Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1891, p. 1

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vv tlsf i volume xvi- n6 40 k i acton ontario ti every thursday mousing r tnfe ftm rirsi stb lmnunkofflw uilsthket actox ost v svufciartoxoni doliir ir tw it id in alvant or wtttin tfana tnontbi from winninjotrmr u1 ni 11 not k mid the data to nich totj nfeacrlpuoti u mid la dcnobd by tie date on tb addroa label act umaixa rtu trwisient adrcrtito- imota s cent per onpirou lino ot nrst in- anton s ceata pctllfia tor cacti mbaaqqam inmtimi i ownuct ritttttf foilowiuc table ahoa oar ratea lor the iniefttoo ot advtniaanicnta tor tpkioed portodi ttacc iru e xo lko so iocfaei w00 ao00 loo mud 9000 1100 3j0 aooo 1100 iso too ft 00 100 2jq 100 tuohaa ltoob uwttbeiawta ihoat snocinc direction win be inserted till rbld anil charsod accord- el advcrtiiciuenta tutui be paid advertisements win be changed toco each month u deslrm for cbangw ottoner than once a month th conipoaitfou mart be paid lor at recabu rales cbinsw forcontractadtertuemcalsiuust be is u tumult- otherwise tnstjrul be leu over until the allowing week jlpuoolte editor and frtinneior- isnuss biwtorp n t h lowry m b mcps t grdaaleoitriaitycauecuenibroi couec of physicians and sorpeoaa office and residence al uie bead of frederick street acton d r urek pffltsicux scbceon accofoidcn orrick axn rearopcci dr ucgarvina house corner mia aadytederick streets l bekkett lds demist gaoagetowt oxtabio f p ritentist vwill be at clarks hotel every fridar t 4dstirtokfdektists omcx iuithctv bloci next posl 02cc office open every day and the very lalcft methods in dentistry practiced j stutox ijk d smitox uis m clean hcleax barristers solicitors xolries conreytccers it phrate fnndt to loan osc tovnhall ac- a- mcliix jko a sfcliux t a mow at bawsxex soucrroz koricr pcsuc moner lo loan omce dats tuesiar and sitirdaj oma- hannawin blor acton upslain qhiltok wallbrtdgea- stone barristers soliciiorr t j taaosxo axd gzoecttotx office croejmani blocfc georgelcwu and traders bxnt chamben 63 yoage tcrcnto jshujox bo tntjiieenjcc ileetosx ubsd ay j un e 4 lfi9i wall papers at ki tlian ball jiricc tl mys b00ksto11e t f awocldtlob i b mllinc fcintnon riiri miialrnrlm od uk typen coni trf 70 pot cent liclosr the usul irier- x 7 jeefint 20cpptrsfj0c t cojdj 6oaprsjc30c border ud ciiiiisiock to utcli ill our ftticn 7 vc litve tcu umwlie largest etoci ac ucw- ct itylet tnd foftclcoloriupi tvc cttc you tbc ititvctt pritv tii lcl ptorl- mcut u 1 days i bookstore guelph dry sslls r ohekp the traders bank of oikada tucoriotmtod by act ot ruluntodt head6ffi0s toronto cwttai artiiohuiui cirttallahj it t icaiooo j 600bm bank of montreal cafitai rest 12000000 6oo000q v savixusflelahtmukt has boct 3ii in cotuicctiou ttitli this bnuiclt j- ictcrt- aiuiuci at oarrccl cites jashfinlay kanacf glelrkukavclt w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont irxnx j epecultt or machine finished book papers tcctilc ruadl weekly news the piper used in this joul is froin the above rcilk wj barbeh beos steel exgriyixgs irrcf iciir cocrtd mni lutu ml patents secured foe ixtestioxs ftkk grist ottxtra cltisi txentj tears practice ko patent xo pit w- hesistreet licrssrd atrcnosxee ifor tbe counties of wellington and halton orders left at the feez press office acton or atmjreaideaeein acton irill be promfri- tended 16- tcrxos reasonable alio money to loan on tbe most farcrable tarmaaiid at the ovest rates of interest in inn of 500 and qpirxrds- roskdat orncx qao aechiteqt f hotel clock kattet sqaare raxcis ktjkak sccccsior to t f cnaimianl booeeevbee stgeorsessqnare gaoiiboilario account boot of all kiatfc made to order periodicals of ererj description card ally bonnd balinr neut and promptly done nphe haklak baebee imsmzrr artos an aasr snare a s irtish hairca t a good seafoam anexmlwratinsthampooalrajf nren eaxors honed and pnx in nrrtclass edbdiuon ladies and children hair tastily cntc j 4h w0bdek tonsoriaj artists wellingfoii marble works qcebec stetet gceefe clark carter dieect iinportars of gtaaito and xfarble koonniemfand headstones of all shades and from the newest dedgni all work and ma- terial warranted firstclass parties irisbing to purchase rfl3 please elre as a call and inspect our stock and prices as we are confident we can competewith anresutsushaent inoauno harin sold out my interest to the abore nn i respectfully solicit th e patronage to toy friends l ageutswaatal ryaa want to make money tale hold and sell oar cnoice xarsary stock- sov is the time write us at once fot tertns- liatbbothebsxarserypen eocuester s 1 agents wanted in ererr township to sett the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor the mort complete md comprehensive wort tenrabliihod iufollion itad at the bead of tbilr profeaalon asd bare a continental repo- sisn wottb it ofk in sold to any on sitim hotk bieestcatue swine ponltrj- dootor bsta criadopportanit to maic nimer 6emrbtrtltoftoom- addresi z n motbb publlelier 120 ton e st toronto oal wood 0ak frames gilt artists materials a til tukl of winter kiivtus fiaie whic- uobc tgus iorncv e lx- st iddi ibolo fxxlecjipcu ic t fctl csmie role u5 fittiif ivj our wall papers arc fciid to ibe bt iclccud in the i waters bros eitaislished is77 stgeoeaessquahe guelph gaelpli bttsiaess college guelph 0ktaei0 i votkg mek aku wo tfev educated forfc- cesefcl bzsinesf ticli lot to ctzn a livinc rgjtlre money tci become tctcrprltics tfl citiicst j actual brsikess both hilicor- and jtsc- tice priuff dailr experience in mctclndisidc banking and oece v orfcafctare c ourconjee oitrajdnt j shohtkadakdtyrettiatlkguicbflil held for cdcccd rocg iadici estuitjis vrtih- in to became chorthand writer etc tloroabjy drilled in iiciecs corrcspoicncc thce yiahicg to bccoccc cytril vcrbiiirti rejerters tro given eiicial n-ii-krfj- sordui by uo otber cliocl in thtrcoctrv i fenuarihtf farlicihitei tirawiii- aiil i ffiautci worf taught ly tociitrciijec j of 3ac teaching expericace 1 the rikci ulkcrag i is tacbt by ma latest derwtloiiictt q uio sctrtl iletbod tiid titiileiarlillpic results i for cziazlzz tud terms idirczz iliucconiuck irincipat quelph branch coruer of vvyndhamaiid quebec fitroots advances undo to farmers ou their owu uotet st the lowest currcut rste of interest sales and other notes collected promptly no charge tuado or collecting four per ceiiu interest paid on dally balances of lomi of 61 cod upwards deixxilodln the sarlngi bank depariuicm aud compouaflod every six months special arrauceuioutt can be undo far mm deposited in tho deposit hccciit department or stated periods ikafu imiicd sad pavtule in all parts of canada luitodsutcs ud great uritaln st very low rales a general bauking buiiuts irsnsactcxl a f ii jokes manager guclph ijrsuch gaclph dccttiibcr ixxx t season 1801 binder twine b6st brrnds silver composite crown red cap blue ribbon boztojf wholesale prices ok application john 31 bond k co guelph good fresh turnip seed swedes greystokes 10 cectspertb 12 cezts per lb a a prixc ill be ivcn e or fall huvs for the lct ttirciiis ctstn lron ted pur- ciod a the drug store j v kannawin mill steeet acton new planing mill -bo- szzh aid door factory john cameron contractor fitted cp tijc ottihies op iaii street litalj- ipiodo atrrukfac3rytciiccnri3ibiicrf and is prepared to fenrsb plas epecifieatiqns and estimates for all rnsfcs of build aiid ciccate all lind5 ef dkksslka uatcelvg andllouldiko kiki lijl stttlls of saches doors and wlndowi and dooi- frames anddressedluiriber i acd teen a etod 0 ijand all orders 1 roiaptj j attended to i john ciitehok acton livery bs line the underszgctti respectfully olicta the pairi age of the public and iniorms them that well equipped- and stylish rge ceui ways be sectned athisicaoles a comfortable bet meets trains beticeea 9 a in and th pm cartif al atteation giren to every order the wants of commercial trircl- jcrs fully met j0hk william3 wellington mutual p ffre insurance company james brown s hiuonhaudaureenuanoficutcoal vfcich he will promptly dehtcr to any pt ot ha town at reasonable prices i hardwood aadsubs cat store length lwayi bo hand r v ffix mr cook go 4 gbobqbtowk licnted taditmtat appri vata atois oollejor bl b1t ir oensnl jjopaagentt tb tot comrne oy htuon peel wdbngton slmooe t and ontario motv u loan fralll su at uor oonl partie plaeinj mr aau orotber jjtoeml to at moderate obanea sl i ripcsoi unrn or addree so m bworra- btbatttorlt blx oook 00 4wm or rax county 07 wellington established imo i j head off cuelph imuresbahdingfkferchandifa wannfactoties sod all other descriptions o insurable property on the ckxh and ireminm kote system j f wstqne c5as davxdson president manager john taylor aokt j haiuiltous marble worioj naulivtokiiock formerly hatchs block i the gore comer of wooiwichand nonolk etrpcu gotflph onl john h hamilton proprietor wlioteaalc and retail dealer and direct iraiw ter id mttiirernfalljtlnd of onuilkiuid uarble monnmcnui toniwtoncs etc harinj liad an cxtoniivc ciperiencfl for uielart ifi yqara tho pnulle mar relr on sotudsal iojieffor ajbdaajtaeboocfiate ttan ty otljir domer iiuiarwaati t c- s sli tfji hacliiue aud repair sllap i crindeul dickie80n have their ccv stcsm ninchme shop nov ia full running order and sre prepared to do all kinds of repairs to machinery boilers agricultural implements etc steam or water pipe pitting 0u the shortcut iosbc lioticc icijairs icciit in stocfc for all tbc icsdiu makes of agricultural machines wc have both iron and woodworldcs machin ery have had iocs experience in the business and can gnaranve eatisf action in all orders en trusted to as v binder eepainng a specialty lqrirnjelldiceleson kill street actoa ktar harveys mil seas0n18 tt7hile rctsreinc thinks to our many pat- t rons for thelrliberal fapport in the pat re wish to inlorm yoa that we have entered all nto an arrangement with bstewart gnelph a tofcecpconstantltotihanda fall ctocl of tho rordinary sires of sasrw doors etc and will also ispply any special fiiies on djort notice at gnelpu prices frames of all kinds made to order we a keep in itock a line of bate window and door casing corner blocks ac yoar lumber dressed while van waft price ii 50 per it pumps being better able than heretofore we will sappy either wood or iron pnmr promptly ah work guaranteed satisfactory flease call and inipect before purchasing elsewhere tuosebbige hanacrer icetri tltn good ojd va y wlu li your very bottfrioud yoonginaii aud who li your wblest foe t wo doubt my ion with your tilnotccn jcr if you really really know tou think the man who flitters you moil aud praises tho things you do who loads you ou in the ploatantsst path li tho friend that ood and true vour heart li light sud our puuct kap as rou outer liies garden bright but youllflnd that man is the better friend who points out the path of rigbt and you uitio maid ith your nuthrowu bslr and your beautiful eyes like stan you lookou restraint in your pleasautfioiiic t as a rogue docs on bolts add ban ab the lime may coino tbeu youll gladly thank- that fstlicr sud mother dear that they pruonod your liltlo mint baud la theirs wbcu tbo danger clouds wcro ur tliat they toiutod out the d wrecked lives wliou the evening tide came la tliat had goto their own proud wilful waj and lost n hca they thought to niai when you as a tuo and mother ttud as your parenu stud today voollguaid your dangulerh if sncti ou have iiltfoblfam good old way oh boyi and girl oh youths sad uaids the world blows hot and cold uo ready it ben ever the shcphanl calh to ctrter the iweot bomefold 8tltd jfamilg luaing i lie wicftv s foilune iv tk cui tuxtjtlt to dr a wilford halls health- pamphlet kb 15 icr ccut off ou a direct ordeit ra- ceivdd or the ncit 30 dav pigret wike fencln uialduc it anceparaiflo dorablo audtlio bawfonco onlautii it iottrorj no vbatovcr and if uoaotr uo eontldorod rantacc it il tbenoatcat and handsomeet f inadct dont inroit onr luonor in li ftnorlaotou can aavo nearly onolialf and usa aitfafaatott aend iruack and jayftalilrtbouiirari wo moan whaf and are toady to atand tie cowiuencea prfeo llata on applleation j m ooouey co gnund it jdloh ofit vliene cured without medicine jas matthews acton has boch aiipototod sficnl for the clrcalstiou 61 7 dr halls celebrated health pamphlet which ho keeps on band- tbepamphletolalms tnrthe treatment it adrisos sure cure for disease wllli- oat medicine tbe price for the pamphlet is four dollars and a guarantee is given tin if the purchaser i not satlsflod niter imtting tbo treatment into oonsclenticun pratic for one mouth totofund the money on tho return of tho pampldet with a pledge never again to use the treatment or allow it to be used in bii family tbo wuiord hall treatment without medicine foz the ttlue received from the umi uu treat ment please enquire of y of he fouowjns parties wm mullen bobert moon koblo ifeum thomas cauierou mrstcanieroti wiu gripjw acton jt bet tr giifonj kcrbb cook u uulhollaud wfsg unlbollaud jobn harvey mrs john harrey wuliameemstreet t 0 moors ura t c moore junes hattbsws jam ju luubevi rjfcer name vul be added wkly lutxboosx jaine martin mn j martin wnllane j- mrawlaic ueeiiic uaroual was little wore than a child wiko the old doctor died she had married him al sixteen because her falher told her to she had made him a good wile bocau her nature wat as sweet as sanslunc and her temper exceptiooally pood the doctor was rather a rial too oac ot uiobe carping criticizing individuals who was never quite satisfied with any- thin p but queenie did her best to euit lief 6ld husband and saccceded after a fashion she was tery young said dr baroual as he lay on his deathbed but she was a good and faithful wic im not sorry that i left all the property to lcr there were two children brighthaired blue eyed iitlc cherubs- exactly like their mother atid iu the society of these dimpled rogues mrs liarotial found her happiness- ouc ia her little of courwi shell marry again sourly fciid miss lois batopals maidefi sister why shouldnt she v said itrs dean the ministers wife theres no law acaicst it is there yes i know said miiss loi hut if all xwr zedekiahg money k to go to strangers hed a deal better had left a little of it to me and to his own relations queeaic is well cnongb i dirc say which was a great concesaion for hiss lois baronal to make i bat shes as much ot a child as those two boys what does she know of the management of aa estate td like to know and in the kindness of her heart iliiw lois volunteered to come and live with her widowed sisterinlaw and help to take care of her property but qaecnie was cfjuaflo tbe cmcr r its very kind of ou lois bvl she but if ou claut mind id rather gj on jtiat as we arc i think we thould both be more independent and this settled the question the pretty young widow lad uo lack of wooers when her year of crape and bombaz ine was over dr haller who had sac- cccdod to dr bananal practice had no tort cif objection to sacccoaiu to his wife as wcd lleatenant basset cou of the ilcgukr army had lost lil lieaxt to cjuecmvs larkspur blue eyc aud goldtn braids and hx halconi west the artist had covered every millboarxl and canvas in hia 6tudio wiiuefches of mrs baronals exquisite profile and rogmili three fjuaxtcr face three proposals in one week said queenie solemnly locking the notes- into herwnlingdeakj dearmc i certainly cajxt marry three gentlemen at once i must think the matter well ocr before i dedde doctor haller is certainly very nice lieutenant bassett is ay handsomc as apollo in that new undress uniform of his and mr west would be cliarming if he wasnt so very shy and reserved i must consider poor dear old doctor baronal always used to counsel me to think three times before i spoke once but i never could remember io do so three times that will be once for each of them one good long thought apiece i hiss lois was sitting at tej iii the second story lodging ovetahe bakers shop which she had lured because it commanded a view of the main street and was sojianiyto he particular church which she patronized when hrs colonel xewthorpi came breath lessly in l dear qneenie said she have yod heard- i havent heard anything said hiss lois sic4pwn do and have a cup of teav a oh lcant staya minute said hrs kewthorpe the colonel has telegraphed to me to come up and meet him on the sis- ten train poor darling what will become of her with hose children on her hands 1 she was crying when i came away you see oh dear was that the church clock striking six 1 i mast fun to catch my train but youll go in at once to see qaeenie she never needed counsel more than now and hrs colonel newlhoric hastened away miss lois baronal stared very hard a the willow pattern on her china cup i ko i wont go in to see her said she apparently addressing the chinaman on the blue bridge under tho willow she wouldnt accept any advice from me when she was in prosperity she shant have the chance uow i fore saw how it would be i told her she had neither judgment nor discretion 6he has mode her own bed now let her lie on it im sure i dont know how she will manage to support clare and eustice theres nothing on earth that she can torn her hand to and i shant help her she may be ery snrc of that aud jth a solemn countenance which only halfmasked the malicious exultation of her secret heart miss lois baronal put ou her bonnet and respectable thibet shawl and went out to circulate among her neigh bors the fact that poordear dear zede- kiabs tvife had lost every cent jp tbe world and would probably havej4oseiidher children to some half orphan institution to be brought up u price thbee cents m 1 always foretold it said mrs bmith any ono could ltavo seen it with half an oyo what was to bo tho tho end of all mrs baroimls extravagance groaned miss hunkel and if any oiiuh pride deserved a fall hen did said mrs judge harvey who could not forget that queenies hlajk silk dress had cost fifty cents n yard morp than hod own before noon tho ucxtday every ouo in the village- had heard that mrs llaronals riches had taken to themselves wings and had flown away and thut she was left alone in the world with clare and eubtico to buptwrt ri dr haller whistled dubibubly when the news reached him as it promptly did lm afraid i was rather precipitate in that written proposal of tiiiue said he ko man ever on to put down things in black and white i hve my own way to make iu tbc world und a punilcss widow with a readyuiadc family is hardly the way to further my fortunes i miibt ex tricate myself from the entanglement as boou as i can think up a decent ciit lieutenant basuetl was ctmally taken by aarprisc he lung the bttuqoet of bathouse blossoms which the florists boy had just delivered into the grate the bouquet which had been ordered especially fyr yuccuie baroual no oa dont my buy v said he faceti ously addrcwiidg hi uwn reflection in the inautei mirror you know very well that love in a cottage i not our special l v yoa never were economical and never can be the little widow cuj do a deal better than you financially hputking lt her hc what cbauc she can and i always did detest thew noih y little boy s of licrs well perhaps things arc just as well as they arc and so die gallant army officer flung away bis love as if it had been a lovc mr wets i however heard the tidings with a diiteret sensation he put on his hat and rushed at once to dr baronals old stone house without evens topping to think he matter over queenie poor be cned ticcnio alone and in trojblc this must never be while i can help i my income is not large to be sure bat it will be enough to keep her out of poverty and hence forward if she will iicrmit me her welfare must be my first care so it can- to uss that of allltr suilor honest malcolm west was the crjy one who rallied o1r tide when the clouds of adversity bcemed to lung ever beautiful quccnec baiouals bend she was titting moruingroom when west was ushered iu yon have heard the news she said rlancicg up with a carious questioning light in hor eyes i have heard that you ari jmor hrs baronal said the young- artist and i do not altogether rctret it because i can now prove to ou how great a happiress ii kill be for me to assume all the care and responsibility of yocr future as wlh as that of he children tell me queeuie will you allow me lo work for j otff bencefdeward for i lovi you with all iny heart tbe tears glistened in queenies eyes lienuhanl bassell has not been near me said she dr haller aajgone to montreal leaving t2 medical student in charge of his practice- and yet they would rain lmvc lad me bc-lievl- that they loved me they arc j aillanimoua scuuutlrela u tho young artist impulsively u they doat know the very meaning of the word iove and quccnic suid yt and malcolm west fell that be wad elevated to the highest bcawaof happmcua while clare aud euitic played ju the flwr and ate ucuaiited sugarcandy out uf mr wests pocket sf awl the time thppd along until dusk when iu came mits ixiti khiiguhc ktmcis pjraiciiicd i am very torry for you quecnit iiiii she lnubrioualy but you know i told you what you might expect all along dear me ixiis what are you ialkipg about said mrs baroual innocently about your loss of fortune of course sail mis lots with some acerbity bui i havent lost my fortune said mrs baroual compoidly mrs kdwthorpc taid that yoa had kho couldnt possibly have said any such thing cs that declared mrs baroual because it has not happened hhc was here yrtkrday just when i was mourning over the depaaturct of mis chesney the childrens nursery governess for im quite sure that i never shall be able to replace her but as for money i am quite as rich in that respect as i ever was so this was the foundation of the rumor hat had so stirred the social circles of the village- and malcolm west had won the beauty and the fortune too lieutenant bassett said it as a con founded shame and dr haller never ventured jk look quecnie in the face again but quecnie herself smiled roguishly i could not quite decide foe myself said she so fate has decided for me too busy to pray jesiia appears to have devctcd himself specially to prayer at limes when his life was unusually full of work and excitement his was a very buiy life there were near ly always many coming and going aboat him sometimes however tbere was such a conjesticu ot thronginobjects that he had scarcely lime to eat bat even then he foaud time to pray indeed these appear to have been with him seasons of more prolonged prayer tbau usual thus we read so much the mre went tbere a fame abroad of him and great multitudes came together to hear and be healed by him of their infirmities but he withdrew himself into the wilderness und prajed many in our day know what this conges tion of occapations is they are swept off their feet with their engsgements and can scarcely find time to eat we make this a reason for cot praying jesus mkde it a reason for praying is there any doubt which is the better course many oi the wisest have in tins respect done as jesus did when luther had a specially boby and exciting day he allowed himself a longer time than usual for prajer beforo- hand a wictman onco said hat he was too busylo b in a hurry he meant that if he allowodaiitubclf to become hurried he coald not dq all bo liad to du there is nothing liko prayer for producing this calm selfpossesspu when tbsdustof business so fills jourroomlluit it threatens lo choke you sprinkle it with water of prayer and hen you can clcuneo it out with com fort and eipeditoo janiiastalkqc the brides mistake ht at rjufboiru ob harry diow beautiful this is cried bophio garland olappiok her pi amp littlo hands with deligbt i never dreamed that you had prepirod such a home as this for me love in a oottage eh said harry garland looking down with pyos of amused admiration at bis pretty goon bride but you iee bophiei thooht this would be so much nicer than a city flu 1 for the summer months at least i clovcrdtle was tbe prettiest of gothic cottages nd embowered ijblooming lilacs frarsnt tresses of honeysuckle and climb ing roses there was a little lawn shorn close as green plush a running brook bridged over with cedar nailed planks and the smallest of grotloca where the tirip of j a cascade was lost among ferns aud irises j its just channiuifaaid mrs garland who had filled both hand with tulips daffodils and early roses 1 uover dream- od ajany thing so lovely aud lucre n a cabinet ttatiitsollio drawingroom and real stained glass wmdowk in the library an the quaintest suudia i ever saw and plenty of spare rooma if my mother should wish to spend tbe maimer with usskl mr garland carcjesiiy sophies face fell all of a sudden the roses and daffodils drifted lo the ground became clow lo harry aud began uerv- ously playing with tbe middle button of his coat harry he said 1 dont wsut to teem ungracious but but perhaps it is better to bavc an underttanding on this tjuestiju at ouco on what qucsion laid uirry lome- wbat bewildered on the mother inuw question coar- ageouftly answered fcopbie harry burst out laughing my dsar chili said be wbobas been filling your innocent little head with non sense it isnt nonsense said sophie bet i hive inade op my mind never to let our domestic peace be impt riled by such an element as th ti and i i cant consent lo receive your mother here harry mr garland whiitltd low and loug the mischief you cant v iaithe yoa won ask it will you dear coax ed tho yoang wife in her sweetest accents if you only knew my mother sophie be began but i dont know her pleaded sophie and 1 dont wsut to know her im sure you would like her sophie here i am harrys mother darling i have come to help you bo like a ministering angel ibe mothwlulsw camejolne house just as sophie bcrself luccurwl to the fell disease no looodr ffid mn perogriuo peny recover ban she packed her trunks and made off for saratoga as fast as possible ooe always needs change after tllaess and the stmospliere of a sickroom always was most depressing to me be said i dare say that that good mrs garland will do all that is necessary for dear bopbh and i hare my own welfare to think of sophie just able to sit up in a pillowed armchair her cheeks hollowed by illness ber large eycaflrming from deep purple circles looked after tbe departing carriage and then lifted ber glance to the tender nurse who sat beside her mntbcr she said wistfully yi will not leave me not uulcsi you scud un said mrs garland tcujcrly and that wul be ueier said sophie closing her eye withw sigh of relief how angelgood ypa javo been to mo without you i shouldsprey have died and even in her mbevshe oauld not rest peacefully unless she bcldlltrepgir lande band tnhcrs that evening when harry came borne sbe opened her heart to him harry she said can you ever for give me forgive ou dearest 7 for bat i said about our dear dear mother fervently uttered sophie she s precious bcyoud expression to me now she has avcd my life by her courage and devotion aud 1 feel that i can oot part with her any more would she stay here with us always do you think harry harry smiled gravely are you is it sobw thebroken bottle come ou boys let os p in aud take a parting drink tbc speaker was william sjoii a hard working mechanic wbo with three of bis shopmttes was on his way home at the close of the weeks labours all of tbem had taken several drinks and bad beson to show the effects of it especially scott who staggered itigluly a he walked tbe four went in and stood before the bar of lbs baicon which wa but a short dis tance from scoud boms and had for years been pitrouized by bim drunken men seldom driuk and leave a saloon beo there lare two or mora together aud ou om oc casion scott and bis friends stood at the ho man ever offended his own c mtcience bat first orisst it was teveujiod fos it j iii him and i am positively certain you could pot f etjd conversed as one after the other help loving ber as if there ever could be aoy relation ship nearer lhan neutrality between mother and daughter inlaw satirically observed mrs garlaod no harry it u too dan gerous an experiment lo try you will let me bavc my owu way ia this matter will you not she added caressingly it is tbe fir t favor 1 have asked of you of coaree you are mistress here said garland feigning an indifference that he did not feel i do not intend to oppose your wishes iu any jespect and sophie stood on tiptoe to kin him by ibe way of reward j after this discussion it is hardly ineces- sary to say that mrs harry garland was no lilue lurprised iwo or three days sub sequently by the arrival a a hack cab at the gate loaded down with trunks and the appearance ot a javcnileiooking elderly lady very much powdered and frizzed with an eighteenyear old bonnet aud a parasol which a school girl mibt have envied sophie started from tbc cozy nest ia the hammock where she was reading dante mamma 1 the eiciaimcd yes darling its mc said mrs percy her mot ber i was uu icy way to saratoga so i thought i would flirprue you and dear harold and- 1 bo gave sophie- a succeisioa of kisses which were rery strongly flavored with rose powder and beckoned tbc hack- man tobring in tbc trunk four said she and a bonnetbox an umbrella strap and two travelling bags i believe that is all my darling sophie what a lovely home yoa have here and the doctor says country air is the very thing i need to set me up mrs pererihe percy was one of those old young ladies who remind one forcibly of an antique piece of furniture varnished up lo jcok like new sophie garland bad never been in sympathy with her fashion able mother she bad married decidedly in opposition to that ladys wishes and was to ell the truth uol especially pleased at her appearance en tbe scene al this parti cular moment but wbatam i up do she said to herself i certainly caut turn ber out of doors though im sore i donl know what harry will say after all those disagreeable things i said aodut bis mother but harry garland was too much of a gentleman ootrto behave like a sir daunce- lot uuder auy circumstances he welcom ed mrs percy witli genuine hospitality and did not even notice sophies appealing glances when ihe old lady incidentally let fall the information that bincesbe liked the situation of cloverdale cottage eo well she should perhaps remainders all snmmet just lo keep86phie company you know it is so good of harry not to fling back my own silly words into my face she thought with a thrill of gratitude bat at tbe end of a week mrs peregrine percy sickened i hope its not going to be anything scrioos sbe said sickucss does age a a person so i never had any wrinkles you know dear before tliat last attack of neuralgia but when it transpired that mrs percys ailment was the severe and cootagious form of disease known as spotted fever there was a general commotion st clover- dale collage the servants gave warning the neighbors kept away and poor sophie was weary uorn out with nursing and fatigue when one day a gen lie little women in black presented herself she will see you maam said tbe little charity girl wbo alone could be in duced to cross the infected threshold aud wbo loudly declared that at the asylum ibe had bad everything and wasnt afraid ot nothing i told ber to go away bat it was no good sophie pale and haggard crept down iu- unbe datkened drawing room i dont know wbo you are said she or what your business is but you had better go away tbere is terrible siekneu her v i t know it answered a mild voioe and tbst ls tbe very reason that i am treaied in tarn suddenly their conversation was inter rupted by scott accidently dropping the the bottle from which be was about to pour a dram from bis unsteady graip halloo said he that was aii acci dent accident or uot youll pay for that liqaor and boulv retorted tbe talooti- keeper whose alien lion hd been directed to scot l by tbe crash you dont mean lhat lawrence sid scott it was an accident thats ail right replied tbe saloon- keejjer bat tbe price of that bottle and tfqaor will lake tbe profit off many a drink i caut afford to lose and youll have to pay it but pleading the mechanic ive but a dollar of my wages left and i mint take it home tbe haloopkpir was however inexor able and scott handed over tbe dollar note which was lo have given bia wife aud little oocifa sunday jiuuer when be got bis change ho turiiud u the silooukecpcr and said i didut think jqu would do that- lawrence after ive been spending a good part of my wagts here for tbe past ten years well if you have 1 guess you got the qaivalout of every cenl you pent gruffly responded lawrence did i said scott quietly and picking up tho piecermj started from tbe saloon tbere is something in his manner that lawrence did not like and taking the amount be had recieved from tbo mechanic from the drawer ha threw it noisily on tbe counter ani called to scott to come back but tbe latter bad reached tbe door and went ou out he proceeded direct io his home and meeting his wife be placed the pieces of the broken bottle iu her hand saying there betty i paid several hundred dollars for that and i think youll consider it cheap before we gel through mrs scott did not fw a moment under stand him rbut looking at lh pieces of tbe bottle and inhaliug tbe fumes of tbe liquor sbe intuitively grasped bia meaning and with a glad feeiug in her heart he said what do yoa mean william i mean said scott that for ten year that bottle has been swallowing rnf eanrmgs but uow ive bought it and i am going to see if the broke q bottle is not better tbau the whole bottle scott kept his promise he never drank again and in alter years when be had a comfortable little home and a profitable business of his own he always told bia friends that it all came tbroogh tbe broken bottle bati mare prttbtjicriaa a preceptible difference ya criticise your neighbors wife ypu criticise htr daughter yoa help toswell the sandals rife you wade id foreign water to stop sail think before yoa siwak just cogitate a in unto it mxkos all tbo difference lu tin world if youre uotlo it you ftnfl fault with tbe churches too the members aud the inaaebtr their croods insr seem oawlae to yoo you uiicneopie ersature take off those glasse look aroanu iuprejadlced a uiiuuur it uikes all tbc difference tho world t youronotiti it a funeral cut by today you called tbe dear sinner i wonder what the world will say w bcu you forgot your diuult boa you rblu by in such a cmudi a luug pitio box lrltiiiumt it iuakn all the tlifferodco in lbs if youre uot in it ttittni not albiiig uou tbe eaxtbi or im voulu ucavcn iut you tutwt welfili iu little worlb lusprl lliu bossipt leavea j j 1 itouder when yon view tbo throne j what lkw youll lud within it 7 u niavam all ibedlrjurooce lu the world if yoaro not in it t arcyu c av y i tttsi fe5 jsfl 35 3 mm rts the five senses it is now the lime for sociables pleasant gatberiugh of young people whole social atmosphere oi tbe chi boutd be brigbtnod by tbo way in wl the kndoavorcn reach out after tbe el gers and make all fee at home and in the coutts of uie lord an 3 borne of his people an elaboration of tbe 0 beeration party which was published last year gooil ihrxlxfpitfj now appears also may tuggest a pleasant and profil evening for your society this lamrser ffrtj a table was brought into the a of tbe room on which were twelve a bell a directory sn orange etc party stood in lbs circle gazing at tbas objects for three ruinates then he uty was rcmovej and are roinotes sw allowed iu which to write all that eouldfatm remembered of what had been observsd during that intensely exciting three mtn utes ntjtthe leader entered withs bavkel contaiuing five urticle via ra cakeof aoap highly perfumed a box of sage au ooion small quanliiy of coffer a bit of beliotroptt a requesting tbe players to close their eyes be proceeded to allow each one in turn to smell each of tbe five articiei in um basjut then as before five minutes were allowed for writing many ot the gueaaeri bein somewhat ludicrous as when one yoang lady called the cake oi soap a slice or a pise apple i next came the sense of touch and again tbe party was politely requested to alt with closed eyet while fire articles were p c in a basket and each one allowed to fed just long euoofih to be able to make a guesa tbe artides in lhh case were as follows a sponge a mustard plaster one one purchased ready made a piece of oiled silk a rough blooe a small piece of tinfou next was ihe sense of hearing and oar leader stood iu an ad joining room while he produced the following bouods striking a tamblcrwiih a silver knife wannga braucb of rustling leaves tapping on a tin pie plate with ajiilverplate with a pleos of wood poonug water from autcher into a cup tearing a piece of cloth lastly came the sense of taste with closed eves each player tasted of three different articles just touched to his orbef tongue by their trusted leader via a bit of flour a touch of bokiuittoda and a tiny tasto of grouud- maco hcn the papers were collecled and read and tb0 name of the most successful gacssers innoanced there ivcrc many laugluiblo mistakes ai when one young man who prided himself ou his knowledge of cuhuary matter ealled tho soda cream ot tarlar and the floor borax as lie was preparing himself to take tbo position of cook on the next summers camping expedition there wa a hearty laugh all rouud at his expense gmznrnu teach the c1rls to keep ac counts m av one ot the bct habitatbat a young girl can form is that of keeping an accurate account of her own personal expenses and the smaller tbe items tbe moro important to keep accouut uf them few people realize bow largo a proportion of their inouey runs away in little expenditures of balfdime dimes and quarters even the iusigmucant penny has a way ot eouuting up that surprises one carfares soda- wattr icecream candy and the money is gone it is only when ooe puts down the small items in plain black and while that one realizes ibo importance of looking alter the ultje outlays if girls were taught to keep account of every penny tbejr spend they would bo better prepared o exjwnd money judiciously when they uh come wivej housekeepers and providers lovfamilics t give the girls a regular allowance and then require a strict accoant to be kept of the way it is spent and to a few years we will hear less about thriftless aod extra vagant women it is wortbyof remark that in tbe forty- ninth annual report of the united kingdom temperance sad general provident insti tution submitted in june or jalrlast tbe following com pari sou of expected claims and actual claims is made year 1 0emeai section expected claims actual claims 73 for itjt4i8 3g for c7tito0 tkiimuxci hxvtlox expected claims actual claims 807 for 75916 iu for 18s7 thus where iu the general section 100 in death claims was expected only 7881 was required and where in the temperance section 100 loss by death was looked for only 597 was sustained there is thus 21 j percent in favor ot the teetotaller if this years showing stood aloue it could not safely be taken as proving greater longevity on the part ot those who abstain from alcoholic driuks but when it is add ed to the almost halfhundred of yearly comparisons of the kind by this company generally in tbe same direction tbe con clusion urged upon us by the figures is a firstclass kind of temperance lecture wc recommend it those who think moro ot driuk than a dollar junritav times why harry said a lady to a small boy who wai crying in the street whats tbe matter mother whipped me groaned ihe boy what for r m canse i fell in the river and got wet- well dont yoa think you deserved it ino i dont i came near getting drowned and if i had then wouldn she a cried ber eyes out f and jat because 1 didnt an i came homo a little wet sho gives me a whippin next time ill drownd and teach her bow to treat a feller booboo 1 banana peel on the sidewalk bloods barsapaxite is one ou the flood tide of popularily which position it baa reached by its own intrinsic undoubted merit s tbo stroct car bad passed but to catch it he reckoned bo be ran like a deer and shouted and bs coned i till bo planted his beel ou a smooth bit oi pool tlrau be san ball a uiulltu tura lu a sooui uewaslu toogreatahurryjbetter flare waited for another car there are cases i however where hasto is necessary if yofift have night sweats fevertshnesa weak sore lungs aud a backing cough do netloee an hour iii obtaining a supply of dr pieroas goldeu medical dlscovesy delay tn neb eases is dangerous it may be fatal before the disease has made too jrxcm psoa the golden medical discovery b a oeruiu carts in fact its gearanteed to beuefit ur curu or tnouey paid or iii promptly rcfuudej tasutlifler said uagby good talnx they do- pat iaboutataa u tfcpy didat sqtrillsend atcaaberriei r jwou

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