Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1891, p. 2

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mm mas rikb suncurnurat corwhle be lttb me raety tillna h dr a smith to rain cenpn bothot oofahbi r itubl m t of we bridel matin on it llui rvbneryby kev mcxslr win edbt ittv yi k mr mr tlwuia brent ji to xlbs plot gardner hrjavvivat thtior srof nenhcot aw end atprte 8l toronto r4n rtti r u i r utflrrln aged t years toil e month lin vkiial mount fprcst on- the ant febfu rr luv d rleke i pastor rtmbrtsfiai ctiurchrooiilnofur tahn gordon acton v ywn and s month compelled to temp we date mark for on the hth february terlei isgw henderson is chosen to lmtd the conservatives of hj ton in the 8trlf for vlotory the campaign blsewhbfte thursday filniwauy i ii notes anc comments ajgermtn phytic iao proposes tint the manufacturers of pr verved meat should be heir cam with a legi year or so he says eahued meat ruy t main perfectly whole some hot after tint it deteriorate in a way defying alike irecautton and explaa miou the chanpiom tl iuks the county may hare the g t h la euiton ids handi tot tour or live voire to will co to the court supreme goart and council in england oothe the cam no stands for udgem mt to the divisional conn and it furthe proceedings be tken i appeal thence to the jjby leave to the trivy or direct from the court of appeal to lw privy council with- oat leave the population of canada says a new york paper is eat mated at 5000000 an increase of nearly 0000 itf ten yekrs a hundred years ago the popnlation of the inited states wea 3930000 of canada 1vuw0 in 18c1 iriliah colombia had g000 in 11 the population nnmbered i01 thefigures show thaucanad baa grown proportionate y at a faster rate than the jlnited states she has increased 32j thirtytwofold whilejshe united stated haa increased sixteen l j- the dominion jluissce haa issued an address to prohibit mists urging ihem to defeat evry candidi te who will not pledge oimseli to prolubiaon it say oar strength m the las larliiment was greater uian in uy former me a united ffort rod gain proportii bite to tint made in 1n7 will gire us a mtjoatj ia ihe new uoase of commons tbe manifrtto iben ro on to orre thit where neither cind- ditc willtgree to s ipport prohibiuon an iodepeudeut in in b nominatfid let 115 see ihxt lo oonstitc ocjis without acandi date for which proh bittoniata cut recdrd a conscienloaaote u at will not const tor a candidate on whom re can impuauy rd- after drawing atten ion to tbenecasaitjior united and rigorooi work ike manifesto ends with the hope ost of this contest christian patriotism may secure pariia- nmfit tht will give or country the price- less lkaans of totil oxtional pohibilian a recwd of the pr ihibition vote acoom- panics the manifest thu ahowr that in the last parliament 1 z members supported prohibition in sot se oi lift a defect in pnblic fechool teaching is the f ailare to practioe pt pha in the reading of handwriting they are taught to read prinl from tbe first aj in acbooi until the last bat little or m auention is giq to tbe reading of writ en matter other than what they have writt m themielres script reading it an accomf liahment necessary in many occn nation i a id it is one n whicb the average bcbool 1 oy or school girl u particalarly defidez the boya who go into stores printing 1 sees telegraph offices and omces of profess anal men have mncb greater talne when u ey can read ordinary bandwritingat a gla toe it is an art ac- q aired by practice it is true bat the prac tice should be begin and panned all ibroogh thepablic ichool ooarse it is qaite u practical as 1 ny atndy that can be named a yoangste who can read off- hand tbe most of he manaacript met with in a lawyers office or an editors snctnxa is a jewel ai d worth twenty who are only edocated in their legs and can ran errands speec uy it would be an excellent ezoerose ind no little fnn if teacherg woald occasii nly bring in a handle ofbnsiness men sa pt and set it before tbe children to puzzle it pat thii is jast what they will be call d apantodo httl later on when tbey an dang into the world to fight for living si talk of he day an epitome of th worids doings durfngrthfe week i tl 1 7 11 if rumored in vc t arthur that the badger iiker mine til be sold to st louis capitalists george hoozion an ild resident of cam- minrriile eipired snt denly last week of heart disease hamilton city coan il has appropriated 53000 to provide work or the unemployed several streets will be j raded charles j gibson secretary of the whiskey trust is arreted charzed with attemptinkto blow op i distillery tbe government hi ve decided to lake tbe census of indians by enumerators on reserves instead of fron indian department figures as in the past t dillon and obrien c son their arrival in england last thursos r voluntarily tor rendered themselves tot te police aathorities hon mr winrxm s eaker of the slani toba leipslatare is deat berlin medical men i ave finally dabbed the koch lymph taber niline the jrind trnckidebt sheds at the jbonaventare ststion i i lfontreai wen jbarned yesterday owing- to the bteaki ig of a dyke on friday night half of th city of cordova near baenos ayres wa inundated the damage is estimated at i 3000000 and 150 persons lost their lives sam beattie bf blj th wa recently fined ii0c0 for profai ily there are others nho eliouid be tai tbt to bridle their bad tongnes kre destroyed the fir it congregational cbarch kingston on sa orday one of the largest wi ic merchant of bercy eotrepot france has failed with liabilities of ikoo0 it is proposed to remi ve 6ittlog bolls cabin from grand bive to chicago and make it one of the al tractions of the worldlsfair owing u the lar m mber of patienta in the winnipeg general i ospiui increased uconiodatiou is needrd the uotilabjd and lif deas body of a young woman was fonnd in whitechapel thnrsaay morning and i is believed that jack the eipper bas bet 3 at his blood wflrksain rmr ivf enteri d uu wcrteoi bank to nuke depoait i ud iinmadiawy wj to tbe floor having bet i wiau with a jov8b on y lived lew al waa forecast tb the fnits pitm hit weak mr ravld henderson of acton was chosen by tbi conveullon of hla ptrtr last thnrwlay ti their leader in the prertul oonteallnhaltoo mr henderson evident ly has the ondivided coufldriioe ol the con- krnuvm in this county lor hit name wu the only one inbmilted to the convention ud he wu uoanltnoutly accepted ai the candidate tbe campaign is now lu lull swing big meetings an being held in all parti ot the county in the interest ot each candidate and every grade ot orator from cabinet minister to ward healer is outlining hi polley for theedisoatiou ol the electorate xd the platform and in the caucus the contest will be short and sharp and very careful work will be done by all means gentlemen let ns have a clean contest on this occasiou ilelton baa bed enough ot protests and bye eleotloui ii is hoped none ot the politicians will allow their error or the cause the advo cate to ruu awsy with their discretion and respect or the law upon tbe subject the cosskbvarivkowvstluv miuox feb- 18 the convention ol the libeniconseavalive party ofhaltoo wu hell here yerlerday afternoon in the town hail all parte ot the county were repre sented delegates from every subdivision being present the hall was packed to the doors and it wu acknowledged to be the largest and most enthusiastic conservative cenventioo ever held in the ccunty on the plaiforot were henry walsoo president of the tssocislioo a y peart vice president senator mckindtey geo l tuard qc dr urquhart dr koe dr webster isaac cartmer treasurer it w elliott ecretaryj samuel diee mayor ot mifton col kerns upp aud owen robertson in the body of the ball were tbe representative men of the party the president took the chair promptly at s oclock called the meeting to order sod asked for nominations dr urquhart of oakville arose and moved that david henderson ot acton the old standard bearer ot the party be the candidate the motion wu seconded bycol kerns ii p p in a neat speech and there being oo other nominations iu response to the chairmanscau the motion was carried amid loud cheers by a stand ing vote the whole bouse riling en masse to express their cordial approval of the candidate r henderson in response to ihe lood calls came to the platform and after the applaofe had subsided addressed the elec tors en the policy and platform ot the conservative party pledging h hearty support ot the government ot sir john klacdonald iuaspeechof nearly an hours duration he held the close suention of bis audience u he clearly enunciated the posi tion of tbe conservative party ou the quet tions ot the day he concluded amid iond appluse with an eloquent appeal for the support of all present cuinics ruanxj- the first masting in acton will be held in the town hall tomorrow evening sir wsldie will address the electors and jos- 4 1lp j toronto will be present and give a rousing speech in support of the reform cause mr henrtrrson held a meetingat ballin- aiad on monday evening a large audi ence wu present mr g w field of guelph spoke for mr fiiues tbe first meeting ot the candidates in the present contest in halton wu at a-tee- meeting at campbeiivuie last friday even- ing both addressed tbe meeting in a pleasing manner but neither made refer ence to political matters there wu hows ever some mighty solid buttonholing done on the qnjet daring the evening the halton tories have nominated david henderson of acton david got a grand drubbing from mr waldid lut elec tion and will get a better one this time- hamilton tiattt the tines friends in hslton are hardly so sanguine the expect so wis ot course all politicians do but the majority will it is generally conceded by them be very small the political paragrsphers run to poetry considerably just now a few ot their selections sre scattered through this column an exchange says tbe blatherskite apart politician is going round with his cock- robin wad of dollar bills wrapped rounds babys sock offering to bet with everybody he talks very loud aud yanks out the wad at every opportunity he hunt money enough to pat up anything and it simply ta that lie msy hear himself bray a toronto jrh the tories hate oar strong plknke to utt r platform i i i iiieoihihi i- tteoidttllcy 1 tsomtsiar theoloyottrillit z the lul plank he lilo a te the strongest the tories retort t the grit plat jonah i the ou b iln the old hit herd the jld j b ihblsh fighting joe marl n attorney gen eralot maulloba is goit k into belkirk to down thomas dally anl hie majority o one hundred aud leveut nine joetpli is a vigorous eual lthh r aud will hardly coalesce with ihe liberal i elector of halton ioods gtven awy onehalf their value at the right house who save the tory bo u the right alouo to boait bt lo illty wio oava uio tory lio ts uio right to brand iiy name itb infamy what braiatlnffvpsur u it dans to ciaitn ibo las sl no u uioln f on 6 h ia ialrit talcs tlisl i h- john is going to retire to heopme hi h commissioner and that be will be sucot ided u premier by 6ir cbarlee aud that this is the reason of the letters trip throug i ontario tni a mountain tokroul rot i noar the ikies and i oash tliroilho rocki of wrong tuo uion tuoydaui me tho liglior 111 rilo and 111 bust the name cr long r imioiiurcarfhji both parties claim l lat there will bo reciprocity and bolit aid i declare that tbe armors aud mauulaclnr x will be protect- ed in order to describ s the situation a word liko this would be uecossary pro reciproceloolion a the ontario legislature the session opened and adlourned next day until dofnlnlon elec year vete and influence are ltuspoctfully ltaiucstod or 0 hbnbgrs8h as your lleprcseiitatlvo in tho house of comrnon5 of canada gp sx x ixb the ocxsu the kingston hots jltu mtniulled and uic fjaitle tiifi betjun tbe big urigadee ire kocpiaff step to john a- get roar gano- v kutgtton kcic the kingston hosts are marslialltjd bat the battle is no frar for the bis imgades are fceepinff irtcp to the 3 onn has shot john a kingfan whiff speak eently is hon 8 h- blakes plat form motto tender words are tbe kisses that woo wandering tories to the true fold for mr blakes r emir lis are kind and lovirg as tbe chaste salate of a circular saw tdtqtam the barrie equal bighterg hare passed a strong resolution in support of the manly and independent coarse of mr dajton mecartb alr thos cowan has resigned the poet- mastership of ajt to become the toiy yandidfltfl in east- huron thomas greenway was a conaervative in west huron before be emigrated to manitoba and took a quarter section of grit opinions james gojdje the worthy miller of guelph has been running for tbe cotuer vsiives in soath weliogtoa ever stace 1975 he has been beaten so often that be apparently enjoys defeat ihd oa read uy manifesto ut scholarly and fair on the iwnlerf otlht fociucn i encroadi a fpotlets repeution to the fight i proudly hear ky ciarscter saxu pear una reprocbe swufrtd fsaurier a clergyman writing to skiogsloo ood- tern por try says that when he reads one of tbe toronto party organs he conclude that liberal leaders are sconndrels and that when be tarns to tbe other he is persuaded that all the infamy is centered iri tbe con servatives im od mv vat to ouawt vfth a hatebet ia ay uons are over feb 1lxt3 od 1 will faithfully diclmrge the duties of the responsible iottition and do my utmost to guard your iihcrcu electionthur8day march 6th tuguvro feb il at3 oclock this altecaoon uja honor li ulenantgoxxrnor campbell proceeded o ti o legislative as sembly chamberr where the members of the uew legislature wer iu waiting to ro- oeic him being ss ted his honor directed the members to choose a speaker frorii among their uumbc r and after stat ing hhat he weuld come doirn again to- morrow- and ialomiisig tl em why they had been called together tool hi departure oa motion of attorue general jfowat the houe then elected on thomas bal- lantyne member for iouth perth as speaker bf the seventh i egislatare of on tario smd adjourned i util tomorrrow when the speech from tl e tliroue will be delivered and he house formally opened tvttisn feb 12 tin legislature re-as- sembled at three oclock o hear the lieut- governors address aft r the usual rou- tioe business had been u insactcd his ex cellency entered the cfc imber when the document which was mewual lengthy wosread after welcoming the ncmbers to their legislative duties and sta ting that the con stitutional differences bel ween quebec and ontario on the one side ad the dominion on ihe other were in a w y of being settled at an early date the oddi ess goes on i regret that che gorcroi tent ot quebec re- uituiuoid4ttitade with l sapect to the land improvanent rand ind in iow of the cantina- ed delay sjid cf the irrangi mcti eflocted for the aniicsble cettlcuient r arhttration and othenrim of matt ol the ubcr question la which the two prorlsccs u interested i com- mead to jour coniiderstio i the proirity of now psrio over to the muni npsjiiie concerned thesbars chargeable aga nt this province without waiting longer for a settlement of the balance which is claimed u b chargeable u the share of quebec 1 the increasiug interest taken in improv ed methods of agricultun and work done in promoting public he jth was briefly touched ou with an exjila iation that a- bill was to be introduced to amend ihe present statutory provisions resp ting the boards of health the next clause was tin most important one in the whole speech it read it luring recently been i ertaioed beyond doubt thtt the province pos cues immense de posits of nickel s sctaj whi h is liieij- to be of great ocotioiuie esc and rolu in the hnuiediate fnture toy adnserf deemed bo time opportone formkiiigfbuieehaageain he laws relaliru to the sale of lnining iinds nt sput of the dis tricts of aigom ud xipltti f in and near the nickelbesxfnj rcgjoo was wi jidnwn from sale and location until rou coat be consulted i commend to your attention i incacort respect ing our nuuins lands which i lo be tubinitted for rour codtideration the reports of the ommiaous ot prison ltefonn and fub ind game lawj were promised aud men bers before the legisiabre nrorogued foil wed by a state ment that among other b lis to be intro duced were a bill miilng certain im- proveraenu in t the electian law which another general election has suggested bills making simej amet imenfs of our education laws in lie lig it of five years experience which lias beer had since the lost revision a billregulat ng the charters ib be granted to loan oo nanies a bill securing a lien to workmen on sawlogs in the western districts of the province and a bill to make provision respecting the marriage of quakers and ot lers the address concluded wi h an announce ment that a number of timl er berths bad been sold west of port arth irlast october for which fair prices had be mvealized and the sterotyped clauses about the public accounts and estimates hon mr udwat moved t tat the speech from the throne be considei sd march 10th mr meridetli both ocjoiei ceo in and re gretted the necessity of posi ponement made the house a kind of to ihe dominion house h ever that under the circumsi ances business wouldnot recede proper attc ition the motion earned and jourued at ia5 pm editors table the jauatry number of qur humes bu been received tad a glance at its content hows that like its predecessors its tone is bright sparkling and healthy iu tsct it iis magi line worthy of the cordial lupport of all canadians the original architectural designs and specifications giren each mouth are alone worth more than the yearly subacriptiop while its articles ou house furnishing and interior decoration take a range not hitherto attempted by any cana dian publieation it fiction poetry aud general miscellany selected with excelleut judgement and appeals o the higher tastes of the readers of this class of matter thepubliahers make an announcement of some importance to the writers of light literature in canada they oiler three prizes of 30 920 and 10 for tbe best sketches or stories on pa rely canadian topics and will send full particulars con cerning the competition to auy one applying- for the same addrefs our homes pub lishing co brock n he a queer farmafs society suiiltov feb 15 there is a peculiar society in the county of weulworth among the farmers known as the society for the becovery of stolen horses tbe initiation fee is ii and 25 cents a year is collected afterward when the horses of any of the members of the society are stolen the society pays for the recovery and ifreeoyery ii hnposmble twothirds the value of tho ani mal is paid from the general fund to the beer the president is henry anderson of east flam boro and tbe secretarytreasurer is john stock a 1000 gov reward john heslops murderers are to be found if money will do it a despatch comes from toronto staling that the ontario government have decided on issuing a proclamation offer iogi reward of 11000 for information which my lead to the discovery and oonviction of the murderer and that au application bas also been made to the dominion government to proclaim a fall pardna to any of the party who ahoold turn queens evidence other than the actual murderer the total rvward now offered for the discovery of the manjerer is 11700 do you wonder why our great winter clearing sale is sbch a grand success why the attention of both customers and competitors is drawn to 25 and 27 in such an enormous degree why thousands from near and far throog our premises day alter day why our great wintek cleabixfl sale is such an absorbiog topic o interest well here are a ew reasons out of the many please mark them well and put them to the test 30o dress goods for ijc mc drees goods 20c mo dress goods v 2jc 50c velveteens 2jc j 00 fancy costumes u 00 14c white ltwn r sc ii 00 ulster cloths 50c 1 75 ulster cloths u 00- 2 50 jscket cloths 150 3 00 mantle cloths 2 00 6 00 8ilk brocades 3 00 15 00 silk seajotte 1000 75c jersey flannels 15c do you wonder toe cashmere gloves 15c 55c cashmere hose 25c u 75o knitted shawls ji 00c i 00c woollen underwear 50c i 50c woollen jackets 50c 1 00c woollen 8carfs 50e 8 25c fancy skirts 2 000 2 50c alpaoca skirts i 50c 1 25o kid gloves joc 15c buttons 5c 25c cards of lace l 10c it donkeyengine tiioagbf how mces businesi ition he house ad- w ot im a nieu of destiny and ive got a work to do ill do it like a hero- and iii lead a little band and well make soma dandy changes era wers thro w flwrlia roftenlaagh when i think of inrself and my little nautical plan im a party of one with gall for ten im a very ridiculous man peur uueitu tbe noble unselfishness ot tbe nominee who retiree in order to let u able outsider overcome tbe fire hundred or so majority on tbe other side and be swept into parlia ment on i raft of glory tl beautiful to oon j template canadiam press asi ociation the annual meetingrat t oronto pro fitable and inters rtlnff the meeting of the press ssooiation at toronto last friday was on i of she most success ul in tbe history ot th association the day was spent in the cot ilderation of practical subjects of iuteres to tbe craft and the reelection o the fficersof the put six monlfasv the rest ition of the lieutenantgovernor was an tern of inter est but not even the booor of i recptlon at government house was allc wed by the members to interfere with tl eir digestion at webbs in the evening nd not even tbe attraction of a great pol tfca counter snow at the auditorium pi gved strong enough to drag the men o tbe fourth estate from tbeallegianoetotl eir own clan tbe association is certainly 1 1 be congrat ulated on tbe success of its flrst annual dinner more than a hundr daasesobled in tbe handsome dining ball ot webbs apper flat ud tbe party was r presentative in tbe fullest sense of tbe word tbe mean wu unexceptionable the floral decorations were superb ant the sweet music faroished at intervals by tbe band ot royal grenadiers vm in tbe beet- of time and tsste while tbe speeches i the preat dent hon oliver mowat dr larke ud prof goldwin mltb were eia tly suited to tbe time tni place as a so ilal reunion amongnewsppermenllvlogat aoesremot from tbe oity oentrei the gatbi iug wu an 25c cards of lace 10c do you wonder 12c bleached cotton oc 9o grey cotton t0o table linen 7c 25c 10c gingham checks 5c 15c grey flannel 7c 20o grey flannel 15c 80c grey flannel 20c 25c while flannel 10c t5o whit flannel 25ocottonaie 12c 20otowels 12c do you wonder 2 00 far muffs t 100 o 00 collarettes 3 50 15 00 bear muffe 900 12 60 beaver collars 0 60 25 00 beaver bou 15 00 85 00 beaver capes 25 00 10 00 fenian lamb cape 6 50 10 00 beaver caps 700 25 00 for jackets 18 00 85 00 fur jackets 25 00 15 00 for jaokeu 85 00 50 00 fur jackets to oo dqyou wonder i 5 00 ladles ulsters 18 00 10 00 ladies mantles 6 00 15 00 ladles mantles 10 00 20 00 ladies mantles 18 00 29 00 ladies mantles 18 00 t 00 ladies mantles 25 00 t 00 boys overacts 2 50 5 00 boys overrts 8 00 0 00 boys ove oats too 0 00 mens overcoats 0 00 11 00 mensoverooau 7 50 12 oomensorercoats 9 00 oodenjable soooeas end the experiment will doobtless be repeated at litoremeet dgo the aseooutlon these are a few of the reasons we havent room to tell them all what we advertise we earn out to tbe letter now then wr another big weeks rush too are getting the bargains and we the money ana thmf what we are ifter i e fi b0iefe co m new goods abbivino kvjjuy wbek 31 cases and bales this w eek 23 jsfr i jj table oilolotbi 1 date ladles hon 1 cue corsets 1 case dress steels 1 pukssat window shadej i ta wool sheetings 1 otmjbbjrtlogt 1 ease flannelettos canvas skirt braid linen endsllk tbrjed jfpism u vtt shell oilolotb drees bntmns etc alrednoed prices ltce cortalos down from 4 60 to ji tiw blankets 1880 to beaded dress end mantle trimmings 60o to lbjo a doant 4o tp 8c bed qu jj f 0omfobteb8 1125 to ms 31s ti 1175 18 to f350 1823 to tl75 m lo 8 ponsponi too to 800 ooojm isy 60c to lo beaded plastrons 125 to 00s 75 to 50o tablievs 13 to m h to 260 mjfj fentieu 260 to f 00c 75cto80o laoieedrlrlngoaaotleu3to50o mantles going at half pbick mahtlbtub ai halfwhob ubessqoodsabouthalfprick velveteens less than half bice a ogl tion on 8ilk plushes in platn and fancy ittlmnants of dbbss goods ssn jjiioc cottons sheetings flannels prints etc at great beduction8 obey f lansb m j f to 26o 880 to 21k 25 to 22 20c lo 18o ladies jeu8ey8 put down very low lces in bleckjnd colon je than half prloee mens under8h1rts joc to soo 80o to coc boys undershirte and pants 600 l j2 nwliih toooo mens oloves 70c to 60o 03jo to too 1w to ii 1 to 75o 86c to 50o boys gtovee m curtains to 113 11180 to 0 trimmed millinery at ball price knitted shawls and 8erfs hi prioej wljfs kj 811k abput ball prioeel wings end aigrettes at about half prices birds ndostrlohfeathentabnuuebep 1 greatly reduoed carpisu from 3 yard lengths up to 85 yards immensely reduced ail tonde ot oufmvm1wiw linoleums floor olleuthi windows blinds poles brass furnishings etc selling off cbeap bridal wnetbe m p iteronanuofembroldey and floaiioingi greatly reduced gilberts celebrated dress lining cheap pljeje enter we etoree within onedoor ot hughion street ai many make mistakes snd do not gel into the right house corner of ktngj streets hughson all ovehlns s ofrsirroeryi in to tbstr mlietloi h xeut naof f afc pijegp wanteit any noaetlll aelonuanclub ealivsnd at c c ipi v its abof acrpvousctub acton jkdge 204- tooj mefts in tbe oddf hows hall block stery wedc isdareveiudi ttretbren always wsleon for copy tatlonand taws apply tokhe siidenie of tbe members wwttlums hjo selling j while wc are very busy disposing of our fall aiid wiifter stock we are pleased to learn from a recent letter received from our buyer in- europe that liels just as busy on the other side purchasing our spring stock we are the only house sending a buyer direct to the european markets this season and you will note the effect of this in the goods we will show you when spring opens meanwhile we will offer many new bargains on bur halfpricj sale tables nekt friday and saturday g b ryan co guelph keep an eye on our carpet stock a rare opportunity no reasonable offer refused for any chpor une6rwshr for the next thirty days 0veftcqht kelly bros clothing house in order to clear the3e goods out we will let them go regardless 6f price we will give you a reduction of s250 to 450 on all ordered overcoats for the next 30 days to clear out the overcoat stock kelly bros acton canadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder ptss c07tfle e to hctonknd see our improved country prouty press nr work the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its meritsl no 1500 drum cylinder presscan do brtternewspaper pjr poster work 1 l wi 1 have ran the prouty to c eight years and tbe longer we ran it the better w like it it is simple eaiy to run m ui easv to handle ooeu little tor npairs and is easy on the printer a pooket book we call it she beat presis so be had in hst wss- oiday for the money come a id see our press at work if yoa desire sampjee of work tend for them and we will 11 rttv them we ou give yon yonr o wioe of nnmber ot aiflerent sires and styles ol presses at all prices t think of it a new 8 col folip or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 coli book press lor j8oo full particulars from sm mgtm 1mrmtikpipm ont w jx- iffllils i- i tjgs ifiss mm tnejlotayj h h wobdw fmt rsury ftlmf notice moots has a lonsirr aotbority to oollect aeeotmtsr is 7 all kioto u may coacrrn take nottse tbit sir lonsirr aotbority to 1 eelve money for me and any paynents hsrs- sfter toade to bun wfjl nbt b reoosnlzed aast further i benby forud said w j lloore frou counting any moiues in biy same i wstjusb- rnted at xssaacwqs 6tb jannary law j execbtobr notice m al1 psnobs bsvinc vmr claim tfjaiust lb i estate of john aanfba late of tb tows- shrp elxrin favour dmudl bo died hli january wbl are required to tend to oeorf b kennedj oeotgettnra paooeotueibtort on or before march 1st 11 full rarueolaa el their claims vsrtted by smdsvtt i and notice- is hereby given that after tbe said afanbixt lan tbe esecutors will proceed to dlstrilms tb es tate smoogst tbe persons entitled tkerto dated at gsorgetowa 3tb january lies i signed obexdwlllle torforemenjetl agents wanted btthe bmdal ss nmiseio p3 doirllnionrtlu8trated t jn every canadian torn and tillafe indacements offered in addition to eomi for partlenlars addremj thesabstkinutliotpubcoy fnuiabemsisotnal eehobm committels rooms o o sreiohtvs shop opes every evening from t till10 oclock all are cordially invited dally papers f die 1 j grand jall of conservatives a meeting ofcahservatives tsi and other suapor2rsof mr david henderson rill be held in the factory of h storey son on saturday 4 evening the 21st irit at 8 oclock sharp frr of organization i w rj storp acton feb 18th iqi t jpurpose a tmblie meeting in tbe interest of john jcie thekekdemcakdibate j- wm be held in the town thall actohf friday 20th februaryj atjotidarp awl mr wahie jwdl address the meeting dsaccaszoxulirvrrsn ooo m1ib thb subsh m izl dr a wufordvalls heaith pmpffiiet ciseam cured wltmouthedicino jas matthews actd i has been appointed agent tor the drcuiatlott of dr balls oelebratedbeanh prmpblet whieb be kwpaloo hand tlie pamphlet claims by tbe treatment st adrlsea sore cure tor disease with out medicine tbe trie for tbe pamphlet ia four coban and a guarantee la aiven that it the parensaer is notsausbed after puttisg the trmtment into oonaeteatiotti practice for one moath to nt and the saoney oo tb nsors ot tbe pamphlm with a pledge never again totue tb tnaunent or allow tt to be usedln his famoy tbe wword han beatmealsdtbont modlctee for the value raoeirad otmliiih of this treat- ment pwan eoquire ot any of tb lollowlii parties juroff b droiflori biacook olhollaad nrsqhnlbllaool jobn bamy msjohnharvn- wtmam besoatteet wmjafollei bobert moore v- kobtemelam tbomu cameron uxs t cameron- wmgripps i4xxs0vse jamas sfartin mrsjfliruii wm11 atravrlanov otbn names will be added weeklv to hoon mrstctkoore j jamcahattbews mrvjsa matthews v new proprietor fine new stock j john arthurs hayinqpurtbasedlbebuauiesi el ifrslk lmb bas pat in a neve and complete stoekol w a cah ielbouoitad hi phhxrthursl 5crrfs9hbbj58apsi55t

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