m1 jrjt jtirajfrce fuss lfiurgdatruarcu sc 1991 sbe young folks ttftfala itn sauorfhomwe em lpgmmktodbewi ahor hit ttet broodinc oer her lot aqlltttrnlnc to lh tomfcen roar- i wide lir ttnol ft atender form j upon thrtn aboue the breleehl red tbt ritoddfwd as the angry storm kbook th dtrfc rarttra otrrhftd otutdothm tell wft why yon wwp iffaded the child id ptoai tone ivqlwtdw toulqctkwji my tvn tck vbtti the vtld vlut tuojtjo tlo to uw taodow e md took out stanrd tail nie hal iou i- tli jirl wtut from the clitiaoer nook aid drew tb cqttaitt trvtnbliocly t ec the ocoto dark aid tuu tbe white awt daubing ou utc bcacti th tifliiiouibatoon brarca uic wart and rouad ft mutt1j fly and icrfcch but do roawcmuclitdtciujcufldf ko lanterns of ibe ftthing sloop 7 alaa the tempest li too wild evtn the teacnir lesion droot thea do yoa aafc me br 1 tttp t your father tui the tornir c oil dkrtia prtr that hettti will keep him aal and tend him back to me a tf notes here and there itami of qeneral intrt to fro pren rotdort claika ufttitailiic llnititut trill relieve tlte pttnfol torture of itheamtlam in the joint or ninaqle it vlioum he well rubbed in with the baud nd the wtt covered with a piece of flan net the pain will omh it tlio ttvl t ptiotliou and iu continued t will eseoir a niatrtloat enrc thla rtroodv necda but i trinl to couvincv the moat tcetilloal thai it wonderful prrhirallon bold by ill drscuta prioe nttvccntv clark oheml- ealco toronto new york the third pace of the toronto aiia uail i noted fsr want adverllaenitula ff you want to buy or acll tnjthinf h jott wint t aitukllou t nkohauq baat dcu mrhfuer lodfinjta it jvu haw loal or found luythmg or tt you waul to find oat there myooeia tdvertiac in the to ronto daily hau end read the advertih- tnenu on the third pace of that paper the charge la two ccnta a word each in aerlion addreaa the uiuvtoroulo can ada titlitlrkatnrisut foe 12 ytirt mr ldward lasa fonnerlj employed bj- uirey uoorf glut micqfictarvn london knj offer- ed from ibe at form of rbqmaiia he ru treated it infinaihea bat ajwtyt difcharped u tncarabie h ec ind biodairtw aollento twice their natural sire he ooald sol walk the piia drove mm almod frantic and he ml u if hot iront vere paaaiog throagh liii booe the firrt appiiettion of st jaooba oil re- lieted liirn and eonuaoin ita oee tbe iwellin left hu limba in a week be wald wxlk ail paia bad ranithed and he went to wort a ten dollar house iir the new tempannce anthmelic bymrt j ucxur wrigbl the chapter additioa hu thif little story u a pre face i ptaed one day a very lovely little cottage home tbe vindowi were bricht ihe white walla vere draped a bloominc rines flower bed bordered the walks there were bee hires in corner of the ttgeuble gardes k rape arbor a row of c arrant boahet and cherry urd apple trees gate promise of fxnit tbe utile children played in the arbor the elder bor tu setting off to achool in the clean kitchen the mother made bread for her household this house most coat a good rent to yon we said we own it amid the mother ah its price mast hire been i large irjm we got it cor ten dolbua ahe replied pray how wa lhal tv on oar wedding day my old grand- father a poor man too gave u ten doliart nying it yoa will pat- this in the bank and firmly resolve to lay by lomelhing to it each week if onlya penny yoa will own year borne before spa jcnow il to ear ten doflatrs esch week we added now a dollar dot fire now a quarter of a dollar again only a dime once or twice daring illness only a cent bat we added it was weekly add add adcl in fire yesxt we got a little house foor bare walls in a tare qaaxter of an acre- we still worked on the role of addition every day every week in the work of money- we sdd add add it is strange how urge a mm of money one get when yoa add togethermany littles we conld sell this house ioday for twelve hundred doilan- bat we shall not sexl etch day we shll go on and add add add to the worth of oar home a jhiloeophcr remark that no mm can afford to mjce a fool o hitmclf but he forceu that tomo raeu arc utterly reckleu of expense for infah end ohltdren caitorlalaton adapted to objunaiui tteconunend ituauperlortoaxpnaoflptte known to tne b a aacnca u d hlso0zont8t0murixt i iowtatoeimiooaeamipailoa krmoibaek dtantoja nictation eeswenia ftna ileep aad pranotea dl wliuaw madloatto til oman ooenuxr n munv street k y attention john artr1ur8 ib well pleated with the reception tireg blm tlnoe oiwnlag bnilneaa la aetoo he will tlwtye riert himttlf to henre the beat foodi for hla matainera l jlst now t clover and timothy seed art anpujtni tht attention o the rartntn aut1iui18 la well tnmilled wlthatood hock of eioeflenfaeett groceries sosg to a child an inactive or torpid liver mint be aroaied aud u bad bile removed b arduck pills sre best for old audj yoaitj c c rictunns a co gcrrs my honcvu o afflicted with distemper that be coald not driufc for foar dayi aud refused il faod simply spply iaj uikahds llkfmekt oatwardly cared him j feb 16s7 cirr hrnnrnr cixx c c attriis co i gexts i have used joar mikards ltkiitekt for bronchitis md asthma and it has cared me i believe it the beat lol 5 p e i mjls- a lmsgitojr 4 the best protection as s protection from the resnlia of coldsi sprsins bruises barns scalds sore throat and all painful diseases hazards yellow oil holds first plsa- iu efficacy bxs been proved thop8nds of times it should be found in every hocsehold i- jtuery yt comfort misery is one result of bilunsness or liver complaint comfort is the first result of osing burdock blood bitters as a remedy care is the final result always obtained we hack this with the strongest proof by testiroosisjs from reliable canadian people the wiie servsnu tell us that rheumatism ii blood disease tht it can be cured only by a remedy which works through the blood and yet if you have the darting pains of ebea- matism in muscles or joinfs try a little of clarks ligfamng liniment it will go direct tc the seat of pain and relieve it at once there is no waiting weeks and months until the digease can be attacked through the blood this seems to be con trary to scienufic claimcbat if is true that clarks- lightning liniment will cure rheumatism sold by all druggists prioe fifty cents clark chemical co tofonto kew york u is a mistake to ccippose that a clock strikes with its handi lbat a tiscae of falsehoods may be purchased at so mach per yard and that it cloak of hypocmy is a manufactured textjn i tea ortnffemea killed at a picnic by eating food made with impure baking povderj tbe imperial cream tartar bakio power is the only safe one to use absolutely pure all grocers seli it owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it has advanced couuberably in price meaara kccausland fc sou tor onto fortanixriy mide a coutract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and- are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season j a very decided advantage in price the quality being su perior to any ever previously imported thou kttlc blotjtoin iu gods world j thou cmld of hi lug time iudi aodsltowcn avuoac oioafihn u vlilto aud pirn are ttuorlod j about thv ioul as leavci of dower huu not caicfttiue liandi that faiu j wo aid blew the gold iboat tlij- brow nor illlit uic love that loap la vaia fortucut gl of godik boa j he loviuf c thoa lordc art toil vhokutwll chlldhoodi tltroae for oh uo loaoly ii the heart that loves aud caanot lore iu orui kovt give altcution to tbe purificilioo of yoac blood for at oo ffcasoa it the body so miceptible to the beucfitt to be derived from a good medicine as tulfarcli april aud m ay hoods brsa- pirillia is the peopled favorite spring medicine it stoaids uneciallcl for puftfylng tbe blood cunnc icrofala salt rheaouetc regolsting the kidneys and liver re pairing uerve tissues sireutlientng aud invigoirauog the whole body as wrll as cbeckieg the progress of acatc aud chronic disease aad restoring the iftlicted parts to a oatur ai healthy condition it you have never tried hooda scrsapirilli for your ipring mcdicicc data ibis season- as a pickme ap after excessive exertions or exposure iltlbnrus beef iron and wine is gralefal and tndcomfoctiag a- dkoyes newark michigan writes i have enquired at tbe drug stores for dr thomas eclectric oil but have failed to find it we brought a bottle with ns from quebec bat it is nearly goae and we douot want to to be without it as my wife is troabled with a pain in the shoulder and nothing else gives relief can yoa send as same v if you want to buy or soil a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtehy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmer homes every week and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur- chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto fteeiy mail for eive cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for fie insertions address the mail toronto canada a lover once wrote to a itdy who rejected him saying that he intended to retire to to some secluded spot and breathe away his life in sighs to which the lady re plied by inquiring whether they were to be media m or large size the man has not since been heard from iufororfxp0ure those most exposed to the rigor of a dana dian wiuler uffer most with what oannot be mil avoided bat can be certainly and promptly cared by st jacobs oil and that u frost biles if neglected they sometimes cause the loss of a limb bat they can be easily cared as stated j tjpob tflfcde ereatrehedtf rheumatism neuralgia sciatica tumttago backache headache j toothache sore throat frost bites sprains bruise burn etc sail by drugziiti tnl ikalers-ctcrrthcre- i fifty ccntu a laie ptrectlons in i it ianfuizca j the chafiles jl vtglt coj balmaefs ml canadian dspou toronto ont pjles a positive cnre thousands of testiinon- ialij ko parge ko eappcsilon- sent post paid for 27 cu in stamps addrcsri kerne specific co orilliajout rilu the ffornuis and endorsed by tha medical faculty throughout the staler clarks catarrh cure has come to be regarded as the only real specific for that disease in every case it works a certain safe aad speedy care pleasant to taste and smell it u yet powerful in healing and restoring the natural functions ko other remedy giyes such satisfaction because the results from use are not toe same bold by all druggists or sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents bj clark chemical co torootokew tort t3 there im only one wish in most peoples heart viz that they may be thoroughly spoiled by prosperity the inngs- liver kidnep bowels dc act as so many waste gate for the escape of effete matter and gases from the body the use of northrop lymans vegetable discovery helps them to dcharge their dmy mr w h customs toronto writes i have personally tested the healthgiving properties of korihrop lymans vegetable discovery and can testify as to its great value af should be loosened a cough should be loosened at once and all irritation allayed to do this nothing acels halyards pectoral balsam obsti nate coughs yield ai once to its expector ant acothing and healing properties which joosen phlegm and allay irritation children cry for pitchers castoria- whs deby was atefc we care her castorta when she was a child ahe cried for castoria r when she became kisa ahe dune ia caatflrfa wlwnsblu4chlidm what it ct uaat be carefully considered by tbe great majority cf people in baying even necessi ties of life hoods saruparilu commends itself with special force io tbe great middle classes becaase it combine posit re eoon amy with rau rorfwnal power it f tlie only medicine of which can truly be almrodedcrtlarandaboabj taken sxjordins to di will average to last a mootb 1 tbe saperibrity of mother graves worm exterminator is efaown by its good effects ou the children purchase a bottle and give it a trial they were rustic lovers aad they were courting dont sit so near me 1 ahe ex claimed i aint sittia near yja he declared well if 30a aint you mean to i knot you do the cried and her fears were at ooce realized i the superiority of mother grkves worm extemiicatcr is shown byitsjjood efieetfon the- cliildren porchasca battle and give it a trial et mr joab scales of toronto writes a short time ago i was soffering rom kidney complaint and dyspepsia sour stomach and lame back in fact i was completely prostrated and suffering intense pain while in this stale a friend reom mended me to trr a bottle of norton p dr lymans vegetahle discovery lused one bottle and the permanent manner in which it has cared and made a new man of me is sach ihil i caanot with hold from the proprietors gratitude this expression of wtirtli tea dollars a botae any person who has osed poison s ner- viline the great pain cure woatd not fce without it ifit cost ten dollars a bottle a good thing is worth its weight in gold and kerytline is the best remedy in the world for all kinds of paio it cures neur algia in five rain a tea toothache ia one minute lame back at one application headache in a few moments and all pains jast as rapidly why not fry it today large bottles 2j cents sold by all druggists and country dealers use poisons nerve pain care kenriline the palm of the hand moistened with- dr thomas eclectric oil exerts a wondrous control over pain speedily subdaiagit the eclectric healing influence of this high ly sanctioned medicine it manifested by the rapid disappearance of sores aad abrasions of the skin when nsed 1 scotts emulsion i doe8 cure cpnsomption in its first stages j palatable as milk j be sure you get the genuine in salmon j j color wrapper cold by all drugui af j j 50j and i 100 i scorr bowne beikvfl4 jfany ladies hare writea that clarks catarrh tare has relieved them restoring perfectly every sense throcgh eratitadc they nave consented that their names bepablianed vet the clark chemical co will not this means to advertise their remedy they will cot pirade the satterings of laoy one or invade the scrcd prirac of mny home any eckerer from catarrh kill recommend clarks catarrh care and hat good word is worth more than thepobuahed certificate clark chemical co toropto kew york it is worse than madness to negleoj acoagh orcold which it easily sabdaea if taken in time becomes when left to itself the fore runner of consumption and prema ture death inqamation when it attacks tbe delicate tiesaeof he langs and bronchial tabes riveis with perijoas rapidity bickles then do not delay get a boftuof anticousamptioo syrup medicine that grasps this formidable foe of the bamanbody and drives it from system this medcine promotes a free easy expectoration sabddes the coflgh heals the diseased parts and exerts a most wonderful infiaence in caring comamptioo and other diseases of the throat and langs if parents wish to save the lives of their children and themselves from mach xiety trouble and expense let them bro- irea bottle of bickles aallcoasamptive yrap and whenever a child has tsjksn cold has a cough or hoarseness give byrnp according to directions for nettle rash lammer beat and gener al toilet purposes ase lows salphar spap my tbe tbe trult called thfe createst medicine v0rli ueeltielf oaiuted u datorf a noaey nhi lei duwtdeti tettlromhalb etc rtse yru iumi bicbobe killee co 1 120 king st w toronto oat mt mirofifitnrtn to the dflmlilm irbevaroslmpoewan 8ee our trwtvmihl cunalder tbla fart the act that rbeamttltm li earned by uacidlo tht blood polott 0 tlie remedy bordook blood bitten which remove all imparitlm from lbe blood not only poiaou oil rhtomttlo hamort bat even obtttotte tcroioloot tnd otnoeroas ulnlt 1 earopt 1 treading oti a volcano raid aa old gentlemaa la bit paper wbereapon hit little boy interrupted biai by ttklos pa ihtlia 1 volcano why my too he replied a volcano ii aomethidj to tread on o conrae flour feed are rlveu clow tit action and customers will flad fall lines of fresh goods a call is soiioited john arthurs at thla teatoo eveu the poor carpet thai it trodden 00 oroe tt the luf tnd tltt it seta beaten too aa aeddeot folic- beat aooldent policy the beat aooldent policy it to keepa hagytrdt velio oil on bind an ptiol otra ii it unrivalled while lor croup aort throatqaiaeey iu retain art often almoat magical uted uterntlly tnd internally price 25c in dartt gloom mullani of men tnd woman are in dark gloom of dlteate tbe wty out it by atlog burdock blood bitten a tried tnd tore remedy for dyapeptia lilioaineaa conati patios tcroialti bad blood and all dieeaeee of ihe itomach liver bowelt tnd blood tbe defaulting otihier of the llarineri bank hat been fonnd endeavoring to eoa- oeel hit identity amouog tbe aheepberderi of texaa it reminded the detective of the good oldpaatoraj dayt to nod a ahepberd with a crook borne lymtomt of wormi are fever colic variable appetite rettleaaneta weak- nen tnd conmuiona tbe nnfailic rem edy la dr lowa worm syrbp a quick reiference to any book of the bible yoursss owfe indexess sasiasssss tho oldtut drug store in cublph hraiths vegetable blood tonic tbe heat and gafeat dlood ierinar in tbe market cnrea indlgettloo blekhead- aehe loaa of afixtlu o o surittytl winter flnid has a rspiiaijon ssoood to none for the inimsdlato ours of hot lipt chap ped bands roflphnsm of the akla acito smiths cherry balsam is without doubt the most etisetual rem edy for the ltomodlat care of coughs colds tiroaobltts uasnenmicice w g smith co f dispensing chemists cor wyndham macdonald streets ouelph ont spring importations every mail brings news of fresh arrivals from the old country of new goods up to date we have re- ceived several large consignments and we still hear of their arrival we have already passed into stock a fine range of a very great convenience bit da buoot an admirable arramtement for immediate s terence it i an improvement on tbe derloe tlierto employed for tbe aame porpoae bzvq8oslimox editor canada preab yterlan send roar bible to tbe undersigned and have it iudezed pbicsspjf 76c 80c iaia albert uaing aotoh omt rtant to ers we have openecj and passed into stock thisiweet exception- 1 ally good aiues in carpets floor oil cloths crumb cloths rugs lace curtains curtain scrims art and lib ert muslins curtain poles well mounted 35c each lin ens pillow cottons sheet ings kid gloves we have reduced our womens 4 button blk kid glove from 50c to 25c 10 doz left sires 5 6 and6 we shew- a great variety in colors browns tans and greys all prices spmtfg overcoatings eugliab scotch and irian tweeda tbe kew styles in fell lata and a full range mene farnlahinga ajeo a complete ttoek of bovs and yocths clothing we have canvaeeed u maker of boya clothing in tfait country at well u having imported large linet of german goodt the carpet department li more thoroughly stocked insoorer and ihe lace curtain and curtain goods of all kinds haro nercr been so well represented u this spring bat of this department more in a later issae aanwamm t grand trunk railway oortamatt aoqrov klprtet iku i eiprne 1 m t raeeencer 914 am1 kaprrtt i halu 11 tlii thro eipmalb i thrcratb exp j 03 vjfi uall 4 5 aecom 10 w pm aecowt au tim orcuiiiiti fiita going weetoa0am and stopm doing eaet lomajnand aaopitu tbla time table went into effect on oei eni iko w ltlkfmlbilz- 1 i iwws viviv- p ii unrlm4r 1wtafrm rt mbm iimjararai trtj mlf n vttl riin 1 itrllw la8mtititi2 laurliuaiut itiu xu4hm niimn to icmlur dunns baking powder thecooicsbestfriend i abavem milk food rhuaturrila ike taaktt mmr r mttf 1 1 mlal iii ibklub utmunmtllltmai i vm lr moneyi imj kaabir tvr ik difcr ti mbc w k 6 tanib rtrrrtfaiar iff run ou a rilk taw iwsiiati fnat tpdrr tmii fn fax limr to iwretl ttafllai enlirtly me ixj jnj rf p bbafcrfcl mfm la t tt lvrintttirw a- n t umwnmm titre aiasutiini pisos cure tor i the best c0u6 mebjame kuttyxntmnuivuim t we show t maaiqcent assortment of pridts muslins sateens llamaand ohallis ladies white cotton undewear and blouses in silk delaine cambric in gloves and hosiery we can now give yoa a black that it perfectly fast and oar range is most complete in style and price the departments are all fast filling ap iu all hues and in a short tirne we will be able 0 annooace a complete rangeia every class of goods tadinj from the magniiicentiacrease in oar basiaess daring tbe past year we anticipate a great rash this sprinj sod are preparing accordingly j dwilliamson co 5 and 7 wyndham 5tguelpla 84 oswald st glasgow r b jermyn big bargains in harness a a aaa aeabi iilia m iiiiii av r rratt awl vdte ksttvdiawnlrtal ham llmdr urht 1 tmur r lid trr aaaklti- udftomll foil ilnuprfce xtamtvm e c aimj u sco antu ssslaia m is i- ijskw he largest scale wobib in canada over ioo styles of hay cales grain scales farm scales tea scales improved s90w gases mokey drawers heatclopjen vffld butchek sflpfub anoacas ia tvijl write x aactm i g wilson ft 80n 6 0 esplanade street east torontcioht vtentittantui paper cariaelou writ new silverware pickle stands fancy salt cellars cake baskets cruets cups for children knives and forks spoons napkin rings just opened at savages jewelleey storeelph powder purest strongest best contains no alum ammonia lime phosphates or aoj iojoriont mttrrialt ewgillett sscst be it ever so humble theres no place like home at j h matthews ipeight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a furl line ofurriiture for big8tockonhand single harness bpt mounting for 1800 team harness in proportion big assortment of trunks whips combs brushes etc cheap call and see for toubsibvbs j awnirrlews the parlor the dining room in many styles- and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent value always j a speight manager b b b burdock blood bitters it a purely vegetable compound possecing perfect regulating poirtrs over alt the organa of uie mtem and controllins their seord- tioiu- it to parinea the lilood that it cures ail blood humors and diseases from a co mon pimple to the worst accofnjoas sore end this combined withiti nnmallcd rrnlatingi cleansing andparifyinf laflaence on the secretions el ihe urer kidneys bowels and akin rendewtuneqofujed ls a care for all diseases of the j skln from one to two bottles will core boils pimples blotches nettlavrmsh scarf tetter and all the simple forms of skin disease from two to foar bottles will care salt rheum or eczema shingles erysipelas ulotrs ab- toesses running soresmd all skin eruptions it is noticeable that sofferers from akin diseases are nearly always aggravated ty intolerable itching bat this quickly subsides on lb removal of the disease by b3r- pssiug on to crarer yet prevalent diaeaaea auclvas scrofulous swellings humors and scrofulia we hattirilonlited proof that from three to tixbotuoa med intemallj ami b outward application dilutwl if the akin ia broken i to the affected parts vill effect a cwc freat mlasion of i b 1j b ia to reflate irer kidnert botela and blood to qor the the cnrect miditjrhnd wronff acuon of the stonikh and tobpen the tlnico miva of the avstrtn to earrt oft all clogged and impure secre- uont allowim nttara thru to aid reoorerr and remove withontfafl bad blood liver complaint biliouaueis a- r in rheumauau 1 k hver kidnejv atomaclborc and vjj bhouldany perton be disaatiict c j tteilr von- aryueationperionaujrorbtletter v vrill auto be glad to to teatimonola ad in- ionum proving ihe eflt of b 1 aia ont tt ualaatu ftr tale vram s aatjmfci ftiftaniirffrfttaiiwaataiiia iagr2alfaj9i