Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1891, p. 3

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m t caahlek i ft bank of hamilton hiitoomck bimtltoh hs6tbvbk atttciinitt qeorstowr aqehc coukcnoy made 2aua52ft s moat unutlsiua w tolnu on savings ukrautalkst diwnta rwelnsd ot m end onj4 brnctal betostts u xi watson atom the methodist church r actor rejt a qjffolb mjl phj pastor taraonajt b a canoe re- service 1030am and tjo bandar iwcr au cordially invited jaarert and visitors alrars welcome lohuve cahcrt at the door u tilling art desired tl x steward geo southwell cliaorto souuikjlt sign the blq wrtch watches clocks jewellery spectacles repaired bring vour repairing to us we will give you satisfaction open ing dp new styles in watches and jewellery remember ana call when you want sta tioner wall papers window- shades special bargains in above goods uamwt ceohykds acton the rtmt flit flrrss firrsdat si at 11 1891 x ka 1 little local brieflets which caugttt the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week the dull ifacd will be removed shortly axioms streets are dean and tidy now the rranipal officer has four cattle in p ilr win jlcpiiaif is enlarging his haa 02 maria street mr ed matthew his the contract cr the work m the pork oiivihe votes on the isth inst on a electric liht bylaw messrs- k and j holmes shipped tomevery fine cattle oa monday mr adam stewart has the frame work up for a dwelling ia cooks scrvey miltcc and georgetown are competing hard in the matter of queens birthday ceitbratioaa- by a very iarg majority georgetown people aid oa monday they wanted 100co waterworks biconubary picnic ia ilckinaoni grove on monday 23th may is to be a bigger affair than ever the lacrosse dob trill go la milton on tletfc int players are requested to at tend practice regnlariv acj1 freidrich and the kdeicoscope brigade will spend satcrday and baaasy with the saltation array doat tie your hone taa iusde tree it might injure the tree and possib- have a similar effect noon yourself mr the statham had his left collar bone broken and lead bruised by a failing timber at a barn raising at andrew hurrays erin yesterday afternoon the lecture on japan and exhibition of lime iuh views of the coaatry and peogle by eev chat tjcockinfc is in progress in the methodic chorch as we go to prek- the worksof acton tanning co have been shut dawn lor several weeks owing to the building of a nes furnace work will probably be resumed today or to morrow m c erkpatrick hs very greatly improved his house and lot since spring- opened hisoremises are now verytidyend attractive and more conviently arranged ian formerly- anon haabul one liquor license sioce tfce isi tj- tbe brs o the dominion and rvsia houses have closed siiee that date the new bartender at the campbell house was engaged jat in lime to be uncsnally osefal hjfr aaron teeter of crawsona com ers has parchased from m edw mat thews his well known stallion magrave golddait golddnst stock ii favorably known in this section and mr teeter esptcts lo do well with his neir porchaae the property recenlty perebated by mr john williams has been considerably transformed in appearance since mr williams tsok poasession the now fences and the complete renovation of the premises have improved ita appearance very much farther improvements are contemplated turn that wrapping pajerthe other tide out sid aladyin a dry goods btore ihe other afternoon as the clerk was putting up ber porchasea ia a printed warpping paper i dont want in be a walking advertiemenf to yonr store i read the local pap a iuiefi people ougbr lo do and 1 think in them is the place to advertise oar business a handsome diamond pin which was offered tome time ajjo by the xurthicatau illm of minneapolis for the moat popular miller in the state of missouri oow grace the scarf of mr joan milne of the plant milling company of thia cityan award which all admit was jast and satisfactory st lottu htpmlc mr milne is a former resident of actoo his friendi here will be pleased to learn of his wide popalaril in uia adopted state the death orltr duncan campbell lot 7 oon crsaaaagaweya on saturday removes oik of the oldel aetlera of the lownahip mr cam pbell settled in n atsa- giweya in the year 1832 on the farm upon which be died- he was one of the most respected residents of the township he left a large family of grown op sons and daashtot- he was a member of the preebytisn cbnrcli and a ataoncb betormer from early manhood tb hamilton herald says the peachcrop hu not beep seriooily im- paired by the recent froatsm r fi mppowd a niitaber of prombeus belt srower were apoken u tbu morning peoting tb dunrgemd all eiproed 0 opinioo thai the crop ontiy inzta ril xbe oojd weather that olkpeltb irrtaipr u bl mswuen iroold have been lost bad meoseootrtroog on uw day follomng ttairoat tt tuetft done was on the thnewsathme aunttoiaiiirch the merabeta of ho baptist ohnreh are o i mating for the u 0 uir old building on eio wilh vw g 0 a new chorch on willow the building present occupied m creclod in the prinf o 1m1 forty jears ago and a new bold by lqe mugrtgano wc nnderatand that mils bll ha jiudly donated bet property at the comer of mill and willow streets u a l or tho proposal new buildiug ltarid concert aclon cornet band will give their first con ihe season at the band aunda franklin souam on friday even- lug the fallowinprogramoiewinbo rtis atred i s wahillir 1 andante a walu -elmore- bouuiwoll mldlan4a gouthweu jjuwislijhairaclr j schotutcbc- c qakk marca boldiou h mcsiecar irdi o lrad iw- n iranlennold -taopl- geo southwell ihein oi saxo uio qaecn- cnses enta of the eipeusos incurred t dominion election in this n published ia detail by the respiciive candidates as by law mr hendersons general peases were fiotsp to which ia added lits personal expenses v3 making a total otfco3 mr waldica- eipeuses were hssoo wilh pertoaal expenses of s12s0o total of 56000 ii cosu kimethlng lo run an election cimpjjgn but those who know claim that the eipense of an election protest is infinitely more expensive a rainul yloanrf a fe- days ago the horse t mr john arthurs grocer met with an accident which very uearly proved fatal it was beir ridden into the stable ia the evening at daskwhen it stepped upon si rake and the splintered handle ran into the animals breast tome fourteen inches- this was not noticed uttilnext mornicg when veterinary liwtou services were called for the horse a valuable one has suffered very much and it wai at firt thought beyond recovery this week howeverit is im proving aud will in all probability get over its painful wotiiii ifan- would this do furtclcn the following ativcrtisemeut has been pal iu the bereu pijcrs aud signed by ihe mayor of lhat town whaiki boys young men or any person foani slacding oa the slrtct corner cr aloug the sidewalk oa sunday evening or any other evcuicg or during ihe dty snl passing rcmirks tt pissersbj- or irsultiug ladies or any citizen will be severely dealt with hereafter ko standing aroand on strctls or street comets will hi tllowed except auier lawful privileges and ander cni voidable circumstances and to further this object it might be well for parents to induce iheir children to aileal church and micisters load vise parents aordingly jcnox cnurcfc tnnivcrsiry the anniversary services in roiincclion with eaor church nexvsaudsy sad mon day proaiseto be more hsip usually icier estrg fev principal cava of knox college toroclo whose repetition extends from the atlantic to th ptcicc will preach morning and evening- at the cbse cf the morning service the sacrament will be dis pensed on monday evening a social tea will be giteti ia ihe town hall in connection wilh which addresses will be delivered by revs hth abraham m a burlington and a b winchester of berlin these gentlemen are excellent speakers and will ably entertain the audience in addition music will be discoursed by the choir and others fairvicw ccmetcrv- fairyiew cemetery is fast cow looking well and the planting of trees contemplated by the council will still further improve it if the premises get the care put upon it in past years this season will add much to its former beauty the annual report of the cemetery committee at xewniarfcet con tains the following clauses some of which might be adopted with profit in fairview the caretaker was instructed to see that all surplus earth from the past winter and spaog ictermects be forthwith removed a rockery to be erected in the centre of the oval space near tie pump at the entrance avenue where the two leading drives east and west intersect also to gravel the drives among other conveniences for lot owners water pails and 6prirllere were ordered for public cfe on the ground improvements flfic uclhodislchumh at a recent meeting of the consregatioa cttheilethcdist church a resolution to unacioiioofly adopej recotrunmdiait sba trustees to proceed wilh various repairs and imnroiementstotbechurch the trustees met on monday evening and decided lo commence the work at once the roof will be re shingled and painted in ihe interior the wallsand ceiling wiilbe painted and decraled the wood work and pews stained and varnished and the gallery fret work the pew ends iroh pillars and steam pipes suitably bronzed and trimmed these improvements will ad very much o jhh comfort and attraction of the sacred edifice the work is to he completed if possible by the 20th juno so that the rcopening services may be held prior lo iheremoval of rev dr giflord the trustees contemplate making the repairs to the trick worknexl seson jjicci7sfluiiifjaj queens birthday will be celebrated in grand style in milton the miiwn driving park association will hold heir annual races together wilh other sports on may 2jh- the purses are the largest ever offered in the county being about 70000 the following it a prozramrac of the days events 1030 a m junior lacrosse match streets ville vs millinfootracing climbing ereasjpole bun feed ac 130 p m lacrosse rnaieh acton vs milton opn trot or pace purse 30000 zm trot or pace pureuooo0 3 minute trot or pace purse 8000- local trot or pace parse sl00 open ronmng race jorse 16000 someotihetastestwses in canada will be at milton the lacrosse matoh between acton and milton will be very exciling as there is great rivalry between the two teams a new grand eland baa been erected for the comfort bl nsitors milton deserves the patrouage of every resident of- halloo who is a laser of eporl it a popularfashlon monthly the may number of the lldiitealor the moat complete monthly magazine of fashion aud cultni- i now iaaued thecanadifn edition beiiig identical with that published in new york and london invm os aoorrect idea of the prevailing modes of dreaa throughout the civilized world over 1200 pages of matter containing many very n- f nl and practical sogcestiona byexperienoed and practical writera all coered by tbei ajear aubacription address the mlt- ator pobliabing co ltd- toronto f- f jpne will ijt roses aniweadldaa h oon be here come to the fuse pness office and we our beautiful designs j in weddioifjcarda and jnfitations a new public school askodforby the inspector but tho tratee ngotliite forpur chbdof tho baptltt church what t peo say for some time the question of better -ac- commodfltion for tho fourth departmcut of the tiibhc bcljool has boon- agisting the minds of tho members of tho school board and cspectlw tdiioo tho letter from jilr j s ucocon county luqioctor iiublishod in the frixini a couple of wecku ago was rcccivocl the eubjcct occupictl the aticihiuu of tho members at their meeting on monday even id mr harding occupied the chair and messrs g hynds i francis james matthews and james mclam were present the following letter from the inspector in answer to one from the secretary of the board was road dju bui your aver of tuli inil ia rocctved i 6cnd you by lliis uiaul ibook ou iebcxl archl tcctaro i would rocotumond design 6041 or 0iix your liotjd could croct iwoifooau fint coo lc 111 i running them ap two atcreyj bat ftavinfi uic upper itorcj- unflnlibed ybca tlicy uh to ibmdou the prcuul bulldiog tbe tvo storty iddition in roar could bo buuttliu fonu- uig a neat and couycnloat building of aix roouit about 25i36 is larjc cnouglr or each claw room 15 ft wiling tberc should be abuudanco of bgbtand only on the left side of tbe pupllt the beating and tontiuucm should be carofully conaidcrod u might b well lo idvertiw for plans of a eixrootuod buildlc voarobodlont servaoi mutoo may 8ui lil the board decided to meet ou the school grounds ou thursday evening at 7 oclock to inspect the premises and consult as to what course was best to pursue the board then adjoarncd alter the adjournment it vras reported in the council clm ruber jiat the baptist cou gregation were anuocs to dispose of their church with a view to the erection of a new building the matter was talked aver by the mem- bert who remained in the chamber and chairman harding culled a meeting of the board for the following day at noon the pxceodujgy at tuesdays meeting were as follows member all prescut the chamnaii esplaiued the object of the meeting and that the board hid in view the purchase of the bzptist cliarclifara school room he did uot feci justified in taking bteps for the erection of a uctt school and thought tiny was the hot ctwrisc the burd couljihake at present iseenvl mcuibtxi had examined uic premise muu- daiy night i the following rcvjlutiuu was then intro duced mol by utjige ifyudn bcccndcd by james matthews that owing tq the oer- crowded ttute of the foartli dcvrtntciit in its present roous aud also to the letter of the intpsctor as read at a previous meeting calling the attention c the trustees lo the unquestionable cenditiju of tvuddciiartnicnt and urging the board to make an iuimedutc change be it therefore rcaolved hut the board parchi- tbe property knawu aa the biptist church tiluated an elgin street the isum to b jtaid fur said property to be five hundred dollan and lhat the chair man and tocretary be authorued to make- all necessary arrangements for the trans- fer of said property to the school board the fallowing discassioa arose mu hvii the majority of the board have inspected the property named and think it suitable in every respect mi sungcth- the church property is small ut the renral of the drill thed would give more gruuud hi himt no thtru is no play ground buttjiis will be remedied as soon aa the drill shed is removed the council wjald no doubt hand over the property vacatcil to uf i think it is a good invest ment and whatever f ctaie action the board may take there will be no difficulty iu dis- oiicg of the property ata god figure mn ftias i tlunk it a great mistake to buy this old church property and say plainly i am not in favor of the line pro posed in the motion old buildings ire continually in need of repair it may be a good business transaction hut i cant see it the departments of the public school should be all together where the head master can give proper supervision i will not lend myself to this bcbeinc- mi hvnis lagrte that all departments thould be together we cannot however hare them together just now the three departments are too good to tear down now perhaps in some future day we may be in a better position to build a good school mifuancts we will never be in a better position than we are today ma- mittiiews xo site in town is eqcal to that cow occupied by the main rcbocl bet we cacld not very well belli a part cf new school tcildicg at a time to look well mc hwi we might spend t uc00 now on new rooms at the old school bat this hailding will only cost 500 nod the only extra erpeuse will be for blackboards platform and anew fence the interior is eat and clean i am satisfied tbe council will not stand in the way of allowing the drill shed site for a playground the chairman then called for the vcte and it was declared carried- since the action of the board became known several property owners iu the vicinity of proposed new school room called on the fuel fis to express their views of the boards action iu order lhat a free expression from those interested miht bs obtained all tho property owner in tho vicinity have been interviewed they speak as followsj w h stoexv when i heard of tho action of the school board iu proposing the parchase of the old baptist church for a school room i was thunderstruck that they shoald do such a thing without con- sultaliou of he ratepayers as i think the law requires seems strange but to place t school in tho midst of a bt of residences to the annoyance of many citizeus is totally uncalled for to say noihingof the question able business foresight of parchasiog an old building like that for the parpoae designed we have ample school grounds in an isolat ed sitoaiion and there any lurlhor school accommodation neceswiry should be pro vided i do not want to aay very much on the subject at this time but i am afraid if tba board goes on wih their negotiations they will cet into trouble petes mcxau says i think it ianot a proper place for a school we have a school site of two acres bought yews ago and fotended for all our school buildings tbe baptist church is not a so it able build ing it ii old and cold if used for a school would need a foundation the cost of building oa the school groaads would i think be less tljan tbe cost of theoldcharch with tbe repairs added c t hnx i am entirely against the proposal of the sohool board to pnfcbase the baptist ebujeh for a school room i consider it would be ia annoyance to as i dout thinfc it wise lo buy an old building when a new and better one can be pair up for about what it would cost where there is plenty of nxnniortb the street v jijiwe comxtt l averyfoouab idea the luilding is old and a wftool there would be an annoyance to rany the school kroundi are isolated and thcro fi plenty of room there i thtuk it a very unbusinesslike move when the town it in pottectton of pltnty of ground to buy this properly when with a aliflhtly increased cost a new room or even two could bo built beside the old school autx sewhd i have for years been try- log to have the drill abed removed and now that there li a prospect of removal to put a school at my back door is a monstrous actiou 1 see no reason for the establish- moot of such an aunoyance there wheu wo have good largo krotiqdf properly isolated i will not submit quietly to this matter but will take legal steps to prevent it if tbe sohool board proccoaiwilh their proposal mas aiuu dicxbox x think the school would bo muob better with the other on tbe old site have no objection to tho presence of the children bat there is not enough ground for them except on the street it is a poor place though for a school i would not however say a word to hinder the sale of the building by my baptist friends jiuia fiiastiiiiook i think it would be quite an annoyance to the residents of the vicinity and the cost is unwarrantable there woald be a capital outlay of at least 1000 i understand the council can get 250 for the lot to be vaoated bv the drill shsd and the repairs to building and putting up fence would add at least another 250 and we would have anoldluildiu after ail acton baabat a mioimum debenture debt and i think as the matu school building is aboujrready for superannuation the trustees should have plana prepared with a view iu the near future of hiving all departments iu one building put up accommodation for one or two rooms now and complete when required the board has no doubt inadvertently overlooked the following clauses of the school act and regulations in his matter clause i oi the regulations says the awa of the school site should be not less thin half an acre in extent aud if uie school population exceeds seventy five the area thould be one acre seclida gl of the public schoou act which seems to apply in this case tays before any step are taken by the trustees for securing a new school site on which to erect a new school house they ehill call a special meeting of the ratepayers of the section cousider the silo proposed and no change of school sile shall be made with out the contknt of 15c majority of such meetios coming and going visitors to and from acton and various other personal notes ith mis k freelanj ecut suuday friends in milton mr bob i breunau of toronto visited friends in acton this weefc mrs white of east saginaw returned home last week after a few- wcekd visit with friends ia acton and vicinity mr thomas t moore and miss minnie kelson attended the teachers convention at milton last week mr arthur smith of toronto is fpeoding a week or so at fainicw place he will tafcua trip to the pacific coast shortly mr and mrs d henderson m p rolaraed home from the capital on tburt- day mr henderson returned ou saturday morning mrs abram matthews who has boeu in toronto and dandas for some monlbvis spending a few weeks amoog her friends in actoa ilev c e wliitcouih rector of st matthews church hamiltou is off for a three mouths visit to hishitivogiouoestcr tlngland mr thomas hasten wu taken suddenly ill hut thursday evening and is slowly recoveriujj his trouble is tid to have been a slght attack of apoplexy ikv dr gifford has been honored by an appointment lo deliver his lecture on the mammoth cave before conference while in annual session at berlin next mouth knox church stratford has exteadejl a uuanimiauscalllobevm l- leitch elonu a stipend of 2000 a year and a months vacatioocach year was cttcred the minis ter to fed his own bouse miss agnes koox be of si marys has been offered and has accepted the chair of elocution of the toronto university miss knot enters upon duties at the opening of the- fall term september next tbe lecture room of the young mens christian association building was crowded to the doors sunday afternoon with young mea kev t albecc moore give a cipital address on drialuck he described u as the mammoth evil and his warning voire impressed all who heard him he will speak next sunday afternoon en impurity hamilton tnuct conflagration at alltston five or six blocks of stores and many dwellings destroyed gentlemexi order your spring suit and overcoat froraj r e nelson ouslph new spring suitings new spring pvercoatingsl f air immense range of cnoico new pantings from 4 to2 per pair a special genuine pare worsted black panting at 5 per pair my specially perfectfitting 4 pants to order satisfaction assured ii e nelson fashionable clotliler 99 upperwjndham st guelph t a masons n ew g th acton t a masou bet to inform the people acton and sorroundiuji country that he has jmt opened out a new and choice block of groceries etc aud hopes lo merit a liberal shire of public patrousce by keeping goods lhat will suit the people and selling at close price mymotlo will be small profits aud qaiok returns farmer i produce such as butter kygs etc taken iu exchange special vilue iu teas a trial order is respectfully solicited hopiug to have the pleasure of a call i am your obedient servaul t a masok actou april 7th iu i v r dressmaking wc arc kad to auuouncu the returned the popular manager of our dressmaking department miss lennox tho many customers who so kindly held their orders awaiting her return will alio da pleased we are prepared to execute all orders quick ly and in our customary excellent style this is one of the iraportaut departments to you u well as to us we never attempt to do anything but brat class work and on the most reasonable terms our stock of dress materials stands unrivalled for variety and rcneral excellence hardly a new thing lut you will find it on oar 1 he i res 61 me remark applies to dress trimrainfis in shortvou will uot find a more attractive stock o materials nor yet as good work for as little money in any city dry goods hoase that we know of we invite your patronage axiafttox may 9 what was at daybreak yesterday moraine a ihrivicg village of 1600 inhabitants in simcc county is now 1 smouldering mass of ruins a fire which originated in the stables of the queens hotel aud which quickly spread in all directions having completely destroyed the village when the flames were subdued after five hours of stubborn figbtiug live or sixblockfl of baildings together wilh four hotels a bank foundry and dozens of dwellings had boeu destroyed tho mayor telegraphed early in the day for assistance to barrie the coauty town 21 miles northeast of here but the eogine was out of repair the collingwood bri gade promptly answered the call for help aud assisted the local department in extin guishing the flames the town presents a desolate appearance telephone telegraph and electric light wires being strewn ail over the street together with a large quan tity of goodattc the principal buildiugs destroyed were the post office the bank of hamilton oddfellows ball obriens morrows aud nolans hotels the revere houstr tho large brickblock owned by t m brown the market house and town and fire halls the skating rink tbe fine brick block occupied by m- jdoyle tailor aitken sons ironfoandry and a score of stores and dwellings aujbtox may 11 the loss from the great fire is estimated at from 450000 to oooooo with total insurances of about 110000 not a dry goods nor grocery store is left in the town the number of buildings destroyed is put at iso moatly plaom of business nooe of the elinrcbes were baraed but every hotel and hall was wiped oot the government will likely be aaked for assistance ask your druggist for dr august kbenigi hamburg drops for the blood field corn by tbe bushel hungarisn rjftilet and all kind 0 seeds at john autucw flour and feed store acton xi you want first class gnelpb sash and doors at qwlpu vl t ewaub ill jour order at hi plauinjf will millinery our show rooms arc a great attraction just now daily arrivals of novelties keep up tbe appearance goods are going out fast and coming iu just a fast novelties abound on every hand- our large staff is busy executing orders and all our custom ers are delighted with ur efforts in spring wraps and visiles we are showing a very uice imported ike just opened they are splendid values you would ex- pect the price to be much higher than we ask foe them taliasols and sen uabksllls- hsudrodj of them nicely gotten up aud at very moderate prices please see them cents clothinc furnishings tbi brancli of oar business is iocreasinr very fast first class material correct styles faaltlesa work aud tery moderate pricce characterize our ordered clothing a saiinfi of five doiiara on a bait of clothes is an item tlifl you cando witb as the newest style in hals just opened gloves ties socks braces bhirte uoderwear waterproof coata umbrellas etc yoa will find in very crest variety our goodi are fresh and uice aud we solicit your favors in thia department cash v the one great iducernet we present to you is that as we do not eell on credit we give you the very closest prices for cash you gel the full benefit which ready money will bring we resolutely and positively will not sell on credit you can boy cheap for cash from us if we seem to be inflex ible in this to anyone we can only say that such is our rule aod by it we stand ao- eomroodatiug in everything else but firm as a rock in our adherence to tba principle of cash we owe it to our customers as well as onrelves and cash paying cus tomers realize the gret benefits we offer them e r b0llert co 25 27 lower wyndham st guelph tsluetts pure powdered s oar carpet stock for the spring of 18g1 is now complete our buyer tore this department specially in mind last winter with the result that nearly every grade and variety of carpet now produced in europe or america is ablyrcprescnted in oar carpot show room the largest fn guelph great delicacy of coloring aud pattern diaruclcnzes the new designs iu brussels and tapestry while the new ingrains are particularly rich and handsome in figuring and shades we are also showing some very handsome wilton caipcts as well as smyrna and velvet rugs art squares hemp and stmr carpet china mattiug oil clotbs linoleums ice ic it is our intention to make oor transactions in carpets this spring a pleasant memory to carpet buyers and we have marked these goods at prices that will ensure this when to the largest stock in the city we add the additional attraction- ot specially low prices wo feel that the saccess with which the carpot trade has already opened with us will be sustained throughout the season 1 g b ryan c3t co guelph business in full swing in eery department a of the golden lion millinery our millinery opening was a grand sue- 1 cess but now that it is over wo expect the ladies to feel as free lo come in and inspect i it as they did last week we did not intend to say anylhingeulogistic of our display but 1 since some oue la accused of iodalging in j bombut and enthusiastic selfpraise to i save tbe reputation of tho accuser we will just repeat what we heard from scores of i ladies last week that our millinery is by far the finest iu the city and what we con- aider equally high praiw very much the chepeetx we expect folly as large a crowd this j week as last carpets great line of tapestry car pet over 50 1icces worth from ck to poc lo be clearodal 50 cents the greatest llargalt ever offered iu tapestry carpet iu tbe city union caklet 30c op all wool 70c up brussels 90c op lace cukta1ns akd iolk com- plete h0o all the vice new cartaiu goods iu great variety dout fail to 6eo lbcin clothing our ordered clothing department has begun to boon aud with the adveut ol fine spriog weather we expect a still greater rush we would advise young men wantiug suits to order them as early an possible we are offering a special 1900 suit op scotch tweed got apin the very best stylo with the finest trimmings walk btltinjs also special vakit att1000 fine 11a1k line aud fancy stklpji bants very special at 500 1 j d wiluamson co 5 and 7 wyndham stauelph 84 oswald st glasgow nineteen packages new coods aitiyed at the right house this week cokblstlxg of 5 cases ladies and misses hats i casr c isels 1 case beaotifol chenile curtains imbe very latest french styles 1 case ladies cotton undervesu 1 case lioeu collar 1 package dress bhielda 1 packaijei bilk cnrdi i and braid lease french 8atiu 1 case cashmere hose 1 case white shirtine 3 bales grey cotton 1 bale carpet warp kid gloves hair and clothes brashes tennis flenneli silk nets beaded trimmings flower drea buttons hair pius striped skirtings silk girdlea dress goods navy cheviot drees clothes ladies belts conet laoea undressed moshoetaire aud spnns button kid gloves ladies print and chali blouses a lot of damaged linen handkerchief for ladiea and gentlemen at about half prioes children nice handkerchiefa it only 2 cents each genta black cashmere socks sc or three pair for u blank balbriggan and liale hose in children sizes reduced to abont half prices ladies jenej marked down from 3 to ljo from 1275 to l50 from sjl0 to tsc macnifioqt stock of parmols and umbrellas very cheap union 1lanoell denims ticktnfil canton flanuela ginsnama shirtings and towela extra good value ladies- heajy etkeet jekseys just suitable for travelling or for the seaside are marked down from js60 to ii iom s to ladies about to travel should call early hokevcomb as p other styles or knitted toap8 storm collars and babies knitted woolen caps very caeap the callpeth ol ajl kint1r linoleums floor oilcloths window shades poles cornices brass window fixings etc 7are aw tok tissorted and are offering at extemelv low prices for such oood qualities railway rugs warm flannels and comfortable underwear for lathes misses childben cents and boys travelers should see these goods an abundance of the latest styles of silks from 25c up to 1250 ladies dresses hats and btfnnets blankets at a big redaction mantles bloaies collarettea etc are great bargains jietsee ihe shirlmcs tickings cottooadcs flannelettes and cricketing flauneli they are much below market value an eicellent five year mare for salecheap i lease enter the right house at the board fence ou the corner of king street east and hughson streets hamilton mayth 1891 thq3yts o wjntkii2srs ceorcetown summer i underclotlring atouikioaui jo panda ft uxk y all twrnisl vfwnma y spring icagesi in the georgetown driving park on j mry25th haces oreeu trot and pace purse m0 ute358nd133nlim0 3mlnatetjotan4paee parse lto 1st set sad 15 3rdli 145 trot onlyl i rnrae 125 utmtodearfbao io fwfrforalt trot pace putso ftaoof 1st 8us tod ew 3rd fas entries cloae 23rd may entrance fee 10 par sent of purse horses eliglblo after lt april foot to eater three to atert au rases a ha j a horae djstanctnj the fieu or amr part toereof toreobiafiratmsney only all eutriea to be todreaaed to the secretary and none will be re- salved nnleaa accompanied with en traces fees ajirniaalonlo park boots cantagea25cts bxtra oouatrrrebiwh knaia slaiantj w h ttuwarn beereury w luaciit o u ubio joalanbab i silk balbriggan and the natural wool ktt silts trom 34 to 44 hreait afeasere shaw grundy t guelph merchhnt thilors td farmers and threshers ubbonvourmaohmervonly the weutadwri ii 2j iffflyi ipeepvless oil 1 i 0norli medals arded itdnringthelaattoreea wargojd horse powers theeooila aressedand highly recommended ft themod wargo farm onelpn parmora ask for them use uoothor ode v manulaotured at qui 1 1 oltj oil work i by samuel rocers st co toronto i ir

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