vi bank of hamilton f hem office hamilton cuimlpwd ip tlltm kraoira fixn hmk tubkbulu cashier u8 btevbn i assttctsuuia the news at home mostly of a local charaoter and every item interesting a locl llonsc of common tho mwtlog ot iho itoyal tomplin ttmptunco 1 wctk wu much oollicoed by homo ot commoui procceditu ititi o- daced a cabiuct was elected tpcakcl ciiomo ind a bpiritad dtbalo upon a bill before tbc house eogigod iu tho next mooting will bo held on friday owning ot uiii week instead ot monday u uitftil tho debate will then bo oquunuod much iqtontt wa manifested al tho lut meeting the tocat mrkmvti the g on clab held uuir usual weekly shoot lon their own grounds ou tuesday ovening good attendance ot spectator following i iheeoro 10 blue itooka each 1c yards rise oiu trap i barrel only e c 6jicin i o o u 1 1 it 1 ii wjcsw i 00001 1 uoi cuas yuiulitt 0 0o0o0ooio1 uo uarvo- dcuoooiuv c imailmt ri00011 110 jjrouum 11 i o i i 10 10- u i vvwleu 01 10 0 1 1 0 ojij i ia the lulenuou ot iho club to holi a shoot weekly licreatlcr every cvuiitig at fi50 itu 1 iortrllia vivturs olunfatt the visit of mr to ohno of tokio jaau a couulc ot weeks ago wtutpnjsycd very much by hiiuwrllati well aa by all who had the pleasure ot nieeling him in a letter lo the fuo im from torouto he says i have to write a few lines to thiuk yoa toe copies ot the frjx iltr- 1 receive i cujo ed the visit to your town watches clocks jewellery il is l roc mrectoi s-jous- sth rrej ri hussar vi pioc ciua unoil gro llonn k ttvoon a illa qbosaktowh aofcncyf voir aiooottl and advaoeoi mado on all suitable tocunuw drifts on all rru ol civ iiluie imtct 6tt gart llarrun auii tho covrrvw br error bootht aid i ssld ccarmos made on all locastw notuu on tuort arorame terms v kav1kos depaimtkvr it rvir rrcclvod othsad upwards and iu- tcirst allowed tnm date ol deposit to data of srkfjlll deposits alrjccircrfaicacrcmrioi iulcrnl no dictri ujdrmi retulrwl it- mwatsox asal tuksiethodist church r acton kevgaqrffordma ji pastor laruascboktiratcuuc ra kctmoc 1oj0 amuod 6j0 knadar kt liiwaculuctcalbrhic- lt all cordially i tmtcil sikurc uid viviuiri awavi vlcutuc al- icic inhere at the door tuittirarcjoiiird anly at u l uoorc sn of the bigwhtch spectacles repaired bring your- repairing to us we will give you satisfaction open ing up new styles in watches and jeweller- remember and call when you want sta tioner- wall papers window- shades special bargains in above goods vakssfcdl ceo hynds f6ton kl thnrsdirtlfav a 1 189 1 little local reflets i- which caurht thgr ears of free press reportersf w week ivy yjecns biruiday wajvov celebraied next kcniay rthc amateur ikhcrmad will be dp betiicj ee ilmiiar mgrcinf aclodiuu dominion day cele- brat- u being uiiel aboct sir j aires grant is taitfig of operating a scbetne for walering the streets iliitos vatcrwore3 aresaid to be par ins a revenue of about vt per cent a nnmber of fine xvercreens were plinted in tie cefnetery on jtfdnday itr fc heastreet offers a horse harness ajid top bngr fcr sale cheap georcetote and ilillon fnrite your presence at tteir eelebralions on monday tnipector demon vuited officially the pbic tchdois of ictoa and iwrce this wees- indrew fjemonpregistrar in eqnily at winnipeg farmly cf gaelph died taesfsv v in unknown desperado entered the oriliia tun offoe the other day aid robbed the oil of its entire contents 13 cents tbe fixiaen live bid ven favorable j wciiher foe eprici work uiis year and most of tfjesi arc welt advanced with all tiieir wcrfci x rccest ecictajccl tie education departacct bt that all pablic bcbooli j thi herealtssr close fornmm6r vacation ou tbc 5lb jjne- ix kimslmsr tbouj axtist vcill kkrc his ttaiio opea iu dar qaeene birthday uriers for any ilyle of portraits will be carefully executed 7 the canada glove worts isuow well protected against fire a pood water supply is available and list week every jiat was eapplied with bose tbre men were probably tilled and two others badly pjored by the majhcp of a freight train sear streetaville jtmctton voa tbe cr-pe- on taeiday rev ur mclnlyxe the efotaent lectarer of chicago wilt deliver his lecture the stmcy side of a soldiers eifa in korfolfc sznet keihodist chccch gaelph a weefc from tomorrow evening- f mr axtbar lain has removed bis apiary lo 5ir george wallaces farm at ionsocbr the country tbers is claimed to be a better locality than thu for the production of honey the licenses to the two hotels hare deferred at he first of may were rraijted on satarday it is said the recipients axe now patting in fall work daily to make op for the two weeks lost lime iir anderson one of tbe beam hands in beardmores eole leather tannery cave himself an uiy gash across the first end second enters of the riht hand with thevorker one day last week he has hadan enforced holiday ecer since- the free concert given by ario a cornet band on franjdia square last friday evening was attended by hendreds of enr citizen the concert was mnch enjoyed and the hope is general that the band will give weekly concert ot similar character the west lome herald is the name of answweekly jit issned by hr- wcoi- well formerly of the hitcheriictkrtvj- west lome is a growing village and his some aspirations the herald will aid it in making progress and will in many wave advance its interest dont be carried away with the idea oa anything so rainy kind friends there the ilrci intx u tleijtett piper i lnv teen eiucc lcauie lo uiis ctiitcnt and i have scut jl lo my native country to thaw that there is such a lcauf lipase af the finilucs ia a coantry town in canada uopicg to have some day tlt pleasure of another visit lo axlcc i am yours truly toio rev vr coctfngs- cclurc the illustrated lcclttrc tin japan its people andooitun iii the melhcdist chcrch last werfcesday evening was highly interesting during hu five years residence in japan mr cocking succeeded ia massing aa abundance of tacts relative to the country people their man ntrcf life forms of worship prodccls and aluulc turcs these were illustrated by beautiful colored views many of which were macni- ocent wlnie- the iccid descriptions clfj lecturer were fell of interest a large dis play of the handsome work of the japanese ia needlework painting etc wis also made mr cockiss v hit wits much eajcyed acd tis lecture mstructed cne audience en mtny points coucerninc this ancient country ujlb its new civiliatics w itli which they were hitherto cnfamiliar r7tteofi kttudzy chvit convention the aaauil coivcitioi cf lsiticiig sondiy bcht arkiation vlll lc hcm iu the lrcsuyterii church kcnai on fri day 2itli may the friends at norval arc cxcrgng uicawlvu lo casnre the ddcgilc id the programme ol the country around news items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges eramosa tho gunvlsy boliool auociallou ot tho towuihip of kramota will hold their aonaal moctioit in the ditciplos church kvcrlod ou wednesday may 27th tho chair win bo occupied by lov d strachao ilookwood president tho aflernooo teiktod will com men co at llio oclock and tho oveniug scasioq at 7 oclock hov j w iue ol acton mr ii p mooro of the fbke pucss actoo hsvi u j fair of llramosa and j uirt of rock wood will give papers ou sunday school work ewry banday kchoolin lha towuihip is requested send dclifittcs tho public ate cordially invited arrangements will be made to entertain all tho visitors between the afternoou and evening sussiotis erin mrdauitf mcdougallol itic tit liuo p kriu who broke his arm booic tiam go was mquatfug ahorbb one day last week aud hii arm being rather awkward ho fell breaking it a sccoud time kov mcsxrr ball and m awood and aid messrs wansboruugh of uiukham and bcswick of baltmtfid allciided tbe meeting of gaelph district at georgetown this week mr dougal hcmillu has hasod for 5 years the farm lofjiioa 7 iirin belong ing to d mcleliau the wfm eociely in councctigu with burns church krin have saiu succeeded in eecurin miss agueivknox bk or their auuuil cntcitaiumcnt to be held in the blue libban hall lrio ou th evening of may ijth special bcrviue havo bti in irofrcs ia the bapviit church the past two weeks dr ilcxacfihton will co to ottawa this week as representative of ihe municipil councils of erin tjwmhip and village in connection with the deputations of the various municipalities seeking a refund from bonuses granted to cvu co by the government attxit georgetown 1 1 v that any other paper can give y like the amount of local news yoa nill end ia home papers support the paper that is printed ia your midst aod which devotes itself eiclnsiyefy to tbe interest ot font town and county hail the size of hens eggs 6itvu ks may 1 a tremeddoas cloudburst of bail took place about four miles twesl of here saturday eveuinc the dutfict covered by the storm was two nmes wide and e to 10 loog tbe bail was at large as bens egg and almost com pletely destroyed the wheat a misstep cost a life may lrfaarou laidlaw of a iiearty welcome the day will be full uf intercut io sabuith school workers conveyanlcs will be at konil kutio i t tlietuuttcscomiuj by the y 3k1 train lunch will be t ided in the church utiicou and at uj pjii the ssaperiutcrjdtiits of the anihuth schools in acton and other places where detetfdtes mto hy trniti are requested to sid tho namtsof all vto pjnoic renkiio- iu fyr th3 evening icsrion at once as thev wiu rdpirc to rcsihi over uhjbt it is earnestly hapsd that everj- ibuih school in the township will be fully reprisjjited tn army jttuilcc i tho ealvation inay had quite d ttirring lime on saturday and sunday the kaleidoscope brigade with their siik hats and lrilico albert cot5o unlike sal- i vatioa drcii az rtooramended to ordiury martala created quite a furore the barracks was crowded saturday outfit and on bnnda niht the town hall was used a novel idea wse adopted on haturdsv- night lo secure funa for the rent of the hill a special collection was taken but eras focciicaaiiicieat when ths o2ictrhi charge htld up hj hat acd challenged the auidence lo make a target jf it with caib tbi wis enleted into with st acd iu a few miautes tbc necessary sum was showered upon tbe platform the services were enthusiastic and wooud upon sunday night after a busy day of earnest wcrk with the sale of the- brigades photographs xn esteemed iastvr thelast meettnfioftheguarterlyoghial board of the methodist churcii for the pre sent conference yeir was held on monday evening at the couclusiou of the basines at the evening the fellowin retolutiou was gcatumoasly adopted by a ttuadius vote resolved thit this qcartcrly official board place on record our high appreciation and esteem for our bclored pastor whose three years pitlorate is cow- closing j during his tcrin as pastor of this church rev dr giftord has ministered to us with entire satisfaction in the pulpit his ettorts have evidenced superior ability and his words have been fraogbi with power anl blessing- as a pastor his work has been marked by faithfal devotion to the cause of god by precept and example he las done much in eitecdlngfrath andrigbt- eousnefa in our midst and has materially aided in preserving acd strengthening ihe bond of christian unity throughout our membership we umiritbe prayer that he may ioa be spared to work in the harvest field of the master and ire extend to himself and family our heartiest gym paxhy add best wishes for success and com lortintoenewfieldoiisbortd whth he may be called key drt gifford acknowledged the kind words of use board in a brief bat feeling address lie said he waold always remember tne three years spent in acton as among the brightest of his life he would never forget tho kindness bestowed upon himself and family by he members of the church and congregation when he came to acton ke came to work and was thank ful to say that his esorts had been success f el the past year bad been the best of his rhtnistiyv sixlythreo new members had been received daring the year and not withstanding the cumeroos removals there remains la sabttautial net increase in membersjiip the eatue spirit e progress has characterized the sabbath school and all theconnexioualfands with one excep tion have been increased this was notajoly the casein regard to the mission ary tand which has advanced about forty per cent he would leave acton he safd with goodwill to everyone- and with pray ers for prosperity to the church and the community there is considerable eickcc53 in town kvcryonc is prcparicg fcr our grand day on monday next the orick work on mckinleys biock if just about finished thebaildmcpromises v a line addition to our main etreet the forresters wilt hold a grand concert on the evening of the 2dlh mrs clara sbil on wiih the mozart quartette will provide the music and there will no doubt be a prcat attendance as this lady is a prime favorite with a georgetown audience stattcipt read and wife conducted army services here on saturday evening and sunday lie is a pleaiant sensible talker and received the very best alteution from the people whom he harrangued oa the street lie aleo added grcallv to the noise and novelty by pawug on a concer tina we recently heard a rood oue ou opposi lion celebrations a farmer who owns a hots with some speed was asked by a friend jit he were going to georgetown ou the 2oth and his answer was wall no i did think some of it but 1 find the horses enured there are too fast for my nag uo cheltenham or milton will have to suit this tirnoct and hshged if i dont believe id have more fun at cheltenhacj gcelph district of the methodist church is now in scirian in georgetown and our streets and homes are glled with siting clergymen and laymen no report of ihe business done jet been handed oul a number of our stores have had electric light plant pat m and the cjmpany expects to have the twon illuminated for the 25th this ii uo acton electric liht but bona fide arid straight ieumsus mr w g buck has re- tnrned from the north mr john shilton was a towu on a business trip last thurs day lie v hr caldwell of nassagaweya is one of the preachers attending district meeting ifu was formerly stationed here rockwood the sch00lque8ti0n the inspector shows that the churoh property cannot legally be purchased for a school a ncw feature in the way of entertain ment was introduced at the regular month ly literary meeting of the epwcrth league kockwood on monday evening last theeaterlainraent was styled au even ing with the poets several of the mem bers of ihe league each took one of ihe leading poet and gave a short biographical bfcctcb of the life and a well rcudcred selection from tbe writings of the authors choserj considering he fact that the township bcamrrox lot 11 2a line west torouto wu getting ioto hit wagon thursday when bit toot slipped on the hub and be fell heavily oa the wheel the young boraea startled began to run with mr laidlaw hanging to tbe hoes he was dragged a long distaooe on the road before helftgoand sostaloed iuc injariea that be died ioia xew hoars fc he tumbled over dead f uihiltou may 1 thomas b cockburn for many years foreman of tbe wircworker department of the b g recti in g fc to works diod suddeuly in his office this morning tbe dec arrived al tbe factory apparently ia hit usual state of health and walked upstasn into hia department as lively as usual a short timeaftr wards be was noticed to faq over and the men on entering tbe office found bira dead j heart disease was tbe trouble tiosenj lpwnrth league here has been bat a few months in existence and most ot the- members are net used to appearing before the pubiic the programme was given in a very creditable manner walter kcoti was chosen by mr a j murray at the eubject of au interesting essay aud a selection read from one of his shorter poems mrs kev j hart gave a sketch of the life and injltxesce of tennyson with a recit ation from clara vere de vere john greealeaf whittier the quaker poet was treated by mr j t wood who concluded a well written paper with a recitation of the stirring poem barbara fretibie mr wro mccuilough selected tnglands kpic milton giving an elaborate essay ou the life times and influence of the immortal author oe paradise lost though somewhat lengthy the paper read was an excellent one the selection was adams morning hymn charles wesley the poet of methodism was treated by missamy wright a yoang lady of talent and abiiity the interesting fact was stated in the essay by miss wright that j15 of tbe hymns used by the methodist church are the productioni- of this gifted contributor to sacred aoog the recitation- given was interspersed with singing and organ accompianment to the grand old hymn jesus lover of my 8001 which is considered to be charles wesleys masterpiece- miss jennie jolliffe read a paper ou shakespeare which ehowed cousiderabio acquaintance with the author chosen near the close of the evenings entertain- mr and mrs j t wood sang a german duet which was very well received two former pastors of the church revs w h harvey of gaelph andc e couch fergus were present and spoke coogratol atory to tbe young people avery pleasing feature of the evenings entertainment was the musical selections rendered by the kpworth league choir composed entirely of young people this is an iu valuable aid in the working of tbe league and contri butes very largely lo tbe bucwss of the movement here kockwood is noted for the musical talents of iw young people we are ssfeiu eayfng that in very few places of its size can there be found ao equal amount of musical talent properly utilized this cau be made a power for good ciuctlxgclv frequent meetings tho j aest ion of providing tho accomo dation necessary for tho school population of una municipality in a vexed one but tho school board have tho power to coi with it ncoosafully and no doubt they will do so tho matter will require careful con sideration and the board is now weighing each point involved a day or two after the mooting of hue school board last week when it was decided to move iu tho direction of wscuruig the baptist chiirojf for the ue of lho fourth department n better was received from inspector doacou setting forth tho fact that tho property could not legally be pur- chased as a school site chairman harding culled n meeting of the board lo hear the contents of the letter and to decide upon future action member all present the latter was as ouowi tho hoard o iabllo school xruslooi actou j gitsxhehucaru thatyoubavc agreed lo lurdiuc tbc llaiuttcburcli baildiugforicbrjot puqotcs and ibat inert ia uo jilargrouad at tached uioruto owiuc lo the prvcut tuitrtcik- the ulufctor of lducatioa would autitaiu iuc iu enlauiigbomc coacoasluo if you vvic liuiilr reatiug thebuilaicg uatil you could arrnso to build upon your owu or totuo other tufuvblc nito as a pcnuauenl locatiou it docs not uwci tbcrvjulrcineut of iho law aud couu uot be accoplott as eallsfactory kvcry tulilic school sikihould cuulain ai loatl liijf auacix tbc ijoildiiifivlioajd be at least ibirty feci from the pcblic higliway aa inirlixfi you would be croiiatl liable tor aay iubhc inooeyr cxpctidod tor uie fur- the ot liuildiug ihul would uolbaacccitablc to wv kducaliou lxirtuicm tlic fcliool or urauiciiviut would uioretij- forfeit fu claim to iho lcguialivii gnuit uitctpart from tbc quttuou of leiility lujids another iinikrtaut couiidcration in a wauiciajilj- wiili the limitod area of actou it would be unwise lo bavc more thau oco tchtxil itc il would be falie eeououiy boui tvery ttaudroiut voir old buildlug would inohably acrva tbc ttqoii of throe dciiartmcuts for toujc years locgtr ainl ihertforc tlia iccscat ouuiyou caitulaccrjuiit ijiislit bclesi but iu the cud aud iirvbably iu the icar futcro it would be more tbc auuual cost of ualatc- ucc iucludiinf water supply rcairx lo fcueet aud buildings licating and salary ot carelai cr would ccoaiuly be grealcr with ihe tcachcrt all iu ode building proictly conslructed ouc furnace would heat all i tie roons and ihe ittn- cfiial woiildbave direct uicrvinoa of all thc iarila n cry inporuat point la be salad so actiou ibould be taieu lo provide for jqt foarth or fifilidepartuicat uiat docs uot pave ibeway for the consolidation of your schools with one building upon your jtescct aitc or possibly a more tai table one two copncf teem open at tbc present time erect a tworoccsodbuildics tlit could be iu- crcaacd ia ixc wbeocrer ccccssarj- without uamugita architectural tppcaraucc or pull down your precl ttnicturc at once and erect a sixroared building that will reflect credit jsk jour laudsomc and progressive village ted ibus suajcc provision for its tcrc dcvclopictit i am iccucue vour obedient scnant j 8dl1c0n uitcj uilwu out way jjuj wl mn fijlva 1 tiiink a public meeting should be called and this question bo fully discussed with the people mu hvm my idea is rimply this wc arc in a better position now to go on with the work of building than cer before tbc inspector sayi the coarse wc in- tendid to pursue in securing the baptist church is illegal the people say we should build on our present site my hands are considerably strengthened by this turn of asairs and lo me there seems but one course now open to build i had no idea the proposed school on elgin street would be an annoyance as so many now seem to think i never heard of the department at the town hall giving trouble to tbc residents of the vicinity aud never thought ot giving offence when i moved for the purchase o the church of coarse the inspector uudcrbuudt the law ou the question aud i iiiuk we thjuld go on and build after iaouie further desultory couveriitfou the following motion was presented moved by james mclam hcconded by george ilynds that the chairman and secretary be iualruclcd to tale uo further iitepj iu he nutter of securing the baptist ckmdi property jt present and that the trasteea of the church be noticed carried mi- hym i moe that we go up lo the school tomorrow evening and ska a tite for a uew tvvorooaicd building mi mittu i waakl prefer to wait until we lu au opportunity ct conferring with the inspector this was ooucuxrai in moved by james ualthewo seconded by kobcrt wallace that the sccrxtary l- instructed to write the inspector request ing him to meet the board at an early date for a conference upon the matter of in- creased school accomodation carried the board lien adjoarned mr j k deacau the inspector met with the board at their meeting ou tues day evening when the question was coi- sidercd in its virions aspects the inspector showed the possession of the church property could not legally bo secured his suggestions were to secure plans for a new sixroomed huilding advertise for tenders for the erection of the boi a if the expenditure was felt to be advisable at present to proceed at once with erection of the building hthis course was no favored utilise the plans for the erection of the two rear rooms leaving the main build ing for a coaplc of years when it will be found necessary to complete the building the evening was spent in investigating the matter in all its relations and the board adjourned to meet ou the school grounds wednesday evening the inspec tor kindly agreeing to meet again with thorn iuri clilus a cold or oipoiuiei may causa the poit ououb acids in the blood to clog iu cir culation this it ibheumatiamyclarki lightning linimepi will stop the pain at once it should be taken both internally acd externally it tbe attack ti severe and j it affords ibitantl relief if the pain appear again it should be met with lbs tame treatment tuiltl a cure ii effected tbli wonderful preparauoo has worked some rcmirkablo cures among ltheamatic sufferers where once tried it is always used after boh by all druggists price fifty cents clark cbomical co toronto now york liv in hit lii i piiru chiditlmi imlverailly kiiuwif ah ytt llierp arc- very kw people wbu liivc perfectly pury- blutd the taul of fcrufula salt rlieitm or other foul humor 1 iierrditpd runt traiikinillml forprnerationsmiiris unllj fufffrlntt ntd we also iccumiiute ilnn and cniis of dl- cih frcin uc air wc brcatiir m tlic food ftc ca it ftj atcr wc drink w lfl there it u u tli ing i i is el iure cn- clufivcly j p u proven ii a u i ii e positive puweref hocki sirwiianliiiiverall dlscaws of his lit- sod this nicuicfic wlifn fairly tried docs ci cur if scf ut wrufuu or ttit rliet tri w llt w lcu fatuf ntarrli niutrit the acidity and nr ilieumauwn dhv cut tlic pcnn malaria tlf i-i- mufdf ctr it ali vitalizes ami er ne lies hie ljcvdu feeling- aid lcm j sarsiiwrilia as a v initio and sulcnefff rut tent free hoods sarsaparilla soidlyilrciiv ttlf vrepadoniy by c i ikkitl i- i r lyiwelt mata loo doses orve dollar ereiniinp that lired i the whole nystcn cwuyof hoodj iiict full lafor- tferty fowdep erial baking powder the 1mb purest strongest best contains ao alum ammonia lime pbosphatcs or any lnjoriaot ew oillett toronto ont renovation mjbout completed li i i r u to 0ui flnw palionl cimidcratiou thev lavo sliowu daris ibe ki j u lm w do justice either to them ortoaraelves owioj to tbe oonfaaion imepai inwi i h been niakinfi under these circumstances it is highly gratifying to see ibal tbe il i bfcb rocs ou from month to month aud year to year has been in no way rourfed by tho changes we have been roukibfi u- nvi i havo becu makiuk wo will uj alio to 1iom- our goods to much better advautafe v e will also now hare tho best linbted at well as the largest store iu the city 4 we ben to eiteud a cordial invitation lo all lo como auil eivo our store a thorough survey we think wo may y u without any appearance ol boasting that wc have the largest choicest and cheapest block of dry goods and clothing in the city our spring importations have been uuprecojonlly large tbe usual cumineut4u our goods is tbat tbey were netor so beautiful anv former season kipciajly do wc cicel i oar manufacturing department millinery mantle dressmaking clothing iu all these depart me uu we lav the very best talent and iu tatb there u a lare per tcutago of increase from season lo season in the volume of buaiuess done showing tbat the public appreciate our effod to itve tbem the very beat work at tbe least poriible price it is always an easv matter to gel tbe price dowu by reduciog the standard of work bat our effort is to raise the standard of work and still keep tbe price as low or lower than those wbo produce inferior work this cau quly bo done by means of huvc capital to take cash discoquts access to the best markets economy in business and close slteutiou to tbc same foiliog lo work at 10 am wout do we could not give our customers the best results iu that way i good jajuient iu buwuc sclliu ouly fur cash aud a larye turn over in proportion to eipcnscs iu all ilcec thiuga we are pre eminent and claim lo mil from 10 to 10 perceit under olhcr noases in the game hue i i j d williaimson co 5 and 7 wyndliamstgueiph 84 oswald st glasgow 1 appreciated our efforts to please our customers when tbepoblic expresses a want wcare bound to supply il iu a little belter shape than any olher bouse this is in part because of oar long experience in watching its wants and providiue for them and partly because of our knowledge of and access to tbe manufacturing centre ot the old world our position ia unique in these respects it ou want to know bow our prices run take a look through our stock of gloves and hosiery which we profess to sell at j per cent less than anywhere el- iu tbc city or note the good value in tbree special hues of dreas gods at 10 v aui ut respxtively rine serses at to cents aud black and colored henrietta finish cashmeres at 30 cents dividing interest with the dress goods are tbe jackets nnd wraps and tbey are worthy comrades essential to each other the moat stilish dress with an indifferent wrap or tbe retene always fails of satisfaction to meet the demands of intelligent taste lhec two stocks must be equally perfect and they are i think tbe hats aud bouuels arc just lovely this seasou ot course it was a wonuu who said it and of course it wu g bryan and co a she was talkimr of the hats aud bouuels arc cliarminc more graceful in design and more dainty in outline and trimmioj than for many a season paat the reasons of our superiority in this department yooj are well acquainted with wc do not need to cive them here womens blouse waists iu silk wool chaliie musljn irin etc iu great variety of shades ranging from c7 coots to 32j in price the corapletest carfet stock in gaelph gentlemen order your spring suit juidovekcoat from r ey nelson guglph new spring suitings new spring overcoatings au iuitutic raii 61 choice new ianliiigs from 64 to 12 per pair gb ryknsco guelph nineteen packages new goods j arrived at the right house this week consisting ot 5 cases ladies and misses hate 2 ck corsets 1 cafe bcaulirul cbeuile curtains in tbe very latest french styles 1 case ladies cotton vudervest 1 case litieu collars 1 package dress tibield 1 packafje silkcorda and braid lease french salius 1 case cashmere hose i case white shirtinc 3 1aub grey ooitou 1 balo carpet warp kid gloves hair and clothes brushes tennis flannels silk nets beaded trimmiugs flowers dres batlouii uair 1ius b tripod skirtings bilk girdles drees goods navy cheviot drees clothes ladies belt corel lices undressed mosqueuire aud spriiij button kid gjoves ladies print aud chali blouses a lot of dimagcd linen uaudkercbiefs foe ladies and gentlemen at about half pnoes childrens nice handkerchiefs at only 1 cents eaph gents black cathmcre socks 35c or three pair for black balbrigtau and lisle hose in childrens sizes redaced to about half prices ladies jerov iid from tj50 lo 75c a magnificent stock of iariso and umbrellas very ch k seciil genuine iure worsted black pauling al s5 per pair sly specialty perfectfitting 4 pants to order satisfactiok assured narked down from f3 to 125 from j75 to 150 va- cheap union flaoueis denims tickiues canton flanuels ginfibams shirtincb and towels catri c value ladiesaulavi street jek6eys just suitable for travelling or fur the seaside- akk marked down from x50 to h from 325 to ii ladles about to travel should call eaklv hoevcomb and uther styles of knitted wraps storm collars and babies knitted woolen caps very caeap the carpets oh all kinds linoleums floor oilcloths window shades poles cornices brass window fixings etc are all well assorted and ire offering at extemely low prices for such good qualities railway rugs warm flannels and comfortable underwear for ladies m1bses children gents and boys travelers should see these goods an abundance op the latest styles of silks from j5c up to v250 ladiesuresses hats and bonnets blankets at bur redaction maotlca blouses ccllaretlcs etc arc threat uarvmus jast see the shirtings tickings couooades flannelettes and cricketing flauoeli tbey are mach below nirket value au ciceueut five year mare for sale cheap pleaae enter the right house at ihe board fence ou ihe corner ot king street east and hachsou streets ii e kelson fashionable clotmer 99 tjriperwyndhamstguelph milton mr william h lee egremoot has uudergone sore ashotion losing six of his children from diphtheria and at one time four of them were lying corpses in tho faoaetwo diedfo dryrprevioag the ucw presbyterian cliurch in ililton rill be opened on the 28h jane mr f w hollinrake has passed his first years emminattoa at victoria university with honors the driving park association have had their track cultivafedind generally trimmed up and it is now in first class order the bishop of niagara administered the sacred rite of confirmation in grace church ou sunday morning government detective murray lias re turned to canada after spending about six weeks in california in a fruitless search for joseph brothers formerly of milton l who is wanted here to answer to the charge of forger- laid against him by his brother-in- law mr amos dorhuid of nelson at messrs robertson t co lime stilus last friday a shed and 200 cords of piuo wood were ignited by sparks from a fire in the woods close by and were consumed while ono uf the kilns itself was badly damaged the loss was considerable but fortunately the other buildings connected with the kilnu aud tho dwellings of the em ployes were saved xtautpuiu x ask your droggftt for dr august koenlga hamburg drops for the blood field corn by ibe bushel hnngarian millet and all kinds of seeds at johk atiires floor and feed store actod- georgetown thomas o wtkijsrs hamilton may tth 16jl canadian printers read i can furnish you with the best presses qr country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press come to kcton rnd see our improved country prouty press ht work spring races in the georgetown driving park on mky25th kices grwju trul aiij ici jurw wu lt e352qd h5 lini tlu i miuulfi trot aud pace poreo fv0 1st 9 2nd 23 3rd li 20 trot ouly lst75aijujrtj frecforill trot a pace i 1st elss id 50 3rd f luraa 135 purw ju0 1 if yon want firstclass gnelph saahand doors at gaelph prices t eiaims can fill your order at his planing mill kuuics cloofflrd way etrtnaice fee 10 ier ccut ol tursu uorsci eligible after 1st april four lo enter tbroo to fctarcrfll rrfees 3 in a bono distant ing tbe flold xt any part thereof lo receive first uioney ouly all eutrls to be twldreswjd to the secrotary and none will be re ceived onltsb accoinpauied with aotrance fees carriages 35cts admission lo park 3 sots extra cohalttteewh khhp pwatdent w h oilbbarro tjocretary btm jos haiuikr j v ilaneut 6 d the free press is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits no 1560 drum cylinder press can dp belter newspaper or poster work we have run the prouty or eight years aud tbe longer we rut it the better we like it fl is simple easy to ruu easy on type easy to handle costs little for repairs and is easy on tbe printers pocket book we call it the best press to be bad iu tbe world oday for the money come and see our press at work it yoa desire sard pies of work send for thini and wo will gladly furnish hem we cau give you your choice of a uumber of difcreut siies aud styles of presses at all prices think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qto power press for only 600 to 700 or an 8 col book press lor 800 full particulars from turi utlmesi lr sale eyetynhttt h r pm6ore agent for canada acton ont vfca