Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1891, p. 2

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tr t l v i i s r aokv bars tn rurllngtosi on march met tht wife ot dr bttea of l dtog iter mm ooiuxa in burlington on tte tih lost ms ton colling aged a wi at his late rotideaee kvetsler jeeeph well in nil 3rd rvr- cocjox 4lnalpbocflbe kb inat llobrt coaleoa let 6t hockwood 1b bit nth rear civrreijlat atbhaltou county april mh l ot pirelrfis peter csupvtil tral rra i mvnnocwal his late residence london hoid liaelph wi tire th lott kdwln h maldock ace years matrwr- lu acton on til kth april cecil kac monccttron o kdr4 matures aged 1 rear t moothe tad 0 davt kww- in itnrungton on tbe lib of april el ui rwilcow ot ber iwylalhrr f farsona racbaet catharine kern asd jtert- tije ittott ni f ress tut1rspav april k 1891 notes and comments u it cmpbtucuy iuted in rome thai the lulungotcnimenl huuilthil it u does cot receive t rplj- to iu lut note from mr bluoe thii wwek c 6 minuter torte will be ciwi hu piupftrt d ill dtpoaittic reutiont will cetue betea the two cooulrie itr bliinft wtttte la rite lcv iufcvmniioaon t hit knout tutement the prince edwud iduid lecinutar hu jatt fillea into the hlcdi of the liberals the oaij coniemute leguli- tare now exunt in cnndt uthtl of briuih cclocibisv it ii nther odd thit the prorioaef ihoald all with one exception go liberilqq then torn roaod in the domin ion election and so conemiir bat then they did th same thih in himillon a bill i before the ontario lecialatare ud h will likely poa for the protection of the pucl kno aa reniing it may not be genenllv knovn that urn if an trticle of export to china and that lut year over f 50000 worth of it vu two to thttlowerj kingdom it ii medicinal and almoatioy urmeca wife can tell of the virtow of the jimstxi weed hat ii eeotin though the fannert wife doea not alvaya know tl the government it ia understood at the approaching teaaion till introduce a bill reriring the modaa nteaidi arrangement iq connection with the atlantic fiaheriec daring the year 1390 119 united state fijfaing renehi took oat licenaea under the mo4uititendipayiok therefor th461oom- pred with 19569 the preriooa year the total expenditure of the fisheries depart ment amounted lastwar to 338745 from appropriiioai of 362300 letting as unexpended balance of 4551 setenl milirmf otfrancff are taid to hare been jroarinteed towarda carrying oat the protect of holding en paris in 1892 an exhibition of tpedmena of the hnman race throsgbout the world the idea it a mct interesting one and the show is rare to be popnuar associated as it w be with the lxthcorning colccnu and elhaogriprrat concressea te ahah bare the adtaace aeus coming to canada aooc ta pick ocj am63e6azriorso wlactcf the alder- mgn xpold we spare from taroejtc ard will aa exhibit c grand qil ue be inesed jftti thfi department of agricnikre at x- uti bi just isbacdarery yilsahk utile banean from the pen of professor eobert- eon on izatters rehiticg to the estahhsh- ment of cheese factories aod creameries it ptts the law relating to the organization of companies for these porpoaes bylaws for the government of companies complete information relatite to the machinery etc masonry and places for the most improved kind of boildings amiable for cheese factor ies and creameries the bulletin- may be had pn application to the- agricultural de partment ottawa canada- kr- peter whites appointment as the speaker of the house of commons will be in accordaace with what now ap pears ur be the custom in making these appointment namely that eng lish and french speaking members shall occupy the chair alternately dr blaochet who was appointed in- 1879 was the first french speaker he was succeed ed by hrjurkatriek and the latter by col ouimet the speakers prior to dr blan- s cfaet were uesan cockbtirn and anltn the senate has had two french speakers messrs canehon and chaaveaa t 1 u the jamaica exhibition closes on ty 1 a wall informed correspondent in kingston jamaica writing under date of the 2fth ult tarnishes the following information to the minister of agriculture w have solved the problem as to our fiour keeping and everyone is asking for canadian flour except the bakers who work with the americans in a great many articles of man of act are we have slto captured the carriage trade i will not weary yoa with details but simply tar that in every way the effort which canada has made has proved a saccess does it mean war thvmvtmttrnt of orn of thst euro p4h nations ar not pacful russia in the balkans loxpok april 15 some aueasincts is fdt iu diplomatic circle nd i powloly exprtwedf at to the aspect of affairs oo ths danube no doobt whatever eiiiu that the russian government s actively mobil ising wy ifcrg foroes of ctulry jnfautty and artillery along tha frontiers uautao iaqqenocs are completely mount lu roansnia and scrvia and what ii described by a german diplomatist ai a itil ol political war eiitti betweeu the russian agents and bulgaria llow ser iously the situation viewed at berlin notwithstanding the optimist statements recently published tn ute berlin official pross is inferred trom the set that where an two mouths o gecmu ofnritls uejo tiatiug or a ucw bulgarian lou were adviied by the gcrttun government not to lake measure to bringit oal ia berlin iet rasftian lusceptibluues miut be offended it is now undetilood that the benin banks will take the loan opeafy aud thai quota- lions will be made for- it when it it iitaed oa the berlin cichsnge the eonaequenc ot this need not be dttejl upon in shod mm- tbiugs indi cat uiat lftrdsaluburyvsuddeu summer shower of war msy break over europe at any moment so far as servia is concerned russian influence is now openly accepted king milans uegoualtons with fatchich appear lo be coming lo a satisfactory con- duiion on thii basil the king giving op ail hit austrian proclivities and the russians agreeing that quaccl katalie shall be kept out of the country oh the conditions agreed apon between her husband and the regents meanwhile the servians are negotiating for the part hue of 100000 rifles rar s uses iuzxa baiix april 15 emperor william in a speech at the marine academy at keit said that the uavy would have to assume the chief offensive role in the next war and most endeavor to annihilate the eoeuir by a grind coup the da lies of the navy would resemble those of the cavalry on afaon the next german military mance- urrea he aud would be conducted on the strategic principles of the engtiih lystem which alooe resembles warfare local prohibition cmpahjrinff in york county a strong- agitation at weston wektqx april 1c a temperance meet ing of unusual interest was held in the tawu hall here last evening it a held under the auspices of the society which has kept up weekly meetings for two years with great success in the line of securing pledge signature enocniaged by the result of their efforts the workers met to consider the advisability of taking another step forward mrs s c- philp the president was ia the chair after devotional exer- rises and aa interesting muiical programme kfears james thomson and f s speoce of toronto spoke at some length to an andiecce that was full of earnestness and enthusiasm explaining the details of the new- local optica legislation- by an almost unanimous standing vote the large meeting derfared it warm approval of a proposal to agitate foe aprofcibitory bylaw for weston and pledged ttetf ta wort energetically to cake the campaign a sweeping success a rr to superintend details of the mcreaset was appointed consisting of atesxr w cruicshsxxs w rsaaley john tiatvtn a zaxke j henuhaw j bull w eserby dr chariton dr irwin ber hesars harris philp and reid and ues- dames w cmieksbxckx j cruickshanks agar browc and fuilp and uifses ifoore xfaguire and fraserith power lo add to their number tbemwn of toronto junc tion is also at wort to secure a prohibition bylaw and it it likely that a camber of other municipalities in the county of ycrk will follow the example of these lo and strike out for immediate total local pro hibition under the st clair the stouffviue tribune gties its readers some spring medicine in the form of advice which is good for all dwellers in towns and villages all yards should be cleaned of the- winters accumulation of rubbiibso as to avoid as far as possible the contam ination of shallow wells and as a further precautioa the wells should be emptied titer the surface water disappears the rekjoral of unsightly buildings and fences and a coat of paint applied to those which cannot be removed will improve many other places in ontario besides stourille the advice to attend to drainage to plant f shade trees and to eradicate weeds is also excellent by attention to these little 0 r j mtter ouny- 1 pleucntlr tituied little f town or riluge eoald ittract rammer j visitors betides vastly improving tbe beilth ini comfort ot its 00 people the announcement is noir definitely nsde that tbe gotemment at otuwa lias decided that the hanitoba school act tball not be disallowed in making this known bowerer care ia taken to snow that the decision is not a biont denial of che demands of tbe opponents of tbe act tbe petition of tbe botnan catholic prelates it is pointed out did not ask for disallowance but implf requested that the rights of the minority in manitoba sboold be protected the petitioners belienng that if 1 remedy existed is could only be secured by way of appeal under tbe special provisions of tbe manitoba aet tbe government uies the ground therefore that in not advising dis sllowsnoe it is in 00 way doing violence to the wisbee of those who desire that tbe letaalaliod in question tball be blotted out of the sutnte bookt of manitoha it it willing 00 the cootrary to bear tbe cost of lbs iesl proceeding by which the oooitito liootlity of tbt ohsoxiou act is being tested tod jtiwoiiset that in th trsstof jedidtl tvessatn hnatut to tbe baviawitwriuoadsidertlierjetuiodt pre- ediolt toisdrttiioowtbtprotisisos i dibtviitotaoautittiocu the first engine passes tkroueh the sarnla tunnel girsli april 10 the first locomotive to pass through the g- t r tunnel coder the st clair river here did so yesterday making the run throcgh the tunnel from e canadian to the united stales side and then returning having a flat car attached to it therm hack ifrom the united 6tates side was at the rate of 15 miles an hour the tzvk was in firstclass shape and everything worked smoothly and satisfac torily on the locomotive were sir hob- son chief engineer mr hillman mechan ical siperintendent mr blaiklock assist ant mechanical superintendent mr percy assistant to the general manager and a topresentative of fhe associated press- there was a large crowd on hand to see the first engine commence the trip through the tnnnel and whistles blew fromall quarters on fhe united stateside the cheering from an enormous feowd and the scream ing of whistles welcomed the passage of the first locomotive onaer the st- cuir river for robbing the mails arrest of a cleric in the klngrston post office etxostox april if bobert 2 gowdy a clerk is the postoffiee wss arrested this morning for tampering with her majestys mail for tome time past it i said money letters have been disappearing and the postoffice authorities have been trying to solve the mystery a decoy letter ad dressed to a citizen of belleville was posted and a watch was set on gowdy who was teen to enter an outbuilding he wss wstched through sdgerboles by the in speetors and it it claimed palled letters out of bit pocket and proceeded to investigate fbeir contents after he bad torn the corner of one letter the inspector shotted from above ah there i have caught yoo at last he then jumped into the building- end seized gowdy three letters werjj found in his posessibn gowdy waatheh banded over to the police gowdy denies being guilty and styi tbt letters thst were in bis pockets were addressed to himself he ssid his sxrest wss due to spite france veroimg on bank ruptcy pajus april 111 apropos of the fatnre mcrette of tbe french army and of tbe minister of wars demand on tbe budget committee of the chamber of deputies for further appropriations senator barthelemy st hilaire exminister of foreign affairs aaid today it becomes more and more evident that france is on the highroad to bankrnptoy france is one of the riohest countries in europe 80 too would we eaut tnta rich who had an income of a million franca a year but suppose he ipeottaekyatilooaio franca sod kept kfpi 00 doing to year after year i what would his wealth amount to wider inch eireamstancet i and yet this it joat what france bat been doing for a long time j i ouelph hor8b show hotted conilderablt of ut oldtime enlhlutletm and had a small 1 e u the annual iptlng show of thii qoelph eoure uort association came offlo the market cvguare qoelph lut friday alter- 0000 then was a large orowd prettnl tht entries were not m numeroai u lut years so that the work ol tbt judges wat sot heavy most o tht horses shown an wejl known john dnffi reform added another red ticket to lit laurels arma dale making a good second peter beavers tarry itibb easily took first in the tgrl- coltarat dais mr laldlswi crown prince reysl is a well built horse rather light for agricultural but more suited for jieneral purpose outsrio chief a bright bay li o similar build swallow it a good homo a favorite troundhere and took aril in the carriage clan john clark it a young inahogsny hay which prormses well the third prize laker wss a chesnut with a very showy sctiou in roadsters peter beavers horse hsd good itie and action lr filzgfralds had speed and action while mr collius was a chunky colt not so clean limbed as the others dr qreeniides thoroughbred orange boy hu no- competitor iu bis clua and this year again took first the following it the prize lisli heavy drsughtjohn duff ererton reform peter beaver morriaou lord armadale agricultural peter beavertsrry robb john laidlaw paisley block prince royal ii williams qoelph ontario cbiec carriagejohn williams acfou swal low john clark morriiton crown imperial jr d mcmillan fclriu ham bletonian prince roadster peter beaver hambletonian king a a fitzgerald quelpb wood land msmbnno geo collins hespoler prince imperial thoroughbred dr grcoiide jguelph orange boy judgeswm k scotl millon frank dalby elora thomas gowdy guelph htimry tried it in the lodge room so that he would be certain to be burled with full masonic rltee srcitmirvts april u richard ral- cliffe ths prominent mason who oommited suicide lut week it now appears attempted suicide in the muonlc temple he ap pears to have visited the rooms put every thing in order for bis fanertl isying the paraphernalia out u wis his custom when there wis to be a masonic funeral he then toot a piece of rope which he found in the ante room and futened it over tbe transom of the door leading into tbe para phernalia room hit whole weight must bare been allowed to rest on this either to test the rope or in an attempt to hang him self u the marks of the rope are plainly visible an the wood- he took the rope away with him and with it suocussfully finished the awf ai deed in the store tbt careful manner in which everything wu arranged for the masonic service shows thst the suicide wu olly premeditated no thought entering his mind that hewould cot be buried with full msronic rites- no tariff changes this session onivi april hlh it u officially ifated that the government broadly speaking hu decided not lo smend the tariff at the coming session possibly something may be done with sugar duties bat the change if any cannot be determined until tht customs department clauses of the mc- kinley bill show lueir effect upon ca women aa police judges atchims kas april at the recent election sin man t burton fonneriy editorot the kaik and at present post- miilress was elected police judge at james town mrs jessie mccormick was elected police judge at burr oak both are strong prohihilionists mrs barton is the widow of a prominent politician who died from the effects of strong drink killed at indian head islux hrm assa april if an ng- glishmen named for while driving on a trail near the railroad two miles east of here this afternoon wu killed by hit horses becoming scared at a pasting train and springing forward suddenly throwing him from the back of the wagon on bit head foz had only arnred saturday from england with a large family of small children the literary various types of horsemanship ia america from the barebsck indian rider of early piooeer days to the more civilized but less skilful equestrian ocouxown timet are the tnbject of a short series ot enter taining papers by colonel t a- dodge p s l lo be begun in arpcri haqaziat or may these articles will ht appropri ately and beautifully illustrated from drawings by frederic remington j only 12 cente tl sum of 12 cents in stamps sent to the sebutin litho k pub co montreal tbe publitben of lhe domuim iumtrated will secure a sample copy of that journal which bu lately been to lately improved and which its enterprising publishers art endeavoring to introduce into every bouse in canada it it the only highelast illus trated weekly published in the dominion and no paint are spared lo make it more and more worthy ot the praise ot tbe home circle with every sample copy fa tent out t circular with rules and regulations of tbe prize competition now going on and which any newsnbscriber may enter the prizes aggregate over 48000 in value the first dominion protest it announced and mr burnham ih kut peterborough is the victim in a few days a hnge crop of petitioos may be looked for ft having been declared by tbe political managers 00 bofbtidet that tbe election must be fought over j again in the courts wherever tbt alighiett thadow of a chance ot soceett pre sents itself it is probable however that a great many petitions will be entered with a taw off in view when a treat deal of litigation it in tight our stern moralists are prepared to let tbe alleged bribers off euilj provided they can thereby bad tbe way but for tome of their friends aoif tbe toott agreeable rentoratjn tonic and mod stimulant it milburnt beef iron auction sale register persons ordering ttle bills at tbe fata pzm office will receive a free notioe like the following up to date of tale the fan paul hu tbe largest circulation in thii vieto ty para r 17rh aran bala of stock and unple- m ts the property of jobs kennedy lot so mb we nsatagtwtts bait- at one oelotk wid bxstttbkbt auctioneer 1 81td nar urn apuuaalt of household fur- nftt re tbe property of mr david latle his ealdeneeopposlu tie town ban v 8al at tix tun hlpsrcaritauc talk of th day an epitome of the worlds dsingt during- the week tht hon bootlt budget thowi a diflcit ott5m9 f t barauro leaves an ntalt valued at over 5000000 btanlty li reported to have been appoint ed governor ot tht congo state sir ohtrlea tapper ulled from new york for england lut thnrtdty the mcklnnoa murder case it eipectod to come up for trial at goderich this week sheriff soarte of brant died in brant- ford on saturday hi wu 0 yean of tge quebec province mapli tngar makers ex- peer to mpply 16000000 pounds thii the dominion artillery aitociallon has decided to teud a team lo shoeliuryness ibis year philadelphia new mayor givct the police department ten dayt to get out of politic or out ot the cilyt employ there are 80c3 americana in montreal inoluding ez new vorken who have left for their countrys good baron fava tbt italian minister at wublngfcn lailedfrtm how york on his way to rome on saturday the pretldent and mrt harrison with a few friends started on their tour of the south and west on tuesday mayor grant of victoria bc has invitefrtadtat harrison to visit victoria during h trip to tht pacific robert j gowdy a clerk in the king ston pottoibot wu arretted tuesday on tht charge of tampering with the mails mr john crxtior qc of own sound bu been appointed senior judge of the county ot grey soooeeding the life judge lent it it asserted that the best class of british emigrants show an increuing disposition to go lo canada in preference to the united states german garrisoni on the eastern frontier art to be strengthened on account of the matting of troops in that direction by ravi grand dukt mjchaelovitch hu got him self into trouble wilh tbe czar by secretly marrying he daughter of the duke ot nassau a bill hu been introduced in the mesas- chuteltt legltlalure prohibiting ihe ate of arsenic in tbe manufacture of wall paper fabrics etc the indirect liabilities ot haggart bros brampton art set down at 175000 besides which they owe the corporation of that townm0000 from accounts received from jsmaica it is learned that tbe west indians regard canadian flour u the best ever offered in their market among the six recently appointed mem bers ot the kew brunswick legialatite council ia mr james i fellows ot 00m- pound tyrup fame returns from the japanese customs department for iwshow a falling off in exports of iu500000 and an increase ot imports ot h0o00o0 the wellknown evangelists messrs crotaley and hunter are conducting special eervieet it vancouver b c and are meeting with great inocess october 12th hu been fixed upon u the date for tbe commencement of reciproity negotiations between the canadian and uniled states governments bradleys nitrogl serine works at pe- irolea were blown up lut week three men being killed they were james chambers albert bradley and d mcdermou robert murray whom the jury at london found guilty of manslaughter for the killing of wm o rowe near slralhroy hu been sentenced if seven years imprisonment tbe bylaw re the gait and preston street railway submitted to the ratepayers ot preston and voted on lut week wu de feated by c7 the vote handing hg sgamst lo 79 for a 15 year old boy nsmed frederick riddle living in hslifsx wss plsying with a revolver in bed when he discharged it tbe bullet entering his bead and killing him instantly a quebec despatch aaji an american company having a capital ot 1500000 will wotk the petroleum springt of gaspe the companys pfeos of business will be st st paul minn at the result of abolition ot tbe duly on ssgar in the uniled slates that article which wu a few dayt ago selling at 7 ceols ii now being retailed there at five cents per pound ia the british house of commons on friday night the annual motion against allowing tbt opium traffic in india wu made by mr peace tbe motion wu carried by t vote ot 160 to 130 aid- george egillespie of toronto died suddenly on saturday of la grippe at pasadena cal where he went a few weeks ago to bring home his wife who has been spending tbt winter tbere for her health informations win laid against mr a w godson contractor toronto on toes- day on tbe strength ot judge mcdoagaui report and he wu served with a summons to appear in the police court on a charge of defrauding the city seeding tayt the winnipeg fra prtu is pretty general throughout the province james broadfoot oear gladstone finished twenty acres of wheat the other day and a large number of otben are buty feeding uorth of gladatooe and around birtlt inthe woods a few miles from cheboygan mich james and john gillespie were chopping when jsmes axe slipped and cut him badly john went to get help and wbenht returned with a party found a pack of wolves picking bit brother hones mr robt mann ortngeville hat in- ttructed hit solicitor to enter to aotion against the postmuter general for tbe recovery of tjooo damages alleged to have been tuttained by him because of tbe sction of tht postal authorities in depriving him of hit mail contract water in saharas desert plait april 12 a despatch from ortn tayt that an enormoatreservoir of wtter 130 feet below the surface hu bees dis covered at blgolea a small oaravan station inthe midst ot tbe sahara detert tbt reservoir wu discovered while a num ber of workmen were engaged in linking a well at eigolta the shaft snnk already gives 40 gallons of good dear water per minute and it it expected that thii amonnt can readily be increased should it be foond that a larger quantity it necessary tbt discovery it of the highest importance and will undoubtedly tend to develop the cara van trade ol elgolea whloh it out of the flopping puots io tbt sahara detert of mratmu whloh travel aoron uiat region thii it tint tfmt that water hat been found at to slight a depth in tte sahara t ttstuttt ltilatjinl mr tale crtmrsmre purify tin importance of kesfioj tbt blood la n pun condition tt universally known nod yet there ire very tew people who have perfectly pure blood the taint of scrofula salt rheum or ether foul humor is htredlttdsnd transmitted for crntlom canslni untold suffering tnd we tlio tecnmultle poison and germs of du cim from tht air wt brealbe iff tbt food we en or mf ft i ii t i drink w i ii ii there h nothing i 1 1 1 1 1 mors con- cluilvely i ulll proven limn the w poiltlve power of ltoodl aarmparllbi over all dlsesses of ui blood this medicine when fairly tried doe ciwl every trace of scrofula or all rheum remove the taint which causes cilirrh neutralizes llienddlly and cures ilicumftllsm drive olil lie gcrnu ol iuilirli llwd pol- mliliip etc ii also vllvllies and cn rlchesthe blood thus overcoming that tired rerlliif and building- up the whole system thousand leithy 0 tbo superiority of hoodi mrupnrtlln 01 a blood purlscr full infor mation and ilateraents of cures senttree hoods sarsaparilla gold iit all drosstiu iliitxforf prepared esq fcr c i hood t co apethecanea lowell tlaaa 100 doses one dollar a quick reference to any book of the bible k very crxat coiircqjoce iuv da paigoa all idmirnbltf irraaccmcnt for mmediats rcftrrcriecl it u an imiirortmenlon ths device liutrtc cujplojtd or the same jrarpoae rrrqeo dntor editor canada frcabrterias knd tour hible lo tb uoderaffntxl and bate fl indtriod prices puir 60 albert laing aotom okt spring arrivals w 60008 fa ai at the mammoth house georgetown great spring arrivals of dress goods bilks millinery mantles fancy goods staples prints sateens a beautiful lot of fancy saieeus fast colors for 12jc worth 18c our sateens cannot be distinguished from silk and oar prinfs excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons shirtings cottonades tickings and denims before the receut rise we are enabled to offer them at the present wholesale prices carpets oilcloths rugs aud curtaius cheap and in large variety gents and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and very low prices our suitings spring overcoat ings and gents furuishingi were never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price- pf our gents garments havea pro vincial fame we call specialattention to our varied and large stock of dress goods and dress trimmings our dressmaking department is in fall swing turning out exquis ite gowns jackets aud mantles our millinery department is complete with all the latest novel ties trom tbe different centres of fashion inspection invited our european goods have beeii imported by ourselves oar canadian goods have been par- chased belore the rise on the most advantageous terms we prom ise and will give great bargains inspection and patronage respect fully solicited w mcleod co georgetown new planing mill ilhd bath and door factory v occupied u t trunk factory wluinew and fs prepared to farnlab plans secmoatlotis estimates f john cameron contractor bat fitted up tbe building on main strtel lately machinery and estimates for til eltsset of tlldlnsa and execute all kinds of dbfbsino matohiko anduoutiddio ataaiu ictus or- sathet doort and window and door lianei and dretaedluinbtt andkeep a stock oh hand ah orders protoptlj oatip4iqo mens furnishings stift and soft hats made to our order in england every block that is correct we have in stock and the quality to suit all purses blacks and browns arc leaders and the very full crown with anarrow brim is evidently the most popular this season white and dress shirts we start as low as 50c at double that figure we guaran- t teeutie fronts to be fourply linen and good fitters night shirts plain or fancy collars cuffs handkerchiefs gloves underwear boots and um brellas ever young man shouldok through and save money by buying goods from us r b jermyn spring arrivals just opened up light overcoatings scotch tweed suitings cheviot aud serge suitings shaw grundy guelph stbrchrnt ttcilors big bargains in harness cr hi nyctthews big stock on hand 1 single ptarness best mounting for 1800 team harness in proportion big assortment of trunks whips combs brushes etc cheap call and see for yotjeselves j h mkttheifvs whtches wktches s a large stock of american watches in gold goldfilled i silver and nickel cases just pur- j chased all reliable timekeepers j- i fta hibi a tood ttoeiil tervaat anplr at ooet to msb d hkkbaauion lodgers wanted oomforttblt room with tlttuif room if os- streil to eouvenleiit locallt apply at rbeepbemomce 4 j 8pecialn0tice all ovttdm teeounu not mttlte badort lub of rttmsit doe kellv bros will u bsam in to tbttr tolieftors for collection kellibbos drbsffljakino miss hattie tbue8tox has pltanrt in inlormlnt tbt ladits of iette and vldoltr that sbt jt prepsnd lo ul orders for dmscnasttf to ths aatlsftetien of el costaoers will plesm call at bar residence church st acton job peioting ikcludi50 books pampbltu fottm bffl beads clrenlara ae ac txeccted la lh btei atria ol u art at modsrate prices tad to abort notlct apply or address b p moore pata pina office aetoo acton ijodge no 204 loot eetb in tht oddfellows ball matthews block svery wednesday evening vlalunf bretbrtn alwart wsleome poreopy of eonsti- totion and laws apply to tbt undersurstc or stay of tbt members wwtlliamb hhwobdes vo skklar m bu8ike88 change o ashley hebeby informs the peblle that be baa por- ebssed tbe interest of us lau paitdatatr john lane and will eoounos tbe bustness hlm- aelf at the old stand castomen will receive tbe tame csrefcl st- tectloo sj in tbt put i will collect all accounts doe the late firm c ashley n wesley yamwyck house painter and qnlner and paper banger 18 prepared to receive sad extents all orden on jbort notlet for paintlnt fralnlnj paper- banalnx decorating or any other work pertaln- idg fo the trade saving baa extenslvt sxperlenee st ibis bnsl- nsss both in eity and country i can bonsttly guarantee satisfaction 0 delay after work is undertaken 1 tendeb8 sealed tesdeb8 addnattd to the nado- ained and endorsed tender tor indian boppli- wm t mttsvte at thiaoom up to noji ol 8atitedat th tuv im lot tht deuvsry of indian scppuat durtiig tbt teal r umuxaiitttngcs noar beef bacon groccrves ammunitksi twtdt agricultural implements tools ac- c ttvarlooa pofcu tn manitooa and tbt mosthv west terrtiorlas peras of tender ecsrtalnlng full paotolan nlativt to ths sipptltt required duawoi dtuv- ery e may b bad applying to tht radar- aignsdor toujelpdlancc trge or to tbt iddlan ontet winnipeg 1 partltt may tender lot i j coeds lor loc any portion ol each datr ot nods tnarately or lor all tht goodt ctjleawor in ihs 6chicttlo- and the drpartmtnt l jo itself tbt right to reject the whole or any part of a tender each tender mnst be scecsnpamtd by an accepted cxuqnt in favor of tbe nunartataodsat generaf ctlsdian aflalrs on a canadian bank- lot at least sve per cent of tbt ssmmitoftbt tender which wfllbe lorltlttd b bm party ten dering decline to enter into a toouact otsd on aoch tender when eallad npocbco do to or if ba tails to ecanplma the work eontacttd tor 11 tbt water b bmsmpttd tn esant wut be ntamad and if a tottfaactu aottrsd into toti a partonlyoltbacppuottetjdoran aceept- t thvtiid of tht nsoal year each tender must in addltkm to tht rignaterv of tbt badarar be tlgsed by two tarttjtt aceeptablt to tht dnrtment for the pert ormanee of tht contract based on bis t tblildvttttsemtnt it not to bt tntertedv- any newspaper without tht authority of tbe queens prinler and no claim for yntbt by any newspaper not having had such auunnty will t admitted f lvaskouohket deputy of tht banwintandentgenera of indian affairs department of indian affairs ottawa march 1891 f j c nelson wants tq see 41 for he has what will 1 in 1 dry goods boots shoes and groceries a trial 80ugitxb km t a masons fjl minoomrfl bloc tacton t a uajoo beet to inform tht people aoton and torroundini coontry that he bu just opened ont a new and oboioe atook ot qroceriea etc and hopee to merit a liberal ahare of pabuo patronage by atepini ooodt that will toil the people asd twltineat close price my return will be t mall prosu and quick farmer prodaot such at butter egg etc takan in exchange bpeoial value io teat a trial order tl respectfully solicited horangtohantheioeaanreof a call your obedient awrvaal

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