Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1891, p. 2

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wtwrw feotir 60 jku ietw on ut ltth job tin ue o mm ox of ot i rottulln rt clair usa biuho 6th juncltifi u of junes potirie of a ruoglitrr kskxktiti actoatm uih jaipa lb ifr wiffrf john kcnmjjr of ihopljtcr ntuj itioc 1mb 1l tlit wife df llet lo ii coota f uvrrorfifai the moutwlm iitmuir howr aw actou oil ifco ijtli june tin t w itor dr oiord of wic mauri ed xmxnmmccxil lb howifl howe acton on the 10th job w ftev dr oiffori jobo ridon to mitt kuubout utcais botfe o oiwlpb vtlukmvjivvnu wunotl 00 ui 10th jbqcl by iter wvilcjjlrjohn wulutum acton 0 hlwuiclifl weaver emeal dauxliter jol john weaver es of liokj day mktk rfiifcsrto vonjiuc on u onlay hitia tftii 6iv twhorei kite ot ttv walter ttlpby cij rtoit r fjress v tacttsdavjunel6lgk notes a com 13 a formi order iuoed troai ibe war department at washinclou tlie national flsfl in ue in tha army will 06 and alter july uu ucit concit1 of 4 1 tun in six rowic the upper iicd uwcr iow to bare jgul6lrs the etcond thirds fourth mi fif ui roxs seeu bui each in a mae fiem- bdguaratlwfty ofliciuli after three yean ofinvwtijiition rtrpqrf that under jordiniry circamitoccs the ttenge rail wiy train ia pusing over oarmrb ol trick rear from it two and qnefihb jjoiinda the nttanj dcstractioq oi trtck amoanu for ibe whote world to about 1s30jooo poanda daily ibe haaitoba goternmedtfl crop balle- tin jtut issued states that the repotti show an increase in the crop area ol2g7l07 acre over that of lq ot tbti increased area 170707 acres art devoted to wheats the total territory under wheat being 910g6 acres tbe appearauc of the crops on jon ltt was most promising for alarge the ltilatnxe in iiaiae has enacted taw which requires all piblic schools to de vote some time each week to teaching kind- ds to animals this is an excellent idea if we re not austajam not a fetf teachers in thjproiinoe withoat instractionsirom the department strive to nuke their pnpils liamane in disposition a kind reganor the hnie creation will not make the imng creation anv less manlv or romaulr r tbe chnrch cs ersiand u taking a held stand in the canai of tsaiperance and pcohtbitioo at the meeting of the synod of toronto dipcewthif eck the fotlowilp resoloiion wa piitt in the opjnioa of his fyrod the inakiar slooos are onmitigated evil and uyt we p oarseires to nsc car almost ecdcii further all icijoa izk shall leud to the restriction and oitirailc laticciioa of such sajootis some of those who spoke on thequestioa were aciioas tooiikc the reaelation even more sweeping there hi5 been promolgaled themodas rirendt betweeea the british andatftericae kotercmenu it prctides that her ma jestys governaieirl will prchibit sexi fith- ing in behring sti in as far as it is controlled by the power every vessel or person csendng agains fais prohibition may be eezedby ehip of either power- it is provided uiat the governmeou mar etber or bch of them nominate arbitrj tdrs to setlfe any dispcte sir jolian ranncefcrte and president harrison signed the document on behalf of their respective geveffimeats- f thef temperance people ol halton are decidc4ly grhire the great battles they fought the victories they won and the defeat they a talced are these not all written in tfie chronicies of the defunct soot t act still they re not satisned and now we find thexn organizing ind massing their forcea along the line of national prohibition and it is a fact soggestfre of tbe dominancy of their principle that in the whole county of halton there is bat one newspaper oppoeed to the mod as openuda of the tfmperate clemecl streeuville betlnc j r i nearly all the atlantic steamship ccm- panies carrying steerage p aafengert to kew torjc havejiow taten meanre to prevent tbe shipping of fncb persons aa are legally 4ebarred from the coiled states tbey derided the new law when it first came into force two months agonal theysoon learned that it coold not be racoessf ally oppoeed and afterwards that it- wo fid be to their advantage to sustain it and to aid in apply- ingit pronriooa they have ascertained moreover that if is easy for tbemto get all the steerage passengers they- da carry wjthont violating the american law tbe appointment oi lr c d barr elitor and proprietor of tbe lindsay pwi to tht beutrarship of the county of vic- r foria ii one te wyiich no possible exception c42ibe tateoaf mrbarr is in every re spect well qnalinedio nil the position acceptably this recoenition- of hit service to his party moreover is well deserrefl since the tott in addition to being one of the best and strongest of the provincial weeklies has done valuable work for the liberal party for years past mr barr will doubtless prove as capable n his new fpber as be rsa aa a journalist and nothing more could be desired the new syalem of fare iotroduofd by the railway mauaerg in austria aijd han- gary is said to be the cheapett i the world tbe lsoa fare furthird ciaaa passengers is about 01 finilh a mile udi would be k wo fir a 1000mile trip tbeicomma- tatkffl ratesfpr jccil eervice are still lower workman can travel yto and from their places of work for two ceiu a trip tip io six miles for four ccpu op to twelve miles al cents op io citeca miles eight to twentyfear acd ten to thirty nnlce yearly ticket good for 30mije trips dailj are sold for j740 strange as it may teem these raits have proved profiialle to tbe railways the irfijc having increased so rapidly that the accomodation uxatf to the ntmott united states mansgerabive been conridering il introduction canadas new premier honj j c ateeifethilaflrr tho sonata aphted by hi eytlw hou8e of commo note84 oniijmic 17t1w folloid mi ibshlj trio rvtliuo mure oi btlutny tutlicinwot llijouiitry we undcr- uud uiat in oonforrolly with ilia kioell- cocflfetlre hon j 1 c asbom htir inserukai tbe ormtuouoi cbinet nd thai tills dcciiion im boon arrived at with o all understanding with thotc of bir oollcboee wlio haxc been poken o in connection with tbe prentiewnip and with assnnnccs from them of their cordial support 1 the duly ijucttiuii now crciiiij ho political txn at ottawa is whether the new arrangement ts to be temporary or permanent the mantle ot the dead clnel- uin haj detcended upon the conservative leader ol the senate and hon j j abbott premier ot canada today it it an open secret that sir john thompson tbe minister ot justice was tint ttitruited by the governocgcucral with the task of formtria cabinet but declinod the honor and nicrrod his excellency to mr abbott whompie strongly urged to accept tbo call there cm be no doubt that mr abbott adecttpu ia the rcsutaf a compromise tinixurnullrk- thc nuw premier fr upwards of 70 years oiagchc has been a member ot sill johns cseact for many yearit without a portfolio and while not a strong man politically is regarded as eminently safe and reliable though personally disinclia cd to accept the onerous task mr abbott was ultimately prevailed on by his minis terial associates to accept tbe governor- generals obtnmisioa but he was emphatic in making his acceptance conditional upon the acquiescence of- those in connection with tho leadership and that approval has been obtained mr abbott was born in the village ot st andrews county qt argcnteuill quebec on the 12th march 1621 his father being anglican rector of that parish besides bis other titles fo distinction mr abbott is dean ot the jjjajuvpf lawrrmcgiltcollege montreal slifccibr of the bank of montreal director csytne canadian pacific railway lieut coj of the nth battalion president of the tfree library of montreal and many other honorable posts the irw cisrszt rumors ot the most extravagant kind arc rife at the capital the wires are being vigorously polled by tbe various poll ticai factions but so far it would appear that lh jiiwleader had determined upon a policpf continuity m assuming the leader ship of the state each of the ministers loyally responded to the call of the new chief with the exception of mr chapleaa vbo is laid up at his el with a sprained ankle and while not absolutely declining to join the new brigade in his old capacity strongly urges his ajaims for appointment to the ministry o uaiiways and canals this mr abbott refused io concede because of the undue prepondcrence which it would give to the quebec section and mr chap- jcau has ultimately becu uuvodandwillwork in his old position as secretary of state tltesevmttji ii- rimmjrcst it is thought to be a misfortune that the nev premier will noi lead the ministerial forces from the bencbes of the house of commons his pasiuon will be materially weakened through hi absenoe from the ftehliog arena although it is understood that sir john tuoojpsou who retains his position as mimsteof justice will be the government mouthpiece tn the popular chamber the unevenhgbt which is said to have taken place between sir jchn thompson and sir kctoc lsugenn for the leadership in tbecommons had only one possible ending and the minister of justice will of course be the leader of the piny iu power i iinsto or rxixforij ltrrs the item of ji50xo for revisions cf electoral lists under the franchise act under the beading of legislation provoked little discqssion near tbe close of session last night there was tali abbot the officers empty cd about the revising barristers and on thegenezol broad question of revision jjr landerkin questioned the government as to their intention regarding tbe revision of the lists this year he traced briefly the history of the revisions the first revision was in lib it was suspended in 188t it was again suspended in 1683 and the list was revised in 1889 it was dead in 1890 and he wanted to know whether it was to die again in i891j cossctuce jtoxee mr fremont m p today forwarded to the marine department the sum of 25 conscience money it had been handed to him by the jesuit fathers at quebec from a person who had come under theirinfluence and felt bound to pay to the department that wh he had neglected to do for some y s nxtze nsmsa schooxees collectors of customs on the athniic coast of the dominion have been notified to look out for three yankee fiahingschoon ers sir kmght lady elgin ani- ptqra delloway the two former at shelbprne k s and the latter at barrington k 8 shipped crews contrary to the provisions ot the convention of 16ih none of the vessels possessing a license under ihsmodm qictridt which would have entitled them to this privilege u rfibixctirya the parliament buildings at ottawa were occupied fofthe first time on june 7th 186c when the alt 6esrion of the old canadian parliament met there twenty- five years later amost to ile day the re mains of the father of confederation lay in state thefe ftilulftmr itielightkaijtr at capcliace reports the presence of icebergs iu the vicinity of the light thit isa most uhusoal occurrence so early iu the season it is feared tiiit if on jif cfplcau wlw sprained his ankle last week will not be able to leave lii hofoc for several days the sprain being a very severe one about 00 immigrants imvc arrived in the city since the season opened they were ail of a belter chusg than last season on the motion for adjournmenttuesday night sir hichard csrtwrigbt asked when the minister of finance intended to make his budget mrfoster sjid that if nothing extraordinary happened be proposed to mike his statement on tuesday next victor mo nir9tonb itt bulldlnt intthtt- ortlti tomjrro jijmri lags in qoaens park bay wu ba oootldsr cd a redlotur day ii mithortlsm and n rant io lbs adsoauoul inttnsu ot it t dominion it wu ibe oooaslno pt iht laying ot tbe oornw iton ot thi now victoria collags tbitwtipttmatknrj iirgo ariemblags o prominent midlsun and layman ot tht ohttroh and othars and many jntsrattlni spaaolmt wen dtlinrad on lbs plsttottn iran bir alundet camp bell sir daniel wilson hon edwird blaka iter llr dooglas fawoatt chicago johnston potts workman and burwuh judgs du protssson luynar bain wailaos vudermlswn bqoair loudon clark aahlsy fraser and shaw hon- q w rots hon mr mows mr william mulock mr goorgt a cox and others f dr potts acted as ohalrman and rraci- oosly introduced tb ipaakers tbe oornst stone wu laid by mrs geo a cox under tbe diraotion of architect storm baton bringing the proooadingsto a dose dr potts madekindly reference to tha lats senator maodonald a oontribator to tbe amount of 15000 and to william gooderbam who oontributod spo000 to the luuds ot ths college the historic scroll cootaiusd a very in teresting aocoint ot tho university it was founded iu 1890 by the general coo- ference beldat kingston tha oorost itone of tbe first building wu laid at cobourg iu 1832 tht building wu oom- pitted in jane 1836 tbo rot matthew bttohie being tbe first principal fair and hones in play ida and butie were swinging now well uk forty swings apiaoe said ida- yes laid susie ooe wo three up goes she sdng susie o tb isnt tbe way to count said ida y mast count straight 1 but susie kept op inch a merry chirp with ber laugh and song that ida soon saw that she would do very little counting ko its forty u nearly u i can count with the chattering yon make said ida so susie slipped out and ida tool ber place in the swing susie wu tbo yondger and dare say shs coold notooont fortj very easily ida counted for herself susie swung her its more than forty but soaio doest know it said idarto herself iii lot ber keep on but bettor thoughts soon came to tbo little girl it is cheating she said suit cant count but god can ho knows it is cheat ing- she sprang from the swing u get in yon dearliulo thing abe said to susie youve swung me more lbn forty and now ill give you a good long swing a potato party a unique entertainment wu given in a private parlor at a leading cape may hotel the other evening it wu a potato parly and under the direction oflbe hostess four rows of potatoes four in a row were laid tbe leogth of tbe long room and tbo sport began the names of two couples were called and the four 16 ladies and two gentlemen stationed themselves at the potato hoes and at tha signal ot a bell began the diflicalt feast of lifting tbe first potato on a tiny coffee spoon this accom plished it is to be borne in safety to the umpires fable at tbe extreme end of tbe room and tbe tut repeated until tbe four potatoes were safely broaght info harbor tbe game continued until tbe steadiness of hsnd ot sllwu tested and great amuse ment was created the prizes were very handsome they were awarded to these lifting and carrying the potatoes in the shortest space of time potato parties are a reigning fad in washington and promise to be one of the fall amusements in phils- delphia kikuitok ont june llwkiuifstou wlt- aooesdab imposing patfsaxilyostonuy aiter noon wbon iht mortal remains of ber moot illustrious ma were interred tb funus imcstelob left the city hell si 3j0 ii wu beaded by the various benevolent societies the oddfellows orangemen for- start irish national societies end united workmen all verynumeroualy represented then came tbe city police t detechmenlof tbe fourthregiment of cavalry tbo bands of a battery and tho hth ilatt the officiating orergy the wagoni containing tbe dowers and then tho hearse drawn by eight hones and with tbo pallbearers i members of the privy council walking alongside immediately following the heaxte wen two carriages containing the relatives and other chief mourners then came col cessimer oxowakl adc to the queen who wu appointed to represent her majesty on this occasion and next wastho carnage containing lieutenantgovernor bir alex campbell and premier mowat of ontario the members of tbe senate and commons followed on foot and were succeeded by the members of the local legislature at tbe bead ot these cami mr w it meredith qc mfp the members of the presbyterian assembly now in session here followed in a body then oame tbe militia officers not in com mend the municipal deputations tbe guards of the penitentiary and asylum and next citizens tbe procession was tho largest ever witnessed in kingston at cataroqui cemetery a stone vault had been built on tbo macdoneld family plot tbo floor and sides of which consisted of immense stone slabs eight inches think and too covering slabs of similar thickness remairuw held by ropes and derricks ready to be lowered when the casket was deposited at tbe grave the pallbearers formod in two lines from the hearse to the grave and the eight members of a battery carried tho casket through tbe opening ranks and carefully lowered it into tbe vault the servioe wu then read by ten archdeacon jones and rev j j bogert also attended tbe privy council ben advanced o have one last look at the casket and then the huge slab wu lowered to shut it out o sight forever tbo scene at the grave was very affect log there being a very large number of aged friends of sir john who wen quite overcome by their feelings of grief tbe tunerti started in bright innsliinc but en it reached the cemetery a distance of nearly three miles from the city hall the sky wu overcast with clouds and it eemeh as if there was to be a recurrence of tbe day before at ottawa when nature added ber tears to those of sorrowing man kind tbe rain held over till the funeral party had returned to the city when there was a refreshing shower accompanied by thunder and lightning it wu 0 when the casket was lowered and about 5 oclock when the sad ceremony was coticlnded and the cortege dispersed lomnrx june 12 a requiem in honor of the late sir john maodonald the canadian premier was sang in westminister abbey this morning axtumberof tbe most distin guished people representing by proxy the queen the prince of walcsand the various members of tho royal family were present among tbe prominent persons wbo attend ed this ceremony were tho marquis of lornc ex gov general of canada and the right hon wm henry smith first lord of the treasury repre the govern ment westminster ahbey was crowded with distinguished people wbo sincerely mourned the loss of the great canadian statesmen sir john a macqonalq tbe issue of thcehatinhn lututrated lor the 20th iust will be devoted almost exclusively fo an account with full illus trations ot the event which is in all mens minds the funeral of the dead premier sir john a maodonald no sxcb out burst of popular sorrow over the death of any man his ever been evoked in canada aa that which pays tribute to the greatest of the deceased statesman the domiaios uvdnced sent its own pbotographen and artistto ottawa and kingston and tbe number to be issued on tbe 20th inst will be a memorial worthy of the occasion and one that throughout canada will bo preserved u a sad souvenir ot the man whose death bu left so groat a void in tbo hearts of tbe people u well u in tbe publictife of tbe country he bu served to long and so devotedly june sale want to save money t all yoa have to do is to attend oar june sale every oorner of the bouse offers you tome tempting bargain this is our june sale you who have taken advantage of lis benefits in other years know what is i implied buying u largely u we do wof an sun to be overloaded in some lines in inch a case we never hesitate to apply the knife in order to sccomplish our pur- 1 pose again tbe wholesale trade finds itself in the tame fix this is our time for spec a shrewd pair j f fatal boiler explosion at elora kwm june 13ji the boiler ot the grand biveriminufuctunng compsny kicelaor and flax mill exploded at 12 it tbjt afternoon tbe fireman wm arid and e howse another employe were the only persons in tbe mill at the time mr howte escaped with flight injury but poor ariel mm burled iu the corner of the ragine nam nd when hie debris wu removed lite ni extinct hi jeavts a wifea ierai tmafl children the 0iezjrjoilr woca wu entirely do j sal conatiortblo- damage was bextte ri mmmmmk killed by whiskey sruitroiio jooe if the police were notified yesterday nf the tudaen death of willie titewsrt son of richard w stewsrf s millwright late in ike employ f the goorgt t smith pnrifir company the boy a lair haired three yiar old lad wu in good heallb ttrdrsday and on friday morning he wu a corpse 1 an inquest ni held and the jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to bis dosib by alcoholic poisoning but by whom administered or procured is unknown to the jury tbe mother of i he babe is addicted to indulging irlkjiwr to excess l billaon whose poeketbook is tbst yore advertising for j jimson mine of course get out poeketbook containing a roll of bills snd a large number of checks tail securities- finder can keep money if be will return the pspers get out i yon dont see a roll of bills or a check once t year noo but bertha bullions father takes the paper i advertised the lost in and be will see that advertisement beef humph i wbere did you get the mono to psyir that big ad 7 bertha loaned it to me bless tbe dar ling how much wheat iu a barrel of flour ordinarily four and onefaalt bushels are counted equal to a barrel of flour bat there is reason for thinking that taking a seasons run in s good mill with etrofnl milling ou average wheat with a record of receipts and sales of flour accurately kept the score will run very close to five bushels of wheat to a barrel of flour only list week a wellknown winter wheat miller who grinds large amoonlf told that bit records of wheat received and flour rasde on the grsin of the 1889 crop called for a figure so doss to fife bushels tbst he wu content to let itgo at tbuillisij world wanted to see the flamea elating to pick up linos here and there and to piektbem up and put them into your buds in many cases at less tban tbey oost suji june 15 tbe born of william douglas of brooke was fired subse quently another building was fired a ooople of times and at last burned down inves tigation showed tbst the fires hsd been narted b a little daughter of douglas whore mind hst not been considered very soanii she is shout ib yean of age and t the fires just to see tbo flames klllerj by llgtitnlrrg gt out jone hthborlog thunder storm that visited shit locality early ibis morning a nerd of twelve cows lying in a sold on the farm of peter bower betwoerroak irahejsio ware initially i killed by lightning tbey wtnmllofaoowt j oi tte lost wnjbe aboal s0u the importers then there an the broken lines the add ends whfeb we clear oat etch season many of tbw ugaod u any other goodsteome ot them worth very little but all most go and tbe price is cut to tot them moving to pit these handily before you we have placed this speoial bargains on tables and counters with prioes marked in large figures t half price table containing lace curtains laces flounc- ingt gloves hosiery etc which an being sold at exactly half what they won marked here is a pile on the drees goods counter also going at half price then is s large case of ladies and mines rubber goaso- men ticktted 25a each tbey are yours at thai price yonder it a pile of splendid print at 7jc per yard box of gents silk ties at 2 foe 23c youths felt hit it too each fancy parasols at 25c each checks end ginghams 6c and so on all through tho h understand wo an sot saying norrahbic we have you believe that we an slsoeyitpring all our goods in that way wo ore now speakitfg ot tbe special lines if tbey an what you want or need yon will find tbem money seven every time recularcood8 this it tbe feature we want to bring before yon tbe beauty tbe freshness value and merit of oar regular goods after all thats where the pleunre of doing business comes in tbo pleuure aye and tbe profit too to both buyer and seller tbe intrinsic value of fresh reliable goods which crowd our shelves is it drees goods you think of 7 when will you nod such a variety of material blending of shades and genuine good value u we offer 7 is it millinery then we invite you to tbe largest show rooms to tbe largest stock the choices goods and ibe most tutefnl millinery in tbe city it it clothing 7 readymade or ordered clothing none will serve you better or give you better value we can not what you want we koow wo can make it worth yose while to deal with us tbe mootb of may hut oloted shows us a large jtioretis of bastncthover the same month of former yean wevre determin ed to have jane make ren a better show ing we can doit wlta your aid j ekb0lleetctco 25 ft 27- lower wyadham st gujelph v h a strawberries are suffering for want of latn a thrifty housewife la mto than a ajrtmittieaatahsyr v rtttr tsuarevaualaum fifmn acbotaelookof 7- pro choice canned cpoda ririe rolled aooif tard chhm ac national fbodi breakfast cercale itygionic foods desiccated rolled oau desiccated wheat farinose rolled oatmeal cornmeal etc alioslrceb block of our celebrated tie new t season japan tea fivwspiiil m m jttio libtttimtrntau mor to the mucs liatniliibysayst eefeqrj riaaao call aud examlue our 8lok 1 t a mason irelhnds desiccated wheat for dyspeptics and anyone with weak digestion try it till ijielaxd national food co ltd i toronto gentlemen order your spring suit and overcoat from r e nelson gu8lph new spring suitings new spring overcoatings an imaoense nnge of choice new pantings from 4 to i per pair 112 a special gcnuino pun wonted black panting at 5 per pair my specially lerfeclfitliog 4 pants to order satisfaction assured b e nelson i fashionable clothier 99 upper wrndxtam su ooefpru cures drspepsl cures dflepsm cures dyspepsia promotes 0i6est10n mr keil mcxou ol leilh out nie deb rutfoc yima ud nan i suscnd from dystpepcia in lu worrtforxiu aha titer tiring all umtu in my power to 110 ptirpom i womrraiwjed lt weddi to try bab- which i did tmd aiter tuing 5 bottleg i m coiupletely carodr 1 fures constipation cures constipation constipation acts on the bowels t- dus 8qui bavs triad voar ubj1 vrtth snai s pe far eetuttpation and pom tn uiy bead the second doss toads ins ever somodi botbar aty bowels acnt mors rooty and thenln tn mj bead has lrt toe and to ewrrbodr with tho same eiseue isoeommedd b b b miss f ff ft dlooret toronto cvrebluqusness cures biuousness cunt biliousness regulates the liver evftwt ofrooft brat i wm trembled tor vein vlth lint computet i ood a great deal erf medidna which did u no food tad i nttinff won all um that itff i wed bnzdoc blaod wuew after botilea i aio now vell alaoreeommendufar tbteat ot ptcpmttxda wabt a r thaoo bawkaaocti odl cures heame cures headache cures headache regulates the kidneys daia 8raai was very bad vrtth beadorho and rain la m loekt luyriauds and loot waned so 1 eoam do bo overs sir lrtehduw advlmdiaioat try 1 kb with one mots i felt so much bettor that i get one mora t am now won and can work as wall as srac ajrsrs bouses tusonburtoai cures bad blood cures bad blood cures bad blood purifies the blood bad blood mar arias tress wrong aotfosi ef liryr kiduoi and bowels b b b by reswlatlag sad tanmf uiew ergsas nmores tbs ousoana mskas nswrsai blood roiuottag alt bteoi disoasos iron a jaintilo scrofaloas sure wm owing to the anpreceaented domand tor piste glass it hat edtauosdwuberabljrin pnoo kosiuw stoo son tor onto fertonatoly roarlo7a oootraot before tbe adtaoos for a vary r qasouty and are n etuvblerlto talrt roromtbitasejo tdvtein pritiei tbe ory btaj ij- pboperty foe h ctl jbrss j olsi ait causod 4y to ota hewtoa umokooto b wbavxb8 gasrdi ostitral ptuool tonato mens furnishings hot weather goods o a ting goods neglige ehiru and wash vests great variety to telect from an prices to salt the clos- est bpyera onr mens hat department is uot surpassed by any in the west we are always on tbo alert lor new styles aud the latest blocks may be found on onr counters as soo as they are on the market yon may wear a nobby in it bat if yonr bat id a back n amber the general eflect is bad tbe same applies to boots speaking of boots w need only say we handle james whith k gos ma tbe are acknowledged to be the best makers in tho dominion pair warranted we arc in receipt of another shipment of cballies delaines sateens and zephyrs- tbcrss no need ot roastingtonrgelf in wool when yon can get a challie to suit yonr taste for 10 cents and for 12 cents we have sateens in cornflower bine end other late shades colors are absolutely fast we are loaded np with dress goods too man for this i this season yon ca call them for about wholesale pi ice 10 dozen misses and childrens waists iu stock now r bjermyn summer underclothing silk balbriggan and the natural wool xtslfataasjiixmmsiasxatxsmemsllt am sixes from 34 to 44 brst macr shaw grundy wbrchunt tkitohs wcuelph wktches whtches a large stock of amerjfean watches in gold goldfilled rf silveraria nickel cases just pur chased all reliable timekeepers ib svlgie wktc hrvrkkgr- ou6lph 15b vjy 1891 the oldesi drug store nsr qtjhiijfh s8tajtlbhxd lsatt t we have tbe largest aud moat varied stock of tagltso mt rrtmck aurbnuhtt 4ootakaaol armaa fajoaait xtntbar arswar ctuahe fyjwfima8irzmjvmxs- te tabula trttbolatost- wkfttzjiao totmsvtp ootkmht xoottatrntkaa jraxtsniatjaa j root arte saarxyatt aalaa lluan8tripsartaccilmahf z i au shmaaa of diamond ud taaliipyta r j u flststttesasstt aowsoof t j job printing tjccxupnto books psarphuts lottnt bin x beads clreulars e ae oxseatsd la tbe beet stylo ofibo asist swdorato priest sad m taortbotlee aputor aoarass 8 r hoomt paxss omeo aetoa atjton 1odge no 20i loojr m bbt8 la ibe ftmladowi hall hattbtwt block rrrywdmuyrjihf tktttssj drothrea atwayo woleone for oopy ef eoootf- tattoa ass laws fj to tbo ondorsigaod or ear of tbe members bbwodeh boctsisry wwtujaau tlo dissolution of partnership take botieo that tbo baitrhrahlp barateson osisttoc t howry oiladon sod ooorft a thekjem aaaor tbo aamo of otiadon otplewsoiwi ot bovatrsto and issebbnttt bat ibis day boon eawojiwd by metaol ooatoat wttsoos oor bonds ibis swlhda ot may no wttnoss t behtcx ornroaxl geo i dicilbsot tbo bestnsss wtn bo eorrlod oa bj mr griii- dou wbo wlq collect si omwratt doe tbo late- firm 1 busbijs8 change crashlet hkbebv lafcnos tbo psbue that bo boo far- ebasod tbo tatorest of bis isle partnstatr joln lata aad wfll roattnao tbe baataaa bim- eek at tbe eu stead qhaetaert wtll roostro the ssxqo eoref al at- tsnttoo ss la tbo past i will eoilett au accents das tbo late firm c asbxet frank burces9 house painter paper hanger sign writer etc i to proporodto oxoeoto osdsswta any of tbo eboro fiaoo to tbo boot toaaaor aadatrssisnslili terms xrorr jobbaviacmrposmoaalattaataaa i eaa aseare u eosamoso sortstsrlloa oralntaf to sfl woods a tptetany ordorsmtstmr raauobeo vain st aeton wfll rooorro prompt s notice w creditob8 fatsiok lamb dzoxasbo tbb creaitors tlnrlndtng those batlac aoj spocsaeorgobarallksi apea tbeootato or abanuh yarrsir rhsrtoo wbo died ire tlufwaootpatrjaklauxib cstbovmafootaotcsumitbs wbo died oo or ebssrs tto dot xev are eat or before fee ufa dar tfly ittl to eoad ivjoat rrroild to adoboai lamb aetoa po ot oxaeatosaaf the last will and mx of tbe snr nsmio oddnooso aa fan portlosuasa of tboit saw aatare ef their so tboeo said patrick lamb ibetf ebitstara l dptloaa aad tbo ov oeeoaata oad ocawitj it sail bold by aadrtrtkartakwdouatfemt tbaoaafatiacatots win jprooooa artor tbo said uah dor of jaty 1b to dkrlbits tbo aatata of the said su oiaoowlbojrartimwatiuwilbwiosnhoitairasais to tho otofawi of wkjeh tbr aban batalasl oooooaadttiotwfllootbo iwspoaatblo for the sass say pott iborsofoodio to say person of soxeoao o fc bavo ta aotf battoa of sold aa p to bbo chop 110 sfclbabotaiclkak soucilarlorbxocuuws datod this 5th day otjaaoun i rpz ibotoboofl this aotieo is treat a quick reference to any book of the bible p bar da baiaoa aaedmrniwo arrtiycwnont tor wromhote i ithiaataijoiiiiaiaaloathodwrieas bii for the saxoa parpcoo bxrato iumnrn editor rwaos rxasbyteriaa sadiecabntotkoadolvcded and bar red soe albert la1ng aptoh oarr thisd jriukbiif osjuda vob cliue8 portable foot heater over soojm la cot ia cauda aad tho mjattea asatrs tenhonra boud comfort for 2o oil sorts of tomctaa to aadoateaa rlweaire writ tlr cllrti manufaotuirng co ss fation si waar tviaoato aokktb j waurtau jcneiison you for he has what will suit you dry goods booths shoes himmiiiim amd e

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