Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 9, 1891, p. 4

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tj fflttam fttt rcss thtlrbiuy april 9 lt81 shf youitfl jfotks jfra jmmcabtt rrssrs rx the irslav judlk it llihhdltlctr clld tail hut loiat voit lutumiu limtdlotl in lu n trbc wujl it tiv and hie tcr waa cold judpo ctui lcv fcij tcc jj 0 hat ha b c tuc t lue jobunie stoat vti imttf td hlp mj pet oat f llitrsl mr rtot grandfather tll pt tin hera ho iialled a pwr c4l trom the jtat tilaae tlui lime dfctut bapivii about f so tc crai l ol conic od poll iaiiy oat bctoli uticr hoom haptt lulful so iun t patl to repeat luc tad tal faithful a lutictfc incident occurred nt he funer al of tho atc william kictdon mr fielded had no relatives in this country arid his faithful doj ir the uel mourner when the neighbors pthcccd to pay their but tcspccu to the deceased they found the dog sitting at the head of the casket ivhcre lie was allseed to remain un til it was carried joho hearse jho deg uralfcod beside the hoarse to the cemetery tome uir aud oaeialf miles aud when luccasisl iras ukeu into the vault he wat allowed to follow after the brief services thefce he returned to the old home with the ucighbar and has been taken by thomas i to whom- mr fielden gave him before he died it wan stated by those who at tended the funeral that the dog seemed o realize what was taking place and really ex fubiled signi of genuine sorrow upttu chrxsnicle two in a family single instance of a care are plentiful bsl when they come in pain they becin to show the universal good mr julias shsx- nai 9 barlm su chicago 111 u s a january s9g sayr my wife and father- inlaw suffered for rears with neuralgia bat they were entirely coxed by st jacob oil families should not be without it foiloirin the eampte of some western staled the mkaaachaetu legiautai it considering a lew to require sleeping car companies to keep the upper berths doted when not sold and occapied this will give the passenger eccopyine a lower bertii the benefit of the free air and ventilation of the entire section when the upper berth has no occupant a decision was rendered recently in the state court of iowa that railroads most fallow this plan under the common law k sprain or braise should be wrapped witii linen cloth wet with clarks lightning liniment the pain wih leare instantly and the swelling rapidly subside nothing known to med ical science will afford inch a speedy relief and cure and thtre ts no other remedy that eives the ecfferer each quick aatiifactioa where- it is once awd always used order from yoar druggiat there is only one clarks lightnicc liniment price fifty cents clark chemical cartoronto keir york halyards rectorsl bajsajji hagyirdje pectoral balsim gires prompt relief in coughs colds hoarseness whoop ing coagh croup asthma or bronchitis it is the most pleasant and perfect throat and icng healer in the world for children or adults price 25c he charlotte i lore yon can yoa not retam my affection she tai alraid 111 have o as i hare no use fdr it 174300 ingftld fora wife ue woj give to the first person idling us oefarejune 1st 191 where in lie bible the word wife is ffnt found 110000 in bil to the next 50 00 to the third s2s00 to the fourth 5000 to the fifth 5l500 to the sixth 110 to the next 25 5 eaefc to the next 25 2- etch to the person sending ik the last correct answer we will gite i00 in jdd to the next to the last 150 and so on same as from the first with your answer send 25 ctx a rllver or 27 cu in sixmpa for a box rf cbr coles blood and liter pills the best bood liver and stomach f81 ever made sure core for sick headache dont gripe hemember the presents sre absolntely free being gxta away to advertise dr cole per fect piilshfldfamily eemedies at the close of the contest the dimes and addresses k of all the prize winners will be published we refer yon to the the traders bank of orilla- send at oncer and be first address home specific co oriuis ont dr lows worm syrnp has removed tape worms from 15 to 30 feet long it also destroys all other kinds of worms do yon snppose i shall ever know ts much t yoa do ps t ptpa-f- hope not my boy but axterjsdlvyonll hae to tike your chancet impraunttiid true ko better evidence of the fact that bur- dock blood bitters is- a certain remedy for all blood disorders csn be asked for than that of mr geo v- thomas druggist of hull pq- whose wife was cared of cancer by bbe the family doctor was certain thai the disease was cancer and that it is nqpr cured f a yoong kdy who was shown the bright planet venus through the telescope said oh isnt it lorely kow please show me tngtowingr nails a posilire and permanent cure for in- growing kailf ko pain sent post paid for 15c stamps or stlrer address honx sixazic co d ost its easier to pop the question than to cslion the pop afterwarde we claim tlie eartii we claim the earth is round sad we know its true we also claim that hac- yrds iellow oil cures tprains bruiies barns colds croap sore throat rhecms- lism oencalgia aud all other painful or inflammatory diseases tad we know this is true yellow oil is true family rem edy for lameness or soreness in man or beast kind word never die atikiad words dootdie either sit town and tlifok sit down aod think 1st that dyspepsia is caused by wrong actiun of the stomtch 2nd tiitbardock blood bittersia designed to correct and regulate the- stomtch srd that it always cares dyspepsia and costs lessuiairs cent a dote can yoa afford to be dyspeptic i wben h spring come the wonderful things ivo are agoing to do trill be pas off ootil cold weather gets here notes here and there item of qonoml interest to fr prwti rader bodrttnxliabii a cold 6rxpoaormty cause the pols ouoqikoidlin the blood to clou tti oirtu- 1 at ion tfliu 1s hheatnatum clarki lightntot lnitment will stop tbemtu at once u shonld b ukeu both linenially andcxterosdly it the ttuch l evir and it affords famuut relief tha mu peart asraln it should be met wiih tht same treatment until a cure it effected thu woimerful pttwrnum u woikeo tome remarkable cum aantuii juieuntatio sufferer vl in oiioe irlcw titr alwj used after 8um by ill dcnttj lic flltjoenlt cutkuiriuetl v toronto xw york i m ear wu lukuuutul in jour winter outfit olu v- v p always took wtll jxm in the old winter styles list about the time the spring fash ions are eomlu in yhi it smitlt dotui tiojil he is trareluni with a citvus fretly hard work uut it t vki l lia uotluug to do bat to flick uic hexd tti the lionv maath twice a day kothing impure oritjucoucotismiiialc tlie popular tuitdeio psin ihroal tnd lung remedy and ccncrml corrective dr thomas fclclectric oil it jniy be used without the tiishievt appreheuiiou of any other than aalolary coweqaeuccs coarhs rheamatum earache bruitcf cut aud sores succumb to it action tueklwatuliac wluds being la ht surface every latcul pain a change ot eea a few degrees marks the difference belwecu comfort and pain to msny persotrt happily ducue uow holds less sway sejence ts couttnaally bringiag forwtrd uew remedies which successfully combat disease palsoav kerviline uerte pain cure hat proved the most successful pain relieving remedy kaovn its applies lion is wide for it is eqaally efficient in al farms o pain whether internal or external 25 cents a bottle at all druggists pedagogue can you give a sentence illcstratiug the difference between minj and matter 1 tommie yes sir i when i dont mind pretty soon theys suthuilh nutter istsrsta agreat bletolflg sies i have uken three bottles of bar- dock blood bitters and find it a good medi cine for constipation and poor appetite i will continue taking it as a great blessing and i feel a great change in my health since tskiag it t mes j y gurrs 5 sydenham street toronto oat eoae did i nnderstand yoa to sty miss lenoxs toice was a noticeable featoe of last nights open i never knew the sang oa the stage lillian she does not she was one of a bar psrty she i know he isnt s pedigreed dog bat no tramp or beggar can come near ie house withoat letting us know il he what does he do bark she xo he crawls under the sofa mr h b mckinnoa psinter mount albert says list summer my system got impregnated with the lead and tur pentine used in painting my body was covered with scarlet spats large as a 25cent piece and i was in such a state that i could scarcely walk i got a bottle of korthroptt lymans vegetable discovery and at on commenced taking it in large doses and before onehalf the bottle was used there was not a spot to be seea and i never felt better in mr life russet shoes and the killing sssh will not be fasfaiocable next cummer bat the dude need not be cst dowc some man millin er will invent a new way of distinguishing the dude fromthe male jacob h bloomer of virgiile x v writes dr thomas edeetric oil ccred a badly swelled neck and sore throat on mysoq in forty eight lours one applies tf 013 also removed the pain from a very sore toe my wifes foot was also much inffsmed so much go that she could not not walk about the house she applied the oil and in twentyfoar hocre wit entirely enred maiden it seems to me society is use ful only to people who want to get married matron yoa mistake my dear it is equtlly usefal for people who are married and wsjst to forget il mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take sure and effectual in de stroying worms many have tried it with best resclle tlie kext total eclipse oftliesun visible in canada will occur oct let lesfi put this in yoar scrtp book imperial cream tartar baking powder eclipses all others made absolutely pure anxiont mother as i passed the parlor door last evening i saw mr nieefeliot face very very close to yours lovely daugh ter ttes ms hes so awfully near- egfated kow give attention to the purification of yoar blood for at no season is the body so susceptible to the benefits to be derived fromagoodtnedicme asin march april and may hoods sarsa- parillia is the peoples favorite spring medicine itstandsuneqaalledforpnrifyicg he blood caring scrotals salt rheum etc regulating the kidneys and liver repairing nerve tissnesjetrerfthemogand invigorating the whole body as well as checking the progress of acute and chronic disease and restoring the tfiiicted parts to a nttar- al healthy condition if yoa have never tried hoods sarsaparilla for your spring medicine do so this season the third page of the toronto dtiitf ifail is notfed for want advertisements ff yon want to bay or sell anything if yoa want a situation a mechanic a busi ness machinery lodgings if yoa hive lost or oandtny thing or if yoa want to find oat where ttdsooets advertise in the to ronto dady ifdtjtod read the tdvertise- ments on rae third page of that paper the charge is two cents a word each in sertion address tim mail toronto can ada t2jjlt called the 8eatest medicine world afaolotel j hspoteed u ciiimed or aaaej ntaaiti raapmelc tcttfmmititli etcrbee yrm bjmh hicxobe kiueb co tid 120 king st w toronto ont tola winnfirtntot tat tht doanalaa ttbemollmpoimoikl bttourtrttmuk greatrem rheumatism neuralgia 8clatlca lumbago baokaohe headache toothache sore jhroat frost bites sprains bruise burn etc od tiy pnyjid and ljcolen ctrnrrc hew iinroonualxltle dtrccuouim u untnitjcl the charles a v06elee co liluam it canadian eept toronto ont c c kiciuitis 4 co gncrsmy hone wit 10 afflicted with dutempcr thai he coald not driuk or oor dayt aud related all ood 6implj apply izsr hisilldb likiment outwardly cared liini feb ib87 cut hrnirat cijtk mobtlt ujsdbrsaat fh i aaa um bmfaraui itobln and hi happy toet i lint talllbf ni of 111 thici waalii and that atclaitlot dnanth near x c c kkhuuun a co gtstv1have med your mikakd6 likimkkt for brouchitis snd asthma and it has cared me i believe il the best lot 5 i e i mas a livrxcstox an exchaog says the chinese have no humor ihoy cannot understand a joka this explains khy the chinese get mad when hoodlarai smash their windows is this your first appcarrnce in a co art ot justice asked juitice duffy of a tag- rant ko judge it is the last time thus far how is it with yourself j if you want to bay or sell t farm ad vertise in the toronto itky tfail that paper reaches 100000 farmers homes every week and your advertisement shoald meet the eye of someone who wants to par chase advertisements of this class are in serted in the toronto itvy mail for five cents a tvord each insertion or twenty cents a wortf for five insertions address the mai toronto canada ispeaunsof tips a tip is a piece of special or valuable in fannalioa such as this that hagyards yellow oil is a prompt and effectual cure for croup colds hoarseness sore throat rheamatism neuralgia sprains or soreness of any kind known as reliable over 80 years thecituengineer is not monarch of all he sarvevf the think of it am a flesh producer there can be aa question out that scotts emulsion of pqtc cod urer oh antf htpoplosplfies j of lime and soda is without rival many hare earned x pound a day by the use of it it cures j consumption scroftju broachrits coughs ak0 c0cbs u0 all forks of wrasthfg oij- eases- ts ialltltile is utlh t gtaaiaemziz brsy t bguabettefflesafmwi krtfiter stad ehjsli cicand t0c five itnndrcd fkiiiarr will be given fora case of citarrli which cannot be cured permanently by clarks catarrh cure step right up to the officet and prove year case and ret the reyetrd thousands have tried this remedy bit no one has claimed the reward because it cares in every case if yoa have a cold or are troubled with catarrh ask yoar drag- gist for clarks catarrh cere price 50 cents and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly h yoa are asked to take something eue send to us direct and we will send yoa a bottle by mail on receipt of price clsrk chemical co toronto kew york i unsightly pimples blotches tan and all itching hnmors of the skirare removed by using dr irws sulphur soap children cry for pitchers castoria vtben bafaj vrzs sicfc ire care her castarfs wtea she as a child she cried for castoria when she became hiss she clang to castorta when she fcad cfciliren she csve them csstoris 1 george chapley is one of these fellows who have more money than brains isnt he i jessir yes and he is not rich either if yoa hive a cough or cold do not neglect it many withoat a trace of that hereditary diseasethtve drifted into a cansamptives grave by neglecting what was only al slight cold eajlbey ns bickles anticon sumptive syrnp before it was too late their lives woald have been spared mr a w lev- mitchell writes i think bick- les anticousumpive syrnp the best pre paration oa the market for coagbs and severe colds abo at six years ago i caaght a severe cold which eettfed ou my longs and for three mocths i had a cough i had a physician attending me and gradually grew worse until 1 was on the verge of consumption and had given up hopes of being cared when i was induced to try sickles anti consumptive syrup a before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the lime i bad finished the sccoud bottle i was completely cured alwtys recommend it for severe colds audcoueudiptijt tbere arc yeoyle win iroald s reot deal ratber be tlic whittle r the lei of a bleam edfiue ujan to be rneof tlic driving wheels the most mremlle iccorative tonic and mild stimulant in milburas beef iron tnd wiue ustlssnii fmr ae crrrrwttrre i imards ualsaestc for sale crrrrwhere owing to tfte unprewrfentm demand for plate glass it has advanced onmberably in price messrs mtcaiiilnid it son tor onto fortanately made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus etmbled to offer their patrons this season a very decided advantage in price the quality being so- perior to any ever previously imported then rttttttrt uis siory oldsn how ths robins breast tu dyod whsti thsvorldiirwtinrhigtliiiu waited when tb iiord tu eruelflod croirn of ibortii hli bad eticjrf m pressing o molly his brow uoeuusly tho onwa about lltui saw hjta in bis tutfuliu bow llai lbs littlt plate brown robin ill felt or hlta tbat salth not s sparrow falloth earthward bui the father uotloolb 8rlfb wltli wltifi tho ivllkir icqdjd8 for the pitying lore ina knew ou urn crust ibom crown kguloj ilucked a uioru tuod backward tlov juil a llttls was it hghleued thai crusl crowu ibo saviour loro and tho little uoblq itodbrvait hoars uis bloodttaiu ovormorc s li ii everybody kuoni that at this snatoo the blood it filled with impurities the accamalatio of months of dose couflnemenl in poorly ventilated stores workihops and tenements all these imparities and a very trace of scrof ula salt rheum or other diseases may be ci- pelled by taking hoods sarsaparilla tho best blood purifier ever produced it is the only mediciae of which 100 doses one dollar is trne how pleasant thai lady looks 1 she seems perfectly happy yea she must either hare found pure religion in her own heart or seeds of sia in the heart of oue of bee neighbors spring arrivals raflammauoa uf the cjet cured lit jacob d muitf kewbary wril i ra troubled with inflammation o the evea io that neatly tha whole ol the mai mer ol 188s i could cot work i look aereral bottle o korthrop 4 ljraaaii yecelablediieovery and it jivei mo groat pleaiara to inform yoa that it cared me ot my affliction it ii an eicellent medicine fofcoativeneae that al a kind woald have ukea he ark daring the flood for it only held pain conttipatioa daimii many victim ward b lhi dread diaeaie by the me ot small 8agar coated bnrdock pill when needed be sore youre elfin then go ahead 1 if yoa hare the catarrh arery preparation that doea noc care yoa only irritatef and increaaet yoar safferinff begin right by aaing the limplcst and only remedy that i ruaranteed clarki cat- arrh core thoaoothingheaiiniin2aencc ia felt at once and a gratifying care alwayi follow itt oae price 50 cents it the droggiit triet to kii yoa aomethinc else aend the price to clarlci cnemicil co toronto ke vork and he remedy will be aenllo yoa by mail all first cltsi droggiau keep clarks catarrh care the difference commenting on tho old and new thia difference may be laidr the moderoa earn theic living the ancienla arned their dead at the mammoth house georgetown i groat spring arrivals of dress goods bilks millinery mantles fancy q6ods staples prints suteeus nibcautiful lot of fancy sateens fast colors for 12jc worth 18cj our 8ateens cannot be dislingjiisbed from sillo and out priufsjcxcel in design price and qualili- laving bought our cottous iliirtingi cottonades tickings aud denims before the recent riseiwenre enabled to offer ttiem at the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs and curtains cheap and in large variety geuti and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and very low prices our suitings spring orercoat ingsraud gents furnishings were never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price of ourjgeuts garments have a pro vincial fame- we call special attention to our varied and large stock of dress goods aud dress trimmings our dressmaking department iu full swine turning out exquis ite gowub jackets and mantle oar millinery department is complete with all the latest novefc ties irom tbe different centres of fashion inspection incited our european goods have been imported by ourselves oar canadian goods have been pur chased before the rise on the most advantageous terms we prom ise and will giyegreat bargains inspection audpatronage respect fully solicited- ls our millinery opening will be on the 2nd 3rd aud 4th ofaprii w mcleod co qeoeoetowk just to stimulate htrhdb hollinrake son milton propose to give away scores of edisons handy encyclopaedia a book containing- 52 pages which teems with information such as- the laborer farm er mechanic business man and housekeeper require read this offer good for edisons handy encyclopaedia after customer has bought and paid for goods at one time to amountj of 2 75 or over cut this offer out as it must be presented at kollinrakes store when making purchase j surely everybody cau secure oue oftliese useful books 1 hollinrake fc son sell relihble r goods v chekp castor i a for infants and children iaaforialiaoveaadaptedtochlldrenuiat i caatorla enrea colic oonmpukm treoommoulltuinperiortooiiypreacripuon i r stomach dtantoa enaauon aaorttome- h i aacnri b d m tmm 111 80 oxford 6l broowya jft wiuoittlarioiumedicauob thi csxtacti oowurr 7t hnnv street h y fine spring milii mery our millinery opening will take place on wednesday 8th april when we want to see all the ladies as we will make a grand display of fine millinery at prices that wiilsuit all also a fine assortment of dress goods prints parasols and fancy goods every department is full of bargains henderson mcrae co kcton latest style 5sssr best value with spring comes keuy bros fine assorted stock of spring suitings pantingsand overcoatings oar tveedi and worateda are the fineat and beat that monej coo id bay and we are determined to keep the price down nnder that of cheaper gooda on erery garment we tarn oat thil ipriog we will pat the best of trimmingi the eat of workman- hip and gaarantee a perfect fit spring hats oar new spring hats have jut come to haad and are tbe best ind nobbiest ia tbe market tbey se in mens boys ind cbaldreas all sizes and prices furnishings ow new stock of genu ties shirts collars aad cafta are something grand ibis season g ire as a look aa we have marked the prices to please ypa7 kelly bros of new silverware pickle stands fancy salt cellars cake baskets cruets cups for children knives and forks spoons napkin rings just opened at savages jewellery store guelph k be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as therich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a speight uanajser spring arrivals just opened up light overcoatings scotch tweed suitings cheviot aud serge suitings shaw grundy guelph werchknt tbilors to farmers and threshers uaeo the wellknown eebless oil 9 gold medals bn awarded it daring the laat three year zt tf onr porlmi axl omulforyon waggoni aud horse powere theae oils are need aad highly reoommended at theuode farm onelph farmers aak for them oaa no other hannfaotared at qumnoltyoll work by 8amuelrocer8 co toronto railway tilt x tabu crand trunk railway oouo aaat bipreai t 19am t esioger v it am uall ii m am throogn eipo 05 pm aeeom oonowist eapin j 10 a klprni umtb tiraeiprtmiaya mall 1 pa taw 10 0 pm accoin nkx orclonxb hails ootng wett8 80 am sod 3 30 pm oolngaat losoajnaod 1 30pnj tblrtima table went lata eflcct on oct ittfc ino aravena milk food foftlxfmtilsikeealam t ekmneil aa4 ut u mmken auk f aay rao aaa4a r aak romi drmawwr rat iinytid mtauima jutwul dunns baking powder thecoolcsfiest friend- fidkyisrl a pamphlet of tatontatioo aadavj stisct ot tbe lwasbtiai uow teu i omatd rumti cxrtai trmoaa 561 snrinr the largest scale works v in canada over ioo styles of hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales syproyed show cases hokey drawers ueaf choppers and butchfjssofpues fiddtxss ix rvtl write ix tensa c wilson 801 60 esplanade street east j torontcont alttniicn inis piper e cry iroa toa wriis- purrt ecmedf far catarrh li um i dot eaikatlavseafidcheaemt i c atab b h sold by e t izaacj or mit ty nnn5t i xjrtn pau sae money cerfcw dn tltrr lotj urtlw telur a wn ufi u tv k rrrtrt lfc7 b an lfc7irtat wt amiafcftttytktbx tturt tott x jiaav tfttn v jrtptrr arxaamtt if fl jovt timt to ibe irvffc tviihaa miirrj kw lr4jo4 brtafi vondcrfal rm urrttf vkl btnwri in tsmise rasa ti la f0 irr fr ud ts ait dmriftfri itljl fimtinn wt furnisk jtjtt wa tjiftilibjmch rkrr xj irrrlo ftiui tan ftx baimtm raia tafecuiikimauijab powder purest 8tronce3t best contains no alum ammo lime phosphates or aay ieetoo materials ewgillett sesisfll knri af ii oimite i3ta1 ttist taeb b b b burdock blood bitters is a purely regetable compoanr1po perfect regnutuippoirtrsoveralitheorgaiia of tho bystem and oontrolliiir their ucn- tions it so purifies the blood that it cures il blood hamors and diseases from a com mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore un this combined with its unrivalled regulating cleansing and porifyinn innrenoe ou lh secretioni of the hcr kidneys botcjla and bain render it tinoqnalled s a cure for all diseases of tho skin from one to two boitlet will cure boils pimples blotches nettle rash scarf tettr and all tho simple forms or skin disease from two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema shingles erysipelas uloera ab- icesses running bote3aml all skin eruptions it 13 noticeable that sufferers from akin diseases are nearly alwaya aginuvated by ijitokrabie itching but this quicklv subsides on the removal of the diseaso by bj1b passing on to craver yet prevalent diseases such as krofutons swellings hunws and scrofula we hare uudouhted proof thit fron three to siibottles used intemallv ui bv outward application diluted if the kkinii broienlto the affected parts will effect a ror tlie rreal mission of b 1111 i to i emulate tie lirer kidneys bowels aul mood to corr acidity and wrong action of the slomreh and to open tlie sinicc vji of the tiiin to cary off all cloqged aiil hn-tireetv- uons allowinp nalum thus 0 nkl itiovcij and remore without fail bad blood liror complaint liihousueis dsidek headache dropsy rheaniatis ti t peeies oj disease arisin rum ilkcduj nrer kidneys 6lomach bowels ari lih ye iraarantee evv bottle 1 i shonld any person be disjatuifir1 niu- uiug the srtcbottlc we will lcfunilllicr von application personally or by idler fwill also bo glad to send tcstinmnias siki in formation proving the effects of b ii b in 1 m 5ts5 leases on spplicaliorr to t milbcrn d co tdronlu ont mlaardi ualmem far ui lcikere 1 t t tfhtic

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