i t tton fftt tis tnrnfpat fiinnuaitv 5 imi notes here and there ffljr young jfolks 1 vorvc moreirsifesoicrro mvrt in urril ra fii be 34 1 fcitj i bciiil rvfu there 110 ryil lmtow tor in 1 1 uiendiii jristwilchlu between time av oootia aim 3o4r knowi hl au trcta tottodt uisl 6nl uj- on an uy licotu u lurd t tliot im urm nanta uiu bt leimukmulrati lit lirvt mrtjjw ittuifn criuni an ww fcltlcio nwaulow ft pth i visiwiinac tlil ltnc- r t iyat a liuf hfn h dij- long at i tlioagikt tbe wrulttl iieiar wi i c niouicr viugag ft tsag via uml iliuwlk wlun hal i dtrrnt iii don to rwt for uic doctor uid ui5iondu mbi l jxa da jour ticl aocniu jonll low yout balir an nt oalt ido uih iuv thoagliuv hitta a weak tv imni id my heftrt ifty 1 ts jotir otn ualc tnotber lili mo lf jti d liitcccdto whl ifttid anintft bctfuluiuchvlarrt tavftriiytacat ilut lo troeul j if loadyodiigitliew milli jwir inothtr an lwnnsl to cook in m you c didnt ly ftt mc fcrvrr t will voarule onujc of we r yea hid luer mind jvatniolhert tijcjrc tti triscsl ivrtoat roaud au itrrrc irc lo nilc theyre diagbtett ik i couiwaawiiw ihftli wand no lu fhrc to intio uili bby do crarylhiag lie if told ac tiiitoi lo let her set tnftrrie5 ti fix csix ortiitr yexn oid lokiv r battr item of general interest to fro a ptm reader hnt ndcttfort tu lti hnflvtlui brown houwbold ptntcci h in frjul for tilupmbolti interna nd ettrrrjftl it curw pi in in urn title back pr bowels tore tlihmlt rhcuniauiiru looih- ftclie itftnbiiio and my kind o jialu or ftchs uwill mtot turely quicken ibo blood md heal ft ita ftcfinr power it wooderfal j1 browoi itouftchold pu- kift beluft acknowledged at the great paeu believer and of doable llio itretirth of any other eliitr or liniment in the world ibould be in every family haudy for e when wanted at it really it the beat remedy to the world for orampa in the etorjtach and paiut and achct of allkindi ibftafor aaleby alldrawiita at t5 oentt a botue what picture it that in your ktigltth paper mlttorrdincr m that mr fara way it apictqrtof the fortyseventli lan cera foryrcnth liueertl baw jove they mott have diwncod the whole ttoomioj night 106 ajtnei st tqroalo ont may 83 ibs- u i withfleatrire that i certify to the fact of my mother having been cared of a badoaienf r he am hum by the ate of 6t jaoobc oil and bfs after having tried other preparation without avail wull uccoxxcu- green the indiana believe thai when they die they go io the happy hunting groandi while ah yet that an- ditenkrod boaroe ffhero they go on lhoe still hanu cigarettes and other dead ly weapons theust lcsisutart ot irgina made a more in ihe riht direction when it paaaed the following liw for ine protection of the rising ceflerattea frotn some of iu wortt enemies bat it msde a mutike in not giing farther and imposing heavy penalilief on those fonni fimoting theee vile body and mind killert and cairjing concealed wapocs l be i enicltsi ly ibe gcncrftl ajitoibly of yt tfcit if icy icrsoa ibftlltell barter five or fcriih or ccseto w tdd bftrtered riven or laraisbed to aay mlror under uxteca yean of trc cipirttics crfistou dirts cr botie tnivrs iirizridcxiie lo velicve him or her la b a iiscr cnlr sii ycart of ae each penia ihtl be tnctl cot km ihiir trn or more thin one itr tls ftt hlai u ui forte from its puac con5unitiqii cared a oli physlcioa rttred fcom practice hiring hid paced m hu hands by east india- jxissiocaty ihe rormqu of a timple vegetable reaiedv fcr the speedy aod per- miaect cere ct consamptioa bronchitir citrrra atunia and all throat and ang aileclicus alio a positive aid radical care after biine tested iuwocderfal earaiirt papers in tlivsmd of cises baa felt it his duty to mike it fcnosn to bit- toffering felloe actuated 1y this motive and a desire to relieve hanin seffering will tend free of chirge to til who desire it tfait recipe in gcrmoc french or eoglitii with foil directloni for preparuig and atini- sent by mail by addressing with tlamp cimici this paper yt a koxn 820 powers blocfc dfichester x t askiny wcinajvhit it a tromajfa most iatercsting agi and she trill i come tery near telling yoa houoid she is cc einnns co geste ify horse via so fsicied with distemper that he could not drink for foor days aud refased all food simply apply ing loxirds likqcekt oalwardlf cared him feb 1s7 cirr hrsicet cixx cc eiaui5 aco gists hive nsedyonr sukards ltxniest for bronchitis and aathma and it has cored me i believe it the beet- lot 5 p e l mbs- a- lmygstoa clara what did yon find in year stock inga dear christmat momisg bertha hyself shortly after 1 got op aifvrcr to moraxrs are yoa distarbed at night and broken of yoor rest by a lick child taffet and crying withlheainof catting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of krsr- wmalcwt soothing symp u for children teething iu talne is incalculable it wiil reheve the poor iittie sufferer immediately depend npon it mothers there is no mistake about it it cares dysentery and diarrhosa regulates the stomich and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams red aces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wlnslowvsbothihg 6yrap for children teething is pleaaant to theuiie and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for tale by all dniggui5 throaghbnt the world- price twentyfive cents a bottle be core and ask for ilis wrrronrssaaxacxj srscp aad take no other kind the bacilli discoveries are on thelncreae let the doctors keep oii and be silly some more k the third page cf the toronto datif if ail is noted far want advertisements if yon want to bey or sell anything if yon want a situation- a mechanic a busi- nesr machinery lodgings il you have lost orfoand anything or if joa want to find oat where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily jf ail and read the idvertise- menuon the third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address 77ic mail toronto can ada v j he vras an irish hostler who named hi hprse fivcrbecanse it had to be carried so mtfeh dreatremedv 3pattr rrtct rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago backachei headache toothache sore threat frosf bites sprains bruise burn etc som by drugrtrts and dealers evtrjtificre fifty ccau a mile directions la ii ixsnastt thechablsatocfls cobrqrl qahadknbopot toronto out 1om ripwuitcecqantf it cloet in every line of buifncm fttid especially in cotdka tiding tnd preparing medioim tliin la iltuitrated in the great inferiority of uoods baraaparllta otr other prr pa rations at ilionn by thon mar k a hi f ourca it bat accompli ibed the head of tho firm of c uhood a co i a thoroughly coinpctont and expert eticed pharmscitt having devoted the whole of hithfo to the itndy audaotoal preptralion of ruedfolnei he it alto a member of the mieaachuielu and amerl can pharmaoeulioal aaiooiation and con luuea actively dnvotod to supervising the preparation of and managing the bntineta couocoled with hood v8arupir ilia hence the superiority and peonliar merit of hoods sartaparilla it bo lit upon the moat inbilautial foundation in ita pre ptratlon there it represented all the know ledge which modern research in medical ic ion ce has developed onmbined with long experience brainwork and experiment it it only dcoetsary to give thii medloine a fair trial torcalire lit great cart live value mn dingo i noticed there wu a rent in yoor tronien lliii mornlag mr bingo thank 1 give it to ibe landlord when ho comet dr lowi sulphur 8oap it a delightful ibampoo it cleanses the scalp anddtraeni grey hair cora wonder why the pretty yoang miniitef calls us the iambi of nil flookf dora on account of the ihoepseyei we are always casting at him speed the parting gaeued said the editor u he threw the solved eoaoandram atlii waste basket for odaghs coldsj bronchitis and all hang and throat trouble there is no preparation of medicine cm compare with bicklct anticonnrnptive syrop it never fails lo tfford lirompt andperman- ant relief it removes all soteness and heal the diseased part it immediately tooths the most iroablcsqme cough and by promoting expectoration removes the muccuf which stops np the air tabes which cause the difficulty in breathing thereby gives relief io lhat depressing lightness experienced in the cheat pablic speakers and singers will find bickles anti-con- samptive syrnp of inestimable valae as it speedily and effectqaily allays all irritation andhoakineas io the throat and bronchial tabes and gives power to the vocal cords tendering the voice clear aod sonoroafjr if parents wish lo save the lives of their enil- dres and themselves from moch anxiety trouble and expense let them procure a bottle of bickjei an ti- consumptive syrup and whenever a cnild has taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrnp accord ing to directions look oat howled the impatient vic tim in the barbers chair do yoa think youre carving in wood so sir more like etching in brass ko shadow of doddc ka saqepenoa doabts that what we say of b b b is trae the erideocc ofits power and popularity is too overwhelming to confute besides it is allhome testimony making it certain lhat bbj3 will cure dyspepsia biiioainess sick headache scro fula and all blood diseases the indian seems to be abont aa bad as he is painted this year parify your blood baild ap yoar nerves bestore yoar strength renew yoar appetite core scrotal salt rheum dyspepsia sick headache catarrh rheumatism ormakria take hoods sarsaparilla 100 doses one dollar there u not so many great orators now as there ased to be perhaps bat every married man who is in the habit of gelling home late at night knows how tbil oratory is by no means a lost art c 11 hall gruyrille iii says i have sold at retail price sioce tbe4 of december last i5g bottles of dr thomas eclectrie oil guaranteeing every bottle i must say i never fold a medicine jn my life s gave scch noirersal satisfactioo- in ray own cse- with a badly uleeraied thrtfat after a physician penciling it for several days to nntffect the eclectrie oil cared it thoroaghly in twenty- four honrs and in threatened croapin ray children this winter never failed to relieve almoat im mediately tlie sailor is a geueroos roal he is willing hat anybody hoald take bis watch- 1 take care of yoar hesltbv use pare articles in preparing yoar food imperial cream tartar baking powder contains no impari ties or adulterants all grocers sell it hicks doyoa believe in coedrjcalion wicks believe in it of coarse i do see what it has done for co why theres hardfy a business enterprise in the city that he isnt connected with a itaff of flour as a general renovating tonic and puri fying family medicine useful it all times bat especially eo in the spring bardock blood bitters is aneqaalled its like a bag of floor in a poor mans family says mr john maunder of york- vdle onl theoftener jou takeb b b the belter yoa are if yoa want to bay orsefl afarm ad vertise in the toronto lti7y uail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and yoar advertisement thoald meet lha eye of lomeone who wauta to par- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto wcdty mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenly cents a word for ne insertions address the mail toronto canada its as easy for a camel to go through the eye of a needleas for a rich girl to be loved far herself alone j for infants and children u owtorla ctumcoiio ootluoii gour stomach dtarrtxna kniouuon kills womu flrh ilaqi aod promoua dl- vcaatortatoiomlladaptadtoclillilnouiat kaaton ii a aacnaa ii d i jreauont i u18oolfcrtbl broou7bnt wlliout injuilouj medloauoo taa cfrtica oowiar 77 kanf atnet x t mr john andanon qrmmfre ont writes the vrgeuble uiicovery you not all root tod i am ltd lo uy that it hat greatly beoeflied thoao who bare it one man in particular uyi it hat made hint a new roao led hoannot lay too moch or- ita cleaniiii ind etiratiro qoallilee ii the indlani will ouly be content with the xhoet dinoe and not lake any now itepi oving to the nopraoedented demand or plate jlu it hu advanced oomiberably in prioe ueun mccamland it sen tor- onto ortanataly made a contract before the advance or a very conilderable quantity and are thoi enabled lo offer their patroni thii teaiou a very decidod advantage in price the quality being in periof to any ever proviooily imported faith hope and cbarily tb loin o an ambselli small bcjrcoatcd bardock filli do not ijripe or i idxn tiiy are mild and effec tual thit whidi i called cyniciim i okn otilydisacrceable troth a fact worth fciotrin- is lhat mood dis eases tthicli ell ohcr raacxues fail to cure yield to aycrs sartiparfua fresh confirma tion of this state ment comes to lymd daily even fiach devpscaied and stubborn com- plaluls as khcu- inausui eiicuuu- jtis gul and tho i ikc tiioroai- alpmtr tfthiswon- mrs u iring illc u0 west l5h strict kew vorfc ccrtiflcs about tto year 150 after safterfnjj far nearly two year from rheumatic pant beta able to walk only with great discornorf and having tarioaj remtdifj inclmlin mineral waters witliant relief i- wn- by an advert ltc- tnnt in a chicago paper that a man had ucn relieved of ujfs distressing com plaint after loar saffering by uklng aycrs sonaparitla i then decided to make a trii at thf medicine and toolc it rcgitlirly fur eight inonlha i am plcard tn aar tint it effected a com plete cure rtiil that i havo since had no rttaruoc llic disease itv l a stark kashna k tt vmc one year ago i was taken 111 vritli rticumalism bcinj conflned to my hotac six inoiitlu i cainc out of the rickoc very mncli debilitated with no appetite nail v y kystcin dlsarucred in every rs i cointciiccd to line aycrs carsaiarilh crl ingaii to fmprovc at clc gaining it mrcnih unil soon rc- corcrii izy iisiira health i cannot say tii j inifli 11 praio of tlds wellknown liiditi ilirj tci r great deal of medl- ciuc im fux iaa done me so uitich ki1 aicrs- sarsaparilla i fjlt iu liljkikial effects bctoro i had ptiito iiuiui one iwttlc and i can freely tsstifv tliat it i the best blood- icdicfto e kikitrir lwmard6r vipoclkuitl texas flyers sarsaparilla tvxtazzd bt dr j o aycr co lowell mats price ctciuaje vtanh s a bouk many people malfe drug shops of their stomachs in the attempt lo relieve a simple attack of liver complaint when with a dose far two of dr thooras eclectrie oil the complaint might be easily and pleas antly obviated colic piles hurts corns lame back and swelled neck arc also jltrung the troubles which il cares as a rule the only despatch about a mes tenger boy is the one he carries donol delay iogetticg relief for the liltle folks mother graves worm eiter- minator is a pleasant and cure care if you love yoar child why do yoa let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand third year in cakad a for cliueg portable fool heater oer 500000 in nte in cacada and the i tnilod btattt tea hours solid comfort for 2c lutftluabta foro la all corti of vehiclex iu tbfrboawholdaod in itores and ofliccs xof is tbo time to send in your orders write for aamplea and pricct to the cline manufactuirng co i j 2i faosr 6t rrcsr toboxto agekts wanted sever cold cared deis sias my mother was attacked with inflammation of the longs which left her very weak and never free from coid till tt last she got a very severe cold and ooagh she resolved to try hsgyards pectoral baliarh and oh to doing found it did her more good than any other medi cine she ever tried mus kexxedi- 50 smith ave hamilton ont fnf venal testimony cannot be disputed and the case is yet to be heard from in wliich fatnams fajnleas corn extractor has failed to perform a perfect cure this with pain lees aodrsptd action and freedom from annoyance daring use the grea corn and bonion care standi unrivalled sane safe painless beware of frauds offered as substitutes for u geat corn core putnams ujjolest coro extractor n c poftm i co kingston proprietors use do othet mmmr umtmtmt ctraile brurlrc hagjardv vcllow off- this great internal and external remedy always allays all pain it is specific for croap and promptly corps coughs colds ore throat sprains- braises barns rheu matism cats wounds etc good for man or beast stands all teste- 6old every where price 25 cent hagpards yello 9 psw what it a partizan v its a man thai always on one side and an iadepeodent oh hes always on the other side familiar family friends the family store of medicine should con tain a bottle of hagyafdi yellow oil uii hannah hacbins of eosstrsy ns eayi we have need hsgyards yellow oil in oar family for six years for cooghs colds barns sore throat croup etc and find it to good we caonot do without it baiikcrx banquet a very pleas tnt bankers banquet may produce very unpleasant symptoms of dys pepsia which disease is often caused by overlgadinglbi stomach withrioh food etc for yearr bardock blood bitters has held first place at home and abroad as a perman ent and reliable cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion in any form the proprietors guarantee it to cure dyspepsia or return parchisc money dont miss it a new and attractive pablicalion con taining many useful interesting and in structive features has jast been issued hy t milfaarnsvco of toronto ander the title of burdock blood bitters almanac or 1831 it is now u ike bands of druggists and merchants for free distrfbation and we woald advise oar readers lo secure a copy before the suppjy it exhausted mtfaards lfnfnent far nale everrirfaerc picket wiee fencing costa from 60 oents per rod 161 feet up foribfa fane or garden there it no fence 10 durable and lasting bend us a trial order and we atiarc you satis faction will be uie result- discount to the trade price 111 tx and panic a- application addresn j m p00ley4 co cueldh ont wdhrbv veterinary surgeon eveitok ontario the ats all diseaacx of domesticated animals special attention given to diseases of tbe teeth iand mouth of horses aa cattle surgical oparations of all kind performed veterinary medieinea alvays oil band and prepared to order calls promptly attended lo by dar or night or by telegraiib ottice ixd etsmcvci evcrton ont the press newyorki for 1891 ml sunday weekly fi tm i cent sopageilcanls soriopgoiic the aggresaite hfipubllcan journal of the metropolis a newspaper for the masses founded december lit 1s37 stox tlolt chronic cough now for if you do not it mar become con- aninptlve for consumption berofalttti genrrrtt dtbvily and wasting disease there is nothing like scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil andj mypopho8phite8 oz xiltrtff and sboct iliaalmoat as palauble as milk far better than other tocalled emulsions 1 wonderful flesh producer soolrrs emclsiok is put up in a ttttmon color wra be mure and get the ffwujns hoik by att dealers at 80c aud lo0 hcott a b0wxr benerole r0wt circulation over 100000 copies daily ru most the i the press is tho organ of no faction pulls no vires has no animosities to avoogc the hod ranazhable xeuxpapef success m kew york press is aatlonal newspaper che4p news vulgar sensations aod trash find noplace is the columns of the proas the preai has tbe brightest editorial page in kew york it sparklea with pointa the press sunday edition is asplendid twenty page paper covering every current topic of in- the press weekly edition contains all the good things of tbe dally and sunday editions for those who cannot afford the daily or are prevfluteirtty distance from early receiving it the weekly is a splendid substitute as au advertising medium tl ia press baa no superior in new york fra esc daily and suaday one year six months oo 2 50 one 45 da ly only one year 3 00 four months l oo sunday one year s oo weekly press one year 100 send v3t iii jt wmmkmmmm ffgg the pre88 thf rtach of all the wei and cheap hcwpaikf puhluhed in america i for tbe preu circular 8am lv frae agsnu wanted everyirben eommuiioni addraci the iliebi romn uviuiixa m fana how new york sweeping sale of winter dry goods at the mammoth house georgetown tleip 008 h ia we beg tor announce that we lave marked down regaidless of cost a large lot of wicter goods which ive are bouud fo clear out aa we do not want to carry them over to next season dress goods worth ioc for 5c worth 20c for 10c all wool worth 35c for 15c wc have an immense stock of beautiful dress goods suitable for all seasons which we are sell ing remarkably cheap a few dress patterns that were 1000 1500 mid 2200 we are now oflering at haltprice 500 750 and 1100 beautiful black silk aud black satin mcrv for 50c per yd worth 100 per yd col ored satin merv worth 100 for socper yd remnants of col ored silks that were sold from 100 to 175 are now 50c per yd suitable ov dres orcomliiuiuiou a lotof knitted woollen goods marked down to 25c on the great drive in ladies jaekefs and long mantles and mantle cloths splendid mantle cloth or 50c per yd a fine sealelte original price 800 now 00 short and j jackets at half price we begin them from si 00 up nobody need be with out a jacket and long muntieif price will do it lndies furs a number of them reduced to half- price gents fur caps great bargains a number of sleigh rohes being sold cheap spleu- did grey flannel for 15 per yd all wool grey flannel 28 inches in width 35c for 25c per yd we especially call attention to- bur immense stock of overcoats bought at 50c on the nice gents overcoats from 300 up weuave a large stock ofgeueral dry goods too much to particu larize but as we have announced we will give sweeping bargains in winter goods we are es pecially equipped for executing wedding and mourning orders dont forget our mskeup depart ments such as millinery mautle- making dressmaking tailoring we excel- in those departments inspection respectfully solicited w mcleod co geoecjetowh tptcotstuatrrrems the best cough medicine ku 8 i2w31s t til irfriifeuimahdlbbsrij aoe kntwiramfutt wound u i t in- ann ii aumla tm inj jitoiiaia tdt via rf tt irrdjnf iiro why tqt m otrlmtt m wti v rw c ihe wort tal lh itimr kt trii trr ca tw aott if tiw nrsfoc from ft lo llr- all tiv kt tl- joo b i iiinrjit inarwrrrittm illl laxamltork- m it nobt ibrtn ii ilnllctt co uokh ho iurtlandu sine wmmk pilts sunc cunc ronsiuousncca constipation ihdiecction dizsiiicso sick hcadazvz aid oiscasc3 or thc otouacil livin atld d0uel3 thcyanc lhtsthbnousi ao pnompt in actio aud ronu avaluaslc aid to duraock dtooo drrtco im the tcatuctan cunc or chronic r3 osctihatc dicaocc teuir called the eatest medicine world in tuc abulotelj qurateel udiimad er mansj refaodad famphleti tuhmonlala etc free wb b4mm hicbobe lullgb co ltd iboetuj 8t w toronto ont bole ktanbutunn for the dominion itbtwareof impotltlontl 8ee our trademark wdrmsyrup dktroys and removes worms op all kinds jn children or adults swcctaft syrup and cannotjh arm athc most fonr trial numbers laar l ualnrii far aale efcryirken with groat preulotn oflen on reoelpt o 10 eenti and addreaaea ol 10 married udlea onljraieenuaxaar beetmonthllntbewotld for tbe prioe aadren woman work atbena oeorjla houinrake fe soil milton buy cheap dry tods miuinexy clothinff sell groceries cheap soots carpots for cash the largest assortment of merchandise in milton to seleet from i right styles right qualities right prices hollinrake son i selj- ch6kp your patronage solicited the oldest drug store 8tand lamps piano lamps fairy lamps burners shades wick ao to smiths drug store we have a very choice assortment of glassware fttfruit and flowers come and see our stock best canadian and american coal oil at lowest prices w g smith co cor wyudliam macdonald streets guslph ftou be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight sfson have a large stock of furniture suited to ever pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of gtfrniture for l the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always i j a speight manager choige furs south sea seal otter caps beaver caps l persian lamb capg ottter beaver and persian lamb collarsahd cuffs all our furs are no i selected notwithstanding the great rise in price of all furs our prices have not advanced as we bought long before the advance took place shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph to farmers and threshers pag on vonrmaohi the wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medals jfanttiaojratq v uetllscbic6torontor ooiao hit wit ent t lai m tkirirwi 3ser 9 11 llltpreei f 11 m am f tbio eipnaalh s throfcielp013oiij uii ltsh aeeofl 10 orpm aeeon ttvsk tikr or cloillo maih i oolog wnt9 so am aod 8 10p m qoiof kaet losoamandaaopbi thii time umevnnttdtofooct oa 0t tldi vhe urgest scale wofe fn icanada stt qver oo styles of v hay scales grain scales farm cales tea scales improyed show cases money drawers ilut chopper and rdtchus soffuu aooattt ix rou wriie xf bmaa c wilson a son 6 o esplanade stheet east torontcont vjction mis paptr c try im tou writa x 41 dvnhs baicissig a new book from cover to coveri ii fellj abreast with tbe tlmo websters i ioternational dictionary a grandinvestment for the famurcbobl or rrcfpietabij library thv antssntio wobetere vaav- v bridged diotlonarr coaprialac tka lane of 186 79 4 81 cjprrlajrtit u pfopertw of the nsdenlapmdla i ifioroiisux rcriaed and ealariwj jad m a dlattivlliltn title us tka aiauof weltri ialtrai timaaj dletlonaut 1 edltoriad work upon tu rerkjeea ha boa in aotivo progxoaa ibr vnat ton toara hotloas tiutachiohka- dred paid editorial j laborer kan bem encaeed npon it i lover 300000 ezpeaded la he preparation before taa tret etnf arma printod critical oompariaonwitbajiotaat 1 dictjoaar got the bat gtc mek1uajc co iubushen 1 i sprincfleld llau tl 8 a boldtnbxikellrrilltisuicdniiijililtfrae moneys rrttonzw aid mad taamf t l javlfcwk autytelnt lt l lill v hi rmninrmt nkiin fumiramlttmrmwiaknmil i- rttfkiri urn ti nxi vmtvx a co ftnfaeatmafca itanflblaait rm 1l unloebasiheolognd arerram elite bowels klolrsts add llvbtcarrjilg os gndoallf withent wcttminz tbe lj- ian all tbe imparities and fbal hmma ol tbo tccrelions at tberame time grjp- recting acidity of tho stpmad coring bllloastiess dyspepsia heahbnm headacbes dlzzlndsj hl constlpationi erycpss cf the skin dropsy dtaness of vicn jaan- dice lt rhoum lnrspclas sero- fnlaflut rlc2 rf tao heart her- vonsness auoanei si debility n those and ca tuir uilr contplaarbi jrioldiolholititiuaacicieul it sj z j ell zycjfru i kmmo tvjl1 if k ta fcoii rjoktl- mltttr j l llkflc i llbtlafltfc-v- i ijtwtjt ilor m netanuialtll ri mitwii tfrt it hmiut l trrtyihlbrf osurkilllliilv laurtlllauh ykyt- aatrmtm itllsajs io ivktulla 52sj yellow oil cures rheumatism r tsleesoaitb worm powders arepleaauttotoie contala tholrows ftl pnruro is a talo jprb exd cflwrcal f arerowiailbcuuarcnorailiil 1 purist 8tr6nob8t biff contain nc pi alum ammonia- lime phosphataj wawiajareabaitriala h ew esosr aatrttttumintitnmaltauti vt- ms