Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1891, p. 3

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mfm j 9-mr- 1 4 r i ip pk of hamilton huadojnce hamilton j i f 1 ca t cr jceseste fctd jtcbnbclu tuotuno m5doo0 tt b stevkx am casntkb dtbectobsjohls bntwik drwldcnl a 0 bursar virn jomi rnocrc can gc a abubr aeoroktown aokhot sote discounted uid advance mtde on all nitame wcorwea dium m 411 parts of os- uu lie ixmo 8tnm gruy iikitux and the covtrvtxr or ecropk boacbt and mid oollecnovt made on alt acobatlcls points on nest favorable tran savtxos department dftocit rwlv4 ttt 1 and upyardt and in terest slloi from date op- deposit to date ot sreoal deposrrs alsfi received at current rates o tbtartat ko ootid ot yttbdraval required htr watson atoit theheth0di8rrckurcfl acton rktaaqrpford ltaplij3 pastor partoaacc dover arenac rnyic services 10j0 am and 630 sunday school 30 bible clasxcoaductcd bylhc pastor au cordially united strangers tad vicuvs alrsy veleouie at tentive ushers st ui doer ir fitting are desired apply to h t ttoott t steryd the leadiu stow for dressing and fine combs of hom and rubber hair and tooth brushes purses ffisffiasf needles sewinr tachine oil darning and knitting needles hat pins hair pins school books sta tioner toys dolls ccc give us a call when you want any of the above line of goods headquarters forwed- ding and birthday presents ceo hynds acton if i abe tm jfmv rcss r thursday febrcakrsu 1691 uttleocal brieflets which caught the eyes or eire of free press reporters thfs week 4 z r the hotel bars wiji be closei next ttirsdrfc the soft weather tins wect his clear t ed of the snow mr brown ha got iai big stock ot timber ibis winter speciiltteatca services were held in st josephs chnrcb oa sunday the party leaders from everywhere will ga to the nominations today a pxd riioy cellars were flooded this week the rarioas sswer openings hid not received proper attention er coancflior smith is a- locff time in commeccinj to uy dawn tbc niileri for his uen- threestory brick biock- g to the town hall next tfccrsday etesiri ad gettke election retarcs for teu ossu with in enjoyible cocccrt thrown in lxgipligfaler cunpbezia engxgemsnt coociodes todiy the alminachii given him quite soft time with the street hunps this niocih- ibxd kfaie of the old chieftain r band tu lie prodd exclamxtioo to be heard from cianr of hi admiren about townbatarday cighl j a meeting of the wooiaaa foreign hissioaary society of the presbyterian churehwih be held in goelph tomorrow adeiextion will attend from knorcharch haiwell hail boh of the late jwakoa hall muter in chancery in gaelph was accidentally drowned in tie golf of georgia on satordayj the body is not yet re- ccrered 3ttr charles falkner has parchased frotn hr geo garrett giorerstille the boose and lot on bower avenue formerly ocenpied by 5tr l francif the tarn paid waassoo the comerratiyea hare secared the vacant room in katthews hall for the headquarters and invite their friend to nail them there boom open at 7 oclock each evening mr- thomas hhiiard managing-direc- tor of the dominion life assurance co waterloo occupied the pojpit of the methodist church laat eanday kis ser mons were cifefullf thought oat and very creditably delivered in this issue mr b- f kelson iarites the readen of the ftxx vzzss to call and inspect his fine new spring stock mr kelson gives business his personal atten tion and many in acton and vicinity are wec- acquainted with the exoellense of the clothing he turns out ifrlatber lyman hada narrow escape hut friday morning he was crossing hendersons pood on the way to his duties at the public school when he incaotiously talked into one of the openings where the icemen had been removing x his cries speedily brought help and he was rescued from his cold batn a parlor social will be given the residence of mrs john warren by the iadiea of thebsptiat chnrcfa on friday evening cth march- ber mr keay is expected to take part in the programme conveyances wiu mnfrom the fot office lo mr warrens from 630 to 7j6 for the ooajenietce cfthose desiring to attndt the literary and musical- evening under the auspices of the kp forth league on tuesday evening was of au interesting character mr- c- c spejh t vice presi- i jfeol preiijed jfanc was readered by mr iv wuliamv qaartetle ctab and readings were git enby misses lizzy m clam tod fiieua mckeownand the pretijent of the lsiae- the leaaes services ara crqwbg in interest to my many customers ia acton aod vicinity i would respectf ully call your t attention to my immense etwk of choice new- spring goods wbicfa i can confiient- lsay are the finest have had the pleas ure of showing as t have made special bargains inthe purchasing of them i am offering special inducements fdrsprtng will be pleaded tomeetallniy old enstom- er and many new ones and as am giving my special attebtion to the cutting i can assure yoa of perfect satisfaction and goodt fitting clothing every time b e nelsoi goelph v- kiucardfai brockvilie out jan 11 iffl i wig confined to my bed by a severe aluck of lumbago a lady fifco ofjmoe sent me a part of a bottle of st jacobs oil which iapplied the efwt m sinpty magical in a day i was sime too about my household do ties i have d it with bplendidsucctfg or neuralgic toothache i would ootbe wuhout it the news at home mostly ot a local character and every item interesting dcam of jtfrs jotth alun ijmt balurday coorcin tbore died at bet bomclatiicon 3 tirin tiio wifeotmr jchn allan au oldscttlcru thaitowoshlp mrs allan had reached tlio agtrof ucarly tvetitytoar years 6he was wellknown io acloo and vu the mother o mrt chrlm sj mou who wis for many ytn to esfomod resident her mrs allan was a native of derwickihire scotland the funeral held on tuesday afternoon waa largely attended the iutorment was made at faitvicw cemewry acton fixnd concert lilocron sight acton cornet band will give a conocruu the town hall on thursday evening next election nigbv the pcograhimc will cm brace music by the baud quartettes glees solos and recitations b at perhaps the most iotereuiug and attractive item will beih elect ini return bulletin the bind with onwderablc forothottfiut have secured the franchise of the- telegraph and telephouc ofiieea and all election w torus will bo received at the hall and announced from the programme as tbey- couie ia both in county and dominion rctarns will be given and the band naturally expects a targe audience in ziloqacnf ircirher the rev dr smith frofessor of pas toral thaalogv aeencqllego kingston who haa been a guest at tie manse for a few days preached in kucx church last sunday both morning iud evening to large audieuoes tbc sermons of the professor were masterly interpretations of the truth forcibly and heautif ally presented and were well received by all an interesting address was also given at the sabbath school a harried canvass was made of a few promi- neat members of the church for aid to the endowment fund of qaeeu university on monday and tuesday after which the learned doctor left for goelph hltatl s s association the annual convention of the county sabbath school association opens at bur lington this morning the programme is an excellent one and the discussion of the virion subjects to be pec tented will be 6 interest tv all babhath school workers anxiom to improve their methods and compare work with their fellow laborers tbe prospects are good for- an interesting convention the lav meeting in acton crtatej a more widespread interest in b s work thin ever before eiisted a the cduntyaud the events of tbe year potiit to advance all awc the line the oficcrt of the association hate teen earnest and united in their efforts ia its behalf and the coavenusq today and tomorrow will illustrate tke fraiu of their labors acton schools are seudicg a good strong ielega tioa hctliodisi centennial services it will be one hcncxel yeirs next mon day since the death of john wesley the faander of metbodum and it is tlsa a century thi mgrth since methodism was ictroicced into caiiii the general confercnce appointed sunday marrh 1st as a day for the 0302 me raa ration of these eets ani spcciilrices till conseqaent- ly be hfila in the church here next sunday in the ciarcis rer u s- ulackstock of i toroiiro will preich a erracn appropriate to the- occisiocrnd iu ibeeveuiu address es trill be delivered by ttev mr biickslatt oa the missionary work of the church by lev dr giffcrd oh the history pf methods and by mr h p moore er-presideat- of hallos sabbath chjoi ieiriitioa 02 the siniay school wrork ol thecliarch the adlresaes will 1 be interspersed with music by the choir similar semcea will be held in the metho- dist charclies ihrohoatthe dominion an outsiders congratalauans the action of the council in appointingpne- ratn to perforrn all the duties required by the municipality has called forth comment iucureichicges in vuricairt of the prov ince the eenfrew 1crcurt- pzblkkzs the list and cocclcdes that sir grahzm will have bis bands full the oakville slzr sizes up tile matter as follows we would ask the full pez to extend congratu lations to those appicnt who were fortc- pafe ecocjj not to e the appointment mr graham will have a busy time ia the mornin4 before daylight he will shovel snow then ran and poke the fire at the school hocse tad dart the seats after wards wik around and looic after the barg- laries of the night before in the afternoon be will clean lamps and repair sidewalk do- cattle lo pound in the summer cat weeds sweep the school and then etart oat oa his roate lighting lamps this is jet a small part of his daily duties coming and going mr dgallowayof toronto was in town over sunday mrs thos c mocre risited friends at georgetown last week misses carrie smith and jennie stone are spendijgafew weefcs in toronto mr wellingtditsmiui pent a caaple of das hyt week with his brother in ham- ilioo r mr ka and misa lottie hemsireet spent a day or two this week with friends in toronto mrc john speight returnedhome from berlin on saturday after spending several weeks with friends there mrs george garrett of glotersviife k 1 arrived in ation last week to spend a short time with acton friends ifr w w eratt a toronto lawyer who resided for some years at millondied end- deniy of heart failure laj friday i mr john waldiespenla conpe of days i in acton and vicinity last week he is i very sanguine of reelection on tbe 5iti of march mr dtjmes barclay wellknown in actsii has removed from bay city to leeds iowa where he has secured a pood position as foremen in a larfe engine works the kev j s gollicgwas unanimously invited lack for his third term by tbe quarterly board of the methodist church on timrsjsy evening fait lcckuow sadiad a young mans sad death toeoyro feb 13 one of the moafdis- tceasiiiii accidents wtiich haa occurred in thiff ctj- fioce thedeath of edward coates took place at s3 oclock last night it re- salted in thadeith of george a baigerow eon of county oown attorney badgerow who is now icie berrondas for his health tbe l3upg roan prs returning on horse back to his home in avenae road from mr a j if badgeroiv in north toronto while galloping along throagb deer park in he dark his horse ft ii he was thrown forward aod shortly after was picked up dead the deceased youog man wan about 21 years of age he wai in his third year in the faculty of arts in toronto university and a trice tenia 1 111 k the university company qoifc- mrs e pringle minto had tbe misfor tone to fall npon tbe ice recently and sus tained a fracture of 4 be 4iip aod severe iojnries to ber epine from the effects of which she died on thursday thecountfcv abound newt items supplied by correi- pondontshnd exohangefl bu the h k cotivtutioti hero this weok in cxpecfrd to make quite a sttr in town our cillccoif cxtoud the delegates a lioarty wel come a brunch of tho ymca has boon organized 11 llurliitoti amu nwdiug room oiencd in oonnoction therewith it ia hspjl the yo uug mou will embrace tho privileges offered rockwood mac farriah of torofito spent sunday at home misses storey and nickliu actpo visited friends hero on sunday galviu tolten a young man living with mr john taylor while going up street from church on sunday evening slipped and falling broke a small bone in hts arm at tho wrist owing- to tbc cilrcmcly mild winter chiptrouks lizards etc are frisking about as gaily as in the mouth of may l a select party was given in the towu hall on tuesday owning- last week the lovers of terpsichore enjoyed themselves until about one oclock when an adjourn ment was made to partake of a splendid tapper at hamiltons hotel the salvuliou army have removed their headquarlon from the old building on harris st having rented and fitted up tbe shop owned by mr mccarthy on main st opposite mr wrights bakery squire and mrs strange celebrated their gojden wedding wednesday eveningt 18th mst the members of their own family with a few intimate friends and neighbors were prttit and all wished them many more anniversaries of their wedding hay mr and mrs strange were the recipients of some very beautilul presents a meeting in the interest of mr innes the reform candidate for s wellington was held in the own hall on wednesday evening speeches in favor of free trade and tlie reform policy were given by messrs innes and guthrio tjcof guelph while the cause of the government wag sop- ported by a mr lewis of gilt one night last week a burglar supposed to be a shoemaker who had spent he day previous in town made his way through a window into the barroom of the railroad hotel and stoic the till with its contents amomtilg to some teu dollar to facili tate hts rapid departure broke into mr j stowartb iboe thop and took a pair of loot lie iws not yet been captured the following were the prize winners at the curniva1 on thurvly evening best dressed lady may yucca miss mary passmoru best dressed udy summer miss kate pike best dressed lady any other costume miss nellie strachan best dressed gent scotch laddie mr herbert leo best dressed gent any other costtmc mr sf wright best udy sktcr in costume miss gibsqa best lady and gentlcnwii skitter in costume miss strachnn and mr lee comic lady miss maude dyer mens race 2 miles mr t g arstang boys nice 1- tails mr f lee fancy skater mr joo brandon comic cat jos james georgetown dominion elections your vote and influence are nxpectfally raqiutted oa behilf of jbhhwalsie i liberal candidate for the house of commons greatest bargains ever offered in guelph excitement at fever heat knatchbull nomination day polling one week from today pleaty of mud for the occasion plenty of mooej up on the occasion plenty of sorrowfal anea after the occaiioe this is our first attempt it poetrybut spring aint far away acrofdcf enthasiastk visited the train of the g o m at oar station saturday evening gneover ardentadmirerpcoposed ttking off the locomotive and hiulingthe train to brampton by hand- speaking of enthusiasts reminds ns that friend john is one of the highest order in the heat of a political discussion in the institute he illustrated a poiut by backing up throch a window when john wants to mike a point windows dont count another large party and if the roads continue as they are probably the last of the reason visited mr hiram grahams on thursday- evening last those who have patronized these events rathec- freely this winter pronoance it to have been the finest of them all the box social at mr l l bennetts on wednesday evening last week was an un- qualified success the novelty- of the affair was one of its best features fich gentleman drew a box and finding the owners name inside he had to divide the cnatenlc with her mr plewis of terra colta added imachvto the pleasare of the event hy hit character rogiutions while returning from the foresters sapper ia oar tdwu hall last taesday evening mr j l moulton who for years has worked in xixons harness shop in slewarttown waa seized with paralysis he was taken to his borae at mr nixons and at last reports had not improved much there has been considerable talk around town and county generally about the trouble info wcichmr w dbrothers has fallen so tar as we can learn the charge of forgery made against him was malicious ly false and wa are pfetty well convinced that on his return from california bro brothers will i make this climate too salu- brioas for those who made the charge and then failed to appearl wheu called upon to prove ft i j there was a very enjoyable open meeting of the epworth league on monday evening- it wis fairly well attended too not with standing the immense counter attraction of waldiefs meeting in the town hall oar bandhas secured the services of mr craig of guelph as teacher and they are now putting in- steady practice ia their hall over tbe billiard room peesoeal fxeiw mrs a home has retnrned to her lome id fergus after psy- inghcr brotherinlaw mr john home a short visits mr w short of toronto was the guest of li w goodnnow op sunday last mrs anderson of falmerston ia visiting her father mr j g wuisou jtev mr magwood erin exchanged puipiu with rev mr harnweft on sandaylast he is a cleter yoamj preacher and cave very interesting dibcoorse to a large con- grefiation here the misses poole of tottenham ari the guests of mrs 8 m cook mr hi w kennedy attended the s s conventiin at burlington yesterday r f harrison rpeot saturday last la the county hufaj j our townhili was as full as it could hold on monday evening with a most re presentative and intelligent audience who came to hear iwhai mrwaldie and hli right bower tad to say on the absorbing topics of theday mr j no r barber occupied the phair and in a fow happy remarks introduced the first speaker of tbe evening as bev mr smith mpp of fast york rjpace forbids a fuller report of the occasion than to say that when tbe speakers hid finished every tory remain ed a tory still and dery grit ditto or more so there was ifl opposition offered and very wisely so we think u political meetings without opposition are s very ule sffsir mrs henry husband of mootemin nw twhobu beenviaitingfriendi in naisaga- weya for the paitthre months left today for her home in the west all are cordially invited to the blooms bury entertainment to come off next friday ovening the 87th anexeellentprogramme has been provided and good time is anticipated a type of election fever has broken out m johnnys camp and an epidemic if threatened johnnys case seemi to be in a very critical condition indeed it will however be seven or eight days yet before a decided change will be noticed on him milton mr y d brotherr of he ihfvrwer left left last week on a trip to california mr woi malu has bought the farm of the lata mr wm harrison in trafalgar near milton for g500 a meeting of tbc directors of halloa agncullarat sociery was held lait week when the date for the spring fair was fixed for april 2zcii and that of the fall fur er- hlbitioa for oct th and jth the royal templars of mihcu have purchased a piano for use at meetings of the council there are several applications for be position of own clerk made vacant by the resignation of mr m e mitchell mr robert coates of kilbride is one of the applicants erin one uight last week the i o 0 f hall had a narrow escape from destruction the careuker had just completed his work of fighting the lamps of the large chandelier when the chain snapped and the whole came crashing to the floor breaking glasses igniting the oil and horning a portion of the carpet mraikens had no assistance bh fought the flames bravely and suoceed- ep 11 getting the fire under control ere any serious damage was done a firm from gait proposes establishing a knitting factory- in the old woollen mills formerly occupieclby mr doxbory em ployment will be famished to a number of young people the ladies missionary circle of the methodist church will hold heir annual social on good friday rev w j magwood preached la the methodist chrirch georgetown las sun day a society at christian endeavor has been organized by tbc yoang ieople of efctnis church of this iliage died on lot 11 con 10 erin on konday feb luhisl arch jlcuistei- in his wth year of age the lastbyeelection two week if a the fcti 1ezsa published lha official retaras of the hut geoerl elec tion in this coanty and a number of oar readers having since requested tbe figures of tbe hut byeelectioi oa the2iadaagnt l8es we pre tbejn below the official coast was ai follow ko i polling sabdiviaoa gl 33 no 2 do u ia t7 majarity for heudersou 3i ko 1 polling sabdiviston ii at no 2 do 17 52 100 iii miorit- for waldie h no 1 polling subdivision ill w no 2 do v co hi 100 153 majority for waldie a imtvn ko 1 xortli ward 37 no 2 south ward 31 42 ko 3 east ward 37 51 110 130 majority for wuldie 20 oievuu x6 1 ward 0 3g nosward 50 37 ko3ward 5t 102 127 majority for henderson 35 kecealxti no i sproalt school h xi ko 2 xonal 113 73 ko 3 stewarttown 77 711 noldubliu 37 ho ko 5 tnornpsons corners w 73 no g glenwillianu 1j co iu 158 majority for wahhe if nlwliwkvjl no i camubellrillg m m no 2 brookvilie w k7 no 3 knalchbull 55 w 207 2s3 majority for waldie 7 ko l freeman ilf 51 no 2 nelson village 73 05 ko 3 ctunminaville 7h 75 no beus school 82 55 ko 5 clines corners 85 in 337 2114 majorify for henderson 3 ttufatoaju no i the boyne 83 m ko 2 dromqain 122 i 00 no 3 postville 70 98 no 4 mannty comers 63 c3 no 5 palermo 50 51 no c bronte 50 74 444 414 majority for henderson 30 clear majority for waldie- 24 thovote at this election was 351 ot a decrease from that of the general elections frank d swan agent of be michigan cntral railway at niagarafalls died fho dcnly sunday w c mcdonald of montreal has given another 140000 in cub to mooill bniver- iy for icbair of electrical eogineeering piles of goods rapidly diminishing at the lion guelph prices out in the middle grand linctof prints worth 8c ioc and iajc clearing at 5c a web of sheeting cottort at 200 linen towelling worth 8c selling atyjc white checked muslin worth i2c at gjc dress goods mantles furs clothing carpets oil cloths- allreduced stock must be reduced before we can commence operations for remodellingour premises j dwilliamson co 5 and 7 wyndhani stgneiph 84 oswald st glasgow good evening- do you wear williams shoes you want the best you want the neatest you want them durable you want the cheapest boots shoes therefore always go to williams boot shoe store if you want anything in rubbers overshoes slippers trunks or valises call at williams acton gentlemen j dyspepsia order your spring suit and overcoat from r e nelson gu8lph b 33 new spring suitings new spring overcoatings i 3 animmense range of choice new pantings from 4 to 12 per pair 3 3 3 a special genaioe pare worsted black panting at 5 per pair my specially perfectfitting 4 pants to order satisfaction assuhed e e nelson fashionable olothler piles a positive cure thousands ot testiraou iala no purge ko suppository sent poet paid oi gv oui itiiin- s i jl address home spraina co crillia but blja heiipf prowsc of hsmlltoobajujed hettelf on bsttorday in a fit of mental tber rrtioi i ymm intense intense suffering for 8 years be stored lo perfect heauh few icoilc lure suffered mow mtereiy tram dysieiisia than mr e a mcmalxiit a well known grocer of stauutou va he says before 1s7b i was en excellent liealtli welgli- lag over 500 pounds in tliat year au ailment detcloed into neate dysjpsli and ouii i reduced la 1c2 pounds suffering burulug beiisatlons in the stontacli palpitation of uie beart nausea and lndlgestiun i could not sleep lost nil heart in my work had flt of melancholia and for days at a time i would have welcomed death i became morose sullen and irritahle and for eight years life was a burden 1 tried nuiiyithyslclana and many remedies one day a workman employed by mc suggested that i take a mm hoodi us sufleridb wlfo of dyfipejr- sla i did so and before taking the whole of a bottle i began to feel like a new man the terrible pains to which i had been subjected ceased the palpitation of uie heart subsided my stomach became easier nausea disap peared and my entire system began lo tone up with returning strength came activity of mind and body before the fifth bottle was taken iliad regained my former weight and natural condition t am today well and i ascribe it to taking hoods sarsaparflla kb if you decide to take hoods bars- parilla do not be induced to buy any other hoods sarsaparilla sol4 by sll dranbta h t six t or fft prepared oiu tj o t hood co apotliecarks tonau hast ioo doses one dollar 8 years new nobby spring 1 3 aoods being received and opened up at- i c cash store miltom f t neisr silverwrare pickle 8tand cups fpr children fancy salt cellars knlvetcftndiforks cake baskets spoons cruets napkin rings just opened at savaes jewbllbiy stoke guelph rbjer7vtfyn f rf u we finish stocktaking this week and find have several thousand dollars worth of winter goods more than we should have at this time wa mean convert this surplus stock intj cash and oyr plan is to continxie our x i qreat reduction sale 300 pieces 1fy0cwaxt r- zllsj dress cdbds we hare 300 pieces in ill the new nukes and utc ihadw miaafactarirj rrlec will be our irico during fccruirj- ii we have left i5 ot our cljoiccii 23 left 5 combination robes 1 35 left s how does half price strike you 7 thai 1 the price for ibis month 100 vf akds 1 vahds isiimi silkbroche t tbo price was lg5 for ibis tacuth ij fcuiublo for wn i for mafrob riopejucff we give to per cent off cloaking 22s ulstering lloiss during february must go mu8tg0 cnarr rn v must go olr stock of millinsry uait be deared out do you want any at half prlc we bab sold more rurs furs furs ingrowing nails k positive and permanent ouro for lu- growing nails no pain sent post paid for iso stamps or eilrev adores hom brkrnc cp oboiji oxi sr fui s fok fui s rorfuts uiii vluter tlian any previous scasou our assoiltiieut h 6lill gocd and the lrice tll suitvou lreiwrd fur tlie cold enap vkkv best we only haudjekoous of tlio bt makers andkuarauleeterf pair mrss- bootshosi if yoa want a toe xld boot or a strong knock about you- wiu and dttmbef r belfyj iviixiiaiiiiii ws iggggfwbragiggps

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