rr j j- y m volume xvt no 38 tl itoutrcd every thdr8dat morninft t the ftw rtrw stmb printibs ob mill sthkkt amon xt tin or srlttciurnxw dolur ic vmt ltiaidlaidcuht1uilntirkniotitbi faro- tsinnln ol rel 1 jo w gw 11 tiol u ii4 to 41 to yhiota fnty mbrrijiuoo it nut li feaoted br bf dlt4 oa the td4rm timi mhluiutxa lum tnnlent tdtottii- mrett mbta inr nonjaretl itn tax in- union 3 mt per line tot ch mljwootol lomrtion cctncrkjmstbc fotlovtcc table ho at rt rot ww ttmrtion q ftdtttismuu tor pecind foriodt lotmhm i 10 1 1 ttt i mo uttot 1 1 0- 603 nsc0 axa ltm 14 00 m loo eoo 3kj ftjw iw advertisements without specific direction wtfl b tovertwc uu forbid and charted accord- iastf traaslet sdvertisemeau moil u paid adreruwcxoea will be changed once each month if 4sud for chance ottentr tbaa ooctft moot the composition mast b paid lot at rgtilai ratt chtat for contract ajtrrsikuicats tntftt be in tba offiow br s jnoo toesdayv euicrwiei they will b left over twdl the fcllowtni rljj exitortajlvojikctor t sttstntssqirtrtoni h lowbr m- bv mcps qrmdaatof trtntyconeiimbof w coxtacc of puysieiass aad serrco offlc lad rsi4iecai ujsofcdol frodcrick street ac tea shauuton and ebony chess playinpcards tidlcy wink tennis flipsi v hal ma ludo parlot croquet aniouisrssni f the winter erenlngt dhy llu the best stockand h low frfcct win every time days v bookstore cuelph the traders bank or canada iliioorinralod by act ot 1jrllinlontl headoffioe torokto cmotiiomren citital iiin n i1w00o 000000 bank of montreal capital re8t 12000000 6000000 a savisgs dliluitmekt has lictu oivucve tu cslimcctioa vvitii tins llrancfe iut6tf st juktutt m oiirrcul lltcv ja8hfihiay suuctrularilblianch l bekketxids destist nronarrotx oxrijuo paeshall jidsddslds dcrtirt- vtcd b itctrfcy rotd every lriu d r trek rrrliciix scgiiav iccorcnrra omtt ivr rnstrtxcrdr ucgirvicj becjt earner uill mi frederict ilu- c l l d vtbts acioa lanwhotcj oa th ocood lrcleaxtmcleax bimslen sotidtort koric coareriacot tc cnriu isnu to ioa oawtotssillacioat bixsifrts solictor jvoxicr pccuc uosey to loac omcrdir tndariadsittirdit orrci icuuit blsct artpz cptaire chiltos fiileridge 4- stoke birrisi solicitori fc w bajibeii bros paper itfakers georqetown 0nt ujce 1 frlciilty or machine finished book papers uulll laiil wixkly xtws tlie piper td ia thisjpsresi is from thetbove mills i wlt berber beos- artists doubletubes ioc eowkey s tike white 10c alo crerv trtcle oill- tiuilii y tr p iatexts seccred foa ncvexnaxs heskr geist ottiva cxxxpx- trnf- e5cstreet iiiccrszo accnoszrt korthtcosities ai vttvdnzlaz ai ffjto2 driers lef it lie feee eacssosict acton uaf raideacc ia acton will be proijitfr it- teolad to tenai remonafcle- ju tnoaey w loxs 02 the mon fxrontlc tersiud mi tiieiovut ntes of latere in natofjooiidtirrds tohsdit picttoe frames kew slcs terr eican- large phoio frtess 20c fitted brooz ehfng- stecl ejosrstuigr-tc- ej cij prices far cioje cr iai biiildirjs waters bros estaeltaned istt st george ssqijjlre guel2b aechitect grelptr osr dmctbiki hfltel eloci krkct sqstre p ikcis kukik 53ccsbot to t fcapmcr boosblkdeb stgoree5qare gacipbgnuno- ac93at booii of ill tines midc u order periodiail of ererr description carefourboaad- ialia auit tad p done tphe haxlaxbabbeb shop icni stnm lczos iaeaihteirtuinhiratigil3foini turaad tod pa lo trixeuo coadiaoa jjtale uld ttfmr tvt j 4hw0bbextoasorixlarttf agents wanterf if roaatto niiie coaex uic told ind eu oar choice knriefv iocl xotr i the t vnte ctit occe for termc itat eeothees kczserrnen eoclesur s- x wellington jlarbfe works qczercsirret gcztrtt clark carter ds5ct iscpdrtery of granite tad u koaasecatad hcaiitcaeof fl thides sad from the newest djzi- ill tobc uid mi- teruj rruikrl fimciitij pirties wiifaiag- to parebai tu pleue pre a a call aad inspect oar stock and jiriees as we are confident can coajpese tith aay eullkimet in ontario hirinc told oat myuiierzfx to the afcore fine ereapectfnurwlicit the nairocace to m j friendr aadihe pahlic 0 tbeirufcxif h sajtolton waxted i zxxi il 5jesicxa here firstclaic if ciracovi reuy cccaisi3g or farccn caa ct a cd rj i for tbe isr write icr fu tem aad jxrticntrc fted e tovkg kcrkxrmiii kxjciter s v wanted c alesirrk to kikcrwry stocfc all goods o tamairsti ltrratccalprcafaat iroulie jicuaar for tie rirattacji good talanjsaicijxas jtid ctt- literal m- daaiccis to jr o jttrviacs exrrt- ence necessary ouifu free write for tcrrut priaae chaklcs h- chase ikuncrjiaca ifetltioa tiif iicr tocleir ny mutual fire insurance comy opuhtt of welukgt0k head office guelph iatarbciidiagircrclagiit xt ascfaetori is aad all otiidrdcripticce ol iliarabe prcert j- oa lie caib eni prtiniaa kotc srstcci f wstons ceas davidsoh president tfanager johh tarlor agekt hamutouv iforue works kiuiltoe kit fonscriy hachi block the gore coracr of uooiwiekaad korfoli f utctc gccill gut johnh hamilton proprietor wholesale aad retail qealcr aad dirfcet importer aad maeafactnrtfcf all fciads of graaite and lfarblc ifoi ciaects toaibetoae etc- hricg had sa uivec3icriescc for tcelart igjcars thepalhc mir rdy oy cettins all tnrerior artiscs at a cbefier rate than ccyllir saer ic the wert k b 1j ier ccato o a direct order re- ceired for the cert 53 dait gnelpii bnsiness college gcelpff 0xtabi0 agents wanted ic ererr township l sell the pictorial cyclopedia ofliye stock and complete stock doctor e tofist emaplete sail cornprehcnfirc wort etbrpobuiheda tu aotlors stand at ute bead uieirprofcanao aa3 bare a continental rcpa- jo ftcrrth it weisbt ia cold to sarooe gfs tieiscwp cattle swine poaltrj- zrf ie t craad oijportaoitv to maie esecarc territory at onee- addreas e k moyebv publisher i 120 yangasi toronto j y0ckg uex axu women educated for ssc- ceasfal bcic tansbt hotr to care a liria make inoacj icd become ealcrrtieing nsfal citizenc actual e csixess loth iatheoryacd prac tice firicg diily experience in itercbaadiriag bactmg and osce worfc a fcatare of oar coarse of trainma ehoktfuno and tttewiitixgflie best field for educated joccg ladies students rish- ftf to become ghorthaad irritcrs are thoroablj drilled in boiiaess correspondence tiioae wishing to become geacrsi verbatim rcporterk ore giren special adrintages a horded by no otber schooi in thiscosctrj- pekjiasslflp for basinets drawing and omadieutal worfc tanht by two expert penmen of joacfacijing experience the french laxgcage is tauglit br the latest deeroptaeat of tbc katural jfcthod and with remarkable resotfi for drcalars and tenni address if muccokkick principal coal m wood james brown jonhatja largeqaahtitjofcrcellent coal jb nil prcptlr delirer to tny -part- of owa at reaioaable prices ojjifdvlaht cat stove lenglli alrari telephone cja in aaication sip0okco ge0eoetowk r colfcctora eeal btsti general land agezit -rhtyizco-rnziot- mlto4 peel wellingion simcoe york fcod onlario o iom from loo op t li iercort isszsisw otlitrlimlmm i lomiii j e nomitjuelldal ljmorom io xsc s u cook co 0mct aqooeu blem toronto cook ft co aocttoneen georgetown end toronto m new planing mill saiq and door factory j- john cameron contractor has fitted up tbe bailding on xfahi strcot bitcly occapisd aa a trance factory with new machinery aud is pripared to famish plana specifications and estimates for all classes of buildings and iixecateall undsof prkssixo uatcqtkg aadlfocxdikg jatx lix nxes of sashes doors and windows and door prames and dressed lomber and keep a stock oa hand all orders prompt john 0ameeon attendee to acton- livery jst- bus line ii the anderiga53 rapoctfajlvsolicit the patron agerf the public indinlormi them tbat well equipped and stylish riga can aj- mys be secured alius sublcs a coujfortablo bue juoets all trains between 9 a in and 1s pm careful attention glrea to everygraer ythe vfthte of cornmercfal trarel- h lenfallymet j v john williams qoecph brak0h corn or of wyuduun and quoboc stroets a draticcs mtdc to tanncrt on their ova notes tl tud lowt camnl rtlo of utorwt sal aiid other not collected promptly vo charge in ado or eollkhltifi fourprcut interact paidpudstly balaneos of sums of tl sadupward donoalicd fa th batiogt llanv dpantaont and compounded ctcry ilx months special arranoniijs cau be made for sains deposited in the deposit hecejptdopartiufot far stated period lirafu imuod and panble ia all parts of canada lnitodbtatet lad great erluln at very low ratot a cencrl banking butlueas trsusactod atf ii jones uanagor guelph eranclt guelph december 10- u j s doypu intend to buili this ring if so why not write to john m bond co guelph h for prices for youij 7 rtrnttrmj l acton ontjabio thub6day febkuaky 51891 fwirij d 1 r 1 ie tbcy rc the largest iraportcri of liu crs hardwarc iu western ontario and cin sell ou t right w- rtll lines oi school books exercise books school supplies at the drug store jt uomli kisses how plejiaot ajourmy with boio a tho heart tbo bright lo iking orwsnl to joy frou the burt tho feelings a acj that ttroct visions lotid of oiclup ngaruii and kin 1 1 the end tb last te r imoiiucr 80 tooder a id iwoot a kiss to be cherished though times wings aro fleet it camo romtbe depths of 1 hoart flood and true thromu lip that wore pore ai a rwc tftt with dew ahikfweiairdiffor liko itartjlu lhakk vol who shill iuterprvt the wherijfbro audwby t like pearls from the ocean and corns from the uilus they brighten oar pathway with luitredivine thoklueioftuudrou whenever roiuoct the kiss that neer lament so short jeiio iwcet though licking lifes fervor its passion snd pain they brixg niti sorrow they leave lit s iuiii aud uiotbers fend kifisen dear heart what aaliii kor all thv wild throbbiajs thy grief aad alarm and though years bare passed yet we nftct forgot llil 1 throngh joy sud throagh torrow her iwoet jgood higlit kks the foud lui liflove from ono all our own the flesh of otir flesh aud bone of aor bone the kits of the brother and sister so near trnc kisses bow preeiot hooifl kiues how dear j t 4vrc if a kutir payiiitj jier debt -also- plusli poods very cheap j v kannaivinc mill street acton j c nelson wants to sep you for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and groceries a triai eoijcited machina- and itepaii- siiov crindell dickies0n hare their ne- btcazn machine hop nox in full ranning order and arc prepared to do all kinds of repairs to filachiflery boilers agricuittiral implementeretc steam or water pipe fitting onjthc shortest possible notice repairs kept fa stock for all the loading makes of agricultural machines we have both iron and woodworking machin ery- nava bad jong experience in the business and can gaataatoe satisfaction in all orders ea trturtadtons binder repairing a specialty ll dickieson mill street acton kear harveys mill season1891 ttthile rctarnlng thankilo for ajanypat- tt rons for their liberal support fn the past ve with to fotonn you that we hare entered fa to an arrangeawnt with ilstowmrt gadph tokeepeonuatiycmhanda foil stock of the ordinary ixi of t sash doors etc and willalfloiupply any special sites on short notice at onelpb prices frames of all kinds made to order ws also keep in itock 11 n of base window and door cuinp corner blocks ac- yoarlumuerdresmdwuue yqo wait t price nil 50 iwr v pump8 j being better able than heretofore wc will suiiply either wood or iron pump promptly all work guaranteed satlsfactpry ficaae oall and lospeet hefore purohaalng olsewhera it was a oorly jfuraished room in ootufe home a smsll cottage that was iieuher poetical or romantic vinecovered or in ny other way attractive the xew- own mills owned oii row in which it stood one of many all small msan and scantily furnished and the r hands lived tliere this one was sttirgans cottage and it wa jackkorgan hiaisclf and his sister mx- who were sealod at breakfast lingering cs t was possible only on sunday morning the email house shared the one distinction visible in the row and marking the dif ference that the agent usually mentioned in renting them some oti enfs clam wine cu ernn dirty bat barrm that theyre all alike morfsns was one of the clean ones al though meg was hourkeeper servant and one of the mill hanqs as well filie was a tall wellformed girl of nineteen as trikinjy handsome she sat facing her brother who was some five years older and upoa her face was an eager troubled look while his wis sallen and downcast voting as they xcra they had seen better days been well educated up- lo three years previoas to that june morning and then been suddenly thrown npan their own re sources jack fought his way sullen and resentful makingfcw friends and seeking none he hod no woes because his pride hold him aboe them bat he wis hard and bitter ana added much to his tiaters troubles bv faultfinding aud discontent she wis the braver of the two meeting their reverses with quiet courage and bringing energy trust and cheerfulness to the mean cottage home just one week had passed since an aunt from whom they had never hoped for aid liad left them live hundred dollars each and jack had re solved to try his fortune in colorado while jfeg put hers by for a rainy day ill 6uy here until yoa are sure of suc cess jack she said when he urged her to join him and keep a home for yoa in case yoa need one- 10 yott call thitf hole a home he asked bitterly and ihe only smiled aud answered a shelter then but she was not smiling when she sat at the sunday breakfast eating little brood ing sadly until suddenly the cried jack we must do something think what we owe tom king owe him i i believe we have paid him even cent said jack sharply we paid him he money i know hat we can never pay him what we owe him still bah i dont be sentimentalileg it does not suit yoo- common gratitude is not sentiment alone jack jack she repeated are yoa made of stone can yoa forget that bat for tom king mother vroald have starved and been buried in a paupers grave can you forget who come o as in that sore need paid doctor anti batcher and then buried our mother beside oar father in the cemetery- i and do you forget her brothor an swered almost angrily how we worked and saved starved jand perished until every dollar was in tom kings pocket again i know i know but think how kind he was how he helped you and me to get the situations in the mills how tender ly he helped to nurse mother and how delicately he made the loans of money and now oh jack i must do some- i 1 what can you dof if tom kingchose to go california and lose his money in speculating if be was wrecked coming home and lost all he owned how are you responsible i am not but katesmoney every dollar you nave in the world ko she answered i have my wages a noble forfunn dont be a fool meg but meg was a jfobl in the sense he meant all through the morning while she put the house in order while she dress ed in her quiet mourning for church even during the service there she was thinking of what she owed tom king when her mother crashed by tho lot of her husband unable to meet the change from comfort to poverty sank down pros trated when jack tumble to get work in experienced and just- out of college was jack there is aunt 1 wr aw cursing fortune tom king came a their tuosebpagk manager under pretence of boarding with them paid in a weekly turn that kept them from starvation megs heart glowed asvio remembered how often he had an engagement nt dinner time an invitation to ten wlmi her mother required tho time tt would bjmrtakcu to prcparo the meal how often ktfhrought fruit aud deli cacies home how thoughtful lm was about sparing her troublein every way he waa more than double her ago and a grave tcscrved man whom she regarded with lie affectionate respect sho would bavo given her father but with that same reverence sho loved him deeply and when the whole own knew that tom king had been picked up in an open boat with four companions wrecked in midocean and lay in newtown hospital sick and penni less the whole noble grateful heart of afcg morgan went out to him many stories reached her he hod made a fortune by gambling and lost tt he hod invested in mines and made millions and the mines had failed and ruined him he had been engaged according to the kew- towu gosbip in a dozen different specula tions winning vast sums only to lose ihenii butbnebroad indisputable fact remained if all the rest was false he was lung in the hospital rick from the exposure and starvation following the wreck that had put the last stroke to hii ill luck dinner over meg put on her bounet again im goic g- over lolhq hospitiili jack she said only a grunt answered her but she would not be pat off by jacks sour looks and went on her errand it was not such a hospital os a great city affords that re- kivcdthc lickor injured inkewtown the latest inventions of science for the relief of lain were not found there tho best sur geons did not apply for a position there it was a cheerjess frame building divided iuto long wards male aud female whore the mill hands could iiave treatment free of expense in caa of illness or accident lvery oqu of them paid a small weekly sum into the lirapilal fund to secure its privi- leges one hard worked surgeon and a student did the professional duty required and three nurses in each ward dirided its attendance here upon a low iron cot bed pale and emaciated but evidently on the roaj to recovery tom king lay when meg morgan came up the ward with anurse her face so grave and tender that the strong will and patient endurance of its uscal expression were lost ia the pure womanly sympathv that rented there my friend the said taking the wasted handexlcndvd to her and tom king won dered if ever ttvo little words held so much as these two why megl he said presently looking into her etcs misty with tears do not feel so badly im gaining every da- the doctor says he will have me aroand in a week and im oj to california again 1 when yoa have been so unfor tunate there eh oh i see he said with an odd look in his eyes youve been reading the newtown afar uulucfcv wasnt i yes but tom i came to tell yoa thewords came slowly that i liavc same money that that is of no use to me bless me i t heard of sach a thing money of no cse aunt kate left me five hundred dohars it came last week but e never expected it aad im getting good wages if it wul start you again vou want me to take it yoa can borrow it anxioas not to hart his pride and some day when you arc rich yoa can return it yes i slc have you gut it with you i thought i would bring it she said her face flushed with pleasure and here it is he opened the white envelope and took took out one note just as the lawyer had tent it to scefj tom king laid it on the broad palm of his hand and stroked it tenderly all your worldly wealth meg he asked not while i have lhee and she held up her bauds i am so glad though that i have it fie lay very quiet looking steadily at the note for waic minutes then ho began to speak bis eyes still fixed upon the money ins voice steady but monotonous as if he was reading a story there when i weut to california nearly three years ago he said i went 0 see if i could shake myself awake from a dream i had i dreamed that i could win the love of a child amere slip of a girl who was forced into premature womanhood by trouble she was utterly unconscious of my love this gentle yet noble chfldwomou bat i knew i coald not hide it if i stayed beside her oat of her sight farrfrotn the sound of her voice the dream instead of fading became clearer more vivid i dreamed of a home where her step made music where her smile greeted me when i came to it i dreamed of a fireside wbert she sat facing me of a table over which she presided day and night i dreamed but i worked as well i put what money i had into investments that promised well but there i will not speak of that i started for home believing myself to be a rich man and still the dream followed me when i lay in an open boat death hovering near starvation and thirst tearing at my life the dream was most vivid for the face of the woman i loved seemed ever near me and the bitterness of death lay only in the fear of losjng her but providence was merciful i am alive at least he paused there but a low sweet voice took up the story and the dream will become reality this voice said the childwoman djd not read her own heart nor understand why nothing in her life met or filled the kmging there she knew well hat she had given gratitude and reverence where they were due bat love was a sealed book to her not until sharp sorrow came and she heard of him she loved lying ill in poverty and pain did she understand that he took all the love she can ever know away with him and now meg it shall be as you say- i love you i am young and strong and i think i can be a help and not a burden to you these last years have taaght me how to meet poverty and how to work and you think i could ask you to take poverty and work from my hands f lightening both by love 1 y6u will bo my wifo meg whenever you will meg did you think dear that i put my fortune in my vest pocket when i left call- fordia 1 lost by the wreck only such baggage as i needed for a few weeks and price tfibee ceaifr you see how i hoped myj dream was to coma true 1 am a rich man meg but i mean to keep this and bis hand closed over the note you shall never have it again meg i am content she answered and even jack was satisfied and willing to accompany them back to california and share in torai business something of his sullen temper being lost when once more lie found himself on tho road to prosperity the art of public speaking i besrd a public speaker a mm who for five andthirty years addressed large audiences frequently a man eloquent and powerfal of ppeeoli 1 recently heard him say that be never arose to address astrance audience without feeling a sense of dizziness and fear bis limbs would ihike and bis beart would for a little beat with a force that was painful theiiie marquis cf lausdowue who waj one of themost accomplished speakers in public on- the other side of the water once remarked to thomas moore that he never arose to apeak in the house of lords without feeling an approach of the loss of self possession and he only way in which he could ar- mount it was to talk at all hazard he added what appears highly probahlo that those commonplaces those little nothings which most men long accustomed to public speaking have ready cut and dried to bring in on all occasions were be thought in general ased by them as a mode of getting out of those blank intervals when they do not kuow what lo say next bat in the meanlimemaat pay something oca thing is sure says a celebrated english speaker scarcely any per sou has ever become a greatdebater without moch practice and many failures it was by slow degrees nfd barke that yot be came the most brilliant and powerful de bater that ever lived fox himself attri buted his own success to the resolution which heformed when very youngof speaking no mauer whether weu or ill at least once every nighu daring five whole sessions he used to say i spoke every night bat one and 1 regret only that i did not peak that niht too those who hive heard edward everett speak and have been charmed by his matchless eloquence have had little idea bf the patient study and practice be had given to the part before he ludveulared to appear in public and when he appeared upcu fbc platform with his manuscript roll in his hand and hii frock bat toned tecuhiiim urfc11 hii ease and grace were captivating aud the one impression which he made upon his audieuce above all others was ot bis exceedmiuaturaliiesi ah litlethcught the delighted one how much untiring patient labor it had cost the orator to appear has natural c shiftle88tricks ofafarmer to try to firm without msoare to plant morn acres than cm be taken care of to work with poor tools and to ww poor seed to buy at public sales what is hot needed becaute ft sails cheap it is shiftless to keep poor stock a poor cow eats as much as a good one to lounge about atone and grocer iea when it 1b possible to to doing sbmotbuig at home to raise frogs and mosquitoes in the front yard to have a pij wallow tu the road near the gate to allow the hogs and sheep to wander at tbeir ovu sweet will oier their owners and bis neighbors premises to allow the barnyard to drain into the pabhc road or into a stream a good many farmers are guilty of thia to cut the wood for the kitchen fire day vy day and then burn it green it is worse to leave it fcr the wife to cut how a panic was created one of the most carioas stories of a panic created ly design that lever came serosa is the following which i find ia an old loudon paper that recently came into my possesion iu may of 1s32 there waa an exciting and mtschievoa run upon the bauk of eng- iiuj which was brought to pass in the following manner there were fourjjeutle- meu in london wo ot whom had been recently elected members of the reformed parliament who were bitter enemies of the dpke of wellington and they desired to prevent him from forming a cabinet and assuming the office of premier to thia ead they determined that they would make it appear that aa attempt to place the duke at the head of the government would be ruinous to the best interest of the country so on saturday the vhh of may they dabbed together contributed twenty pounds each and caused to be printed a large namber of flamingplacards that is in flaming style bearing thia brief but terrible senleoce to atop the duke go for gold and daring saturday and sunday ihesa were stuck op in every conceivable place throughout the imetropojis in the thou sands ot driokiog places and public hoases in shops on dead walls oh the bridges everywhere these placards were posted during the sabbath there was great excite ment on monday the hth it was cur rently repotted the conspirators bad set the report afloat that wellington had formed a cabinet aad then the run oa the bank of england commenced in earnest before nooii upwards ot half a million tier- ling iu gold hid been told out over the r counter and carried away and so it con tinued throagh the day an eyewitness ays iu the article to which i hive referred the effect of those terrible placards is not to be described it was electric it was wonderful however the panic ceased after a lime and the duke did not form a cabinet nor is it probable that at that time he had any thoaght of inch a thing c the biggest apple tree the largest apple tree in new eulind and probably in the world is in the north western part of cheshire conn standing in mr delos hoichkisadocryard its 4ge can be graced by a family tradition to ho years at least and it may be twenty or twentyfive years older it is at tbs pres ent time of symmetrical shspe the trunk- is nearly round without a scar or blemish on it there are eight large branches five of them have been in the habit of bearing one year and the remaining three the next mr hotchkfss bas gathered in one year from the five branches 85 bushels of fruit and his predecessor had harvested a crop of 110 bushels from the same five branches by careful measurement the circumference of the trunk one foot above the ground above all enlargements of tho rootc is 13 feet 8 inches the girth of the largest limb is c feet inches the height of the tree has been carefully measured and foudd to be co feet and the spread of the branches as the apples fall is 100 feet or g rods the fruit ia rather small sweet and of moderate excellence to let the cattle fodder ibcmteucs at the haystack it caves a little lubdr hat the wast will make their owner poor to leave looh ot any kind lying out in weather to put thetn away uucleaned or to loan them to shiftless or careless neighbors l to turn the cattle out into the bare fields in cold wtather when there is noth ing for them to eat there and they luose flesh shivering in the cofd it is shiftless to allow weeds to occupy any portion of the farm sikj very shiftless to allow bmbes to ocapy several rods of ground along the fence rows to plant an orchard and heutoailow cattle to browo the trees to leate vacant places in a young orchard to allow a young orchard to reiriaiu in grass it is s hort sigh tened policy to elect to the townfhip and ccutty offices the men who can dot support themselves in the ordinary pursuits of life it is also cosily it is a thoughtless and very dangerous thing for a farmer to pat his name on any paper presented by a stranger al6 to go on the notes of frieudi and neighbors it is reckless to buy trees of an alter stranger also groceries spices and such articlea as can be easily adulterated nioe times out of ten one wiu be cheated by so doing it is a shifdesa trickto employ the teac her who will work for the leastwaees it is as bad to- leave a family of boys andgirls loerow up withoat gwd books and pipers to wsda through mud to the barn and outbuildings when good dry paths can so easily be made to pay heavy doctors bills for wife and children because their feet become wet lhroagb lack of good path it ia a heartless thing for a farmer to allow his wife to work sixteen or eighteen hoars when his own work u complete in ten hoart oa the farm as elsewhere hasband and wifeihould be equal partners to have oogardeo and lo buy stale vege tables ot hucksters it is nearly as bad to hare a miserable little garden which the good wife afcd the girl painfally weed and secure a festunted vegetables when large crips could be had with little trouble if the garden were cultivated by horse power american agrirviitrrut tub daily c who would fab to foiiowjesos a dally cns must bear with noverceastog r alienee with wstzhfulnos and prayer aid morning after morning mast tread the npirarj war i f tbat leads through pain and conflict r to loves eternal day wljo fain would follow jesus tbe master life moat heed unit spend bluufflf for others and hear when others plead umi hft tbe hulejidren la arms of blessing ap and oft to sorrows pallid up hold swoet compassions cup who faftr would follow jesus u6 cannot step aalile in scorn of weakness tempted in 1 of tin cm of prido for hj woiild follow jcsns uust minglu in the throng and aid irhen buuger waueth and sloop tq right thoyrong who fain would follow jesuj tlirongu itriicind shame auddcata 1 will il with him at length on ulghjj and thfs uesiah saith 1 8 tbo daily cross uiyrotuerr fl aud then tbo crown and palm here lew aud many a trial there keawus ciieudhig psalm i e sanger f gff i i 1 whfl j 1 ti i gathbrlsfi uoxev 1 while lcrc we work aud pra audbuuiblj strive to do the duty ot tbc tasstnjf boar wc- cuh- cipcriencc from each thaoji flowor i and gather honey for the eternal hive oo this k cartb and gifted with tbctawfer daily to add lotritbi immortal dowi fresh stored swccti of which none candepriva tbc happy gatherers boon u morning glow let us salue with tbumparusi sun the prickly tbtstlo or im silky rose in grief or joy pains wrno or duties do ie seek the ucw upoil froiflfetcry flowed tha blcfts tbfetulqpcu while endless agci ran i- jtord in r uncle ph story an amorous alphabet supposing a made love to b ilut had for rivals c and d and b to all their pleadings deaf was spoons on e wbo courted t supposing g h i and j all loved alike the lovely k who smiled on l but net on thetn while l himfielf was fond of m then n and 0 had both in vicw in spite of v the hand of q and it completely gone on s had left her t in deep distress while u v wand v thought y the empress of her 6ix whose chanua had even turned the head of staid and philosophic z supposing they all with jealous rage iu deadly combat 6houm engage the capitals would lead of coarse the smaller letters march in force suppose the dipthongs joined the fray and stops and dashes pefigd away till maimd and mixd of form bereft no single letter would bo left gh fatal fight or fearfal plight no longer could we print or write for taxing teetotlers a body called the national and pro vincial alliance for promotiug the taxation of teetotalers has been formed in eng land the members say that the consum ers of beer wine and bpirita are suffering from an aufair proportion of the taxes ot the country tbey state that more than onethird of the entire revenas is derived from duties oa alcholic drink and this taxation is paid bypersons at least as temperate intelligent loyal law abidiuj and useful 6ubjectaf the 6tate as uetotau ers are they therefore ask that the total abstainers shall be compelled 10 pay their fall share of the national burdens tbe movement is a curious and interesting one hut it is not likely to have any tangible result exoept that the fact stated by tbe members that the taxes on wine beer and spirits would provfde half amlllion families with 60 each ib likely to add a powerfal argument to he armbryof temperacoeadvo- cates tell ns a story jucle phil saui and archie running to him what about z said uncle phiha climbed on his right knee and archie on his left something whed yon were a little bey said archie i once when i was p little boyi said uncle phil i asked ny mother fi let rby and myself go oat and play hi tht river j was boy your brother asked rob no lbut he whs very fond of pttyipg with met my mother said yes p we went and had a great deal of sport iijer a while i look a shingle for a boot anc sail ed jtalong the bank at last it begn to get into deep water where i conldnt each- it with a stick then i told roy to g and v bring ii toj me he almost olway did what i told uim bat this time he did not i began scolding him and he ran to tard home i then i was angiy i picked ip stone and threw it at him as hard- is could oh uncle philcried archie jnst then bo turned h head ai d r struck him right over his eye oh uncle phil cried rob yes it made him stagger he fa e little cry and lay down en the ground but i was still angry with him i dtf not go to him but waded into the wau rfo my boat but it was deeprthan i thought be fore i knew it 1 was in the strong cur ent i screamed as it carried me down tb stream but no men ware near to heir me but as i went down under the tee taters something took bold of me in urogged me towards shore and wh in was safe on the bank i saw it was boy ht had saved my life good fellow was he vour cousji asked rob ko replied tneb iliil whal didfou say to him archie i put my arms around tho dearfellff ikcj k and cried and asked him toforijiyej what did he bay asked bob he said bjw bow bow whvjwho way roy annray akct archie iif astonishment he was ray dog said uncle pal 4- the test dog i ever mw i have nffei been unkind to a dog or any other aninaf since and i hope you will never be0rjj littkqttt ajgomforting reflectlofj pat wanted a position under the gov ral ment and on being told tbat he reus be prepared to pass a civil service examtnat ton pplied himself faithfully to the neoes arjj preparation some time later bis ambi ioo for public preferment teemed to have he sorted him j what is the matter pat asked hii former employer couldnt yoa pass the examination j iould that he replied iauswirec every qaestion on the paper bat be idd ed his native wit coming to his rescue guess tbey thought i knew too much to wastiu me time washiv wiudiesl jktn magazine warmi 6qsq serious sicknesa lows worm syrap destroys and expell all kinds of worms qaickly andsarely xpdj stocktaking the defence of principles we bhnuld never estimate the soandness of priclples by oar own ability to defeud them or consider an objection un answerable to which we can find no reply it is an absurd selfconfidence especially in a young person to abandon his principles as soon as he may find himself worsted in argument there ia no defence against flippant sophistry so efieotaal as an intelli gent modesty indeed genuine firmness of mind consists greatly m an habitual recollection of our own moderate powers and acquirements storekeepers now that the holiday trade is past should make then time profitable by taking stock this month before the spring goods arrive one reason ia because tbe insurance adjuster always wants a list of the stock on hand it facilitates a settle ment in case of fire and should bocaief ally kept besides the storekeeper by careful ly going through his stock at this time can also utilize the occasion by marking down for quick sale such goods as he does not want to carry over td another season every retailer will make money by running off his unsold stock at cost because the use of tbe money thus seenned will give- him opportunities to buy more advantageonaly for future trade and insaretiim greater profits a mancawnt even wear a meustich without some cad making insulting re matte said little dud ekins u happy ded to stand up for a isomentat tha theatn and a low fellah oklla out down in front t pale weak women need a tonic strengt 1 giving flesh building medicine like mji- burns beef iron and wine i the doctors should be numbered among the pillers of society who said hoods 8arsapariua thou- 1 sands of people who know it to be the best your home is ready for you when we return blood purifier and tome medicine fran eaten at night 11 baneful this is one of the axinms proved to be true j by adam his trouble u caused by eat inn an apple after eve its sometimes said patent medicines axe for the ignorant the docterg foster ihil idea the people wre told are mot ly ignorant when it comes to media science suppose they are what sick mau needs is not knowledge but cure and the medcine that cures is medicine for thesick dr pierces tjoldfl medical discovery cure the do- bekevatf- and the doni believes theres no hen tanceabont it noifnor posaibl t aaya i can cure yon only do aal direc perhaps tt ails occasion- the makeh hear of it when it does because they p keep the money wheu the medicine fills j do good suppose the doctors ytfki that principle we beg the dctori don it woawntdt choking sneezing of ckrrh in the hd u radically by dr sadis caurrhbamed cent ouy druggist ever