Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1891, p. 5

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mi fifti faaiit m his dai june 18 iwl flt foung jbflu it lidfmop wtp of ure ottwajteoooufi don walk it a tunata raw dwtettm laayaiofeaet lad dial eltaitfc that drowsy tact mattleroatrfevreweben tatkatoihreruiuiabl- barua banut batli than haauraujbtaua posh tab m fee mm idly by kreweruirt toaaatjattatajaiaa try brt gaainlj brace roar boat lit la a mile den afchettetexveavmawicoh teen made tor sacli a pen wiggle watt and posh oat bold oat lattbilyoerahedownovee r htkeirerminetoiuina itattpbi ita ok troves sttte oat bom ur aomeudk an ilcuoabiyud vastest r f uoa- a of the urn eo badly hands and wibuiy roiiodin without wmlaeflb uttrgdoot wto do mic xy feet were at totwleattaraatatalrtia and ktaataat agony i had about eg up ell hope ot ever bong wdl again w v was diseased to roar wjewa moody 8c jaosi oil afsjaied with aaoatftaanalloa a was in very abort tine fate from and i km in a urge measure regained be ue of my teat end limbs h at an torin jsanlec there ii tbe follow jdk inaenption i on toe wall in enghah iob wfl find at trouhatha eieelknt read meat and wine provided you bring them with you- j- i eedia tv ho rand endorsed by fit medical faculty ttaogboat tbe states clarka catarrh care baa anew to be regarded- aa the only real epeafietfor that disease in every oaee it works a certain aeie anil apaedy core pleasant to taate and smelt it it yet powarfal in and restoring the natural functions kp other jxmedy gives anchaatiatacijob fcecaase the remits tram use an not the same bold by all drnggiau or ant to asfy address on receipt of 30 oeritavcurk chemical co toronto ksw tori ceanntbiovosr for several years i suffered o aererely mmmmmssmmsa batud wt me entirely bald v i and jcorabcb likiiijpjt fitdjw nry bead wbieb en- l i ioondmy hair growing c a utinpto4 clattttin wjajj bant t j i 3oomaa edectric oil from hatiog need it myaeli and baring told it for tome lime rapiinya3ltiowimwbaioodbeador tnmy oweiae i ahu ur ittnit it a hair aalerer had bprinihid n wkdisuu tban are many indicatio of jworma bat xt ljowt worm syrnp maataiheaa u trert oaaa t ally llr i ii allwif vpboktcrar toronto end at the asdwing f or aix or aaran yean my wife afiered with dyipepaia soatjtbpeaa inward pika and kidney complaint we tried two pbyiiaana and any namber of medicinea witboat getting any relief bnta we got a bottle of northrop av lymana vegstable dia tail wai the lint relief ibe tot and before one botuewai need toe benefit aba derired from itwu beyond ocrrtpfctatioo ingrotf lnt naila h poaitite and permanent can for in growing naila ho pain sent poat paid for 15c atampi or aflrer addreaa hoaz sixonc co oullu oxr coxsawnos ccbzd an old pbyaieian retired firom practise haragsiad placed in hii handa by an eaat india miarionary the formnla of a ample tfgrtahlf remedy for tbe apeedy and per inanent cere of conramptioo bronchitia catarrh aathma and all throat and lnng affeetiona- alao a potiute and radical core for serrota debility and all kerrosa com- pbtintt after baring teated iu vonderfnl enratire- a in thwiaawfa of caaea baa fed it hiajtnty to make it koown to ail bia aosering fellowt aftoated by tbia mdtire and a deaire to relieve hnman aaffering i will tend free of charge to all who deaire it thia recipe in german french or english with foil directiona for preparing and oaing sent by mah by adtlreaaing with tamp naming tbia aper w a norra ft fowera block iobeater n y uan a deceit and toman a credolity after an enthnaiaat c lover apenda two boon bard labour nri letter to bia girl aod then man ila bea ity by a pflliog a drop of ink oo it be firit gramuea in a ecieo- tific manner for a fe r minaki and then drawi a circle roaod ibe blot and telle bar it ia a kiaa and afae poor thine believea if fhooxo in cab gtian away to advertiae llr cole pflli we till aiv- daily priiea for ninety dayi to tbe beraona who correct- ly form the- name c a popular remedy from theietten in he two worda pole sdlla far tbe finto arec aotwerreoair- ed each day too in a ibfor thndmoo tor the ird vm 1000 in all wish youranawerketid 25c in ailver or 27c in ltampafor a- box of dr coletperfeet 3loodand liver pill lore core fr aick baadacbe ter- email and do not gripe liemember tboae prira are abaolately free pria money now en depoeit at the traden bank here coiiteat opeua may let koi try it ai dreaa iumi spetljn oiorillia out can la 500 for a jthoma a thirty two page inonthly makazinr devoted t hoare boiiduaf home forniahing botue lecoration fuhiona general literature etc a the beapublica ion of iis dart in aioe iea the pobliab en in order to increaat he cireulntton of heir tbagazine offer la ee rewarda to tboae of- their aubajrioera or i ofendink avbaerib en who correctly am wer tbe fouowinn aoeatjon vbert idttu ngw teatament aj tna worda a ne die nrat knot t caab figj and weak j rewarda tn while the competilion la ita tbe pnbhab en will give away ux oaandaof iwlan amoeg thoaa corraeuj amwering ibe qnaaticaj he leadiog r iward being moo u tfu sethi tan cob in aumpa or ailvarfo f our tivmuu aaapiafa tawayretnini be eompatitjoo addnaaiqirrfoaw pm m13 ot brock- mcaiaaa needle il- motib tabbe ahd thefle itama of qanaral inttrait to fraxj v pra raad vaerl dvtrtubttau an a baiaadot and wa think it brhooraa pabliahan to examine into the mtrlta of many arlkslca puffed f lo their oolamoi we do oot deny hit mkuy merltoriou ramedna are properly to bt olaeaed nnd hit heading take the huudredt and booeande relieved from aevan anffer- uw by the aaa of polaoia nervilina would it not baojtraaaooa to atpaot tbem to ooodemn that faisfaaad taaady now w know or a tact that polaont hervillne ia wltooot uoaptioo tbe moet powerfol pleaaaot tad certain rwoadyto the world for pdnj heaaoot lallwu 0a rbjhl to tbltotoef pate pterttrafce to the nervea oottiea tbem into qnietneai and afforda prompt and permanent relief bow to keep yonr own eoanaloet into acbanoery mil and jon wilt never gel rid of him thelnfea liver kldtiajja bowela 4c ot aiaojoaay taiti igaut fottbe mcape of effete matter aod gtaea from the body tbawaaofforthropdlrymina vegtublt dianvary belpa them to diaobarge their dntyafr wh leater h at cnatom toroarite i have peraooally tatted tbe healthgiving propertitiee of northrop 4 lyman vegetable diaoover and can taatify u to ita great value a aoldier will not read rnbtnaon craaoa becauae ii it the work of da foe winter enorta the gay winter aeaaon expoeea many to attaoka of oolda oougha hoarteneaa ucbt neea of the cheat ealhma bronchitis etc wtrich ro a reliable remedy uke hagyarda pectoral balaam for their relief and core known at reliable for over thirty yean tbe beat oongh core a ooai dealer of the boa ton he who kivee tud ppnoda to the ton firat and foremoavfmoog external can- tiveeof pain ia dr thomaa edectric oil koi- ii it leaa eateemed u a remedy for coogha paiua awellinga coroa boniona etc tl u an eoooomie ea well u inexpenaire article ainee the resulta prodaeed by it neceat the uae only of a amalj quantity diflmnlt punctuation patting a atop to a goaaipa tongue tu whole alphalxt of paihtielda to clarka lightning lint ment it ia equally effective in inflammt tiou of the iddneya bladder or boweli congeatioo of the innge aore throat difficult twaathfii irratexu eroop aiphtheria hea toothache neuralgia rbenma- tiam ague cboblaiiia frost bites bruiaos eoogba coldi apraina ptina in the cheat back or limbs aak for clarka ltehtniug liniment and take no otber frioe fifty cents clark chemical col toronto new tort- the nlrl nomhinalioii jock wfdlock the beat preparation i have ever fried for rheumatiam the color of yoor money so often spokes of a eeoerally of bat not pecoliar tint known as hary bed health in if uim healthgiving herbs- barks ttots and berries are earefully eemhioed inburdock blood bitters which regelate the secretions purify the blood and renovate and srengh en the entire system price tl a bottle six for 5 leaa than 1 cent a dose l tbe tow between eoeland and boaaia if a saaaeial one both are striving for tbe capital of the afghans if you want to buy oraatl a farm ad vertiae in the toronto wetmy hail that paper naehea 100000 fannen homes every week and yoor advertisement should meet theveye of someone who wants to par- chaas advertiaemanta of this class are n aerted in he toronto wait tfautoz five cents a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address tbe hail toronto canada eliots indian bible il like stock jobbing ia wall street there are very few who can make anything oaf of it children cryfor pitchers castoria whea baby alck e save aa castorfa fthen afae was a c3iod she cried tor castoria wbenebs became kiss she clnac to castoria when fbe bad children she cave than cast oria the key shine begalar action of he bowels inhe key stone of health the nse of b b b- iptures it and cores constipation dyspep sia etc ifias p williams hi blqor street torooio writes- hare osed yourbardock blood bitten for constipation aod pain ia he bead witb great success j improved from tbe second dose lord dofferin is pretty busy jnst now last week he went to talk to afghanistan next week he is going fo chin india enrich tbe blood by the ase of kilburns beef iron sod wine which supplies the necessary blood baildioar material annoyed father to his wife i oannot conceive mj love what it the matter witb my watch i think it must want cleaning little daughter peaking hurriedly bat triamphantlyi ob papa dear t dont think it needs cleaoioffj because baby and i had it wash iug in ihe basin for ever so long this rooming p weak wunisu i ymgjayaj rtwautlm v far in yon asure daata f bide roar aulaea tlabt vjdoanoftueaatameralibt far down yon western sleeps alnk sink la the silver light buo sloops my lady alsepe i wluduluol i- whararoaw vdiimutft iftesloeataiyii aweei mifmkksni t wttehlwwaealaiihtei uaht ff ibe more sensitive nature of the female sexirenden women much mora susceptible than men to tboae nomerons ills which apring from tack oj harmony iu the system the nervoos system givee way sick bead- ache is freijoeti tbe appetite is lost and other ailments peculiar to the sex cause great suffering floods bsrsaparilla peculiarly adapted for such cases aod hsr received ibe moat gratifying praiae for the relief il has afforded thousands of women hose very existence before taking it was only ffisierr f jtitrenguiena th nisee eons v woache and rndestioovpuri- see ipi vitalfzeii the blood and gives rearala aod beallby action to ttety organ liajfbebody worms deranse the whole system mother prsves worm exterminator derances atontu and sivetrest to the eafiarer 11 only cosaa twentyllve cents to trtr it and beeoovltwed arilcles known tooled ii in preparing um lugredlent it carefully seleoud personally examined and only the best retained the medicine li prepared under the aapervition ot thoroughly competent pharmacists and every step lo the prooeat of mjabatactunia carefully watched with a view to securing in hoods strtaparilla the beat possible result an tie u aerit by order to an ameri can in paris but he didnt get it really the american fa paris seldom seta tbe axe eent aeoent uaf vel oil this stands for hagyarda yellow oil the best and promptest core for all pain from the simplest sprain to tbe reeking torture of rheumatism a neverfailing remedy for croup sore throat aod pain in the chest a picture of washington after stuart was lately cold in bostoni but a picture of washington after cornwallia would have been imore appreciated tb third psge of the toronto dtiif hail ii noted for want advertiaemanta if you want to buy or sell anything if you want a situation a mechanic a busj neas machinery lodgings if ytra have lost or ound anything or it yoa want to find oat when anyone it advertiae in the to ronto dally mail and read the advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is tiro cents a word each in eertion address the hail torooto can- ada ot wife-taking- he thattakes a wife takes care says franklin bat brown says that this is wrong that ha who takes can doesnt take a wife to years ajo two yean ago i was troablod 4vitb an ulcer on my aufcle having used fa b b for bad blood procured a bottle and a box of burdock healing ointment after using 3 bottles aod i boxes i was oofu plclely cured jits ivm v boyd brentford ocf visitor well mrs flanagan what did the doctor say about yoor poor hoadanda deafneea un flanagan boded il the docthorsays tim 11 never bear again but she whispers plase ddnt spake loud it might make him depressed joike piles t a positive cure thousands ot teatimoo isls ko puree no suppository sent post paid for 7 cts in stamps address home bpecific co orillisoo i 1- diamond vera cura cures dyspepsia and ifhucestlom if you cannot get diamond vera cora from yourdrnggist send 25c for sample dot to canadian bepox 44 and 4 lombard st toronto out vie ken air slip the new air ship travels 200 miles an hour good time bat none ooqaick if one waited hagyards yellow oil this peer leu paintoothing remedy ia a prompt and pleasant cure for sore thaost croup colds rheumatism paint in the chest and back neuralgia for external and internal use price 25c appropriate games for eutoroologieta cricket for chiropodists football tor bishops iswatennis for panfcters skit tles for indolent people usp for toddy drinkers bowls for roughs racket clarks lightning liniment will relieve the painful torture of kheamaticm in the jointsor muscles it should be well rubbed in with the band and the part covered with a piece of flannel tbe pain will ccise with tbe first appli cation and its continned use will effect a marvelous cure this remedy needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical that it is a wonderful preparation sold by all druggists price fifty cents clark chemical co toronto kew york occttioual dosea o agood cathartic like burdock fills aro necessary to keep the blood pare and ha body healthy sbnie children qrowinff too fast become lijtlets fretful without ener gy thin and weak fortify and build them upi by tie use of vsgoth emulsion of pore cod lives oil akd hypophosphitm of xftno an ttottau mstsheas mat ail a wtllttthk os cnjslor cocoa o oolw t mti ni sin aid room it 11 oiqiuid saaakm sues br acett a bawstttilasala femwraiserist all praaalsts me aad aaat for infanf and qhlldrtsn -t- lnarsls ualairal earrsmaasin oaatarlawkwabadapttocalldnalhal i iraooatanaalttmbsaateloaaypraaeilstka i itaairisoa h a aacata d i ljazr luavolfcrit brooklyn nt i wllsmslsota tea oawtact ooarairr tt atatrar av x t latest 8tyue best value with spring comes 1 kelly brpb finaa88orted stock of spring 8ulting8 pantings and overcoatingsa our twaeda and wontada an the finest and best that money oooldony and we an determined lo keep the prioet down under that of cheaper goods on every garment we torn oot thia anting we will pal the host of trimmings tbe best of workman- ibip and guarantee a perfect fit spring hats oar new spring bats have juircome to handand an tbe beet and nobbiest in the market they an in mens boyt and childrens ail aixes and prices furnishings our new stock of cants ties shirts cohan and cuffs are something grand pit season oivo at a look u we have marked be prices 0 please you j kelly beos 3ti 1 i 11 larpne has become famous as tlie great- machine oil of canada it is made by mccoll bros co toronto miooijxis t cylinder olf needs only to be be used to be appreciated try it get only the genuine liewampf tliosc who imitate lardinc hontake spn boys clothing dtfpt yes we know your boy needs a nice new suit 1 and that you arc intending to buy bim one the question that is revolving in your mind is where can i get the most stylish best fitting and prettiest suit for little money perhaps you did not know that we had the largest cheapest and prettiest stock of clothing in the county well we have you have seen those nice tweed 6tiits on the boys with belts and pleated waists that is the kind we have and sell so many of the best of it all is that that the prices are so low that customers buy without hesitation you remember we bought 3 lovely stock la short time ago mad for the citv trade at prices very muchreduced ard we are sell ing correspondingly low come and see the stock it will please you it does the boys 0s a kspimja r oroieanio katie oelafwaetraaasabdtmpai v ootdjiastlokamaaalsopbi this time uwa weal latoalmtoa oct am 1 mens clothing all that we have said about the styles and prices of the boys clothing applies with equal force to our mens clpthing men we have not for- gotten you in this important matter of outward adornment we have a first class clothing man who will be pleased to showyouthe stock- you will find i in all its beauty and strength on the second flat of our mammoth cheap store main street milton hollinrak6 j son milton be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a nousej or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of iomftift as well as the rich we have a full line of furniture ftr i the parlor the bedroom the dining room the kitchen in many styjcsand prices excellent value always if a speight manager she lost her lover because her breath was offensive from a slight touch of catarrh he woed and married another girl whose breath was sweet from the oseof clarks catarrh cure if your lover or station in life is worth 60 eeots to preserve then go fo your druggist at once take nothine else for nothing eim will can you eo easily artd quick if yoa cannot get clarks catarrh cure from yoor druggist then send direct to clark chemical co toronto new york tbe executive secretaries have sold all the private carriages of their respective departments and washington now pre sents the spectacle of an adauinistmion witboat a cab in it caliocty dancers of delay if we were allowed into he fotdre and oosdd aae tbe fatal oonaeqsenoes that follow a neglected cold how differently would oar course be could we realize oar dangernow speedily we would aeek a care bat with many it ia only when tbe monster7disease hat fastened ita fangs upon our apes that we awaken to our follyi what follows s n eoldf is it oot diseases of tbe throat and lnngs bronchitis asthma con sumption and many other diseases of like nature it la worse than madness to neglect a cold and it ia folly not to bare aoroe good remedy available or thia frequent oompisint one of tbe most efficacious medicines for all diseases of too throat and lnngs ia bioklea anti-con- aomptive syrup this medicine is com- posed of several medicinal berba which exert a most wonderfol indoeuce in curing consumption and other diseases of tbe longs and chest it promotes a free and easy expectoration soothes irritation and drives tbe disease from the system owing to the unprecedented demand for plate glass it has advanced considerably in prioe messrs afocaosland dt son tor onto fortunately made a cputract before tbe advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season s very decided advantage in priosv tbe quality being su perior to any ever previously imported tsjolr called tsb greatest medicine eworld absalstary oaaraatsed as elaaeed or money nfonded fainblete testimonials eta fbee wtt basual shceobh tulleat co lid iso king- st w toronto out msunaiaetjenfrtbe rjomfaloa sutbeware of imposition i see our trademark canadian printers read can furnish yo with the best presses for country news and job work to be had in this country and at lower prices than for any other new cylinder press come to ncton kind see our improved country prouty press 1 ht work the frei pkess is printed on the above press and the work illustrates its merits w no 1500 drum cylinder press can do better newspaper or poster work we have run tbe prouty for eight yean and the longer wc run it the better we like it it is simple easy to run easy on type easy lo handle coats little for repairs and is easy on the irinter s pocket book we call ii the beat frees to be had in the world oday for the money come and aee oar press at work if yoa desire samples of work send for them and we will gladly famish hem we can give you yonr choice of a number of different sizes and styles of presses al all prices think of it a new 8 col folio or 5 col qtopower press for only ooqslo 700 or an 8 col book press tor 800 pull particulars from h p moqre agant for canada acton out powdered u ye ramst 8tmnqut bot hlaarerauelaeeaica r steaslnsst twenty packages new goods r arrived at the right house this week f- ten ca8e8 curtain poles x ease window shades 1 package window fringe 1 oaaa corsets 1 osae wool damask i case dress liomgaj 1 oaaa lace cartaiue parcels ladles lists 1 bale lrlnti 1 bale ony cotton ladies night drtaaaa chemises blouses corset cofen cable cord dsess buttons suirliplh cadtona beliaiaa gold laoaa steal gimps drees laoea silver braids india tapes chantillyhooooings lists siu hoee faille praocels silk bandketthwe bilk bibbona curtain mel whalebone and white velveteen a lahgl stock of india uattinob fob sullafkr h0u8ks at camp obounps tbe beach etc it makes a veby cbeap and fashionable cover ino fob house and office floors ihmensk bedcctions on goods lace curtains put down from ls50 u 1x50 flu to u75 w60 to60 1060 to 3io chenille curtains krox 110 lo ii tt to 17 116 10 111 1875 to 17 allwool 0arpkt8 see to km hoc to 70c nice uniorf carpet at only ho jebsby waj6t8 1u3 to 60c m to ii u75 to ii tlfio to 50o mantle cloths tiu to 1150 1150 lo iu5 ft to llu ii to 60c ladies jersey jackets 3m to ii vi 60 to ii ism to 11 ladies tweed jackets mw to ii li to 11 t60 to ii childrens mantles 1375 to 13 1073 to a 1375 to ht0 embroiderha 15c to 10c te to tc pink cbambray 85c lo iso ylreaat muslin 40c to hue colored musun loo to 10c 7c to to chambray flouncing iwo oo j5c to 50 beaded qalloonaooo to o lie to 15 5c to- goc gimps 80c to isc 4 to ms 40s to ljo girdles 55c to 15c 0c to soc glrdlea at only 10a the csrpeu window cartalns floor chi oorteeideaas littoiaam clotba window shades and all other housefaroishlnge have an enormous sale aa they an su charming stylaa good quality aod exoellest valoe tbe millinery mantlee dresa goods underolotwng tor ladies and- m 4a wol marino oatton embroidered gooda gloves and hojaary genla and boys sblrta drawen night aod day shlrta all la area vavtaty and newest dastgna in stock and made to order to fashionable styles at short do ice please enter the store at the jfenoeatthb corner of king stkeetreast and hughsoif 8t1eot north smmm hamilton june 1th 1891 tgqlvfta o watkrjts the largest soale works in canada over too sn hay scales grain scales farm scales jtea scales i improved sbwjmses hoky drawers vnlorwrv a ivratw smua aooaxaa rvia wrlla kg tenaa c wilson a 80m 6 0 esplanade srnrt east utorontcont tsis paper c ery ias voo wrila to mackinac 8umer tour8 palacc stuiim low rjtrt tmtr trips j weadt bs detroit mackinac island ifetosksy tlwjm karqtutit twd lk oavsa fru mrtrr sibattafsftvoft detrott and cleveland hul rspt rf twm lri 1m s wl 7 our illustrsttco pamphlctsl ataua d xxtwvim yidtma wm te enaaaaa bv aw tasast aaeat r aaatvw a a schan12 astt o p a oilsctt atn the detmiti cuituid steas ulo the key to health y- unlocks all the ciaged avenues of the bowels kldnoys and liver cairyiog cat eradnally vritlioat yvcajtcning tbe sya tern all liic inpuritica and foul humota of the accretions nl the same ttmo cojv rectlng armdity cf tbo etomnoh txaiog buiousqcss dyspepaii hearlachas dlzilncsi iisartbard constlpaticn dryness cvthesjdn dropsy dlnss3of vision jano- diee ilt lfccq a cqmerytipcins stwo- nus mudfcrioi cf lo heart kp- votynoss and general debility tall these and many otlicr similar compjaafa yield to tho happy inoaenooot burdock tin srjtandoafsra thimmm dunns baking powder thecooicsbestfriend urqcst sale in canada pr fowlerfe pstfl xt of- tiprberry cures a- j- r v55sa3tv wswaanssjajnssa f a

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