Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1891, p. 4

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mfo ictot f ihr8imyfi lttfatiyi9 18l ffhr quitg jfolks tlictiiuttrr at uritlt ltail- plvins bcr hi ndi and feet the rinjxr crfi fth i row in her btlr andivli mco lutroo tohrstt tone the unonor spun on dovn in bcr brt ft the tt sloac hat irf on the monro r oocmt mid alt of th tlnger i r bu txlie uyfi men jqr ik idld uiii thread r anl loud th pniiu- wizm m xtt fimi rrie stxgett as r ran stntxett to ut down fn the t totntafi time one h tine tnd oil kn mn litioduihio igtumluic hut no 06c to lite di 11 tlmci ja th utifer ut in ft jl fttttit ijook aodtunfot t life u it wutftlrftbd imi i totritul look uift4qudec4lr i th pin otr rfto the world hu foixotl a the sinpers nimt her row it faded lit imiici ire old cut fr oer theocoui iic kpidncrs fwne yet is bluouod a hi t jt eold tta lrwkr childrens corner i never hoard of i nrihitu so foolish ateuuncdriiuk ft he threw hec- tcttiovit oa the soli whit is so foolish yvhr livit little tijrnm the pleds md iqflta her lip f mked aunt ruth- willie picker hi he is nolmach radre tur sthr i thiaf tint aiiht be left for older folks to do ivhip yoi doal think quite tifcht replied a en l hath if yoatnotod to hum ft tery fins tret coald yoa allow it to prot crooked till t xat hsjfgrowa or waijvoa tie it to ft lukewhea ft smiu sapiitii snl train it t crov straight r unlocked rather coatoied for a mo- mcut before sajwerug why isappose i jroald lie it to tbesui jest 50 now think the jdedge answers somethiogth i same parpose foe ft boy or girl yoa tint ft pledge it not necessary for willie f ickr and he is only seren yri old yet it a birthday party oeir here the other d iy lhre little boys tjof tipsy on fldne a ad cider oae little mior five years uid they had to carry home drank to his mo her and he is only ft baby as yon cay i hlat little boys can understand lhe sacred aess of the pledge u well as those older if ibey are tftught itieter thought o it in that way be fore said rem i had heard others mike lfihtof ehildrei signinff the pledge and i thooht it was of do ate bat i iuil qot thick toiiij morel and i believe a oat hath hi go ftu 1 sign i see i hive befio on the wrong rid so far and cow 111 be ou the right be sure your infla icm is always on the right side mr dear said aaot rath bsud u iif hrktr a yorkshire comparison darin j the knize ia a cau of assault and battery where- ft stoae bid been ihrowa by the dele idint the following clear and conclosive aridenee ni drawn oot of a yorkahiremft- 1 j did yoa see the defendant throw the tfne i saw a stone am ize pretty tun the defecdant throwed iu was il a large to ae i shoold say it wrj c a larjzish stoo what was its size t i shoold ray asiz ihle stone cant yoa answer definitely how big it wasr i shoald say it bigness i cant yon give th jarywmeidea oftbe stone f why u near aj i recollecti it wnr eometbine of a stone cantyon oompsie it to some other object r why if i wnr fc compare it so as to z rive some notion of ti stone i shoold say it wnr as large u a in np of chalk v annonnced bookkeeper if yon are oat when mr owen ct mes in tomorrow to order a nit- of doth s what wiu i tell him tailor ho r do yon know hes coding in j bookk jeperr he sent tea dollars today to apj it on that old ac count h oudin say gnnny is ihem wot they makes appieeaiib out of ji- granny yes ton iy gamin then spt sa we go inter parfc- nership you furnish the apples an 111 furnish the sawr rur a stone of some tremendous u is here any money in yoar businesa s we paid so pec cent last year phew i how did yoa man age it t our eredl org saw that waa all they could get and th 7 toot it consunntii n cored- in old physician rstired from practice ha ring had placed in 1 is bands by an hast india misianarvthe ormali of a simple reg table remedy for the speedy and per msnentcure of consi mptioa bronchitir catarrh asthma and ftu throat and long affections also a poeii ut and radical cure after having tested it won3erfai curative powers in thousand of cases has felt it his duty to make it kn wn to his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and desire to relieve hamai suffering i will send free of charga to all who desire it this recipe in german yd nch or english with fall directions for pr sparine and fusing 6eoi by mall by addressing with stamp naming this paper w- a- nona 800 powers block- eeche ter k y it is geuerally cooc edarcoaganny men that a cavalry attack if a trumped up charge qaeens areapl to hi ve thefrtriala just see bow qaeecelisabei u used to get ruffled f- hearl west shr ford v writes i have been troulud with liver com plaint for several yen and have tried different medicines wil h little or do benefit onuli tried dr tbimas ecleciric oil which gave me imm liate relief and i would say that x bar used it since with thai effect- xoeaiesn raldbwiihoatnj i have tried on mylpse ia of cuts woaadj etc and i tl ink it it equally as good for horse as for man doctor to brother thysicfiauj yes rir the sovereign remedy for all ills is fresh air and plenty of it people dont let eooagh sir into their b rases well i mast hurry im on an erra d brother puysicifto going far o only down to t e hardware store to get half a mile of wea her stripping dont p met that to remove corns varu bankms in a few days all that is leqaired it to apply the aid and welltest d corn care pa t- naais painless corn extractor sore safe paiuleas patnan is corn jbxtraetor makes do sore spots sard to bal acts on bard sod soft jaickly sod painlewlj oqfos ftuaaha uataani f safe ertrrwbrrc notes here and there ttamsor oenttrvl tnurtt to frft ppsjm rsftdtrs an outrage a vhsthy looking tramp was to the hftbh pt cftlling at the offtoe of ft uwyef knd recqivtng ft smtll mm on to count of former aequtinuuoc list trrek the medfeattt oallud ac utual hat the law eramld i cant arit yoa any longer as ive got a wife now and noed all the money 1 ctu lay ray hands ou well now tbifa uit coming it a little too strong uert you aolnally no sudget man led at my expense rospouded the to dtgnaot ramp the perfect purity of imperial cream tartar baking powder ii ackaowleged by leading physician 1 and chcmjiia the man who woe id shine in society must first learn to dance begin at the foot u l were imeaant u syrup nothing cqaili it as a worm medic toe the name is mother graves worm exlerrainator the great est wotni deslrojtr of the tje it ia hard for man to foee the world when ho i flat on hu back the couching aud wheezing of pcraons troabled with bronchitis or the asthma is excessively harrftiaiog to thcmselvef and annoj fog to olhen drthomaa eclectric oil obviates all thir entirely safely and speedily ate browu i d6nt auder stand you say yoa paid leu cents for a glass of soda water lor mailer edward aud yet he tells me he did not have any thats all right mam i bought it foe hira bat he was so warm i ihoaghlit might hart him so i drank it myself mam itfw thayer wright p q haddyt pepsia for 20 years- tried many remedies and doctors bat got no relief his appet ite wis very poor had a digressing pain in his side and stomach and gradaal wasting away of fleah when he heard of and im mediately commenced taking northrop a- lymans vegetable ducovery the pains have left and he rejoices in the enjoyment of excellent health iu tact he is qaite a hew man clvinff himself a bad name mr banks ah mr oatcake glad to see pa i dont you remember me the nephew of yoarbauk president 5 oa know mr oatcake really boy 1 why i audentooo that your terra at sing sing wasnt ap for two years- uow did yoa get oat f staulybooki stanley books are nowu common u coughs and colds to gat rid of the latter use hagyards pectoral balsam the best canadian cough cure foe children or ad alts it cares by iu loathing healing and expec torant properiesevery form of throat and lung trouble palmooary complainls etc honeyed words she i am sorry yoa mast be going he it doesnt maker when oae meet yoa he i already gone a katural filler thetiveracu as a filter to remove im purities from the blood to keep it ia perfect working order a b b b the great llr regulator i used two bottles of- bardocfc blood bitters foe liver conjphua and can clearly say i am a well woman today mrs c p wott upper otnabokb mrs slater of brookirn wax arrested for stealing a tet of diamond earringsr and held for a hearing editorial evidence gexnxitrs- your hagards yellow oil 1 worth its weight in gold foe both inter nal and external ate daring the late la grippe epidemic we foandit almost excellent preventative and for sprained limbs etc there is nothing to eqcal it wic porixt0f editor delhi reporter there is a firm in cincinnati which each year beats 21000oid dolirsinto gold leaf and each dollar can le beat into a sheet that will carpet two rooms igf feet square some idea may be formed of its tenuity it requires 1400 sheetr of gold leaf to equal in thickness a sheet of writing paper and takes 280000 of tbem piled apou each other to equal an inch in thickness dont feel well and yet yon are not sick enough to consult a doctor oryouiefram from so doing for fear you will alarm yourself audi your frienas we will tell you jast what you need it is hoods sarsaparilla which will lift you oot of that uncertain an- oomfortarble dangerous condition into a state of good health confidence and cheer falnesa youve no idea how potent this peculiar medicine is ia cases like yours a man realizes that life is a harden when he gets insured and has to pay hi prem ium- a 750 cottage or its equivaleutin cash will be given to the person ieiectioz the greatest number of errors words wrongly spelled- or mis placed in the december issue of our routes in addition wfll be given two cash prueybf 200 each four of f 100 eight of 50ten of 2j twentyfive of f lj fifty of 5 one hundred of 12 and one hundred and fifty of 11 distributed in the order mentioned in rules and regulations which will be sect with a copy of december issue on receipt of 15 cents in stamps special cash prizes given away almost every day during competition which closes february 1st 1891 address jour tfduif pablisfaing ico brockrille canada yoa cant tell how valaable a girls affections are oncilyoa are sued for blight ing a net of them scons iulsi0n does cure j consumption avbvssqbhssslbsbbhbbssbssi i in ftjj ffret stages palatable a milk 1 r 1 be mrcyaa get he ermine in fmni cnlur wrapper j um by ill drui jat scott t bowse cemic un otrrlck drulrbly totrtiil- th hktoiw u jmk tjilfbaid i tit aunt 8an m in live j yoa iledivtlntr will ru kuoch llii litiolojrplilui bail ntilruilitliuy4o lirtjion i v rftiuna com flirt l uie snovrins brown hoonwd pimcei hu do iul for rdlvlug pimllli ittlemil nd ettrrnil itnarmiuhiin lit ildr bok or bowel ore throat rhtumailini tooth- toll iunibi auil iy kind of po or acho it will raot unly jolckon thi blood aud ural ai iii aollud power tl woudorful browoi uouiihold pan aoeav behis ackuowledirod ai tin kraal pain koilarir aud of doobla lb ilnnslb of any othir ellilr or liolmnl in thi world iboald be in very family handy forsn when wanted ai it retity li the bait remedy in the world for erampi in the ijomach and paini and nclio of all klndi and la for nlo by all drukitiiu at ii oenti a bottle wbtn the picket on duly ii cold ht vcaith for the old womini remedy for a cold oamp flre owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glt1 il bai advanced oomiberably fo prior uciitt mccamland it son tor onto forlaotlety mule a oonlraol before the id vanoe for a very oonilderble qaulity and are thai enabled to offer their patrom uiii leuou a very decided advantage in price the quality being a penor lo any ercr previouily iniported benevolent ciuxen yon ihould be ashamed a man of yocr phyiicial powen lobe bntitieg a qnarler tramp ahl eoiiibly how wonld half a dollar har monise with mj prowen if yon want tobay or aell a farm ad- vertiae in the toronto lleeify mail that paper reachee 100000 farmeri homei every week and yogr advertihment ahonld meet the eye of ktneone who want to par- chase advertisement of this elan are in serted in thetoronto itfesty mail for f1m cenwa word each inaertion or twenty cent a word for five insertions adcseaa the mail torooto canada knljlu of tabor the kmchti of labor aim to protect their memben againil financial difecaltiea etc hagardi yellow oil proteoti all who ase it from the effects of cold and ez- poiare inch as rheomstiim neuralgia lumbago sore throat and all inflammatory pain kothing compiles with il a a handy pain care for man and beast when yoa notice an anpieasant aeaiation after eating at occe commence the use of korthrop it lymans vegetable disoovery aodj yoarldyipepnawill diuppear sir jiraesunley aferohant at constance urites my wife his taken two bottles of korthrop 4 lyman i vegetable discovery for dyspepsia and il has done her more good than anything she hu ever ased greatrehedy for pain rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bites sprains bruise burn etc som hr draartt and ucajcn ct fifiy cent a bcule directions in u rnttlel trle cuius a vocoa c0 balnawi it canadian dsprt toentfl out for coagha colds bronchitis and all long and throat troubles there is no preparation of medicine can compare with bickles anticonsumptive syrnp it never fail to afford prompt indperman- ant relief it removes ail aorenesa and heals the diseased pirtr it immediately soolbi the most iroabiefiome coagh and fay promoting expectoration removes the maccm which stops np the air tubea which causes the difficulty in breathing thereby givea relief to that depressing tightness experienced in lie chert public speaker and singen will find bickles anticon sumptive syrup o inestimable- valae a it speedily and effectually allays all irritation andjhuskness iu the throat and bronchial tubes and givea power to the vocal cords rendering the voice clear and sonoroui if parent wuh to save the lives of their chil dren and themselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let ihem procure a bottle of bickles anticoniamptive syrnp and whenever achild has taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup accord ing to direction the woodchock is fit for treason strata gem aud spoils he hath no music in his hole i worms cause serioas sickness jr lows worm syrnp destroys and expels all kinds of worms quickly and surely our reason a travelling company of actors is said to have posted the following notice on account of the want of a handkerchief eoberv will be given tonight in lead of othella kol one in ten oelhc people yon meet from day to day has perfectly pare healthy blood the hereditary scrofulous taint l diets the large majority of people while many olheri ac quire diseases from impure air improper food and wrong indulgence hence the imperative neceinty for a reliable blood pnrifier like hoods sarsaparilla which eradicate everyjimjfarity and gives to the bloodvitalifyaodheallh it core aerofoil salt rheum humors boil pimples and all affection earned bylmpnriiin qrpoisonooi germs in the blood all that ia asked for hoods 8aruparilla is that it be given a fairtaial l small sugarcoated burdock pills do not gripe or sicken they are mild and effec tual the third pace of the toronto xtaiiv jfai is notedior want advertisements if yon want to buy or nil anything u yoa want a situation a mechanic a buii- new machinery lodglugs if yon have ion or found anything or if yon want to find out where anyone is advertise in the to ronto dally 11 au and read the advertise ment on the third page of that paper the charge is two cent a word each in- sertloo addrea tv jfaif toronto can- for infants and ohlldren cmiorlauaoaiflafaedtochmfenliat 1 recommend llusuparlor to aoy praeerlpuoo irsjowatorae n a aacnta u pi iu bo oxford bt brooklyn ht fstoarnreaoollc oboitlpauoo b stomach dterrbcee uctatlco atluswonaa grvai staepv and prawtai di- i wltk3 njttrtoui micyaatjon tnj omiioa oosmn ft hurray street t dlnnri uwtan ur im tverywliere picket wire fencing ooitafrom so oenu per rod 161 feet np for the farm or garden there is uo fciico so durable uid islllng i bond us s trtsl order and we usuro jou utii- factiou will be uia result dlscouul to lie trade price lists and i-articu- lartonippltcauon kiittu j m dooley sv co cueldh ont tsaad xejlb ik oanada for clines portable foot heater ovor m0cto in uso lo caaads and the lnlted buua tenhourb solid comfort for 2c rovaliawe for ae in til toru o veuidot in the household and in atom and olttcet no is the time to send in your orders writ for tatsples and nriccsfto the ctlne manyfactulrng co 2d fioxtit ixsx tntioxto aqents wanted those who were watching for the ghost at blissfield l i lately were waiting for the wrailn tcroome c c biquaua a co ocrrs ify horse was so afflicted with distemper that be could not drink for four days aud refused all food simply apply ing acinakds llkiitent outwardly oared him feb 1667 cut iieubcrt cikx c c tticauuis co aevtsi have used your mlvakdb llniltent for bronchitis and asthma and it has cored me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i una a livixcsioy ksoieoas ucsd kapoleons head was a pecaliar shape bat that did not protect bim against hcad- ache stcic headache ia a com moo and dissgreeable affection which may be qcick- iy removed together with its caaie by the dm of dardock blood bitten the never- failing medicine for all kinds of headaclies the principareipense of au ccciu voyage ia the billow fare dark and murrm dark and sluggish describes iht couditiou of bad blood qealtby blood it ruddy and bright to cure bad blood aud its conse quences and to secure good mood and hz beuefiu iathe saftat surest au4 bett way ase bardock blood bltra strongly rccora mended by all who ate it as the lct blood purifier pale weafc womeu need a tonic strength giving flesh baildin medicine like mil- barns beef iron and wine aimcc ro liforniiis are you disturbed at night aad broken of your rest by a sick child safferioj- and crying witli the pain of catting teeth if co send at once and get a bottle of mrs winalows soothing syrup for children teething it valae is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there i no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcca regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation anal gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslow s soothing syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for tale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be euro and ask or mas wixiwwt so3tslvg sracp aad take no other kind hlaardi usfsacbt far tale everywhere tbult called tee greatest medicine world ahnhrtahr harasteed as claimed or mosey refanded pamphlet testimonials etc fbs wa batub hicbobe killes co ill 120 ulnar st w toronto ont sole mariulactunn for the dominion renin of lmpciuon 1 8m oor trademart he children cry for pitchers castoria when babr wu sfct wo gave her castor whes the wit a child she cried for cautorla when she became llias she dune to caslona when s had chfldirn the gate tiera qutorla ptwl bemedr for catarrh u the i best easfess to uiesidcarteapast catarrh sold by drucflsts or sent ty loan bo i jtt easeltioe wsrreo fa ujaa httu mmntanltrtnmtirtl fr u b- jtiksilt aiiwtti tni aiul jbo1tiiw flo nufhbiainitiahrysuwtilwliy im kuwnv1iinttsmosq4i lla tusinimilvibrworhudlftt n j wbrrrtrr jm pjr em b- m rara tmlif van f 1 is slbkakf all t wrkctm b mi win jrm vn wort h urr ilm braltileihm htf majrar rft- tn frftac nkmtwn amvhna flua ruro0omsvport4ii wlmu sweeping sale of-r- winter dry goods at tfte mammoth house georgetown we beg to timiouuce that we have marked down regnidless of cost a large lot of winter goods which vc are bound to clear out as we do not want to carry them over to next season dress goods worth 10c for oc worth 20c for 10c all wool worth 35c for 15c we have an iramenso stock of beautiful dress goods suitable 4br all seasons which we are sell ing remarkably cheap a few dress patterns that were 81000 1500 and 2200 we are uow offering at halfprice 500 750 aud 1100 beauuralblacksilk and black satin merv for 50c per yd worth 100 per yd cou ored satfn ilerv worlh lloo for 50c per yd licmjauts of col- nred silks that were sold from 100 to 175 are how 50c per yd suitable for dresd trimming orcombifiatiniis a lot of knittetl woollen goods marked down fo 25c on the 8 great drive in ladies jackets aud long mantles and ifautle clolhs splendid mantle cloth for 50c per yd a fine sealette6rigiijal price 800 now 40fr short and jackets at half price we begiu them from 100 up nobody need be with out a jacket anjd lpng mautleif price will do it liidies furs a uambcr of them reduced to half- price gents fur caps great bargains a number of sleigh robes being sold cheap splen did grey flannel for 15c peryd all wool grey flannel 28 inches in width 35c for 25c per yd we especially call attention to our immense stock of overcoats bought at 50c on the nice gents overcoats from 300 up we have a large stock ofgetieral dry goods too much to particu larize but as we have announced we will give sweeping bargains iu winter goods we are es pecially equipped for executing wedding aud mourning orders dont forget n ur makeup depart ments such as millinery mantle- makiug dressmaking tailoring we excel iu those departments inspection respectfully solicited w mcleod co georgetown many a life has been saved by tlic prompt nsc of ayera pjus travelers by land or flfta arc liable to constipation or other derangements of the stomach and bowels which if ueglectcd lead to serious and often fatal consequences tho mostsure jucam of correcting these evils is the use of avars cathartic pills the pro- dent koiliugmnster would as soon go to boa without his chronometer as without a supply of these pills though prompt and cucrgctic in operation ayers pills leave no ill effects they are purely vegetable and btigarcoaied the safest medicine for old and young at home or abroad j for eight years i was afflicted with constipation which at last became so bad tliat the doctors could do no more for inc then i began to take ayers pill- and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action bo that now i am lu i excelleint hcaltli mrs c e claik tewkabury massachusetu j i regard ayers pills as one of tho inont r liable gmicral raiuedies of on times tiiov havo been use in family fi7 aitections reqiilriug a par tfvv mi havo given unvarying aatisl tloti avu hare fonnd them an excellent remedy fur cohls and light fevers v r woodson fort wirth texas for several years i hfljve relied more nncn ayers fills than fpon anything else hi tho medicine chest to regnlato mv bowela and those of tfie ships crew thchc pill aro not serere in their ac tion but do their work thoroughly i have used them with good effect for the euro of rheumatism kidney trou bles nml dyspepsia caplmueller 1 stuaitisbipfoliclakcwy i havo found ayers to 1 a belter family me lnou usa tlau any other knnwlcdgn thoy nro rucilro uut safe and pit xorkclty cathartic pills ulcine forcom tills within my not only tery at to take qualities which mitsd make them valucll by itm public 4jnjes baael lvrfumer philadelphia pa r ajrs pills we finish stocktaking this week and find we have several thousand dollars worthof winter goods more than we should have at this time we mean to convert this surplus stock into cash and our plan is to continue our i cr j o ayor co loweu matt coll l7 rdl irucr lnal r -li- mm great reduction sale duiing febmary 300 piece8 300piece8 if you wast 300kece8 drlsss goods wo bar no ifccc lu all tho new makes and 1st shades manufacturer l price tui be our price uurlng pecrusry w bate left 15 of our choicest 25 left 25 combination robes j 2 iift how dot hsjf price itrlke jroa tbsti the prlc tor thli month looards j looyabete- isovabds silkbroche tblriccin 165 for thii modth eiji haitfbls far wrspaformstrodf we sire 40 per cenloff cloaking 2 ulstering ijoperct 0 pek ct iq pee ut dorlnff february must go must go must go ocr stock of millinery uast b clesred oat do yoa rijasy st half price nvei on rtafasy s t wo bsresold mote furs furs i furs i forfur8 1 fok furs for furs this winter uiau any prctioui leasoa our auortuient is stiu sood uid the pric u1 lull rou prepare for the cold insp ver v best wo oai baudlesoodi of the best uniers md cuarantee ery pair verbit boots shoes if roa tut k fiae kid boot or itrong knock shout tou will and thtm here rb jermyn r- h 1 1 neisr silyer pickle 8tands fancy sajt cellars i cake baskets cruets cups for children knives and forks spoons napkin rings just opened at savages jewellery stoee guelpe 15 per cent off for cash great for thirty days 6ttly all nines of dry goods boots and shoes are being- cleared out for 30 days retiring for 30 days this is a big chance for buyers come to our 8ale sale 1 henderson mcrae ov co kcton big bargains in harness j he matthews big stock on hand a single harness best mounting for i8v team harness in proportion t big assortment of trunks whips corabsj brushes etc cheap call and 8ee for yourselves vl j h mhtthews 20 cords hardwood wanted fiiexcliaiige bjtwattojlia crand trunk railway o4okut ttouunn i kapreai 7 19 ni lespria ii rncer h arn1 eiprtto sj2 malu jl os am rire eirmilsss aactmi 10 w pm aconi jjj tut orctoimo iuui ooinf wmt930iaodss0piii ooinjeast 090ainand530pm this urn ubl went into enet oa oct a7l alm c3 u ma mtit u j r o i hv warn lie jfiuk- a z n nrtbni ni itniwv sa awrrxtbtar- itst rlkiilt wiviaaz stdmil a lothttilb liu he largest scale wquks in canada over 100 styles of hay scales grain scalrts farm scales tea scales iuproveo show cases tiomey drawers usttcboppert mo btrrckot ssmiu afioaxss l rull write a lersat c wilson somj 6 0 esplanade strtrr east toronto on7 money eli ni ta fkir c lawa litrta won tf i hry wn amj fwidf et emultm miunamttrjiutvtnar4iott- c rinfc taa inm mt tfin mwiiu tr ill rnqiw iwaertu tutbt rmllrflj t icaoatal utai wfadotel mntm trttf vmiub awi rt mralf trim sla prr vrk at4 wpnit n4 4 nflff sj rmw tptcmm wi f awwiai ytlatfw 4rirt iftd liwcfc r- ttt naw u rifkla wit pa rats tkliico aiikfiiaiavi 7 dunn bakimq powder thec001csbest friend a new book from cover to covrt fvlrr abreast with the time a grand investment for tbe tuatij school or rroressiooal ilibrjr a attthemtio weirter usui laasm of 1864 19 84 ciprriiifw v of tattmraaatkbadlasr tlwtobsrur rarlaod aad eatlaxga aatd mm darttnarntliaa titla vsmn tho auaae of rwebatav istaotba- uoaml dictionary editorial work upon tali rariatoa aaa sa ia aotlte prorron fop era tens yean hot lea tttaa quohmmw drod paid sditorial lasaran asr beea aatruodnvobit ovar k300000 oxpfadad la lta prsroaratioa- before tho first ennv wmjrriated critical oompariaaxi witli aayotaas pigtloaiar oot the bafa g a ccbbbiai co pnbusbera 8prlngfleljjiatlsa sold trall booltsellery ulustiated 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