r l t t ju ton jhti flress thtflttsday march u1891 f ik ivoung jollts wh6x hyottfj4 kits w i ililnv thai ctcrj- fccafton brfttf to ctptf bof d plmbaot tilittgf wlitl tuanr tlioow the nimom 1 lreir the time hclimwftaktt fly vlial fun it f to horry ont clad n rar uckwt roatdabouu to ukc my tied and climb uic bill awth clatter ol uic tuul wlicrc lili the m titer heat bjr hoar r hi list nulotli u white h ficmr tlcre do lmevt uic other bojv and no otic teolds at or oar bqim all lo tin wr dowanl go arron the race coarse of u tuotr ourittitbojtccdiuicy dctfrun aud ucver lurctofteckthe flr theach tomclitmw hq uic north wind bio bv to ram oar oan and toe althouch ofcoairiig i im toad i low to tlatc upon the pond to have panic of ug or day at iirtoof ti poal or rail twtjr or oat of broken branch or tifi and rtedi to baild a boaflra biff hot na ooc find it very aie to laiiible dovn npcu the jc for if too chine to hit your bejj it sveais u luoagh voa mast ba drad and earned to tome hunt oo high- aiuonf the tunbi- la the iky sine tars and itanran all roa- te and u jcu dirt uditl can be some uryt lik sttaiaxr beat bat prefer the time when tnowfiaios at dutoti scotlard the oulegmr traablc mr henry alicombe lrrlao j st blaci barn london eng tutet thtl bii uttfc rirt fell ud itrucic her knem on carb- itoae the kn biecu to mil became rerr painful tnd lermiatted in whit doctor all white welling she ni treated br the best medical men bat grew worw fiotlly sl jwobi oil vu med the coounli of coa botue completely re duced the iwelling killed ihe gin ud eared hex the people oi lhi eoanlrr hve cpoken tbey declare by heit patronage of dr thbmu edectric oil thai they behere it to be an article of genuine merit adapted to care soreness or ixmesext hortt of tar sal iad5 tamora throat and long com- plainu liver and kidney ditorfere and other maladies five hundred dollars will be cia tora case of catarrh wfajca cannot be cared permanently by clatkt catarrh cure step right up to the office and prote yoar cue and get the reward thousand have tried this remedy bat no one has claimed the reward became it caret ia every case if yoa hate a cold or are troubled with catajrh atk yoar drag- kit forcurks currh care price 5c cent and aeewhat a pleuant relief it will be instantly if yon are aaked to take aoma- thing else rend to as direct and we will end yoa a bottle by mail on receipt of price clwt chaical co toronto new tort f as a pickmeap after eicefaiteexertiong or exposure mflburnti beef iron and wine is gratefol an and comforting niiitsqf labor the knifibts of labor aim to protect their memben aeainet financial difficnltie etc- hacardi tehow oil prbtecfi all who me it from the effect of cold and ez- poaure inch as rheomatism neariigia lumbago sore throat and all inflammatory pain nothing compare with it u a handy pain core for mas and beast a b des bochers arthahaakarille p q writea thirteen years ago i was seized with a severe attack of bheumatiim in the head fromwfaich t nearly constantly saffered nntil after having oseot dr thomas eclectric oil for nine days bath ing the head etc when i was completely cored and have onlynsed half a bottle 00 ill gold fori wife- we vill yjlie to the first jmoo telling ni before june lit 1801 vhere in the bib the word wiie ii xit found f 10000 in gold to the next 13000 to toe third 2ujto the fourth s0jw to the fifth 11500 to the tilth 10 to the next 25 s ecb to the next 25 ii eh to the person lending in he uet oorrect iarer we will gire 1 100 in gold to the next fo the lut 50 tnd to on umcu from the first with5oor answer send 25 cfe i in olter or 27 cu in sttmpf for s box of dr coles blood sod liver pflli the best blood liver snd stomteh fill erer miie sure cure for sick hetdsche donl gripe bemember the presents ire ibsolattlr free t being eivea sway to advertise dr cole per fect fills and family remedies it the close of the contest th names and addresses of all the prize winners will be published we refer rqu to the the traders bant of onlla- bend at ooce tnd be first address home specific cooriilia ont ifr i e allen upholsterer toronto semis as the following for six or seven years my wife coffered with dyspepsia costivenea inward files and kidney complaint we tried two pbysiciatui and any nomber of medicines withont getting any relief until we got a bottle of kortbrop lymane vegetable discotery this was the fint relief she got and before one botue was ased the benefit she derived from it was beyond onr expectation van ur beast s gain equal relief from pain by the use of clarks lightning liniment the swelled joint from a sprain or founder are relieved and cored at once by its use every own er of a bone shoald keep a bottle of this great remedy fa his iteble every con- sideration of economy and homnity sug gest this ready relief price fifty cents sold by druggists glark chemical co toronto new york notes here and there items of general interest to free press readers tnctorouuuoiucfnrliifnisulciu iarkdlc ont febjtih luss-oeulle- men ft gives mo pleasure to let you know i livo ilotivetl great benefit roirl tlx use of ncrviliue 1 luxe lecn a grot inflerer from kcurslgia in the tare and ult two years was cjuite a martyr to the malady bo soon at i observed tlio korviltne ad nrtlsed t obialned bottle from oarorug gists mtssros john 0 ray co isrkdale snd tb effect srsiuistvellouii pain ceased indl osu enjoy sound sleep at uiglit and rise relreshed i osfinot speak too liighly of it and heartily recommcud it alex ander siecu the third page of ihe toronto ihiut ilm is noted for waut sdverliminoula it yoa want to bey or selt anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if you lisve lost or found anything or if you want to and out where anyone ia advertise in the to ronto dnir ilad and road the advertise ments on the third pare of that paper the charge is two cents a word each w eertion address tit mail toronto can ada mrsif slepheue of albany k v writes us u follows my itomacli was so weak that i could not eel anything sour or very tweet even fruit at tea time would cause heartburn fulness or oppression of the chest ihort breath restlessness daring sleep and frightful dreams of disagreeable sights so that t would often dread to go lo sleep with the use of korthrop a- lymans vegetable discover- thtt anpleas- antnees baa all been removed and i now can ell what suits my taste or fancy fdiurlsltvmcncc gtxnxxnx tour hagard yellow oil rs worth its weight iu gold or both inter nal and external use daring the isle la grippe epidemic we foandil almost excellent prerenlative aud for sprained limbs etc there is nothing to equal it wit fuxurrroy t editor delhi hipo-la- an iatcilxe or torpid liver mast be aroused snd sjlbadbileremoved bardock pills are best for old and yonng consaatlloa cured aa old physician retired from practice baring had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedf for the ipecdyead per- maneot cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat and long affection also a positive and radical core after having tested its wendcrfal curative powers in thousand of cases has fell it his duly to make it known lo his suffering fellows actuated by ibis motive and a desire to relieve banian suffenagi will send free of charge to all who desire it this recipe in german freocbor english with full directions for preparing and using 6ent by mail by addressing j with stamp naming this paper w a korxs 6m fowers block eechetttr k v rs33wlji3a f v casloruliiowtjlaaspmleehfldrsslhat i irwnuncndltuiarpatlctosrrsserlptieil s known to me n a jtd i iaiifra ul so oxford 81 urturiht wtlosb3rvnrnedicuoa resotdl j til osoioi oowtin tt ictmv btrwt k t agentjted sir nut j dominion ilktlstratid in evsry oauadlan tows aid rlllafe inselat lulusemsnsa ooerd is addilkm to eommfsslon ror psrtloulsn address the bibullon lltho ft pub co rnbllabsra kontreal fftank bumqi9i house painter paper hanger sign wnter etc if proiiarod to sxmuts ordars lo any of thi abov unas in tbtbtttmannar amlatnaaooabla tsrma etorrjobbstinmyprofialattouon i can assura ouatoman oompjtt aaustaeuon arainlng la all woods a tqwetalir ordonleltatmr rmldsnoa ualb st acton will reoelvs prompt aiuntloa tlfsb uttvb ladh an8whr our utile lad catuo in oua djr willi duly abocf six urwj cot his pltimo hid htcd hard and iong out in the lubtner soootloe heat lu cud rmhomehocrlolandhamtv iii ton tra hat ui in tho hall while in a coruer bj- thu door he imt awajr hii bal and ball i wilder why his auntie laid tin utile lidalwayi comos here 1 wheauicro awoiany olliar homaa at uicv as tills and qui to at near hatood ainoutentjatocp in thought then m th uia ion hjdn in his eye he iinll wbertj the inoihcrut and cald she uvct hrc that ii i with beaming face iho mother board her tuolher heart wm very slad a true wccl siiiwcr lie had jiven that uiooiittul lovine iktlo lad and veil i knotf that bosu of lads artjat a lortas true ifld doar tint bey would aatwer u bo did til botne for mother llvlnj here susan ttall perrf c c richieifs 4 co gcrrs my horse was to afflicted with distemper that he coald not driufc for focr dayi aud refused all food eitrply spply inj mlvahds lixisiext outwardly cored him feb ij87 cirt eeuszst cisx c c riciurr t co gcnti hare fxu yjjcr kixards ltkdieht for broochitia and asthma and it has cored me i believe it the best lot 5 f e l mts a linsasrox a katnral filler- the iiteracts as a filter to remove im parities from the brood to keep it in perfect working order use b b b the great liver regulator i naed two bottles cf bardock blood bitters for liver complaint and can clearly say i am a well woman today mls c p whxt upper otnahog x b the sprfsc kdicnu the popularity which hoods sirsapar- qla has gained u a spring medianc is wonderfal it possesses just those ele ments of heilthfiirina bloodpanfyicfi and appetite- restoring which everybody seems to need at this season do not continue in a doll tired unsatisfactory condition when you may be so much benefited by hoods sarsaparilla it purines the blood and makes the weak stroug it is worse than madness to neglect a a cough or cold which is easily subdued if taken io limebecome when left lo itself the fore runner of consumption and prema ture death infiamatioa when it attacks the delicate tissue of he jongs and bronchial tube travelc with perilous rapidity then do noi delay get a bottle of blckles lanticonscmption syrup the medidae that grups this formidable foe of the human body aad drives it from the system this medcine promotes a free and easy eipecioratiou subdues the cough heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonderful inflnerioe iu curingconaumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish tosave the lives of their children and themselves from much ac- iiety trouble and expense let them pro cure abottle of bickles antico3umplve syrup and whenever a child bis taien cold baa a coajh or hoarsenes give the syrnp according to directionf clarts citarriixmrc may be had of any enterprising druggist for 50 cents it affords instant relief and will cure tee worst case it is pleasant to both taste aud smell and may be carried in the pocket donc fool away time and money trying worthless remedies but write to us direct if your druggist cannot supply yon with clarks catarrh cure we trill clark chemical co toronto xew york f xamleon head xapoleons head was a peculiar shape but that did not protect him against head ache sick headache t a common aod disagreeable affection which may be quick ly removed together with its cauie by the use of burdock blood bitters the naver- failing medicine for all kinds of headaches it is painful to ice children biding from father says a writer and it is painful to see father bidicg them loo every tissue of the body every bone muscle and organ is made stronger and more licailhlul by the a of hoods sar- aanaruia iulajdsltam dark and ilofish describes the condition of bid blood healthy blood is ruddy and bright to cure bid blood and its conse quences and to secure good blood aad iu benefits iu the siftfl surest and best way use bardock blosd bitters strccglyrecom- mended by all who use it as the lest blood panccr if jour children are troubled with worms give theoi mother graves worm exter- mtcatori3re cure and effectual try it and mark the improvement in your child your lome tack weald get well at ence if it were rubbed with a little of clarks lightning liniment and the eorecess in fide and limbs would go away if treated the same this wonder- ful preparation does not effect a cure next week but at one and almost miraculous try a bottle of your dreggut price fifty eecu and be lure oa get it clark chemical co torcuto k y for nettle rash eucmer heat and gener al toilet purposes uie lows sulphur scap children cry for pitchers castoria when bt as icfc w pare her cmt wbea she tu a chud she cried for o ar wfceilae became mixs the clous to cast when she had difldren he fave theo oastorta dreatremedv for fflajtv rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bites sprains bruise burn etc bold i17 drogzfrli and xjealcrs etcrywhcre- finyceayalrxue directions in ii ijlti14cs the ctukixs k v0geles co barumen m canadian depot toronto ont we finish stocktaking this week and find we have several thousand dollars worth of winter goods more than we should have at this time we mean to convert this surplus stock into cash and our plan is to continue our j great reduction sale 300 pieces 300 pieces v 300 pieces i if vou waxt dress goods wa hare 900 plocw in all the uct mikci aad u ihadea uanafctnreri priea will be our lnce during fccniarr i ve ha c ivfl tt of our choices t combination robes r does half lyicc itrikejou 7 thtlt llie price for uiu uioollj 25 left 25 25 left 25 25 left 25 100 varus 1 100 yard8 100 yards j silk broche ttc ticct ticz fcr tlu icocth eix boiublo tor wraps or matrons wc gire o per cent off amd cloaking 25 ulstering darinc kelruirj- i 0pek ct 40 per ct io per ct must go must go mustgo om stock of millinerv oo yoa vaut aor at half pree ittt he cleared col wc have wltltuorc f for fur8 i for furs for furs uiis lnter uaa aiiy prerloof season oar assortment ii still rood aud tie price wfll i suit roe prepare for the cold snip fursi furs i furs i very best very best very best we onlr baudlceoodr of tlic utf fuifccrt sod irqaraiitee erer pair bootsshoes if you waut a cue kid boot or a strong knock about you will find thsrn here i r bjermyn urhomes be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furnituresuited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it las advanced 6onsiberably m price messrs slcciusiand son tor- onto foctanfitely msde a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus enabled lo offer their patrons thi feasgn a very decided advantage iu price the quality beinr au- perior to auy ever previously imported vol one la ten of the people yoa meet from day to day haa perfectly pare healthy llood the hereditary ksrofuloas uirit tffiicta the larjje majority of people wlnie rnaoy oiheri ac quire divaaea from impore air improper foa and wrong iadulgeocea hetioe the uoperfttfte nere6iy for a reliable blood poriser like hood saraaparilla which eradicate every imparity and give to the blood viulitv and health itcareiacrofala aalt rhenro ha mora boili pimple and all affection caused by iaiparitiw oroiaonoas eerms iu the mood all that ia arfcedjor hooda barfaparilla i that it be given a fair uiai nuvlshthit kuuruy lioov are now as common a coogha and cold- to gat rij of ibe latter ba hagyard pectorr balaam the bet cauadiaii coagh care for children or ad alt u care by it snoihin jiexliotf and atc- toraiit properuea every fonn of throat and jooxlroobla pulpwnary complaint etc scotts emulsion of pure cod liver oil and hyp0ph08phite8 of lime and soda u a perfect bmiiaanll rtepnliieer uuou bat boned m oomsumftiom seretau bronchitis wmtinjr bis cum chronic couffci ua ooldi patviltableai hilk sootssb op io saloon eolor wrspimt arofdslllmltatfonsorsabsuulfons sold by so drossta st soe snd aua 8o0tt i bowlte belknile if yoa want to bay or sell a farm ad verfise in the toronto wtdly mail tbat paper reaehes 100000 farmers homes erery week and yoar advertisement sboald meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class sre in serted in the toronto wtflfy if ail for five cental word each insertion jot twenty centea word for five insertions address the kail toronto canada tsuli oatled the greatest medicine eworld abmlsfelr gesrastecd as claimed or monrr refasisd pamphlets testlaumuh eta fsee wh elullf aicbode kutee co u 120 kino st w toronto ont sole kanafaetnrere for tie nonunion sdtbeware of imposftf ont i see our trademarlr the parlor the dining room r in man styles and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent value always j a speight manager big bargains in harness -at- or h nytattbe ws grand culmination of ouk renovation sale unparalleled bargains f this month sees the final closing of the most successful sale we have ever had at lion guelph special value in white cottons white muslins white underwear white embroideries tucked sirirt embroideries prfnts special value in chillis ginghams i i special value in art muslia lace curtains japanese curtain fabrics guipure lace curtain goods madras lace curtain goods 8pecial value in table linens and linen goods of all descriptions a j d williamson co 5 and 7 wyndham stguelph 84 oswald st glasgow a new suvettware cups for children knives and forks spoons napkin rings just opened at savages jewellery st0ee guelph pickle 8tands fancy salt cellars cake baskets cruets the oldest drug store in cuelph- smiths vegetable wood tonic the licit and safest blood purifier in tbo uarlcet cures indigestioo sick-iioaj- acne loss oi appetite cc smiths winter fluid ha a rejntation second to odne fop ths immediate care of bora lips cbap- ped bandi roupbnou of tbi aune4e smiths clierrv balsam is vitlioat doabt the most efiectul rem- dyforlhafminediatecareof cougbt colds uroncutis hoaneuoet crand tij ooiso ut espress i 7 lasb rsskseer sii 4t mall 11 m t tbrookli esps os tr aeeom 16 m i tiki orfl ooldgwostojotrf o hog east 1080 a ik ralkvay uonriwstijv ikimess ititm- llalalli jtj ixnusas bdbmpm liodssopl this urao uho wdittrlulo offt onoci itlk 111 iistsi r w il insm i8iitrrliilrfc i to nisiuit i in over io hayscalt grain scal farm si tea scales mprovedshqw mohey- drawers ueatcktoppers mo b addssss is roll c wl 60 e8plana usaliofl uiit paper e scale works 4nada 4 styles of furtdrlawwl r itlrt illlt4 1 tavtfklmrbm1affh7ata sic trt ribmishtmumm jf ukmmipijmknm f bdcoatttttillk dunns ba po thecooks 4 pjfriend v ravena 1 milk f00 r i unlodanhtho bowels kidney cit gradually triuic tern all the impm l of the secretions i f recting acidity curing- bllioi headaches d constipation d dropsy dimnesil dloe salt rheun fula flatterlnir vonsness aud g these and many othj vifild to iho happ blood bitte iljrsals tlimlrsmjfemjwbte w g smite co dispensing chemists cor wyndham macdonald streeu quelph ont mtrntrfi imlasca ikr tale cm voimsyrup dmtnwts anb fendvsb worms or all kinds n children or adults swfftab syrup and cannot harm the most 3 delicate child big stock on hand single harness best mounting for 1800 team harness in proportion big assortment of trunks whips combs brushes etc cheap gall and see tor yourselves j hi mhtthews rrjrntrt blbsrds uaiaaeal fsr sale eseriwktn ulasras ualncii fsr sale eei7irkere why arr 80mb people always lat ttoererlookalimllnorluak pcopjebavebiolaknrtjtoinittlbpljmsjntteaaoo eery far thdr e aad th repent o tt tor i momhij nuher than nop and uuak far the cardoa viok9 seeds newdlppc4jthevwdktthebjnio them ufaplotrovsl5hanttd thb year butjead lotaulorvldka flqttd gold e dedoct the 10 ocau fronmtt order tt mm nil rear b noooui txa ja tuh nctuw to those icndlftf ctabordep 1 1000 cash fwat caw if uwsiawfaitt otnil chance fc fd mlnwermvwm era 1 aorti to fs zbjmii i a evert iforei lo kiemj indiea jairafviok msmum imhwtr y spring arrivals just opened up light overcoatings scotch tweed sujtinge oheviot and serge suitings shaw grundy guelph werchbnt tkilors to farmers and threshers pea on vonrilaoh the wellknoti peerlbss oil 1 9 gold medals h ri it dnring the last thryr wagartors por theolu jvjsis fannqoalph farmers ask for them on soother mannliotnrdtqbieaohyohv9pky j 8amuelrocer8 co toronto trermes d iba a jjyer canjinf tnrvming thesysw i ohd foal hmnoa it iamo tune cw the stomw- ss dyspe ssl heartburn tes of the skin of vision jaok- rrjlpslai sert tlia heart hsr- jraldsbultjn similar cemplabta cnco oi bqnboca tarttl jurv u lattalrv d kulid k0j1 eacallex wol iifdfuii iriorti fcl rrsj isk criiraw rtav j tkxr nwuaa ft i ikft iwrj attl almi b lias ran ran aivr i jh nwh dkttn tth sthmnii tt itmrtctiixew ficke arhlthhama iutttt4 heated i s isa- li ur00ck pills m asufjj roiibiuovsncr indigestion headache an stomach turf ant mud- in aenon and to burdock bi funt ccnbtipatlbn luirtcss sick laasca or jnic and bowels ovciianomoarr zrajijz j6v l i f tvieiffspvli