Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1891, p. 3

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p- rr wh of betyd 0pt1ck hamilton bamhtoh carrrtlptri ct ijoojom ltttwrvi mm hjmoo canriel b 8 stbvbs am cubtb ww5ct0rs joint snrsrtlit pretiaent a o vleepltt jon pnocrotl cttia ttsxtobo boica a t wood a btw f georgetown qemct kttadlkocnted and advance made on nil nibble awvrluet dum on all nana of cax- 1 aoa the carreo brarea qkjut baurarx abd oorrrrott or eroont bownt ul aoldl oetmcrwva made es til acttaaibla point on abort tavwable terms savings department j5 receive of n arid unaro in- taoatf allowed txoni date of dfpolt t0 data ot vitgidrewal special deposits i ts j rata ot luusrceu no botin ot vrthlrtm roqnlrttl h m watsonatcnt the methodist church acton revo acjifford mjcph-d- pastor paraonaoboreravenae r pttblk scrticri lftjo anu and 6j0 sandar hboolud-biblclkmeondqctdbllio- puicr aucorvballr tariicd struipr nd rititon ltr vrlecme at- tesltnshflrt the door trtittfncardsired arrlj- to r p uoon per stenrd sigaofthphig watch are vou thinking about buy ing a watch then call in and see our stock of silver watclies gold and gold-fill- ed cases wahharn elgin movements our new styles- in wall pa pers borders window shades are comingin do not miss seeing our stock no trouble to show you our goods call in i ceo hynds acton cije xton jfrw f rss ft thtjrsdat march 121881 y little local brteflets wwch caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week acton if to have a resident dentist division court tcdiy at tcs ocbcfe jdr gicord j v tue mr stravije charges h go for herurera hcenaes i the sjeifchinsixcueaeii vy fair junta tbflerdtt j the wtatfcer the past lev day his been exceedingly nc j effjcesiiij towtsfcip council will meet co monday t 30th itarth- oyster sapper in the methodist cbcrcli ll wefnesdt eteoing the carmen ire preparing to gather their maple sogax harreat the eigh school byla was defeated in m3toc 00 monday by a majorily o 2t urghsennedy eeere of george town thi preach at the britkhshttrch next seoday morning the joint rmg boom commitles ol toandjion lod citizens met in the torn hall last etenisg to arrange for the propc- ed new public ceadicg room john graham ot fergus aad lnoa smith acloa i akated a fire mile race at fergus monday night lor a purse of 50 the fanner was the winner by about hilf a v eett w rae vilthe ahsenl best sbbath preaching anniversary sermons at j union church for rev mr argo a ftadent willccapy ttw- puipitof knoi church a tramp gpecl ilonday night in the public school he gained an entrance through a wiaioir bsrned a pile of the cbieta wood mini crwled oat jast before he rrjved lohght the fire cat morning there tis do serrice in et albini church lut sunday owing to ber gb cookclhe inchmoent being prostrate with a severe attack of asthma his old com plaint lenten serrise as usual this weefc on thursdayetenin at 70 the new president of- the couuty sabbath school association is already actively engaged in interesting the schools in s s work- he has arranged with rsv 7 w bae to deliver ins address on the in ternational convention at pittsburg before ihe sj s workers of georgetown neat tuesday erening any person who ftiraishes reliable items to a newspaper is looked upon as a raioahle friend to the editor hany per- soos hesitate about sending a postal card or other informatibn to a newspaper regarding the movements of theirfriedds or themselves lest the editor should think them anrioas to see their names in print he will think nothing of the kind he u glad to get seen drstirtoh the wellknown dentist of guelpb ias taken iaq partnerehip his brother atecentgradu- ate of toronto- college of dentists and they have decided uropen an office in acton they have obtained apartments to mat thews block opstairs and arebavrngthem thoroughly refitted and furnished this office whlbe in charge of the junior partner and will be open every week day to my many customers in acton and tidmty i would respectfully call your attention to my immense stock of choice new spring goods which i can confident ly say are the fineaj i have had the pleas ure of showing- ail have made special bargains in theparcfasiqg of them i am i oflering special inducements forepnng and will be pleased to meet all my old eastern er and many new ones and u l ant grnng my special attention to the cutting i caii assure you of perfect satisfaction- and good fitting clothing every time h e kelsoy goelph f 70i fn cold for a wue we will give to the fiwf person telling us before june 1st 101 where in the bible the word wife w fint found i0g0g in gold to the tieit 00w to the tbird 12i0 to the fourth 2u0 to the fifth 1500- to ibe with sio to the neit 25r5 each to the next 2 52 each to he person sending in the last correct answer we wilj gire lpo in gold to the next to the lt j0and so on balneal from the first wiih your ahiwer aebs 25 cts in silver or 27 et in stamps for a box of dr coler blood tnd liver pill the best blood liver and stomach pill ver made sore care for sick tfea4flche dont gripe uemember the presenis are absolutely free beiflf given away to advert ise dr cole per fect fills and family bemedies at the dose of the contest tba naines and addresses of all the prize winners will be published 1 we refer you to tbe the traders bank ot orilla seod at ooca ud he first aildresb uvtufi specific cu- orcilia out mim the news at home mostly of a local 6haracter and vory item lnterotlhg oyster supper the gtotlemen o uia metbodiil church are arranging fot an oyster supper to be given nexl wednesday evening t6ihiait an enjoyable cvcsiuig is asurod andbii beinr th first oyalet supper givcii hcrihs eaeon a large allendaocc will iw doubt be present after supper a- good programme will be carried oul the admission will be twenty fiveoeuu the fcsrcl in the slot an iowa judge lias decided that a boy who tied a thread t5 u nickel dropped it into a slot and repeated the operation until he had cleared the couteuts ot the rccop uric of which the slot was a part had hot committed au offence aguust the law the judge held that ha had merely done what the inscripuou on the machine told uiin to do drop a nickel in the slot and had kept ou doing it nothing was said about leav ing the coin where it jras dropped if a on juan dies at vancouver about three trtcks ago mr john w chajiniau p- of mr k chapmau of canipbcllvillc left home via g v 11 for calionu on the way he rs taken ill with llflauituaiiou of the bowels and had lo stop at vancouver b c whero he died ifc was abool jj year of age and unmar- rit4 and foe- foiuc years as engaged in uahou as a public khoot teacher iu which profession he was succcwful he was also a uon coutrasmuied officer iu the wth batt xwidcvakc xcwspapcr the treiucul coxplimeatary refereqocv by ocr readerfi to the enterprise of the free ru list week irt givil uswturni of the elcciicn blh iu the ccsntyanifiiedomin- icc the morricg after have bceu very gratifyici tfcclclcfrifh and telephone win give ur cicciifui service ahd we were triblcd to puec the liai pixson the breakfast lauej of ecr local alscriberf a eou5idpnbe lime before the trorutiig dailies caxrto hand xhat this effort was appre ciated the kiud words hes lowed and the large extra edition soil airpy tcitify the cedar crcefc scfaf r the tocial fiven at the reaiiecce of mr john warren cujcr the acspicicf of ihe biptifit charch lirt friday evenin was quite a tce3css the ceroe eccw riorm dcriot the diy wis rtthcr unpropilioct bit a iire company cthsrei mr ted mt warren ana family exert ei ibsmtdves in all dirtcliaas to cssare tlie poitirre of those preeht rev mr xertou waf rnaxter of certraonie ind coadacteiacood proraratre in which ttct j a kxy mcrse mrs mckicley me warren mis beisty mi warren aui mi norton took pari mr ky contrituied the lions hare and edified all the bible society the acoa branch of the l cicada bible saciety hai far in any years been active in the cnart to fccure feuds for the spread of the gospel the thecal meetings hive been occasions of interest the meet ing for the present year wilt be held ou friday eveniog of this week commencing at 7w in the baptist chcrch be v j w rae who 15 the agent of the society for this eeciiaa this jcir will present tl claims of the cause in the methodist church on sondiy her mr boyle of brampton ho has heard mr ries address paid him a high tribute for its excellence and advised all th people to go and hear it the resiicct ministers will also be present and the public is cordially invited snjilrersary missionary serriees tiie anneal missionary meetings were hed in the methodist church lift sunday the eervcci were of a most interesting characterttjrbchout and the congregations were urge both morning and evening bev iob boyle of brampton preached toast eloquent and impressive discourse in the morning from the text prov 1130 hejihit wianeth souls is wiie man was held cp as the superior being on earth rendered so because god had breathed into him a tol the value and importance of a oai svfia referred to and the responsibility and priivlcg of being iosimmeltal in the trlvaiion of a wnl was irrprccfcd upon all in the evening rev dr gilford presented a eqcluct ad encourigicg report cf the work of the missionary society dcring the jesr showed the revenue for 1g to have been 522000 and gave a ealisfactory analytis of the manner iu which the funds are expended rev mr boyle followed in a britf address referring to the vision cf dapiel 7th chip the wonderful march of christianity throughout the esrth and tbe ultimite canssmmauon of the events anticipated in the remarkable vision an appeal was mae to the congregation for subscriptions for missionary purposes and the liberal response made the amount sub scribed about thirtyfive per cent in ad vance of that of hut year the choir rendered excellent and appropriate music dodhg thesertices the country around nawt items supplied by correi- pondonts and exohanff erin this towtibhip gao inula a mftjority of 182 but the village gave goldio is more than run is crewson8 corners t william j brown left or brandou man on tttesday in oompaby with mr john royceof krimoaa who has spent a ooapln of yean in the north west and returned recently for his stock and implements mr royce alia takes back with him one of outarioi fairest daughter to comfort him iu his western home mrs james sloven ion who has been icrioaaly ill for several weeki is rapidly convalescing rev hugh jfairof kratnosa preached a mitsiouary secniou here last rauday knatchbull it is oar painful duty to chronicle tbe death of harriet darby wife of mrgoorgo kitching naaagaweya she had uol been well for some days and it was thought that she was onlrsufleriog from bad cold but about a week igo her illccs developed iato typhoid fqver her case was not considsr ed dangerous until thursday last when iho grew worse and peacefullyjinsed away on friday evening about 10 oclock her age wu s7 years and j months the lancral took place n mouday afternoon at 2 oclock and was largely attended the remains were interred in the ebeoeztr cemetery iw kind acts aud christiau character had won the esteem of all who knew her acd a sorrowing husband two danghters and a too will have the deepest sympathy of the community in this their sad bereavement the other day mrs mcltobbie who is visiting at the home of her daughter mrs beter clark xasacawoya in stepping off the doorstep slipped and fell breaking her arm a little above the wrist the break is a bad one but the is doing as well as cab be expected the smoother the ice the greater the ncrnberol a perfon experiences pid winter hasnt wasted his supply of snew in blocking up the highways this year thus far oakvtlle it appears i though your cukuiie cor rcjtoulont has been elceptng for the last ftw weeks bat we must bear in mind- that appcararcls arx- oftentims deceptive cs- pxuilly while au election excitement con- tiauci no your corrcspoudcat has not been tlxpiitg ncitkr have i been talking plitick mccli crls- scattering boodle over the country ht avring to uncontrollable circumstances i lixve not been able to send reports for the past few weeks so with apologies for ihe past seeming neglect i will try and write what little news of interest there ia to be gathered in our rather quiet town at present a couple of weeks ajfo a number of young people were entertained one cveniuga mr jas taylors residence an agreement was written oat and signed by two jbong gesklemcn present agreeing that the one who party got left on the 3th of march should treat the same company at the same residence to an oyster supper last satur day evening this supper was given by the disappointed young nun several toasts were drank and ably responded to by the young people present mr c m young being master of ceremonies a very enjoy able evening was passed and all felt that it was g3od to have an election oncc and awhile messrs wm and x robinson cow have their store fully completed and a new stock of choicest goods on hand there i no need now of anyone going to the city in order to have a variety of goods to choose from rev canon worrell had the misfortune on sunday morning last of falling down btai and breaking three of bk ribs his pulpit was occupied on sabbath by rev k graham a retired clergyman residiuj in town mr and mrs crohfcy of burlington mr chas williams- and his sister of glew- williams spent sunday with relatives in town- oar temterance council is still in a pros perous condition xewmembers arc join ing with us every week most of whom are young men at our last meetinga number of fchort addresses were given by dr c h lask mr h husband misses x taylor and l anderson milton coming and going- visitors to and from acton and various otherpersonal notes mrs joha perkins is visiting friends in berlin mr anson smith was home from ham ilton over sunday exmayor nnd mrs gowdy paid acton friends a short vuit yesterday mr anson smith 6r has been very ill forseveral days but is recovering mrh dr wynn and family of camp- bejlvilie will shortly move to milton mr patrick lamb has been very ill the past week his recovery is despaired of mies annie boomer who has been visit ing for some months with friends at lloyd town it bowspeoding a few weeks in acton mr and mrs w t stone of toronto were guests at cedar cifeek firm the past week mr and mrs p mcgregor of toronto spent a few diys with acton friends last week mr- aud mrst wm ffreibrook- jr of toronto were guest of mr jame first- brook over sunday messrs william and duncan mcgregor returned to brandon ou taesdaj they took a car of stock with them mr john hnrsrnan for many years a hardware merchant in- gaelph died on saturday at 0jc luke manitoba hevtm campbell of fit marys has been invited to leccme pastor of the cam bridge methodiit church in lndsay8ud has accepted subject to the action of the transfer committer the hamilton irdsiys at a special meeting of tbe offi dial board of tbe simcoe st methodist church last night it wax unani momlf agreed to eiteod to their popular pastor rev t a moore a heartyinvita- tion to remata for another year the board also congratulated him for the s access of the pasc two yean both finan cially and spiritually in reply mr moore expressed bis willingness to remain with therfl for another year notwithstanding cordis tovilaliom other charges at larger aalarles than he hod received from ci prewnt charge mrs 8 bafflaliaddpra john barber visited rockwood frivndn lut week mr wavmcoarthy hiiri tamed lookirff hale aud hearl after an eitendud trip to briush columbia bpeciil urvloea weft dbuduoted esoh evening of last week in the methodist oh u rob j a great cheoker mstoh wu played mod- day nighl at loea uptal between totno eight of our local draaghumvu and in equm oorober from krln anij hulburg which rosultm in favor of the visitors after the mated all sat down to a supper provided by the book wood team among visitlir rotors on thursday we uouofcl meatn d btrafihan ba klogs ton chas strange t e jago toronto thos maion neil molntoib acton jas clarke a hulburt j as c clark gaolph thos comer glenwilliams and others the band kolertalaraent on thursday eueuinr wu well patroofsed tbe election returns nore the chief attraction while seleotioui from the baud songs from mcssrv edward strange and jos james with short- speeches from messrs j ramsey ilugh black thos waters and thdfc leagu added to the enjoyrooot of the pwgtame theiiow oelabraled case of the homd knowledge association of toronto wren black r al was tried on mondsy before judge chad wick in the town ball here and considerable evidence taken for both parties mr mogibbou of milton appeared for the plaintiffs and mr field o i guelphor the defendants judgement wu reserved until monday lgth inst ceorqetown this portion of our fair canada wenib to have been chosen a a dumpiuv ground for yankee blizzards judgement in favor of the county lias been given in their suit against the grand trunk railway for w50to and costs fsur day on friday last was an unmarked event inopr midst a severe storm was the only notioesible feature of the occasion every paper in the land is now giving its gratuitous advice oietue down to busi ness now the elections are over but they dont iwra inclined to settle protests are now in order i the emma wells opera cc is billed for ffvcekin our hall oomnicuciug mar ulh they should be well received as they are undetthe auspices of our band the glen just now present a most decided polar appearance with huge chunks of ice decorating all the fences and blockading even- street near the rier they will ha vo a very damp lime when the weather moderates once more a number of oar towns people attendiud the opening services of the new methodist church at milton on sunday it is perhaps the guest methodist chnrch in the county and the miitonians are to be congratulated ou their pluck and enterprise thursday wab a gala day in gcorgtown the heelers of both parties were out in full force and no halt was called until the very last vote wasrwlled a comparison of totals with other years shows that this was the largest vote polled here in a long unit the result was an immense surpriss to both grits and tories and goes to 6how hat elections arc au uncommon uncertain thing ptiiml ituis miss v bennett is vis iting friends in milton thos wilhric of owen sound was one of the many oot- sfde voters who voted here on thursday mr thos bailey of wallbridge has been s hands with old friends since polling day mr j b mcleod of toronto was in town last week judge miller held division court here ou tuesday he is as hearty as ever the disciples are holding a series of meetings in our town hall commencing each night al k oclock mr campbll of aylmer is the speaker and he ira very powerful and eloquent man we wish them every saccess go and hear him keep your trouolej to yourscll when jottlell them you arc taking up the lime of the man who is waiting to tell his- ingrowfnff nafls a positive and permanent cure for lu- growing kails xo pain sent post paid forlsc stamps or silver address hoic srccinc co onmxi oxi the champion is putting in a fine new cylinder press this week w b clements hai succeeded j j zealand in the hardware business here mr robert coates of kilbride has re ceived the appointment pi town clerk col d campbell has taken proceedings against kelson township council to have its members indicted at the coming assiies for neglecting to build a bridge over the twelve mile creek near zimmerman to replace one which was carried away in a flood some years ago last week as rev d m johnson of the trafalgar circuit was driving across the drumquin bridge he was thrown info the creek which was very high he sank almost immediately and would have been drowned had he not been pluckiiy rescued by mr oscar hood we are happy to say that neither mr johnon nor his rescuers any the worse for the cold bath ultampion- tbe methodist people of milton not lo be behind other places in regard to church accommodation navebantthemselvesalarce and beautiful church wliich will compare favorably with those in large cities it has a seating capacity of about c00 and is built in the amphitheatre style of architec ture with the latest improvements in heat ing lighting etc the dedicatory services were held on sonday by the rev john kay of brantfordpresidentof conference rev mr wakefield chairman of the dis trict and rev dr dewart editor of the chridiau gaartlian the church was crowded to overflowing the people of milton may well feet proud of this new addition to its fine bhildings tbe entire cost of the chnrch is in the neighborhood of 818000 the presbyterians oftbtsame place have also a fine church in coarse of completion and whicn willbo ready aboat jane- when completed it will be equal to its methodist neighbor and will cost about 15000 f vgovernmentdetective murray was btfre kveral days last week having beeu in structed by the ontario government to euquife into the circumstance al the brothers alleged forgery ca near here aboqt a year ago with a view of commenc ing extradition proceedings he is tatiffled that the charge againit brothers is folly justified the case win be poshed and brothers will probably be on hie way back to canada very sooo lie is now living in california mrs philip horning of broatfc got up apparency m well u unualon bnbday sod attended to ber household duties until u oclock when be took a bad headache and fonr hoars uterslie died of aerebral apt yltxy v mrs chilaley i see statistics state that 75 per cent of male criminals are unmar ried mr chilaley which shows how many men prefer prison to matrimony and the ensuing silence was so deep taat mrs chilaley could hear herself reflect mother goodness me johnny johnny why aint you at school inslead of hurrahing around the streets like a wild indian johnny daacicg a jig ko school tc day mother ko school 7 why 2 johnnv teacherddead every base occupation makes one sharp in its practic and dull in every other paradise is here visible and tangible by mortal eyes ahd hands whenever self is lest in lovingfmr humphreys ward a mule wouid rather hear himself bray than to listen to anybody elses music a good many people are dull t like him what do you think of job i think replied the quack that he would have got more patients if he had advertised j teacher at sunday school betty what have we ta do first before we can expect forgiveness of our sins batty we have to sin first early bmaulimlb tfamattau spring gqodt t0- reoaiyed and put jnjj stock t 8 c4mi drou ooodl 2 cuti now spring print 1 cuo mailiui tnd liwoi 1 cuo embrolderiu tod flonnoiogi 1 ct llluk sjjk luei 1 cite kon ribbon 3 diet new bpriiik millinery 1 cuo now spring jtckeli 2 co coneti 1 cuo umbrellu mil luoli 1 cue liiien collar tnd cuff 1 cue whito shiru 1 cue flannel shiru 1 cuo new spring tio 2 cuea nen spring utu 1 cuo salting and troateringi 2 usui mens tnd bo sou 1 cue of ltdiea vndernetr 1 cue qont merino uodervetr 1 cue kw spring houery lbtie linen towelling tnd more lo follow i random remarks spider veb gttizo aud ftncy net nosolliesju veilings we uow in great aisorimenl voa are aunred o reliable wetr if yon buy our kid glovei ii ever t pair doe go wrong we always retond the money do yoq know that we keep a big range olcarpctn wo are going to ithow yon something extra this spring iioaaekeep en bear tiiii in mind ask our ady friend how ahe liko the drcts we raado for her the conoenao of of opinion a highly oornphmectry to tbr ability of our manager mist lennox tweed effocts for ladies costume tod street droimstrohigblypopultr wehavt ju6t opcoed tome bcantifof good lnthat line we areofftring no morothto oor tttntl value in good clear linens for table wear still we wcro tblo a day or so ago to tbov t customer a lmeu kapkin at 1122 per dozen which waa three inchea larger all around and fully as good u ahe had paid tlsj for elsewhere a word to the wise etc scanjlcsd iillow cottoo which isexacliy wut it beets a labor saving fine senrioe able pillow cotton at a low price iu all vidllisfroni w iuches upwards we have it in vtocft the most rnttie and lbs greatest pre tence arc not ulwvs hacked up by the beat iutnnaie valne to the customer our ex- perienct if that good reliable goods at a moderate price arc the cheapest both the article and the culom wear the longest we have a few heavy mantles in astra chin and icr lined which yon can hav at a big brriin sec them if your are open to buy k if holler a- co 25 27 lower wyndham st quelph w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont lusr i encltlrr or machine finished book papers jlvd iiioii ouadl weekly kews meit eiver sol rsibw i huibble theres no place like home speight st son i have a large stock of furniture suited to every pockejbook v- in furnishing a house or addine thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well asthe rich we have a ful line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen l in many styles and prices excellent value always j a 8peight manager the paper uscj in this journal it from the above mills wm barber bros cmf dyspepsia cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia promotes 0i6esh0n mr iteil uckcil of leith oit mtcs drin fiuis for yean and ycairs t tiffcreiltxoia djpepkia in iu worst foniii and alter trring u1 uieanji in my wwer to no aurpov i w jwrwuuld by frfeads to try h jl jl which i aid and arter iwiup s bottlea i was cjlijlotciy cured cures cqhstipati0n cures c0hstipati0n constipation teeth and character acts on the bowels sapid seoowr deas bms i ha tried toot bb1i with great sneceas lor tonrtipatioa and pain in uiv head the aecond dose made ueever so much bett uy bowels now move freelv and the pain in nif head haa left too and to cvertxxty with the same diee i recouunend li u i miss f williams us liloor st tonmta a leading dentiet says to determine a persons character by the teeth take the oppef front tetb they are a troe index of the nature of t tntnortvoman here ho aid i the tooth of a yoong lady who haaa lovely disposition and is universally beloved aee how regular and dainty the formation is and yet possessing all the requisite point for a perfect tooth here yon see the tooth of a man who it cruel although his cruelty i of the refined kind notice that the tooth i white and rather harp and long then this tooth stumpy andeosjw tobfm denotoa brutality it it from the jaw of a man of brntal nature hfia itusvionj4oot from tbo month of a peevib fretful womto the crown has t tbarp fretful torn to it now w have the tootljp a teusuou woman yon tee it it tquaie although of good ahape and depress ed intbeoentre itt sjettw bat canted great deal of distrest ip tbo hearts of ieg- looted wive now wejsome to one h delpogeaotn ibj mootb of a lady tvho is potacvfdr bir rttireroent and intellecljual developmtnt jtjl tujnder and perfeoi in tbape one of the hjnil of teeth going with long lender ringers again this tooth it bom the month of a ibnet itoum natdtej tbu woman it selllshibnt hat on the whole a kiindjy nature- andjwoold not willingly imhvaatuiona bnt hit tar tow regirtv rijjoikoiricjihe- regulates the liver curss biliousness i cures biliousness curl biliousness btact proof bins i w tronblod for bra rears with uver complaint 1 aged a axat deal of medicine vblch jnl mo no good a4 i vru retting won all the time nutif i tried bnrdock blood bitters akct taking onr bottler i am hw well 1 can also recommend it for the cure of drtenda ilia ii a e dmcox hawkstoncont ire regulates the kidneys cures headache cures headache cures headache t a frompt out daut bmai a very bad with headache and pals in tnj hack my baud and utt mailed ao i eould do no wot if ittrfnlaw advisliat to txv i1hi1 willi one bottto i felt so ranch hotter that i cot one more t am now wwl and can work a well aa ever axmx llonocaa tuonlmrgobl cures bad bl00d junsphtoqd abadlood had wood inar aria from mm action of thd stomach leljeskwhoys usl bowalt alliivnaw toning ibaors fwebaiiajua hlood- wotuuj duaaos rora a ttroloioul sow ladies of 4 halton next week miss campbell who has so successfully conduct ed our millinery business for a number of years will be pleased to meet all our old customers and as many new ones as may favor us with their patronage we are receiving and openingup a splendid stock of the newest and most desirable styles in spring hats bonnets flowers ribbons laces and other millinery novelies we shall be pleased to have you call and miss campbell will endeavor to satisfy you in price and style the leading millinery tore hollinrake son milton to we have opened and passed into stock this week exception ally good valifts in carpets floor oil cloths crumb cloths rugs lace curtains curtain scrims art and lib erty muslins curtain poles well mounted 35c each lin ens pillow cottons sheet ings kid gloves we have reduced our womens 4 button j blk kid glove from 50c to 25c ro doz left sizes 5 6 and 6j we- shew a great variety in colors browns tans and greys all prices gentlem order your spring s and overcoat fro r e nels gvelph 1 3 3 new spring suitings new spring overcoat ao immense raofje of cboico new pantings from 4 to per pair 3 a special genuine luroworst black panting at 85 per 33 3 my speciihy perfectiitting 4 pants to order satisfaction assured r k i kir k e nelson fashionable clotjer 99 upper wyndham st ouelpl a new ft 1 ahtstement 6hoe social 18 one of the amusements of to day all the girls go behind a screen and stick the toes of theik shoes out un dkilxeath t iower edi the yol men sel1 the1u par xehseychalk 1ng the1b in itials on the tempting toes at a re- cent paktyl souk of the boyb that their best girls j gave other boys tips on toes we give iu e girls tips on toes and straight tips toot low pric best sty excell fit come round and get some tips in swung goods at williams boot and shoe store acton ont g sweeping sale of winter dry coodi i at the mammoth houjf georgetown- mi h k rb jermyn e beg to amiouuco that have m arked down rcgaidles cost a large lot of witter jdj which wo are bound to clear as wo do not want to carry th over to next season dress qc worth loc w 5c lvorth20c 10b- all wool worth 35c we have an immense beautiful dress goods for ill seasons which we iug remarkably cheap a- dress patterns that were 1 1500 and 2200 we- are offeriug at haltprice 500 andajllooi beautiful black and liickl satin merv for per yd worth 100 per yd bred satin mrv worth 10 50c per yd kemnants of ored silks that were sold 8100 to 175 are now 50c yd suitable for dress trmi or combinations alotofkni woollen go9ds mnrked dpwi 25c ou thovs great driv ladies jackets and long mai and mantle cloths sple mantle cloth tor ooc per yd fine sealette origiualjprice 1 uow i00 shoiu j jc at half price weoegin them 100 up nobody need be out a jacket and long mau price will do it ladies t in number of them reduced to price gents fur caps bargains a number of b robes being sold- cheap b did grey flflnirel for 15c p all oolgrey flannel 28 in invidtib 35c for 25c per ydj especially call attention to immense stock of orerc bought at 50c ou the gents overcoats from 30 we have a iurgostocjc of gel dry goods too muchujl larue but as wo liavenutu we will give sweepiug bur in winter goods 1 we ar pecially equipped for exec wedding and jnoufnirig o dont forget our makejjpii ments such aevmillbaanfl making dre8smkidgtai we excel iii doparti nspction restftiuy sol wmctjdci tjiiorab i a- d 18- e- fll ts hod 1 tli 7trtr

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