Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1891, p. 4

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wms ph fpsfc 5ssq0 s t- -j- wf m sljt rtnrt jfrttifrm thcr8dat march 6 1891 notes here and there ttemidr anertt interolt to fta prit rtadtrt 5be young jfolb ftos terrfir f a rrt htu bftlif brother htd cornt to ifrv vllh flo atra the wanted t brcmtfit to ute ubl th4t it mtjrht ml md 6tw ttmint wtit tor twlitlft tid gtwrfink in traror to ber pi tor utu uiltv that biuot teeth cant eat hvjoa and tnr f why bunt ii got teeth grandma 7 atkmfimoermtmirtrlm 0 my ont unlit twnyi j no thhui oom land r i cva laiw thlnkfoc ptttlyl thy matt bate been toriot cut w boy hlra tome hktcrandpa m ilk to ksowby uot that afternoon to the corner with paper pettaod tck went flo tajtns dont talk to me tl you do til stop my think im vtftlnx 4 letter ftindua to and awtr toulcbt i and eaqte ifi tery orunt iattocetft risbl i at lut the letter tu fltiuhed a wonderful thing to hct vl and directed to god in heaven pleueneitotettome sail utile flo to ctudnu to tee if tt right yon know and hew it the utter written tegoibylutle flo t dear god tbo bfby yon broof ht nt u awful nice and iveet bui coon vcu lotyot lie leaflet the txwr utue thlufi cuh et tbatl bi im writing thii letter a imrpose to let yoa knov plea orjme and nnliu the bebr thati ill front r little ftar ttiethnl pwe at tbe toronto aiii jfa i noted fur want adwrittcmwu it you want to buy or tell ait thing 11 yon want aiittlationa mechanic a buv boat inacmocry lodging if tu kav lost ur ftmhd att lhini or if you waut to find out where abyoua ii advertise la the to- ronlo deity malt and read the dorttw- menti on uio third pane o thai paper tin charge u two ccut a vtord each iu- tertion addmi tme aaiv toroulo 0u- id plciioqu the ttrongctl outrcnfldritika or tl kith he giaut o dosrdouiti jerrold mr u supplied of albany ky vhtea u ma fullotrt t my itomich wu to weaktbal t could net calaujlhinfiiour or ixry iweeticvtit frait tt tea time would cqm hcaxtboru fulncti or 0iprection of the cbcfl ihort hrrath rwllesineti dariug ilwp tud frightful dreamt of iiiicrblc aihti to that l oaid often dxckd to ro to tlcep with the qie of kocthrop a lyman veeuble diicovtry ithit uuleai- aatoeu hai all lu reaiovd and t uow can eat whut mil my use or ncy five hundred dollar xi wolbe cia for a caae oi caurrhwhich caaoot be oawd nexmadentljr hj ctarki caurrh core step right op to he office and prove jour caae and eel the irard tboonudi hare tried thif remedy bat do one haa dauned the revanl beeaaee it carea in every caae it yon harta cold or are troubled with cuirrh aak yoar drug rwt for clark catarrh care prioe 50 cent and aee what a pleaaaht relief it will be instantly u yorrare aaked to take tomt- thin elee tend to a direct and we will end yon a bottle by mail on receipt of price- clark chemical co toronto new tork i u yon cant aiford fancy penwiper tick yonrpen iuto a pouto i rriler who is c on i the price of potatoea thif wioier an inactira or torpid utbt mart be aronsed ad all bad bile remored bar- dock pill are beat far old and yonnf smiley kow remember i dont want a wrr larsepietarc photographer ail rikhtir then pfeaw cloae yoqr tnoath some eymlom of worm i are fever colit tariable appetite rettlesaoeaa r nasi and conralaion the onfailicg rem edy u dr lows worm syran ndltorulkvidcucc gcxtifekrjc yoar hijirdt yellow oil i worlfc it weight iu cold for both inter nal and citerual ae dnriiu the lite t grippe epidemic ice foand it almost eicellcnt preventative and for ipnined limb etc there i nothing to cqatl it rrjuitaroy editordelhi avwrfcf every street ha two tide the ihady tide and the icnny wbea oro memhtke hand and put mark which of lua tva tike tbe lanny aide he will be the yoan er man of the two bolwcrlytlon coasuaihioa cured an old physician retired from practice having bad placed in hit hinds by an kiu india mimiontry the formal of t limpla vegetable remedy for the i peedy and per manent core at coniamptioa bronchili calarrh etthma atd all throat and laug afteclioci alio a rcitie and radical care liter uarincllwlod iu irouierfal carattve power in inbcsand of case baa felt it hi daty to makeit known to ha nfferinj fellow act a ed by this motive and deaire to relieve hamaniafrerihj i will send free of charge to all who deaire it thii recipe in german french or eocliih with fall directions for preparing and otinff sent by- mail by addresstcg sdxh stamp naming uii paper w l korci 620 power block retheater k 1 l v- the favorite plate of the political worker i the famcoa itching palm aa a pidtmeap liter excexsireezectiooa or exposure litilborai beef iron and wine is gratef oi and and comforting the doctors ihoald be nambered among the pfflsn of tocity sir tioi beu of ifeaarm- scott bell ccl proprietor of the vvinghain fnrnitare factory writes for orer one year i waa not free one day- from headache i tried etery medicine i thought would give me re ad bat did not derive xtj benefit i then procured a bottle of xorthropa lyman vegetable discovery and began taking it according to directwo when i soon foand that the headache waa leaving me and i am now completely cored the man who get into a bad icrrpe it not an expert fiddler have yon tried imperial cream tarur baking powder ii is the porest of the pure all gjrocen sell it still in ourselves in every place conained our own felicity we make or find r ooldamitlu 1 knlghtroffjibor the knights of labor aim to protect their member against financial diffichltiea etc hagards yellow oil protect all who nee it from the effect of cold and ex- doaure snch as rheumatism neuralgia lumbago axe throat and all inflammatory pain kothing pom pare with it u a bandy pain cure for man and beast to be happy meanl to be telf aufficienf arnrtotle g a- dixon frankrilte ont aay he waa cured of chronic bronchitis that troubled him for aerenieen year by the use of dr thomas eclectric 00 nostrillzadt for infants and ohlldren tatloriutorelladapwtocmldrtatbm i jrrcotnndumuiorwaaynrrip gjg fyz punnma emcuuon oaatorla eons ooua oottupatloo known to inc ii a aicuu if d ill bo oxford sl brooklyti k t onna atvea hoop and promote dl wilthoutujuriotts medloauo tu ctjftaoa ooxrawr 7 uurray btma k y i a valnsoarch a mau waicarupitljiookiii into a bang- bole of a wliiiaeybirtel a if in bcarch of otnclhto bfl could uot and what are yonduias uked a by nandcr u why im seeking my reputation iu the place i lost il wai the nioarnful reply swudyour ground when you miko ap your mind to tako hood siriaparilli do not be induced to i buy some other preparation inatead clerk my cufm thai oara i a cood u iloodv nd n that bal the peculiar merit of hood sartaparilla cannot be equalled therefore have uotlung to do with subitiutc and inut open having hoods ariprillia uie best blood purifi- and buildiugup mediciue a corrcfpoadcnt in oregon write to a san frinciico paper hut the preciom metal re so scarce that the fivedollar geld piece are made of copper the people of thii conntcy have apoken tbey dodiro by their patronage of dr thomu eclectric oil that they believelt to he au article of geunine merit adapted to care wrencas or lameness hurt of var- ioa kind tamora throat aud lang com- flints liver and kidney disorder and other maladicf picket wire fencing oou from 50 cenla per rod 18 feetl up for bo farm or yardcu tbore u no fcuco io durabl uid laatius readymade clothing bend ui a rial order audi factlou wlllbo uicrwujt ro niurc you ialu- ducouul to tho trade price iuu aud rortica- lanouaiplicauoa adarosi j m dooley 6t co cueloh ont those who live nn vanity mast not an- reojonably eipect to die of mortification itrseliiff cc richitosico gps hy horse was eo afflicted with distemper that heccaldcdt driukforfocr day and refased all food simply apply ing mikaltcs lixisiext outwardly cared him feb iss7- ciir heeejxt clslx cc birnjtrtts a- co getki haveaed yoar jiikards ltkdfekt for broachitit and asthma and it baa cared me- i believe it the best lot 5 p ei ifils a lrvxkcrros some temptation come to the lndns- tnoni but all temptations attack the ille spargeon fc stanley koou stanley book are cow aa common aa coughs and cold to cat rid of the utter ose hagyards eectoral balsam the beat canadian coagh care far children oradalts it curerhy it soothing hesiine and expec torant properties every formbf throat and lung trouble pulmonary complaints etc a face that cannot emile is no good martial awataall filter- the liveracts as a filter to remove im- parities from the blood to keep it in perfect working order a b b b the great liver regulator i asod two bottle of bcrdocfc blood bitters for liver complaint and can clearly say i am a well woman today ms c p wtlct upper otnabog kb are these mackerel quite fresh uk ed a lady of a ragged but pompous old color ed fishpedlar who came to ber door m yea ladypufteckly so puffeckiy was the reply jess nostrikze them and see kostrilize them tpiafc do you mean by that why lady said the pedlar with a look indicative of pity for her ignorance ameuenr meitem i 97t5mtagqiafarm wife if is worse than madness to neglect a a cough or cold which it easily abdaed if taken in time becomes when left to itself- the fore runner of consumption and prema- ture death infixmalion when it attacks the delicate tisane of the long and bronchial tube travels with perilous rapidity then do not delay get a bottle of bickle anficonamptioa syrup the medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the human body and drives it from the system this medcine promotes a free and easy expectoration cabdoea the cough healrthe diseased parts and exert a most wonderfoi inflaence in curing cotuumption and other diseases of the throat and iangav if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from mach an- nety trouble and expense lei them pro- care a bottle of bickles anticonsumptive syrup and whenever a child hi taken cold haa a coagh or hoarseness give the syrop according to direction calomerf i the mintger in i want to bay some doors flcy yes he in bat hes out of door xspolcaav head jxapoieous head was a peculiar liape but that did not protect him against head- aohe sick headache is a common and dieagreeible affection which may bo qaick- iremoved together with its caaie by the asa of burdock blood bitters the never- failing mediciue for all kiuds of headaches j dark andsiafgth dark and tlncaish describes the coudiliou of bad blood healthy blood is raddy and briiht to care bad blood and its conse- qaence andl6 secure good blood and ite benefits in the siftst eurcst and beit way nse burdock blood bitters strongly recom mended by all who pse it as the best blood purifier 11 1 draw the line rigid here fisherman siid when he got a bie year larue keel as the wqcld get well atonco if it were rubbed with a little of clarks lightning liniment and the eoreness in side and limbs would go away if treated the aame this wonder ful preparation docs not effect a care next week bet at- once and almost miraculous try a bottle of yocr drugit price fifty cent and be iure you get it- clark chemical co toronto k y give hollo cay e corn care a trial it removed ted coma from one pair ct feet witboct any pain fthat it ha done once it will do again for nettle rash sacmer leal and gener al toilet purposes use lows sulphur soap it is true that an officeseeker may live to a green old age without declining years clarks catarrh care greafmedv for 3paj rheumatism neuralgia 8clatlca lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bitesv sprains bruise burn etc sold by- drngrliti sad dcalci ctcryirijc fisrcenualnut wrecuccill it lantiitl- the cfusus a yogeleh co butbkmi u canadian dep toronto oni sweeping sale oi- winter dry goods at the mammoth house georgetown 1 it we will cite to the firet penon tdlior m iefore jnoe ut 183l wfiere in the bible the word triie fs firet found jioooo ini gold to he next s00 to the third 21jm to the fourth 2000 to the fifth jijgoto the tilth 8 10 to the next 2ii t3 each td the next 2o i each to the person tending in the iirt correct miner we will gire 100 in cold to the next to the last 1 50 and bo on umeu from the first with j oar antver lend 25 cu in silver or 27 cl tnttamp for a box of dr colea blood and liver tilla the beit blood liver and stomach pill erer made sure core for sick headache dont gripe llememberthe present- are absolutely free being given away to advertise dr cole per fect ellis nd family bemedies atthe close of theebnteat th names aud addresses of ait tbe prize winners will bepablished we refer yon to the the trader bank of orilla seod at once and be lirsi addrifs home specific co orillu ont- 0rn onii comii direoierpd at latt a rrnftdy that f rare safe and psioless puloarai pain lea com eitrsctor never fails never causes pain nor rven tbe slightest dis conifort buy putnams corn extractor u4 beware of the many cheap dangerou ud flcsinatidj substitutes in the market see that h il made fcy poison 4 co king may be had of any enterprising druggist for 50 cents it ifiordi instant relief and will care the worst cue it is pleasant to both taste and smell and may be cirried in the pocaet douc fool away time and money trying worthies remedies but write to tis direct if your drnjut cannot supply you with clarks catarrh cure we will clark chemical co toronto new york- bermuda bottled tom must ffo to bernradsulf too do not i will not be responsl fare for tbe consequences bot doctor can ottord netfber the time nor the money weh if jut is tin possible try scotts olsion of pure norwegian cod liver oil tftotnetime call it bermuda bot tled and many caae of consumption brimchllfs cough or seven cold l bare gtbeo nlili t ami the swriuheure is ttuu lhemot eni tire rtshnaeh can lake it anotbrr tklsv srbirb rommend it la the sttasululos properties of uie ii y- bspkmvhlia which it contains y frill nod it for sale at tour bmrrists in salman nipper de are yon aet be kcculnr- sjcott uouxevlrnrvhu owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it has advanced conriberably in price messrs slccinsiand dr son tor onto fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus enabled to offer their patrons this seasou a very decided advantage in price the quality being sa perior toaoyever previously imported we bey to nnuouuee bat bavo marked down regatdles of coat a large lot of winter goods which we are bound to clear oat as we do not waut to carry hem over to next seasou dress goods worth 10c for oc worth 20c for 10c all wool worth 35c for 15c we have an immense slock of beautiful dress goods suitable for all seasous which we are sell- iug remarkably- cheap a few dress patterns that were 81000 81500 aud 2200 we are now offering at haltprice 500 750 and 1100 beautiful brick silk and black satin merr for 50c per yd worth 100 per yd col ored satin aferv worlh 100 for 50c per yd remnants of col ored silks that were sold from sl00tp 175 are now 50c per yd suitable for dress trimtmue orcomhiualioiis a lot of knitted woollen goods marked down to 25c on- the great drive in ladies jackets aud long mantles and ilantle cloths splendid ilaulle clolh for 50c per yd a fine sealettc original price 800 now 00 short aud j jackets at half price we begin them from 100 up nobody need be with out a jacket and long xfautleif pricewilldoit ladies furs a number of them reduced to half- price gouts fur cups great bargains a number of bleigh robes beitiff sold cheap splen did grey flannel for 15 peryd all wool grey flannel 2s inches in width 35c for 25c per yd we especially call attention to our immense stock of overcoats bought at 50c on the nice gents overcoats from 300 up we have a large stock ofgeneral dry goods too much to particu larize but as we have announced we will give sweepiug burgauis in winter goods we arc es pecially equipped for executing wedding and mourning orders dont forget our makeup depart ments such as milliuery ilantle- makiug dressmaking tailoring we excel in those departments inspection respectfully solicited w mcleod co oeoeoetowh 275 mens youths boys and childrens suits 30 odd coats 40 odd of pants to be cleared out to make room for spring goods in order to clear the above clothing all out we will give you the tempting discount of 25 per cent off for off cash for the next 30 days 25 p6r ct kelly bros acton goods given away at- onehaf their yalue at the right house new goods arbivino every week 32 cases asd bales this week 82 ouee floor oimothi 1 owe table ollololhi 1 case ladies hose 1 ease corsets 1 case dresi steels 1 package window shades 3 bale grey cottons 1 bale wool sheetings 1 oue shirting 1 case elaonelettes canvas skirt braid linen and silk thread top shirts ladies gaiters shell oilcloth drees buttons etc at reduced prices lace curtains down from jo 50 to 12 madras cartels 110 to u blankets 1180 to 18 beaded dress and uantla trimmings 50c to 12jc a dozen too to sc bed quilts 1247 to 1175 comforters 1125 to 60ji21j to 1175 13 to s260 j32s lo175 t to 3 pompons 70e to ma 60e to 24c yek laoes 60o to 13c beaded plastrons 12o to 60c 75 to 50c tsbliers 15 to u tt to h50 beaded fennels 1140 to 1150 1124 to 60a be to 80c ledies driving gauntlets 12 to 60c maktle6 g01no at half price mastle cloths at halfprice dress goods about half price velveteens less than half price abigbeduc tionon8ilkplobhe8inplainandfanc1 remnants of dress goods mourning goods pillow cottons sheetings flannels print8 etc at great reddctionsfrey flannels 54c to0o0c to so 530 to 29o j5o to 22 20c to 18c ladies jersei8 put down very low bace8 in blaek end colore tt im than half price hens undershirts 90c to 50c 80c to 60c boys undershirts and puts 60c to 84c 1 to 80c 1110 to 90c mens gloves 70c to 60c 623c to stoct1150 to tl tl to 75c 85c to 50c boys glotee 87io- to 60c 8tyllsh curtains 120 to 111 11250 to 6 trimmed millinery it half price knitted shawls and scarfs half prices pongee add sarah silks about half prices wlngsindaigretteattabouthalf prices birds sod ostrich feathers fabulously cheap table napkins greatly reduced carpets from 2 yard lengths up to 85 yards immensely reduced all kinds of carpets bogs mats mattings linoleums floor oilcloths windows blinds poles bran furnishings etc selling off cheap bridal wreaths at half price remnautsof embroidery and flounciogs greatly reduced gilberts celebrsted dress lining cheap please enter tbe stores within one door of hughsoa street as many make mistakes and do uot get into tbe right house corner of king and hugbson streets hamilton feb 5lh 1891 thomas o watk32ts moth6rs who have boys to clothe from the age of 5 to 12 years should know that q b ryan co have opened a boys clothing department which has been stocked with one of the best assortments that can be bought from one of the leading manufacturers in canada the goods are all new and will be sold at less than the regular price we intend making this department a speciality in size the suits will be confined to those suit able for boys of from 5 to 12 years of age the fact that these suits are all new are made in the latest styles of the best workmanship in every variety of material and marked at less than the regular prices should be a guarantee to every mother that g bryan cos will be found the most satisfactory house from which to pur chase her bpys suits in the future remember because goods are fresh from one of the lead ing clothing manufacturers in canada g b ryan co cuelphv our stock of carpets is complete canadian printers read railway l n w aiju crand trufjhiciirwfiyt ooivo xirr exprtm t 19a tu rumttiar fli14ro mil 1104 am throvfbexp col phj aceota- 10 wjim t tixk orclol going gist9 so au sni fswt ioso doing i losoamssi twtta table wrnt n jero vhelarcest 1 in ca over 100 hay scale gfaln scales farm scali tea scales iy roved show c yoey dwwers jljud blffcheif isopuu c wiiiof x ion 6 0 e8punadc ihiteait tptoifrcbnt uaailoo this papr e erj burdock iseigulat ivisrandbov tfijssecretlons bipod arid re pdrltlea from theworatscro tes thjjston mch un 6cka rlfli s the ea a i lm- plm e to loua ore blood j 1-5- curt dyjspepsia constipation alt rheuav bart burn sfl izzineiss ecumatisa1 man or beast it you want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wttilyuall that paper reaches 10000 farmers homes every week and yonradvertisement should meet the eyedf someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto lfry mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada 1s0it caiied he crtayest mosgine eworld atsolstfily hinafe d u taizil rmcy nfcadod paayhutf esinrfr etc feee tthnidih 3iiceoce iciileb co lxd 120 e2dff st w toronto ont sole hinufacturers for tic dominion fseweiro of mpouorf i see our tradsvmftrfc otia eqail relief from pain ly tlie use of clirki ltfibnirg linimcdt toe swelled joint from sprain or founder are rehered uid cared l once by its ute every own er of horse should keep bo uie of thi great remedy in his etabe every con- fideratioa of economy aad humanity bqg- gest hi ready relief price fifty cents sold by druggists clark chemical co toronto new york tea indeed the coal ran catandtba captain had to epht up the bhipjs oj to keep the firei going xotonc intcu ij ixanrs uaiasea frt ssue trtrjuwxn aiwrda uilsaeni fer uot etrrywecre children cry for pitchers castoria when eabv wt sd re rive her castorii when iic iu a ci m fe cried for castoria when she becaue ites she ciun ta castcrla when ahe bar chllren hhc arv tbem castoria of the people yon meet from day to day haa perfectly pure healthy bluod the hereditary scrofulous taint efflicti lie lirge majority of people while many others sc quire diseases from impure air improper food and wroug indulgences hence the imperative necessity for a reliable blood purifier like hoods sarsaparillai which eradicates every impurity and gives to the blood vitality and health it cures scrofula salt rheum humors boils pimples aod all affections caused by impurities or poisooooa germs in tbe blood ill that is atked for hoods barsaparilla is that it be given a fair laial yon had a narrow eecspc on the lakes i understand r i i can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press coke to kcton rnd see our improved country prouty press ht work the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have run the prouty for eight years and the longer we run it the betterwe like it it is simple easy to ran aaav nn tim easy to handle ooets little for repair and is easy on the printer s pocket book we call it the beat press to be had in the tjovm oday for the money come and see our press at work it you desire samples of work send for them aod we will tladlv fnrnlh hem we can give you your ohoice of a u umber oi different sizes and styles of presses at all prioes think of it a new 8 col folio or s col qto power press for ohlv 600 to sno a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press for 800 full particulars from hpmoore agent for canada acton ont is 5- iou inessj rof ula rstiimact rof sy disas5 bitters cures rht u mat worm a plearsa to tua purist btron coiwaltl aluu jmm0nia lim arurlarioes sillett ew laara kwf i ikcciimatsi ualii st best hosphxtes tklalt eoxtcsost cipxuaotu it swv i m l tu i m etc 3 psmx5va wktn

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