Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1891, p. 2

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makkibd muarwatmeu0 i kevwb coombs mr coiireaforuerlvet s uktrtot oreel fall peter mmsrmwnl itoulhbadlswtalt elmtaua mekitfu1teal ti t twldeoos of th i ottd jinosrjrbrret- mr ihnll roderick r ms mrah mrllwol iter of atr jobs stiller grooms father on um ohm hu itckillop ha urhay eoodgctor to letbhri lu died lormerlr ol acton oik git at tbe oeitnl fl fvhwary jtnm 0 aluxai inl ton 1 iri jin moor wife o ot ilariokbbir che rton m jiss ttulrsdat hew 1uaky m 1831 id t the mb sovr iwobr wrstor 0 ot ph on tht y aged w inonlhelut kebra- john allan t tiaiire l agd riutdtiiutm notes and comments coirl in iffifmcd coir of qiarter session th coiuaioarqalul v qphem the ittraftai sunday they iauim ing on sunday mighl hfcdnothtai to da but at they foaod it stale supremo deciiion ol uiq in the case o veldouu ind thai bsrbers tlitving on that while cht a uocettil- ihey o inlcrptttlhe liw tu aled alter having paid there itiu remains ia treasury a coatiderable tea million paid hj accordance with- the this lad demontlrales h v s- uarcuatt contention t ist ihe award wis excessive it the waal iogwa government were actaated by a fine tease o honor it would nit retain ihii lajatce bat return it u any honorable qisja would ihe oslsnce of aa overpaid accoonl n pduiljie clsim the toiled statcf balance o the fif great britain in alabama award sir william vtroou the legiala live address in reply to- the governori speech has passed the house of assembly in newfound and unopposed it accuses the british jisrnment of making uw interests of the odbay kobccrncnt lo prt politic in canad l whose irritating policy has provoked an restianped a neigh- boring friendly nation allied in race and re this it ssvsj causes rjust- tndig- natioqin the wronged andoegiocted colony t kewfoundland suffering aa it uvy hurl- foltreaucswiththefre jch- englands re fusal to approve the x wf ooiidlsiid- amer ican reciprocity treaty s prpnoanced dij- astroas it is inferret that the modus vivendi with france hai expired aanotbing was said of it in the governors speech considerabie czdicmei t prevails ia stt joha ovcrthe etaatia l our owlsrpauament the members have monday lonely session flffht interest in municipal tffxin ii ipparenily overshadowed by the iast now while at um were tome fifty electors new chietshd auditor at- the inept it flection exciteznet but meng there in attendance the cing were the sole ting on monday ramps were noto- gend to the boteli vpecatcn evening at eight oclock the b sere took the chair and 11 the member we e present the minute ot laft 1 leeting were read and confirmed- it wu reported that erouijmrt now the eeeve what dd you think about thii matter of feeding tr mps thny come along to me alter tleepi g in the cefla and want breakfast some and others to the constable mr imnt in fayor of feed ing these fellows at all tbeninforai their partm a and they come ajpod many he sirois men go around and impose on the people sir harvey if a hard thing to regu- late this tramp bosinesai to some it it a charity to jjive them a meal and to others its a shame to feed them at- the expense of the public j collector returned his roll at this meeting the amoant collected dpon the assessment of 1890 was f5q01c0 while m037is tha amount relnmed cs uncollect ed taxes r there was considerame surprise mafiii tested iwhefl t wis fosnd that only li of poll tax fns couecfed for last ear it wa explained that many of the young men had rented rooms or produced certificates as to being tohmteere or paying taxes elsewhere the chairman of the street and sidewalk committee requested authority from the council to purchase the following tools and supplies foe the use of the new corporation officer long handle shovel spade adze crowbar axe dawhammer hand saw square spirit lerel iron rake scythe cnalk line at an estimated cost of about f 1200 he was authorized io pecure them the committee on finance presented their third report reeomipeodiflff- payment of the following j tboa easton one qgaricrcjtiltrt xj5 do constable tea montlt jl los do bal eemeterjjsalxry 15s do feeding jtninpi im do funcrt tools i7s moved by geo hxvill 1 econded by john harvey that thi report j 1st read be adopt- ed carried- i moted by j b pear lotf secofaded by qeo harill that the g ueeforvbou be received and the collect jr relieved from further doty respecting si id roilcamed a neat fool and supply house is to be erected on the town ball square the sterotyred question what about the removal of the drill abed tv was aaked- mr pearson explained that he went to hilton last week to see senator mckiodsey about it not as a delegat to the conserra- uve convention as thefeiephzsgreported tbe senator explained to lim that hie wts eadea voting to have the matter arranged but that since theeleciion mpaign opened ii was impossible to obfun an interview with the minister of militia if is expected the matter will soon be ar anged the council sdjoarned 1 little after nine and the menders wended heir way some to the uefornrand some 1 3 the conserra- tfve committee rooms to 1 gain review the voters lilt and decide w ist hendersons probable majority in adoi would be on march nd lue stfet iiodists through out the world will cdeorit the centennial of tfiedeaifi of johu wesly and those in canada will alto cclebtat the oentenoial of the introduction of hetl odissn ioio this country- the ufiktdvi 1 agatboatcib- utet its share to thiscelebri tioo bya special centennial if amber enlarged to 112 pageip now ready february i r among i articies are footpric a of wesley with manyl engravings last days of wesley by lake tyerma 1 with portrait mother of the wesieya by dr potts with portrait wesley a id ifethodism by dr- j o- clark we ley as seen by his duroporarles wf iley ind lftera- tureby dreunshon s ethodism in the eighteenth century- bj the editor sympoeigm of hetbodisi 1 by professor goldwin smith hon q x owsl hon g w allan ltgovernor sir l tuley and other leaders of thoaght tber iljastraied articies are in the tracl of st panl by george bond and thioagh hungary and boda pest price ilb oe nnmber 20 ctatm william bnggi tor nto pabhsher elections next week th country full of poltlol kxcttsj- mtnt in bvrylovfn6 thbcamp in hmton a- week from unlay the people of this dominion will ronder tlieir cmlicl and the ballot boxes will then revenl whether the policj of he oottnmenlj continues n popular favor or not as election day ad- voora he tetr of excitcmeut among tlioeo niost actfre in political circles becomes greater the rural constituencies aud the ejvic centres have alike felt the unusual stir incident to an election campaign uy the cud of the week very few filing divis ions will renin in that have not been visited by the candidates of the respective parties public meetings have bccji held at numer ous poind iu every riding and the policies ot- the leaders and the promises of the caiidt dates have been widely prociaimed just now wiieu- the contest is waging holtef as polling day appronchea it will be well for botli grits and tories 0 remember of the hepuuic to it south of ui i thank yoatbtyour welcome and your hear ing and trait that you will elect ft candi date who will wpport mdn th house of commons ptolongsd cheers and calls for sir charles topper the chieftain in formed them that hlr charles had gone u wlndsorlly this time there was a great deal of jamming and crowding lo gel a hearty ihnko from the hand of the old man it sormod rather ifgntucant that cou allan thoclmirman of theeeootlveof the county of hslon itefonn association should bo the qrst lo- secure the band grasp of the premier but this is explained by the fdct that he and the colonel were boyi to gether in rcolhuid aud companions at school the colonel was followed by a uumber of hie old tories who had served sir john faithfully for many years through thick and thiii mid now approached for a fare well shake as the train moved out there was vociferous cheering fiutatos juiina next thursday ft election day halton county candidates joun valuil david hekderson luvsccviti i m thai they are fellow countrymen after the close they will hare lo live to gether partisans can fight hard for their opinions tt they oagut to be sparing in their unreasonable use ot the old flag aud of epithets that impugn the patriotism of brotbercanadians there is no necessity for getting over- excited or acgr- the con- tteven on elcctiou day can be carried on goodcjitaredlv ileu of canada canadiant froemeii british subjects ye who hold the mighty franchise tc who cherish truth and free dom ve who value bntish fair play ye who love your countrys honor go to the polls cast jour ballot far the candidate whom you conscientiously believe will do his utmost to serve the best aud truest in terests of our beloved country rrn aisnt iv kiitvs for nearly txo weeks ue candidates in this county have been engaged in acie canvass in addition thereto public meet ings have been held even- evening and will be up to the day of polling -a- matter for mutual congratulation is the fact that the meetings throughout have been conducted with the best of feeling and wherever the candidates meetthey treat each other iwith courtesy and respect as was slaxed at the octset the oontcst is a close and spirited one halton is so evenly divided politically that neither candidale can reasoiialjlyclaim anything above a twofigure majority each is cer tain that victory is his hut their earnest exhortation to he leading nien in even- ward is work until the last vote is polled jen- luilv kixthg aiiuu the first public meeting iu actoa vcs held last friday etag in ifr waldie s interest wet wealher prevailed bat this did not deter a large audience from gather ing to hear the speakers 3fr waldie aud mr jos tait if p p toronto col allan occupied the chair he first intro duced mr waldie who delivered an interest ing speech in which he discussed the finan cial mismanagement of the government he referred in strong words of condem nation to the acf s of duplicity on the part of sir john and his followers the farmers never knew when to believe the old chief tain he said and the time had oome for them to assert their authority what the farmers of halton wanted he claimed wis a larger market far their produce and by returning a liberal at the next election they were helping to place a party in power at ottawa that had always proven their troe friendship joseph tait il p p spoke at length on the failure of the x p to bring about the promised prosperity dwelling particularly on the large and extensive manufacturing etahuahmen ts thai in is78 were flourishing in the cities of toeonto and hamilton which today were extinct he then defined the positions taken by the two parties re garding reciprocity with the united states kr tait amused his audience by describing in his inimitable way sir john and mis commission at washington on heir hands and kneetr begging for a treaty that the americans liad imperatively declined to ac cede ia in oonclusioa he dealt scathingly with what he was pleased to call the hypocri tical loyaliyofton leaders theoldflagthat they professed to love was not the nag that bad braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze but an oldjjag made of the lin ing of their pants pockets itr tait was listened to attentively throughout his numerous amusing illustrations kept bis audience in constant good humor and when he referred to the act of the government in bringing about the dissolution of the house at a time when such an act would dis franchise so many thousands of oar young canadians he was roundly cheered the meeting closed at an early hour with cheers for the queen kin joax iuckjxili ir actox enthusiasm ran high among the conser vatives here on saturday evening sir john their adored leader had been here had spoken to them and many of them had the gratification of shaking hands with the chieftain an event to many of a- lifetime during the fteruoon intimation was re- ceivedtnat the han sir john macdouald premier of the dominion woald poss through acton on the eveningtrain on his way jto brampton long before he train was due several hundred citizens had gathered at the station to welcome tha- great leader as he went on his way as soon as the train stopped a rush was made for sir johns private car ifr i francis an enthusiastic member of the local con servative association went to the door of the car introduced himself to mr pope the private secretary and through him re quested the appearance of the premier and a few words to he assembled multitude meanwhile the anxious crowd was peering in at the windows of the car to catch he first glimpse of the old man- in a few minutes he appeared on the platform of his car when he was received with tremen- doasxheering to which he waved his ap preciation and said v ladies and gentlemen i feel very grateful to yon for this reception and ex pression of your regard for me and the party of which i am leader during tins rip through the country i have found the prospects of the conservative party spong er and brighter than ever before eheers we are called npon to consider at this elec tion the great question of whether will we remain a british possession or form a pnrt the nominations will be held today the old flsg ii itill used as a blanket for the tory horse the liberal leader it going la campaign iu ontario for a week before ihe election where two or three are gathered le ge therihesc days there is political discuss ion it isreallyamttiingta hear some of oar local politicians ducauing politics these days united stales wind it not american gold tdie there would be lot of alien boodle iu this campaign who hath woe who hath sorrow t well sir it u not the huron grits at the present lime huron signal quite a number of enthusiastic conser vatires went to bramptou on saturday evening to hearsir johu mr hendersons only public meeting in acton daring the campaign will be held 00 wednesday evening next the cknuutt claims hat the ottawa government if rotng la bribe quebec city with a great c p e bridge only one more week of campaigning can now be done and then the verdict both parties will pal a great deal of work into those seteu da ifr james somerville in soath brant admits that this battle will be entirely a farmers bittc it was a manufacturers fighlinlrts it is a farmers fight in m9l when canada your admiring coon try mr erutus wiman wants the map of korth america altered it will call for tenders and you can then hate a chance at the job the value placed npon even one vote in kingston is shown by the fact that the minis- terof jusjioe is being petitioned to release a convict from ihe penitentiary whose term will not expire until after the election i am cji ancient cwnjisipi lie im broken datra and tunc im full ot mil bole old aud dry eat i fet there jut the same old campaigner joe fahey of winnipeg believes in can ada as a good countrjttp lirp in ia a re cent eloquent speech he declared that there are more panpers to the square inch in the stales than t the square mile in canada uev d j macdonnell in a recent sermon in st andrews charcfa said if men only worked aa hard for three weeks to save souls as they will to get their candidate into parliament what a glorious result there would be grit enthusiasm has robbed sir john of his historic red necktie the adornment identified him rilh the redbreasted liberals of london on saturday and in self defence the chieftain had to discard his colours while there mr wm macdoagall is out with another latter against redprodty in theeourse of which he brands the liberals as traitors in a former campaign the boot was on the other leg and mr macdoagall wu charged with looking to washington 1 stew vrzsiox or acxnxc porrjr ttitpairuj vfaea ye snz avt diciie when je enwi ihe lakes laddie when ye gang to washington what will ye bring to me dickis 7 diiht cariicrigld iii uricc ye a kw new fiatf flirty a hcazic braw new flac old ladr and it hall be of laak sok with stars and stripes set roun palrtv il soicitcrgeleral pogiley of the new brunswick government spoke at grand falls the other day in support of mrcosti- gan the new brunswick government is a coalition and when a dominion election takes place the members go u they please an unbiased writer says there is no annexation party in canada liberals by thousands love the young country and the old flag and it is not well- that one faction shoald monopolize a fondness for the union jack or a guardianship of our independence into the cspitaj la triamjib holl ride with handrodi of others so trua by tils side therell bo shouts and acclaims from every icp for him who baa caved frou bo senseless kp and uthty march liasttncu a very long row- la the very froat rsak you wijl ice jiuitnle trow st maryt argus sam blake gets creditior the following pointer at a pabjic meeting last week why you will hardly allow a manfo come iato the world you ux himto per cent on his swaddling clothes laoghter and when he it going out yria tax him 85 per oenuon his coffin the opening of the annual convention of halton sabbath school association recalls the fact that mr waldie is aaexpresideot and mr henderson an ex- vice president both ire t ill 6 sf workers mr hsnder son occupying the position of saperlnteod- ent of knox sabbath school here i know it is alia for to 0 ih and gria at biin bere uat john a and bis ffagi the calico aud flag 1 are so queer li w mppt of the thirtyone seats in the district of montreal the tories expect to keep the twenty they now have and gain two more with a fighting chance in berthler and cbimbfy on the other hand the liberals claim the thirteen sead they now hold and seven more thai giving them majority of nine in the district electors of ha si ron year yete and influence an llcalljjtciucd for b hbnsers0n as your lteprosenlalive iu the house of gommoas of canada l will faithfully discharge he duties of the responsible position ana do my utmost 0 guard your interests electlonthursday march 5th 1 am sorry to say remarked the pr mier at the big meeting in hamilton lul week that at my age it is impossible to speak it any length and that i mait be considered to a large extent as a con suiting physician bat i have trained ap a body of men who long after i am gone will carry out my policy and hold aloft the flag l have raised teervi 1 ihotcuu la the ihidovs aud it points direct to w and how to dodge the luckihal is the question dye tel i thlak usvflryiib7ui bach wicked thiafs should be totofslucia to a loyal man like me fcth ecieant farrtr the milton chatapioa ibinka the charge of reason and the epithet of traitor applied so universally to the members of he be- form party by their opponent s jgst now fail 0 fit such men u col allan of acton for instance who was a delegate at the ladr liberal convention who spent his yodln in her majestys service iu he army and who afterward proved his loyalty by going to be front a he time of the fenian raid and by having his regiment in readi ness to fight half breeds and other rebels in the korth west in 1885 these men it says can afford to despise them this bogus patriotism over he wall to the white house im sorely making ray way- sir john is a man of the people while im a matt of the day i who am happy an chipper for all the lies they have told of my sad and metal cotmtmaace of uiygny haln crowing old sir rkharxl i say pa said a young hopeful at breakfast yesterday morning what da hey mean when ihey talk stout a political flirt v a political flirt my son is a des- picable kind of a man who goes from oue party io another for he sake of some selfish consideration why do you ask oh for nothing much only down by the post- office last night i heard a man say you were the meanest political flirt in these parts and i bought at ihe time it wasnt much of a compliment another cup of coffee ma dont you give it to the impudent scamp said the elector with a acowl go away from the table sir ill teach you yon editors table drxxv hrefy published february 14th contains among other interesting fea tures portraits and sketches of general william t sherman and admiral david d porter a fullpage illustration by thulstrup of the late conference of the sioux chiefs with secretary koble and an dlastrafei article oa rutgers college walter besant contributes a short story entitled verbena camellia stephanotis and l e chittenden discusses the question of rapid transit in new york city other timely and entertaining articles and illustrations aid in making this number of the irjr especially attractive and valnabte early spring coods received andput into stock 2 cue drew good 2 cum new spring prfnli 1 cue tfulinf ud lwn 1 cue embtoideriec ud eloanciagc 1 cue blick bilk licw 1 cuo new ribbon 3 cu new spring millinery 1 cue new spring jukid 2 cue corteu l cue umbrellu od ftruolf i cue linen collin ud ccfti 1 cue while sbirte 1 cue flinnel bhirte 1 cue new spring tie 2 cuee new spring hiu i cue salting ind troatering 2cuei lien ind boy baits 1 cue oltdet underwear i cue genti merino underwetr 1 cue new spring houery 1 bile linen towelling ind more to follow j random remarks spider web ginze ind fincy net noveltiet in veiling we iliow in great luortment yonireiuaredoc reliible weir il you bay oar kid glove u ever i pair doe go wrong wealwayi refand the money do yoalcnow thit we keep i big range o carpete we are going to ibow yoa oniething extra thif ipring hoaie keep en bear ihii in mind ajk yoor lady friend bow ibe likoi the dreii we made for her the cooocniui of of opinion i highly complimeotry r to tbe ability of oar mimger miu lennox tweed effect for lidiei coitamei and street dreueiiro highly popalir wehive iajt opened tome txaatifaf goods iu that line r we are offering no more thm oar asaal valoe in good clear linens for table weir still we were able a day or io ago to show toastooer linen napkin it 1125 per dozen whioh wis three inches larger all aeonnd and folly u good u sbe had paid hj2 for elsewhere a word to tbe wise etc sesmlessfjiiow cotton which isexiotly what it seems a labor saving fine service able pillow cotton at a low price in all widths from lt8 inches upwards we hive it in stock the most rattle and the greatest pre- tenoe are not always backed op by the beat intrinsic valoe to the customer oor ex perience is tbat good reliable goods at a moderate prioe are the cheapest both the article ana the costom wear the longest we have a few heavy maotlei in astra chan and for lined whlotr yon can hav at a big bargain see them if yoor are open to boy e r botleet co 25 4 27 lower wytjdham 8t gublph readymade clothing 275 mpns youths boys and childrens suits j3q oddcoats 40 oddpairs of pants to be cleared outto make room for spring goods in order to clear the 25 pd qt above clothing all out we will give you the tempting discount of 25 per cent off for off cash for the next 30 days kelly bros acton fitin pbttiiiai ym wn8ervajflve room jv committee w matthswi all 0 jn iwrj nlrtl it seven oclock k all opirters of mr d heodfnon us iotsm i ohvkd8 j v axhaw i chairman 6ata t- coods given away -at- onehalf their yalue at the right house new goods arriving every webjc 31 cases and bales this week 2j ease floor oilejoths 1 case table oilcloths 1 ease ladies eose 1 cue corsets 1 cue dress steels 1 piokige window shades s bales gray cottons 1 bale wool sheetings 1 case shirtings 1 case flannelettes cicvi skirt braid linen ud silk thread top shirts ladies gaiters shelf oilcloth drew bottom etc at rodaced prices lice cartuns down from k 60 to 2 midru curtains til to 13 blankets 1380 to 3 beaded dress and mintie trimmiogt mc to ujc i dozen 40c to 8c bed quilts 3j7 to u75 comforters hji to boi 1212 to 1175 3 to f250 j325 to ji75 u to 3 pompons 70o to 80c 60o toioc yak laces mc to 13c beaded flutrons 1125 to 00c 75 to 50c tibliers to to h to t250 beaded pinoels 1250 to 1150 i1a5 to coc 76c to 80c ladies driving ginntlets 12 to 50c mantles going at half price mantle cloth8 at halfprice dressqoodsabourhalfpbice velveteens les8 than halfprice abiobeduc- t10n on silk plushes in plain and fancy rumnant3 of dress goods mocbnwg goods pillow cotton8 sheetings flannel8 prints etc at great reductions grey flannels 85c to 50c 80c to j5c 83c to 29c 25c lo 22 20c lo 18c ladies jerseys pat down vet low laces in black ud colon at lets thin hitf prtom mens undershirts 90c to 50c 60c to coc boys undershirts tnd pints 50c to 35c 11 to 80c 1110 to 90c hens gloves 70cto 50c g2tc to 0c 150 to ii u to 75c 85c to 50c boys glove 87ie- to 50c stylish cartalns t20 to lit 11160 to 61 trimmed millinery at half price knitted shawls ind scarfs half price pongee and snrah silks aboot half price wiogitndaigretlesiliboathilfprices birds ind ostrich feathers fiboloosly cheap table napkins greatly redoced carpet from 2yard lengths up to 35 srds immensely reduced all kinds of carpets rags mats mattings linoleums floor oilcloths windows blinds poles brus farnishingu etc selling os cheap bridal wreaths at half prioe remnant of embroidery and flodnciogs greatly rodaced gilberts celebrated dress lining cheap please enter tbe stores within onedoor of hoghsoi street u many mike mistakes and do not get into tbe right house corner of king tnd hogbson street himillon feb 5th 1891 thomas d catkins mothgrs who have boys to clothe from the age of 5 to 12 years should know that gb b ryan co have opened a boys clothing department which has been stocked with one of the best assortments that can be bought from one of the leading manufacturers in canada the goods are all new and will be- sold at less than the regular price we intend making this department a speciality in size the suits will be confined to those suit able for boys of from 5 to 12 ears of age the fact that these suits are all new are made in the lateststyles of the best workmanship in even variety of material andmarkedat less than the regular prices shuuld be a guarantee to every mother that g- b ryan cos will be found the most satisfactory house from which to pur chase her boys suits in the future remember because goods are fresh from one of the lead ing clothing manufacturers in canada gbhyhnco cufelph our stock of carpets is complete canadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had ia this countr and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press coke to rctonknd see our improved country prouty press ht work the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates itsmerits no 81500drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster wori 4k sap- fvssctiasisssfffie iaagteaw igteajaijctjpawg- fe wm 1 ruu fl a m 10d we ron u10 1 it is simple tuy to rnn un nn euv to handle cosu little for reptin and is easy on th printer pocket boot- w call it the best preutol t hii tth jjr ooay for lb money come and aeeoor pre at work if yoa desireaamples of work send for xmsdv wihlisl tas hem we can jive yoojoor choice of a nomberol different sizes ahd style of preue at all price think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from o hi w mqqrb agent fpr canada acton oht mam i befork oommittee rooms iu- i 1 o o bpeiohtej shoe open every ereulof from 7 till 10 oclock t all ire cordis hulled lull pipers oa file j canada canadians the maple leaf d henderson wul umrtm lbs electors ia thjb town hall a acton wednesday 4th march at i jo oclock pm ui benderson will also held iuueting it georgetown- itli saturday 28th february at tj0 oclock pjn i i i mr waldie 1 invited to b preawit god sive the queen special notice a ll orerdae accounts oca settled before utk j ofrebraaryddekeuybroajwil in to their solicitors or collection will be handed kellt bsofl ri j pigeons wanted any qsaatitv of pigeons will be purchased by l acton gun club cssli will be paid for ao l delivered it c c speights sbop j acton clusclob job printing isclldinti books fsmphlets porten boi hesds ctretiisrs c ttc exeected in ths best tyle of the srt st modtmte prjeei sstf oa tbort hotiee apply or ddrti h pmooke t fnc puss office ctoa acton ixxige no 204 looj ttfekts in the oddfellows hall slaithews iu block everr wednesday eveniag vhrftinf brethren ilwars welcome far copy of consti tution and livs spplr to the undersigned rjrasy of the members wwilliams hhwobdks n g 6cxetaxt iexecutobs notice all persooi lihng say claim ett the esttt of john gamble late of tbe tows- thip of erin farmer deceased who diedklb jantiart 18b1 are required to eend to geocy h kennedy ge pocneef uaexeetttora on or before march 1st 1891 foil rartienkn of their halms rertfled by atvdairit and liotiee k bereby giren that afkr tba aald march lat isfll tbe eieeuton will proeeofrto distribote th e- tate amooprt tbe penons wtitwttiexto dstod at georcetown i january 18bl signed g goodwillik solicitor fox execotora agents wanted i bt the i dominion illustrated a in erery cknadian town and tillage special indncemenu offered in addition to rammlssion t forpsrueiiuri address the sabution litho ft pub co j riuusbers lion treal dr alwiiford halls health j pamphlet dueae cored without mtsdicine jas matthews acton has been appointed agent for the ctrcouuen of dr balls celebrated health pamphlet which he keepa on band tbe pamphlet claim by the treatment il adrisos rare cure lor disease with- oat medidne the prioe for ihe psimphwt b fear dollars and a guarantee is gfren that u the pnrchascr is not satianed after potting the treatment into consdeations prssuos for oa month io refund toe money on the return of the pamphlet with a podge nerer again to nee th treatment or allow ft to be tisedin hii family the wilford hall treatment without njuiefaw for tbe raloe recetred from the use of this treat ment please enquire of any of the following partiee j actox rev dr gift ord htr b cook g mnlbolland urtg hulholland johnharrey mrs john harrey wuukm hemstreet t c moore mrs t auoore jamea sfattbewa mrs jas matthews wm mullen robert moors t nobmuelam thomas cameron mrs t cameron wto gripps1 luosocaz james martin mrs j martin wm lane mrs wlane other names will be added weekly- new proprietor fine new jlock john arthurs having puicbssed tlio builiicss of mr a t lamb bis put iu n us aud complete stock of i groceries flour feed tfr- w eedsetc vlfl andlsoow pienuwl to stpuly tbo public vitb fnsb coods at lb lonet 1 udr quality conusteut wltb a call is solicited j john 1 1 artlhuffs i aairhsmss

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