Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1891, p. 3

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ii bank ofj clmilpudct ucssjrvroa jtoibfbtjll castais hamilton hautltomv ms8000 u 8 steven abst cuhleft rjtekctob8toai btwwurf president a ocixst ota roacn a t woopa blvjik oe0r0etown agenct notdlmtiled end advent made on ail reliable mnitls dium on all pern ol c- jf alt lismu ami lb ookttxkxt or btun boocbt ad old oollkttosj m4e 00 all acceaatbl points 00 saost favorable terras sattkos derabtuent- dctobti iwit ot it ud uptrards ui ta- 2s depnlt io an o wttoorarai brectal deposits alio recalied at corrnl rates of interest so oouot ot tih4rsal ngslmj i buwatsoxajool the methodist church acton revoaatff0rdmaehd pastor puvonacv donr a rcn ae cumic smttccylfcs lu and 35 rtitiday scbooltxi bib cuacondaettd bribe pastor all cordially invittd stranger and visitors elsrt welcome at- tcftutv ashen at tbe door ttslrtinfi ire desired errdj- to h p vtoorc r8twrarj are you golvg to 10 axy paperqfg wall papers fronl-jc- per roll rnnferrffom ic per yd new designs prices right just opened curtain poles in walnut ebony brass- window shades in linen and paper sprier koiwr comijeic crc wiadc- ptper ie rx r- call fa tad k ozx itrge ccok no tnabl to thmr jos oar rood ceo hynds acton hfajqaartcnforwojiuisied kirtbdir lycsenu t teuesdar arpil ig issi little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of nfree press reporters this week egre down to 10 ccclx clajitnp tout bckard dtrrens j the ice an fiirj- like is b reiki c cp i fkgfhng will be reneril in a tew days ko spring horso show for actcn thu a urge flock ot dacts wai on the pond en tuesday j segnlar aesiidg cl lie council aeit sconday evening ketcirtet bis let the eculraet for a 10000 fcnocl hecse the nsrmicpai street deicn will shortly be attended to i the royal jtempiars will caeel to- nirrot eveamgi interaucg prpgrunide the qpeaiiigcf spriag reveals nseercas repairs neotrsat ta ndewijki itxid cross- iss- i i the mttapi conlmae to rage unor tiie juveniles- tciih occaconailytn adrjlt sa5erec i itr wesley vacwydc lite of tomato ia engaged in the basics of paper-hac- rcgin toihi waxtzii a fewcords of dry soft irood aa or larcinc prefered apply l at fnz pxess osce the april thovers and bright ian ihe pastwaethave taltea the frost oat of the pound to a oonaideraiile depth i it iiranjored that electioq proteate are in the sind again and that halloa is jfcelyto be included in the list hr jofaa bobertsoc aztant census esa is pnthiag forward ins work it is rather a tedloas cndertakieg- bcr j w eae left for borlxcgioii yeteriiay to preach the annual sermon for the royal templars of temperance if yon want nrstclasi gaelph sash aai doors at gaelph prio t eeiuge can 11 oor order at hi pi n fng mitl elegant and correct styles of wedding ihtitatioim are famished by the fete petse sample sent to any poit ofce for 25eenu afrchdmafi wiison of knalchbull fcindly remembered the feepes3 last week with a liberal sample of excellent maple syrap a few car loads of choice potatoes wanted for which the highest market price will be paid in eattu t hiebcrc grocer acton ifrd- henderaon ac p willhoruy commence the erection of a fine brisk boose 03bower avenne in front of his present residence jveral old landmarks have been re- morearthe past week the willow and jpoplar trees on the old robert gwan and b- w k i id i r properties on mill street were crt down 5 rltr jas b sanley of the had oonces sion eramosa had the mufortone to cot his left foot with ix aie on friday and lost a great deal of blood he was taken to t the home of his father mr h banley in guejph the singer hawing machine company aobopening an office in acwra with mr- frank dietr in charge mr dietz has secored mr moloneys boae and shop and will shortly hare a stock of sewing machine and sappliei a uflor who has been working in town or some weeks had his bead pretty badly battered one night last week he had bees drinking and didnt know whether be ha been barisgta roand with hisfists or a looqmotitebad struck him- the sdration army created quite a faroo on sandfly and monday capt aod hn matton were the principal attrac tiods and many people went to see plead- log minnie who was the first officer in charge of acton corps on monday staff ojjc sharp capt and peard and olheayere present the banqoef was a drawing adjonct to the jubilee serricef the barracks were crowded at all the crrioe the news at home mostly of a local character and every item interesting 0ion teachers association the regular halt yearly mating ot the usociatiou will be held at the model school milton on tharwiay atid friday 7th ftud fth may ucil tuorti- will hi interesting addressee essays and disc mi kins and the nieetiuk will be well worth ausudiug a tecial attraction will be iuq lectare at the wu halloa the ennlng of the first day of the meeting by mr j a mclellan ma lld director ot teacbers lostitates subject eogiahxttcrttnretndits yalae in fdacauon situs 6t swing i v theres a kind ot curious- lazy lulltu feelin to the- brecxe an the early buds are bendia aeath the weight of honey bees the downy doves are mauu iti the wood land where the stream it a mirror where tbe suubeams low to dream you can see lite buds aiwdluv on the branches once go bare an tbe cattle they are graain where the leader blades appear toucan bear the birds achirpin in their nests or on the wiug lot inclosed please find a poem i the iurest sign o spring vscrosse a uamber ot euthasiailic lacrosse men and others assembled in the town ball last thursday evening for ths purpose ot organ itiog a clab keeve lowry was chosen chairman aud mr johu liwwn vs acted as secretary after a tew prelimin ary remarks by the chairman as to the object otlhe mcclicc c following oflioccs were elected honorary i d nendersoa 5xp president dr lowry 1st vice t res jti pearsou 2nd vice- pre w willistnt sectrcas jno lawsoi captain ranlcrsoq kxecutive conimiuccc williimr m lu mccaca t mcrhaii r anderson and jno law son the clab will be called the young canadians and a racmberihip fee ot 50c fcrtcaiors and 25c for j actors was decided oa tle meeting was idjoarced to met in the lowu hall this evemng to arrange further business in cicuection with the club as there are a namber of good play- crsin town an effort will probably be made o bate acton represented ia the central diurict of the licrusc atocatioa the ccaiicg ecgd thr u oacferfind of tmerfcti the crvat yellowstone katiciiil lark of vashingtoi v s- u one of the most extraordinary point in the world for natural wonders they ore cf a diversified and interesting chxnictcr and the next best experience to kcing these wendere personally is to heir of themf rora one- who is well qosli5c4 to rthoaxw and explain their tramknr ana leculiaritieti kowhcrc else are the ilint nioai laics of rc and frost iso manifest so awful go sublime 2000 cmmcrygpoo4voi0q boiling springs n gejserand canytiaiwo feet deep with gorgeosily colored walls i ptice of wonder terror and delight carvtlocs awfel and sublime prof p4ntouof the ontarieagri- cultnrai college gnelph eptmt ten days ust year among the boiling springs geysers can- yons exc- of this great park and the ladies ssi ic knozxlburch hive secured his ser vice for next wednesday evening ihid april ptspvcticg prof pantons cnr- uinment ffc gudph iff re try sas he threw himsalf into his subject with his whole heart and lis ptctire of gysers boiling springs canyonk and waterfalls were sketched in clear eactst and graphic words so as tagire his hetrers inspiration instruction and delight the lecture was one of his best eforts and was gcncnnsly applauded fhroqghotr mr- d w camp bell will be present with- his sciopticoli and exhibit aver sixty views of the joints to be described by prof pantoa the chinese hisioriirys visit interest is invariably felt in the visit of one who has been laboring on a foreign missionary dlzjii this wis abundantly manifest oa sunday and monday whin miss crosthwaite appeared in the method dist church- hiss crosihwaite retnmed from china a few months ago m order to restore her health and has lately been en gaged in iectaricg on fhnt its people their customs and the great scope for missionary work in that vast country with its enormous population her visit was much enjoyed and tended to fctir cp con siderable missionary enthusiasm large audiences went to- hear herand on sunday evening the congregation numbered fully sir hundred her addresses oa scnday referred particukriy to the various systems of idolatry and superstition the heathen practicesof the chinese and the great need for missionary effort for the spread of the gospel- on sunday evecirsheppeared in the quaint summer ofcpmeof the nativeand the following seeing in the winter costume thenissionaries invari ably adopt the chinese drees when they arrive in that country in connection with her lecture on monday evening miss crosthwaite related her experience in getting acquainted with the country and its people dwelt upon the matter of acquhr- icgtbe language the work of the mission aries in leading the people to accept the true god and give impressive delineations of chinese life she exhibited a large collection of curiosities inclading chinese gods and shrines firing lucid explanations during her addresses the sang several hymns in the language of the country at the close of the proceedings on monday evening a hearty vote of thanks was tcx dered the leiturer by rer thos gee georgetown and seconded by rev j w eae miss crosthwaife is a devoted christian and filled with the zeal for the ad vancement of chriss kingdom on earth calculated to make a successful missionary she will retam to china probably during the coming summer the country around newi itemtsuppllad by corres pondent aand bkohangaa nas a the regular qnartrly election of pros- pect division 6 bf t no 914 was held in tbe lodge room j drookrillo wheqthe fol lowing were elected to fill the- different offices vtkuioanalo va8akmbsll ltburo k- biuipsoo alt66a u aklut kbroa kennedy tnull ja mill ir ch4pnr4lt hutcbeou conmro n ui drwlje acon8hjloge1 lsurov frank 0e8ltmlarhah at the close of the literary contest or last quarter the losing side furnished at supper whrtti was a decided success the captains chosen tor next quarter are bros g barber and a j mcpbcdrau and an interesting progrsuiuio may bo expected at every meeting during the quarter bu pun qton the lecture of mr 0 t springer before the ykca onr my trip to australia was very iustruuvc aud thoroughly inter- esliug r miss mclaren and miss mckcllar ot kcleon have beti visiting miss mclarens sister mrs jssj mctavish of aclon j c smith li s purchased mr daltons property in burlington kast aud will reside in the bouse formerly occupied by mr dalton the price paid was 125001 the funeral of the late miss kerns daughter ot mrs l parsons and sister of col kerns mpi look place on tuesday afternoon th inst service was held in tbe methodist cnurch by hcv jno wake field kcv lv il abraham assisting miss baxttif left burlington last week on a trip to england the lights at the canal are now brilliant every night miss m johnson has relumed home after spending several weeks among her friends in buffalo x y riidjtt milton the macicisl association hive made arrangements to cjve a grand concert on the evenrcgot the 2jth of may next mr win hume has purchased the gou acre farm west of milton fortaerly owned by mr j ii harrison t mr and mrs frank porter lefl milton list week for kamloopsb c where they intend to settle col d campbell has dropped bis legal proceedings against ihe township ot xtlson in connection with the noacrectina of a bridge orer the twelve mile creek near zimmerman to replace cue which was carried away by a flood some years ago the matter has been amicably settled between col campbell and the council tbe bridge we are informed willbe built and the case will not com on as expected at the spring aisues c7xmoa the board license commissioners will meet here next wedncsdsy to consider tbe applications for licenses for the current year there is oaly ooe new applicant fur a uvern license in the caaatr and that one is from georgttown niton has do shop license within her borders georgetown the clark house block is baring new eaves put on coming and going vlkltort to nd from aeton and trfoutqt ptit npti mr b bmbtlotbrla imm or 0117 ihliwmk i ilnfttbir iuiomjt ol jpriwfuli wu in lown lut wwk or jit of two mrtiooiiulujoolchorplowopiptnt aooopuol djrtthu mktlb trlndt here mr brlnri nioklln locompmw by hli nepbew eddts led oa tamdtjr lor iorugo u priku miu diliy corrlgu bu breu enjiied by lb orugewna tcbool tntt tt a itltry ol u00 jt unam mr liohlin ktnaody wu la town t dtyor m lut wmk ut lofv on bilardi r tbt north well rer k beddow ba ol milton wm la town lut thundijr end ipeol the dy with rev j w lue mr george willltmi lelt lut week for pilubarg pi with the intention ol patting la tbe teuou it bit trade in thtt oily mr alex kennody and umily beve re moved to norvil they will be very much iniued in aoton ud ucinity the belt wiihei olill ro with ibem mr btmnel slander bu returned irom gloverfttlle n v he ihlnki glorenvilie ii a fine city bnt that there arc wone placee than actoa or workins mtu at the meeliag o the sunday school committee ol the dublin itrcel metbodiit chorch lut evening mr ii e kelaoa wu appointed superintendent ol the ubool in locoenion to mr e r dollertjaelph mr e ii maddock a prominent tern peranoe worker diod in gaelph lut thurs day alteroooo he wu a carpenler by trade and followed that occapation op to a lew moothi ao when bo wu oompelled to relinqulih work owing to hli lllneu he wu a oocvoientionfl upright citizen and took a deeplntereat in every movement which he considered wu for ihe inlereit of tbe city mr maddock wu father ot mr 1 c mad dock late ol aoton mr j w lynn of gaelph bu reoeived word from ihe pnblia edmioiitrator at belize british hosdoru of the death there on march ssth of hugh mckair mr mcnair had been employed by mr lyon at a book ageni or aeven or eight ycari and wu ooe of bii beit men he went to hoodaru tbia year and mr lyon reoeived a letter from him early in march which atated that he landed there lick and from ihia uekneia it appeari be never re covered and died amoog itrangera he belonged to milton where hit wife and family live many of our reafcn remember charlie thompeon formerly of milloo a favorite iportaman with whom edward kicklia and the late michael speight often ipent an aulamn holiday in hunting or qthing mr thompson if now an extensive farmer at arvilla dakota and in a letter to the csarojkok list week says we are well and epioying ourselves i am running a mooiicre farm we raise abont 2gc00 baihela at graia erer- year and keep be tween 30 and to hones have the beat driving borse in the country have lata of shooting plenty of chickens geese by the thoqsanda and lots of other game i erin tbe rajii and rand are having a go wilh mad and gravel for the possession ot our ctela with c4ds on the former mr will mcguire is comfortably settled in oikville parstiinghis dental stuiies with mr hams of that prosperous village rev dr ghtord made several nonofficial sozpastora calls in oar town on monday his genial self is always welcome ifeters ilocre broi hare placed posts and built themselves a ulepfcone connect ing their store and residence ilr c bea- ham is busidfes and traffic manager of the new line rev eobl davey of markdale surprised many ot bis old time friends here by giving them a call on monday last he is looking well and reports all well and prosperous with him and family in their new home a good story comes from the salvation army this week it seems an elderly gentleman from the 7lh line uninvited in vaded the 6anclity of the lady officers apartments io see editor warren about some printing a few words irom the oseers explaining that the fltrau had moved let matters straight and be departed aii assembly wu in full swing in the town hall tuesday night just uyonr weary wasp wu wiping hit pen from the the stale of the wealher and thelalenesi ot the season one would not think it a very powerful success but midnight straggler declared it to be quite jony ifrc barclay is spending a short time here previous to goiog to tbe farfamed korthwesl where he anticipate entering business for bimseli we wish him every success prakikii irtsis dr auld and hugh matthews visited toronto on monday mr geo hyattf of gaelph was in town this week messrs jsbilton and w m barber were in town on saturday renla appear to be very low ia erin an advertisement says a resident will rent his hoaae and large garden for 30o per month rev w j magwood u attending the gaelph conference examinations at mount forest this week wm scoll and hugh milloy left lut thursday focmontana mr wm travis left last week for helena afonlans where he has fccared a lucrative position at bis trade mr jas hull left for british columbia ot monday mr limes justice and mr w sawyer both returned borne but week from london where they were attending the military college adcxaif favored surely business in full swing in every department of the gojden lion millinery our millinery opening wasv grand ino- oeu bat now that it ii over wa expect tbe ladies to eel as iree to come in and inspect it u they did lut week we did not intend to say anything eulogiitio of oar display bnt sinoe soma one ii accused of indulging let bombul and estbaaiutio ellpraise to save the reputation of tie accuser we will jolt repeat what we heald from scores of ladies lut week that oar millinery it by far lh finest in ihe city and what we eon- ilfler equally high praiw cry much tbe cheapest we expect fully as large a crowd this week ai int carpets great line of tape8try oar- pet over w pieces worth from c to wo to be cleared at 50 cents tbe greatest bargain ever offered in tapestry carpet in tbe city union carpet 80o op all wool 70c np bru86el8 wo up lace cdbta1ns and pole com plete hoo all the nice new curtain goods in great variety dont ail losoe them clothing oor orderod elothing department bu begun to boom and with tbe advent o fine apriog weather we expect a itill greater rush we would advise young men wanting uita to order tbem u early u possible- we are offering a special 1900 suit op scotoh tweed got ip in the very best style with the finest trio minga wale suitings also especial value at 11900 fine hair line and fancy 8tbipe pants very special at 1500 j d williamson go 5 and 7 wyndhain stouolph 84 oswald st qiasgow spring jackets measured by inches the differences between a jacket that fits and one that does notisut much its an impassable golf to manj jacket makers jast the same very likely you kuow it to your sorrow try on oue of our new german jackets however was ever auythiug ef the kind neater or trimmer not only that but theres style to every feature of it fiom the set of the collar to the hang of the sleeves we hear only words of praise for these garments r you will think perhaps the finest and handsomest jackets aud wraps in the city must also be the highest priced but this is not the casr we do uot go to the trouble of importing our mantles from the german manufacturers without being able to do better for you than those who arc not in a position to buy them so closely you will not ouly find these goods attractive and stylish but the prices moderate the sales of our spiing jackets so far have greatly exceeded our expectations aud we ask our customers to make their selections at once before the assortment is very much broken we keep full hues of spring jacket cloths in all shades g b rvkn co cuelph www h v gtentleiiien order your spring suit and overcoat from 1 1 r e nelson guelph 3 new spring suitings new spring overcoatings 3 j an imroenso range of choice new pantings from 4tofi2 per pair 3 3 3 a special genuine pare worsted black panting at 5 per pair d my specislty lerfectfitting 84 pants to order satisfaction assured b e nelson y fashionable clothier 99 upper wysdham 8l ouelph attention john arthurs ts well ila0d with tbe n ctreobim tinea oinfof bttloeu in acton he will tlwtji exert hlmielf to wcura the beitgooajior blicqitomen just now clover and timothy seed ufacltict tbo pi mo en ahthlbs u 11 milled wjlbigood itoek of excellent modi groceries flour teed arc dvca ciom atumtlon and eoslomers will p 0 ud 11 lllini ot treah goods a call is solicited rockwood are we knatchbull to toy soanycuatomers in acton and ticinily i would respectfully call your ttiehtioo to my immense stock of choice bn spring goods which i can confidebt- lf tbe fioeet 1 have bad tbe pleas- nmjjahowing- aa i ban made special o the porchaaing of tbem 1 so pfffin apacial inrjncemmta foriprtng and hi ig sesissd tatet til my old custom s nsfir ooee and u i am giving to tbecattiog i can of perfeot satisfaction and good gtofting evt time b e nrxsoi miss eha plajer brookville who hud been in declining health for some time passed away on fiojlday the funeral took place tuesday afternoon at 1 oclock and the remains were interred in the ebenezer cemetery mr francis higgins gaelph road who has been very ill and confined to his bed is able to sit up again the quarterly servicesof the nassagaweya- circuit will be held io the ebenezer church on sabbath the 2ijth inst commencidg at 10 oclock am the roads have been in a somewhat muddy state lately but the beaatifnl weather of the past day or eo is having a wonderful effect in improving their con dition- mr wm hitching has the honor of being first to commence ploughing in this neigh borhood this 6pring and others are falling into line to make snre the horses dont forget the way in which they should walk the boys instinctively address them with the familiar and inspiriag words of get ap fhaw whoa back gee there whoa whoapi ft is almost an oniiilingsigh tbt spring has fairly began when the speckled frog comes on deck with his musical appomto in tune or s serenade and the little boys and girls engage in tag o wan in polling maple taity george stewart of zieglers gaelph is home an the sick listv ilr chu adams gtk- station agent malton visited relatives in bockwood this week- miss day of gaelph visited friends here lut week eev messrs strachanof kockwoodand argo of nerval will exchange pulpits next sabbath spring farm opera tiona are getting pretty well under way among the earliest noted in this neighborhood wu mr john barns sowing wbeaf on monday 7th imt ilr johnhill left lut week for chicago where he will work for the lummer at the building trade with his son george a ralnei rare sight in this locality is an ox team but oor friend tom moore ia putting in hi spring plowing wilh such a team mr david stewart is getting ready to erect a nice stable on his premises in town j a mccarthy barrister snd wife of barrie spent sunday with bockwood friends jeff is one of the many old bock wood boys who are moat successful in life mr 3 b harris had his foot crushed between two logs while overseeing some work at his saw mill lut week we ere glad to learn that although painful tbe in juries were not serioas a number rom bockwood attended the funeral of the late bobt cottleonof goelph on sunday afternoon mr coulson lived for many years on the farm near bockwood and wu in earlier life a urge contractor in bridge building and built several of those on the gitb beeidea tbe widow and youngest ghter lily i gaelph be leaves twosdna george o vlrien mani toba andj boot of seattle wuhjngton and five imarried daaghtera mrs ju clarke ani mrs alexmomiun toronto mrschai adami melton mrs m m fenwlok j bowrnajivuie end mrs john newton limebouee john arthurs frank burce88 house paiiiterpapefhanger sign writer etc u preinxcd to exocata onen in aj ot the aboro lines la tbebwt manner evndeure onfcble term every job baling my periodiittaniion i cm usure enstomets complete m qrminingin 11 voodi t pocijty ordenlelt evtmy residence main el actoa trill roceiro prompt attention picket wihe fencing cola irom 0 cents per rod 16 feet np for tbe farm or garden tnere is no fence to durable uid luting od as irul order and uiu you catit- faction will be uiereanll dlseoaut to the tratj price- lists and paim- lan on applitatiaj addreh f j nuvooley tv po cuelph ont latest style tuesday wednesday and thursday of last week were the special opening days in oar millinery show rooms wasnt the weather beautiful grand wealher or a grand occasion i specially fitted 1 did yon ever lee show booms thronged with visitors u ours were day after day 5 from every sorroanding town and village visitors came ia by train ail who could came and all who came were delighted with the incomparable display that awaited them kind words i appreciative re marks i orders placed i they were liter ally showered upon ns we scoepfed all with becoming modesty in all candor we deserved them nor were we iu the least jealous to bear kindly remarks more or less appreciative of the display ot some of our neighbors it isnt a mailer of soar grapea wilh us we like to hear our neighbors well snokec of it is however no small satisfaction where other excellent displays come into competition to know that the ooucensos of opinion is that our offering is away and beyond anything in the city in the same line our show rooms are tbe largest and moil elegant our itock ihe lugeet and molt varied and oar ilylea the moat novel beautiful and useful well yoa onihave the index of what you may expect all daring the aeajon we lay the index for you baveut seen our spring snd snmmer millinery by any means there wont be a day but what well show you something new thats oar policy we dont bay our millinery like we do our grey cottons the seasons supply in one parcnase some people claim to do that we dont we are slvjayi buying always prodnoing and no matter how often you may come in well have fresh novelties to surprise you enough abont millinery we opened to day another large importa tion ol frenoh dress eobes we have good reasons or believing that we nave im ported and put on our shelves more rboioe dreaa goods this season than any other two bouses in the city calf and look through best value with spring comes keuy bros fine assorted stock of spring suitings panti and 9 overcoatings oor tweedi and wontedi are tbe finest and best that money could boy lod we ire determined to keep th prices down under tbt pi cheaper goods oa every garment we torn oat this spring we will pat the best of trimmiagi tbe best of workman ship aod guarantee a perfect fit spring hats oar new spring hats have just come to hand and are the best and nobbiest in the market they are in meni boyi and childrens all sizes and prioes furnishings onr new stock of gents ties shirts dollars and cuffs are lomelhiog grand thii season giveos a look aa we have marked the prioes io please you ly bros fine spring millinery m just to stimulate hollinrake son milton propose to give away scores of edisons handy encyclopaedia a book containing 512 pages which teems with information such as the labprer farm er mechanic business man and housekeeper require read this offer e r bolleet co 25 4 27 lower wyndham st guelph our millinery opening will take place on b wednesday 8th april when we want toseeall the ladies as we wifl make agrand display of fine millinery at prices that will suit all also a fine assortment of dress goods prints parasols and fancy goods every department is full ofbargains henderson mcftae co 1 c3t3l good for edisons handy encyclopaedia after customer has bought and paid for goods at one time to amount of 275 or over cut this offer out as it must be presented at hollinrakes store when making purchase surely everybody can secure one of these nselnlooks holliairake son selll- reurble oods chbhr a m kvi

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