Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 11, 1891, p. 1

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w- volume xvf no co acton ontjario thursday june 11 1801 17 ht jutoft jfrcc rcss 1 is rtvuacn r every thuh8dit morning 4t tok free press stearic prtounj office httl street v acton ont ttiuit orscbcbitttonao doll u- pet roar 11 nm in idnaet wtihity three months from beginning of year- 150 per roar if dot so paid the date to wmtii every subscription is paid u denoted by the date on the sdrtis label aftxansncq ratia transient aertfc- tneuta 6 cent per nonpareil line lor first in- wrtion j ceuu pot hue or oach subsequent insertion coxnurr lutksthe tallowing tabic chert car rate lot the insertion ot advrrtisementa wr tpocificd gcrfodf t ira 6 xg u ifo una m0oo tii00 aj u urn t la jj3 k 100 rv atertisiemenu without specific directions wiflbe inserted till iocbld and charged aecord- tniv transient advtrtiaemenu most be paid f advertisements will i chanced once etch mooth u desired for change ottcner than once month the competition mail be paid for atreculai rites j change for contract advertisements most be in the offlw by am on tuesdays otherwise thy ill be leu over until the following week ht- moore editor and rrprielor susiiussbtrcctani yvtl h lowry m b m c p s 11 jqrtdaaieojtraltycolleemeabcroi coueea 6t putxielaxs md bcrctoat- offic ad residence at the head of frederick timet acton pjtrce three cents wall papers at lew mian half price nt dlys bookstore oirtucto tbtorctk nt 4iie american wall rape aseocuuou i inimtiiiteouiinea paper ttlmlt urtc4ahdifluwrtlrotn6a to tq per cent below hie tieunl prix eltfnt boc pipers at 10c elwt30c pipers t 15c geld 100 papers a 1 25c 30cuid35c r nordc and ccllinc dock to match all oat 1 paper we have leu liu the largest lock lu now- t cttics tud kififct coarinpf l wc five you the lowest prices and belt flesort- uicct at days bookstore the traders bank op oanada lucorvofttcd by act of plriiaiuooli heab offiob toronto caiatal avt1ioiuikd cimaiilliolt jltai000 600000 quelph dry seits chesp bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 a savixgs luriittuest lfis lxatiptol ti connection with thia trncli interest aucrc1 l4urtrlt hilic r jashfinlay 1 kaiurr glelcic buavc1i d rueex orrtce ixd residcvccdr xfegntu boatj coraer uill tad frederick itrwl t l beckett lds demist ghorgtrotx oktlilq j pllrssillildsddslds dcatist wtujo at curkuoiel tvtr lridv t d stiktox dentists- oenoiitbfrtf luock next 1ost 02lcc actoa- osce-pa- every is ti the vcrv ucs metbodin dcntisiry prac tissi j s iijis d snuus mi ccleak d stcleix alrristettsoliciwn koiirie goavcyaaccrt tc pritte tandto ioxzi 05m toa hall acioa y t a- siowat bissigtcr soucitoc kotixt pceuc i ifooeytolotn i omce ittn taetiaraad strdy i ornat- kiaaavirs btocfc aelaa npuir s hilton vtallbrrdgei stone birrietere solicitor it toejstq isd geoegrron oeiesrcreezarce block gecrseicx and t riders hark dacibcn ci yoe t- toronto w barber bros 1 paper makers aeorgetown ont itike i rlculitcr macmne finished bookpapers iiii orali wieklv ntws the paper ubcl in this jocriii is eroai the abave mills vti basber bros steel exgray1xgs irvfec- cotni iictcrc lioo and w0st frame itekts eecoeed l foe istestios hexbr geut ottii1 ciioui tenlttcl practice ko fajntr ko par w- hek5treet ror the goisties ot welliatoa and htltoo- ordenlefiatlbfe2x pbxss osce actoc or st mrrsideace in acton ill l pixsptly t- madd la tenns reasoniljic also aney to loin oc tbc nioit farorable terms aad ai thetoet rules ot interest in rszis of 590 tad apirds j0hkdari j arcnrtect 1 gcelrirojcr office qaccas hotel dlock mrrfcet soiairc gtr acrs nunan scccessor to t f ciiapta bookbtkdee- 5goores5qaire gcelpboctiro accaaar dookx of all kiac ciic to order fexiodieii ot erexy descriptioa carerdly boaad kahar citlx aad promptly doae rphe hisxax barber shop t imsterrraxios asuy aaate a atylish haircat a good efopi aaxtnliuatiagihaeipoqaliriyiqtea baxorc boftvdandpat ia 6rtteli conditioo ladiea totrfiildteai haiructily cal i j drhwoedextoasoruiartiitt 1 wellington marble works quebec silllt gcele- v clark k carter ttbect iajporten of grtaiie end ujltijic x moasments uid hedstocof ail shade tad from the aert design- ah work to- mt- ucitl tuxtntod ditrcltss purties witbiag to psrehtae vill pleaaa gire as a ctll aad facprt oar stock and price as we are co mid eat ire ca c ritii uiy etjjuiiiiient in osttrio harinji cold oat my interest to the a bore flnb lebpectiailrtolicit the patronage to cy tricaqj udtbe pa blic on their behalf r hhairitox aswts wanted ifyoa irtat to- make money tike hold sad sell oar choice xarserj nock xaw ifi the time vdxc ci ti once for tenas agents wanted in every towmhip to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete istock doctor tlemost complete aal comprehensive cork ercrpablished its aaibors eiaad at the head of their profesgioc and hare a contineataj repn- tatioa- wetlh iu weishr ia gom to aay oa hariag horses sheep caitie swine pcaltry dojs or beer a grind opportanity to make aaey secare lerriloryat once addrea e k moyer publluer 120 yoiie st toronto artists materials k ttii ctwrt cf wtcr a- kctontf ft alee white double ttbts sx 10 dp pl frticlpkt 3 jictl cciicc 1ot hrtfs fitticfio our wa21 papers artsiijto k- th 1 ib the cty waters bros nstablishfd itt st geoege s squash guelph guclpll btisiiiess college guelph ontario yocxg hex asd vvolucn ciccatcd for czc- ccicl bfit trjsi li to cxra t hvicg ir ljclff til i-3t- tittrjrith ck1u1 acfih f f s fn f s hoi bin t h tct y in 3 prxc- tice piilfeiy tij entice a llecrhia jhp iiiikirsliatsitcc ori ctjitsrc ctorcccne ortrzicics- ishokthaitdakdtvpewiirtlsguicbcet itld fredesiu3 jcij hiits sjcu riih- ifi ts becctfne ilrrthi aritrttre iqzqjzty dniled ia udtifi corn-jo3dncc- thme tiihirstolxece fcucril rcrlitiw reverters arc givca rpeciil tdriiiti aff cried by co other school ia this c aaatrv pcsslvksh2p for buaerc dravicg tai oraaaecajxorktlast by ttocxplrtpcame of lo tchiazciierece tee fpenxh lakgcage i fact bvtfce latest drrccocjt of the nttiru lfejod tai ith reaitzfcalij rctelu fcr circalxrs cii 5 tcriiis suir 11 jixtcoruick principal otjelph branch corner o wytidham and quoboo street advances made to farrnen on their owu uotcs at the iotmi current rata of intcroat bale and other nolei collected promptly no charge made or collocttaf foarikrceucinleroil paid ou dally balaaeoa of iquii of tl and upward dcikxlled id the bavloft bank department and compounded every tix mouths bpeclal arrankcmotila can be tutda for lama depoclted la the depoalt kocoipt department toritatod period draft asued and navable in all parte of canada faitod state and great britain at tory lev rale a general banking butlucaa trauuetod a f h jokes ifanacrgaelph urauch g uolpb december 1kb fortrj mi uvhbasd that 18 to be season 1891 binder twine bsst brhnds silver composite crown red cap blue ribbon bottom wholesale prices otr application stuhk m bond co guelph goqd press yurnip seed swedes greystokes 10 ceatsperlb 12 cents per lb a priic rill be pica tt or fall show for the best turnips croan froai ttcd pcr- ritscd at the drug stori j j vkanriawin mill street acton new planing mill szzh sni door factory john cameron contractor ha tiled up the bildi25 on ilain street lately oeeapied ts a track factcriithsew aiichiaery aad i prepared to fcraugqiii rpociccatioci and cctiettet fortu claits of buudicss and jdhrssikg icatchexg i yirr ul tttixs cr saxiies doors and windotrs and door -x- frames and dreesed lumber jokk cakerok acton livepy bus line xhe anderaguedretiieeti ell r sdhriis the natron age of the nzbxc tad iniorms them that well equipped and stylish rigs can al- traje fae secured athis stables a comf citable bzt moetfi all trains bclcccn s tiu tad fclfep in carefal tltection girea tocverordcr the rants of ccmmercial travel lers felly met john williams weffington mutual ffre insurance company head office cuelph goal wood james brown hat ouhaud a large quantity of etcelleat coal which he will promptly deliver to aay- part of be town at reasonable prices hardwood tad clabs cut stove leugtii alwayi on band j telephone coiamhaication s m code co georgetowk i lioenaed aactioneers appraisers tain- ators collectors real estate and general land agents toc tee cocitixa or halton peel wellington slmcoe t and ontario tasaresboildiacisfcrchaniife manufactories and all other dccripioas of insurable property jn the cash aad ircaiinm kotesyitcm f w stone chas davidsok presidciit manager johx taylor ageht hauiiltous marble works hahqjtosibiochfcnucrjy hatchs iiiocil the gore comer of woolwicbaafi korlolk strecugadpkont- john h hamilton proprietor wljolesalc aad reta0 dealer aad direct importer and tnaiin all kinds ot granite and marble ifaaamenls tombstones etc having bad an extensive erperience for the hut ic years the pnblicmay reiy on geibf all saperior x b u iter cent os o a direct order re ceived for the next 30 dave grindells 3qchike repair shop in alditioa to macbicm rcnairics i am cow preiiarcd to do horse shoeina general blacksmithing in a matt attiiltctory maantr wccdwork re pairs also made careful attention given to til work brought in acy rcachise or iinplcrncct by whomsoever masufacuired will be repaired ia a workman like maancr plow aad macbinerv repcire cocstandy oa hand heney grlkdell seas6x1891r x7hixk rcturains thanks to oar many pat- 1 t rons for thetrlibcral support in the past we with to inlorm yoa that we have entered into ah amnseineat with e stewart goelph tokcepconstaniryoahanda foil tlocklof the ordinary eixes ot sash doors etc and will alto iapply any tpecial stres on jiort notice at gnelpa prices frames of ah kinds made to order we also keep ia stock a line of base window and door casing corner blocks tc tottrloniber dressed while yoa walt rrlce f30 per it pumps being better ahle than heretofore wc will sariplj either wood or iron pumps promptly all work gaaraatecd atisfactory please call and inspect before purchasing elsewhere thos ebbage hanaffer lutou uuto uioo fair trhitc tuooii hailing to calui oor iho blue fair halo now moon tlko a allvor bow you hood lueir wiilioi alt maideiii know aud i wlib for my lover true bomomliorc in lbs world 0 lady uiocu my lover it living loulghl i dream ot hi bluo eyes true aud clear tnn iwect low tonoa of bli voice i hear ai i dream in tlto gray twilight ho may be watching thia bright uow moou on br ataritteudod way ho mar bo dreaming the nme u i of iho fitrl who waits in the by audby to bo his wife same day voukaowbia wlibes olady moon for otor bli home j ja thine 01 boar bint my love ou your tflrerybctiof and brinfi the thought of bis earnest dreami r thia heart of mine calmly sailing qiilvcry moofi vou loom lo lay batruo turn uol from your loalc pure lave away for fleeting fancies and one glad day your prince will come to xoa aad i mast moot him0 puru white moon with a heart unstained and free ho muit bo worthy my high ideal and i muit be worthy of that i foci which he baa made of me othiueio urifhtly beautiful moot and bind with your illvery glow two hearts bat onlyindrcama have met they shall be one mar bey never forget what each to oach lhey owe d ear u your radiant light 0 moon lorei duty looms to me true to each other while ye unknown true will t be till ho clalma hli owu my husband that la to bo tltd jfamile fiiattng l ou idea jy alici iltin uonev tbjoan from 6100 an at six ne cent parties pfcing their sales or othfit businew id oar hands will have um same prom jrtjyaucbded to at moderate charges omai axi siua books mill 6u george- own or address box 16 s u cook co aoetipoe2s 6fach ornck si qoeen 6t eaat toronto b m- cook h co auctioneers 7 oeorgetown and toronto picket wire fencing lnakpl pbtnatitfai pcivdufs and wirp- combined invktnl if iniefanbl dnrtblt end the most peaieemence on rtbvtt destrori no groond whatever and if beaaty be considered on ad vantage it is the neatest and handsomest fence made dont invest your monoyvin a board fence when yoa can wive nearly puehajf and thflnhayeabeucjieucfi attbeeud jnst try it and if not satisfactory tend it back and wa will pay freight both ways we mean what wo say and are ready to stand the coaswjnenecs price lists on application j m dooley co cueloh ontt dr a wuford halls ee1lth pamphlet disease cored witlioutlttedicinej jas mattliews acton has been appointed agait for the circtflatiou of dr balfc celebrated hkalth pamphlet which he keeps on bandt the pamphlet claims bythe treatment ft advises sore cure for disease with out medicine the pricetor the pamphlet is four dollars and a guarantee la given tht if the purchaser is not satisfied after tmrunr the treatment into conscientious practice for one month to refundrxhc money on the return of the pamphlet with a pledge never again to use the treatment or allow it to be nsed in his family the wilford hall treatment without medicine for the value received irom the use of this treat ment ploaso enquire of anyi of the following parties actos bev drgifford bevbb cook g- molhohand kfrsghnlbolhuid john harrcy hn john harvey- willfam hemstreet t c iffoore t ura t c moore jamcmattbewa mr u matthews wm uollen bobert moore noble molm tbomss cametwn urstcamero4 wolgripps 1 ukeflofat james bdartin j mrs j martin wmlue i mnwlana other ua met will be added weekly i there were three girls of us leu bees and m self and we au uved together in a ktnall neat gray cottage with roses grow- ing over the front tjorclt a trim lawn be neath and a big meadow of swett clover whoac ptnfc and white blossoms stretched for half an acre at the beck- of the old orchard of gnarled apple tree loa was tire eldest and chief money makerof the flock wtiudug twoandahalf nnles to and from the neighboring city where her school was located every night and morning bess was an artist dress- makfir that is die manufactured almost parisian costumes for the aepiring ullage maidens who desired to appear equally smart with their more pretentious city neiglbors betting aside part of the proceeds earned thereby lo defray the cost of he weekly painting icisou and lastly itac- 1ojc played the furl of housewife and chk f ic cci- they wen good enough to say very acceptably to my cider uud mere talented sister tdllicr aud mother lud died within a few montlu of each other when ijqu was nifcelccn bess iintccti and t twelve leav ing cs oni- our little home aud our bttxmg late far each other to help us to do battle for our daily bread wc had managed on the whole very suc cessfully boss working even- spare mo ment at her eatl in hops as she said of becoming worthy of a better model than a dressmakers dummy white devdw myself with equal ardor to the care of my flourishing ojjltry bartlctt pearsi and htrawbcrxy bed pet hobbies that brought me in quite a tidy sum thus keeping my supply of pocket money intact and en abling me to replenish my owu wardrobe qtate rcsitectaby thanks to besss fertile brain and clever fingers in this way we all contrived to keep to gether and live in comparative comfort through strict economy without being compelled as yet to adopt that last re- bourcc throwing open wide our dear front door and inviting the festive boarder to cross its sacred threshold t want to keep home girls lou had said when things seemed growing ratber dark with us the summer after we were thrown on our awn resources xo matter bow much fret and worry we have in our workaday world there is always the thought a peaceful home awaits us and it will never be the same again once a band of belles beaux and bhuatrs hive rrff- acquaintance willi every nook and cranny no dont let cs say anvthing more about taking boarders it was a pretty viluga in which we lived bordering on a bay and river with tall gracaful elms lining the principal streets and was fast growing popular with a good class of boston and new york people as a fiummer boarding place we used oftenmo hear nattering com ments on our quaint little cottage from passerby and indeed i did look pretty enough with its fait of emerald lawn in front and the heartshaped bed of pansies which bess had designed and i had filled in with plants from victs conservatories but kork went on with us just the same though june had come and the world was foil of sunshine md song lou had brought home great sprays of sweetbrier to deck lhfe parlor where bess sat at work all day and i scrubbed away at the washtab or burned my face the color of a boiled lobster over my strawberry bed in spite of the protestations showered upon me id rather workout doors any day i maintained stoutly its bess who de serves the pity shut up in that dark room from morning till night fittingaud making peoples clothes or you yourself loa but vacation is near at handi am thankful to say as for myself i ask nothing better than to potter around among my plants and things one evening we sat out upon the front doorstep watching the sun sink nnd glorify the western world bess was dressed in a dainty mull gown made in one of her picturesque styles and suiting her winsome loveliness to perfection we were all very prond of bess wno was the beauty of the family lou was reading aloud snatches of their pilgrimage a book she had taken from the circulating library that morning for our evening literary repast i thought it would be next best to see ing all these delightful places but i find it only fills my heart with vain repining to think i am sent away from the realf hing she sighed closing the boi on a fascinat ing description of the ascent of mount washington moh girls what wouldnt i give to see the white mountains ah echoed bess iq response in stinctively feeling for her drawing pad and pencil while i thought jf my botanical portfolio and the bliss of adding to it a leaf from the top of mount washington orir flower from the worldrenowned notch j they must beso lovely in october i inunuured tlfjtightfully to myself i always thought the mountains must be grandest then with their crown of fiery leaves i wish wc could go sighed bobs once more we havent had a singlo lark since last summer when wc camped out on pinoy island the mountain air would be just the thing for lous cough dr brier said so poor little pen needs a holiday sa41y and i could get so many new ideas aud sketches to work up besides theres the mounlaiu costume m one of my fashion magazines i could have cried when i had to fit those fleshy del bar tc girls out in one like it the other day for a bujnmcr in the adiroudacks wait just a minute and ill show it lo you darting into tho house and returned with a wellthximbed copy of godeys ladys book lous should be blue with black braid mine blue with white and puis blue and scarlet with alpine hats to match she explained as wc bent over it now isnt it a beauty and so cheap twentyfive cents a yard and made in a twinkling welijof course we cant do anything but talk about it i remarked resignedly so i move we buy a new hammock and a dollar croquet set fori the lawn why whats the matter lou lurcka i have an idea she cripd-ion- veloptcg me in an enormous hug nd you dear little busy bee will have j to be the good fairy who briegs it true while we helpless creatures act as your clumsy hand maidens so listen now and dont look so scared while i ell you all about it this morning as i took the car into the oily i noticed those two pretty girls who board at schuylers coltnge the ones we have watched playing tennis so often you remembcn them well they and a gentlemau with thorn i am quite aureit was that handsome artisticlooking man who ookbuudry iccp 0l11 beautiful bess through a conveniently cracked palm leaf fan in church last sabbath you need not blush so my chenfb u was not your fault as i tii the were talking about the scanty bill of fare provided for them and one of tlietn coniesxd that slio iiad come iuto the city just on purpose to get a glass of icecream a luiury she had not lasted since she left home- all our set think l would be just perfect she added as they ictt the car if only uf bad au icecream baloon or something if the sort so we wouldnt be obliged to travel three miles after it ia boilinghot weather like this then girls i thought of pens delicious ices and shcrlct and didnt envy those prls one hit when the- stopped at the most fashionable feilrioa in the city but it jnst popped into my head why couldnt we have an icecream cjialiishmeul you know fanner twru a cflvmi us half the milk of lis jcry irin jlc if wc wxjuld only let hergraziparl of the time in or clover patch and theres iciit eggs and straw berries wc could all help and perhaps go to the icnn taint after al wetf ui niakc a azg dory short wc bought a intent improed cream freezer sgtr chocolate and vanilla rcuervuig my own dciiciius frcii fruit for htrawberry rliaoriug an- all the reel of ttief crfcra necessary for successful crtum making a fanvjs receipt for which i had somehow or other ikccmie passe sacd e1 then bets wrotcand illuminated in dainty fashion a package of cards each en closed in a separate envelope announcing that icj crtam sherbet strawberry short cake charlotte kusse would le served tccsjay and thursday at sweet briy cottage from 7 to pm and dcliv- treiilhem to the gxjd matured postmaster to distribute among tie summer visitors who talroiildniic htuffy little office bess rather objected to the clurlottc lkusse as being too expensive but on dis covering that we liad ofre egs and milk than we knew how to dispose of it was adopted as an additional attraction the day of our opening as we grandly called it bhcld me pepping frantically frxjux kitchen to cellar intent oa the wel fare of three ana of freering cream and a mouster shortcake the frcit for which i had picked before sunrise bess was busy removing all the upcr fiuous furniture from our little parlor and bringing down half a dozen antique stands and tables she had dragged to light in the attic above she filled the fireplace with fiowcring branches of tweet brier freshly gathered from the little lane at the back of the house and all the shelves and corners were banks of blooming sweetness upon- each tabe lay a second series of little cards tinted chocolate color pidksnd cream this time with a tiny brier rose painted in one comer le menu set forth beneath it in straggling gold letters loua silver echcol bell stood cpoa the urge table being brought home every niht for that purpcse and palm leaf fans painted in watercolors with rose sprays and tied with pink faby nbbou were ecattered about for souvenirs our dainty parlor carpet was protected by a drcjrget made of light gray linen fricced all arcuud showing a border of the carpet a real tapestry given us by a maden aunt as a eole tckeu of rememter- ance in her very eccentric will and the walls papered in pale french gray were decoralecrwrib bess water color and pastile sketches the ion windows open ing on the piazza weie left open and the piazza luelf was hung with a siring of chinefte4atrcetlis thst lou brought- home with hr on her return from school we had decided it would not le in keep ing with cur dprcity to appear oarselves as waiiresse po bess started on an eiplortug lour the day before returned wjth three mulatto maidens whose ages parlor wis full from jhe firi womenl in groups of twos and threav inlgay parties of ten or a dozen youths in tennis maids lo maslm matrons in moire a hardly ever ceasing atresm of in oo mors and oat goon and when the final and roost sweetly sen tiro on t si couple of all had departed from the popular vsnodah table at which there wss ooly room for two there was not a crumb of cake or ft drop of cream left uuconsumecl sod we were obliged to diipatch our trio of flavors each with a silver dime and a saucer cf straw berrio this was only the beginning of our fiat unoa scocesf aud suffice to say that at the end of the season wben the summer boarders were- all fleeing we locked our little cot tigo door not without a pang ot regret sud clad in the most picturesque of tourists sails devised of coarse by bess with ono saratoga trunk between ai turn ed oat backs upon l and whirled away one of a gay party of luymond excursionists among whom we were some what discomposed to find the handsome stranger in tbe bronze corduroy bioycling costame who had assiduously attended our frozen swtrrys as a good yankee neigh bor had confuted- dabbed them and never missed a chance of devoaring oar pretty bess with eyes of dangerous blue instead of paying a like compliment to my irresistible confections that were usually discovered in an undisturbed and limpid pool of sweetuess after his depar- tare raymond tourists soon become acquaint ed with each other and so it wq not long before we learned ncir good looking visa vis was an artist oh 1 bess bess that his name was prof eugene ortnond and that ha was bound on a bicycliag aad pedestrian tear through the mountains with a party of artisti including both ladies and gentlemen all this con 6 led in tho course of conversation to oar listening ear by a sweet gray haired lady au artist herself and besrawing teacher who noticing bw sketching apparatus bad enthusiastically invited her to become a member o the projected party introduc ing the vouutf profesior who tmtneliately entered npou a long discnsiion upon the dabious merits o pruisian blue and asphaltum which lasted apparectiy with iinatcbes of separation almost the entire lanjilh of the journey there seemed no reason why bess ahoald not go when uuder the motherly wing and protection of sweet mr i- d infers sud as she was a gool walker aal expert iricylut we knew a great pleasure was in store for her kotwithitandink as we blood and watch ed her disappear slim aud lovely upon her steed of surci with her attendant in bronze cordaroy dose aloueide i turned to lou and said solemnly louis when yoar sister appears again it will be upon a tandem oh those day upon the maintains although i had ua sketchbook like bess- no cloqeent ditty like loa my press volarrc was full of mother natures rare and carious writings from hilltop aad brookside lous cough became a thing of the paat her tlnn cheeks grew platup and rosy and it was a inn ward srnue and 6ifih that i greeted the advent of another professor this time a college oce st uble dhaie a very fine looking gray haired nun with goidbored eyeglasses who al once began a fatal discuisioti with lou ou lh respec tive merits of yaasar and wilesfey she blci craduate of the litter that lasted apparently through thetutirc two weeks of our lingering seemingly growinnlereattnj as day followed day and at last bess relumed lovelier than ever with exactly three creditable sketches in her ponderous book tbe resljrere mere beginnings and blanks j i also look a peep into loas diary oce cveuinjr when vycliesley seemed to be getting the upper band iu the opiuionof the grayhaired and courtly professor to dis cover sentences such as professor bcyden thinks mathematics aregiven too prominent a place in our public schools so do i professor borden ia of the opinion tha la college course should not be extended over three yean so am f the professor thinks the study of yola pofc very inleresiinj and intends to make a thorough investigation of its principles so shall t etc etc the following original sentiment was discovered scribbled on the margin of my histexi respective volumes the morning bess shamefacedty tritd to hide a superb diamond upon the third finger and lon was equally conscious of a plain golden baud adorniug hers thrtfjovely spinsters tfajslod just for fun two took t fearful fall tn love leayinff h at nerve and will do pluck notable bridges tbe niacara suspension bridge was built by roebling iu 1s324s55 ft ia lo feet above high water sil feet long and the strength is estimated at 12000 tons the bridgu of sighs at venice over which the condemned prisoners were trans ported from the judgment hall to the place of execution was built in the armada year 1588 ihe enormous dimensions of the forth bridge pace it far in front of any bridge in the world in mere size it it the biggest of the giants and it is tbe greatest triumph of engineering science in the world brooklyn bridge wits commenced under the direction of j a roebling in 1870 and completed iu thirteen years it ia 3475 vhymy boy you cant do tho work i want done try me sir pleise i can try yoa but it stands to reason that yoa are od fitted for each s task you dont seem to comprehend tho nature of tho work oh yes 1 do sir it is general lifting and helping the porter iu heavy work thats it you do understand it well if you want to try it you can begin this morning although i shall expect to see yoa give out in loss than two days mancel u a lad not weighing over ninety pounds accepted early the situation and weut to work wby 1iad he sought this position became it would pay him three or four dollars a week more than be was getting and this would enable him to take better care of his crippled brother than he had been enabled to do hitherto this wis one reason bat there was an other small of frame and apparently weak in muscle he had beec perpetually sneered at by those wib whom he had been working as the runt and be had been determined to show that ho was capable of great physical xertiou week went oa and mancel satisfactor ily filled his position and the head porter reported qaite favorably concerning him to the manager of the establishment mr kill op one day the latter called him into tbe coon ting room id laid to him dont yoa get tired my lad oh yea sir very very tired replied mancel with that perfect frankness char acteristic of his nature bat sir i sleep so soandly that i feel rested again and am frcib aud ready for the new day tasks bat wouldnt you like some lighter work v indeed i would sir if i could get it with attcr frankness again spoke the lad coloring however at the implied pleading there was in his reply well yoang rain t dticjverel- by a memorandum that you made the other day that joa can write a good hand i need an entry clerk and if jou would like to you cau take the place at the same wages yoa are uow geting with a chance of increase after u while i cant tell how grateful i am to you sir for your kinduess never mind that sid plainfpoken merchant oaly doyoar daty and dont gvt ahead of yoar business and i will see that yoa ate cot neglected mancel ftrove on aud quick in fiiurej be was before many mouths promoted to assistant beekeeper and then to cashier years passed and he became one of the managers and eventually one of the pro prietor of the great merciiantile establish ment which he entered ai an assistsut porter now this unt a strange story in this eoantry wnere menf aad iudustry are recognized aud rewarded as iu no other on the face of the earth but it ia a true story aad the hero ot it occupies a high position lo day under the government of the united states the obstacles he overcame any poor boy may overcome tbe promotion be gained any worthy lad may the name he made any young mau of nerve and principle ani laajalle ambition nsiv make the road to tuccess has always roagh sections in it but they are never too rough to be surmounted by patient indaitry an fltochiaj delerramu0u aud ceasla energy voting lift j hot water1ts curative value 7kven savages whose point not of civili zation bat of thewant of it is far below the boilingpoint know the assuaging and comforting power of hot water long be fore america was trodden by other feet than iheira the vanoasfhot bprings ha3 beea frequented by the indians for the care of their ilu and ails and it is they who have of ten taught as the whereaboats oflhese bethesdas and there are few more interesting sights today than one of these hot springs where therstcam iog stream gushes from the mountainaide where the sick and the lame are brought oa litters and go away dancing it seems in the case of tbe natural outflow of hot water from none knew what sources as if old mother earth herself knew wbat was best for her children and cooked at her centra fires a life giving broth with which medea would have made ihe old young again those who make use of such water get to fancy that beyobd the mere thermal benefit there is a telluric or magnetic or planetaryforco in them which- makes them of double efficacy but for bur own part heated i hough ihe waters be at fires bom of mans ingenuity kindled by the spark struck from his own brain is not equally potent and if the water that is boiled at home be net of quite as much worth to the ordinary individual as that of these up- gushing baperheated springs and in the mean lime we are sure that the houeebold is the healthiest and safest as welt as the cleanhest and sweetest where there u always oh hand avtuii supply ofhot water although fir be itcrora as to advocate any thing tending toward a support of domestic diner en ces and contentions in the shape of hot water harptra bazar city and country let each learn from the other a seruos is rhyme if you have a friend worth loving love bin yea and 1 it him know that joa love him ere lifes ctcniug tinge hit brow wit sunset glow wby should good wordi nocr be saij of a friend till ho is dead if you hears wtig thai thrill you susgbyauy child of ton 1 raise it ho uut let tho ti tiger wait dccrvnd pralea lous why iliould one wlioiij rills your heart lckftc joy you uiawimpirt i it jqu hear a prayer thai movws yoa iiy it bumble pleading to no jiu it idj nofrlet the seeker j ikiw before hit god alone why should not your brother share tbe itrengtb of two or throe in prayer it you a- tbe hot tcara tailing roiu a brothers weeping eyes stop thoui and by kindly sharing 0 ii your kinship with the akics why should any ono be glad when a brothers licart is sad if h tiivcry laugh gos rippling tbrough tho tunahiao on his face share it tis tbo wiau nisua saying ior both grief aud joy a place thcrci health and eoodncsi in the mirth in which an boucst uugh has birth if your worth la made more eas ily a friendly helping band say ao speak out brave and truly ere the darkueu vjjlls the land should a brother workdian dear falter for word of cheer scaite tnut your soeds of kinduei all enricning aa yoa go leave tbetn trust the harvest giver he will make each seed to grow bo until its bappy end your life shall never lack a friend educate for business a thorough basiness training is the best discipline oar young people can have this is a practical world and the demand ia for practical men to those properly trained to itiduties aad possessed of ft good slock of patience and perseverance a business life affords the most certain gaaraatee of a prosperous future besides business affairs offer better opportunities for young men at present than the learned professions do there was a time when the yuung man who was preparing hirmclf fur erne of these profes sions bd aoeilrr cast socially than the ooe who proposed to enter business through he regular dojr of a clerkubip bat bis distinction is no longer drawn for the opportunities afforded by business are as liberal for culture travel aud if-imtove- ment us those of any profession therefore we say most emphatically to parents urge your sons to tit themselves for business fur if v apply themselves with diligence it will prove almost a cer- tsiu road to qjivjuble distinction at the ssme time teach them not to shun labor fr after trrl ims onh through hard work that wf achuho any success worthy of uftme let it not be uudcritood however thai wo would have any branch of educational culture neglected where both timo and means can be uitordtd guc the boy every upport unity tor tcl improvement but do not allow hiui to gaiu the impression that iiis life if lo ba spent in seeking plea sure even through the aveuus of culti vation ers cu to help in miking the gar jens profitable there are few thing that wilf pay better in a small way than growing cucumbers for pickle vacant spiceo and beds from which the pary stuff hat been tiktn may be fillcl with thee op to the middle of juue make tich bills filled op with old manure about four feet apart each way and drop a dozen seeds in a hill thin bo six plants when they are up dust with insecticide from the start to keep the bags away then they will not trouble the plants much when they are larger and tho fruits have begun to set pick the vines over every morning as soon as the cucumbers are as large aa your little auger pt them down in brine to sell later iu the season or leave a basketful at the village store every raorhiug they will likely be sold before night a hundred hills should jive 4000 or 5000 pickles how the scandal grew feet long and 135 feet wide the cost of varied rom eight to teu children of f building was little less than 15000000 colored laundress who agreed to send them all in starched white frocks and rallied petticoats in consideration of a dime a night and ih privilege of carrying home what ice cream remained after the evenings campaign should have closed these daskey danibtls wc labelled re spectively strawberry chocolate and vanilla each carrj tng tna flavor designated by her name on a hammered brass waiter being farther characterized by a chocolate rose or cream colored ribbon adorning the tip end of each wooly amd rampaut pigtil bess passed a full hour seacd at one of the refreshment tables calling aloud the trio of nicknames and orders as each one responded until they were all finally in gun drilling order we set tbe frout door hospitably open thereby inviting vidiiors to enter unan nounced wbile i dipped cream loa washed dishes bees tacked up her white mall skirt and superintended cake catting in the back kitchen and genera welfare in the front parlor in an extremely salisjeao- torymaroer well lhey came iu shoal our little the new london bridge is couatracted of granite from the dengns of l beunie and considered amouget tho finest specimens of brilge architecture it was commenced in 1821 and completed in seven years at a cost of absut 75oq0o0 the logon g bridge built over an arm of the china sea is five miles long with 300 arohea of etone 70 feet high and 70 feet broad and each pillar supporting a marble lion 21 feet iu height its cost ii uottnown bat much exceeds that of the forth bridge the oldest bridge in england is a tri angular bridge at croydon in lincoln shire which ia said to have been erected about ad 660 it is formed of three semiarches whose bases stand in tbe cir cumference ot a circle equidistant from each other nod uniting at the top the tower bridge over the thames not yet completed will be a notable bridge its oentre arch is on what is known as the bascalepriocple to be opened by raising two leaves so as fo allow ships to pass and having when opened a foot bridge above available for foot passengers 135 feet above high water one ot our showy andextrsvagant new yorkers who spends his summer iu a new england village may learn valuable lessons of economy aud good management he will tbere see families cf education and re finement getting as much solid good and rational pleasure from a revenue of a few hundreds per anuam as he gels from as as many thousands on tbe olher band be can of teu impart some notions eome tastes tomelargeness and liberality of view to his country friend a large city develops traita and qualities of human nature which in the country lie dormant the best way of doing the little things of indoor life are understood perhaps better in the city thanj in the country strange to say ciiy people as a rale eat and drink more abundantly and more noarishingly than country people h at the present lime town and country are iu close coramuniou let each observe and learo from the other n v ledger a gentleman from the south of texas boasted that fhe papers of his village pay so much attention to society matters that a leading citizen cannot go home sober late at night without having tbe fact published aa an interesting item jsverv tisaoe of the body every bone muscle and organ is made stronger and more healthfal by tho uirroz hoodsi barsaptrilla i t- vi- i i j mrs a to mra bvvtbat mrs new cimer so fond of her children the other day whed 1 called she was blowing soap babbles with them through a common clay pipe mrs bto mrs ojr that mrs new- comer is so funny mrs a saw ber araus- log the children with a common clay p t mre c to mra d that mrs new- t comer smokes a common clay pipe- mrs d to mrs e that mr new comer smokes a horrid pipe i dont see how any woman iu ber tober senses coold do that ma e to mrs f tha mrs new comer smokes a pipe and drinks awfully a sandayechool teacher had grown elo quent iu picturing tq his pupih tbe beau- lies of beaveu and he finally asked iwhat kind of little boys go to heaven 7 a lively utile foarjcirold boy with kick ing boot flourished his fitt well yoa answer said lli teacher dead ones shouted tiie utile fellow at the extent of his langf what your great grand- mother did she hetcheled the flax and carded the wool and wove the liien aud spun the tow and mad the clothes for her husband and ten children she inade butter and cheese she dipped ullow candles no ligbt the house at night and she cooked all the food for her household by au open fireplace and a brick oven yea and whew she wis forty years of age she was already an old lady whose best days were over her shoulder were tent aud her joints enlarged by hard work and sho wore spectacles and a cap her great granddaughter with all tho modern conveniences for comfort re finement and luxury may be as charming sad attractie at fortyfive as at twenty especially is this true if ehejireeerves her health and beauty by tho use of dr pierces favorite preecritionnhtch wards off all female ailments and irregularities cures them it they already exist keeps the lite current healthful and vigorous and enables the woman of middle age to retain the freshness of girlhood upon brow and cheek the light ol youth in her eyes and its elasticity in her step sold by all druggists the question as to how the oostom ol mens wearing their hair parted in themiddje arose an old clergy map remarked that to far as his information went he believed that solomon was the first man thai pro posed to part the heir iu the middle 4 r i u m j w

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