Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1891, p. 2

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fi88feri ijv r ccoxtaoiwijih johoimtf m tn xlcstt in um ii william klckeli tnviujn on tbe rvf mmuriimitb iwww tm imlh january the wife ot souse oo tbe ttfch the wife of sferehabl nt o s daaeht- poteliai oilrii k mi wthjanuarruiewite of 4 b vowed c illectof ot taluld iterate of a deurbter tluulxnxi township near thh janttarr uiowheol johh clkaa toraferir f cmnnwo comers of area wj5 -q- kektcitwd on tiro 80th ifcou- ftry mr harms but teed cs ytti cvyrivrtd acioa i uie t5ui juianrr ucn yctactaft bctorl vlte of jobu km- va cjl sjtw month ami lodfcyi ivu norolvnn 6aadaj t8th juigarr wiivvil uwuv rteoml km umtth p cljt cioit fret fjrcsi tlimsqav janoauv 1301 pgbuc reading ropm ttio u council in oarucroos ntw kccojc already ifloal some commend tlcnsscivcs tollic puuic with mpect to others there is a diffottnetj of opinion bat cixjti ihctsuoao a public reading room to bppnri daily lo tlic public lh whole ojqimauity is tirjilfri ia declarin ue pro ject aorlliy jnu oommeadibu one tbe wljtciiou of a cttiwna committee to ac in caaccrt with ibe coancll iqjartticr tucrhi project ft wine anfl ai all ciaaaet ot uie rope aoj reprewutod aa equitable and fitiijactorykrrincement may be look cifoc li is proposed lo opea the pablic library acd v sjappti carrent newspapers ani period ici or the free o ol all and thi action cinoot bat have a beueficial cittfct u pop ibe ypanirmeniatoiru partlca- lonf have eipremed them for such privilegta a nto at bt cmmittee will- be cajled in a few dayato co nplete arrangementi and dtc acaoanoemc t of the opening of the rill be made in these r hrly ratify of cvt asanxioc readicj coles notes and comments tbevaiioos cl qrche are meeting with preat afs in tl e circulation of prohibition peiiuoni tc n ake these petitioai iafla cnualtliey ninst hare araslarrayofaigaa tore and these rlu not oouie spoauneoax- lybat taust bi socght for it would be utr not to pen ioa alkali rather uian lend ia aiimitcdjnuei xrof names representtag only a fraction d the prohibition aeeiiment o the itoounioc john libcdozald to eciorse bis cf cr of reciproci the lzudouc lih taibcrity- toachinfftue tdissolotioa o the udmiaion parliameatthe halt saya a one if cert aiiij bat those who are wise cot beiee luereulobe no electioa uatil they ad iaritj meet summoned for the dffpatch f inj icess it is ramored ia cdti circles a ouxwa thai parlijmeiit wikbediischi ih march and that sir ilfappeal to the couatry policy ia entertaiaing aa y from the united sutes ag ckromdc say a ieciaxes he goterameot ha eiercsd nc pressure on canada in rtrd to pendn negoaatioas while it woald rejoice ta see canada and america agiin cammerci 1 i trends thai inducing a efferent spirit from that engendered by thorcy fishery d ipalcs iuidoes aai desire j to depart froci he potlcj o allow4ax the i coiobies a free hibd iccocnnictciainiitteiz ikcr isit right t3 imply any iateauon oa j the part of can da to make a reciprocal areeiscat tb b sis of settlement a cuch qcestiocs as those in vol red ia the behriag sss milto- wbipli most be decided on their meriis i i the britith postasastergeneral has ia yiied canada ursead a represeatalxre to ltheiatercaucaal postal convention which i is to be held ia vienna next may these conventions hive been jield annually for a asmberol years past bat heretofore caas- da has not taken part ia them at these 1 acnol gatherings foiportant matters affec- jipg coantries ia the postal union ire dis- cassed the occasion is embraced by countries of far lesc importance than canada to send delegates tnd the feeling prevails that thelime has arrived for v australasia sooth africa and canada to j take part ciih the other coantries o the j world in legislating oa postal matters i- the electioa oa a petition for the repeal j oftbe canada temperance act held in cfaariottetown p e island resulted in a i majority cf foarteeu against the act for j eleven years the act had been in force i throagbooi prince edward island- the j result of the recent vote in charlottetown j is likely to be an- agitation for the repeal of j of the act ia qaeeas county of which charlbttetownu the county town- a eur- 1 iaas rfesnlt of the vote will be that iht city y wie hare free trade ia lifjaor there is no licecteiaw in the island and mn on both sides in the legisiatare declare that they will never pass one here is a new experi- i meat ia temperance or intemperance trom the scott act to unrestricted and i unlicensed- liquor celling is jammag from the fryicg pan into the fire with a veo- geance woodstock sfjuiadbtzicvc one man for all work f h nw council dturtrilned to put their sohem into prwotloe f th e aud the maufctl oimtfcu got down to active butincn on holiday evening the ioatinjt capacity of the coancil chamber was pretty folly taxed by the large audicnoo of spectators assembled member all prosetit lleeve lowo bi the chair the miautci of ihe- previous- meeting were read niladoptci j timj committee o kiaauco proaeoud their flral report recommending psyment of aooounu u follows ncbpolbt wiling booth t00 v r campbell btrtel lamps etc- 3tj1 moved by john harvey seconded by joseph anderson i5at the rcirt jutl read be adopted carried moved by j b pearson secottdedby goo harill uist the woard of healtit for carrent joar be oomposodss follows the kcec the clerk and uctan1v 11 kenney james mclam tiud h p moore carried moved by j b pearson seconded by jao harvey thai dr urcu be appointed medical health officer forlhe carrent year and that the salary for such service be in keeping with the duties required audsliall bo fixed by the couacilrouriecl the auditors preseated i their report this report showed the assets of the muni- cipality to be tl5ms90 the liabilities v- 55000 leaving the balance of assets over liabilities to be 1830800 tlw report was audited by the council moved by joseph anderson seconded by john harvey that the auditors reportas finally audited by his council be adopted and that it be published ia the acton feu press carried the lease ohhe office in the town hall was referred to and it was found that the matter jras in ad unsatisfactory condition the towa hall- committee was instructed q kiresttgatethe matter a depajation from the pablic school board composed of chairman hard ing and messrs matthews and wallace was present lo confer with the council in the matter of more accurate census of the municipality mr harding was invited to address the council- he said it was proposed at hut meeting of the board to meet the coon- cil in reference to actons census the government grant last year was about 40 less than the previous year owug to the census being uncomplete and the boardthought probably the council could have the assessor take the census properly while doing his work mr harding thin called upon the aecrts tary of the board to explain the matter more minutely which was done reeve lowry assured the deputation that the council would make it their busi ness to see that in the respect referred- to the assessor would do his duty the subject of engaging one man for the performance of all municipal work vs mtrodnced the reeve we have been giving this matter some consideration and find that unless the school board cooperate with us in the scheme the saving would be but iiwe- we do aot presume to dictate to- the school board but if the board woald agree to oox proposal we could economise we can get the work done including the schools for 1400 per annum we do nottthink too macir is paid for the wark as it is done at present or than it is worth bat we be lieve that by employing one ww his whole time we can save 1300 rier year to the municipality there has been a clamor for tins change for some time and the point will be to secure a proper and com petent man the reeve requested the members of the school board who were present to express their views upon the matter mri harding i for one am in favor of saving every dollar we can if money can be saved the school board by placing the matter in the hands of the council i am willing for the new arixngemenl tocome into force i having nothing to say against our present caretaker he has done his work well jamestfatthews after our last meet ing a few of us talked this matter over and no objection was taken to it i think we could not make much mfotak by frying it for a year anyway robert wallace have not giveirthe- muef much thought- if the council think there can be a saving i am willing to favor the scheme itos a poor plan that is not worth trying the reeve in order to give formal assentr a resolution will be necessary from the board and the council would like to proceed with the matter- as soon as possible moved by john harvey seconded by jos anderson that applicants be asked for through the acton eszz paxsg to swmdito- tbeworfcof the municipahtyicffried council adjourned at 3jq j talkof the day mrs john thompson granddaughter of the poet barnriaajaet died ia glasgow at kashvihe tenn- daringa snowstorm en saturday countless numbers of small i sh fell they resembled carp in the united states tberejre more rifcr dealerf tban school teachers and four times as mscy eikcnsas churches j the methodist cfaorcb portage la i j prairie was entirely destroyed by fire on jscfsda nbrnicjj nothing was saved i iter w w cinon conducted the first services is pastor of the jefferson avenue ipresbyuriinxbarcii detroit on sunday witufli inhau who w born on the iram oslacterfarm in ayrshire scotland las j jist died near bright ont aged 9 years ilccy dfcketj voaog eighth wife of ibrisutaaybang is dead there are only seven left ldcidisg amelia folsomihe mh timm aourccrod lihat u b ooonoll going to a t the school board f mr matthews- wbwtey iw the riuagflwlljinotirlnmsroit mr moldnj thli one man builnem bag been tailed fw month i am oppotsd to f t on jtrlnclple j mr mflttliows hootftnan can do the work see the saving 1 mrmcunirijut wre u no guarantee that this work will bo done as we wan tl done and as it is bclug done bv our present caretaker mr prniiciii havo been a member of tills board for six or sben years and this is tho first time 1 have felt called upon to opposo the action of tho board on any question mr lyman li a man who hai done hix work satisfactorily there is no complaint from any quarter and t will not be a party to discharging him without cause the council seem to want to come in and run the board the board u at capable of attending to its own business as the council ean do it for tbem it means nothing more nor fess than to take the workout of tho hands of mr lyman a poor man who earns hii money i think if a diigraou to put him out under the ircumstanoea andif the people think my position oiuthis matter wrong i am willing forthem to say so j mr hynda when i heard of this mat- ter at first i was not fa faor of it and i dont sec yet how one man can do it the caretaker has done bis work well i do not think this s any interference by the council though i think where the coun- cil are trying to lessen expenses we should help them and if we can get the work done as well for less money we should cooperate willf iheni if the board dont ace fl to endorse it t am willing the matter should drop mr mclam r can see through the councils scheme all they give ui is a calculation of figures which look very nicely but i think if the council would go on with their own work and curtail expen- sesjas they talk about doing and show as that they mean business and not come to us andsay the whole matter rests on the board we might then be jastificd in con sidering the question the fact of the matter is this new council fi like those that hae gone before it they all make great calculations and promises at the commen cement of the year but we find when the end comes th3 all come out about the same place xet the council show us work and not figures and i will do what is right with them but to throw out amau who i understand is giving perfect satisfaction with no guarantee that his place will be filled by a proper man is not what iconider i was sent here for as jfar aa i have heard the board has had enough trouble with incompent caretakers i dont like the council to throw the re sponsibility upon us i mr hynds they are not taking a way our responsibility mr francis the chairman says we musctake this course or the council can not gp on with thir- scheme isnt that giving us the rcsponibilify mr mclam if we cant go oa and do all the work placed upon us then we should not be sent here t x the vote being callodfor the yeas and nays were demanded yeasyhynds matthews naysifrancis mclam the chairman well gentlemen i sympathue with this motion in ever parv ticakr and most declare it carrjed the board then ad joarned cemetery grounds uncollected taxes they are theboard of education cooperate with the new council intbofrnewscriemo the oae man question in municipal politics has reached forth its arms and en circled the public school board a special meeting of the board was called for noon on tuesday to give assent to the matter members present t h harding chair man george hynds l francis james mclam and james matthews yjbe chairman explained the object co geeidjnnatwio the meeting and sua- the council halton- county council dr buck votes himself into the wardens chair i the most exciting act ol the new cotmty council is anally the electioa ol the wuden and 10 it proved at the meeting on tueadasv- un the first ballot he vote stood dr back 7 dr robertson 3 dr webster 5 before the second ballot was taken another member took his seat dr webster dropped oat of the contest and he irote stood bucks bobertaon 8 this beine a tie dr back being the highest eeere exercised bis right and toted second time for himself dr back then took the chair the committees for the year were strack u follows frsixce bobertaon menes and web ster bons bridges hatcheon alton lawson feathersone and biggar coonr boldkgs ifeuiesfelan mor timer and bobertaon panrrrss tettit kennedy warren biggar and lowrf eiccinox webster feian and lowry brecuicoiuiistoxurjicrctc hasband warren kennedy and mortimer i acditoiis l grarjt and w p appleby halton agricultural society the annual meeting of the halton county agricaltaravsociety was held in town hall jiltonls8t tharsdsy b stewart- presi dent in the chair the treasurers report wasreadand adopted which showed the following receipts and expenditarei eeeeipu 1360610 expenditures 12617- 1 bal das treasurer i1l18 the following officers were then elect ed president a c atelfillan 1st fice- presideot s dixon 2nd vicepresident w a lawrence directors geo bamby jno mcdoagall abram stark w t elliott w x bcotfw harbottle je hsmsoo d hatcbeon hon directors iavorite j iiouviisoaj futner living three miles dortb of psrif as foaod drowned in his c at i oclock satord afternoon he had been roiia since 8 oclock fo the raoroicg j arcsbiihop ireland of stpaol mlnn hasjssaed a letter tois dergy forbtddio jjttgries and all gsmes of cbaaoatn eaooee- tioa with cbarcfi fairs donald uckinnon ihafjojetich sslier- msd sbotras one of the victims of tbe double sbbotiog affray there recently has been committed of trial charged with the j wilfol mqrderef his wife wbo died last ffeefc a man named galbraitk wu eaogbt in the belling monday at brooks woolen mills eimcoe ami narrowly escaped instant dealb a portion of nesb was torn from the see wbue his body and one arm were badly bmiaes favor of one man for all municipal work and requests the cooperation cf the school board they claim that unless he board unites with them they cannot carry out their scheme we will hare to try and arrange the raitter for them as they re quested our deputation last night mr francis what deputation is this the chairman the deputation on the census matter vrited on the cbancil list night and this question was alao referred mr francis do the minates of this board empower the deputaiionio confer on this matter r the chairman no mr- francis then i dont see that we haveunything to do with private caucuses mr hynds i have s motion here wbich i think will settle ihc question if is as follows moved by g hynds seconded by jas matthews that whereas the municipal council has in view the appointing of one inan for municipal work including the care of the school and have requested the board to cooperate wjth them- in the matter be it therefore resolved that this board acceed to the r of the council providing however that the appointee slall strictly adiiere to the rules and regulations governing the omoe of caretaker anti further that the aid care- taker shall be under the control of the chairman and property committee of this board f mr matthews the cottnriunae been making calculations and think that by uniting all work they can save about 20i year mr would like j- wwmw3b8hk r b orr auditors johoson harrison j hlmccbllum j blewoff his head aonearmed man klded while flx- nsran odoun jaubix jan 25 b urton snare a farmer lliving near here about 9 oclock yesterday morning told his wife he bad an old stock- less gun he wanted fo fix up he at once went to thewoodahed where bis carpenters tools and appliances were kept in about ten minates an explosion was heard mrs snare rushed to the shed and found her husband stretched on the ground a corpse satire having but one arm and not suspect- 4ng that the useless old gun was loaded had placed if in a vise for the purpose of re- jairing it when his face was directly over the muzzle the gun had exploded j the charge entering just above the right ear and blowing the fop of the bead completely off causing instant death mr stinson unseated toronto jan 20 jadges mamahon and ferguson gave judgement on tbe reserved poin itt the hamilton election trial this morning at joogoode hall the point was wlh regard to uie knowledge of goer log and the other igehts of stinson that the alien voters ban bo votes the court de cided that the agents bad knowledge btinaon fs therefore an sea ted i a chicago jujry has awarded stephen s touog 17000 damages against the gn od txdnkfor injuries reoeivedln tbe janet on cut accident near hamilton mlssr ttslmta fer sste trerywhi b- mnm abstract ltejm5count8 or tna ufaiqinurr or s tlhe village of acton ron tub mil ndljlg altt dsosmber 1890 11eceiptb to nalsiiee on bawl 1m sit vi tsitioolloctod oomstea teoooot charities ugulureqrsut x umm h bott6w slonsr- tax arrears it nowo ball i i j expenditures 8 cuuterr m m ooutlanaclff 9t is cbarjuas cueoturot board ot uoal lb ilntnlesl pubuo beliool strwu 4 bldealks losaranoe prlnuni vtowo hall balattss i kaud aoeoaot u ooaqty rat 11 bomived money public 1ark w balance oa band to cash 17 80 tuoo uoo sum son oo its 99 u ta 101 ti it st tail i cd smto no to 191 n mm assets jonhaod 900 09 balldintiahmleiut 1xm8 00 iubriryuu volamn so arrear of taxes is t9 1m0 00 ss9 9 j liadllmes br debsatores oa town ball us0 00 debenture on cemetery ickd 00 debenture on public park 8000 00 liutco 8308 90 4um8 00 vs the badersbmed aadllors of the village oiaetoa do benby eertuy that ws bare sxam- lobd tbe books and aoooants of tbe treasurer of the said village of acton lor the year 1890 aod the aboe i a trae abstract ot tbe tune wfatko wm h denxv i a abote acnrroas detailed statement etpendltareof uie xunlcliulltyofthe vlllirr of acton fur tit jtsrndlnr iic december 18h j cembtb8y iwd thee eastoa tree tbojeaton vork tbosjeaatou tbosjeastoa tboaj eastoa wajstorer w ajbtorty ii 0 its t 13 10 t5 u so co too coxtdtoexcies- paid t blubet ooeer t t moore keaistnlion i t t uoore elwtion ex tboaj easton com m c c bpelaht bit thosleaston poeod kent hart co stationery qeobrddf j c hai baud gram c c bpelaht pou b00u1 t t moore post- stat- a stspbeuion repauinc geo brads stationery- hart sco 100 i so 00 cd too 10 00 i os its so 00 w l ta 1 s5 1 is 91 chabities wblbtorey vi 00 tbos eastoa tramps j 8 00 thoxjeuton 80 tbos easton meals rna l debejitlttes hamfltoo deb jf osu133 00 1- 11500 uoahd of health cook 90 00 ixtebest paid bask hamilton t h db omiwtown euf 10 bank at hamilton tjdeb milton j- j- t9 60 john kenneyjr- it 00 ban hamilton tooreetovn 9 00 cemeteir debentures 80 00 public park u0 m a beohsai pr free mans eoopon ttio u p moore coupons is 00 public school paid h p moore trees 9099 00 streets 4 6idcw psidjaku george bmitb d mjdoociad geo clarke henry bell- bobt-allan- s- jno dunn j wm carroll duncan kenuedr wmbell 1 m btepbans huab3um assracanaminer u edward drnea a b wrisht robtskonedy peaker4raoians tboaparker adamoook frank bargees jao icettbews ronald mann w pjcampbell a speight its matthews petercteri obn goraoa chaat hill tbos moore allan mean j b pearson wm banner i tboseaston wm walker w hj storey k sons donald mcdonald thosbbbase james brown- wmfthibeu ales 1099 03 so cd 910 reoo 18 t5 15 69 sir soo j 11 1 1 00 00 50 00 99 d to 690 7 00 16 88 89 si 00 9 00 8 u 16 8 100 3 00 883 86 x 90 1 18 100 too 38 so 9 90 9 90 so so soo 51 81 99 t is iksukance paidhkltson u t 39 50 a laln j 6 is cbasj davidson is so prdttuxg paid 1j p moore 101 tl towx hall paid george haifll so hendenae merae co 3 07 psal godfrey 10 00 thoa 00 salaries paid lather lrmens 189 03 auditors i 10 00 u tbos barton careuker 10s oo tboateaston cousuble 90 00 jnobawsou 90 00 t tmoore clerk 100 00 duneau kenuedr assessor 1 00 edward klcklln col 80 tbosjbutoo cem 30 00 w hslorf i 00 befdkd tax hudonbrand 9 00 paid d d w colktlbate campbell trees 163 aj campbell treaa 163 s3 we tbe eton do lbs said aberels borrowed money tjr 6o0o0 balance balance on hand j08bs 0o98w indersbrned auditors of tbi village of benby esrufy tba we bars examined of the treasurer d the vfusjta of acton or tbe yew uto and ibe le statementof tbe essnej t- w 1 stbiai3 viissiiw s trass ons kllln othn dwiaoxio jtn min tocldoit in ills bithbtid ooopinys ubah yard stre ttu mordlniliialw in tin 4wla ot cos rnsusnd loorviufonr4tbii9 c4bmd by i oir o lombsf wllnn fhldh wuoeldg loaaed for the dry kiln sirs lhvn stevens pteeldetlt of the maine w 0 t u li ont of tbt two ltd nantfjtn ot tbt worlds fair obottn from literary tbt first ptri ol a dtw story by pjalmtr bjorth bojeten entitltd tbe wonder oblld will appear in arnrrs ftrnf roplefor jsnusry j7tb th ismeootn- ber wui contain tbty oontloustlon of howard pyltt meduevi iomuut hen of iron tbt interest of whloh increasos with each snoceedln chapter dora bead ooodtlt will oonlrlbote tn inttrtlling short story entitled how i saw a heroine doughnuts yon liketonghnots trrthls recipe three ejuimwothlrds cop line granasted sosr half onp sweet milk one teaspoonfol oresm tsrur hall tetspopsfal tods ball a nutmeg salt to taste addhoar to mix toft doogb if yonr stomach it weak and will not digest the food your appetite craves assist li by taking ayert strsaparills t hit medicine gives tone and strength to the digestive organs promotes a natural tppetlte and beneflu tbe whole system 1 j p marshall mpbjjds ld8 dentist will be tt the clarks hotel every friday special attention to the pratervttlon of the natural teeth highest grades of artincjal teeth perfect st guar- aoteed children cry or pitchers castoria rtbea baby was sick we save her castoria i when she was a chud ab cried for casjttfriar- wbea sbe became klaa she eluaf to castoria whea she had cnodren she gave them cast oris mr alexia campbell was looked op by tbe sl louis pohoe becaose after nine sherry cobblers be couldnt walk or stand straight it wu the last straw yon see tust broke tbe campbells back 4 s be it ever sbhurjiblethelrts no placeilikeihome speight 3t son we have a full line of furniture for 1 the parlor the be the dining roonj the kit in many styles and prices i excellent value always j a speight manager tojit special 1 all o wrooe ae of february doe k lotbelrsollcfh pigeons tothii ainranantllyor ptgec if i iiiiuslill acton uus club j i i 1i1ib357 cuveredai fib bprigt a hafi y fonrtjia w itrireatlwealon eentassiladar 5u iutiaynt4p timbers oners oa reeelat ntstl of 10 tnerrieet leoie 1 eatsayear bi kmoutblylntbewerllj tyiijsa how hi id tjbt ist i hl oltt two or three dollars for i sa hors blanket will save double its cost your horse will eat less to keep warm and worth fifty dollars more you can get these superior blarrsets at j h mmttheias at about the price of common blankets house andbotfsr sale the underelsned obejs for sale bis boose ani loou main so acton the ertl is weu situated nexdto tbe dominion and contains a lot and three quartera noose u a comfortable obe aod has s their aav lotnins which is at pretent rented for a eel prteettterms aod full particulars made knows opon application to i hbnby bbuddeb to fairmers and threshers usoonyourmaobjnervonly thfrweliknow s peeblbssoil 9iirt f it mtlirt a t h b bmd donnj the last tbreeyetr hull muiualib trr iuo oar p ajjli armmforyon waggons and rforie powers these oils are nsed saa highly recommended st tbemode ftxmquelph fetsiert askfor tbemaseooother v mannfactaredttqflllssitrollvotklb samuel rocers co toronto a rare opportunity no reasonable offer refused for any 0vercokt chf or unrwehr for the next thirty days kelly bros clothing house in order to clear these goods out we will let them go regardless of price we will give you a reduction of 250 to 450 on all ordered overcoats for the next 30 days to clear out the overcoat stock kelly bros acton our half price sale still continues slog s worth of goods for as fast as our opponents copy our way of doing busi ness we originate something new the latest ia our half price sale tables which will without doubt very much in terest the ladies for the next number pf days 4 we start today by setting aside several of our large tables down the centre pfjhe store on these tables will be placectmany ines offered will be about two thousand yards of dress goods come and see the string of bargains from one end of the store to the other the sale will continue until everything has been i dis posed of g b ryan 5t c0 guelph immense reductions winter gcoods at the right hmse chenixe and other makes of curtains down from 115 to iii from tlxso to 13 from 17 to m 04 from 6 to as sn ladies mantles from m60 to icbo from 19 to t6o0 from 113 to 7 from 110 to m ciroolara from 475 tolifi lts manuecloehe from 18 to 160 from 1360 to i1j5 from 33s to 1150 from 1160 to 1 from 8j0 to ofloj jmn r 850 to 73 bom 385 to tt from 325 to 150 boys astraohaa gloves from o to 6o0 mens do from 111 83 toil it ii to 75c ladles do from 1160 to f 1 from 1135 to tl from 85c to 50c ladies fasoinatorsjrom 1135 to 90c from irtrs 05c sonnet ribbons fronikto to 50c from 55c to soc from 60c to 35c from 45o to 35c from too to sso from soc to 123 mens ylva cndartbirtifrom 90o to 50c childrens do from 5qc lo 35c dress goods i from 70o to 50c from 85c to soc from 40c to soc bed comforters from it to 13 from 1212 to 1175 from 80c to 15c om80c to 6jei ns from 400 to a 0c from doc to j5 trom sto to soc silk plashes from 13 to 1165 from 1175 to iu5froni 105to linromii tnavl rorn 85c to 00c fromoocj to d5c ladies clouds from 19 to 1125 from 13 to 75c from f 150 to 75c from 1135 to 90at hotn wo to 660 fanoy silk pfcahes from iliso to 75c brocaded 8ilk pluabee from 1250 to li75 btripedvetveasen iremivt 6c millinery aigrettes fromls5 to 75c from 1185 to 60c and ii toi 50c feather trimming from 10c to 60 s3ij hate from 1160 to sso aooj lf sso j betm hats from 1s lo soc birds from 1185 to ooci from ii to 71 ot attsi 50c frcoto90 panwlal9from75o tosoo frbmo to35alrom85o to 30o tbotsoot5 looj illi tnrvupi wlwpbby dotoi tojb8 thas tux prices remnant8 of brusselb carpbt8 down fbol iim to 00c bbussets borders from luo to 75c remnanu of tapestry carpeu doo from sso tof 75 i from 80a tt 00c ttpestry borownfroinooo toooc fromtoctosoo mumisoent chenille curtain 1 down from iso to 13 from lts ti from 8f6 to 1760 tht- rnnrrvnmltnanonnr havemn a if nuneuniro o ix4srt 68 packages of er8 whieb will last otse thread so swrtlngs flani fbinnsla etc 1 oasejeldet end 6 belee grey cottons kihgahdhuohok m0 to 16 the housefdruihg goods have had a oods arrived the last two- weeks consist iq of 5 cases j tod save tbe worth of themselves in carpets every year 10 aset white ootti lolng sheeuogt pillow cottons cottonades denims tiquni 1 awning strii ladies vests shirtings- canton flannels in bleschi 1 jdnbleaobed flannel loaee pins lease biss window furalsnlngs 3 bales cotton ward 10 bsuea leateenter the stores only one door wesanjf upghson street cobber op 1 ci enormous e thib seas 3oiortd ckoton i qalysooratssvear ittt ttoitbli ftjr ibe price addresitytnntat vti oeorgls job printing ikclvdiko booktltmjjblets fosters beads circulars 4j c- executed in best style of tbe art at mbdetate prices an oa- ibort notice apply or kadress 1 h pmoobfi fi ftpssssomcaeioji- wanited -l- mef local or trerellnfc to tell nursery stock kdoreramuboeptti v weekly oubtt free dal atleutiou irrsa saji ffr bedunen wrtexs nw fall to m see rr 1 wmklywages write ml at once for irtiea5 ci b o obahatf nurserrmsn ijri tbu bouse isreuawe torootot s i n jletxb- liodde no 20p- io3j meets in the oddfellows hall hatlbiws block bnthren s tsttoq 4od of uw msipbert wwillialffi k o li hw obdek i 3crrtuj frank burgess house painter paperhanger sigii writer etc is premred to execute orders lp any of ttt abotejuuiebettnuinandatreasouable lermatbvery job bavinjnlmjermdatjeatton 1 can aasore costome aralnnsln all woods i 1 can assure floatonwnconijilcts it specialty orders lets st my residence main 6t acton will receive prompt sttention j jflt dhrby veterinary stledn evestox okmmo 20a t beats au diseases ofidomestleated animala special attention given to diseases of tbe teeth asmoutb of bora sn cattlei burgieal nperauoos of all kinds performed veterinary medicines always on band and prepared te orderncalls promptly attended 10 by day or nltbtorby teletrapb omcz akd rxmdrxcarrevertott onl hsltonun10h pkbhsjers motaaii fire miraiiee 06 the annual ueetiik o will be held in tbe the abort- compaty towh hml ctoh o j 1 1 thursday 5u bruabyj tsocxoaaitji im the purpose of electing tiro directors and dispose of tbe annual beport and tranaacbon of other bpainesi the company r john bausev co un c presidenl to bear for the in connection wflb applicatkws wnibtreeeivoaa a tbe clerk of this mngldpsutjr ep wtteltt of february for the perfandance of all work connected with tbe tillage tneb as osretotac- of hall of public bcboti of cemetery streets- and walks lamps flauitarylniptctot aaesstctv collector and such other dutue ae may be re- sred by the coucil salary withoat duties of asaesaor etes applioationa must be 1 writtnt and prefer security wdl be required f 3 lor aoee of tbe work for the rbar whlowbx bee acton january sth ifiol tbe due perforce th11st1ioobe clerf or a wllfdrd halls health plhphlet disease cored wil hoathedioine jas matthews aotin uvco appointed ecent for the r balla cetebsaseerbeeltll panrnbv a keeps on band tlwpatinifilwdalmbtuie s treatnaent it eaviaceture euretfor disease with out medlrine the pxtee fer thefamphlet ts pour dollars and a gvarantnt ja sjiren that if theptrcbaserisnocsstisfte4 after putting tbe fro othe use ot this treat- tent into aar pracdee for one totefundtbeebonbytnthesetitrncf the pamlitlet with apledte never ajsafa to nee the antorallowittobeuaedlnhiifaniilr tbetvtluord gsjfaeatihbptsfltbont meflferbe tti eeneervutroef- menvptmse enquire of tertiesi actox ser droutord bevbbcook omulhouaad ursobulbouanav john harvey m rs john harvey william hemttreet to moorep lira tcaf core janteslfattbewa urzjaaaiatthews any of the followhig- wm m alien robert uoare noble ueliem thomas cameron ua t camerm vstgrrppt j un james 1 rjxxbocax lfartin stra j martin win lane lira wlane names ww be added weekly theppess fnewydrk j fqrt89cl daily sunday weekly t psger 1 cent mptinvttta boripptgeslo theaagresmtebraihliptijonxiial of the i a newspaper potht kotiodwdcovm ber ut 1887 daiitz tbe press is the ossan of uofaealobt palls no whee baa no animosities to avenfe tke mori rcmartablt vrsctsoner siccus is tlieptsalttnatoiwsittjjr cheap pews vulgar testsioasand trash hud di u the oolmnnsot tbs prssa the press has the brlabtest bdltotial can is nlw itspexmaisdsttit ww tnpr8oddajkdiueoisaapleaudtwit jwlecteiiofeteourreet topic of h- tbejprees weekly edition contains all the of tbe defltaa suldiy editions who cannot afford tie fielly or are tood v for try is a splendid substitute afjair adreptisiug fmedium the press has no superior in new tort thepre8s v ocju taloewewrila uwittwrira j sunday one te etxs jjatoshlyooetearrfr fmh tnflnl x e- v m wttapestt aemiteei t th pjrai perrs boruxjwjjpuj b vijii riwprlo- 1 tv s

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