Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1891, p. 2

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ilife miir gncctu mm m tha mui mirth i ie wtt ot lliimm swmcibiintmr ot osafu- boimcrli whoa oaths urt of march ion shcuubtkm onhowreont on wednesday mart r ihr wlte of h 1 tarlgrove j r editor otuwalo lain toot v mammteg wilwvfuixoi linn imhjt tbe brr c kltnroom4tolt hm w t meat at tlw trttdcttrc of tbe bride father nutlet witm to kduh vonl atvetiur vt hexi r iutl kq- kh b tocotito towmht juki uic nrmrnrkt in milton m the 1mb utrch infant hi ot mr h l hemtreat jiumikiiln krameea on the tub march the wife o mr hobert clrindeu aed o wl xmaraituxiti aneintieu on the 8th march john mcuuitiun brother of hueti mclaocb- lin x si yv afettto reati and ooc day vuhii e fear vttbxfat ft doabt b croeeed uieiurcr hrprta the lord com ht xton jfm rcss thursday abhl j 1891 notes and comments sanaay faoersli ire to bt dooe away wilh in london odu the mlatters ot the virions dtoomvsationi and the undertaken bin turned and pablithed in ijrreemet to discontinue ttteodinee at fnnenll held on sondiy cum o extreme necetaity in excepted thil reform it roach needed ihroafhoat the coaotry indeed there u i pretty general feeling ia favor of itill ruter reforms in the way at more privicy ind lest ostentation it taoerali- the briliih government throach the mirqnii ot salisbury hu formally notified mr blaine the united stitee secretin- of stale lharg real britain accepts president harrisons invitation to take part in tbe world fair at chieago in i89s lord salisbory hai siso notified president harrison through mr blaine that i royal commission will be appointed to uiitt british merchants in exhibinj tbe prodael ot british indottry it the lair ind farther british interests there c the telephone hu it last reached its greatest triamph in the establishment of a long distance line between paris and lon don nndar the m- french- and british merchants and bankers can now converse with me another freely from their nes offices- the telephone would be osed even more eileosively thin it is if the royalty on it were not to hieb when the patent runs oat at it will sfter a while farmers and stockmen can talk all over their estates by telephone the thrones ot the old world are not in a very promising ntnstion tbey hate beat reported is in the following condition the kins ot spain is still a baby the qneen of holland is no more- than a school girl the emperor ot austria has owing to the death of prince bodolph no son to fill his throne emperor william ot germany wonldif he passed iwsy leave nobody as r snecessor to be eriegs herr or war lord except a boy of 8 the ctarowitx of bossia is 22 but be is anmmrried and the prince ot x spies heir to the italian throne is also childless v years ago the late secretary seward at the cnited states said ot the provinces that now compose tbe dominion t british korth america stretching as it does serosa tie continent from the shore of rhar and newfoundland to the pacific and occupying a considerable belt ot the tenrperate zone traversed equally with the united states by the lakes and enjoying the magnificent shores ot the st lawrence with its thousand islands in river and gulf a region grand enough for the seat of great empire in its wheal iields in the west its broadranees of chsse at the north its inexhaustible lumber lands the most extensive now remaining on the globe its invaluable fisheries and its yet undisturbed mineral deposits i see the elements of wealth now thai the census ia about tohe taken some information about it may not be amiss the work wffl- commence next monday tbe statistical year ends on that dst for fnsfuwi a birth sir on april 7th will not be included in the record this also will apply to ovnthn any one dying an the 7th or 8th and the enumerator calling on the 9th win not be recorded as dead farmers will have to answer the follotsrag amount of stock cattle sheep mhck cows number of pounds ot butter made acres of spring wheat fall wheat and other grams also average per acre last year if he keeps bees the pounds ot honey made or any other product that be may- have on irii firm the act dealing with census returns says that for false infor roaiian tx refusal there shall be a penalty of from 5 to 140 according to the report of the postmas tergeneral just issued there were on the 1st of july 1890 7913 poet offices in can ada while the carriage for the year covered 2c4987 mufrf of this distance the mile age in ontario was 12206200 while lie re maining lijxoftoq is divided among- the mbsr provinces these figures show that ontario supplies slightly more thin half ot the total work ot the postal department the gross postal revenue for the year ended jane 30 1890 was 3223ghc3 an increase of 23339203 the expenditure for the i ear amounted to ufiiwjso the dif ference between revenue and expenditure for the year ended 30th june 1890 was 57170j6 the difference for the year 1889 was 701817 this shows an in- crease of 8 per cent in receipts sgainst an increase of 5 per cent unexpenditure a washington despatch says an ar rangement has just been completed between j tbe canadian pacific and new york cen tral bailways which may have an impor tant bearing upon the fntare ot canadian railway interests in tins country and also upon the regolslions which the treasury department may establish or the legisla tion which congress may be induced here aiur to enact relative to the amenability- f of foreign roads to the interstate commerce law president van hbrne of the cana dian pacific road at kst has achieved the the object which hi has- had in view for years in entry into the heart of kew lork city over the kew york central tracks the agreement was signed but night between president van borne and president depew the- agreement in snb- i stance is this irtbe canadian pacific will come to new york city from brockrille over the new bridge which it to be built at lliat point hy way ot the borne uater- totn40gdensbargtocfioa no canadian pacific rains will come over the vinder- but lines by way of buffalo or suspension bridge it present although this rosy follow if the canadian pacific completes its line ether toboffalo to the bridge thede- tails of the sgreemestve to be worked oat lo the irajsc officers ot the twaaamradie jid tlre to go into effect imnjediste ings were used in si sohools the bible in halt0n p schools tha annul rport of lnpotor deacon tothiimlrtlsur of eduoatlon actons a good tbs rspott ot the mlnliter ot kdoostioo u just received the following titrtot from tut report ot j b deaooti kx totptotot ot public tjehooli tot thitcounty will be ol ksutrii luterest lvwy school and depimmtnt wen visited liof tome lhee or tour tltnrt during tlie nr myofftclil visits fr he yeir num bered j00 an uuuuilly urge dumber of schools and departments were unfortunate iu getiia ioetperienccd inl btdiy trained tctcbert to follow taooetilul oom the result was a chsodt or suooesaion ot changes within the year jtbe retrogrtdt in some departmtnti hai been aoterioui that miny months ol earnest work will be required to bring the handing up to its normal con dition notwithstanding these and other htodrsrots our schools average a blgh standard of tcholsrship discipline and general culture improved methods are employed in every grade and in every branch of study the art of letchiog il advancing rapidly every year even the object sought diffort widely from tjiat ot former days to illustrate briefly definition no longer form the foundation o knowledge insuy ttudy but are devel oped from what papils hive already learued of tbe subject ideas find eipressiou in words words have been erroneously supposed to represent ideas- teaching in l taken the place llitt felling once occupied tbe ability to speak and write correctly is recognized to be ot much greater value than tbe rules and definitions ot formal graoimer to say nothing ot parsing an accurate knowledge ot batinest forms and commercial arithmetic is much more cseful to the avenge yoalh than the most intimate aonuiinuace with complex fractions circulating decimals or im possible problem reaching beyond the range of practical utility in discipline likewise a great change has taken place instead of repressing the activities of childhood the progressive teacher wisely directs them into channels ot usefulness thus promoting by a plesssnt variety of employment the childs mental and- moral development eighty per cent of our teachers maintain excellent order and many of their schools bear no evidence that it costs- any effort teachers and pupils sre interested ia theic work and no time ii left forfcfcsorder xmenrr ixu shames during the year eightynine teachers were employed tg ladies snd 3 gentle men three teachers held find class cer tificatee m second 5 third and 1 first old standard the highest islary paid a mile teacher wis t00 the lowest 1380 the highest salary received by a female teacher was h75 the lowest 200 the average salary paid male teachers was hh decrease u2 ot female teachers 12 w increase it there were u changes in august and 28 in december ten ot those changes were due to expiration ot certifi cafes eleven positions were filled by ocr model students ot 18i these changes have introduced to our county only nine teachers from other counties 01 the 89 teachers employed gl were trained in haltou school tutts ixo rruc rrirnittivc there were 2536 visits increase 23 by trustees 289 decrease 5 the number ot pablic examinations was 90 increaae 9 tbe teachert in s and 8 kaassgtweys 2 t g and 1 nelson i g 9 10 12 and a e eaqueiiug 2 8 9 10 ii 12 17 snd 18 trafalgar held no publicexxminstioas during is9 ten ot these are teachers of more than ordinary ability it it to be regretted that they do not innte the public to see the result ot their labors at least annually for the first time however we can report an average of more than one pablic examination for each school and department schoor joitutiot juomttesdivce tbe pdpoiatioc ot school age s to 21 was 7010 decrease il the number between the ages at 7 and 13 not attending any school is reported to be 20 but this it probably lest thin the actual number the number between 7 and 13 attending less than 100 days in the year is 823 de crease 59 on account ot removals and errors tn reporting this number is probably grealer than the true one there were 5ig pupils enrolled on the school begis- terjdecrease 79 first header part i l2ii part n 90f second reader 9 third 1079 fourth 990 fifth 1gc the number in drawing was 5200 drill and calitthenics 2753 llasie2011 temperance and hygiene 2512 increase x198 average attendance first hslf year 2693 r second half 2 8 the percentage of attendance compared with the number enrolled wit in hilton coj acton 59j georgetown 59 i10oakviile58burhnglon 56 nelson 51 esquesing 81 taafalgar 8 naasagaweya f and the entire coanty 5135 ux 1etvect1i sxuctxlrtoxs at the teachers kan professional ex aminations held at oakvilie atilton and georgetown in july there were 36 third class candidates 20 seconds andtwo matric ulants at the h s eatrance examin ations in july there was 122 eandidstes of whom so passed in december 89 of whom 58 pissed total forthe yer2il o whom lit or 68 per cent passed nova school when model scfaoolt were established in 1877 the term lasted only eight weeks a few years later it was extended to thiiteen weeks and in 1888 to fifteen weeks some sre urging a further extension to lix months or one year the model school at hilton improves in efficiency every year the regular itaff with one exception has received iu education and training here the principal and every assistant present in tbeir daily work throughout the year models of industry snd successful teaching recognizing the importance ot the model school work in relation to the schools ot our coanty i ipent three or four timet is muchtime therein as the lew required in order that i might become fully acquainted with the ability and industry of candidates for certificates there were in attendance ten ladies snd eleven gentlemen all of whom passed a creditable examination and received third class certificates- at a recent convention of p b intpectort it wis unanimously resolved to request the hon tbe minister of education to make third class certificates valid only in he county where granted unless endorsed by the inspector thil would tend to oar advan tage for our own undents are often crowd ed out by those whose services to us at least are less valuable- nuckina bsittcti as usaal the institute held two sesiioot of two days each the attendance and interest ware well maintained and much practical benefit derived by all who attend ed our own jeacheri have taken a large share ot the- work and have contributed very materially towards making these meetings a snecess nxsarxuhsocs every school was opiued or eloaid with devotional exercises the scripture bead 41 and prayers iu 61 iu my report it- last year rtltraoot ru ntda to lb ureal lutqulllyol uaallon liliwhrtral mouom ol th tatts township tht hbjlitat mag i sat at great at the fewest the oon 1017 elausm rahuial to attwdabm ol pupllt bat wean 7 ind ii vaart of tgt ihould bt mide mora workable tree plantino to lbs editor of tbt ran paut bin i tend you with thil thi fdrettrj report or llit present year pnblltdrd by thi ontario oovtrnmaut which will ha found to contain much valuable oorrtspon dines from priottotl tret plintett in ontario at it it dlitrlbutad by tbt ontario government with a vitw to check thi deforesting ot the country it will bt sent free of all chargo to those who tend their address to 35 richmond st w toronto tree plsuling it now one of the chief ceomaitiot of tbe country it hu been demonstrated by tueottsive proofs and many witueas that our most valuable crops especially fall wheat and olotsr which sre the basis ot scientific farming grow to far belter advantage where shelter u provided the reason of thit it uot fir to seek we hare in ctnadi that it to lay tint per lion which hu been partially cleared for farming cut down too rainy o our forests it is time now thtt wt ihould endeavor to preserve those portion yet remaining and also by planting groves ind una of trees endeavor to bring back to ontario the climate and condilioui ol growttf it former ly possessed to give inch information at miy oon dace to thil ii theobjeot of the forestry reports yearly aiued the present will be found to contain many new and valuable ideas on the subject i hope that those who read and approve ot them will not rest satisfied till they here put some ot them into practice i j yours etc r w pnrrrs toronto march 30th 1601 a maniac on the train passangeraonacpr train threat i oned by a madman orrnri march 30 a powerful swede became insane on the soo train due here at 9 saturday and terrorised- the passengers all night with s huge jockknife conductor smith several times tried to pacify him bat yithoat svuil and after reaching ren frew a telegraph message was tent to am prior ordering a conitable to swaif the tram and take he nun into ruttody finally tlie mans pent op fury bant forth and he declared in his ravings that he had been poisoned and he would kill any mu who came near him when arnprior was reached a terrible itruggle began the conductor and brakesman armed themselves with heavy clubs the constable who is well up in years approached the madmin ordering him to lay down the knife but was gashed in the arm in two places his wrist being nearly severed 6eeing farther parley wis useless the conductor raising his dab brought il down wih terrible force on the maniacs head with tbe result that his skull was laid open this only seemed to stagger him for a second snd re covering himself he resumed the attack when the brskeman a powerful little fellow sprung oa him from behind sad ojsistd by the passengers alter a fearful itruggle overpowered him and bound him with ropes it took sir men to hold him when being onveyed to prison gored to death by a bull wffmrv hatch 27 sylvtnnui c brown met a horrible fate last evening being gored to death by a jersey bull it turned upon him whilst he was leading it to drink ee wti powerless to protect himself against its mad attack aod was msngled in a very short time the fury ot the brute after smelling blood was awful and 20 men failed to capture him until a- rifle wu secured and he was shot literary the uethodist magazine for april is specially devoted to memories ot 100 years of canadian hethodism among other important features is in admirable sketch by rev dr johnston- in his best vein of the hue rev dr rote almost the last ot the pioneer preachers of earlr hethodism in thia land an especially appropriate article is one abridged from dr rayoers volume now out ot print on canadian hethodism giving sju account ot trials and triumphs ot such men as loses dunham asbuiy bangs and case and others of tbe fsthers and founders of hethodism in canada tbe bev dr carman writes an article of chincferiitic vigor on the homentum ot hethodism the editor describes a visit to the grave of barbara heck the mother of methodism both in canada and the united slates with an engraving of her grave and ot the old blue charch near haitlaad from a water- color drawing made eapecislly for this hsgsiine the rev dr csven principal of enor college contributes a scholarly and timely ttady ot meeiienic prophecy the symposium of methodism u continued embrscing characterizations of hethodism by the rev dr sheraton principal of wickliffe college the lion r harcourt provincial treascrer of ontario james croil the editor of prutiytaian rccurd and bev a h newman dd lld professor of history in mcmaater univer ity three copious and beautiful papers on through hungary strassburg to heidelberg androand about eogland are also included as well as chspters of habbertons all he knew and a scientific piper on the reign of ioe centennial back numben can still be supplied price 12 a year it for nx months 20 eenti per numbe r toronto william briges strange revolution in wo mens dress some predict that tbt great change in the fashioning of the clothes which are to be worn by womeu this coming season il tbe most wooderfn victory of tbe nineteenth century if fashion leaden can be induced to adopt it and appear jost once in public to arrayed men will hold tbeir breath in wonder at tbe mirvelloui obinge icmaketin lovely woman few of the fair aex can help be ing beautiful in these glovefitting pot- tumes sayt a writer in a recent number of 77ie sac yort and paris fotsff ianves fatluon bazar thil magazine il the only one in europe or america which makes a tpecialty of giving those inolioed to stoutness an unrivalled tppaaranotof sculptured thinness said her royal high ness the princess of wales madame pauihat ordered from tbeparit boose fonr magnificent costumes the designs of which appear in tbe april number of this fashion buar and in tilt maga ti oa only mm harrisonii greatly fascinated with the exquisite gem costume no t in thi april number it ii expected ibe will give an order foi in e counterpart of 1 the whole front of wbieh wilt be inemtted wftbnhesddisnv will bjworth a kings ransom lr3h talk 0pthb dav an tpltpmi pftrt world t olngi ouhnith waak mt v it o kan ot toronto had on bodday in raw york oily thornai lyont ot cbilttnbam i ropped daai 1b aaalpb on satatday 1 hon mr chipttia hat narted tor niw vork to obtain madloal advice lord and lady aberdeen ire sipscted to ylilt tbt korthwtal agtlu thli tumrhrr flra at baamivilla aarly friday morning dtetroytd property to the amount of 35- 000 fiftten ibooisnd csuadlsn tmlgratlon psmphleu are being distributed in den- mirk oermin offioliu art keeping themielves well potted on ruiilai military raovo- menu two thousand tlx hundred ind lit imml- grinu wart landed in new york thursday morning tbs number of emigrant from great britain to canada showed a urge increase in weok rev dr howard crosby the oclebrited new york clergyman died on sunday afternoon seven itesmtbini ol the stito lint hive puted into the handi of the allan steam- ihlp company henry m slaoley hu ibindotied hit lecturing tour in ttxu on account of ad vene criticism revenue ofnoert hive teiicd out of the lirgett distilleries in california for triad in ontsxed brandy a lacrosse tournament of manitoba and brjtiih colombia clabj will be held it cal gary this summer a rome special- states that tbe excite ment created by the new orleans massacre hu completely subsided a french syndicate has bought the hackaybrean silver mine in the ourty col dlitnot for 1soo000 it hu bees decided to pull down cookes presbyterian church toronto ud erects new building il i cost ot ho000 hiss grace ritchie of montreal carries off lot highest booore in the medical exami nation it biibops college quebec tbomu evans exalderman and for 20 years a wellknown merchant died sudden ly in hamilton on monday evening hon joseph martin attorney- general of manitoba wu reelected in portage la prairie on saturday by a majority ol gl president carnot of france has decern- ed tbe russian ambassador at paris wilh the 0 rand cross of the legion ot honour the canadian pacific authorities ity they will actively push on the construction of the soaris branch of their road this tbe winter wbeit crop in the south of russia promises poorly snd there is a prospect ot hard times for the small firmers it is ssid to be the intention ot the russian monarch to initiate and develop an offensive policy on the old lines by claiming supremacy h briois mflitsry attache ot the french government it st petersburg received from the czar on saturday au order set with brilliants oa saturday lord sunley received the memorial of the catholic archbishops and bishops asking for the disallowance ot the manitoba school act two weeks sgo the death of mr john xckenna 5th line east near brampton wu recorded last week his wife died the cause of death wu consumption it il estimated thst 20000 bushels of ipring wheat will be required to supply those with seed who most urgently need it in kansas where great distress prevails a bill has leen passed by the delaware legiilatare providing thst tramps and vag abonds shall be compelled to work on pub lie works eight honna day for sixty days president vtn home hu concluded an arrangement with the new york central railway- company by which the canadian pacific railway gains an entrance to new york miyor birketl ot ottawa who wu recently unsealed disqualified by the courts on the ground of hiving i contract with tbe corporation wu re elected by ac clamation on saturday mrs lucille andres ot eutouville who wu in gsol charged with attempting to murder her stepson by throwing him into a well hinged herself with s towel in her celt oa saturday night rev dr george putor of the john- street presbyterian church belleville and formerly of toronto hu been offered the putorafe of a church iu 8t louis with s stipend of h000 per annum i s j comin and ooino vultort to nd prom aoton tnd vtrloui ot pr noti mr jtmtabiwnwulntofotrto mvwil diyithlt weak i mim unit itoyot ol eramoaa vlilt log frlindi htrt mm a tortll ofouslpb visited friends lure on sunday mr anton smith of hamilton wu horat for eular mist clevtlind vlilttd friend in niltou during he holidaya mr a l hioitraat of trafalgar wu in town on tuesday mr oharlia springer wu at bomi in nelson tor good friday vr w kanniwln of crltfl vltilad trleods hen ovei bnndsy mitt csmpbtll of klnoardideti visiting irlends in aoton and vicinity mr w 0 crotson of toronto iptnta few boon in town on monday mr tbomu euton made a short vliit with friends in barn la tut weak mn g h brown d spending a few weeki at her old borne in parkdile mrt r creech and daughter of wood took are nests of mr i francis mr brsdwin of the st tbomu journal paid the fnziparsta pleuant visit yetter- diy mist brown ot medina wu ungues of her titter mn dr uren during the boll- days mr samuel slander left on tuesday morning to try hit fortune in qloverevllle n y hn lampmin and daughtar ot eait wood ire spending a few dayi with acton friends miss celis stafford of toronto and mist hsnnab of berlin were home several days the put week i miss mary brown who hu bees speoding- seversl weeks with triendi at churchville has returned borne mn c detspeey and children of tor onto were guests at the home of d hendersoo mp this week mr t a maann the saw merchant is lin seeordt block hu bees ill the put week ind uuible to open his ttore revi r h abraham ha burlington and james argo norval attended the alumni meeting at knox college on tuesday hiss gall daughter of chief ot justice gilt of toronto snd a niece of sir a t gait of montreal is a lieutenant of tbe salvation army lawyer j a mclean received an ugly shaking op by coming in contact with a baggage truck at tbe union station tor- onto last friday evening mr crewson mclaughlin ot sooth big- inaw mich hu returned to canada to spend a few months with hit friends it pine valley farm naasagaweya mr and hn thos t hoore attended a family gathering in toronto on good friday at which the eightieth birthday of mr john rosi mrs moores father wu celebrated mr ron is still hearty asd enjoying good health mr wo rtmtey left yesterday morning for glovenville ny which city bt will make hit home for the pretest mr ramsey is a highly esteemed citizen sur- rouoded by an interesting family and bis removal is much regretted harper uceuf lor msrch 25th contains a history of the mafia in neworleans with an accoant of the late tragical occur- resect in that city illustrated from photo gripbt tbe four page tapplement accom panying the o umber comprises a paper iry george fellow on the nicaragua canal gl v- ing a history of the enterprise and an ac coant of the present condition ot the work with illustrations aod a map among other attractions sre short stories by fran cis m livingston and george l putoam portraits and sketches of prince napoleon senator felton and the lata judge john r brady as account of the recent great find at thebes an illustrated description ot tbe city of toledo ohio and the usual variety of abort articles and illustrations dr lows worm syrup hu removed ttpe worms from 15 to so feet long it alio destroys ill other kinds ot worms piles a potitive cure thouitnde of teitimon no purge no luppotitory sent pott paid for 27 cts in ttimps address home specific co orillis ont intense dyspepsia huentesuffehng for 8 yean be ttortd to perfect ileauh fewpeople litre suffered more severely from dyspepsia than mr e a mcmahon well known grocer of staunton va- heisys before 1871 1 was in excellent health welsh- fngcrerzmjiounas- in that vearaniqmetit developed nuo acute dyspepsia arid soon i wu reduced to las pounds suffering burning sensations in tbs stomach ralpltitioii ot the heart nausea and indigestion i could not tleep lost til heart in my work hod lit of melancholia and lor days at a time i would hare welcomed death i beearoe morose lulleu and irritable and for eight yean life was a burden lined mauyijiysldans snd nuuij remedies olio day a workman employed by me suggested that i tike ami hooda ila i did so and before taking the whole of a bottle i began to feel like ainew man the terrible ratal to which i had been lubjeeted ceased the palpitation of the heart subsided my stomach became easier nausea disap peared and my entire system began to tune up vritb returning j if strength came activity ot o vflamj mind aod body before ft i hfllx thenfthbotuewutaken v vmi 1 i had regained my former weight and natural condition i am today well snd iucrlbe it to taking bools sarasparnia h a it you decide to take hoods sartaj parllloiiiotpelndrirtnbuyanj 1891 spejna 1891 millinery opening oar orand spring opening will take place on tuesday wednesday 1 thursday apfill 7tli 8th and 9th mm iiilmmii- please bear in mind that the great occasion is the millinery trade of the city of guelpbour spring opening will not take plica until the above dates we need scarcely ask tbe ladies to await our opening before phuing any orders elsewhere for bpring millinery we teal confident that no lady will feel satisfied antil she hu teen the immense display of noteltiei which it well known we make each season we will promise one thing viz that we will by far eclipse any effort wt have ever made snd iny triumphs we bsivs ever won in prodooing the most ex tensive ind brilliant display of millinery ind goods that it to ha teen in guefpb we have already been favored with an altogether unprecedented number ot orders for early spring wear and we have a large number ot most elegant pieces complete we sre however expecting a special impor tation of high class novelties for next week whjch together with the prodnotiont ot oof large staff will be placed on exhibition on tha datea above stated we extend a cordial invitation to everybody and will do oar utmost to serve the wist of all who mv fsvor nt with their pretence 1 fi boilpt co 25 27 irower wyndhiipi 8t r gujelphs fine spring millinery our millinery opening will take place on wednesday 8th april when we want to see all the ladies as we will make a grand display of fine millinery at prices that will suit all also a fine assortment of dress goods prints parasols and fancy goods every department is full of bargains henderson mcrae co kcton latest style best value with spring comes kelly bros fine assorted stock of spring suitings pantingsand overcoatings our tweeds aod wonted are the finest aod best that money coold boy and we are determined to keep the prices down under that of cheaper goods on very garment we turn out this ipring we wul pot th best of trimmings the best of workman iblp and guarantee i perfect fit spring hats oar new spring hu have jut ome to bud and are the bit and nobbtwt in be market tbey are in mens boyi and cbildreni all tizes and prioea furnishings our new stock of gents ties shirts collars and cons are something grand this season give us s look u we have marked the prices to plesse yon kfxlybros l0d0eb8 astgif aooort ortabls roocc with duhu von a- ttrsd ldotvntloihlr7lj5 x nzintuotrtcti 8pecial notice rfysbretijloskdltbroswullbfjaslji ketltbioi ix overdue eseonnu aotmlud h jsrveskhv in to ibsirmlleuors ioreolltlon dretmakino mim hatt1e tfluhstom had plauurl in informing tbt isdlss ot litta and vldollr that tbe la vnvtniuui orders for onssmaklif to tbt ssustsetle cf as castomsn will please call st her ctaueh st acton farm for sale be1ko tbs east ball of lot a con 1 log in tbs coontj of baltos as 100 acres more or less frsmi boost snd i barn within i miles ot acton on o t b foi particulars apply to- jw eluottbanlrtot jfutea ifareb utb ml jorprintiivg ikcludtnq bocks fampbleta foslnsbiil bsaasclrealarsawc executed la lot best strls ot the srt at moderate prices sad oa shsrt notice apply or idilitss b p m00b8 ran pszupoes attn v acton 1odge no 204 toojr xyx block every wedmsday evening tlitttw brethrsn always wtleome for copy of eeaitpj- tntlon and laws apply to tbe undersigned or say i of the members v wwilijalfb hbwobdev a a ness business chmgk o ashley hebeby bifovtns tbs pablic lost lis has pst- efaamd tbs lnlrst of hit lat petnarllr joba laoe and win eontiniw tbs tmaumm ntao- self st tbt old stand customers will receive tbe smt carefat at tention as in tbe past 1 i tt 3 j will cojjeet all aoeonnti doe tbe iattyfiho c ifihlkt agents wanted 3 i the dominion illustrate0 in cr7 caoadiaa town mo4 thuy bpetal inucemmtm sffnd in addition to cofrmftrim for parttcalan addrtca i ths8hjtlotlluioftfabco- powiahera uostreal frank burcem house painter paper hangtjv sign writer etc fi licket wffie fencdjci ub costs from 60 cents per rod 164 bet op neisr silverware pickle stands pancy salt cellars cake baskets cruets cups for children knives and forks spoons napkin rings just opened at savage8 jewellery store guelpfl be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbopk in furnishing a house or adding thereto the popr man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the dining room in many styles and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent value always j a speight manager spring arrivals 0 just opened up light overcoatings scotch tweed suitings cheviot and serge suitings shaw grundy bbhr guelph to farmerti and threshers tjaeo the wellknown peeeless oil 9 gold medals b deen rfl it dorihg t laat three year rarmoolta 9ierraali for theitiumnoptjier kanttfttotamaatqlmapityoiivoriiiby s 7- samuel rocirs it co toronto la prepared to execute orrjea in may o fl abgriijiamtbhtidtnnarandatrmenabto- tnn etctt job faartog my peaooal attenta i can aaanre cnatomera complete ntifrttst graining to auwoodi a jpeeialtt ordetslaftatmr reauenee vain bt aetai iu receire prompt attention- for the farm or garden there ia no fence to durable tnd uatiiic send oa a trial order and ve aatnre rtm i action tui be tbe remit duconnt to the trade ian on application ustiaxtd partial- 1 j m oooleir a co cueloh dnt jcnelson wants v to slie you for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and groceries a trtt 80u01tb j iv qentlemeir orderyour spring suit anii overcoat from r e nelson ouelph new spring suitings new spring overcoatings d 1 an immense tsatjea ot choice new pantingsfirom 4 to 12 per pair a spedal genuine pore worsted black panting at 5 per pair my specialty pertectfituog 4 pants to order 1 iv 1 a 1 f3 batiotaotion assubxc r e nelson r mhlfin4ble clothier 8pptneuiairstguelpo v k i drintforaraareawbrakrinaoa tam per y jiavmooasthlnhiiwiur wag auhttrttiob 8oma of the very best limp in ihe world only xood whes thsr araioked th shofksstlvii janitort h l 031 nsav a ijftirnet iim r rvs ralaad iha m ssgws vmmmm80im

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