Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1891, p. 3

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ontcb hamilton huoltch pi tr umjooo jlbbtate fran- owxft h b btrvbk 1ro lafasaibimt vieepres lord pimctxm i gitfrii sowrt geo bocb ks wobo a e otf ill cot- v utd mid georgetown agency jfma dlwoaatcd uh drtue tnad atftam octmu draft on all put aw the mm snm guar jtaiti tm owctiwvt or ecuont wurtat ooujernow made on u acobtalbl 0ot awbl tcmn slvixcis dkpjuttmknt htovrrrhxdmtlhnrnnlwad to ttalfcwd from date edmu to aw of srecul deposits ausfvjvcnrrnlrt6niittfitlu no numw i vtl irawi rwiatmd jwithdrar thk methodist chui acton seyqa ojfpoedmplij pstor iarsoaage lloer avenue vscrriec ttjo aaa and 6j3 icjmllih uilcclsitooa4bcledb pastor all eordilr iarttod stnntxrt and risitcri alway trcleou tenure aibes at lb door trittios arc desired apply o u 1 re steward thctieading store f dressing and- fine comb horn and rubber hair tooth brushes purscs se d u machine oil darning knitting xeedles hat 1 hair pins school books ilionerytoys dolls c give us a call when you want aivy of the above tin of goods hadquartersfdrv dins and birthday presents ceo hynds ac aljt xxtmt jfrri riss iiihr lllllllllll pis a cru ch andar c at- uooir of and ing and ins sta- on k thtjrsdat febhcarr lj 1 m little local brieflsts which cauhtthe eyes or ears of free press reporters this weik ohaa oion held cih sevtc wrecks pt sx years cocadl meeting uti monday cti mug the tbw asd rain this wect sj oiled the sleighing icoanty sabath school gonri ntloa next wednesday aad thursday iir barclay ot toronto occapie 1 the pulpit cl lie disciples cliortii last sc ndir afos till send good depaut qn of s s workers to the eoatention it be rfiag- toaneit week the ilejonners o actoc and vi aaity hre cpeaei committee rooms in c g speightahop- daring the seasoa of lent there b ill bs searice tps lectare each thorsdiy e enic in su aioiafi charch it kill pxst sii en pcrtj ot voaag people to fc i ileigj drive to edcjtwood oa i riiiy steaig iaii ttiended rice itbti dizrzt the infl eihibitioa of actoa 1 3 agricaltsril society fot 1s31 will be u acucc onxceadiy oledaedij isdtih october the caaips hive been patting ii very qsie catiskiccua work here ell ti infer vittiai rne ux ge from two yo to those over half icentcrt chief da commenced hii dau a as neral 6ertint of the manicipality on noraing theiise43euierii oil is at present receifiajt hii aitentijn ilr fjavii cargilir xaaulawevi met with a paicfal accidectuit week fi was chopping in the baih when the axe gli need ettncfc bnn near the instep and to fc of three of his toes peariy yesterday morning a b lrlar attempted to force open the door of m tar- ishs tailor abop lat failing heotried the side window when ie was diatarbed in his operatises ad beat a hasty retreat- saazrdav niht witoessed at other coastiojt acadcat u gnelph xvonamaa named xormas jones a mooidert hid his k broken and lie other occapantfi were more or less injured by their aleigfa ro nning into a honlfitaid raiiidg we hatc received from mr r h wafaon of bidgetown who is at present fit jonrning in sew orleans a liberal 1 ujdget of catiutai ppen illastratidg me go geoos parades etc incidect to the hard gras irhich was celebrated hut week the badnews of the death of mr j e ficgarrins little dxaghter was received here on gadday morning diph theria was he caase of death gmeri tjmptthy is extended mr aod mrs mcgarf in by oar citizens in their be reare- meot iiier abont seven years of coot bnoas eerxice as caretaker of town haif and other crramcipsi property mr tbosiiton sapped oot of bis official shoes on sal onlay nigut at eix oclock ko man eve per- fcrmed bis duties more faithfully as i had fewer complaints than he htfr k jkicklm from the fiax parss onice some years ago s now engaged w the job printing basin as in gloversrille k-v- and the firm of v eaver k xicfclin are doing a rlarge and pro itbie trade mr ffeterja democratic midi date for alderrosa joflfa first wird a the maniapal elections next week 3look at the label on yoar copy ol the ftto l it will tell yon the i aooth aotf jeac ior sobscriplion is pi id to foe iostaoce feb w v means thi t you srets arrears from feb to da e if von arc behind please remit caicclatidft on the baeis of flo perjear of bj rears jf remittance is made before the t ret of april- kevd hickell pastor of the i esoy fterian chsrcii of moant forest died rathe 3rd mstfrqm inflammation of the to well he was k earneit and sacoessf al lastor and the moant forest tieprcmilatlct says the charch- here loses a pastor those selfsacrifcin labor have done ok eta to adraoce not only the iotereste oi hii own charch but the moral aod spiritual w ilfare of the commaoity generally mr b ckell coasin of mr iofaa gordon act jo foar years ago writes col i vid rlie brockvuie ont uzy mh i had a severe attack of rheumatism and cooid not bland on my feet the pair was exeraciatiu- i was blistered and par od in tnie orthodox style bat all to no- po pose iwasadviaodtotryst jacobs oil i ijhieb- i did i had my ankles well rabbet and tbeo wrapped with flannel saturated with tieremedv in the monnng 1 ooold walk wipot ptibi if c cameron the grizzled veter at of wy a weufooght field is at it atqjt werthnroo the news at home t mostly orift local charctor antl verr it int tltvuktlltahim glorc factory ti or tint al fi10 odock monday morulitg tl dwnloion gttvc works nt luonwilhams ownd bvthoma board were dibcovcnxl tobe on fire all cffortititvia i tho build- idr aud contrhu wore unavaiuitji and tucy wrc completely mwtrovwl ri lora ls cshniaim ni- jooo the insurance u give bcf s and itirl cwjwkta an experiencod schooltraclior is quoted bv a contcmixrur- totlurcffcctutai pupils who havo acccs to ucwaiuporf at homo when compared wjth ihow who have not arc botlcr renders bclkr ulcra kltcr grammanatia ttor punctuator rwul inoromideraunduy ul obtoiti ft prac tical knowlodj uf googmplij midmost hall too time il rjsiuiresolbtrs this is true not only of school pupil but of grown up people asian educator the newspaper is invaluable and ciji l had for almost uothiri j sncccssul k r of r vrcfintf according to rd noun com enf the itoyal ttmolare of temperance uclutanopen meetiuj in the townjiall last friday even ing the largo and appreciative audiouoe that assembled proved thai llc coaucil in acton has the sympathy kui good- will- of the people aotf that tho temperance qqestion is a live iuuc hero mr john warren first ltcputy ucovi ol icsqucsinji occqpiodlhechitr the choir of tho coun cil opened the meeting with music and itev r b cook engaged in prayer alter a few remarks by the chtirminslirriug addresses rerdctewitu timclfact and argument were delivered ty usvt 1 y rw and dr gillord the choir retidorcd eevoral selec tions dnrini tho eveato closirwith the battle by ballot must be woe tfci li coolro nl ctncpn the gaelph hkjuj eayt the fourth special sermon to the yooag men wis held in st james church gaelph list saudsy when hev g l coakeof acton jtoached a very elicct and icamtvl feruidn fron st mauhew tv i1- tla the devil leavtth him and behold ands came and ministered onto him iicricguisdiscoarse rev mr cooke pouled oat the great ump- ationtthat were placed in the path of a yoan man npen entering life and honr pleasant the broad path to jestrcctioaliad been made- he- ethorted hii hearir to always stini cp for their rclinca tni revcr be ashamed to decline to enle into the first act that nnlt lead totheperformanrc of a wicked actios the ilircs was listeae to with prcit allcalija b- those present injuries jr ralllriluti the tec list wednesday xfterncon mrs james mcgregor of kaesaawcya met with rather a severe accident while ecigod hanging oat clothos she was in the act of wearing htr last article ta the lijewhen ihe qnfortonately ahpped nl falling hcavily upon her right haci scttaincd a break of of the wrist whlda will uv her up tar some wtseks on the eshic tfierxoca hre icsoph ac3ercaofacon wbilesimilarly enaed met with a much more seribns injery the fall m htr ctie breaking the right thigh at ihe hip mrs anderson lay for considerable time ben unable to rise until mr aniirson woniericg what was detainincher tozzi heraadatonce carried her to the losse when the tttentefher icjery was ciourei accidents to the hip joint are alwtje serioas and in mrs aciereoa case rcsl and care will be re quired far a loaj tirae before the pitlent can resames lcr us3l dati coming and cornc visitors to and from acton arid various other personal notes mr h 1 hill brfirr was in laivd on tuesday mr albert mccordy of aibara spent scnday with friends in acjou mrp d d diristie of toronto tpsct a few dsx this week with friends here mr jobs 51k cleiii one of the oldest journalists of ojiirio dii attyroatj ca friday miss hattie tucrston has returned home after spendicg a few weeka ith frieuds at anborn and bronte i mr h i moore itteiiaed tie mating of the general conference special committee at toronto yeurisy tne rev j galloway uuiover his accepted an invitation from the methodist church of fergus to become their pasiof next year tom brantjrweattodurhim on satur day for his valentine he lrcasfct his bride home on monday and the friends jabi- lated that evening mrs thomis mcnacaon who his been in acton for a oaniberof mouths left for home yesterday mocniaf mr and mrs mcmackon are about to more from- high- gate to ayr messrs w a storey l iracif j b pearson j vktncawn h b jerniyn bobt agcew and james mctavah were the delegates from acioo to ths conserva uve coarention tt milton list thursday thecountryaround now itomasudplled by corri pondenf and sx kna lost wodcu lalfe mra jan mo- grogor kasumwe was hanging out aomt dollies slio ws mforiutmto in slii ping upon tho lco jjnd fulling broito her arm a little above tho wrist mm lounatti watah novsagawcyo who has boon lying seriously ill with pou inonin on tho lungs it much hotter uud u uow thought to bo hi a fafrway toward ro- cojery rr mr george barber kodorii died one iluy iftht week mr kaslcrhrwk wifo of mr j no kas- icrbrttok merchant brookrillc who haa been ailing for a lougth o tia is lying in a very critical condition at present and wry slight lioptk arc putcrtaiticd for her recovery the recent raiusi and mild vvcutlicr knockod the bottom out of ftleigliing but it tooksft if loaiyssthnvstorm wyuli right tilings agiiiu oakville on wediicbday fob lllh at the immanucl baptist churcli liorooto hy meuh torch was lighted and mr arthur dixon of mcmastcr a co torouto uud miss henrietta power of the tuitnc cit were joircd in wedlock it was with feci ingb of doopadmiration that tho bride was viewed wending her wav jjp the aisle leauing on licr fathers arm she was attended by three bridetnaidt and three maids of honor after the ceremony the guests resorted to the residence of tho brides father where the reception was held miss towers homo at one time was in ukvilie and hec many friends here wiji her much joy and happiness in wedded life mr win and the misses audcrbou were guests from oakille wonders will never cease we were all waited around the parsonage fire the banker and the editor wore a utile altof rum the rest all al once it was discover ed they uerciifludling bills and then- was brought to light the next wonder of the world the kdilor had a larger roll lhan the banker t the ltx of t council meeting on friday evening tas of unusual inlcrest the ruuune of bttaccss being gone hrouglr a debate look place subject besolved that a commercial course including shorthand and lyiiewriuug k more beneficial than a university training mr c m young led oa the affirmative dc being supported by mr j fnl and miss lucas while idr c m lusk wis the laidcr on the negallxc side ind wai ably supported by misses llcwis ai taylor the judges after a long consultation decided tn favor of the negative the debate throughout was in tensely uitcrcsting and to say the least was very exciting misses lucy and mary anderson tttnl sunday ike sih inst- with nja lives in hamiuon on tuesday evening they each delicrcd an address to the members ox the enrorth league in the ccntcnan chnrch therevivil service now being held in connection with the methodist church are well attended and a treat interest in being niaufcsled- forty three adalts and nenrly fifty cnildreu have professed coa version daring the psist two weeks mf forstor of the stir atttidld the nicting uud uuiuet if the canadian irew aibociatiou at torouto ust week it most have been u fewell affair for we arc credibly informed that the band box he uck wuhhim cue omoi k rcl up atidnp orthodox full dress suit georgetown the board of educa7t0n general business the caretakers notice to quit the auditors report y the- bourd of trastees of the pahlic schoolmet on monday eyeningj members present t h harding cliatr- manand messrs george hycds l francos and itobt wallace the- minutesof the- regular and secail meetings were read and confirmed the second report cf the conimitite on finance was presented and the tillfwing accounts ordered to jbe puid j v ktituawiniiiapscvi j x ivo havui repair- 1 jo a fettibcapju litjiairs i 2 w vi mr h a htcord waa preseit aid ap plied for the school room at the town lujl for the use i an evangelist- tlic board decider after htsiriuj mrs heconhthat at the rtxjui was the property of the municijaliiy they could not grunt her request moved by- j frunci seconded by it wallace that l lyman caretaker be given notice that theochmnnmcinal officer wovld commence the duties of the office on the 1st march and farther tliat he be jjaid five dollars for cleaning the schools at new tears carrisd j t tv auditors rert vas preseutod moved by f francis seconded by itobt wallace that the auditors report be re ceived nod published as uoual board adjourred to meet on monday evening jtb 3lirch at 1js0 oclock prof liebnicb of berlin claims to have diacoered a sabstance more efficacious than kochs lymph in the treatment of tuberculosis micbeal phalen aged 21 employed in beattys tonjjdery was btrnak in the abdo- mej by a piece of timber which rebounded from a circohusaw and died from hit in jdriet u t- 3 iji the air is boating thick with politics this is why the snow cameto purify thingc will the7mw iusert in its probabilities the name of the winning candidate bin aside from politics we hae had a week of busy bucsioess in towri tfce miasea garrique are visiting rela tives in the ambitious cityacd in both well j s deacon lsl paid our fchools an osrial visit cu friday last the grit and tory couventioos in milton oa wed nesday and thursday last were well attended by the ihining lights in bo parties from here early monday morning the glove factory of mr t board at the glen was discover ed to be in names the fire had made scch htadwiy that nothing coald be doce to save the building the contents were mosth destroyed also both- insured the onein of- the fire is unknown one of those unfortunate accidents which tend to materially decrease ones ledger balance at the 3 end happened to mr william willey on friday evening last he was driving home accompanied by hsrcg- logan whose horse was bitched alongside willeys as might have been erpected logans horse kicked and broke the leg of one of as fine a team of roadjters as our section owns geo guthrie jave the poor beast its quielas with a riflet no blame is attached to mr logan as iwai entirely mr willeys management placing the horses as they wore c another jovial country party goes on record in the gathering at mrsgeo leslies od wednesday evening last her ample home wasfiifed to its fullest capacity with those invited from here and the country generally music and- dancing gav the hoars wings so jhat goodbyes came all too soon and the gaesls departed wishing their denial hostess goodnight and long years of pleasure so say wc all both candidates havebeen in- oar town since nomination and both when inter viewed were as confident of success as thoagh their majority were an assured fact the old flag the old mac the pu policy constitutes mr hendersons phuforjg- mr blake suggests it woald make q better adjanct for sn antiquarianscollectfon tharj a policy tor a live party mr waldivii in ontbe unrestricted reciprocity lines and his views are called by the phfman veiled treason etc well herds to the- befit man and the best party may they win the methodist choir went to boston monday evening to sing at a tearnectiog there the rain prevented the attendance from being large but a fair cnjwd was there aod those who went enjoyed them selves thoroughly a ifiibosa irems owing to a rather seri- as indisposition mr harrisoa was unabl to take his school on monday miss ansley and her lister have cone hometogueipb misa aofley having her bofidayp miraaaker of stratford is the guest of mrs bevi t gee this week rev dr jameson of induna preached two eloquent sermons to the presbyterians last sunday mr john mckbozib has gone to gueipb for a short tfme he will be here oh march fitb j dim in georgetown ontbaraday 13th kdward infaot ton of mr thornton in lhmtonae pa futoy wth mr john merritt of oodsumption f attonawandakyi mrbto copeland of consuraptipn atrta6anflylthhmrfaudref notes here and there itomt of general intereet to free preie retdece milton the ommty town was full of politics lojut week and ihe exottcmuit has uotyot tnh- aided j mi i loninh arc busy now figuring out plans of jho town wjlh rod waiter stuck wheru t hoy want electric light placed tho probtibllilieb are that tho town will boou bo lighted by electricity hev j wlicll bdioc hamilton pivuchotl thoanuivtituirv sermon of- milton council ltt of t hihl huuclay mornitig in- thv town hull tnc atmnortmry tcaineuug of the hornby mothodiat church was held inst evening tho high krliooluy law will be hubinir tal on he iuli march fjoooin usktxl fnr crewsons corners a ineefingeply of nearly half a column tppoarcd from the bockwood corroapoudeut oitlio guolph ucrvht last week iti auswer to my slight rcferencs to the juartetto club of that place it may bo allvery well for bo yi to hunt chipmooka but mcu should look for larger game aod i cannot belittle myself by pursuing thin trifling controversy farther mr george kounedy it cove- of george town occupied the pulpit at the brick church babbath last mr thomas eagle leaves to diy for toronto to conduct he sale of his ute fathers household goods mr john bennett celebrated hia 7ud birthday last monday having all hi child ren and graudchfldren spend the day with him he provided a sumptions repast mr and mrs john owens who have bcsq spendiug a month or so with friends here left last week cor their home in cahtary erin j mirricdou peb ftli ljl by llcv 11 fowhe at residence of brides father mary daughter bf john walker kiq binkhain to mr alexandermcdooafderiu the annual meeting of the erin branch of the u c bible society was held on taesday in buruss church when rev w wallace of torouto preseuted the claims of the society craig bro shigpqd from here daring w 50 cars of lire- stock the value of which was between k0000 and 60oqo daring last month o cars were shipped and over cj0og spent in purchasing mr james hull is out again after a bcvcrc illness mr mcfarlacc of simcoe is viaiting al capt carberjs for a few days mr clarke of the atrxate took in the canadian press asbociitiou meeting at toronto last week aboltbehtish columbia an interesting- letteffrom a former 1 haltonfan the following letter from dr k a hall ute of toronto an old resident of hornby will iuterost miuy of oac- readers it is wriiten on deck the h- sjthwdr in the galf off victoria elnci feu piiivtf diu siu on deck in midwinter enjoiiiitlc sua thiuc and scenery hw strange it teem to us from ontario the cnjy wicter here bis been what wc can sec among tlic snow capped mouutaius aroufld us thc- roscs continue to bloom in the gardecsand dairies on the common hidiit- run hire foot and chickens uoarnh ii january in ihii pacific pfo vi nee we arc delighted with the chaugo tlic inter cliraalg u fice and the sumracrdclighlful tiie scenery 0 dont ask me to attempt a description bet 1 oppose yd a hear somurii from here lhat all this is old en crjer to die those interested hi agriculture some idea cf the posribilitirs here i enclose a letter lately received from a frierd whohiphad no little experience in farming in this province very few people in l astern canidi hive been aware of tle fact until quite recently that some of the very bett farming lauls in the dominion lie in the pacific province it is only since the railroid his brought british coiambiv into promiuence lint those desiroas of escaping from the glutted markets and rigorous climate of the east found that there is land of the best quality in the world lying iu its virgin state await ing energy and push to develop it the journey through the rockies which often possess through apparently imjsss able ranges of snow clad mouutnas and dense forests gives the iateading settler a very tneigre aud indefinite idea of the many thousands of acres available for agriculture grazing truitcrowink and we may say any kind of farming thai can be carried on in similarterritories those who base their conclusions upon attained facts see for themselves that the bottom lands of the province will produce crops that will pay a liberal outlay of labor and cipitilr i place labor before capital as the former at present seems ihe greater need but wc have reason to believe that tins is but a temporary difficolty as the province becomes better known as roads and rail ways penetrate the forests aud open up the available land a vast amount ofeurpias labor will be absorbed by the farmers the moat valuable land for general pur poses here is that known as alluvics form ed by the waste and deposit of he rivers which for years past have brought the richness of ihe mountains and stored it forming a rentable hot bed for crops if properly worked vto an eiperiecced eye the land in the great delta of the fraer and also the river valley appears loo wet it does require draining but it docs not require slumping and the best feature of all is that the more it is worked the- bettor it becomes overflow is prevented by a system of dykes and floodgates and a capi tal outlet for the surface water is made by the ditches which are excavated during the building of the roads the land will raise from one to two tons of oats per acre per annum but is not adapted for the growiug of milling wheat hops flourish and giro excellent returns up to five hundred dollars per acre fruit especially the smaller varieties attain to a great degree of per fection boots also do well carrots yield np to twenty tons peracre potatoes from six to eight tons which at twenty dollars per ton the preseot pricq yields a fair return what we want is energetic hard working men not afraid to rough it for a while and we feel sure that their fash aud energy will be rewarded i dominion election i your vote and influenc arc respectfully rcijueiled ou bctmlf ci j0hn walidie i liberal candidate for the house of oommons general sherman dead new yous feb 1g gen bhermd wbo hid boon linking rapidly during tli night died t ten minutes to two yeiterday titer noon tbe general paired anay witbont tpeakiut to atjy ol the member of lli family who were gathered about the boor there was jut a alight qoiver of the matclee of ihfl face the old soldier ceued to brblthe and all was over 1pgpf5ss is k edicines a our alzioz irfnuiialoim wlrtnl wo ii jean of age t luul kcrc nlfark of rhrujnattkm aud after 1 reeororrr lodtofooncrutelim a year later scrofula iiium fiirm of white swelling appeared on arlim- inula uf mj uodjr and fur h years i wns an iutalld bejng condned lo my ud 0 rara in uwt time ten or eleren siires no- lieircd mid hrtike eiulug me great- wn and tuterlilg uenreu nervr should gel well birly in ll 1 went to chicago to tlilt a later but wmroii0iitd lo my lxil irwil tie lime i was there in july i rind a iknii a lay will n clroilu wliteh were uirmcin o cures liylfo6driruiirllla pwasa-ifm- lintted wltii tho biuccm nt fills inisliclne lliai 1 itrrlilv ii to rj- if to my greit bf1llh04rtlfn ihe sores mkiii decmimtl ami 1 lxgaii in fiii lifttcr mid in a short time i was tip iiiki niitol doors i continued to lake hoods kar saiariltl for almut a year when liavlii- uwd six bottles i bad become so fully rclclmd from the illncam- tliat 1 wcul to work for the flint waluug jiff co and since then it m xot iist a sixatk iav onceotiiit of sickness i believe tlic illsfai isxjicdcd from my system i always feci well am in good spirits uud have a good aitftc 1 am nout years of age and cull walk as well as any one except tliat one limb is a utile shorter tluu the other owing to the i bone nud tbe surcs formerly on my rjgtil leg to my friends my recovery seems aliito1 miraculous and 1 liluk hoods snrsiiirili is tbe king ol medicines william a lam t ribluroad strkcudalltulc iuu hoods sarsaparilla 6oiillirallilnorltl01iilxforai preiaicd onlj by c i ikkii i co apotliocahu loirtll ia 100 doses one dollar it i understood lhat sir henry tyler president o grand trunk railway com- pauy will shortly pay a visit to canada for the purpose of estsbliihini a canadian board of directors aravena milk food ftslltfajltl is ik safest cheapest asht amareal m afwuen lulk r suar ro4 aaade ask rmt brwaxlst tbe uullaxifc mtwul fmt m u tuwt greatest ever offered bargains in guelph excitemerit at fever heat piles of goods rapidly diminishing at the gublph it v 1- hpillnrake cfe scm sell rehdymkde bfse it- kpf mf clotming i v i rv big stock gopcl styles uklities good ql prices reduced mens suits boys suits childiens suits 6s huiidtcds to select from when youre chase holinra be pleased to show you their stock and offer vou clothing about onethird less in price lhan other stores sell the same quality of foods t the reason is this holinrake son bought a fine stbgklof clothing at 65- on tlie and dovjn go the prices hollinrake son prices cut fin the middle grand line of prints worth so 10c and clearing at 5c a web of sheeting cotton at 200 linen towelling worth sc selling at 5c the oldest drug store in cuelph smiths vticdablc itlooil toltil- tbe vll and mfrtt hlood iurttur iu lie jlaractcunindigeitioufcicl head ache bow of aiitit dc ac 1 smiths winter fluid h s rcihiauoa second to rce lor llic iinwcdiau enrv of sore un chp yvh lunds rotichmt ol i hi smiths cherry ifalsam is wilhoat doubt lie uioit ciiectul rem edy lor the iraaiiyliaie care of coaghi coltlii brodcbiu hoarseacssrdc white checked muslin worth i2lc at 61 dress goods mantles furs clothing carpets oil cloths allreducedi x stock must be reduced before wc operations for rembdelling our premises can commence j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham stguelph 840swald st glasgow j terribly fatal explosion qcemafebl2 about jib lliis moruai the boiler in the quebec wonted com panys factory at hue point exploded completely demolishing tbe engine house and about half of tbe faotory ta large number of tbe hands wen buried io the rains mr rtylaitheenguieeriitlieoriljiiatrie of those killed bo far as knowu the work of removing bodies from tbe debris ie now vely wring to itiirtrtxkluihitebeen removed j from the toiia good bvenin willia b do you wear shoes you want the best w g sfllth co h f dispensing chemists cor wyndham macdonald streets guelpi ont 1 choice purs south sea seal i ofeter caps beaver caps persian lamb caps outer beaverand persian lamb collars andicuffs all our furs are no 1 selected notwithstanding the great rise in price ofall furs our priced have not advanced as we bought long before j the advance tocjk place 1 shaw crundy merchant tailors cuelph r i ourjjombs- be it ever so humble theres no place like home spbight 5t son have a large stock of furniture suited to cvciy pocketlook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich wc have a full jine of furniture for v you want the- neatest you want them durable i you want the cheapest shoes therefpf e always go to rvilli ams bqot jshoe store if- vc ssijix r an ifyounta5j i bjierai ffjiiiilpperb the parlor the dining room in many styles antitprices r excel 1 a tbe bedroorn the kitchen ent value always srekht jlaiiaoer to farmers and jhreihers 066onvourivoliinervpnly the wellltnowd s3 eeless oil tirunl s or valises nnrw utpnith have been awarded il during the laat three jear 9 gold mbdajud m onr perin axla ommroryoa wiggobiwdhorse poweri thejlyre tted atid highly recommended at themode faxm quelph farraeii ask forjpep use luoouier mmuftttaqiohplworlrbby- samuel rocsrs co toronto r- i t vv iiii vi

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