Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1891, p. 4

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l w jt k- t ctoit frcc 3rrs5 thtlrsdaa xt ml 1681 alic houng jfblks wccro firc notes here and there items of general iructcst lo free press renders 4 ttrfr tvolhinc blr il lilbfceru ofym rive s or 1 tin late setrr lutlsnc v i wcn l come or co siiwmfctiwrkt uli-trlliint- ot h ritt- fvlivitmtv itt f pltc rwuilfim tiiktit i ccrw nic vitnrtriiitiici vbu tc uit hlr fc to ioc 4 kiev to cc kice to f c that int j- sorely wcjcj hid ltc tf while ibe teery tiul limt fc to fico with truth iaj justice ketcrleniiac jfroia the riiit wiile bive a uiii to rcxicitt to end the lgtt ft5 to fi with nedc thu lotc ut miyweetxr frcv covt try ft to ftce with icix alxjve es when lilei jourtr t ftilln thresh jr siakidd the faithful postman nlixktifiiutuf a trl ltlritit sim unvcubea ibrcc mlobnr- docfc nirf niucv nj find u r fiood modi- cine for constitution ttid poor pwuw i willconuuuo utuii it t i pwvl uctrfiifi ml i feci crel rhmcp in my hciltli einccukinc it mi j v gkix syvtcilum ilrccl toronto out the tliird ptcc cx the toronto dtut stall it noted for wntl advuitscmcou tt yoa wrint lo bay or fcliaritutit u yoa wiul itiluiuou t nicchimc bast nt michintry lodpnc if tu hivo lost or ound tnilhioc or it yoa wnat lo cnd oat where liyoac it advertise iu the to ronto ikiity mail md rid the idvcrtiic trtenu on the third pis of ths1 piper thechtxce is two ccnu word eichi krtioo addrets thr itti toronto ctn- idi situ kind should icini tcmpcricoe from the moon the fuller 1w icts the thorfer her hbrcs become mrf uiluu xtvriuo s v wrilu focyein e hive been trpublcd with liver compliiut the doctore stid my liver wtk htrdeaod tui enltniej i vt iroabled with dizrincs pin in my shoulder conttipttion mid cridusuy lot inff fiesh ill the time i under the carc of threet phyiictinp bat did no ecl my relief- a fiicnd ecnt tre t bottle of korthrop i ly mens vefvtible discovery sad thejjeest i htve received from it if itx beyond my etpectttion i feci better dot thto ever i hive dene for yetrs i hive uot loved lightly is the rata slid when he mirriei i widow weihiuc three haudred poundf 1 1 oridt totvliipnmihc lid t luruvt k little pirt tictore mo flood kct ojt werofilim with tctt herein ivlioad juauxktitoj ttvmlurwdrtdlachtxkl why dn yen suit vour uthcrt i rched lke summer n4u lur tcins bcgiu to lour i iit to i us tayitcir iap she cried ke ictt ny o lauj ttetorc i inkci tin halo uuiden hcw lie dclt hut wlicifmpwisilllillk i jurt rf tme her in tin- mrvet i inclt a iiiku rtled udy hiitnim down tho wiy hc mii hi rht her ct luy liulo frieuj iu hrr fjifl vjes mil widowt tce48 i read ttow it ikcttii iujt i cci lj vnd tlie titlicr iniujiuh crl wss dcj pccdiylut intatnn when chilly dirt first cune on baby win red irkecod with i hoar cry the vounj metber heirt wu filled vilh feu the dreaded croop hid cooe tad she wi tbee there was no one to seal for the doctor jest lacs sober old sally the tortulie- saeji cat came slowly cp the garden pith from the bam the mother remembead that sshy had been trainee lo carty note to the store taidpsi store at the toct of the lane the had cever been known to fail in carrying thgnl talely callnii old paiishe hastily wrote send thedoctorit once baby uai crozp she tied it about the soft plump neck and said ron sail v ts ftt as ever yoa can run cz the fesce hcrrvind pve it to fraud- sir- i on went saily never miniicc the baxfct of icpertinectdocs orfnecdly cajisof her relations and the doctor wxs in the hosse mi 02 the etretrtfce jd tttbe store door when old sally cme reeling oa the fence as fa ts her fonr feet ccnld carry her i feared there wee trouble and wiited tii she could retch us j think ssiir tsnever foreoten paw i took fish bones oatol her ifcroit with ptneert she always seems to glad lo sop me the very next day sailvjhad a new collar on it w eogrsived from baby- to his faithful postmen orr liitlione baking in japan the xepen daiif hcntli describe the bread of the lead ci the llifcido as allows ilot remaxkebic i the universal ftvor thet breed and similier flonry ccacoclionc ire bsgumifck io enjoy this article of food ha ajjo been camp etely japiniied ao7 sella in forms nnknoi m to westerners tratepajl sold by peripatetic tendorc who posh their wares along p a tiny roofed hendcart ii mach liked by the poorer clase it coniiau of slices thick gener ous slices of bread dipped in soy end brown ragax tad then fried or wasted etch slice hzs a ikewer paced throcgh it which the btryer returns after demojishiag the bresd one ctiinot speai hifitly of this bread the docgh is heary and the color an nnheilthy yellawish prey bat the beet jepenese fiour is eqnel i am tcld to cali fornia- ko 3 which is high preise indeed cahfomis ko 3 wonld be considered a rery poor article here floor ii now nsed in mazy other jays bes des the mncfec- iore of simple bread t ere u kwhipta cakebread which is sold everywhere is the name implies it s a sort of tweet breadfitnffttede into caxes of erioas sizes and artiitifffnres tccocdicg to the skill and fancy of the baker to a eoropen paleifi thi eaehxben i- rather dry end tasteless too moch crumb as the pre- cocioaayogth said of safry gamp bet it is tery cheap and for five sen one cin get a huge paper beg foll eescleris or sponge- cike u not so much aotjght alter as it used to be yet borne bakeries each ax the fcgntscdo and trcboy t excel in prodec- infi the lightest spongecake most delicioax of iii ten kirniw- wfcy tee london eog figaro eivc one of oar oldest subscnhers writes cs that hiving suffered for more than tn years from a stiff and painful knee he was permanently cred in less hen ten minntes after the first application of st jacobs oil and asks how we tcconnt for this is it not almost magical v answer st jacobs oitwas compqended to core pain promptly and perm ineptly tiiere hare been efgtt worlds fairs since is50 the greatest of which was the parie eipocilion of 1p3 wten the receipts were 80001x0 the ncmbec of admissions 23- u3j3 and the camber of acres covered by buildings z tie onildiogs of the worlds colombian exposition at chicago will coter at least 50 p z cent greater space than the paris erpoi tion bnildingf and the cost will eiceed twice that of the paris fsir we claim die earth we claim the earth is round end we know its trnev we also claim- that hag yards yellow oil cures sprains braises bams colds croup sore throat rbeama- tism nearelgia and inflammatory disease- and we know this is taiev yellow oil ifl edyfor lamenees or beast all other paiufal or a true family rem soreness iu man or 1 has or heast cfttu equal relief from pain by the use of gjaisksjbimnglinmedt the swelled joint from a sprain or founder are relieved fthd cored at once by iu use every owner of horse should keep a bottle of this great rtonedf in his stable every consideration of economy and hattramty suggest this ready relief price fifty cents sold by druggists- clark chemical co toronto new york- on lurti nttl ofabo kft knoii blood ueniely will not work such n thatic iu tho cuo ot catcrch as oiiu ptskako ot t it- cure all the wie talk rbout catarrh luij 8 comlitutionil or hood disease depeuds entirely whet the adverlier has to ieu if you hive catarrh iu any forra try clerk- oitarrh cure and yoa need not tekce cerlbad of it beforo euy benefit is derive lratiti keep it end recommend it incl j j uu sent lo my address by tho clark chemical co toronto new york in a summer hotel kitchen good era cious 1 here is another order for chicken salad and there it hot an ounce of veil left in the hoao suciklii- of tfl a lip im ptoccof fpecul or valuable in formation such as this that halyards yellow oil is a prompt and effectual cure far croap colds hoirucr sore throat rheumatism neuralgia sprains or torcitoss of my kind kuowa as reliable over 80 years tiood uaystuc vomijr uulcwthcy arcfedon victuals made with imperial cream titter hiking powder c c kicttiiuis 4 co gtxtsuy horse wis so alutctcd with distemper that he could not drink forlfour days aud refused all food simply apply log mlnaltds liniment outwardly cured him feb 1837 crr iiucnciit caxs c c ktciurjis co gestk i have used your minauds liniment for bronchitis and asthma end it dec cured the i believe it tho best lot 5 p e i k uk a llvtxurtqx la e bookfcllcre catelosue appears the foiowinirticle memoirs of charles i witit ahead capitally ciecutcd why gohmpiiij end whining about your cornf when a ijccut bottle of ilolloways com cure will remove them give it a trial and o will not regret it a carpet menaf act lire r it a hicky ftilow the mere his bct works are trampled cn2er foot the more he lies reason u rejoioe i that latent force cr duid which perme ate ell matter and which bears the con- vpntiflnsj name ci eltctricily is wiiely appreciated ani r-c- es e means of enre in various diiea- its efiecis in the form of ir thomav eclectric oil arc shown by the relief of paui tcth neu- ralgisc and rhvamatic a well tc the throat and luns end in virions other healing ways when peri we found to be too tiht a pace for the bmk cf frtuce the bank was taken to another place toalouse to loe mr h b mckinnon punter mount albert fays la semmer my system c iraprtcct iriih the ij ui tar- pentice cscd in pitulinc my body was covered with tcerlct tpots large is eaiceni piece end t wts in sch a stttothet i could scarcely welk i cot a bottle of northrop a lymins verttible discovery and it onw commenced taking tt in large dos end before one half the bottle wis used thtire was cot t f po to be ecen and i never felt better in mv hfe mtinl vntir tirviuml when you nuke up jour mind to uko hobdfi sirkiptriela do not be induced to bny some other preparation instead clerks may claim that oars is as good as roodi and all that but the pecaliar merit of roods sersaparilu cannot be equalled therefore hive nothing lo do with dhcr substitute and incict upon hat ing hoo1v strsiparllu the best b purifing and buildingup medicine hypnotizing drunkards t ipm with no more common or dangerous iils4y than catcrrh it bpes with a cold in the head often resists all forms of treatment and renr from simple irritation of the mccous membrane to chronic icfiamitioa and destructive ulceration before clarks catarrh cure was known the doctors adopted a long coarse ot coo- stitutional treatment with their patients bt now they recommend them to go to the druggist and get a package of clerks catarrh cere when the drcggut cannot supply the remedy will be sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents clerk chemical co toronto new york when a fcp was trying to become the iioa of a fashionable party a wit remarked that he could never be anything but a dandylion diestu5t a wife asked her husband if dregfiats kept dye- stuff for sale bte replied host draedsts keep little else but diestuffs constipation claims many victims ward off this dread disease by the use of smell sugar coated burdock pills when needed senator jumis fair perhaps the richest on the pacific ccutt has two tons james jr and charles who have been to put it mildly icry wild boys when jemcs jr came out two months ago from the ger man h of pital where he had been serioaaly ili on account of ticcssive drinking som friends tilked to him of dr brown the hypnotift who waeseid to havn performed wonders with ttn opium taker audeftera greet deal of irfiutsiii he wis induced lo pay the hypnotist a visit brown knew his men and he exercised his will power upon ihe palate of the heir ippareat to millions hewas kept under hypnotic influence for ecveril hours- and when he was broaghl to conscious tute he was told by the healer to go home and drink no more the ad monition s unnecessary he could cot drink he uiide a vigorous effort but fule3 the liquor act on him is an emetic that wis si months ego and he has not touched e drop since before this he had to ho put to bed five nichts out of seven young fair then took his younger brother chirle to urosn acd he too we put under the tpell in ihip case it alio workd iily a charm and he developed en intnre dislike for liquor he told the wirll representative that so nek of liquor is he that the fwiupne doors cf a saloon fairly itncate him there is no htppier man on the pacific coast then senator fairv 1 llrw owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it has advanced couiiberably in price messrs mcciueland son tor onto fortanatelr mtdo a ooatract before the dvtncisftar x very considerable quantity and are thus enibled to offer their patrons this seasou a very decided advantage in price the quality being sc perior to any ever previously imported every spring says one of the best housewives in new england we feel the necessity of taking a good medicine tg purify the blood end we all take hoods strsaparilu it keeps the children from humors mr husband says it gies him a good appetite and for myself i em tare i could never jdo all my work if it was not for this spleudid medi cine it makes me feel strong and cheer ful and i am never troubled wiih headache or that tired feeling as i used to be when a fashionable lady wants to dress so as to match her doge what color should ehechoose a cockney enewers wlhjine color hasjardi pectoral liihjitn hagyirds pectoral balsam gives prompt relief in coughs colds hoarseness whoop ing cough croup asthma or bronchitis it is the most pleasant and perfect throat and lung healer in the world for children or adults price 25c g7tri00 hi gold cora wife lwnta usaueesu fkr sale ercrrwtere we will give to the first person telling us before june 1st itfjl where in the bible the word wife is first found iloooo in gdld to the next 30 00 to the third inm to the fourth 2000 to the fifth 51500 to the siath ho to the nert 25 f5 each ijo the neat 25 2 each to the person sending in the last correct answer we will give f 100 in gold to the neit to the last 50 and soon sameasfrom the first with your answer send 23 cts in eilver or 27 cts in stamps for a bofof dr coles blobd end liver pills the best blood liver and stomach pill ever made bare care for sick headache dont gripe ketnember the presents are absolutely free being given away to advertise dr coleper- feet eills and family remedies at the close of the contest ibrnames and addressee of all the priae winners will be published we refer yoa to the the traders bank of orilla send at once and be first address home specific co oriiiia oat bit dowmnd think sit down aad think lit that dyspepsia is closed by wrong action of the stomach 2nd tbat burdock blood bitters is designed to correct sod regulate he stomach 3rd that it always cares dyspepsia and costs less than a cent a dose can you afford to be dyspeptic the mot- icrceable restorative tonic and mild stimulant is milburns beef iron and wme ingrowing nails a positive and permanent care for la- groping nails no pain sent post paid for 1lc tt strips or silver address hoirc srixinc c oulua ont children cry for pitchers castona wba baby trss sicl tc rave her cistoria vtben she tras a child she cried for castoris wba the becasie ilias the dues to castoria vtbea she fcai cfcilirea she sere them castcria jacob h bloomer of yirguie n y writes dr thomas eclectric oil cured a badly swelled neck and sore throat oa my sou in fortyeight hours one applica tion also removed the pain from a very eore toe my wifes foot was also maeh inflamed o much so that she could not not walk about the house she applied the oil and ia twentyfoarhours was entirely cured imiirouint and true no better evidence of the fact that bur dock blood bitters is a certain remedy for all blooi disorders cm be asked for thin that of mr geo v thomas druggist of hull pq vbose wife was cured of cancer by bbb the family doctor was certain that the diseue wng cancer and tbat it is now cured teuly called tie greatest medicine world absccfey granule d ts dihud cr cney nfaadad rxapfclet testiinaaials etc feee wji uidih michobe uillctt co ltd 120 kicff sl w- toronto out sole kanniacturers for the dominion ibcwareof mposiwsni s oar tradsmarfc to mackinac i summer tours piucc stcihcks low rltct detroit mackinac sund detroit and cleveland fcij- trif 4r jto j kta tw our illustrated pamphlets- km cf ii it tainttclcjrili bafnmlalitd u r ttk- sraa or addrna aa6 kkir aicrap a oitwnmck tk rtrt 4 cleveland steam m co hlmafatuaimtai far sale ettrj where if you went to bay or sell e farm ad vcrtisc in the toronto hvrly mail that paper teaches 100000 farmers homcc every week and your advertisement should meet the eye ot someone who wauts to pur chase advertisements of this class arc in serted iu the toronto hceity mail for five cents a word each insertion or twenty cculx a word for five insertions address the ifail toronto canada unsightly pimples blotches tan end- all itching humors of the skin arc removed by using dr lows sulphur soap ic you have a cough or cold dooot neglect it many withouta traceof that hereditary disease have drifted into a ccniumplivei grave by uegleclihg whit was only a slight cold hid they used bickvs anti-con- sumptivo syrcp before it was too late their lives would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes 1 thiuk bick- icsanticoutumptivc syrup thbet pre paration on the market for coughs end severe colds about sia year tgo i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i lied cough i had a phyaiciaa attending me and gradually grew worse until i was on uie verge of consumption and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try bickles acticonsumptive syrup before i had taken one bottle i found myself greatly relieved and by the time i had finished the second bottle i wm completely cared i always recommtnjj it for severe colds and consumption ctjacobsqit dreatremeoy rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago backache headache toothache sore throat frost bites sprains bruise burn etc 11 ixicy- the cwjtxj l v0sou m eiltiaon 11 ciaadkadepst tereatoont cltrkt liclitcloi lmiaeat wiil relieve the piinful tortqre of rhecmititni in the joints or muscles it ihoald be well rubbed in writli the hind mi the ptrt covered with l piece o sin ce the piia will ceue with the firit ip- plicition tud its continaei ace will e5ect t mtrveloas care this remedy nee3 bat i trill to convince the most skeptics tint it is wonderful preparation sold by til druggist price fitly cents clirk chemi cal co toronto kew york dr lows worm syrup bit removed ttpe worms from 15 to 30 feel long it also destroys all other kinds of worme one of the sinsulsrities of huram nature is shown in tba id that the prohibitionists lllhouch rabidly temperate alwijs nomin ate a fcu ticket piles a positive gure thousands of testimon ials ko puree ko suppository scut post paid for 27 cts in stamps address home specific co orillit ont 1 pisos clrctor the bust cough medicine it ilttsaists ittstl consumption a new amusement shoe social r i is one of the altoseuektb 1 of to day all the girls go beh1kd a screen and ritick the toes of their shoes odt un derneath its lower edge the young hen select their part nersbychalk ing their in itials on the t eilptin g toes at a re cent party soile of the boys said that their best girls gave other boys tips ox toes we give the girls tips on toes and straight tips too lo w irice best style excellent fit come round and get some tip8 in spring goods at williams boot andshoestore acton ont castoria for infants and children pomr fjiierltni- hn cooviiicej many that tc w any olho ubilitotm offered tot the only tur pop and psiulc corn rare is attended will with dsnjcr get always and uso none other than iulntmi painlcu corn es- tractor for sore producing sabstitalcs re offered just ss food 1atnams corn ei- tnctor safe ure painless railway time table castorlauuveu adapted to emdnstlai rwomaicad 11 as superior to a nj- prescription kxowatoire h a- aacuia il d iu 60 oxford r droouts k t citorlacurmcvhcoiri lira bourblooact utarriioa uueulion kili wonuivm step so j iuniotm a- i ersucn i witeoul icjuricus medication tut cnrrivi ixxnrv murray street x y be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight si son have- large stock of furniture suited to ever- pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always 1 a speight jfauaarei spring arrivals 600ds tk ia at the mammoth house georgetown to farmers and threshers ubaonvourmaclunervonly the wellknown feeless oil anpltm wpri a t k have uicij uwardtd it duihik tht laitllirceyear vjujid nlihullb trt iug our p ax srouefor you wapxonsaudllorse powers these oils are used aud highly recommended it thcilode farmguelph farmers askfor them uec nosther ilinufacrorcditqsjetoittollwsfirby 8amuelrocers 4c co toronto the oldest drug- store in ouelph snuthv vegetable blood tonic the utaai safes blood itintcric the maikctcari-sindijttioafick-htj- tctic liri of apietitestc 4c smiths winter fluid htc ercpttticn iecoui t noce foe ilc iumciiat crc oc sore li g-sn- jxj liacif- rci3jli cf he ctia icic smiths clieitv balsam it without doubt tte cot enectcaj rcui- cdrfortlicitniiiciiatecurcof coigbt cells itrouchitii ointucssa w g smith k co disiexsixg chemists cor wyndhaxri macdonald streets guelpbont great sprinsr arrivals ofdrea goods bilks milliuery mantles fancy goods staples pnifts sateeus a beautiful lot of fancy sateens fast colors for lilc worth 18c our sateens cannot be distinguished from silks and our prints excel in design price and quality having bought our cottons shirtings cottonades tickings and denims before the recent rise we are enabled to offer theru at the present wholesale prices carpels oilcloths hugs aud curtains cheap aud in large variety gents and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and vorv low prices our suitings spiintr overct- incs audgentifuruishinet wefe never more complete the cut ting fitting finish and price of our gents garments have a pro vincial fame we call special attention to our varied and large stock of dres gocds and dress trimmings our dressmaking department is iu full swum taruing out exquis ite gowns jackets and mautles our millinery department is complete with all the latest novel ties trom the different centres of fashion inspection invited our european gool have been imported by ourselves our canadian goods have been pur chased bclore the rise on the most advantageous terms we prom ise and will give great imrgaius inspection ttudpatrouage respect fully solicited ps our milliuery opening will be on the 2nd 3rd and ith of april w mcleod co c1eorcjetown fortythree packaces new coods received at the right house this week including 7 bales of brussels tipestrv allwool kiddcrminister htmuk and administer carpet hales hemp carpels trolls woo cirpets 3 rolls union cirpols 3 roils chins mutinc 1 tile bccsi cases cuttiin poles 2 cases brass window trimraincs watkins never has had such a large and well assorted stock of magnificent carpets curtains carpet andcuktais materials as at present made by the very best manufacturers in europe is the latest styles comprising the best sframe brussels royal velvet wilton and anmissteu carpets also very beautiful swiss lace german and american chenille and damask curtains all otterinc at the very lowest prices lease ruhber circulars 1 case ladies embroidered uuderclothinc 1 case liiie new stvles of hats lease silk velvets lease table darassks 1 case stylish parasols 1 case latest stvles muslin dress goods 1 case cashmere dress goods 1 case ladies corsets 1 cbe dress and mantle trimmings mantle trimmings are in the latest styles newest desfcns and immense variety to select from sod are selling far beneath regular prices customers say j cases white cottons 1 case flannels 1 case turkey red cloth 1 case towels 1 case denims 1 esse flannelettes steel bronze and metal gimps and ornaments silk cord dress buttons flannel trimmincs grenedine dress goods sursh snd pongee silks tennis cloth beise and delaine dress goods whalebone ladies kid giovk gold cord silk ribben cricket cap chmtilly laces silk and twist mcndinr yarns tapes eider down flannel silk plush and velvet corset covers nicht dresses costumes fancy dress goods polka dot and satin checked muslins pillow linen lioen sheeting cirringe dusters hue towels diaper fancy hair pics bonnet pins lace mits velveteens denims cottonades tickinc blick lice flonncinj ili-osc- mind to enter the stores next to hchson street many make mistakes and do not get into the rijht house hamilton april sth 1691 thoives o watkits canadian printers read ca n furnish you with the best presses for couiitry xews and job work to be had in country and at lower prices than for any other nljav cylinder press i corce to rcton knd seejour improved country prouty press kt work this the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have run the prouty for eight years and the longer we run il thi batter we like it it is simpeessy to run cssy on type easy lo handle costs little toe repairs and is easy on the printer s pocket book we call it the best press to bo had in the world oday for the money come and our press al work if you desire samples ot work send for ihem and we will gladly furnish hem we can give yoa your choice of a uumber of different eizes andstyles of presses al all prices v think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press lor 800 full particulars from h p moore agent for canada jacton ont dunn baking powder thecooksbest friend the largest scale works in canada over 100 styles of hay scales grain scales farlol scales tea scales improved show cases money drawers meatchoppers hid bittchus supplies ascmsi a- 1 vu write jx lerma c wilson 4 son 60 esplanade street east torontcont powder purest stroncest best contains no alum ammonia lime phosphates or any injurious materials ewgillett- itat hi mmati jtai tea- uxu cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia promotes 0igest1on mr tci ttfvej cf lcith drii ft for vean ujd rear- ttrfi trum dyieij4 la its tcri fen ud zler- irj lag ill ja- iu mv it7er lo ho rrivc i ttb lutjdcl t v trieads to trv njuu wbicb i ditl ml aittr rin lotuea i 15 cojiletc3j cprwl cures constipation cures constipation cures constipation acts on the bowels saj4d sucotcry de13 srps i lvo triad tver ahh viji gtvat ucss ijr ccaitiriatioa il linin tn uy bei tuq seccn1 do imde me ever so much bolter mj- bowels uct iovc tret d the tia iu mv kcaa ho iclt i- itltoetcrjlodt will tt sfaine disease irecouiineld bisn ilier f wtt t h u5 hiext fc torootc cures biliousness cures biliousness cures biliousness regulates 1 the liver direct proot sni i wi trebled krrflw lo1 fcinvi tltdjotiiieilicim which liiti iie 110 good ind i v us cettiu tvore ail tbe tiuw moji 1 zia ivrdoek blood loiters aftcir tajring fool voulo i bl ti wtli i cm ilorevieiijitlor tbecttlt cures headache cures headache cures headache regulates the kidneys a prompt cor deaii snis- i tti bj vvith beauube a 1 m my bci liiy bauu mj ft swelled to icoum do co wwrt jlr mteriuuw urtvircd uie to trj- u r h with cue botuc i lull ec uuch better thit got oue more- i mh uot el aad can work is uu ev ajoctk brttaits tjscluivont cures bad blood cures bad blood cures bad blood purifies the blood had hlod uiay irisc rom tniit action of u htotfifccb liver khbn uil itoveu h h h lj itjrulutiiia aqd louing tluo or rruiotm i lie catue ainl iuoiv iict rieb blood retuoviiit h blood diseae from ft iuuiilo to ft scrtjulyu mr hlardi luumcm rr kkie lcrywberej m

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