarrint boaseoamezuni and frederick tayets capitax rest 512000000 6006000 asaviscs uepalftjiext lj hasicu citiod in conuoctioit witk this crunch iulcrctt aliotuilfit ccrrcut katc jashfinumr lluur gceumt ukaicii 4 i ukaic ii w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont irim i ttrcaitt or c jjdoxljlt la dk scoia3dcaiisrgeajuiitprj f ytsitx acton ti aszevt hotel oa lie ieosi tad foarthwrdadij of cjcii moatl m cteanhcleax bmstrsocjtart kotinu coircyiucert te pnrieuaislo ion oacto hlii xctos we i k jxq a m t ahqwat v f- bixmrrrt soucitqe xorir puuc itonejto loa oice dtti tneiliy taisttsriir ofnaeuttjbtwbkcfc acton ajmuirt a k wa1lbridge stoxe arrijtn salicrtcrs t toeosto itn gcaxarrotsl 0eei creliai block ceorjetowr and tiaiew bitk ot rubers c yoage t toronto rii cjt rkwyujaiaz etstotcr jr patexts secured fob txrirxtioxs heskt gjiist ottiticiluui ttenrr rea practice xo patent xo prr tyil hxjtstree j kor tie coiaiie of rvf r xk hita oriwtuwfsa pbzh d icts- q at nr reaideace in atcoh vtu be frosctircu waded to temi retainable also moey to ion on the most srorale ternad at the 4ottrata ot interest in rsm ot 50g and sp wards johxdat aechteect gcelthost omclqneeas ffotel bloci karket sqnara pieascifi kukas snccessor to t fchaptiqri booebkdei stgeores5onare t gnelthonurio f b of all kins mde to order periodicals otererrdescriptioiioaiefnlliboned rduyneautafldproiaptijdoee c ftihe haxlak barber shop slrlisrxrrr acror i osftiaeasttljshbairarlaeoodieifoajii an et etrors toned idpnt in hrrtiaacoadition iadies aadcnildrcasnxirtaatajcnt i t h toeflex iotnorial artists- ageafs wanted jtf jon want to make money t bold and i- sell onr choice snrserj- stock xow is the titne wnte nsal once for terms j3 mir beothehi xnrsemnen eocnester x y wellington marble works machine taieti book- pi tvt ulill iludl wrlkly kew pers the axr nscd ui this jotnta it from the above mills- i wilsaimzaibeos autists double tubes 10c rowrarsxiee white 10c kith errtwjctrclc cf lie lvvt j3ktr tor i ii4itcr invite- picture frames knr sjes very elejant lirge photo franes20cfiui proof exhias stieegnltiiiretc ec rcisl prvfar hs cr iublir tuiliin waters bros i estatlisked 1 st cetieoes sqitaae guzlph 1 waxted adod t kilzui liic fujlden uisry- qjfclfiiitcctfrajt icd special lice ennerf ca t t cood iis joli fir the nater iriui lor fell tcrfcs taditrtacaun hcclcvxrxy axted i saxesuxklo sell scrcry siocti all goods urofuut positioas for the rihr incc good 6alirixgri-la- tetur libcrxj ic- daccmcuic to twlcaer k6 irevion crne- eftaecessirj 0 free write for tn ceakles h cilise kcncmntc icccuoa tfcii repr- iiocictr ky mutual rre tftsuramce company rjr tee- co ctkty of wellington etaeed lf0 head off cuelph lorisb eliding stercutsdisc jfacafacjriea icd all otttr descrjttigaaof tcecrue pmperty en lie cish icl iremica kote sitlesj p wstone cblls dattd30n pretilsnt manager john taylor agekt qczszc stctet gvxlpuj clark 4 carter jtliect irnpotters ofgrmrite and uarue koazrmenu and hdstonm of all ahade aad from the newest wcaa ail wnrt and ma terial nmntd fintcltss psrfiet vitbtng to irircae win please pre ci a call andimiject oar stock and prices u we are confident we ch coaipet wfia aay establishment in ontario d hir sold oat m j- interetto the abore firm i respectfnllr soiidi the petronxge to mr triends and the pahuc oa their behall j hjaiifjltos aoents wanted in ereir tbiaihijf to selhtle pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stock doctort tle tiiost complete and comprehensirc ork published its aathors stand at the bead of tnetr profession andhare a continental repn- tatton vvorti iu ireijbt ia gold to snr ooe tannj horses bneep certle fiwine pooltrr iiosor bees a grand opponnniij to make tnonej- seenrt territory tt once address jx k motee publiaher i20 tonga st toronto coal fe wood james brown jhaa ji head t qnantiljofctcellcntcoal nicn le will promptlr dehrer to any part of the tactrouonime prices oft2jt lw wts ph alwnri xelepkonecoiaonicafion b 5f gook co jgeoegetbwk ucentsci jijctioneeri apptbisot valn- on collectors beal edae and general land agfntf fok the couimzs of haltoapelwetlrngvonsijnetork and ontario- isf toio ill per cent osss p r aalea or other hoatneu in tjijj hayee aatne nrpmptljrtsendl jjjnc axpsauu banawb suceorse- taddres bos m g t coo co eomczi3iqnea sieaitoront wj co anotloneen qeotjeiown nd toronto 1 hamiltoos jlarble works haueltove eiloctifcracrly hatch rbiocif the gore career of utxilifrh and xorf oik strcetf gceiph oct john h hamuton proprietor- uagjes4jc anitetiu cciler and direct injsrtcr and tsectifacturerof eji kind of granite and warble ifocaruests tccjbstoies etc hartns had anertfiatveirxrieace for tle last icvears the nnlilic tear ttly on petticjj ijl sepcriar anicies at acheaper rate than aajrothtr dealer in the west kb 13 ier cent os on a direct order re- ccirfid for the ceict 3tj darr guelpli business college guelpk oktakio yolghex axd voilekcd seated for euc- cetsfcl ijaiiuess tansct hovr to earn s livings ciaie cencj and become enterprisieff ascfol citiiecs actpal eilsessbcthintbecryicd rac- ucegijrinfjdailj- eijiericnceiniferdianuisisff baotin and ohicc wcrti feature of onrcoarse oftrahune shobthaxd akd type wkitlvgthe best field forcdecated joccs ladies studenu wish ing to beconv ihorthanl writrs are thorociilr drlljed in basinet corrcspondestje thobc wishiiis to become genl verbauc rcorter are girvn stwcisl advaiitaus affcrdfid by no other sccoot in this cocntiy pekhavship for basiavitt dnwin acd orosqitatalwortrianht by twoeipetipeninen of lonj tetchiag experiecce the peexch lakgcage is uogst bv the latest development of tlie- kctlod and with ramaricableresalu for circalsrs and tenas addref s ifificcoiiiackprincipaj new planing mill x-vt- safih ttnd door faciory john caitieroh contractor has fitted ap the bnildiiijjoa slainstrcet lately occupied as a trunk factory kith new tnschfnerr od is prfpared to furnish plans specifications and ertimttwsfur all classes of buildings and execute all liuds of dkksolvg r i matching andifouldikg mxkz ill bttles of i pthes doors and windows and door frames and dm toed lumber and keen a stock- d badd altordcts promptlj- attended to john camerok acton livery busline the aaiewigned respoewaljrsouciu tba patron age of the public and informs them that well equipped and stylieti rlgscan al- ways be secured atbisiubjes a comfortable bui uieets all j trains between 9 a in and ftis pni oarefal attntionblmi to etery order the wis of coiqmerclal travel- lenfauymet quelph brakoh cornet of wyudliuu aud quoboc btnwts ajvmecamado to aniicrs oullielr own uotet at the lowest currntraeo interest sales an j olber nol eoifcclcdprouiptjr no cuarjc made fcrcouocaiic rouricrciiudtercit paid otidailr ulanew of jntnii of si snd uwtrdi detwsitod lo uie mnngi llaiik lpnnioo and compounded evtry six mouths special afrancenieuts cau bo undo for sums detositl la ujj doikjsu lloccfitt departuieut jor stated periods drafu issued sad parable ij cf lotted sutea and oreai llrjtaia at tor- low rate k fnral bauklag buttueu transacted r a f ii jones i j uanaguraucipbursacb u aelph doccinber 1x30 photograph albums at k reduction of oaefourth to oueualf ou cur rent rales- all goods marked in plain ftfiurei i 80 bibles frqtuajceniatoelqeach dariufi- the holidays send at a redactfoo of tea par ccul on all r parchascs up to 00 and twculy per cunt off itrger lamt oftrji thh hottom dra wer 1 early and fet first choice john 8mith ivismdliam st onelpfi mijckiue and repair shop- crindeul c 01ckies0n hate their ncisloam machine shop no in nil runniric order and are prepared to doallkindt orcialnto machinery boilert agricultural implements etc 8team or waterppe pitting on the ihorteit vassiljle notice repairs kept in stock for all the icajlcrjbiaktsct acricnltcrtl tnseljinta te usrc botli iron sad oodvorfcice tnsclin- cry lste tad iocs cricricacc in ite 1osinesa sad can tosrstuee sisfscion in nil orders cn- irzrti lo os binder eepafang i spectiltr geineell t dickieson uill street acton i xnr ihntri sfilj i itli likes 01 c school books exercise books school supplies drug store r -also- plush goocis toy cheapi j v kannawin mill street actok do 3ou intend to build this spring if so why not write to j0hk i boxd co guelph h for prices for3our k r d irl k thej- are the largest importers of build iirs hardware in vestern ontario and can sell voa right cnelson wants- to see you for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and groceries in tljo best chamber ot the uoukj 6butup n dlai aacertalu light thcrt toorui antique chest of drivers of foreign wood with braasps brichf one uiom woniku rati and gruj stepped tottoringly scroti ho floor let iu she said the tight of day then joan unlock thabcuotu drawrr the girl iu art jouthi loveliness kutu down with eager curious face pcrbariiiuodrauitof ludlan illks of jewels aud it rafo lafco but wben tho winner luuihfue full upon the tresiures boarded llioru the tears raihod to her leader eyes- her heart was oleain as a privet pear graadniauimar the loftly sighed ltfuag a withered rose and palm but ou the elder face was uaugbt but tweet couteut aud iwaccful caliu leaning upon her ilaff the gasod cpou a babys balfworu ihoe a little frock of finest lawu- a hal with tiny bows of mae a ball made fifty years sjjo a little glove a tassclod cap alialldonq longditisiouod miu koujfl acboolbooks futeued with aitrspi she touched lhm all wiili trembling lips how much she sold the heart can bear ah jean l thouht that i iliould die the day tgttflrst i laid them there hut uowiuecinksogoodlo know that all throughout these wean- years their hearts hava been antoucbod by grief their ej es har been uustained by tears dear jeau wo sea with clearer hght when earthly iofe is almost oct those children wait ujc in the uc for whom i loelod hit tiered drawer jary a bafr stisct jfamilij failing mora s retlheaijecl qou john wiiiliams a tbzal solictted isiinrod odlin like uu uaaiiakc of old whs a- tnifility hunter not of the beasts of the field and tim fowls of the air for its doubtful if his knowled of firetirms cu- ahlod hint to tdlvhetherin charging them the powder or the shot went foremost bat lifortuiiehanter which as the genial ar- tcnrait niwdto say is far diflcrcat fifteen years of uusucoessf ul trial would have discouraged a less ardent siortfiraau bui kimnxl had began early and was vet only thirtyfive havicg nearly all his hair and most of lus tocth there was a eus- lidoa of gray about the temples hut by wearing earlocks well conibed forward it was nrelty well qokial and a slight ten dency to oorpadeuctywaskeptfithiii bounds by a daily course of dumbbells before breakfast toyg walks before dinner and bctentific itantim accordidg to banttug xuder all iiie circumsunees hj eaw no tfabcju forgiving cp hoki which as the doctors tell us ie never to be yielded while life and pk sic hold out once or twice kim to usa his every day namocarae very near bagging his bird hat jast at the critical moment another of richer plumage came whirring by iu pur suit of which he wt the first only to be led a long illusive cliast and left to sad com parisons at list betm the viilae of a modest turtle in the- hand sud that of a golden pheasant iu the hosuj flora forsyth in her nineteenth year was the prettiest gfrl in the villige a fact to which the liveliest at tendon was awaken ed in bachelor circles when he death of a rich relation left her mistress nl twenty thousand dollars in liard cash with no provisos ktm 6djin especially pricked up his ears hehadknown flora from her in fancy iiad patted her curly head approving- tv when a little girl for repeating more golden tettsihan any other scholar in his class at sundayschool end smiled amusedly wheii she answered the vexed question of who wjs cains wife by guess ing it was mrs cain in later years sir odlin was too busy with other pursuits to take much notice cf flora but he was a man of calculating mind to whom a marriageable young lady plus twenty thousand dollars was what the mathematicians call a u rational quantity while without that or any other portion it would be qqte irrational lo think of her accordingly among the first of those to pay homage to flora and her fortune was ifrkimrod odlin she received his attentions if uot quite complacently at least without laughing at them at any rate before his face kirnrod felt his way carefully profiting by past experience which had taught him that it was often quite as dangerous to be too precipitate as top tardj- one by one he advanced us parallels till at last he felt that everything was ready for the grand assault his first movement had more the appearance of defence than of attack it was that of an infantryman at the command prepare for cavalry that is be sank promptly on one knee dear flora he murmured taking her hand arid pressing it to his lips i have loved you ever since you heard e had twenty thousand dol lars she was on the point of interrupting but checking herself quietly asked when mr odlin seemed somewhat at a loss for dates and after stammering a little took refuge in the indefinite i have lovedjou for -yearm- he whis- pered6oflly dearest will you be mine do noi break my heart by saying no it wont break in two weeks will itv asked flora her lips quivering in the struggle to keep back a rising laugh do not trifle with me he whined dol orously striving but- with indifferent suc cess to start a tear i only jtnean said flora hat as your heart lias stood the strain for years it can probably hold out a fortnight longer and i must ask at least so much time to consider your most unexpected question iyou will consider it then and in two weeks give me an answer cried kimrod in a transport 6f hope yes if you keep in the same mind till their till tben he exclaimed with fervor aye till then and forever very well mr odlin said flora quietly pointing to a chair now dont yon think you had- better take an easier position you rnnst be quite uncomforlf- able there nimrod looked a little shoepthh and took the offered seaj i did yon ever nleet my cousin beatrix asked flora changing the subject no nimrod 64 fiver had that pleas ure i shes to be aitanht hepluabnha in ft day orlwo i itiould be pleased to intro duce you bat she and i havent spoken to gether of iateihowvpf that najdnt stand n tlio way you know auntie very well aud if you call shell be sure to pres- imt you to cousin lioatrit hhos not reck oned badlooking if she has red hair lloagl for that matter she has money enough to make it mas for goldon why hc has fully as much n 1 have in ready cash and is down in auntoa will for her whole fortune which is at least jia much more w kimrod was beginning an earnest speech expressive of his contempt fof riches where he heart is concerned and his firm belief that chcsluui floras curls were chestuut was the original color of human hair in mans perfect estate and that all other shades are perversions resulting from the fall bat flora cut his disqaiiition short by asking to be excused on the score of a pressing engagement and mr odlin took his leave promising to return at the end of twoweeks three days afterwards oar friend isim made a friendly call on aunt hephribah and was formally introduced to her niece miss beatrix tavistock who had ouly ar rived the day before miss tavistock as flora had said was no a badlooking girl she was about her cousins age to whom in features and ex pression bhe bore a strong family likeness but her hair carroty why carrots would bavo paled before it it was of so fiery a red that it fairly made ximrods eyes water but as lie thought of her twenty thousand in possession and another twenty thousand in expectancy and heard aunt hepzibahs hacking cough he forgot last then thai she had had it for twenty years the effect of the hair began to wear off and wus quife forgotten at the end of half an hour which sufficed ta reveal the fact that miss tavistock was altogether the most engaging young lady he had ever met kimrod repeated hii visit the next day and he next and for many succeeding days and at every usit found miss beatrix more charming than at the last ifcr treat ment of him was decidedly mere encour aging than floras had ever becu indeed he had uot a liulb ingratiated himself by rather more than hslfway chiming in with some not very flattering criticisms of her crsiu iudulgcd in by miss tavistock it lickti bat a day of the expiration of the two weeks by thiit time kimrod had reached the coicliioli tliat sjme sliades of red were not inferior to chestnut especially when lucked by the odds of forty thousand dollars against twenty lie was further more convinced that if he popped the ques tion to beatrix he wouldnt have to wail two weeks for an answer and lha when it came there wouliut be aiiy danger of its trting no but kimnt was a prudent man his irposal to flora while it remained un- ausverud wti gf courv- subject to with drawal and to withdraw it might avoid many uuplcuut futare complications and as no time wis tobe fcst he sal down at oace and addressed a noteta flora we shall not give ft verbatim jiaviug no wish to furnish a form for ihe use of other fickle lovers enough to say it wis a perfect model of a cieakingout letter full of lying cxocsesjuid brotherly profesioas of ever lasting friendship kow for the fair beatrix was kim- ruds exultant ejaculation as he hied his steps t aunt hepludbahs door but why unnecessarily prolong our story tho scene that followed up to a certain point was an eiact repetition of the one before described kirnrod had goue through it so many tiroes that there was no danger pf his slicking ke sank again on the same knee seized beatrixs hand and in the same tone make the same speecfi at the words will you be mine do not break nay heart by saying no he bowed his head meekly like a suppliant awaiting the answer whereon hangs life or death as we have said kimrod had been through it all before and knew the part perfectly he waited hat the answer did not cprne he felt a convulsive tremor of the hand held in his doabtless beatrix was too agitated to speak he ventured to look up started back lost his balance and fell into an attitude rather less graceful but much more firmly poised than he had just quitted i instead of beatrix it was flora he saw before him and it was her hand he held with the other she held up a blaring red wig while her own chestnut curls shook about her fair neck and shoalders with a ringing burst of laughter that shook her whole frame kimrod sprang to his feet and rushed out we shall not repeat what he raid on reach ing the street it would require too many- stars and dashes to print it without break ing a certain wellknown section of the- penal code they were convinced a cumber of years acosoaie philadelphia quakers belonging to an indian delegation were crossing a wide plain in a hostile country the driver of the ambulance called their attention to foar indians oa horseback who soon surrounded the rehicier a young brave ip war paint madi unmis takable signs of hostility- tna interpreter told him they were medicine men he re plied that they mastprovetbemsetresmedi cine men of peace men they had had loo many already to steal their laud and soldiers to kill them be quick said he showus some wonderfabmediciue work or we will kill you here was a dilemma foiutiug to the oldest one a fine looking qaaker six feet to his slqckiog3wuh white baiywho had been the first talker of the partybe cried oat medicine man ahowl medicine man show an inspiration seized the quaker ile had a double set of false teeth on plates of flesh colored material and pointing with his fingers and then tapping them with much grimace d decision he motioned for all of the braves to come gp within eight aud when all were intent upon him he deliber ately took out first the upper set and then the lower set- and then made a motion with his neck as if to separate his head from his body when the braves wheeled their horses and rode furiooslyjaway to make it llaht whipp chi some women cuff their cbildreaoutof pare uziueii it ii so much easier to box jiule johnnys ears than to tell him why hiy iioulj dot do this or that it is so much leu troublesome to slap hannah ann for breaking ftometbug than it is to teach her how to use it so that itshall not be broken punishment of the flesh for tho sins of the tool or tho errors of the mind ii a sim ple rehoaoi barbarism even if it it doue be cause ihepetson who punishes thinks ita doty to use stick or switch or whip or slipper on the tender skin of the liltlo child it never made a boy better ye aud it only crushe the spirit of a cirl- you may re peat spare liie rod snd spoil the child as often as you like blind beating of the little ones does cot carry oat the mea which is thatoa mast oot let thera go o destruction for want of reproof or admon- itiou it is a moral rod thai is meant not ooe of birch or willow men love the fathers whoso yoq must uot was law the mothers id rather you would not was a burner uot to be overleaped bat a cruel a explained beat ing has turned the heart of mauy a child froui its parent forever walking through a village tlreeti iaw an illustrauou of his one day some furious cattle were beinj driven up be road beyond two boys started out of their gates anxious as boys are lo be in the midst of diuger 0ne mild woman called out gently dont go tom you might get hurt and at least you would make me anxioaa her boy came back and said 1 shouldnt get hurt but i dont wautlo worry jou ma ajter the other boy flew a furious little woman with a switch crying out ill beat you lo a jelly when i catch you jim but ihi did not catch him as for little girls born in respectable furoilies where ibey bee nothing very wrong they will follow their mothers as lambs follow the parent sheep if ihe will only patiently leach them wbj to do they will do ilao4 when they are tired or have their feelings hurt and teem lo cry without reason whea they say i jout want lo in he way is to lalklo ihem fiud out what they are ihfakinj what powerful little reason or terror moei thenr and explain il away any jtnother who reniarubers her own childhood will know that puis keep a great many thoughts to themselves ujithjdud motherly questiouiug bring theni out whipped children are miserable little creatures who make the whole hoae un happy remember thsl before yoa switch your bpyior 6lap your girls u kv i sympathy r- i tk- the fan thouitful love tliraag h cdasiant watcbfnf wise a heart st leisure from ilatlf to tooth and sympathiie- sympathy is one of the great secrets of our daily live it can overrode evil quick er than the harshest treatment it atreugthens cood bringing fortmore help to bear the hardest trials thatbome fo us all from time to lime how sweet are words of sympathy when we suffer and in our darkest hours of trou ble they fall as balm ou ibe wonndsd heart sympathy is founded on love there can be no love without sympathy we find in hours of trouble mauy of our burden are easier to bear- if a kind word or look has been passed and both giver and receiver live on the better for it there seeriia to be a want of sympathy among mall ko need to know all the secrets of anothers life when we do know many things thai lo us seem strange because we do oot know all let us stop and thins ere we be too quick in condemning for perhaps were we placed the eame wecould not do differently many times a kind look or a soft word has touched a sensitive heart when it so needed it awakening the affections when coldness would have caused reticence sympathy is the capacity for feeling with others aud let us all try lo cultivate it more and more keep il in our hearts remembering the words of oar saviour bear ye ooe anothers burdens a new dollar the silver dollar is loo large and the gold dollar too smsll expresses the gen eral sentimeot of the american people con cerning these respective coins tn over come the difficulty of size a difficulty which is greatly perpleiiag the authorities gen berdan suggests that there be made a dollar of gold aud silver mechanically combined by firsy making a silver coio worth twentyfive cents with a hole in the centre aud then pressing a plug of gold in the hole that is worth seventyfive cents the number of grains of silvier lo be fixed by congress- such a dollar would not only do away with he seriocs objections raised by all to the weight and size of the silver dollar but the smallness of tho gold dollar also the geueral says that be has proposed this scheme to several promi nent men daring tbe past six years and he does not recall a single objection raised by any of them thtt could be compared to the objection raised against the size and weight of the present silver dollar he suggests thatthereshouidbe a raised filled rim at the edge of the cotu for the purpose of protecting the gold from friction aud for tin purpose of enabling one to detect at once in the dark with the thumb and finger the difference between a dollar and a twenty five cent piece butter at the store young mr newlywed dining a bachelor friend you roust take aome more of this chicken pie it will givb you an idea how my wife can cook see how light it is bachelor friend yes i have noticed ibat and i especially admired the way she does it i chanqeof rame borne setiuui clmogei lo names have come about jo cases where frenchmen hate settled amoog an kngliihspeakipg people sometime their names hare been trans lated literally and then we have such fan ciful cognomens as good nalare but- teryfly nd cherry but it often happens thiftbe foreigner is arbitrarily rechristianed by his new bcigbbore who find it next ko impossible to pronounce a french wortl and accordingly substilne for it one with which they are fsmiliar it happened once in a vermont towu that a french family remained nameless fur some months simply because no one would prouounce ihe word to which they were en titled oje day however a man rode- up to their door acd asked does john mason live bete ko said the man of thehoaie but us he said it tbe thought occurred lo bim that the name was one which would cive yankees nodifficulty and that betnijiht as well adopt it for his own saccoropgly he became john mason with be concqrence of his neighbors another frcnchrom originally michel st pierre was called so long by iu christian name that his children became known as the little michel as the time went ou the change was universally accepted and thev were no longer si pierres but mitchell that was solid english name which the townsfolk could countenance st pierresavoredo tbem of freaich uonsense who jiws at the berry farm now asked a gestleoinn revisiting the town of his birth 1 john berry andhu family but i thought the berrys sold out and went away 7 oh so ibey did but the are french people who bought ihe farm they had some sort of n oallaudih name but of course we didnt ue it compailju about needles the chritcnas holidays are oter and agaiu we are learning io sew today we hiv hems if the first fold of ihe hem is uot perli-ci- ly straight no care in the torning of ihe second fold will be of m atntl iu ihs as in other thinzs it is ot he greatest im portance that ihe first step should be rih your first folds are evenly done 7 the second folds ot the item- if narrow should be firmlv pressed down and sewed without basting the vide hta is rues- urod and hed in place by a a bailing clca to the edge t aud now while the folding and basting go ou ell me what trere used long ago lo fastea together the skmi ot animals of which garments sere made natures nee dles hey were surely some one can ene thorns yes it was thorns with fibres of planla for ihe thread and a very good ptrpose they served i am sure the girls tpat are watbd w fho girls that art wanted lire home goti- gjrlt that are mothers rfiht hand tuat fstbtrs aud brothers can trust le i and tho tittle ones do understand tiirh that are fair on the hearthstom and pleaiatit heinobojftees kind and mcc to their own folk heady and adsjom to please the gnu that ara waiite1 are wise giro that know what t joaud tusdy tlat druc iu awnlle or ajt wcjd the wtalh of ihcuobsehold away the cirl lht arv wmted are girls of ltie w bom faahioa can kertr deeeiye who can follow whatever ii pretty and dire what fi ijly to leave cj the cirli that are wanted are careful girls whoount ahata thine wim cost i who ute ih a prndcnl gouerousliaud lln we lbs nothing is lev tli giri lhit are auid aril girls with hearts that are an ted for mcthers and wives vvaisic 1 lo crajic in loving snni tho smallest and frailest of livts the clever tbe nitty the brilliant girli thcr tro very few understaiid hut thfor ihe wise loving heme eirls tbctcf a coujumu and itesdy demand the name came natural kames are sometimes changed io queer ways a few years ago a bohemian came into a westeru towu audproceeded to work at anything be coald find to do shortly after his arrival the local piper partly but of fun aud partly out of a desire to help him printed this paragraph about him a foreign gentleman with an unpronoun ceable nama recently struck town he is proving to be snch a good citizen in every respect that we are disposed to relieve him of his incubus of a name and we therefore salute him as john smith when tbe bohemian heard of the paragraph he was much pleased and immediatelyadopted the- new name and mr john smith is now one of the leading citizens of ibe town a receipt for cement a cement which will adhere perfectly to glazed surfaces repair broken minerals or iu fact stick to anything is made by taking two ounces of clear gum arabtc one and one half ounce fine stargb one half ounce white sugar pukerize the gumarabic aod dissolve it in a3 much waur as the lane dress would use for the quantity of starch indicated dissolve the starch and sugar in tbe gum ablation then cook the mix ture in a vessel suspended iu boiling water until the starch becomes clear the cement bhoald be as thick as tar and kept so it can be kept from spoiling by drop ping in a lump of guin camphor or a little oil of cloves or sassafras a girls four sixpences a little kaffir girl in sooth africa came one day to tbe missionaryand brought four sixpences saying this money is yours ko said the missionary it is nol mine yea perhisietl the little black girl you must take ir at ihe examina tion of the school yoa gave me a stxpeuce as a prize for good writing but the writing wis not mine i got someone else to do it forj me so here are four six pences she bad read the story of zac- chau3 in the lesson and went and did likewise after a searching address by mr moody he next day received a cheque for 100 being fourfold ihe amount of which the siuifer had wronged an vidua indi robinson crusoes island one cf the greatest obstacles the long and arduods effort o improve the quality of our butter has had lo overcome fa vanity woe betide tbe unfortunate co a atryjbop- keeper who grades mrs joues but far at a lower figure than mrs smith b and thereby inti mates that tbe former is not as good a buttermaker as she ought to be the mrs joues are about ten times as numerous as the mrs smiths tberin lies the rob if the storekeeper really attempts a classifi cation on its actual market value the ijrs jones will transfer their custom to another store and the storekeeper who tries to make the concrete tally with the abstract iu matters of trade and commerce may aa well as shut up shop he there fore leaves the concrete severely alone and makes the abstract a matter solely of inner consciousness about which the less said the better he mixes much of the good and bad butter together thereby pro ducing a salable compromise which will find a demand somewhere in canada but can never find an entrance into the english market feminine vanity is thus the bane it h- bsohelortrieud why yoa feavein co maoy feathers mrs newlywed thankyoumrjibel ry but what do you mean by the way i do of cafaadian bater and has hitherto barred the way to the developement of a foreign trade wtyoh might rival bat in cheese richmond guariiaa the island of juan fernandez once in habited by robinson crusoe is now tenant ed by a former austrian officer baron von rodtb who after being breed by the terrible woorads which he received af the battle of saoowa in h06 tojeave the army grew tired of the monotony of existence in civilized eoropa aud determined to devote his fortune to a life of adventure for fifteen years past he has been living on tbe island of juan fernandez with a small colony of natives and of european deserters from oiviiizajiod and onlycommadicatiog with the world ouce a year when he sendx his fine sailing yacht to valparaiso for pro visions andfeapplies wit and humor the roautu makers call trying il ouj a drew rehearsal i kobevcragetronget than beer is allowed in the lumber camp v tbe conferring of collegiate degrees isa sort of initial performance after all president elirl l harvard eats honors arej but mit and vapors thn let us honor president etiot as we are enjoined to giv honor to whom honor is dew before executing a miu by decapitation the chiutse always make hia- drunk elehere ban iu chius howwver a man who gets druuklodes his head an exchange speaks of a man whojfs but one stfp reinerd from an ass he had better make it at least hatfa dozen au as has a lou reach backward bajiping up wife bnt my dear 1 bbah c ich cold coming town so lat to letv yoa im liuband 0u up my lore iii rap you op well before you eotnc dawn the difference on landing iu england you go through the customs- hoijm on landing iti rnicricx the customs house gdei through jou the dminction is an impor tant oe- when european actors and biugerscome here and haul one or two thousand amefe- can doliam every oubt wonder tbey go borne impressed with he fact that a itepablic is a treat fool blow it illsly youngter to closely rasmed comrade i bay ed whatr slopping for 7 i want lo getmy haud- kerchlrf what fur to blow my nose oh let the wiud blow it come l chords and discords i full oft bavo letters ciiw the wriiera to curse the day they ycniuditra yet how often liave we yearned with avn unutteeable lenderneea to clasp with thril ling touch the haud of some far away friend and with gratitude which nfeedt no words to voice proven the white winged harbinger of hopa reviving within us oar bailing chter how again and again we have read and reread every dear word till in fancy we listen to ibevojces of thoe who tp bur passionate lovinghearu6eetn sweeter than the songs of angels with what eager intensity did we con tbe impassioned words pooned bypur first lore ith swift perception we realize that in our supreme moment we had dedicated u our to e nd trust to him who had first held up to our wondering gaze tbemirror wherein we saw pictured m all the rosy visions of our girl- hood but how like sweet bellajangledout of tune seemed the word that came later releasing a loviug trusting heart from the sweetest thralidom it liid ever known- words from out whose lovo was as that iilvcry iuil rroiu suniuer blooms by iunbeami kissed and when beamed upon by- the pcooday sun was drawn into another element for getting its associations of earlier and leas bright hours how in bdr endeavor to shelter our unwelcome love under friend ships usme we have driven deeper the poisoued dart ly clasping light jy our- hinis oer thegiping wound but eweeter notei were never sounded than when sympathys jeweled fingers an swept across the deep toned harpremlnd lug us that in the trembling vibrations we listen to pleadings ihit are beidg waftrd to him asking that iu our deepest grief we may be tituxlrt to raise our tlioughts on high sfii glmilott i t it is recorded in chinese anokls aocord- ing lochifles lamb that many jtroturies ago the discovery was made through the accidental birrnmg of a houra which a pig shared with its humantenants that burnt pigs flesh was au exceedingly savory article of food the popularity of roast pig at once was i inevitable but its popu larity was impeded somewhat by the fait that there was at law id chins against a mans burning down his own house even 16 secure a delicious dinner of roast pig the number of accidental tires however that followed upon the discovery of roast pyj was extraordinary until tbe great philos opher hot- either by accident or as a result of ingenious experiment ascertained that iu order to have roast pig for dinner it was not uecesbary ta burn down the house aud that fire applied in other ways produced equally good results so u as tbe sdible quality of pig waa cpucerned another autom7tic machine t the latest automatic contrivance is a nickleinthe slot machine at bpstou us which confronts the equestrian who alights at the sidewalk wjth tbe legend written across tbe front drop a nickel in tbe slot and ill hold your horse he pats in the nickel whereupon two iron bands uu- olasp the bridle rein is dropped into them and they close again on re taming from liis busloeaaw finds his horse still being held but the first legend has diaapppeared and in itapjaoe u the inscription iu char acters of living light give me a quarter and 111 let iim go what is lacking is irqth and confidence if there were absolute truth on the one v- hand aud absolute confidence on theotber it would ufbe necessary for the makers of dr siged catarrh bemedy to back up a plain statement of fact by a 9500 guarantee they bay if we cautenre youmake it personal please of catarrh in the head in any form or stage well pay yoa wfi for par trouble in miking the trial an ad- vertising fake you say faxuyr isnt jt how some people prefer eickness to hella wtenihe remedy is positive and the gtjtr anteo absolute wise men dont put money back of fakes aod faking doisut pay shi j no other preparation oombiuea the poai the eoonot jy the peculiar merit and toe medicinal power o hoodi sanasirilla 1 magical liulegrauulcathoaeticy torar- coated pellet or dr 1ieroe scarcely larger than mustard aeedayet powerful to cureactive yet mild in operation th best liver fill ever invented core sick headache diuiueui comtipitioa 0ne doae i ii s 1 a mimjl rskf5fsss mmmmsesmmw

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