Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1891, p. 2

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mm sour gir u w may lb wit ot jobs j unoe ot a ml jsp i may tns h m ttmw ttldi bui april ttwtteouansaeortonoeboa v oaths at may wu w junoaswoias eouieard itarthe wnhter jmrkicd hnrbnukts aoton at th resldeoeeot o ivflook wellington bmlthto ilk fctame ktsutiiam ell of aetna lt ttrm jfro f wss tattrsditm at t 1sj1 la jr notes an comments a new england yukn it betting the atckmlry bill in tbe following wiy he baa a urn part ot which ie iu vermont and a prt in cauada on ihe american aide he hit poultry loom in which hi beni lay their egga and on ihe canadian aide an hu storehousei from which hit chiajkens are od th touowingdeciiioni were made by the board ot easterns durius the month bl april brum wick green percent cocoa butter oametemd j onu per pound j cocoa tatter sweetened s oenta par pound croons composition tor buffing orpoliihiru metals 30 par cent chrome green end chrome yellow 0 per oaot chain pomp outings it parte ot pompe 15 per cent galvanised chain lor chain pnmpa ss per eeit joot- ot proceedings ot unties and ordera other than tboae provided tor by tariff item 759 j5 per cent robber backeu or chain pomps m peroeol aocka and ttockingi ot silk so per eenu tripoli composition for buffing metal so per cent underwear ot wool or wool and oottoo miied 10 ceuti a pound acd 30 per cent underwear of cotton or cotton and aok nsund 15 per cent underwear pi pure iilk 30 per oenl vene- uin red so per cent ontario legis the attendance during the closing hour as slim as at a ceneral conference tonano may 5th the alterably wai prorogned yesterday afternoon the at tendance waa tbe slimmest in the memory of the oldest official tbe only members- present beaidet the speaker were the attorney general ueaara boas hardy gibson hamilton g b smith colonel clarke juaholm h e clarke tait lienlcdlooel hamilton and judge proud- foot were abo present the lieoienant- governor to received by a guard of honor from from cv tchoot under major vidal lieut laurie and lienl evans assent was given to 1h billsand the assembly iu prorogued a short council session the parte and the cemetery receive consideration there was a email attendance at the council monday evening and very little bostneas tbe tenders for tbe pi improvements at the park were opened titer tbe council meeting and were found to be remarkably wflr in amonnt- counril met at eight oclock members present messrs pearson harill and harvey councillor pearson occupied the chair tbe finance committee presented tbe following report cc speight newspaper 1 yles e 100 wm bead coal nil 1 jjs iil5 hoved byjoo harvey seconded by geo hanll that the report just read be adopted it wis reported that about fifty shade trees in feirview cemetery are dead and will need to be replaced as gardening operations sre pretty fsr advanced it will be impossible to mors the drill shedio tbe park this spring a special wireting of tbe council will be ifdon fridaj evening at 730 oclock for tbe ma reoeptaon of the assesement roll council adjourned at 8j0 at the close of the coondl the park committeeneld a meeting for the parposepf opening the tenders received for the grad ing and other work in tbe park tbelesders wereas follows tassekbameri suso edward matlnm 1101d tbos efliott uono alter somedtscoarion tbe committee decided to notify tbe two applicants whose tenders were of equal amount to tender again a human monsters doom narcisselarocque will hang by the neck on june 4th it itosttrixil april 30 the jory were uoanimca6 yesterday in bringing in ver dict of guilty again xarciwe lrocqae for tbe brutal oatcake and murder of the two little giru in camberund county the ooart was crowded and qiere wac a hushed excitement pervading its every pre cinct the priiooer ltrocqae maintained the samp cool demeanour throaghoat tbe irial r he ha shown since his arrest and the callons indifferenoe he manifested as the whole horrible details of tbe murder of the nnfortobate ucgonigle hahea to hide the greater crime was unfolded abowad the oatore di the man in sentencing the ae- cused the judge trnthfnlly remarked that the crime was one of the most horrible that ever disgraced uus continent and said that jeihoroaghly agreed with the finding of the jury the evidence was overwhelming the prisoners lawyers made a gallant fight but w convinced were they of failure that they refdsed to call evidence ai to character the crown case was so strong that the jury wac only oat thirtyfive minntes the verdict was nnanimooa tbe judges sen- tence was extremely solemn and hu censure of the crime scathingly severe amid a stillness that was painful in its intensity he condemned the inhnman wretch to be strangled on the gallows on jane tbe 4th- after the verdict was pronounced the prisoner tnrsed deathly pale his lips quiv ered and it was thought he would break down but near the close of the sentence he braced up and finally left the conrtroom with a firm step though with a bowed iead x po gop 000x0 in cat bgirrn away to advertisfl dr coles fills we will give daily prusai for ninety days to the persons who correct ly form tbe name of a popular remedy from the letters in tke two words pole sails for um i first eai answer receiv ed each day 1500 in cwbfor the 2nd3ix for the 3rd i20o4ioo0 in all with house of commons this opening and spwch froni th throne a ahort nd disap pointing debate comments at the capital ottawa may 0all things comeclod with the opening tv parliament came off last wek as anticipated senators and mmoaer met lit their respective cham bers the latter were summoned to mcrl the dcnatygovenior sir william kitcwo in the prtaenoo of the memben ol the upper house and there they were told that they would be informed of the reasons for calling them together wbcu they had chosen a speaker the motley procession trooped back b disorder lo the green chamber and on motion of sir john mac- donald seconded by sir hector taugeviu cfaote peter white of renfrew to protido over their deliberations in bis graceful way hon wilfrid laurier as leader of the oppoaitiqn said uioe thing about the governments nomineo and when he had made a little speech of thanks the house adjourned until tire following day tux slclcii itoh tue 11hwsu at 3 oclock next afternoon the member of the house of commons were summoned again to the senate chamber wben tho governor general read the following speech hox qtvruaflix or tux senate qkxtlckxx or tux howe or coiuioxs i am iad to vcleome vou to the duties of the nut mtsioa of s new yuhurjeat vhlcli i bope il b memorable or sue deliberttioui nd or meuurei adapted to the procwa and develop meat of the dominion the t40q to which yoa ire luamlrfcd bn opaed taiitcioasir or the isdutrin of oar poople let tu liope liisvl liietr lbon insy be crorded wltii fruitful retaros from lind sod tea and that the prat reaoarcct of canada may ooatiau w ttrtud the tallsnd enterpriw ollu ahavbiuiiu cxtckuox or cjjodxi tiliml itj adviiertavailin thtuuelres of eiiportac ities wtifch trc irmcnted en the dotinc monthi of lut rear caused the fciunjnt u ol the gotrniucuu of caaaaa to join iu wuicf eqoru for lie extetuaoii and development of the trade betvreca the icepublie and tbe dominion at well u for the fricudlr adjustment ot those matterf of tn lntruatiansi character which re rnals auetued to be made lnotm t am pleased to tar that these repiecentatioai bare resulted in as aasorucc that in october oext tbe gotcrn- msntottbe united sutes triu be prrparedlo enter on a conference to coasider the best means of arrirtacal a practical elation o these important questions the papers relating to ibis object tfll be laid before you coder these drcauutanee and in the hope that the proposed conference mar result to ar- rancements beneficial to both countries you trill be called upon to consider the exjtaiiencj of eiiending for the prtsent season tbe princi pal provisions of lbepovtocol annexed to the waablnctoh treaty of lf knotrn as the modas tivendi raoreb tsxxruxxr or cxmx a disposition having been manifesto in the united kingdom to impose ou sea going ships cgsqbed in the csttie trsule incra4 safe cuavd fox life and greater restriction against improper treatment a carelol inquiry has fceea made as to the incidents of that trade u so fsr as this country u concerned while f tm ctad to learn that our shipping is tree from reproach in that regard your attention trill be inritcd to a measure which will remove all ressooshle ap prehension of abases iritiiig iu the future tu eomcectian with so fcxporuat s branch of eur co cirrs or itiirroa musdtcnox the ecrly coming into force of the imperial tktuts relating to the viceadmiixltr coorts ot the empire hss made t necessary to revix the laws in force in canada respecting our coorts of maritime yunsdictiou and s measure will there fore be laid before yon aii to reargxnixa those tribassls a code of the criminate has been prepared is order that that branch of onrjarii prudence insy be simplified and improved to which yox best atmntion is invited j measures relating to the foreshores of the dominion and to the obstruction of iu navigable wateri will be rcbmitted to yon and yoa will also be asked to consider amendments to the acta relating to the northwest territories to the exchequer court act and the acts rcjcting to trade marks qzsrizxex or tut socex or cokmoxi theaccotuitsofthepxtjearvillbefiibinitted to yea the revenue titer providing for the services to which on a it has left a lurpltu for the works which you designed t i carried ou by eipital eipeuditurc the es mates for the coming year will be laid before you at an early date bqxgzxtlkxcx ar tozzsitz ozxttxwtk or tut hocsccrooxmoxs rpray that in the consideration ol these matters and is the performance of all the labors which will devolve epos you yocr deliberations mij- bsi dlrimly- aafijaj md ronr rldcm and patriotism may enlsrgc the prceperity of the toominion and promote is etcry way the well beihg of iu people the rielute ok tux ilmu the debate on the address wlucii wa expected to have occupied the greater per- tion of the week was concluded monday aftexnoon this sudden collapse is prob ably owing to mr laoriers illness he is confined to his hotel with an attack of grippe this was in every way unexpected tlifi struggle will be resumed later on and possibly under auspices more promising ft is idle however to conceal the fact that the trace it a disappointment to some of the liberals tbe current of conversation during the past few days has pointad to a vigorous campaign the laying down of arms just as the promised battle was nicely beginning was not inspiring tuz viceilegal lctte the annual viceregal levee was held in the sextte senate chambers satarday eren- ing and was largely attended- the foot guards furnished the guard of honor and the band- the red chamber was a brilliant spectacle at 9 oclock when the reception was at its height j grouped about the dais were col gzowski a d c six- hector langevin hon mr chapleao hon c h- topper hon mr dewdney hon- mr carling and hon 2r smith the officers in attendance a score or more in number were headed by colonels prior smith macpberson and dawson major colvilie military secretary to his excellency made tbe announcements lady macdon aid was tbe central figure but sir john was not present alt the lending society people of the capital and many distinguish ed visitors from all parts of the dominion attended rohtcxe rsvoes hut young mr ffazen of st john is a child of fortune he started out on his own merits got himself made mayor of freder- icton moved to st john a year and a half ago was elected m p for that city and had the honor of moving the address he u moreover handsome and not long ago an old man a namesake left bis fortune equally between the young m p and a lady- tbe latter thobght bo well of her coheir that he insisted on his taking the whole of tefe fortune and its management with a yearly allowance to herself and thus does good fortune pareaethe young man thk pbefij arsoclitiojc deittstiosr the representatives of the canadian press association messrs pattnllo pres ton and shannon with p v ross of the qttwt journal saw mr foster and mr bowell friday morning with regard- to the reduction of duty on stereotype plate niatter from something like 125 per cent to the old rate 60 per cent the ministers said that no changes in the tariff are con yotrr answer send 25c in silver or fit irj emputed his session but they seemed stamps sot a box of dr jcolels perfect i avorawy dispoaed toward the redaction blood and liver fills sure core for siok tesvjacbe wry amsjl and do not fripal bnfflbrliicw prizes are abaolfluliw prii mooey now ob deposit ai th itraieri ilank here att open umj tbe depotatioc afterwards saw mr haggart tod aafced mm if tbe rorernmen t a rumor had nported tboiht of reimpoainjf th poata ebarjs on tiewspapera ft jpoif master mheti tbt p the bad not m aiinakfa monday thdiork c lha crown la ohwv xcry iwtined tle bcnato that senator alex ander vt woodstock bad not been ln aumidaow during two stations this renders bit scat raoait alexander who used to make tbe mwtings of the 8enu so rare a ftliow has been 111 for more than two year tiovkasonoexkiuls waiiiuxts hon mr foster laid on the table mon day a list of the governorgenerars war rant that have been iasuod alnoe lut meeting of parliament among the items is ouo of tiwoog for costs of litigation department of justice which is thought to indudo the expenses of one do in oon testing the validity of tlie manitoba school act tkmrkjunct itrrnuns there were laid on tlie table of tho house on monday and tncaday h9 petitions for a prohibitory liquor law from temperance organizations and ho different protestant churches in all parts of the dominion making about 350 petitions introduced in both houses siuoe the beginning of the session for legislation prohibiting the mano- factum and sale of intoxicating liquor a large number of petitions praying for legis lation to enforce a better observance ot tbe lords day was also introduced today i- rscucxd ixunrsmr the discussion of an increased indemnity in the ontario legislature has created great deal of quiet falje here for several sessions members on both sides of the house have been complaining that the in demnity is insufficient and that they are actually out of pocket at the end of the term they point out that the sessions are much longer now than when the indemnity was fixed at the present figure twocestrostaoe on wednesday next ccudenison will make an inquiry in the house to learn if it is the intention of the government to ap proach the imperial government with view to the establishment of a uniform twocent postage rate between ill parts of the empire mr somerville on the anmo day will ask whether it is the intention of the- government to reduce the letter postage lo two cents xkuclt ox toe txetft it is evident that the opposition are about to open an organized scries of assaults upon tb6 tariff mr molock has given notion of resolutions that landing twine and sugar be placed on the free list and mr mcmullcn gave notice today that on wednesda next lie will move that the housa resolve itself into a committee lo consider a resolution declaring that tbe duty on corn should bo removed currrxl ccicvxxrs sir david macfheraon sails for germany in a few days an opposition caucus was held the morn ing after the opening of the 213 members of the house 196 took the oath and signed the roll on opening day one of the petitions monday asked that it be declared a criminal offence to establish a private detective agency tomorrow is ascension day and there is some probability that an adjoorment will take place till next monday the first of the weekly receptions given by mesdames laurier and alexander mac- kenric will be held on saturday editor tarte intends lo open his cam paign against mcgreevy and and langtvia at the earliest possible opportunity mr mc cameron of huron mlerida introducing a bill this session to enable accused persons to give evidence on their own behalf expremier mcleod of prince edward island has been appointed legal agent for the dominion government in place of mr 4 hodgson who has been promoted fo the bench devlin the liberal who succeeds alonzo wright as tbe representative of ottawa county and la riviere the conservative from paovencher have joined their forces for a tucks on the manitoba school act and the dual language legislation they will begin by asking for copies ot all papers re ferring to them hautontaverk licenses- talk of thb day an bpltoma of th world doings purine th wk mr j b suottmll ol ohalhtra nb has baao calls to the bsnita ths alsotlou ol surj lwotmir sleotcd in hon boolia has bsen protested the royal orsuollers ot tcironu will probably visit woodstock on the 91ih tbe brasssla poitoffloe was robbed monday night in the most daring manner george forbes a wealthy yoaog water- down farmer committed suioldeon satur day wbso b p hotchluton the chicago ipeoolitor settles op he will hive s surplus ot 1500000 a oable from london lays the archbishop ot york who is suffering from influenza is said to bl dyiox it rumoured in london that the 0 sbea divorce case may be reopened at tho in- ittnoe ot the queens proctor according lo the preaideulot the cpk there is s grtster acresgo of wheat in tbe north west this lesson tbsn ever before charles d freemen grand master of the independent order of oddielloms of penn- lylvanla died friday night at philadelphia a petition hai been sled at frederlcton by c w weldon exmp for 61 john nb against the return or kings county of hon oeorge foster william murray a clerk in tho water works department of hamilton is under ar rest charged withembexzliogpublic money heis sild to be 1500 short thedominion iteamer vancouver which arrived id montreal this week and brought out a party of 40 immigrants from brittany in charge ot in benedictine roooks a itory is current in washington that baron fava wis recalled on loooani of hn miserly habits and general niggardliness information ot which recently reached rome president vsn homes special transcon tinental flyer ran from vancouver to mon treal in hi hours and 40 minutes inside of 10 years mr van home says ho will travel the same distance in 12 houra thirtyeight members have jait been admitted into knox presbyterian chnrch gait this makes the nnmberotcommuni cants over 1100 the church has consider ably the largest membership of any church in canada- irblhnds desiccated wheat t r for dyipeptio and euiyoue with weak digestion tbtit thk ibkund kati0nal food co ltd toronto i third tzar jk canada fob cliues portable foot heater over 100000 in uss in oanads and lbs united btaua the commissioners cut off tfce privilege to dispense in varlom parts of the county tbe annual meeting of tbe license missianers to grant liquor hcenses for tl current year was held st milton last week the chantptin reports their action at their last meeting as follows the license commissioners for halton met here yesterday to consider several applications for licenses which hod been held over on acoonnt of complaints having been lodged against tho spplicanfs in the followingoases the commissioners decided that good cause had been shown why licenses should bo refused and they were refused robert agriew acton l g bennett lessee of tbe clark house george town felix davlin csmpbellville i flaherty oakville and angus johnson acton itras also decided to withdraw the license of the old thompson house georgetown and to give oneto tbe station hotel tliis leaven mr e r bigger out in the cold but aa the license was taken from the house which he leased not from him he will no donbt get another on obtaining possession of a hotel that will meet the reqoinnents of the commissioners it is understood tbat be is negotiating for a lease of the clark house mr john banton of bt ann got his license the charge against him of refnsing accomodation to a traveller not being proved mr uobt beuuctt of georgetown was giveuakccnbe he had run fool of the law a conpte of times but latterly his boose had been so strictly and so well kept that there were no oomplaints against him under the circu instances the ocrnmiaaianers decided in his favor the evidence given against the applicants who were refined licenes has not yet been made pnblic but if it is proved that the decapitated ones bad violated the law by selliog daring prohibited hours selling to minors or drunken persons or by keeping disorderly bouses the action ot the oom missioners will meet with tbe approval of all lawabiding citizens of the cotmty in eluding antiprohibitionists who having bad six years ot prohibition with tbe drunkenness perjury and general demoral ization that always accompany it and knowing that ii waa brought upon them by lawbreaking hoteuteepers are as anxious to have all such driven out of their business as they were for the suppression of the scott ant sb drowned in t clstarn molomve ont hay 3rd a child be longing to bobut laniiton jr farmer waif playing about tbe yard and was not missed for a coople of hoan a search wss insti tuted and tbe obild wss tbotjd at ihe bottom of the ofstern s tim exceedingly cold weather on mori- dsy wufohowadtmtbesdsy mooring wltli qotoisjr anow aiotm ttirnnrijfc all py a r sofaradnostdu dyspepsia intense duenae suffering for 8 yea rs riy stored to perfect health frw people bare luffcrod mcrs mrtttlj trom drieisa lliaii mx e a xlcurjjtti well kiiomv greccidl staoatwi vs he ky- delore un i ras fnexeeucut bclti fas orer 500 ponuis in hat ytariuaihrri dercloiirf into atutu djsirpu aud uki i waa redaced to la pouutls saffcrfjij btmilug tensalioai in the ftonucli paiitlauoit ot the hcrt nausea and indge5tiai eoald nl ilecplttft i heart in my work bad fits of lueuacbolla hikt for day it a time i woahl bare wclcatncij deaul i became morose t alien zixl inilawf and fur efjjlit reasf life was a burden 1 tried nuntpbjtfctanjindmaiiyreqjcilict oueday a vuriuiun employed by me miggrstcd that i take f ft hoodi sufibring sia i did so and before takbg tbe wlwlc of a bottle i began to feel like a new tnanj the terrible pain lo which i bad iea sabjccttm ceased the palpitation of tbe heart subsided my stomach became easier ncmea dbup- pnred aod my entire trrstem beau to tone op with retnrnfdj rtrenjth came aetlrlty of mind and body before the fiitli bottle waa taken i had retained my former weight and natural condition i am today well and i ascribe it to takinx hood barsaparula n b if tot decide to takejhoodi sana- parflla do not be induced to buy thy other hoods sarsaparilla leldbyril gtitzfar3 rnpuwlwil sr a l hood axjreacuitt lotn kssl ioo doses one dollar 8 years in the new dropauickie pbotogrsph machine the time required lo prodace tbe pietnre is ooe ard tbreeqisrter minutea from tbe beginning of tbe operations until the complete picture no hand has touched the plate there is sn arrangement on lbs front of the esse by which tbe time of tbe developing msy be shortened or prolonged ss a darkly or licbtly printed picture u wanted tbe picture after being dropped out is taken by an attendant and dried and fitted in a neat brass case for this latter service an additional nickla is charged tbe machine is equipped vilh foar hundred small plates known to the photographic trade as argentic dry plates sod soncient chemicals for a days run 500 for a needle our home a tbirtytwo page monthly magazine devoted to bouse building borne furnishing house deoorstion fashions general literature etc is tbe best publica tion of its class in america the publish en in order to increase the circulation of tbeir magazine offer large rew ardi to tboae of tbeir subscribers or intending snbscrib- era who correctly snswer the following question wbere iu the new testament are the words a needle first found cash daily and weekly rewards given while the competition lasts tbe publish ers will give away thousands of dollars among those correctly answering tbe question tbe lesding reward belog isoo in gold bead ten oenu io stamps or silver for a sample copy of our hornet and complete roles governfog tbe competition addresi our homri pmimng co brock tills csnsda ten boon solid comfort for so invaluable for use in all sorts of vehicles in the household sod la stores sad ottoss now u lbs urns to mad in your orders writs for samples and prtoea to v- the clirje manufactuirng co 88 foi it arm toaoaro agents vvaktiid attention john arthurs t8 well pleased with the reception glrsn him a alnoe opening business in acton h will altsrs eiort himself to secure the bcatgoodsfor his customers just now clover and timothy 8eed arc ongsclugtbe sttentlou of tbe fanners arthurs is well supplied with a good stock of excellent saedi fitto bbtitltamlir groceries flour feed are given close attention and customers will and full lines of fresh goods a call is solicited john arthurs j c nelson wants to see you for he has what will suit you dry goods boots shoes and groceries a trtat 80ucitzd 8h0e social is one of thk amu8ement6 of today all the oikls go behind a screen and stick the l toes or theib shoes odt un- debneath its lowers edge free trip to limehou8e for the most popular minister in halton bring in your coupons also your want list acton 1odge no 204 i if bbt8 in tba oddfeslows hall uaubsrs m sucstwlslsyaaid vtatuas brstttrsfralwave wsleoms lattsm ol eoasu- tiuoa and ian apply to the aodmfensd or air of lbs tastnbsrs wwtlllaub bawobdbt k o bectstarj ibu8inecjiange o ashley hbbeuy latormt tb psblk tbat lie bw par- cbtmd uw laurwt of hi lit putocthr joln lmm wd wfil rontifiae the btuiuwi bl tmlt st tb old cttud oqtiomm will relt tb mioe ereql it- uotkm as id tbt p i wilt eoilmt 1i mccqdu due tb liia tm c aselbt picket wieefencdjg is s soskblnstion of pickets and wire combined mskins it inseparable darable and tbe srtecf fence on earth it deatrovs oo t do yoa want hosiery eclipse absolutely fast- the lack and fcla aud atalnlese splendid sheel toes withoot donbt tbe best cot ton hose made not high priced ei in lower lines tre show a big varioty but does it pay to boy lowpriced hose ponder on it cashmore hose we start at 25c or 5 pairs for oue dollar better lin at 85 40 55 and t5c for 55c we can trive yon a flrice lisle thread bose a for 75c iwe show a line of silk bose tbat is cheap at100 gentlemens halt bose in all the diflrrent makes cheap is the word glo no matter in what dire yonr taste tpay ron we we cau suit yon if yon want ki for spring wear oor assoit- ment runs in price from 25c to 125 per pair onr 50c- nndress- cd kid i having a big ran nothing like them tor the price- silk gloves and mitts are good baying now cold weather cannot last l 7p just in 20 dozens ladies lightweight vests our price is 12 cents or 125 per dozen the early buyer gets the bargain a r b jermyn fine spring full stock of spring goods the youno hen select their part ner8bjchalk ino theib in it1al8 on the tempting t0e8ataee- cent party some of the boys said bocomlngsuyloa low price that their best oirls gave other boys tjp8 on t 0 e8 we give the girls tips on toe8 and straight tips too low price be8t 8tyle excellent fit cqsme round and get some tips in bpring goods at williajisboot and shoe btorf acton ont millinery our millinery opening will take place on wednesday 8th april when we want to see all the ladies as we will make a grand display of fine millinery at prices that will suit all also a fine assortment of dress goods prints parasols and fancy goods every department is full of bargains henderson mcrae co hcton perfecf fenee on eartii it aestrovl oo banner and if beantjr be eonamsreis an a4- vantaie it is the neatest and baodsooist frees maiet bont lnvsst vonr money in a boar fanes wben too can asve noarlr onsbalf and tbsn bavs a better fenee s tbe end jest tir it and if notaatisfastorr send it keel snd ws will par trstibt botb ways we mean what we ssj and snreadr to stand the eonseqneneea ptios usu on sppuestlon j m dooley it co cueloh ont frank burce88 house painter paper hanger sign wnter etc is prewied to esecou orders in any of tba tborstlnss in tabest manner andatreasonabls tarns evaitlqbhavidfm7pnosaladtlob isssnrs edstomsn eomplste satisfaction oralnina tn an sfoods a ordsnwtatmr real will rsoeivapron0 attention orders mt at mr residence main st aston p notice to citizens georgetown 7 lstuelbd entries dose bid may eeatof pmse horses ellfttte entraisee fee 10 per jtble after 1st- april poor to enter three to start all races a in a nsaooapajaii spring arrivals just opened ut light overcoatings sctcoh tweed suitings cheviot and serge suitings i- latest style shaw grundy wcuelphw 7ihbrchhnt tkilors -r- to farmers and threshers pgov your aiotuntrjonly tbejweuicnowd rjonl pbblbss oil 9 onrlo mhdals awarteijtdnrlm the last three year wffleaa6rawi fcavjaifrati4hli brtoinmjn4i4rtabod fajniotullb panntn uk totbaww mthlur co toronto mt value with spring cofnesv keuy bros fine assorted stook of spring su pantlng8 and overcoatinscs onr tweed and worsteds are the finest and best that money coou bny an4 we are determined to keap thapricaa down under i thai ol obeeper goods oo every garment watnrn ont this spring wt will pat the baas ol trixamlnffs the fasas ot workman ship and guarantees pcrtaos it 8pring hats onr new spring hats hat jast come to hand and are shejleat and nobbitst in the market tuey are in mens boys aud childrens all slaaa and brina furnishings oar new stook of oaeita ties bhhru oollars and oath m sotnwthlng grand thii qin h a look i w bat marked th priossi to please yoa i i 1 4 complacibss bean made that a oofdeal rfoffeoverakbtobasbenpot into tm ap at tbe park and left extfceed to rot and beoona a aoisanee aussns ar at liberty to deport at this point asbes hranebes of trees broken brieks stones and sneb arucles iaj se- etnnnlau dnrtna tbe winter months hot sll filthy or offensive snbstsnees are 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