Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1891, p. 3

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f bank of hamilton bead office hamttok carmt rm cr 8imhm jubtbfnd majwo 3tu1lmwll h86tkvbn- cubllu akciiullsb oeopobtown aoehoy 2shsssaj t savikqs derautmkxt siisa m depo w special deposits t no4ss h mwatsok areni the methodist cfluegh ii acton rtw o a ojffobd itilj phj pastor j parsonage bowcrarcnuo school uo tubleosiioabiloefcyibrllii r pastor ahoet4iallrliitii rtisfssl sign of the big snirtch watches clocks j ewellery spectacles rdpaked bring your repairing to us ve will give you satisfaction open ing up nfew styles in watches and jewellery remqrnber and call when vou want sta tionery wall papers window shades special bargains in above goods ceo hynds come in juid lake to t bar tloct acton thursday june 1 131 little local brieflets which caueht the eyes or t ears of free press reporters this keek the mosquitoes are busy agai the county council mtt ja tamdiy jaue summer months add- summer ether dih insl the council will meet en the a a court of revision sheep washing and shearing d0w comsg iu tor attention the general sessions open in the co irl home hilton on tuesday next- i fosters are oat announcing s700 in priza for actons djrmmon diy celebra tion i already the small bby is caicukliifg 1 that it is less than a month to sammir vacation j the neat meelingof helton district 1 sons of temperance will be held itclffip- bellville in august the campbdlvilk hotel own by eelii derlmr has been soli to kiliburas o betiiagton for koo rtba part lmprovemeou are w nd etrylhing will- be in shape or actons celebration wool the highest price in trade will be girca cor any quantity o good clean merchantable wool jymitc lap co geijrgetomi out hie fine cejr harns of messts allan and ifcbain on the secondline are about completed mr albert stewart his also put up a fine barri aiiis spring mr thomas eyaer has been jeasering from a very 6ore hand the past week or bo he got it ernieedand afterwards ran a sliver iitpthe wound it is nowimproring the spies jjed showers tils week have been received with grateful hearts nig ell under sieellent dominion day cash or l l ili aj 1 i 1 eifeiislsi droath ks beginning toieriotulyi ftjtect ifafi seeds tnd planu a r jnoe comes in iifce a girl eplng to pxcnic u spry tnd u tliuisome and beau- tiicl fcsjoce could ih decked oat in white dreaud witii flowen in her bit tqere is do use talking jane is dusj c 7 j the bind will give another free con cert on fanidia sqaare on fridar eveir aliiioiigjiajighijynaiiiicapped bytbevtilh dnwlof coaple at msmbers the band will endevonr to provide an cojoyible pco- grxjnmc there are m every coaunamfy those whoeipeclto profit bythe labora pfotben every town has its citizen who fiits idly dowu while his energetic neigh bar adds to hu wealth the man who owns tue comer lot and waiu f4t the next fellow to erect a iiioegs block is recognized everywhere tne big woollen mill here are to be xjosedwe qoderbtaad net weefc many pi the- employes have already cecored arifaauoos elsewhere wtiile here are others still oat of employment that a large and well eqaipped woollen ictory like thift etioald close its doors 1 whit is aeaally the hasfest season of the year is to regretted streets ville bccktc sfoaot forest will have a grand gala day on jojy litand 2od embraoiag baud toaroaibent horse kioet acrobat feats athletic games scottish bagpipe coniptt- iiioir hcotcb and iriab dancing lacroflse and football matches and other sports on the evening of the first day there will he a grand fromenande concert and a fine display of fire- works the prizes amount rev joseph wild dd was the winner of the maws free trip fay some 20000 votes the tdtgram ju asail jocaiar strainv says his sacceas in the late lamented fake it a serioasreflectioa upon aonravf her lr wilds jtdfaerents umoitgail him tavibiak thatimedcoald sit ander bis preacbing for lo these maay years and still remain fools enotijjh to bite atsach a bait mens farnbiogs- hot weather clothiog and gating goods negjigebhirls sod wasbvesu these are smart looking goods aud ifaoald be worn byfeveryodng man wishing to keep op with thfhaud womans fornishings ta beat the band blboses hhirta sxd gordon sasheswash ing goods in great variety wejmake the cleopatra bai to match costome 10 dozen misses and childrens waiitsi in today b b 3zirua if yoa waot firstclass gaelph sash and doors at goelpb pripes t tiuuiae can fdi yoar order at hispuaing mill ask your druggist for vr august koenigs hamburg drops or the bloodr r- tns government u going to spend t2k for a tri- weekly mail lervice on tbetforth era facific hw- the newg at home m08a 4 isnfo nound mr jolm cook 0 his ith hiie ktin ms with a ptatbtttl oaideut lav batuhlay while clcauiiifi out a well the pump hook slipped in boojc way aud wont through hii hand andtu his positobljs wm 0 td lo rvmsiu autil i id low- workman dcsccudtxl ihc well to rait iho part of the pomp to which the hook was attached it was a painlul wound 1 handsome m vital the gutlph irnmr taja mr u bangs jeweler hasjait had inaanfaclurtd a very prttty gold medal lo ho presented h mr u v moort ol the acton fnu premioc general proficjcocy tucommercial science at the coming convocation at albert college uellevillt uu one side is the college crest and on the other a uait- ablo inscription it it an nppropriale gift and docs credit 1 mr moores larccnesf of heart mechanical lrfvlivtt an extensive advertiser who does a large business in torou to write to tho fkee press ia lh- touawing- compnmeutary terms- ueau sic alio wrce to say that of all the weekly aewipapers t gel and the number ia urge there i not one of them can approich the acton fkce pncss fcrmccbanical perfection and literary taste and attractiveness i olleu forget to look for my adverueeruetit by the attractions thatmeel ciy eye elsewhere in the paper these frequent voluntary expressions of appreciation arc indeed cucoaragtng the fuu lris will always eudeavoc to merit ihnx actons dominion djy cvteltrailon mutou ud georetiwn had their lauing at celebration on queens birthday bat actons is jctto come f0r4eirs acton has celebrated dominion day with a good dearocetilhuiisoj and large numbers oc visitors hive come to town to enjoy the dt proceeding tins year a coainciuee of citirens hive taken the matter in hand and wilt cithe public a progrimmc un- excclied by auy luwu of the slue m the pro vince the frk iraprovemenu will by that lime be canpitted and every thin will lc in first class order for an attractive and ucesfcuerics of eveqli full particu lars will shortly be given to the publicl death oc a 1iancer oa satorday about cooa mr stittrj zimmermarj xho hd bei ill fur several weths quietly pr away mr ciramer- niau wig am aa those who first settled to acton yhaving came lire with his father from xecaixmille lelweea fiftv und silly vears 3 the firm njou which mr jaxiiesdrowcs sivrniill is loci ted was the zimmerman hcmttcad and tor years mr zimmermia fr operated a tannery on mui ttrt dcccsted rcsiied nearly all his life m acton tut ercnt several years instrathrcy erin and gaelph he wis about to remove- lo mauitoba ivherc two of the soje have resided for severs years and he vvs oa thit point of let via g when taken ill jlr zinerniuwas lorn in ikarcsville c 13 ifews of a quiet and reyrig dicitiaa and rtictea by all he ksves a rifc two ecus and two da hter f the fancral on tciy was largely attended lublie haktiol exzminzlioit the monthly examination of pupils was held ia the ecoacd and third departments tail week oaring to tfie preparation for hirh shxl eitminuioa the crt depart ment was no pjimined the retalt i as the cou a nowa items supplied by corres- r pondente and exohangee erin folio- -james- tovell 311 a little child 17 months old son oyrn matthews lrfn township had a uarrow escape from death on tuesday mr matlhsws wan load tug a wagon with maoure aud tho wagoti lauding on au incliuc starlcdoff and tho lltllo follow wis kuockod down and run over the wagon passing over tho neck fortunately there was a quantity of straw where the ciilld fell aud that oertaiuly saved him from imtaut death hii injuries arc not serious and tha little fellow will bo all right la a few davs w talk of the day bannockburn kvervthing is vory quiet out heroeitopt ing the fatrous of industry they say that they are going to make ths biggest success of anything of the kind yet how- ever we cannot wy but they are following pretty closely on tho footsteps of the grangers indjuioy aro nearly extinct now we would advise the lodge hero to got window blinds that can be let down or make use ot the ones the have cot because those youngmen that make a practice of speaking so much would feel bad if they knew there wn tome ha man looking in on them big excursion- to niagara friday n- gace your bcsgirl for that trip we very seldom see lb quartette club did they take efftnee at what was said about them some lime ago ulvbrv georgetown eiie qifjrr 307 maggie warwick isl icy m kltie cobban 370 roy mcintosh 3j ai tie moore 317 sec il eddie moore 0c1 fennel smyth 3gj mary taylor 3-s0- marks possible mq cissie mcthiil teadier jcxtys ir kellfi holmes vm jesie harvey 190 edwin fracc iso maude kyder im jacob bauer 15vj snvjjictii eva matthews ims mary tove7 liio jencie smith l6 john j moore 1 int fixr n mav preatice 200 minnie hirding 193 tommy henderson w 1 mibel bae vjo jck purr n clara bobbin 200 eya perry man iyj kcllie lowry 10 lottie ebbie if edith thomas lfej marks possiue co j k clevelmd teicher slabbing aftcay in erin lict friday afternoon as jimes carrie of fcefir- line erin wj pxssicg douild mcleans fafm eome warm words were erchanged a to a story beins circc- uled which il vets alleged reflecttd upon mcleans cuaracter t words cime to blows and ccrricj who had a stick std a pair of eheep fehearc in his hiudf sirack mclean on this itcleiu resisted and carries stick changed hinds when the latter usei the sheep s hears jn lb euh ejtect as lo stab mclcm a number cf places ou bis bod near villi prt ifclcans brother inter vened and together vi itts a neighbor david mcecorvn lp war present the parties were separated ijr lojvry was called to dress ihe wctnsei which tbcau at the time looting sctlotic are net eo bad as have been reported tnd mclean will likely be aroand scam shortly the gcelph sftr- cttf say e go saturday evening a war rant for the arrkt cf james currie was issued by john harrie jf he was taken l6gueiph id charge of constable elliott and phcrtlyabefors midnight appeared at the police elation with several neighbors prepared to become sureties for lis appear ance if necessary aher consultation with thecounlv crown attorney the prisoner who appeared beforejltary strange jp and aid palmer was admitted to ball until next saturday morning when mclean will be able to attend the trial removing the drill fined our citizen- generally are pleased to seo that the coutitl have the removal of the dnji shed to tqrfsrk under way but many ejiprcssions of displeasure at the manner and results of the moving arc heard tbisi owlngto thedanzige to the sidewalks and leautifcl trees on bower avenue when interrogated some time ago as to the possibility of removing the building intact without destroying treesa member of the committee informed the fcix peti- that they had gone over the groand and found that- but one little tree woald be injured on the 6trei as tbeccn- tractorhad elated that he could angle the building from bide to side and thus escapo ibe trees the building has now travtreed about wo blocks and seven or eight trees have uc11 taken up reucted ttf cour bat it is a question as lo whether they will live after being disturbed at this dry season of the year and one of the mobt beaatifal fatpus in town planted somo seventeen years ago has been ruthlessly cut down could the council expect to perpetrate sueh an outrego upon our streets without a pro test when a little carefal forethought woald have proven that this method of removal woald be snralo result in marring toe besot y of the venoe which ibe council and citizens in actons earlier days ex pended money aod labored so aiiidaooily to beautify the building should havu been taken dowu aod colld have been removed iaud rtbailt for but a slight advance jd cost on the present method and this wooh have saved the raadaliso t which tbp streets fcave ftdd v1 aeews n w 1- the comiiiod cxprcstiion ruin at last tlditor warren is again on duty after a rather sudden and severe attack of illness tom pitman had au experience on sat urday that would have killed nine out of ten ordinary people he fell backwards from the bridge al aldous factory to the bard ruad beneath a distance of twenty ifect and yet escaped unhurt although he truck fairly on the top of his bead eye witnesses say it was a remarkable escape hev uav davey preached in the meth odist church berlin last sunday morning the first sunday of the conference tlje local papers are full of the pmisc of his e3ort electric light matters are gradually get ting into ship shape and this lowil trill shine some in about a fortnight if all goes well ftxovir itijf mr p m iscwe is igain a resideat of georgetown mri- jno alduas u visiting fricudy up north mr willmbuuire speat a fuw iu town and vicinity this week he is gutting long finch- iu his new quarters and jjkes oakvillc extremely well wisr t milton jtefcrring to the lacrosse match hut week the ciiftvinvit says the acton- team showed up well in this game and if they keep together next season they will be able to make a good ehgwing inthc district series mr john hunter has boahl the tot at the corner of brown aud miry streets facing tile coart houfc squire aud has commenced operations on the foundation of a ccw dwelling mr iv l hemilreel has bought theiof omirtin street next ejt of mre hanuitna residenoe and is luring it prepared for the erection of a house work on the new church is progressing rapidly and the th of june has been settled on fur the day of opening there services will be held on that day conducted by eev dr mcmuiien of woodstock and pev dr parsons of toronto there will be special services also ou the following sabbath july oth conducted by rev professor haclirea of knox college toronto aud eev alfred gandier of branpiou the 12th of july will be the childrens day there is comuderible anxiety felt here concerning sir john maodonold a good roiu woald be welcome lnxhis locality young willi was 6cnt up for trial on saturday on a charge of larceny having stolen five dollars from one armour the county council met here onxues- day the principal business transacted was the enualization of tax assessments our town clerk sajs the actoa turx pixas is the neatest cleanest and prettiest little newspaper on the table of the mechanics instil ate mr thomas parsons has opened a new butcher shop ia the hume block next door to earl t bajiye tinshop he being a young man with plenty cf business enter prise we predict for him a good patroaace the new tower adds considerably lo the outward appearance cf our public school bat i will venture to siy that the people iu its immediate vicinity will not be troubled with rats as locg as they ring that bell six times a day xviias a voice like a bucksaw measrsthoslycusaudchaa waisoa of centreville were up before mayor dice on saturday hut to answer to a charge of assault oa miss seargbant about a week ago as miss s was returning from miltou lyons and watson who are said lo have been under the influence of liquor ran their horw back and forth past her yelling at the same time her horse took fright she fainted was thrown from the buggy ac4eriously injured so much so as to render her unable to attend the prelimin ary proceedings ahtllegirl accompaniog her was also thrown out but fortunately was cot hurt aflerall the evidence was taken they were sent for trial but allowed oaf on bail mist mckindsey daughter of senator mckbdsey is home for a few days hev mr hoddow changed pulpits with itev m c cameron of hambton last sabbath tholistof appeals from the assesorn roll was c ft 2 in long clobely written milton lodge no w loof held their 72ndanniversary sermon preached by uer broitf ccameron bj of harris- ton in knm9borch on sabbath last the processiqn consisting of about w mem bers induding visiting bretbern from georgetown iadoakvillewasformod aboot c 30 and marched in a body totbe chdrch marshalled by bro w h lindsay a more appropriate text could not have been chosen tban friendship lope and truth as upon thesethree words vs founded one of ibe best society jermonti ever preached in this town the true principles of odd- fellowship were laid bare before the audience whose opinioos of our beloved order must certainly have been raised to an inestimable degree may the lodge prosper in their good work fbeokix an epltorrift rtrv wftffiv doing during th week a 12000 ire d thirty thouiaqfl jews have bsd gln notice o quit wpaw t bir leonard tillsy s ion is making a tour of now bruusiok od horseback the ohirtu ontario is lu 10uon at slngctori tho rate of taxation will be 19 iriihi on tho dollar in wlnnlpog this yoar the union stonecutters of detroit have gone on alriko fer per day of eight hours thtxational prat says tho marriage of mr paroell to mrs obhoa is let for uext week it is thoughli that winnipegs population will amount to 00000 under the uew census ati effort is to bo made in parliament to secure tbo establishment of a miut in canada a txjys firecracker has caused great dis tress in winnipeg by burning the tenements of some poor aetueca it lias been rajtffisg heavily iu wostern manitoba and lreaiu storm ii progresiiog fu au easterly direetioo a special cable says that bir george rtepfaen il made a peer aud mr robert gillespie is mode a knigut analytical ei polls have declared the canadian cattle sen over on the lake huron lo be absolutely free from disease if is understood senator lacoite now speaker of the senate will succeed the late sir a doriou as chief justice of qaeboc xo trace nf the late pat parcells body has yet been found and lh family while offering a reward of 503 decline to prose- cute t the scssiou of the templars cougreaa in edmburg monday dr orouhyafekha of london ont was elected h w g teoiplar a petard wm exploded iu tbc cutom house at cadir spam ou satarday causing much damage and injaring one man fatally sir anlotne atmedorion cbief justice of qaebec died at his residence in montreal yesterday morning at halfpast even oclock the favorite exercise atnond fashionable women in london at present 11 fenciag the fashion having been act by the young 1rfa pesset of wales j it ts reported that telegrams containing the substance of mr glad ones letter on jhe jewish question have been stopped ou the liussiaa frontier a btcpdaaghter ol mr george hauler of ciradoc was leading a horse ou the farm aud the horse kicked her in the jaw break ing it two places theexecotive of the district council of koyal templars are going to prosecute the hamilton license commissioners for having issued four new hcenses it is reported anarchy prevails iu the new hebrides in the south pacific and that numerous conflicts have occurred in which c00 natives were killed postmastergeneral baikes announces that the efforts to indace the united states government to etitablish a parcel post with great britaia hive failed the difcovcry of four large boxes of dynamite in the castoms department of tbo french exhibition in moscow was partly the reason for the defaj of the czars visit to that city ft is understood- that adams is about to retire from the command of the canadian wing of the salvation army aud that be will be succeeded by col bee of loudon eng incorporation papers have been filed at columbus o for the consolidated oat- meal company with a capital of 3330- 000 all the oatmeal mills of the united states are in the combine prof james ot the ontario agricultural college has been appointed deputy minis ter ot agriculture for ontario in succession to mr blue who recently became bead ot the provincial mining bureau t by tha death of earl clancarty his son lord dunlo husband of belle bilfou the loudon music ball singer becomes a measlcr of the house of lords aud a life slater for tbetjritish empire a e myer a leading nierchahl of platttsburg mo and his two daughters ells and liossa agd 13 and u years were drowned sunday while trying lo ford a creek the bodies were recovered graiu dealers at winnipeg have received reports from different parts of the country which sgrec ia the assertion that crops are 2i per cent further advanced this year than they were at the same time last year thirty thousand people assembled in tbc qaeeas park tuesday to decorate the volunteer monument in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of ridge way the lieutenantgovernor opened the proceed ings a young son of james dormer st catharines was kicked on the head by a maw which he undertook to drive out of a field a piece of bone penetrated the childs bratn he lies in a very precarinas condition robert balraer a prosperous and mach respected farmer attempted sutride thurs day night near lldcrtou by cutting his throat while temporarily insane he used tha knife while in his buggy there is a good chance for his recovery tbo dead body of john lee formerly a m c r agent was found on the north side cf tho track 300 yards west of the sta tion by conductor kennedy on an east bound extra he was stuck by a train while en route to the post office it is staled that count von moltke just prior to his death concluded an exhaustive study of european armaments ending with the assertion that france was ready for war and russia ueariybo and that a great conflict could not be delayed beyond 1892 tjohn sewald of sacramento city has 00 of eased to having within tbo past twelve years killed his two wives with whom be did not get along well the first by arsenic poisoning nd tbe second by smothering her with tbc bed clothes while she was aeleep hendir co v-l- vil- ft -a- we are bowing thl week a urge range ol bkw pbintb i also new blkjjpe88 goods we haw aha best rain th bliok hen hi ejta at 3ie id town ad special driret in cottons cotton de8 and shuitinos aaieour25cculttainet i j a leader p jeanne we whs was tentepced it oran algiers totwenty yean hard labour for slowly poisoning her husband by ad ministrating imall dosea of arwjio oom- cnitted inioldo in iwr oell on pridayiilb y tsklng ailom ol kimi h gien to her by frwd i the torch exploded horrible death of a salvation army offlcerat clinton gm value in tweedb at mc per henderson mcfrae co lamdi wanting t 1st class millinery 1 r trimmed in 1st class style summer m ttndgrclothing t silk balbriggan and the natural wool all sties trom 3 to 44 hntst afeascn shaw t grundy mehchbnt tkilors guelph king of medicines x cure ff almost miraculous whcu i was 1 yean of age 1 imt a severe atlack of rlicumatism aiid afttr 1 rccoverec had to ctj on crulcliwi a yvar later srrofuh a the fonu of while swellings appeared on various partof my body and forh years i was au u valid bfng- cuo fined toinj bed 0 years in that time ten or eleven tons np- pcarcd and broke causiftgiiic great jaln and ufferinj i ffari i never slioujd gel well early m imci went lo aiicaju to rlslt a f ser but was ruuthud to ry bed must of tbe lime i was there in july i rtada bwk a day with a circus in wlucfi wtre stafeineutj of cures by hoods sjrwariii- i was so iiu- linricd wtt liucacctt hi fmedtctiie thai t died vi iry it- to tiy reat gratiflcatliu llic wrcs soua daimtj snd begnu to feel better ind hi a sbrtuic i was up and out of dourv i cutiliuuedto take hoods sar- saparilla for aut a year when having uvd ix buttle t bad ikitmc to fully released from the tlicae tltat i went to work for tbc flint si walling mfg co and since then hxt vctr lat a mxglk iav on account o sicklies i itelieve tiic disvic is cxellcd fnin luy j rtciu i alravs feel well am lii good tiirits aid itave a good nnitile iainno7ycr5ong adcnn walk as well as any one exeqt uial uuc limb s a little shorter tbau tlic other owing lo the loss nf bone and the sores fonnerly iri my riglit lej to tuy fricnifs uiy rvcoverj seems aliikt5t ralratiiloua aud i uilufc hoods savsanarilla is the king of medicines william a lrun 9 k railroad st keodauvtlle hid hoods sarsaparilla soidbyalidnisgliu lttrtots prtparedonlv by c l hood i co apolheoirl lowu mass ioo doses one dollar by a- lst class milliner should go to hollinrakes 1st class millinery stor prices to please al gentlemen j order your spring suit and 0ercoat from r e nelson j guklph i i new spring suitings j new spring overcoatings au immense range of choice j new pantings from 4 to 12 j per pair a special genuine tare worsted back panting at 5 per pair my specialty perfectfitting 4 pants to order satisfaction assured shoe social j 16 oke of-the- i- auusements of to dat- all i the gikls go behik1 ia screek asd stick the toes of their shoes out un dekseath its lower edge fi e nelson fashionable clothier 99 upper windham st quelph- hollinrake son milton be it ever so humble llieresno place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketboo in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture for the parlor the bedroom the dining room trie kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a sleitiflt manner rft ho tmtbjawscji jttoosedsantsed balsyaad liitra btfcteo i ovtnt fbex 17ssiuniabbm okffwststsi mm f- bargain tables full stock of spring coords the younop men select thelr part neksbvchalk isg tuelh ix tials ti the t e m lf i n g toes at a re cent party some of the boys said becoming styles low price that- their best girls gave other boys tips on toes we g i v e the girls tips on toes and straig ht t i v s t o o l 0 w price best style excellent fit come round and get some tips in spring goods at williams boot and8uoe store acton ont g b rykn st co rj so croat has been the success of our bargain tables in the past that no have decided to place before oar customers another similar opportunity for buing goods at bargain prices aud with this object iu view will throughout this week set aside a number o tables down the centre ol tbc store which will be known as our bargain tables and these will bn continued each day after that date untie further notice on theae tables will be placed many desirable aud useful articles at greatly reduoed prices aud indeed be found there excepting at a price that will make it a veritable bargain and in many cases marked at less jriee thsn we pid for it nfc do not gire any prices here as it would be quite impossible to give yon in this wayjany idea of the values we wip offer in many lines of goods in no way bat by persousl inpeclion will yon do jastuje to the values offered on out bargain table you will ask perhaps how we can afford to do this our answer i yon will qoite understand that in business the size of ouri there must be a great many ends or broken lines lof goods that have been all sold out bnt say to or the three pieces take ior instance a line of dress goods that we may have had in all the leadingshades and have now only as three shades left you can see it would pay o to turn the balance of this line into cadi eveuat a loss and pul tbe money into another line intead or it might be that the article offered waabonxbtby us last season but is none the worse for thatand it would pay us to take much less than tbe regular prtoe and tnm tho same into cash in every properly conducted business the stock is kept clean auj fresh even though a few lines of tbe coods here aud there are aacrised to do it we have had imitators of our bargain tables before and will doubtless have again but wo do not consider them sny the iess valuable on that account you will have no difficulty in finding the bargain tables as there will bo hanging abovo them a largo card announcing that these are bargain table r r see the gloves and hosiery on our bargain tables next saturday evening- tw u g b rykn 5t co just arrived m cuhtox june 1st saturday afternoon a young man named hitch ao officer io the salvation army whose mother resides near here was trying to kill worms and insects on trees with a lirhted torch when tbe can exploded tbe bunting oil running down his face and olotbei the unfor tunate yoaog man orared wjmiuii suffer- ings ran around tbe field uatn eihauited befriends being unable to get near him uu tiltoo late and death ended his agony a few hour adtet he was buried with army honors toty deoaaasd wai hears old t a masons a cboice stock of guelph 7 h twenty packages new goods i arrived at the right hotlse this- wee groceries crockery provisions choice cannedicoods fine rolled bacon lard cheese 4c national foods breakfast cerenlp hygienic foojs desiccated eulled oats desiccate wheat forinope rolled oatfiieal cpmmcal eto also a frjvh stock of oj be now season jsp4n tea pleasd esll and oxafulno tmrbtbck tauasok i ten cases curtain poles 1 case windowbades 1 package window fringe 1 case corsets i case wool damaak i caw drews linings i oaserlaoe cortains 3 paroell ladies hats 1 bale prints 1 bale grey cotton ladies night dresses chemises blouses corset cortrs csble cord dress buttons shirtings c anions selisua gold laeuj- steel gimps dreij luee bilwr braids india tapes cbantilly klouncings leghorn hats silk i lose faille fraucais silk handkerchiefs silk wbbon curutnettwwsone d white velveteen a large 8tc ok of india mattings for summeb houses at ca11p oborasa vh beach etc it makesa vkry cheap and fashionable cover- ino fob houseani 0fice floorsr immense reductions- n goods lace curtains put down f mm m so lio tonj0 iw0 10oofe iu0 nilll 1 ta ins from 10 i 13 no gw 19 1875 lo 17 allwool cabpets 05c to 85c 80a to 78er- nici union carpet at onlymo jersey wawmilmtosuttutom1 clotes 1125 to 1150 1150 to llstj to u5l sk fhffim sssv bk w wm to ii 1350 to l j adies tweed jackets 3s ii 2to ii a 60 to l childbbns mantles 1375 to 13 1075 to 3 1875 to 1 150 embroideries 15c to 10cs5to otomba 8tt to me cbbammuslin soo to 80c colored- mc 3lin 15c to 10c 7c to 2c chi monmoihoil to 50 tto to beaded galloon 00c to soc s5c to 15j 50c to 20c gimps mc to son 1 to ooci 0o- tol smttaxto j5ofe soma obevatonly 10c the carpeu wlndjw c rtalns floor oilvcorucln and llnoleucloth mssi bnse endlll oth horaefurnlsbiogs have en enormous aca they are nob inarming tyles good quality and sibt valot the hniimtt mantles dress goods underclothing for ii4es and misses in wool merino cotton eerdaio bon s weil destaii in etook end mule to order in fuhiooeue styles et short nok fllabe i enter the stobe at the fenckat thajcoembof kino street east and huohsol 1 street north hamilton june 1th 1891 thoe4l3 k v pink to 2c chambgay il7i o watiisrt

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