Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1891, p. 2

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mm us 3if yv i fer j i -i- fttmur hcbarmitbortlnwitbsth artl the lt o to i itertrtm of a son dtxxn at ciwweolia omm on hit th aprtl the voe of w m daiii of a dantfcter cnajtld aeteilonuit8nd april thewtft el mr thomas chiabolm t a daottlw turmmt toronto oh the loth uanh the wife of ur f j travew tsarrtster of ft eattgbter vakk16d iuixuwcxkkpt at theretldetkeof ihebrldva tattr 06 the uli april bv hev jot bllta ur 4ojo alrvinto litis martha flaofitiler of morrta knitted km- all ot cleoreasovn vfirawvcsall tt the hoaaln roue j ou tat sth arrh by hev drqlffwa mr john vcn t the uatafa roese actoti itu bt bev dr qlffovd mr john tttuon of kigeealng to ttua jeancttc mc- nab acton cljt ttojfm m thcrbdavt arp1l9 189l o notes and comments i il tb tim or the dttailowanoe ot the manitoba school act ejtpires oa april 10th it it understood that the government will cot intertew bat willstale that ther be lieve the aot o be anoonilauoaal tad will hive it mbmitted- to the watts should the sanreme coart declare it to be anoooititulwoal the govcnimenl will again deal with the matter fully wteoetfihlht ot the export crop oilutt seasons north weal grain hu been movd over the c p r and op to dale over 12000000 boihelt hive been moved the northern pacific road hu carried al least 3000000 bashel the total export scare ii eipectod to loach 10000000 bushels the pram is ail ot exoelieat qaalkjvand the foreign demand for it hat been enormous sir charles tapper sir john thompson and mr george e foster accompanied by r jaliaa paoncclote called by appoint ment on secretary blaine in waahkgton monday morning with regard to enlarged trade relations between tanada and he l ni ted states mr biaine iniorraed them that as pesident harrison tm desiroas ot being present at the discussions farther negotiations most be postponed until alter the presidents return from his southern tour the virions german chamber otcom- tnerce are about 40 make a very ialerwliog experiment t the idea of extending i germanys industrial reaoarbeatu foreign couninea a fund baa been raised and several young men will be sent to different larce cities on thecontinent and in eng land to open op new fields for german products among the citiet aeclected for the experiment in england are manchester birmingham liverpool newcastle and the prospects are that the dominion parliament will have it hands full of solid wort ibis mssiou already notice are in ot about 125 private bills incladinc half a dozen for divorce compared with a total last swsioo of 0 and a few score more are certain to comeun before the expiry ot the fittt ten days after the seaaion opens it is understood that the time for reeemug petitions for private bills wih not be exten ded this wsairaaa has betniiuhial in put years there is a strong feeling in the country in favor of increasing the efficiency of the militia force and aa a means to this end it i felt that the whole force instead of half of it should go- to camp every year the government ia credited with the intention of inaugurating this change dnr- in the present season and u the increased appropriation for the purpose cannot well be made by parliament in time to allow of arrangement for a camp ia june ii it ptob- able the annual drill will be delayed until september mr tcaten baa introduced a bill in- the igisjtre to amend the ktnidpei act so that the salification of voters for members of the municipal coancili in towns ul nuaces be redaced to 1 100 the same aa for townships and a reduction of the qualifi cation in cities by one half to f200 l second cian- of the hill declares the illegafitj of a municipal council dirertiog money levied or mlwted fomhe porpoe of a ainfcidg fund for the payment of current expeoees a third clause icfiicted a pecalty of personal liability and disqualification for five years for violation of the second clause electric light again a third company atk porprmli- ilon to eroot pott on th str u the council mebtinq the mtutlciptl ooanctl ttheooaungton whtt kxartoram to the viiiu ot repreten iattvat ol aleotdo light cotnptutnund theit pnlimiur regoettt or- the privilege of erecting pole on the ttrecta electric light tu one of the topic vhioh ome before the member on monday evening the rancorac ratueated m granted hat uo contract lot tlcctric light on the ttraeta will be cntrtanod at preniit tct light ue promlted to be ercctod iliorlly and ll atirictor- no dohbl the mttr will fter- vvrd reeeix due oouiideratioo from the coanctl meeting opened at eight oclock i member preteni cotmcjllort rrorton harvey andcronnd havill keens lorv bctiig nhmnl on motion councillor pomon look tho clialr the finance committee proaeulcd their xth rtport anthoriitng payment of ac count ollow j v kanoawlu itatiooery 6 u jvkaqaaur4t it id dan qriliam attan to date 49 so 1 1 movwi by john harvey aocondod by o anderton that the meten committoe confer with mr w h storey in rcgrd to httlementrot hi claim upon ihc rear por tion reeve lovcry entered at m0 pm and took the chair moved by george ilavill seconded by jolin harvey that caretaker grabira be paid h950 being salary up to april 1st and that ho be paid momnly in fatcre- carried the finance rcpewa adopted mr skinner representing lie reliance electric light company laid t request be fore the council asking for the delusive right to erect poles etc an objection wis nosed by councillor poinon vbo statcdtbailvrqtcoaipanicaarbo had already been gmqledt permission to erect poles badfailedtofulnlthcirpromiacs he objected particularly to the word ciasive in the request as it would give the reliance company a monopoly mr skinner explained that flf had al readya number of contracts signed to funnah lights to merchants and other in town and that ute company meant basi ness he stated that there was not another town of actons population or importance west of toronto that bad not electric light the company would establish a plant cost ing between h000 and taooo and furniah are lights a low as i cents and incandes cent lights at 3 cents each they would erect two or three trial lights on the streets to give thccoancil an opportunity to in spect them he further stated that if the council objected he would not ask for the exclusive right i af tr considerable crossfiring upon the subject between the members of the council the following motion was passed moved by jos anderson seconded by john harvey thai leave be jjiven to the reliance electric- light connnriy to erect poles and string wire for electric light por poses subject to theappmvalof the council the same roles to gevern their erection as apply to cities and towns and are approved by the board of underwriters messrl joseph speight and wm turten formed a delegation from acton cornet band asking the council for the free use of the town hall for local entertainments this matter was the cause of consider- able discussion as some of the councillors thought the band had as much right to pay for the use of the hall as any other institu tion j beeve ijowtv said he thought the acton band received very little encouragement when it was taken into consideration hew- little was realized by their entertainments and by comparison with the aid which hihdi in other towns obtained eloquent speeches were then j made by bandsmen speight williams faulkner h women and h jeans showing e great benefit tbe band was to the town these seemed to have a telling effect on the council as the following motion which seal them on their way rejoicing wit reanv- j moved by george havill seconded by john harvey that the hall be given free to the hand when needed for local concerts carried council adjourned at 10 oclock mr guthries bin in the local lecnsla- tore to amend the assessment act deals with the exemption from taxation of farms live stock and implements at pre sent under the law of i88s all a farmers lire stock is exempt bat his implements are liable to taxation complaints have been made that this is in some caaes ex cessive and unfair to many fanners and other uxpajers a a more edmtable arrangement this bulproposesthat there should be a substsntisl but not excessive exemption granted for both uvertock and implements and that it shall be up to a fixed amount namely j 1 000 in all the principle of partial exemption has already been adopted ia the assessment laws in exempting income up to a fixed amount and in other cases the second provision of the bill seeks to render nonresident taxpayers liable to the same burden by way of extra percentage as is imposed on residents for failure to pay their taxes at the time by law appointed at present neeresidents escape psyment of this pr- cemsjje while resident taxpayers may be subjected to it niagara falls receding the canadian fall loses oyer two feet annually an ci the amer ican seven inches the following amendment to the pahuc school act is now before tne legislative assembly the board of public school trastees is every dty town snd villaihall immediately alter the 13fh day of decern ber in each year publish a detailed state ment of the receipts and expenditure for the portion of the year ending on the lslh day of december the said statement shall be signed by the chairman and trea surer of be board and thai be published forthwith in one or more newspaper of the municipality if any and in such other newipipers circulated in the municipality as the board may direct instead of pub- lishdg the said statement fo any news- paper the board may cause the same to be postenfup not later than the wth day of december in the office of the clerk of the munidpahty and the treasurer of the board as well a at the postofiia in the munici- pality and at not lets than twelve other eonspicions place therein the treasurer of the board shall procure not less than one hundred copies of the said statement and hall deliver or transmit by post to the electa who first request him to do to one of such copies not later than the wth dajr of december in each year j elections or the nova scotia legislature were held twadei ia cap breton anil ffinlih a haw counties the vacancies being eantetlty liberal members resigning tcynto in tbt dominion elector the liberals orrisd all tire codntjea auurr ky april i the state en gineer and surreyor sf the request of the commissioners of the state reservation of niagara has during the past year made a surrey of the actual crest hue ot both the american and horseshoe falls and paints in connection wilir the survey have been established and permanently fixed so that at any time in the future similar surveys may be made and the lines of crest of the fails determined the general result of lie comparison between the liner of iui and 1990 shows that at the american falls there has been a mean recession of 7g6 inches yearly for is years and at the horseshoe fails a mean receslfou of 216 feet yearly for i3 years the american falls show a mean recession of 3872 feet in i8 years and the horseshoe falls a to tal mean recession of lotc feet in ia years the length of the crest line of the american falls was 1080 feet in 1h2 and 1000 feet inlrtoo the length of the crest line of the horseshoe falls was 2200 feet in 1m2 and 3810 eft id 1890 the total area ot recession ot the rock which hss disappeared between 1w2 and 1hkj is at the american falls 32900 superficial feet and at the horseshoe falls 27500 superficial feet the australian federation snoit ksw april g the austra lian federation convention now in session here baa approved of the title common wealth of australia- for the federated oolonies the convention also adopted the clause of the constitution providing that the chief executive of the federation shall he known ss the governorgeneral and that he shall be appointed by the queen a proposition that the governorgeneral should be elected by popular rote wa rejected by 35 to 3 comno and qoinq i i rii vltltora to nd from aoton and t vrlouot n oti ur bamusj johnsotrhu nturmd rani toronto and will majtt aeton hit home jj ltmpman ol eutwood wu 4 gnttl at the home ot mr i francis thlt watk- mr h outrttner and wlh of thi guelph herald led on mouday on a trip to eng land s mr robert creeeb of woodtook wu ia town over sunday nutwlog acquaint- anoes j mrs e tuurtoll spent a day or to in acton last week while on her way to harrliton mr joliu keuuejy of nusagawtya intend leaving thi spring or british colombia mr john i- lawiou of harrliton hu returned to acton ud will make thi hi future home mrs j j vrey of toronto wu agueat at the home of mrs thomas ierrymto jr thi week mrs james matthew who hat- been visiting her daughter at london or tome weeks ha retained home mr george moore o llmehoose is home from cincinnati where be hat been attend ing a dental college for vacation khox college alumni association patted a resolution last week congratulating the rciv dr cavcn on completing bit s3th year u professor in the college rev an drumm late ol georgetown has been appointed to labor in british columbia in connection with the presby lenan cbatch he it undecided whether to accept it or not u it depend on his health the friends of rev ff w sparling of teeswater formerly methodist minister at rockwood will regret to learn that he continues ia poor health with symptoms that arc regarded as unfavorable hi work at tees water ii being applied a wiumpeg despatch says mr dan mann contractor of the calgary sod ed monton railway is in town he leaves for the northwest next week the work of constructing will be commenced on the 16th iost and pushed to completion before all mr joseph draper the weluknown con dactor ot the grand trunk between london and toronto resigned from actife terrioe lut week for over twenlyfiv year be ran as conductor on the gx r bit lut ran being between toronto and london every traveller knew him the people at every station were as well acquainted with the portly form of the well known knight of the punch as they were with their own station agent and bjt genial face hit gruff call toftickets j ill be misted only three months of 1801 have passed and yet the death roll ot ereat names is already very large it incladet bancroft and eiuglake amonjr the historians baron hausiman the reconstructor of fsris in the reign of kapoleau iii meittonier the artist and prince plonflon among frenchmen bradlsuh the english radi cal kieg ealakaoa aud among amen cans emma abbott wm windom general sherman admiral porter general joseph e johns too and lawrence barrett esquestng sunday schools the township association arrang ing for a convention in may an enthusiastic meeting of the executire- u the esquesing township sabbath school association wu held in georgetown on monday to arrange for a township eonren tion there was a good representation present and much interest manifested in the work- mr g h kennedy president occupied the chair ij s it was dedded to hold a convention at korvii on friday may the programme will partake ot tie character of in institute daring the day sessions and the various subjects will be treated from that standpoint the programme hu been arranged u as follow uoavdc srasto opening at la oclock iciuttria exercise ssorsaijirauoa ker v e kortoc georgetown lurch hi the church at noon irmiivoox session preparation of the leason kevjlgandicr icx b-d- erampton a lfodcl saoia jsehoot service hjmtocre acta prhntry tehics- if r alfred day provin cial secretary election of officers die kvevisg tessklc rrcicstsadirm adrttages of teaching- io ihc teacher eer ur love gecraelowil the eelation of the home to lud eii eev fennelh georgetown the icteraliacal icocvenu-on- eev i sv kae actos it ii hoped that all the sibbalh school workers in the township will embrace the opportunity of the convention a hearty welcome is extended by the korval friends and the programme covers matters of interest to workers in every department a credit to canadian journalism those persons who have not seen the umiuiicii luirtraled tinea it jias been so much enlarged and improved shoald secure 1 sample copy at once both from the literary and artistic point of view the ltlei- raltd is a credit to canadisn journslism the prize competition which hu been inaugurated with the doable purpose o con erring benefit on readers and publishers consists in finding in current number of the journal the answers to thirtytii quattioni six of which are published every month the prizes agirregale over 13000 in value there are one hundred fo all the lowest being valued at 15 the first it 1760 in gold oa receipt of 12 cents in stamps the publishers the sablston litlio pub co montreal wit scdj to any address a simple copy with nil particular strange suicide at mlillrobc mnuisoot ont april c the retfdenit of this community were greatly shocked about noon tddiylo learn that one of the leading dlizens mx r s lancashire com mitted susdde by gutting hi throat a short time after breakfast he left for his mill and that was the lut seen of bim un til be wu discovered by his partoer mr h mccartney in the office with his throat cut from ear to ear and the door locked on the inside mr lsncuhire wu one of the leading citixens a councillor for the put two years and was in usy circumstances it is u yet imporeible to discover any cause for the ruh act rarnell a married man and his wife is not the erstwhile kitty oshea loxkjx april 0 a sensation wu caused in the lobby of the house of commons this evening by a rumor that mr parnell had been privately married since the 08bea- divorce proceedings according to this rumor the lady whom mr parnell married is not mrs oshea several parnellitet in hehoose of commons were interviewed on tbe subject tonigbt but they refuted to tay more than that the mystery of their leaders inner life which hu often been referred to recently at certain to olearmr paroells character will shortly be ex plained talk op fhe oay an ipltohlsv of thtj woh victor ii again dotn during th wm i dr barnig mp it iald to bt dangers owyiualoornwall tbe ii ob ttatlon at ohlppawi wu bnrntd on bunda night out mttnth of tbt miner at oaudellarfk ntv bea dltd too la grlppt tbt atteaimedt of winnipeg or 1601 t 180000000 and lit population 17000 several large plantations along the mia istlppl rlvtr havo bno ruined by llooda tbe custom duties oolleoted at the loti of toroulo or march imounted to 88t08 queen victoria aud emperor william will meet at darmitadl at tbe end of april rev e kediord hit received the ap pointment of- principal of tbe montreal high bohool the c p r have discovered a favorable route through brilitb columbia south of their present line tbe annual sessional idemnity to inem ben ol the new australlau parliament will beam tbt king of greece it about to become guest of the prince ol wales al marlborough house the wttericflue seine it paris have bean rettocktox with 0000 california salmon the health o prince albert oldest ton of the prince of wiles causing anxiety p x barnom telfilyled tho prince ot humbug died it bridgeport couni tiiotdiy evening mm 8 libedsou warden of the mani toba penitentiary hai been superauuaied on account of ill health mr lh musue formerly m p for richelieu is lying at tbe point of death at bis residence it vsrennet the fireyearold dinghter of joseph sooner fell into an old well tuesday at cambellford and wu drowned a st petersburg correspondent says another conspiracy against the ufa of the ctsi hat just been discovered there henry labouchere thinks the national ista who support air gladstone wiii derive great benefit from the rupture in ireland edward bowes fell from a trapeze in the high school gymnuium collingwood on saturday afternoon and fractured his scull by order of the revenue department 116000 worth ol smuggled whiskey was sold at public taction at quebec this week driven frantic- with pain caused by a cancer jamet davit a renfrew farmer cat out his tongue wilhs knife and bled to death capt oshea hints that the oshea par nelf divorce case may be reopened when- further revelationsdamaging to mr parnell will be made chinese merchant in san francisco havedecidod to formally protest against the appointment of exsenator blair u mioitter to china two farm laborers ntmed c hodges snd ben hubbard quarrelled on ssturdsy in london township and hubbard wu fatally tubbed by hodges deacon d backlin fit aa old time antiiiavery agitator and temperance re former died at aaburndale muf on saturday iged 84 years near pembina a man named mcconuell wu shot by two brothers whose sister he had betrayed and afterward one ot the brother committed suicide the russian government will toon issae invitations to sn international j congress to be held at moscow in 1833 to consider matters relating to education it is reported ihatrev mr wfherridge ej3putor of fit andrews presbyterian church ottawa hu received a call to a new york ohurchat a salary of 7o00 it it understood that the government at the opening ot parliament will move that the mcgreevy scandal be referred to the committee on privileges and elections chief justice gait refused to quuh the conviction against hans goebel the water loo county barber whom otto klotx j p fiuedfor selling liquor in his larber shop the immigrant inspector it vermont k r complains that many residents front foreign countries under contracture entering the united states at that port via canada the many friends of rev dr laing moderator of the general assembly will be glad to learn that be is improving in health and is expected home from his southern fripshortly hector mclean farmer wu walking home from orillia to uptergrove on the track before reeehiug uptergrove he sat down on the edge of a culvert where he wu struck by the steps ot a passing train death wu instantaneous mrs dulmage wife of a grocer over the don toronto wu kicked almost to death by a horse in her husbands stable as she wu feeding it her right leg right arm bones of her left cheek and several ribs were fractured and her recovery is doubtful they played barber a fool with a revolver eihwivjjjj april 7 anton henrjr wu married at east rahway lut evening in tbe m dit of tbe festivities the bride and groom started for their carriage to take tbe train for their honeymoon trif there wu oheeriog and henry mentz a friend of the groom fired a talnte with a revolver he fired too low and the ball timok henry in the head killing him almost initantly the bride fainted and the merrymakera stood for an- instant stunned in half an hour the young wife had gained cootdous- natr mentz wat arretted matinee girl to friend yesterday ian 1 16 a refolgent day t friend deed it it its j two children frightfully hack a baby with a razor wishkgtov n j april 9 mrs junes macnemey of earrsvilie left her three children aged 9 7 and 2 the youngest a girl at home while the went to the store yesterdty when the returned she found the baby iying on the floor in the kitchen covered witfi blood a rtxor wu by its side the child wu not dead though she wu very weak from the loss of blood her little face wu one mass of cuts and on the neck wu a huge guh that barely missed the jagular vein the other children were not to be found for a long while they were finally discovered in a closet fut uleep their little hands covered with blood tbey explained to their mother that they had been playing barber with tbe baby who would not keep still and so was cut they became frightened at the blood and hid themselves credit ablbtothkswbdk8 coudollmau george v swalo who toutly retoinad rots vltli abroad mijin tbt following isiliwniflvapeirtiionit time in sweden aso notidibany pecnliar itlta tmo tht jpw jbmtrhaird a bwedt twttv tut harsh or profant lan guage abase abeu ol harden or show a spark of crotlty id any form at an example of lb remarkable tendsrnett of the bwmetof io day bt relates an luoldeor related to hlni by gen thorau thi amerlosn minister at stockholm oen thomu wlilla out tiding ont day rott a peuanl going to the woods with a porooplot in a bukel upon being questioned said bt found the animal stranded on tbt road and fearing that tome ono would barm it he wu liking ii to tbe woods a j city record pun when eight quaker ladle hid an ap pointment and seven wart punotnal and tbt eigtb being three mioutet too late be gan apologising for keeping tho others waiting the reply ram oat of them wu i tra torry rltnd tbit thee ihoald htvo wuted thine own three minute bat tboe bad no right to wute twenty ono more o our lime that wu not thine own of wuhlngton it is said that when hi secretary on some occasion was late and excused himteirby ttying hit witch wat too alow the reply wu you will have to get another watoh or i auother secretary napoleon used to lay to bit mirabala von may uk anything of me but time jacob h bloomer o yirgille k v writes drthomsi ecleclno oil cared i badly swelled neck and tore throat on my son in forfy eight hours one spplica tlon also removed tho pain front a very sore toe my wifes foot wu alto much inflamed to much so thtt she could not not walk about the bouse she applied the oil and ia twenty foor hoar wu entirely cured a new plan the tailor of now york propose to sell tho bills which they hold against delin quent customers st public auction there sratwo objections to this plan tbe first that it will enoouraee a certain class of debtors to wait for the sale snd have tbe accounts against them bought by their frieuds tnd the second tbit the person who bays in good faith must take the claim which he purchases subject to any defense which the debtor may have oo the whole it would teem more desirable to make tbe isle of a garment acuh transaction except io the cue of person of undoubted responsibility mr ii b mckionon ptiater moaat albert says lut summer my system got impregnated witb the lead and ter pentine usod in painting my body wu covered with scarlet spots large esta25ceof piece and wu in such a stale that i could scarcely walk i got a bottle of northrop a- lymin vegetable discovery and si once commenced taking it in luge doses aud before onehalf the bottle was used there wu not a spot to be seen and i never fed better in my life politeness in conversation few hiagtare more vulgar and disagree- ible to otherlhan the habit of endeavoring to monopolize the conversation in a mixed company at no wellbred msn will ever mike himielf the subject of conversation so neither will be seek to engross the whole as every min would rather please others by what he ssys or in other words as every man is best pleased witb the consdonsnees of pleuing so should all have an equal opportunity of aiming at it a polite man will therefore not take more of a general conversation than falls to bit shire norin this will he show any violent impetuosity of temper or exert any loudness of voice even in inquiry for the information of the company and the conviction of bis antagonist are to be his apparent motives not the indulgence of his own pride i- foods arsaparilla mirviiltatcl extract of saruiarilla n dmc- rijcva junr berries ikc liiviiiiii auil otlier valuable 1 r tvip ptcty inprrdlcut belnc j un va he lcst of us fciud it is clilj- it ii ifiitollyifoaglil- cometent jur- ti s in lufi hkrrt careful nuiiuer by iccuunr omibfuatlii priorioii and iikmm plvfug to it curative power peculiar to itself it will rrt wlicu lit the power o medicine s-n-ii- suit if iieum ulucd poisoning- ticvpnys thu il otlier humors malaria h -i- a isilinusiicss sick headaclie ctrrt lujctiiiiiisni and all difficulties wiili tc uvit and kidney it tw rv imp that tlrvd keeling creates an ajipirtfte aiiil gives raeutal cerve bodllj- zid digestive streugtli hie value of hoods sarsaparilla i cirtificu ta by tbctuaudj ot vojantary wlt- mscs ail over tlie count rj wlioin it has circd of diseases more or less berere it ii said liy all druggistr 81 six tor prepared only by c i hood co afohiecarleii- lowell- mass k h if you decide lo take hoods sanwpa- dila da not bo induced to buy any other ioo doses one dollar no matter how slight a citizeoi import ance may be he feeli when he gelt into a street car filled with ladies that he is a man of standing perfectly ttareyed to my meoy customers iu acton and vieinity i would respectfully call- your attention to my immense stock ol choice new bpring goods which i can confident ly tay are the finest i have had tbe pleat- are of showing at i have made speoial btrgaiot io the purohuing of them i am offering special indocementa oripnng and will be pleated to meet all my old outtom- et aod many new one and u i am giving niy special attention to tbe oattiog i can aware you of perfect satisfaction aod good fitting olotblog every time re nmaos goelph why ysa poor malarial mortal you i i thought you told me your average health wu good so i did i run lo chilli ope day and fertr tbt next the average jit normal a quick reference to any book of the bible y0ui ownitet a very groat wntenleooe bbv dbjuoos an admirable arranjjoinaot for immediate mforenco it u an improvement on the devioea hitnerto employed for the lame parpoee bitvglo slhtlio editor canada prmbyterian bond yoor bible w the undersigned and nave it indexed albert lainq aoton ont jwfsvissvil spring impbrtations every mail brings news of fresh arrivals from jhe old country of nev up to date we have re ceived several large consignments and we still hear of their arrival we have already passed into stock a fine range of spring overcoatings eogliih scotch and irish tweedt the newfltyleein fill hate and a full range of mens fumjthtagt alto a complete ttook of b0y8 aod youths clothino wt bare ctovtued the makers of boys clothing in this country u well u having imported large lines ot german goods the carpet department i more thoroughly stocked than ever aod tbt lace curtain and curtain goods of all kiodi have never beenio well represented u thli sprintf but ol thi department more io a later lean we show a magnificent aaaortment of prints muslins sateens llamas and oballis ladies white cotton undewear and blouses in silk delaine cambric in gloves and hosiery we can now give yea a black that ia perfectly ut and our range is most complete in style aod prloe the department are all fut filling op in all linet and in a short time we will be ab to announce a complete range in every class of goods judging from the magnificent increase in our bnsioees during the put year we anticipate a great rush this spring and are preparing aocordingly j dwilliamson co 6and7w3rndliambtgnelph 84 orwald st glasgow big bargains in harness at j h mattsev7s big stock on hand single harness best mounting for 1800 team harnessin proportion big assortment of trunks whips combs brushes etc cheap call and 8ee foe yourselves j h mhtthews mm grand millinery dress goods opeing on v saturday april 4th and following day8 when we will display a nwgnificeut stnek of highclass novelties in froucb english and american millinery dress goods iu all tho new makes aud shades plsn gorman mantles jackets blazers and waists ladies of actou and vicinity are cordially invited to bo present r b jermyn lutd eubtftilittttifr servant toted a food glottal mrranl tssotitfe hshswosiajoi l0dgeb8 wan1xd aeomtortsbls rool aim lo eoura it witn atttitf feast if a ifct locality s5 j naxivmvmet 8pcfkln0tiee a ix overdue teeount not settled oitetniarrldxtlvr to to their solicitors or tolli dukllrbrtllbasi2 folleetion xkllrbbc dressmaking m1bs hattie thub8t0n has plemore la isforniing tbt ladiee a a- and rldoity that ibe la bn3 ffb onien for premiaaltibg to tbe miiasmoiftis coitomm will plam en tt her ntdtt cfaoreb 81 acton farm for sale bwa the east half of lot jt con l ins in tbt county ol baltoo oo 100 acres more or leas frams bout eni 1 barn wltbtn milts of acton snolt fz nartlciilars epply to 7 j jweixiootsvrfttat uareti ab lffll iu i 0b printing ikcludiko books pempbw paten bfl head circblarf 4c fte executed la tag beet ityle of the art at moderate poees md abort notice appl or addren b p uoobe v vara patai ofloe atii h -t- aeton ixxige no20 xooj meets in lie oddfellows ballllatthm block everj wejnealsyeverilaf tasttias bretbren alvars welcome poreopy of eoattp ration and lavs apply to tbe o oratv of tbe members wwslliatfs h hwdkdkh ho bsentary business change c ashley hebeby informs tbt roblk that bt hu jm ebatedtbe inittmnt blauupartstrht jolo lane and till eonunoe tbe bustsat ue self tt tbe old stand customers will receive tbe same earefal at tention a in tbe past i vlll collect all accounts doe tbe ie firm cashlet agents wanted bt tux dominion illutratep in etery canadtaotoini and tillage bpedat indoeemenu offered in addition to eommieeiw- 7or particolan addrees the babaauon li tho it pub co pnbliahezf moatreal frank burce88 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc la prepared to execute order in anj ot the abore linea in the beet manner andatraaeouble t term erettjobtuyingmtperiodalatertkb i can aatnre nutomen ttrmplete aatlafaetie qraiinf in all wood a ipedattj ordenleitatmy residence vain sl acto woj rood re prompt attention picket wire fencing cotti from 50 oenu per rod a ftet vp for tbe farm or garden inert ii no fence to 1 durable and luting bmd tu a tzitvl orderaad to uran yon itub- faction will be the reenjt discount to tbe trade price lilts ud lartieb- lan on application address j m dooley a co cueloh ont i tenders fewkiift 1 llllttpfhjilua to tbe nadar- sealed tendebs tfldreeawd liened and endoned teader for isdiab soppliea will be reoeired at this office op to noon of satubdav 9th hat mb for the delitery ot indian baypliea during the fiscal rear ealgaoth jane ubl o of flowi beef bsooo ordeeziea ainmmiitmcitslbe airicnltoral lmplemeata tools t duty paid at rariooi polnta in uanitoba and the north- weet territorial forms of tender containing fnq particulars reiatire to the boppuea required dates ol dehr- ery 4e may be had by pplyinc to tbe ondeax ttipjed or to the indian commisuoner at befina or to tbe indimn office winnipes parties may tender for each deeoiptict of soods or for any portion of each description of boodi separately or for all the goode called for in the behedulea and tbe department reserrei to ltaeli the rijilrt to rtrject the whole or any part of a tender each tender most be accompanied by an accepted cheque in faror of tbe ftiperintendent general of indian aflalny on m canadian baaa tor at least are per cent of the amount of tbe tender which will be forfeited if the party ten derinfl declines to enter into a contract based on inch tender when called opon to do so or if he tails to complete the work contracted for if the tender be not accepted tbe cheque will be returned and ii a contract be entered into for a part only of the applies tendered for an accept ed cheque for fire per cent of tbe amount irf toe contract may be substituted for that which accompanied the tender the contract wliuuj cheque will be retained by the department rata the end of tbe fiscal year i each tender most in addition totiiaai of the tenderer be signed bj two vnretia acceptable to the department for the proper performance of the contract based on his tender thii adrertisement is not to be inserted by any newspaper without the authority of tbe queens printer and no claim for payment by any newspaper not harine had such authority wtfi be aimittd l vakkoughjiet deputy of the superintendentgeneral of lutun affairs department of indian attain ottawa harcht 11- j gentlemen order your spring suit and overcoat from r e nelson gu6lph new spring suitings new spring overcoatings j d an immense range of choice new pantirigs from 4 to 12 per pair a bpenjal gennine pure wonted black pantingat 5 per pair d 3 mybpeoitltypwfeotfiain 4 paets to order v y satisfaotloh a88utued fi s nsl80n ftuwoabl olothier 89 upper wiacikutvst quelph mtmm ij3 m m

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