Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1891, p. 4

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jw vs m thvdatuay 111891 4bcoungjfolka wa at asb w utochltxwu tommy ft inum very dj a homily aimpu wtnald8 ibis wf nowytwntay jxm ttastav and tommy yon m ait 11 attdttnnmjtopoaantc yob1i kid npun4ait and dooot ro swhaminf or yon u pet wet and do not go failing ot yoau upmt and do not po vrolitnc youll ihetuw roat booctk a6ddottqfchttlwns aoall tmit on the stooav and do not be vlifttilng youre not 4 mere wrd and good little children a men and not heard valch tommy on hearing xclaitni dear wc what can a boy do and b cans bay tr about a boy just above the wharves of gutegow on uw banks of tbe clyde there once lived a factory boy whom i will call davie at thage ot fen he entered a cotton factory as a piece he wat employed from su oclock in the morning till eight at ingot his parent vn very poor and he well knew that his mutt be aboybood of very hard labor bat then and there in chat boning factory he resolved that he would obtain an education and become an intelligent and useful man with his very first week wagea he purchased raddiman rudi ments o latin he then entered an corning achbol which met between the boors of eight and ten he paid the expenses of his instruc tion oot of his own hard earnings at tbe age of sixteen he coold road vir gil and horace as readily as the popils of tbe kngtiib grammar schools he next began a conrse of self instrnc tion he had been advanced in the factory from piecer to a spinningjenny he brought hii hooka to the factory and placing one ohthem in the jenny with the on before him he divided his atten tion between the vanning of the spindles and the rudiments of knowledge he entered glasgow university he knew he most work his way bat be also knew the power of resolution and he- was willing to makeaunostany sacrifice togain the end he worked at cotton spinning in the lived frugally and applied his his college stndies in the winter he completed the allotted coarse and at the dose was able to say with praiseworthy pride- i have never had a farthing that t did not earn that box was dr david livingstone notes here and there itmt of otnrt intstrott to fr prs rd ttmurlthettme- 8ey many po mm and women whoavem ovfrotkei ot im dtmllutd by olng ot ecesor climate ot life k jou wau read the hundred letters praising hood semparilla hlch w nm pp bom ii bit restored to hmlth on would b cootlneed ot it merits aa tliu ii impossible why not try hoods bartaper ilia yonreelt and thoa resltse its benefit t it still tow o4 build on 6t system give yon a good appetite overcome lb t tired eelingind make yon tscl n 0110 womin expwmtd it like nest crettore thit otot t pretty prominent on the bill boitdt nmtrked the gtimt tt the hotel vet bnt vety obtcare on the boud bill replied ihe lindlotd when yon notice uuplcuint tenntiom titer eating it ooce commence the ate ot northrop lymmi yereuble discoforji nd yoar dyipepi will dippor mr jimea sunely menhiut it cooiuuce riteimy wilo hu tikco lo botllei ot korthrop lymini vecctible litovery tor dytpepfii and il iiu done bet more good thin iaj thinfi ihe li ever uod k editors table in its hiy namber the hethodist jtai ziac cootinoef to gire namber of article of gpteiii inferen in connectiori with the llethodist cpaientaal one of these is tn oooont of i recent riiit to epvorth the crmdle of methodiim by the eeril k baiter ba with ten engnringi of the old town rectory and cbarch mr berey h rosshoh who inherit mach of hii fatheri eloqaenee of diction writes graphic aocoont of kapoleona eiile atstheiena with nnmeroas eneraringa ber geo j bond be jprea an illustrated account of a recent risit to ephesos and hia explor ations of the rninof the funonxtempbiof diana aaother a beaatifolly illas- trateil describes the qoaint old city of znrich and thi prebistoric p3 dweltingi of switzerland dr daniel curke saperintendentpf the asylam for the insane oontrihdtes an interesting paper on u popalar deloaumtahont insanity and insane mr thomas thompson gives a r narrative sketch of graphic fidelity of an ofsahioned lovefeast iand other experi ences of early methodism in toronto and the bev geo bond tells a thrilling story of thecasuway of fish bock john hihertonr fascinating itcry all be knew is cotrlimied these centennial umbels of ilagcru ahoold be in every methodist sunday scbool pole scllls 4 in cash given away to advertise dr coles pflla we will give daily prizes for ninety days to tbe persons who correct ly form tbe name of a popular remedy from the letters in the two words erie scills for the first correct answer receiv ed each day 1300 in cash tor thitrznd 1300 for the 3rd i00 vlooo in sll with voor answer send 23c- in silver or 27c- in stamps for a box of dr coles f erfect blood and liver- pills snre core for sick headache very small and do not ripe bemember these prizes are absolutely free prize money now on deposit at the traders bank here contest opens may t1891 try it- kmiefthamibtxtfa oj orillia ont canada inbedrat ofbl if there is any pinjnore excrnciaiing thin sciatica it it yet to be found and such most have been the experience of mr d c simons who writes from lowvfllg v 1 u s a rebrnary2 1889 and t says rsoflered six mocthswith sciatica in the bip was cdnflhed to bed three months used cratches six weeks i used three bottles of st jacobs oil sod wss cored have had oo return of pain in four years every spring bays one of the beat housewives in kew england we feel tbeneceesity of taking a good medicine to pteify the blood and we all uie hoods saraaparilla it keeps tbe children from humors my husband says it gives him f good appetite and for myself i am snre i could never do all my work if it was not for this splendid medi cine it makes me feel strong and cheer- fnl and i am never troubled with headache or that tired feeling as i used to be smyth why do yon sty that there is no field for the desks new periodical tompkins be snnounces in tbe initial somber that it will he devoted to honest politics hany men many minds but all men and all minds agree as to the merits of burdock fills small and sugar-coated- gaoden ctisngm a cold or exposure may cause the pois onous acids in the blood io clog iu cir culation this is bbemnatism clarlfs lightning liniment will stop tbe pein at ooce it abosjd be taken both internally tod externally if tbe awrk is severe and it affords intunt relief if ibe pain appears again it should be met with the tame treatment until a cure is effected this wooderfnl preparation has worked aome remarkable enresamong stbeumtitic hifferers where race tried it is always used after bold by ioijjrtiaiws price fifty east curk cbegejieriroito xew tort fj0 iv- ilsul 8aiv bart attd falnles what a wotld ot meaning ibis staumtn tmbodie jnt what you an looking for t 11 dot f putnams pnlwi ooru tio brthe sreat sutpop oorn care scu in this y h mskes uo sore tyt tale acts speedily and with c6rlaiiiy turt and mildly without lull iming iho parts palnlesty do not be impoitd upon by tmltallotsv nr suullatcs day tbe spirit mtdfuml saw last night bd a vroujetful aflluitv tor the other medium wooks whal othst mma ium wooks whal other med- day the clrcnlaiioa medium scycit olid cttttll worthy of coondetim those wlw have nsed it praiw it i mrs geprge ward writes from josepluae oot concerniuj ilsgyardi yellow oil as a sore core for chapped hands i welling sort throat etc i recommend hagysrds yellow oil to ill there goes a brotherinlaw ot mine didnt know joa had any u yes the girl he married- promised to be a sister to quite a number of us fellows owing to the unprecedented demand for piste glass it has advanced consiberahlvmn pnoe mews mccauiland it son tor onto fortunately made a contract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus enabled to offer theic patrons this season a very decided advantage in price the quality being ia perior to any ever previously imported a common orifin- ah ikin diseafeaof whatsoever name or natare are caused by impure blood bar- dock blood bitters is a natural foe to im part blood removing all foul humor from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous ore the woman that talks about her neigh bors is no worse thin the one who listens sickles anticonsumptive syrup is combination of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wopderf ul influence in curing pulmonary consumption and all other diseases ot the lungs chest and throat it promotes a free and easy- ezpector ation and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and affections ot the chest attended with weakness of the digestive organs or with general debility seem to vanish ander iu use xo other remedy acts so readily in allaying inflammation or breaking up a severe cold even the most obstinate cough ii overcome by its penetrating and healing properties when children are affected with coughs colds inflammation of the lungs croup quinsey and sore threat this syrup u of vast importance the number ot deathi among children from these diseases is truly alarm inff it is so palatable that a child will not refuse it and is put at such a price that wilt not exclude the poor from il benefits im going to wnle an immortal poem whats your receipt f indelible ink on asbestos paper from the tachlc cfcast- we quote from a letter recently received from misi eleanor pope port haney bc tor sore throat coughs croup bruises etc hagyards yellow oil is the best thing i ever used when you begin to argie with a man and he talks load walk oa and leave him ton cant convert him a successful combination the success ful combination of the six oils composing dr thomas eclcctric oil is a genuine triumph ot chemistry whether applied externally for the relief of pain or to allay inflammation or taken internally to remedy a cough it is speedily and entirely effective one dowix battles of the best known blood eemedy will cot work inch a change in a case of cat arrh as one pacitipe of clerks catarrh cure all the vise talk about catarrh being a constiiuiistiil or blood disease depends entirely upon that the advertiser has to sell if yon have catarrh in any form try clarkv catarrh core and you need not take a cartload of it before any benefit is derived druggists keep it and recommend it price 50 araii sent to any address by clark chemical co toronto kew york girls are but weak creatures hat the most ethereal of them can throw a man overwiih tbe greatest of rase mxfisbfi- c c eichuiiis fc co gextlekex inplaymgtennisi wrench ed my ankle causing me much suffering and inconvience bat by using hixabds limment i was not- confined to the house a single day after a fw days i wu able io continue training for the sports at the halifax carnival for which i bad entered f coujjsox yarmouth instructor y a a c children cry for pitchers castoria when b2r nf tick we tare her ctwtori wben she was a child she cried tor castcria when she became kiss she clung to castdrfa when shehad children she ra them cast oris almost everybody in this unselfish world takes a keen interest ia having his neigh bor keep their back yards clean holloways corn cure is the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts and only coats the small sum of twenty five cents diui sin my mother was ittioked with a very severe cold aud cough she resolved to try halyards pectoral balaam lud on ia doing found it did her more good than any her medicine sb ever tried mkrkisskiv llmiltouont l m mirkhcll west jeddoio n8 writes- with to inform you ot thflwon derful qualities of drthomasecleclricoil i hid a hone so ume that ha could scarcely walk the trouble uat iu the knee and two or thrco appliauoni completely cured him ethel u isnt your friend higbsky i uushiar george yes how did you find it out ethel while 1 was with him in thtf couserv story he acted like a bear j ji it fih springi millinery f for infants and children castsrlaeorss oolleoobstinsae fbtomsch eour ihomaca dtarrhosi zrucutiod kills wordsttiris sleep ant prodotsi dt caslorl a u u ret adapted to chfldren that t rtoommcnl lias superior to any prescrlpttoa known to me b a aacxia il d i ration 111 so oxford st drooklrn h y without injurious medication taa ctxrica ooaun tt uumj stnet x t ainulcdnj k miculc aday devoted totalling a doze ot burdock blood billets will core any cise ot coutiphiod dyspepsia blliouiness or bad blood and may save woelu ot sick ness and dollars o loss theto ia nothing belter than bbb wilhout removiilvcnlaiau what tfme it it weeks weeks sorry old fellow bat cr watch it run down wentram yes i well dont let it rnn out ilcfori slartluf on a journey place a bottle ot clarks lignining linimeut in your satchel a ew drops in niter will prevent sickness or pain from chairce ot water it is better than spirits or bitters ss a stimulant aliners and lumbermen ihoold always be provided wifai it all druggists sell it price fifty ceuu ii the drnggivt has not got itask him to cct it for yon it will pay yon to wtit clarkchemical co toroulo kew york ngrowlnff nails a positive and permanent cure for in- growing kails no pain sent post paid for 15c stamps or silver address hoirc erratic co ouiiu oxt the third pace of the toronto dtiif ifait is noted for want advertisements u yon want to bey or tell anything ii yon want a situation a mechanic a bast ness machinery lodgings if you have lost or ound anything or if yon wsnt to find ont where anyone is advertise in tbe to ronto daily mail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is twocents a word each in sertion address tic mail toronto can ada greafreheijl diamond vera cura cubes dyspepsia and indigestion if yon cannot get diamond vera cora from yocr druggist send 25c for sample bcr to canadian depot 44 and 46 lombard st toronto ont dont feel well and yet yon are not sick enoagh to consult a doctor or yon refrain from 60 doing for fear yon will alann yourselt and friends we will tell yon jest what yon need j it is hoods simpariila which will lift you ont of that uncertain uncomfortable danger oua condition into a state ot good health confidence and cheerfulness youve no idea how potent ibis peculiar medicine is in cases like yours hogs pot west sell st five cents a pound uve weight at tins rate the market price ot the man who sits crosslegged in tbe gtreet car would sbout 850 7f100 fa gold fori wife we will give to the first person telling us before juce 1st 18jl where in thebible the word wife is first foond 10000 in gold to the neit sm 00 to the thitd 2i00 to the fourth s2000 to the fifth 1500 to the siltb 10 to tbe next 25 15 each to the neit is 12 each to tbe person sending in the last correct answer we will give 100 in gold to the next to the last 50 and so on same as from the first with yoar answer send 25 cts in silver or 27 cts in stamps for t box of dr coles blood sod liver tills the best blood liver and stomach fill ever made sure cure forsick headache dont gripe bemember the presents are absolutely free being given away to advertise dr cole per fect pills and family remedies at tbe close ot the contest the names and addresses of all the prize winners will be published vy refer yon to the the traders bsnk of orilla send at qdcc aud be first address home specific co orillia oot lardine has become famous as the great machine oil of canada it is made by mccoll bros jco toronto moolls cylinder oil needs only to be be used to be appreciated try it get only the genuine beware of those who imitate lardine latest style best value with spring comes kelly bros fine assorted stock of s pantings and overcoatings oartnecdtand wontodf arflhflfinei and betbit mooey coald bay and we an determined to keep tbe prices down under thai ot cheaper gooda oo every garment we tarn oat tins jpring at will pat tbe best o trimming the best of workman ship aud guarantee a perfect fit spring hats ocr nen- spring hati bare jan come to hand and are tbe best and nobbiest in be market tbey are in mens boyi and children all bixea and price furnishings ocr uew clock of gents ties shiru col j in and catti arc something grand this season give us a look as vn hare marked the prices to peise you kelly bros stubborn children readily lake dr lows worm syrop it plesses ilc child snd destroys the worms miss simmit i heard today that alias dizzys hair came down to her feet hits palisade what did shsvcet it so long far if yon want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto wtdly mail thit paper reaches 100000 farmers homes erexy weelr and yoar advertisement shoold meet theeye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class ac in serted in the toronto ittclltr mail foij fire cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada spring arriyal piles a positive core thonsandr of testimon ials no purjje ko suppository sent post paid for 27 cts in stamps address home specific co orillia ont it is sad to see familyrelics sold at anc- tionbni the most piinfalthior under the hammer is generally your thambuail laas siflingi when ihe breath is tainted by catarrh it is an evidence that the disease has progressed to the throat perhaps to the larynx and the bronchial tnbes these are only stations on tbe road to the longs when catarrh has progressed snd attacked the longs there can only be one result consumptioji and death clarks catarrh core will arrest tbe disease at any point before the lungs are seriously affected it costs 0 cents ot druggists or sent to any address on receipt of price clark chemical co torooto kew york for a thorough and speedy core of all blood diseases and eruptions of the skin take northrop i lymans vegetable dis covery mrs b forbes detroit had a running sore on her leg for a long time etnmenced using northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and she is now com pletely eared her hasband thinks there is nothing equal to it for ague or any low fever k ia at the mammoth house georgetown directly and indirectly kidney corctplafnt dropsy and similar trouble depend dirrdly on wrong action of tbe kidneys and indirectly on bad blood burdock blood bitters regulates the action of the kidneys and cleanse tbe blood from ell impurities in this way coring kidney complaint dropsy etc i as an aid to internal remedies for skin dieesses dr lows bulphor sosp prove very valuable j aiasnrs uwlatrtii ier ante every frr tuns beaedr forcstarrh is the best easiest to rio and cbeapot catarrh u by draggle 1 or scat by mahyicei j e t batcliiod ytsitcn pa tjsrj fbdifilimwsaiiejvlasb nlmnle lisriamit rer sale everrwkere great spring arrivals of dress goods bilks millinery mantles faucy goods staples prints sateens a beautiful lot of fancy salcens- fast colors for 12 jc worth 18c sateens cannot be distinguished from silks and our prinfs excel in design price and quality having bought oar cottons shirtings cottonades tickings and denims before the recent rise we are enabled to offer them at the present wholesale it prices carpets oilcloths rugs and curtains cheap and in large variety gents and boys readymade clothing in great profusion and very low prices onr suitisgs sphngxpvercoat- ings arid qerita furuishingtwere never more complete secut- ting fitting finish and price ot onr gents garments have n pro vincial fame we call special attention to our varied and large stock of dress goods aud dress trimmings ouridre88making department 1b in fuljl swing taming out exquis ite gowns jackets and mantles our millinery department is complete with all the latest novel ties from tho different centres of fashion inspection invited our european goods have been imported by ourselves onr canadian goods have been par- chased before the rise on the most advantageous terms we prom- iso aud will give great bargains inspection jtnd patronage respect fully solicited w mcleod go oeoeoztown our millinery opening will take place on wednesday 8th april l when we want to see all the ladies as we will make a grand display of fine millinery at prices that will suit all also a fine assortment of dress goods prints parasols and fancy goods every department is full of bargains henderson mcrae co kcton free trip to limehouse for the most ptipular minister in halton bring in your coupons also your want list do yon want hosiery the eclipse absolntely fast black aud stainless splendid heels and toes without dpjibt the best cot ton hose made not high priced either in lower lines we show a big variety but does it pay to buy lowpriced hose ponder ou it i cashmere hose w start at 2oc or 5 pairs for oue dollar better lines at 85 40 55 and 75c for 55c we can give you a nice lisle thread hose and for 75c we show a line of silk hose that is cheap at 8100 qentlemeus hall hose in all the different makes cheap is the word gloves no matter in what direction your taste may run we we can suit yon if you want kid for spring wear our assoit- m runs in price from 25c to s125 per pair our 50c undress ed kid is having a big run nothing like them tor the price silk gloves and mitts are good buying now- cold weather cannot last oqoi just in 20aozens ladies lightweight vests our price is 12j cents or 125 per dozen- the early buyer gets the bargain j r bjermyn be it ever so humble theres no place like home the red color ot the blood is censed by the iron it contains sopply the iron when lacking by nring hllbnms beef iron and wine speightson j have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the floor man can secure articles of comfort as weltas the rich n we have a full line of furniture for railway tim tabi crand trunk railway tfomswmt i riprsss j 10 ajn i express ludajn thro ksjrsssl a fja 1 79pm ooisiut kanrses t 19 m pssmocer 9 tt am mall- 11 m am thronfhbsn0ftspnl aeeoni 0 pm i awon tiksovclosisoiiiis oolns watt 0 ajn an s so p ja oolnikast lomajnandxopm this time tabls went into effect on oct tb 19 works the largest scale in canada over ioo styles hay scales grain scales farm scales tea scales hpyed show cases hokey drawers uutchoppers mo 8trrcaat8 jopniu iiduii i rvix write a tern c wilson son 60 esplanade street east toronto ont ustniion uls paper e err toe von irrii- to mackinac summer tours ralacc stxamchs low rati toot trtpa pct wttk bftvstii detroit mackinac island fftoaw hit boo xsrqtmtu bad ilstks uanm rontv zfwy sttslatf ditvscs detroit and cleveland umuj titof 4ih jilj tips ui our illu8trate0 pamphlets luua sad kxoonloa tkduts wffl tofamlkfasd bv rear tftekst assttl or adems a a 6chantz ast o p a ostkst mat the dhroit t oeveud stem l cd the ubeat competition the canadian agrjtfoltur- istfl feooo word hunt positively doses may 30th 1891 is days thereafter being allowed for letters to reach ns from distant points kkom tatixax in tbe rjmest wmbaol qrds up ctu ot the kuen oddteloed ia the tvo vilnls tm astcsltmiit brrt saftaj 5l00o gnadnuv 4be0ffmoi ptsorfia hid genli oold vsuch cfcfautwm hantiiiioua sihtrvktck tlth rtiim of wo nch hopruet of 3 utich sctrizaofllcacfa makins total of 336 trias tbe imatc 85000 this cnvad wr lion ts opm to eterybodj erertwi lorinc cooditiona tbe vordi arc ihe to wortu tbe abieaiimiajutaoamtbfta inch u maj be fomtd in websters tjtubritlftt dkiia tobenacl thftrards miitltnitttttaiiioooisaitl of xbc wpn otjs u4 otsbbrtcdln nutkn 11 saad io oo to tbe end ofifae lltt for fwihtstirg fat decidinf ihe wijinml tbe list coouininj the usteatrawmtttrw vonls vol be artrdrd first prixr and so oo in the order ofmeril edilistm it is rewired st tbeofflee of tit canadian axhcnltorirt vitj bentraibotd end tf tvo crmotttit on tb larccst list the firu t 21bs sranled the- first nri the next seeodd and aoon tbere fon the iienerh settdini tnearij01 namj leseeo eadi tut tntut be aixonrpaaied fay i for s swolht sob- scrivtlon to lb cansilkn arfcultarisl oaefmsoa cansrod in oosoi mar list sxxoebpaojtoet eaeb hat tilh m for which tbe paper will be sent to anadj for six months tbbelimat paper ulcsiuojs bj no man a nnr iper bet bis been tstabtabedsp- wdt o tercn tears and each rear pon in tbe eatlnta- uon of the rausctibrr it contsini m trashy ttguf coiorrd drtion bnl has tauratibx stock of a hijnstf class it the most popolar amaora of tbe day it b tr nfnily tbe roper for the hotnedrele and at ct yew is tbe dbeawt snd best paiw in tbe eiarsxt this ooapo- titlon till posiutrtj rfoe on the abore wpned date hemonber tou are narfai tl for ii bont aohscr ttoa to one of the best home papers in canada and at tbe sum time ran a pwd chance of linnini a rahaiit aoksta waxtidtbe object o the iwlausher of u canadian ajricriltcrist in ririnj nj these bus amoants in ash is m extend the rimitwion of uie paper sad a omner of aeetrti stf frsrairrd in eeij locahtr b bom linu paj will l offerw send three cent itwr ifor ponmir u tn clnbliin rates etc address tm casadus actucvltcttsr pinrrborooxl octaria m ltk cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia cures dyspepsia promotes 0i6est10n mr kcll uckeo of leilh out uritsss beau biitsfar years md ttbsrtlffffromdyntii4a in its worst farms and after triicg ajl titans in my jiover to no propose i wu tcrsualel by friends to try b34i whieli i did and aiter nriof 3 bottlea i wu eoiiiuets0y cored cares constipation cures constipation cures constipation i mcts on the bowels sopld s deaa bnta i hare trted sor bb11 wlqi emit ueceeu r eontipatlon auj paintaf iny head tbe secoud doe made me ever so much better 1 jty botrels not- move treely and the pain in hit head but left me aihlto ercnbody with the same disease i recommend miss p wlllilsg u3illoorsttoroufcx cures biliousness cures biliousness cures biliousness xthe parlor the dining room in many styles and prices the bedroom the kitchen excellent value always j a speight manager spring arrivals just opened up light overcoatings sctooh jtweed suitings oheviot kud serge suitings shaw grundy guejlph 1 i wbrch tktl regulates the uver ihrtctrvoot sins i waatiirjubleaforntb vein iritli livtjr coujioaint 1 uwd a great deal ot metudns vhlch did lud no good aiid i mctttintf irorso io the tiuw uotir i trial btmfeck blood bitten after taking font bottles i run uo veil i ca lorecornmetnlitfor tbe core dvvpepsisk uibt a k- dkcos bavktuue ontl- 111 cures headache cures headache cum headache re6uutes the kidneys nv stluspt ctetrts drui bnui was vtrv bd with headacbe and pain in mj back my bfntu and feet svtiued to x odutd dono work my aisterinuw advirtd me to try a b a with one bottle i felt to mach better that i tot one more i am now vell and can work as veil u crer axxia bmoius tilsoulinrc oat cures bad blood cures bad blood cures bad blqqd purifies the bad blood- iuy arise from ktonjj auction ol uhs stomach liver klduoj iil boveht b ii ii by nuatint and toning thoe orpiw retuotaa- the tsaase and utat9 nmrrteb blood rumoring au bleod dbaaswai from a punpta to a crofiiloiia more xlempkailbjwcjm far sate srtawfcct

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