Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1891, p. 2

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cuubackivoatltiniftriottotnelwfbnl pec tlftn- february ish hr bet jkum jrertb w a art o mr daoehtw trf ur 4- haa rovhttr fuss icioo nnsd tovta tn firwon oa tb lit march charles toreu aged so tvart jrtrwval toroobv rev tboraai w jeffrey in tb oth wrla ta artnn 4t the mffctrtwa of he eon on the ith ttarch uargvet wilson mother of tic judm wflana fiod ss jwan bnixiroa th mth febraarr at the home o hi umlvr mr- q 8enord not am be too kwbwordki altnrrvst uw solicitor- in chancery hatuand of un s a beeont acton in the tub rearot bisac sir john sustained but hlr mlnlatryi majority i con- ildartbly dwormttd ontario and quabae both ftaduca tho government majority prlno edward laland relinquishes voseateto conearvatlvee manltobaandthatarrttorlaaramaln aa they were befora toronto hamilton and ottawa oo strong for tha government aaa fljc xrtort jfrrt fjress thursday march 5 ths election returns owing to the eenerai election taking place on tbnnday are hive held die fact our readers the result o the election w itcaem l all report of the tnsjoritite in every polling place in laltou and a sum raary of the general molt throughout the dominion as far ascootd be learueovlrtm dipatcbet received nn to three oclock am the etri fncs it thai enabled to give itt local reader the reaalt o the election before the noraing piper reeeb toam london quebec and montreal olye the opposition support helton electa hendereon with a threefigure majority tbt election i over it was the most exciting utat canada has ever seen the government baa been austalucd but his lost a good deal of strength instead of 51 r for a day this kin order to rive sv j h ejdneed to about 35 the fnracn of on notes and comments a speaker t an anti tobacco meeting ia washington tli other day frankly admit ted that under certain cirxamfcuaom the uie of tobacco resulted ia the sirrac of life thttctasela great consternation in the nwtjnc until sh tor it was a womin f explained her remark ly sayinfi thst eanni bait will coder no circonntance eat a missionary who ii a tobacco user flrio and quebec have evidently united to redact the majority of sir john maodou- alds administration while the cilies have nrctty generally jivcu him their support the maritime provinces have gane more largely fn favor of ihegoverumenl than in the last election manitoba- and the korth west tcmtories remain abont aa they were up to the hourof going to press this morning britiali columbia 4iad not been heard from bat it is likely to go with the government the member ot the cabinet ware pretty severely ihakea up in the election of 1s7 their majorities were as follow sir john xtaodonaid 17 sjir hector langevin so on uackeorie bowel 1wi voder the hooding of the trne tern- pexoace platform the ccuada fftatl jotrmal has the f ouowiap renurks will not evenbody concede that if every familv coald have the comforts of a clem home howeer hnmbie ahonndantly provided with pare air and sunlight and wholesome wucoked food and with provision pub- fic or jffivatefor feqnent batiungfor the promotion of- person cleanliness there wonld soon be a great decrease in the desire for alcoholic ssmnlaboa if toyhese were added provion for tl more comiete and general system of physic training in the pablic schools for the free distribution of icf qrmatioa or knowledge for thepreven tioa of disease by both individoals and communities or municipalities and for re- placing the saloons and other places of re- sort for dram drinking by coffeehouses the desire aad demand for the habitual use o alcoholic beveragos would soon come witn the limits of fair moderation talk of the day an epitome of the worlds doings durfrigthe week sfr farueil it said to contemplate visit to america shortly senator blair of sew- hampthire w nominated and confirmed on saturday as minister to china the london j have- decided that it is not cruelty to animals cutting off the tips of cow horns with a saw a little daughter of hr b ornubr of london vs seriously injured on satarday by an ice waggon passing over her body george bachmann a wealthy german hanged himself in chicago ttatorday morn ing because his bride of three days had deserted him- it u charged that there are now twenty fire fully developed- cafes of leprosy roam ing unrestrained through the streets of xew orleans before the vienna hedieal society on friday irof bilfoth showed two patients who had been csr of tabereclocis by the koch treatment mrs- wmmcconnick of pierre ialaad died on friday aged 19 years she had ig children every one of whom stands over six feet in height american consuls in canada hire re ceived orders that imports to the united states mustbe labelled with the name of the county exporting them at bay boberu kewfoaodlaud on sun day morning the eighty earold t child of john badocck perished ia the flames that consumed her fathers boose- bobert fletcher a firmer living near ivy p 0 fell off a bad of bay monday striking oh his head receiving injuries from which be died in a few hoars iln herty bole proprietress kotre dame street montreal shot herself on saturday evening because ber hasband de serted her for another woman the sheris of frontenac on saturday held a mortgtgesale of about 1000 acres situated in clarendon township and all he got for the entire parcel was f t25- anguj itcdaaald an emplojee of the grand trunk w run over by a train at point edward and cut to pieces the re mains beingstrewn along the track it has been proved that sadler the allzed murderer of carroty nell n white chapel cannot be jack the hipper as he was at fcex when four of the murders were committed v t brock ir of fhna without farcing dropped dead of heart disease at ifyeni mill ia lutowel on wednesday- brock waciirpentr by trade and came to canada fa 1657 several farmers and their families from sooth dakota passed throaeh winnipeg on saturday to settle in yorkton mao one hundred more families frora the same state are expectell wiihin the next three weeks mr e- a dunham of st thomas was ia hare giren a centenary address fn the queen street metbodirt church torontcthis week bat he suddenly died on fridty evening last in his 77th year ee was the ton of uvr darius danham the first ordjuoed minister in canada damages f fal arrest cbeslct feb 28 mr j w- mayor has returned to england to posh his claims for damages against the briuslf government for false imprisonment several years ago mayor and along with him three others was arrested on a charge pc burglary ee by for one year in jail and was then found guilty and committed to a 7 years term in the penitentiary he put in his time and then came to america afterwards another mait on dying confessed that lie was the mac who did the burglarizing thus exon erating mayor from all suspicion the letter at ooce pat his caae in he hands of kdrard blake of toronto and hr blake uukingapexaiharintefieatfn it hepqta thr akseairoogly before the british gov- eroineot aaking at the ma time i800q u comfwn at fion for wrongfol mnffnsrrunt siradolphecarou s59 hon jobn cirling 39 hon john cosiigan 303 hon j a chapleau ifl5 sir john thompsou id hong efoster ila hon j g htgart fc hon c c colhy ui of tlfese hon john crung hon g e foiftr and hon c c colby hare been left at home hon mackenzie bowtus mi jority has been narroweddown from 11011 to aboat 200 the minister of mihui hts been returned by a very narrow miibrity the redaced majority will ocdouljtedlj weaken the miuistry but o whitextcta it is at present impouible to determine sir john msodonsld increased his ma jority in kingston from it to c70 sir richard cartwrigut evidently enjoys the confidence of his constitacnls for they hive returned him by oyer h00 majority korth and soath went worth have elected liberals carpenter the former conser vative memberis oul the reform victory in himiltoh last week is otershsdowed by the election of two con erv lives in the house of com mons somerville and psltersoa retain the twu brants with good majorities inpeei the kefoncers redeemed the county and elected fcatherstone inn is has been reelected in soath wel lington by an increased majority ifcmul- iea and semple retain their seats in the korth and centre- both lincoln and welknd go reform leaving keelon and dr ferguson at home oca ovx cocytt for years halton has been regarded as lone of the most evenly divided constitute aert ia the dominion the fonnerooolesti between the candidates ia this election proved tbemlobe remarkably wallmatch ed opponents it will be remembered that waldies majority in the last generaf ejection was only nine while that of the isstjbyeeleclioa was only ilightly in advance il kcither party was prepared to risk much upon the result in this coo lest bat worked throughout with the determination to win it was no surpriae that henderson su elected but his ma jority 10 1 was a surprise to his most sanguine supporters the following ire the majorities at the various polling places in the county ilu con itu rue hexitiaos wiuii g3 acton burlington georgetown milton oajrrille 32 i 4 34 g koii sprouts school jlo 2 korval ko 3 stewarttown no c dublin ko o thompsons corner 18 ko 6 glenwilliams 15 majority for henderson 12 sjlillwntjl ko i campbellville ko2brookviiie ko- 3 knatchbnll majority for waldie w se3j50j- ko 1 freeman kckelson village ko- 3 cumminsville kb i becs school ko 5 clines corners majority for henderson tzlfilgul 50 vj 53 ko i the boyne ko 2 dm mggjg ka 3 postvflle 17 u 15 u ko 4 munns corners 2 ko 5 palermo ko 6 bronte majorityfor henderson o total majority for henderson 101- in acton the vote was even more of a surprise than in other places to the county it speaks well for mr headersous staod- ing in his owa town when his majority reached the remarkable namberof 08 the largest ever giren here the vote was as follows r htslehikjx wuajlz ko 1 polling subdirisioa 85 40 no 2 do u 51- 159 91 j by the arrangement of the band our citizens were favored with election returns much more comfortably than usual all returns were sent to ike town hall where a very large audience hoc assembled and between the reports the band rendered an excellent programme of vocal and instru mental mnsic shortly after fen oclock mr henderson arrived from milton and was received with enthusiasm by his sup porters here the band played u the qaeeth after which henderson addressed the assembd multitude in a brief speech he thankedvhis many friends for their gen erous support in placing him in ihe proud and honorable position to which he had been elected his thanks were due he said not only ia the conservatives bat to many reformers who had given bim their friendship on this as on former occas ions he reviewed the vote throughout the county and felt that he had ac complish td wonderful things especially hi milton where he wi the first conserva- tim who ever secured a majority in that reform stronghold he hoped to wear his booort with die humility which become a man of he people and with the dignity which the honorable position demands- after again backing the electors he cou- cloovtl his remarks and jhe company dispersed kmm alton ss workers in thajr annual crivnton at bur- aninterb6t1nggathbr1nc firliirty4wo years the sibbaih bohool workers ot this oounty have been mhtlnfi in annual convention for the purpose of engaging iu disouiifont coropirljjmtthodi and mingling together for a couple of daya with a view to tits scouring of greater flatten in the sohooli in which they are fnterrited earnestness has characterised those who have attended the ooaveutloos in the past and it was only an earnest dy sire fcr improvement lu their work which induced the delegates from various parte of the county to make the journey through the rairt lc burlington last wednjsday morn log for he opening session of ihe convention of 1801 the convention wu a success end ihtsj with the hearty welcome tooorded the delegates by the fripudi at burlington rendered the viiit profitable and oojoyble the meetings were held tu the methodist church and upoa arrival the delegates found u srtittically decorated with rare end beautiful flowers and arrangements for their com to it complete in every respect at u oclock the president mr h p moore took thocbair aud the session wu ope tied with desoltonal exercises in which revl r lladdow ba secretary read the script area and rev dr ginord and mr johii warren led in prayer i after the reading of the minutes the president named messrs r d warren j amckenxie rev j w rac rev r k abraham and mr w a hopkins as nominating committee kucourfcriog verbal tepotu were iheo civen hy mr laidlaw georgetown mr kuchinc kassagaweya rev mr harn- wtllj georgettjwru mr peldc aud i mrs r mmsewood mr j a mckdtie rurliugtou the uowmaiiug comuiiixo hore reported the fdioiug odmiualiotk bcixeb couitirrtt j a mckenxie n f moore and rd warren fixixci coumtttt revs r haddow j w rie messrs hp moore kd wartco w v hopkin h w keunedy audbevhjharnwell- camiottci os rixolrnoxsrev john wakefield d m harrison james mccoy sod kev dr gjflord tlie noon hour having been reached adjournment took place i a rxd many rtelegales had arrived since morning and the attendance was much in aivsjice of the lint session devotional exercises ha ring been concluded tefbaj reports were resumed and messrs wffl hopkins barliugloc j husband mvtoo john warrea kad ren j w re ud dr glfford acton d campbell hornby and w robinson mountain reported for rcipcclive schools tlieu followed rev dr giffords address on the importance ot temperance work among the yoqiig he spoke briefly but tn the pointhowing haw destructive the use of alcohol is to the growth of physical mental and moral strength two things are needful in life i a good character 2 a good body to lecorc these for the rising generation temperance work it necessary among ihe children of today we should encourage oar children ta sign the pledge and none canworfc more eflectually in securing the desired results than the parents in the home anctthe sabbath school teachersia the school i at the coo elation of tht drv address rev j vf rac raid the question whether it was desiraue tc pledge yoang children dr ginord said certainly jrev r hiddow of milton thought more could be done pledging children than older peo ple mr john warrens experience for the j lastforly years in connection with temper ance workuugbt him that the strongest hold was to he had on thce who as child ren bad beea morally trained than let the temperance work begin also when the mind iajmresl and most unbiased rev j w raethen expressed his spprovslof what had been brought out and said he had only raised the question to provoke discussion the president in response to a request gave his views the pledging of the children was quite- right hs thought bat there is one thing esseattsl they mast be uaght- the nature of the pledge hoa aud rev r moretoa of hamilton then give an exposition of the lesson for tfce following sunday 2 kings i 2 37 ii a normal class teacher mr moretoa has a very wide repatitioo his pracficxland original idzit and inspiring methods as given on thic occasion provided a treai for the attentive audieuce some of the points made may be given here with advantage kepoke of the necessity of every teacher dicesting the jessoa for himself before giving to a clus serve it up warm to the children he said or it will do little good the lesson leaf was originally intended o do good but it u poshing tbe bible out ot the childrens hinds and i am glad to see it is being discarded take your illus trations from the llihle be sure and make the scholars turn up the references them selves doat by cay meas take your lesson helps into the class with yoa was ooe of his most earnest exhortations j at this stage aa interesting feature was in troduced gesciagc from tbe frovincisi convention were given rev r hsddow presented the programme in outline giving here and there o attractive iuustraliod or itnkiog uecdoie or appropriate poiot from the addresres of the varioas speskers mr e d warren followed with an excellent address on lessons learned from the con- ventioni ia which he gave many flsefol and practical suggestions which sunday school workers might adopt with prod t tut yxzxisg kkssios the church was filled to the doors in he eveniogi and the large audience was not disappointed ia the programme given besides the several speeches mo lie was discoursed in a manner that could not fail to delight all the choir comprised many member ot choral society and was led in addition to the pipe organ by an excellent orchestra after i the devotional exercises tho te deum was rendered in admirable style mr j a hekenzie of borliagton de livered the address of welcome his words were cordial and devout and those present coum not fail to feel that the freedom and hospitality of burlington waa at their dis posal add that they were alto gathered in convention that they migbttbebetterqual ify themselves for the greet work god hid given thflni to do tbe president replied assuring him that he voiced the sentiments ot all the delegates when be said the words of welcome just ottered were sincerely appreciated bat he com id a ed it was scarcely necessary to sayawordcif welcome bow for uie dele gates had already received their addresses of welcome from the bnrlingtonfrjends who hd iso cordially introduced thrh ioto their tomes he then devoted a few minutes to the convention and ju work spokoonjthe influence of the last conven tion at aeton and hoped that god would grant an equal blessing a pleasant social gathering a renewing of strength that the delegates might return to their schools for another year refreshed and strengthened iu oarsctiooli at acton he said we hare 1 j ji iiaiiisiii tuw eente lost the height to which our thermometer wu relied by tbe influence b thai meeting end we have avef itflqt been hleifchy ihe words said end the hlnke drop ed tad ijoin with our friends from the various schools in the hope thai there may beailmlurity of bleaslogi id then bar- llngtou schools and burlington hotnes in oor own codveniious we are always en- oooraged but never satisfied there is moeh to encourage us bul we mast continue ito press forward to where god is leading jtbe luooesi ot the work throughout the ooooly wss referred to the standing ot halton to the provlucial association tod the luflneooe ot the county for good lu ad jaoeot counties mus brown president ot the primary- union of brantford then delivered avatu- able address upon primary work mas- tratlng her methods upon the blackboard the object of all suuday school leaching anboldbvthe bringing the children ioto the kingdom the address was tally- ap preciated by all tor ihe earnestness implic it of method and illustration and every primary teacher drank in the plans aud ideas suggested with great oagernoss and a determination to adopt hem as far as possible rev j w kaos address ou the inter national 8 8 convention was an elo quent ibd masterly effort he carried his hearers to pittsburg tud wiih them visited the varou points of interest there then through the several sessions ot that great convention he givo admirable word pic tures of the principal persona j who took part aud placed our own dr iwus of halifax and dr potts ot toronto alongside the r d warren esq racsucxt iultox vl k isocutiuv most emiueot of them foe their uperior addresses and conriucing arguments ia dn- cussion his moit eloquent passage was thy description of bwliop vincents dream of the interdenominational tower apce- seuted by himself but from first to inl he held the clotest attcotiou ot all by hii iuterestfogdetcriptioa of the various mat ters of interest in counectiou with the convenou at pittsburg the choir theasaug mozarts gloria aud ihe first days proceedings were brought to a close nfrmoxv iroaxffr at the opening ot this session quite a number of new faces rcrc to be seen among the delegates ater prayer and praise mr j w free man introduced the- subject a model s s service ia which he showed that system and good order were the chief con siderations a most interesting discussion ensued j rev t albert moore of hamilton ad dressed tbe convention on how msy the sanday school aid the missionary cause the great importance ot mission iry work both at home and in foreign fields together with nar duty to reach every person with the gospel was dwelt upon we have many heathen canadians who can be benefitted by being brought into the s s the mis sionary spirit should be inculcated in all 8 s children and the fact that true christianity involves both semce and sacrifice should be constantly impressed mr moores presentation of this subject brought oat one of the most spirited dis cussions ot the convention the question drawer was conducted by rev mr argo of norval and through the questions ssted much valuable information was elicited the election of ameers ralta as fol lows iaxsidevxk d warren gorfetovu vicepniwektk v v iioiitdnsbarlinstoa sad hot v b wjuismion osfcviiie statuntu secatxietkv j w lue artotr eccoannfc secucriar uexr ttsddow ba mflton execcmn coirurrrke utasrs lacbun grant gcorgetowa a l xoble sorvidr losir oalcrille d it hsituoc lltltoa tod k p uoore acton jltttkvook seusiovs after the devotional exercises miss browu taught a primary class taking the leston for iht lollowingsabbatb itwasconoeded to be a perfect illustration of what a prim ary lesson should be and was greatly ap preeiated by the primary teachers present the body of the church was well filled with the children of tbe town all of whom listened attentively to the splendid address of rev w 8 williamson of oakville on doors mr williamson bis learned the happy art of interesting children and they will not soon forget the lessons he present ed so sftrsctivejy before them tbe statistical report wu presented by rev 3 w rae it was eminently satis factory in every respect practicsllv sli the schools la tho county were reported only ooe refused to send the needed infor mation to find a place in tbe report under the beading work workers tic the summary showed that there are 52 schools 87 of which are kept open all tbeyerr i review the lessons 23 are supplied with maps or blackboards or both 16 have teachers meetings 9 have javenile tern persnoe organizations tbe significant heading diana ye bear them preceded the following 552 leaders teachers and oflsoera guide tbe hosts j 4125 are enrolled as scholars 2075 regularly keep step week by week 080 wear tbe badges of full mem bership in the churches and 155 eu listed daring the year 1610 was tbe offering of tbe children as collected sabbath by sab bath during tbe year 59302 was given for the conversion of the heathen 90o la aid of tbe poor and 97087 to the support of the churches at home a careful com parison of this report with that of last year will show that substantial progress ha been made ia every department of our ss work an interesting comparison of the work of today in tbe county with that of 1859 was made by tbe tue of a report of tbe first convention held in that year tbe treasurer reported the fan da of the sssociation to be in a healthy condition the secretary was instructed to prepare as fall a report of the rjrooeeding ae possible and have 1000 copies printed and distribut ed throughout the copbty fifty dollars was voted to the provincial association the reutfon ot the township associations with the coanty wujllaqusaed and upon motion it was decided that uie presidents j members of ihs ueoouve committee ot the oouoty association messrs rdwamaerriwilan q rent invited the ocnvantlqrito grnetqwc nut year and ibflr itivltewm wai ariarjmdaaly accepted i the new method fotrepreeeatatlon of the conn lies upon tbe provincial executive received tome coosiderauea and it wu finally moved by rev mr rae and seconded by rev mr abraham that this county meiuorlnliae the provinolal association re questing that body to reconsider tbe action of its last oonveutlonwbloh limited tbe number on the executive to ooe from each county tod to return to tbe former state of things carried till cloiixo skhion the last eeeslon saw tbe largest attend ance of the convention tbe choir favored the audience with several excellent selec- tioirs again this evening tho first event ot the evening wu tbe installation of the new president mr moore introduced mr warren oongratal sting him upon his election to the honor able position and expressing the pleas a re it gave him a newspaper man to wel- come another newspaper man u president of a sabbath school association mr warren replied thinking tbe members most heartily for placing him at the head of the ss workers tn the county and bop tug for the continued soooess of the work in every section of tbe county a cordial vote of thanks to tbe retiring president was moved by rev j w rae and seconded by rev 3 wakefield to whioh a brief reply wu given owing to tbe absence of rev mr boville the only speaker forthe evening wis rev w patterson of toronto who delivered ooe ot the finest addresses the usociation has ever been favored with mr patter- sous subject was the sabbath school teachers priviiiges and reiponiibuitiei siid he announced that he came to speak as a s s teacher and not u a minister a vast arrsy of the privileges and benefits aucruijg to sabbath school teachers wu held up before bis hearers while the nam eroas responsibilities were also enumerated la cuu eluding he said the angels would be gltd to do the work we are privileged to do v we may go out weeping but will return rejoicing bringing in the sheaves he trusted his words would lead some to coo ler rale themselves to the lord in this work and receive the blessing of him who said suffer the little ones to come unto me mr patterson is a fascinating speaker throws great eoergy into his subject and has aufficiect of the brogue in his speech to reader it attractive the committee on resolutions presented the following which were adopted lvour committee have learned with regret tbil la ioujo localities the sabbath schools an closl daring the rioter months s practice which mast of nceomftr result fa the loss of macuof the fralt which might otherwise be gtuhcred as the revard of faithful toil we recommend that la every instance schooli be kept ojea daring the whole year t that iavfatoftnd trrotiient use of alco holic liquors sod tobacco fu the cotaaianftj- and the terrible effects thus produced upon both the lilriical mj mors nature of the roath of our laud re arse upon both parents aod sanday school workers the tiapoxtaaea of asing all tbaii influence to indace the ehildrea to pledge them mjvm to total abstinence from all that can to loricate or point remembering that hoar man dcfije the temple of god hira will god des troy z that this convention recoctiiiing as it does the imperative eommaad of the saviour to his church u go into all the world and preach tbe gospel to every crcatore would arse upon all tcbools the importance of keeping tbe subject of tbe worlds conversion prominently and con- lunilr before the minds of the scholar teach ing them bjr all selfdenial and liberality to labor for tbe time wbca the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our lord and of his chriit i that this convention has board with jpl are of the good work done daring the yeaxby some of the township organiaations and res pectfully hat earnestly arses npon every town- ibip the necessity of holding oire or wore con ventions each year with a view of stimulating and ecoaxaging weajc schools and opening op additional ones wherever neglected fields exist fa hi wiyrcal mlsaionaay work can be done thefraitof which will doubtless appear hi the dsyof the lordjesus 5 tiat the importance of weekly teachers meettxgs be tea pressed upon every school in oar coanty as a means of uniting oqr hearts in he work aud of more harmomoas and effective teaching far if conducted la a social manner and closod al a proper time we are confident lhsl earnest effort ia thii direction will be rich- iv rewarded hearty rotes of thanks were tendered to the barlington friends for their efforts to ensure the comfort add pleasure of the visit ore to ibechotrfortbiersupenormusic snd tu hie speakers from a distance for their valuable assistance iu making the pro gramme so successful convention closed with the benediction the following delegation from the sab- hath schools iu actoo attended the county convention at burlington last wednesday and thursday revs j w rae dr gifford mr and mrs h p moore mr jno warren mrs c s smith mrs j t hilsted mrs a stephenson mrs i francis mrs james mclem masses mary brown maggie mstthews jennie bomer- ville and messrs k f moore aud a a worden election notes k tbe vote wis very large oiu sod it rovbe said tbt tbe catside volei elected mr henderson tbey came in irom all directions ko leu than 1 came to actoo k larger namber to georgetown and each town in the coanty had similar experience west enron baa again beau captored by m c cameron neither bowman nor livingstone have lost their bold npon the waterloo trow remains in booth perth with a larger vote than before and north perth says rood bye to hason ii any evidence ot the intereat in the election were needed the following lengthy list ol voter who came from various parts of tbe province to vote in acton woold surely satisfy the most dnbioos here tbey are aod as far as we can learn tbey are pretty evenly divided between the two parties 6 atkins hamilton wm aold tor onto bobt bremner tilsooburg bobt w breonan toronto samoel denny norval joseph fyfe barrie juo oar slang bockwood samoel johnston jr torooto samoel johuaton sr toronto john r- eenney bidgetown wm lewis glen williams john j lawson harrison j a mowat oaelph w j moore toronto wm parker meadowdale w h speight berlin james bamshaw berlin w w worden toronto bich wordeo erin cbaa worden j w p brown toronto dr anld georgetown john t brown toronto d d christie toronto bobt craioe berlin b j fer- gason bhelburne a w green toronto a hemdroet hornby w j lee naasaj gaweya jamoe lozie nassagaweya i ii mcgarvio toronto w a mclean guelph w mccutchenn toronto p c maddook london b e nelson ooelph geo pinkney toronto dr staoay tor- onto d williamson onejpb b f woodhonse hamilton some lymtoma of worm art fever oolio variable appetite restlesaneaa weak- beu and oonvolslona tbe onfalllpg rem- of the township orgaofeatlbna be eiroffloio edy i pr lows worm syrnp cash store milton 15 per cent off for cash baa beii sppoloud ij dr hal6 wtbimwl h he kmm a band tbsf treatroeat it adviaca s oot mel be tbe i foot oclli ra and a l- the pordii wr la tiot aatl rr i i tntnat ioto e twstte lev i i month ifttilmi lb mlwtu tb ntara ot tb punphltt lth pledn tw h uala to uoka umtaifat orallinrit wbe u4 a ia umflr the vufm ball treaitm it aitlioat roedwm for lb fahe rmved ufenl um oa of tbls tnai mast nea eaqoln of a ii of tbs fouovb partlm- j i j 1 1 iarmnr i i iuuaqea bnst1coak ffijl unehnlbouand j fe jc johopartjy 1 ntorinpa ftramiaartj ijj great for thirty days only all jines of dryvcood9 boots and shoes are beinp clearediout gentle j order your spl afi over for 30 days retiring for 30 days this is a big chance for buyers come to our sale sale henderson mcrae co hcton the oldest drug store in cuelph sniitlis blood tonic tlie best sad safest blood purifier in the market cores indigestion sickhead ache lom ot appetite 4c tl smiths wiuter fluid has a repntttion second to none for tiie immediate enre of sore lips cbip- pod hands roaphaeas ot the ildnitc dtc smiths cheny balsam is without doubt tbe most enectoal rem- sdr for uie liomediste cqre o cougbi colas brouchitis hoarsenesatte w8jhthc0 dispensing cpmists cor wyndham ss macdonald btreets qnelph ora be ft ever so humble theres no place like home speight son have a large stock of furniture suited to ever pocketbopk in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man cansecure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room tfie kitjshen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a speight manager they nerer look ahead eerjr lor their se and t why ms sojss people always uss 4 jamm viox t i willi ua eea t ctimon miiiftc moore stx martin jamas autthewa vmjjuu urataamauhnn pf7wlase otherftiemes will be ads4 otbnb hematreet i m eef ri e n vei- new sjjwing su gi 4 n w spring jfjycoatirgpf choice rjew pantfngs fr4 to j2 i j per p a special genuine sara wcnjad black panting myf pants to satisfaction iasubbixj new pjrjprietgr stock groceribs fibelewsttxu j5hn art a vlkd kwrehaaed the lilm has pot in 1 nur r flotislms flourifeed r b 1kt and la now fresh gooda thalr quilt t j conautentp wpadlo pa tbeipiibui tb lowwtjmba coafitten gall is toirqited i john aj i ffiajsoivai r and will ali notleeat ithilli fmtuniloij lhankk tooor mact w wtab u jniotm too that we bav ecrt stom gtoabattafbutjoct sfsjft doors fri rites of made toord walao baacwlndoawdoor voarlaetxru flrtrislo aliwprtjmtnsatawlaai plaaaa sail 8 coctier bloelb n tjatora kssmm f tiiatrr -yuaaatar- jfiili ww

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