Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 26, 1891, p. 4

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fnv i u fhtfvv y-ly- 1 l ii yt jtttm jftee rcss thcr8ditretnnirv 1851 hie young yolks iter rlghtltastimas ubm only ft lilue touljdit wu iw tootpt rtgii turn nun ii kiinj tfac umrt out od froa tnoxiiu iv un th tnwtiic ld ke dt to ran tq tuln or down or off on errmnth witrout ftwn rmdy 1 do iu t hithrat oo vbfcrv hit mother wintod don timhtbrt iue ww quick to obey to hrt hu orl or kit piny witfaoat t martnar- uid tm tlic ill he io rw4 iter tiita hli cxecodu t u11i aihl duntr dlbr t iicr irvtml at lot her comfort tenderly t4wd sou tttd dxojhtct iu auc d4u hi inotlicti towiinfi her ribttmdtnm at ltmtin lii t rirbt to jiia for horn of ti otttlitii loyil l1 andchoow rrcomiiotijihtfirlf diltfl to uhn theevturnruot mw u- uotltr rmi ihnr ttd deedou mow hw totl amulailcc ul4h tc bcfok atdtftntnldbumrue dirjnn defer ert caiius one jcuoir iac to her u riihiin would itriag ujcui every boy utkild be tc hit mother socrcc oc jor and twttr driel or mtin wpcrt to heri5ccuooa tilluot heart angrli avrc car deu record loye nfai t its owi reward and w dertt 4 harden or crfftl to d4n to irt an hii uiouieri rgbth4ddmvn la i hc 7 wuf wew rda m uiaeu of joy aa4 rrid ih 1 a hr ihtciou bar that the toand o diitoice will 2idt flnh ta her f c at lirijht ai a maf jeut wuilt and oh lit a peur atchl to meet taa kirinj eotjt im the tlroe anitniy a maidrii uu vi1 0n tad euvira thr mother turr risirliaad man notes here and there turn of genaral irturiatt to froq pra ftoad bona men pkot tlitir wltcj n their dtviomt but wlicu uch wives ace nling do tbm hatbanje tmrucu a doctor vt ditittlv- j th coojghiug aid vrliecidiv bt ihsrtoivi troubled with bronchitis or uie wtfifnt ij eioeaively hirrinit to uiemwuw anu anuojlnfl toother dcthomu kdeclria oil obviate all llii eulirtly lafcly and ipeedily if i were you my dear i woamai tarn my i ikti to look axtc r nsrocijlor tropertment men t wiyihat foret o sew the fram around the bitoia o my aiirt or uic ltoa on my hoc y itroaldii coaclade tliat cxtrjinan who iisqmeuiinpliact tome hid fallen a lore iritk mc twroaldni fl tlat i wu im illtreated personage beija us tboqgu i cotild play pteasaatlr myirrieadsdidnl coanl me a niicni ifanirt i woali not when i eoclj only have one frock choose a coafpicaoas one ihit would 3 mark me aa the pirl in the red plaid i woald not because i was tired and ner- voxis gix ciappy iltnatnred replies to questions aaked me by thewe who radly cared foe rce t would not pet in the habit iif speaking la a familiar war of the men t know when roa make them tom dick or harry they are apt to consider von as kate sell or molly 7 i woeldnoc permit any girl friend to com plain to me of hsr mother it is like lialen- ing to btisphcmy i wonldnot when i brush the iast off mr hat forget the cobweb of distrust tad suspicion in my brain i woold cot tell my most private affkirs to my meet intimate girl friend nor woajd i ask her impertinent questions i would not write ailly letter to voting mec or permit them to be familiar with me i woald not grow weary in well doing instead i would keep on encouraging my self by trying to jive cp to my trying bo hard woild make me achieve that which i iahdrtki iodic lionu jbarttrf creased t once h t- f if i i had heen loofcuy over the battlefleidf aroundmarieita ga and waa five milei from the town when a cracker came along with aa ox and cart and offered me a lift piya a writer n kew rarfr sex altar riding some distance x realized thai bath wheels were smdjy ic need of ereue and i aaked why he didnt lubricate u what f cr t he aaked to make the cart draw more easily sho this yere oi doan mmd he an doan kaor bat it woald stop the aqaeakin yes i reckon bat the eqaeakin doac it would save your wheels i finally said sho this old cawt aint wtqui ravin didnt you erer grease it v i persisted once a yankee rode to town witfa me and boagbt m a box of staff how did it work v j ifijhty shek bat we dan spread it on hoecake and ate ic all op in a week a missionary on one of the lalaads of he pacific preachedon disbonesty and the next morning be looked out of his window and saw his yard fa0 of goods of allkinda he wondered and asked the cause of it well said the native our gods that i we have been worahippuig permit na to steal bat according to what you said yes terday the god of heaven and earth will not allow tfaia wo we faring hack all these goods and ask you to help aa in e theta to the placet where they belong n the mamen waa certainly effective tfo sunfagscdsra i uitcir to take temper out of brass the ambreha man was goinj to pat braes wire around the umbrella stick to prevent it cracking any farther where the catch ia placed which keepa the umbrella spreidv he heated it in- the lamp and dipped it in wafer whats that for5 was asked every piece of hrass wire is tempered in process of making said he the act of burnishing and drawing puts an elasticity and spring into it heat i dip it into water uid the temper is gone and you can bend it at will lewiston stwnol i one striking peculiarity about dwarfs u thai however old they may become they never live long iiet and coaifort to tlie sufferiaff browns household panacea has no eqo for relieving pain both internal and external ft cures pain in the side hack oroowels aore throat rheumatism tooth ache lam bgo and any kind of pia or ache it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful brown household eau- acea being acknowledged as the great pain bdierer aud of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be b every family handy for use when wanted aa it really is the beat remedy in the world for cram pa in the stomach and paius and aches of all kinds and is for sale by afl drnggistrat za cetitf abattje from the wythcj ulksbout the tariff 00 wooil thiok that the ltudet duties were the sole aim of some oltticiani i mc y thayer wrixltl i g lud jja peptia for 20 car tried nixiiy remedies and doctorr but got aa relief his appet- iit was rery poor bad a dmretstug pain in his side and stomach and uraduil watlirg away of flah when he heard of and inv madia it ly commenced takiag kocthrop nmanf veccublo discovery the pains have left and he rejoices iu lli enjoyment ofexoellnt tieattti in fact he is quit a ucw man soma like the spring time bcl aud some prefer the mttuncr but all must admit that the lodtau sutatner it the best of fall f tauiy uookf titauliy loiki are uow as coniciou as coiigbt and cold to at ri of the utter osfc hayardv pectoral baltm the beet canadian pouiih mtv forctuldtcuoraiiult it cures by iu rjailiim luktinc and vxk-c- tocaiit irortir try form uiltnut an j lung trouble pulmoaary codplaiuts etc the i peaks r who hs too miny heads to his discourse wilt ftn it ditficult to secure atlettiic nff m luat foctvi x aiancl ftltrr tbeiireracu s a filter to- remove im- parities front the lljud to kcci it in perfect workitij order ce it b r the great livec rcculttr i ued two bottles of burdock blood bitters foe liter coraglcmt aud can clearly say i am a well woman to day upper dtikbos s b onthegrocndi of cae kcwport villa jo- 000 flnorcrs of a sinic variety have been planted in a rcas of colyr ilia supplying a lawn felt want 174300 in gold bra wia wo wllijtl to ue first parsoo uiiibk di bfort joho lil looi where in iba bible tlio word wifo is flrtt found 9k000 6 tfold to the uttt loooo to the third 12600 to tho fourth wo00 to the fifth 11500 to the iutb jio to the next 85 5 each to the licit 9a v to the penou boudiug in the ait oorreot answer nc wiil give 100 in tfold to the tiext to the last 5 md o on uihcu from tho first with your aniner leud 2u ota iu silver or 27 els in stamps for a box of dr dole blocd tiki liver pills the beat blooj liver and stomsoh pill over made 8 art care for sick headache dont grije uemcmbcr the presents are absolutely free beiug given away to advctic dr cole per fect pilu and family hemedtes at the close of iheoontoct llivuaiueiaiidaddroiim of all the prise winers will bo published we refer you lo the the traders bank of orilla scud at once aud bo first address home specific co orlllia out they say aa dumb as an oyster wall now su oyster ti a dumb good thing owing louic- unprecedented dennud for plate tlats it lai advanced couitborably fn price messrs uccaasland 4 son tor- ojito fortunately nude a coutraot before lucadvauce or a vciy cousiderable quantity and are thus euabled to offer their patrons this season a very decided advantage inpeice the quality beiug iu periorto ay ever previously imported i with some folks wbauyou wearooauu for more thin wbxi you arc jlf yoa wautto bay or soil a- farm ad vcrtise iu the toronlo itfeky udu that paper reaclte 100000 farmew bomee every tveek and yoar advertisement tho old moct the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisement of this class are in serted in the toroulo ifrezy mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cenua word for fivu insertions address the kail toronto canada i if the doctor orders birk has not tho patient a ridil locroal kuifliuofubor tjtc knijlits of labor aim to protect their member aiiniuniucial difiicnuies etc hazards yellow oil protects all who ute it from tbe effects of cold and ex- pware such ai rheatsattsnit neqralgia lumbago ircluroat atd all inflammatory piiu kolbfeg coapir with it as a handy am cure for miu and beast one jciuute curr fortyitlirlic toothache one cf the most common and oce of the most ptinfcl affections is in sunlfjr cured by ti apphcttioa of pclsons kerviline pjfioae nerviline is a com biuatioa of powerful anodyccf and it etrikea at once to the nerve soolhingtfaem and affording in ooe minute total rehef from pain mother try it for your child rens toothache xcrwlins is scld iu 10 and 15 cent buttle by alldrccifu a noted broker became a bull after he had iot his temper and got over bearing how absurd for people to ruin tbeir health with en- wbolesome food the food prepare with imperial cream tartar biking powderia wbolesome against machine farmers what goes mast grain his mawic ifr tho bell or ifesert scott bexl co proprietors of the winghara furnitare factory writes for over one year i wax not free one day from headache 1 tried every medicine i thought would em me re lief but did not derive any benefit i then procured a bottle of korthrop lymans vegetable discovery tud began taking it according to directions wbea i soon fond that the headache was leaving me and i am now completely cored f ten pounds i i two weeks i think of it am ttlsthvnimcr there can be i scotts emulsion of pwe cod liter oi and htpopbospwies j of lima and soda u wiflumt x rival mmy bxve gained a pad a day br tia ua ofrt it cores consumption j scwfiu aaokctmis coueni mo cotos ud uj f0ri1s of wastiiiff dis- i ejues js ftlltsble jls utlk i if ripper it ifl fhsssatt mc voct j lsbs oreatremedt for 3papnt rheumatism neuralgia 8clatlca lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bites 8pralns bruise burn etc ol hy druxti and dealer ertmrhcrt- rttjceauaijtue iriicctions la ii itncssrei the chxfiles a v0goe2 co bakjcera u canadian demt toronto oat for coughs colds bronchitis and all lung and throat troablet there u no preparation g medicice can eompara with bicklca aoticonumptive syxnp it never fails to- afford prompt and perman ent relief it removes all soreness and heals t be diseased ptrtf it immediately sooths the most trosbleome cougb and by promoting trpectontiou removes tue maccus which- stops up the sir tubes which csases the difscuiiy iubrealhing thereby give reiifcf to that rfepresaidg tihlneaa eiperienced in tbe cht public speakers aoi siogtrs will find bickles anti-con- samptive syrup of inestimable value as it speedily and effectually allays allirrilaiion sod huakinee in the throat and bronchial tubes and gives power to the vocal cords rehderin the voice clcir and sonorous if pircnta wiih to save the lives of their chil dren and themselves from much anxiety trouble and expense let lb em procure a bottle of bickles amiconsumptive syrup and whenever a child his taken cold has a cough or hoarseness give the syrup accord ing to directions early cramming food mother with a- son of a very open cogdtensncej xi hes a pretty good boy bat he dont take to hi letters old friend well he othter for his mouth is like theelit of a ppsto2icc bor gansumtioa cnret an old physician retired from practice haring had placed in ha hands by an eait india misalonary the formula of a simple vegatable remedv for the speedy and per manent care of consumption bronchitif catarrh asthma and all throat and long affections also a positive and radical cure after having tested its wooderfal curative powers in thousand cf cases has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows actaated by this mofire and a desire to relieve human safferinff i will send free of charge to ait who dwire it this recipe in german french or english with fall directions for preparing andasiog sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this paper- w a korcs 820 powers block kechester x x the nmi mastbe iuteretted in base ball else why do they eo of ten go but on a fly c c erchjjiis co gests my boree was sg afilicted with distemper that be caald not driuk forfour dajsaiid rerued all food simply apply ing mikahds liktmext outwardly cured him feb 188 ci4tttl-ueirrcix- ernybody kiinn thit at this season be mood is filled with impurities the accatnalation of mouths of cioae confiumeut in fioorly ven ulaitfl ktore workshop and tenements au theejeimpuriuea and every trace of crofturiirrtforo p diww roay jfee eapelled by takingfioa baraapanjis the bert uood porjfier everptoddced it j it tbfrooly aediefw of which 100dos omdputf istrae 1 c c biceoiurt ico qfxrs i have ncd your mikabds linfuknt for brotichitis and asthma and it has cared me i believe it the best lot 5 p e i lies a lrvrxcstox g a- diron frankvijle ont says he was cured of chronic bronchitis that troubled him for acveateen years by the uae of dr thomat eclectrij oil vorms cause senoas sickness dr lows worm syrup destroys and expels ail kinds of worms quickly and surely xoloue in ten of the people yoa meet from dsy to day has perfectly pare healthy blood the hereditsrj- sccofuloas taint afilicts the large majority of people while many others ic- quire diseases from impare air improper food and wrons indulgences hence the imperative ncceasily for a reliable blood purifier like hoodssaroaparilla which eradicates- every imparity and gives to the bfod vitality and health it cures scrof da salt rheum humors boils pimples and all afftcf ions caused by imparities or poisonous germs in the blood all that is asked for hood sarfiparilla is that it be given a fan taial when a wiscoasia girl is kissed she iooics surprfsed and says how could you to which the swain replies it will give me great pleas are r to show yoa ana he proceeds to give here daplicate small sugarcoated burdock pills do not gripe or sicken they are mild and effec tual the third page of the toronto daliif mfijt noted for want adveriiaenwots if you vant to buy or tell anything if you want a situation mechanic a busi- ness machinery lodgpgs if yoq have lost or found anything orif yoa want to find oo where anyone is advertise in the to ronto daily ifnii and read the advertise ments on the third pae of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion addreba the mail toronto can ada why dont they arrest iijokc fellow on the car bo mokeit tludr business to brkc op a irani i give ltollowaya carif care a trial it removed uicorns from onejwir of feat ifitfioat ajjyia what it has done mice it ifilj do agafu fditflrial kvldence gtxrremwr voorfhtgsrda yellow oil is worth weujiitfh rnlrf for both nter- nsliand external use dutiug the late la grippe epidemic we found it almost excellent preventative and fir sprained limbs etc there is hofhwiii tn equal it i wv pkuarhtox editor delhi reports for infants and children picket wire fencing ooiti from 60 oenti per rod doj feeti up kortbefaruior garden uiciv it uo fence io darabjffuidlaiuug saud ut hal order aud nauutv u latii- ticlfou vlll he the rosull uucouut lo uio irsdc jirict- lirlt aid imrticu- larsouspplicalian addrctt j mjooley co cuoldh ont reports from the fahiouauc world say that the iaet demand hi society is foe simplicity n entertainments elaborate dinners are aow considered inelegant swell reoeptiout are suobbiili preunlious collations are ptebciau what is merely cojtly aud cuuiplictud v falliug iuto dii- repute as low aud coun gnxj eenw as well as good uite will iudyrrc tlu chauge kaifuicouk head napoleons head was a peculiar eliae bat that did not protect him against liejd- sche sick headache is a common and disagreeable aiectioi which uuy be quick ly removed together with iii cauic by the ase of dardock blood bittccs the never- failing medicine for all kinds of headaches dark and suggh- dark and sluggish describe tiie ecudiueu of bad blood healthy blood is ruddy and bright to cure bad blood aud it conic- qaence and to secure ood lood and iu beoeftts in the saftst surest and bct waj use burdock blood bitters itroulyrcon mended by all who uie itui the lst liooj purifier sweeping sale j-of- winter dry goods xt the mammoth house georgetown 15 pek cent off for cash haiwa7 tutttists great for thirty days only alt lines of dry qoods boots and shoes are bein cleared out faieweak women need atonic trcnlh giving flh baildinj medicine like mil- burn u beef iron and wine alvice io motiixts are jou disturbed at oixht aud broken of yor xts by i sick child suffering and crying with tie piiu of cutting teeth if o n4 at oc end gt a bottle of mrs wici lows seething byrup for children teething i tf value is incalculable it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it mothers there is no mirlake atout it it cureadyieattryard dialrrluja regulates the stomach ind bowela chrrt windcclic softens tbe gams reduces insimmtion and gives lone and energy to ths kbsle system mrs- winslowisoathg syrup for children teething is ptaaanl to the ttite and is the prescription of one of the oljcet and beat female physicians and nurtes in the united states aud is fcr sale by all druggists throughout the wcrld price twentyfive cculs a bottle he eure and ukfirmas wiur sju uvj stcr aad take no other kind as750 cottage or its equivalent in cash will bo given to the person detecting ths greilot nuuber of errors words wrongly sidled or mis placed in the december iscue of our fieulx in addition will bo given two caahprizcs of 1200 each four of 100 eight of io0 ten of z twentyfive of f 10 fifty iof 5 one hundred of 5 sud one hundred and fifty ofsi distribaled in the order mentioned in rules and rcgaiaurjs which will be sent with a copy cf december usae on receipt of 15 cents in ttamps special cash prizes given away ahnosl even day daring competition which clones febmirj- lit 13 1 addreas opt lvur publishing co- brocktille canada u a girl thinks more of her heels thin hsr head depend upon it she will never amount to mach brains which settle in the shoes never get above them vouug gentlemen will please pat thii down te0li called the greatest medicine world liuiziilj hiafliait zz clziri cr nanay rtfttidl psmphlsu tmimin etc fbe wi bidih mickode kiltek co ul 120 king- bt w toronto ont sol wnfrfartt forth dominion cfftewsraof mpotionl 6 our tr4emrfc rn tho beg to announce that we have marked down regnidles of cosi a large lot of winter goods which we are bound to clear oat as we do not want io earn- them over to next season dressgoods worth 10c for 5e worth 20c for 10c all wool worth 85 for 15c have an immense stock- of beautiful dresa goods suitahle for nil seasous which we are sell- ing remarkably cheap a few dress patterns that were 1000 1500 and 2200 we are now ofleriiig at haltprice 500 750 andslloo beautiful blacksilk and black satin jlerv for 50c nor yd worth 8100 per yd col ored satiu merv worth 100 for 50c per yd uemnauls of col ored silks that were sold from 100 to 175 are now 50c per yd suitable for dreis trimming or combinations alot of knitted woollen goods marked down to 25c ou the great drive in eidics jackets and long mantles and mantle cloths splendid mantle cloth or 50c per yd a fine scaletlc original price 800 now stoo short and j jackets at half price we begin thera from 100 up nobody need be with out a jacket and long mautleif price will do it ladies furs a uuinber of them reduced to half- price gents fur caps great bargains a number of sleigh robes being sold cheap splen did grey flannel for 15o peryd all wool grey flannel 2siuches in width 35c for 25c per yd we especially call attention to our immense stack of overcoats bought at 50c on the nice gents overcoats from 300 up we liave a large stock ofgeneral dry goods too much to particu larize hut as we have announced we will give sweeping bargains iu wiuter goods we arc es pecially efjuipped forexecuting wedding aud mourning orders dont forget our makeup depart ments such as uilliuery ifautle- niakiug dressmaking tailoring we excel iu those departments inspection respectfully solicited w mcleod co oeoraetowh children cry for pitchers castoria vhiea eabj itm ifcfc we gare her castoria when tlie was a cuim the cccd for castoria when she became kiss the clunj to caiterta when she had chimren she care toem castorta mlurd- umlmeut for sale circytiliere htnanv llafram tor knit fcrerjwhfre v v dlows worm syrup destroys and removes worm s or all kinds n children i adults sweet as syrup and cannotharm the most 5 delicate child like magic tf ie cilwi irrtelm-ju- acrs cherry iectoral ibir ii croup and sore threat crc iu um coc- ia- laluittiy nlic el by tlk use ct via wontrfil rti it tirriimcils tlc vocal ttttjis cls irritaiiu zva yiv- vents tic iiroa td tunciipt ij hi every tc of tat dread d ispnsc aycrs cc rry pec toral rtlicvt- ctili- iijfr aud iutlcics refreshing rest t have used ave rs cherry ptrturil in my family for thirty years aud zvi always firtitid it lie lesf rcimdy for croup to winch conivbihit liiv children inve been subject capt l carlcr nrrotlyn k v au cxncrioucc cif over thirtjr ytjrs iu ilid fale of jirojricuiry mch- cintfifl justified in rwmiuciuliug ayers clicrry ivcioral one of the biist recomniendaiious of im lvicral is the endurlu quality cf its popularity it being more alaliie now than it was twentyfive years nn wlien its prrat fuccess was considered marvelous r s drake r l itelio kuils jty little sister four years of age wu so ill from brosicbilw tliat we liad ahuot piven tp liapc of her recovery orr family physician a fkilhu man and cf lart experience pronounced it ne- liss to pivc her any more nieditinii savins that lie had done nil it was pos- eibla to do and we must prepare for tlic worst as a last resort wc determined to try ayers cherry pectoral and i can rrnly say with tha most liappy results after taking a few doses sbc fiocmed to breathe cosier and witliin a week was out of danger we continued riviuc itie pectoral until satisfied she was entirely well this has given me unbounded faith in the preiiaratiou and i recommend it confidently to my customersl c o lepper druggist fort wayne lud fur colds aud coughs take f 30 days this is a big chance for buyers come to our sale for 30 days sale crandtrum hallway ooio tirr i ini klitmi tl ul lll- 1 pftkoftr 914 txirrm 10 ri kth 11 w tja tluo kivitiljjjr tbtongii kip cw dm t luft zas r aocom 10wpai 1 alccmri rjxe orcifijuxn kiili oolllg wcttf 30 lnmifl 5 0 pd qoiag eit1030mqi stppni mi thu llino ublo went do flect od oct 1s90 m 1 ilii lr 1 ak ltul- lil i ij henderson mcrae co 7vcton the oldest drug store in cueuph i smiths ejrcfable j3iodd tonic the ile ind sfcl wood partner in lie llirket cure lud smtiousici-hetl- mbe lou of ajijictitc a-c- dc smiths winter flnid iti a riiiaioo lecouj to uous for luo fmmut euro of jjorc ljpa chap icd hands roashnefi o tha uiflit ac smiths cheiiv balsam is n tho at doubt the moit iiociaaj roi cdvrrrijcfnrw coujijs calt hroticliilis oartoaewac he larcestle wos jn cftfjava over loositvies of hay scalfib grain scaled j farm scaig tea scales improveoishow noe oraweis hutc6jpprs mid birrchek tmuit aiduas ixctl write jot l c wllsolfjl ift so 6 0 esplanade btheet east tor0ntcon1 uasllon luia jujkr e frjrfiaiqtgu mils- i i i i r money uiiii mitrwtiafwk 14 rj tfwift yj italj jl-w-h-wwil- mho 4- bt iwyuhwfc w fclfc rtimr ntnjtl rtfc i i ynttptf oxiim ill 7jtirf l lb wart tmilfm amnrrrait tnm u to ttr ad ftvrt tflrt imh terirmtt wt rs farmiib fn h r tiottnt tjih j tit tt- itoil mcchtl w g smith t co f dispensing chemists cor wyndham maodonald streets guelpli ont choice furs south sea seal otter caps beaver caps persian lamb caps outer beaver and persian lamb collars and cuffs all our furs are no i selected notwithstanding the great rise in price of all furs our prices have not advanced as we bought long before the advance took place shaw grundy merchant tailors cuelph our homes be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for i the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in man- styles and prices excellent value always j a speight manaeer big bargains in harness at ct hi matthews ayer cherry pectoral prepared dt dr j c aycr 4 co lowell mass jricofi tiboiujsj worth 3 a ixrtue nllnllfutoo hitt ffrnrdliitttimtiuniru won r f b br attn iwtr aomhl trw fifi j liuan tolrtja ohio l ttlin trriaiafm mll wky kf niotrrrmom vo iio ilv ikr wort nd ht if m brrwf jbm m krrtw rniirn cilljr nilny frow 1 1 1lqiiiranft- wrih jnhm nd iin tnaii aivk in tttarr bt irallih hpr lllr liumrr for ort rf i tv iionoti u 1j1- to wk ito fnufnrtlnailmnlaf big stock on hand single harness best mounting forisoo team harness in proportion big assortment of trunks whips combsbrushes etc cheap call and ee for yourselves j h mhtthsws 20 coals hardwood wanted in exchange dunns baking powder thecooks best friend p a new from qover pook o covefi rnlly abrcart nltl iht ttart websters inttrnff ionai dictionary a grandinuestmewii fur tlc rrni s cr prqftional ulirt tha authentic woltr uf bridged blctlonarttcsifriaiiieik lsraes of 1864 19 4w ciptricited property ef tie nsdr4eiiediaow thoroughly revi4d and cnlstgad ana is a distinfralduiig title mirv the jiaae of 7ebster interxe tionl dletionary editorial work trjkn uils revixw haa dees in aotitoifirogrcis foror tew tear not lew tin one boa dred paid editorial laborers ban beea eafaeed npoa it over 30o000 expeadod ia it preparatioai before tke rut copy was priated 4 critical dompariiootriti anj- other dictionar inriteil ot tho best g s c mgikiam ic io iubluhepm sold bv 1 boopejjtrs juuirll lirnphlrtfree the key to settltri ii udocts all tho clogged evemies of iba bowels kidneys and liver currying osgradotlly vithoaitoihcning ihc- tembu theimpudueearjd foul iramogj of the ecctcuoos at tho same timo con noting acidity of jthe stomaffl curtfig bulousriess dyspepsia headaches dtalnete heartburn constipation dryne s of ttiasklb dropsr dimness dice salt rheum er faila flattering of i voasness acduenet these and tnnny otiier nmiur com g eld to the happt iifueita ci fil woo birms tmnaufijc0 koto vision jam sipelas sezo- o heart ser- debility all iplainti v 4r tbadrnasub to farmers and threshers tjafionvourmachinervonly the weliknown fbeeless oil fm 9 gold medals h bleu lv marine the latt three year z z r try auo oar pjorlsm axle 0t848 for ton waggous aud dorse powers tueaeoila are used and highly recommended at themode farm gaelph farmers ask for them use noother v mannfaororedat3tises31tfollfforklb- samuel rogers st co toronto niaaldt ualnlcal for sale krrrjrwlitre syjjff mm rat ti jorf l cymfa vlekl floral guide deans ihc i ctnti froia ini onjcr il costs jotmnjv tiu plmcv ftulos oiah th cobrej pliia grandest xoreitfe r ofered loo la ah ptatai io those istadua duberden lionoia prim si ooe of the stale fain giand offer chcfuralt blajc indlaerentibapefron ever ucftne laopares tw s iculnchti ahbbvick maus twnlittei ht i v e c auc ku isa aesorta urdock pills a 8ube cure fob biliousheescomstlpation niacst10n di2ircs3 sick headache and dicciscs or the stomach liver amd dowels thy arc kufihhoroucll aud pnoupt in actio n and poru avaluacvcaio to burdock blood drrrcna m the tncatmttiranj cunt or chronic ano qsst1nate diseases s 4 ittonoi8t btt ebutainsl ho momia- uml phosphates 1 iffammtutmms ili05tb0rr j j oukiloolu nrutunum iccidfesjifiiiii- llfibwiwsiss ttvbtfllg

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