ifflpgpst fv ll 4- tytstonftuftm thuesdit jote 84 18j1 x- r cfce raitj jfouti or hired otkl our hired giitebaa laiabuth ann an sbe can cook best thibfi tacat lib lit rwta dowrb in oar racfeu a poms f mn4 w1 swd sweet an onslfe nil it ell on tct j with cuiiiambn u ueo ebvll stop an it analkio u m h stow ik lh om eoolotor its twoo1 slop aetft en sralmr beg bakes lteo ilaesatitd oral blag roe snow i aubee tbell say clear out ojpj way i iter lta to wows an ume septet take yet dough en run child ran br 1 taint ct no cooala done 1 ulna oar biro girl trtidi luo shst ulkt an says folk jot to walk u10 chalk mm awa around r wished they lad i pier oat ottowrlioreli ea ulk to ut hacsedrmta at loon oar law a h tars vthrw r mi den leans on hh old aorygeiur bliria hlrerr auiiitfttllrotdrfsmiwsi el my old dom dou i toll me hot it wrs lite 1 smell costard plssr- aa two boll say qni 001 o ihi way t they time ter work an urns te ilayi take rev doosh an run ehfld nra rr il oaint h no oookln dot r notes helte and there turns of qtnrt intttrait tt frst prtu rwdin tb patience ot estoiti csi be eeelly betted bjr tin unto speatnodlo pains ol toothache yet bt jacobs oil will our tho pain in a few minutes card ind com pletejv it penetrates to thtnerve and kills lhpiln the lungs lint kidneys dowels ao aol es so din watte bitot or the eeoer or efftle nutlet and gears from tbt body tbt no ol northrop a lymans vegetable discovery betps them to discharge their dot mr w 0 lester h m customs toronto writn i ban personally lotted lb hwajtbnitinf prooertilie o northrop ljrmui vojeubk ditojiiryi and ciu ttutrutoturrel valoe the ratou eome iwople lorn at lint tight it brotate thry dont knor etch other then a poem withouy the let ter vl out not ta getienjiy known to the reading fnbue bow roach etch indifidqil letter of the alphabet ii need d h n o c and a are ir third place u resardt a i and r are in moond pltoe beinnseed a little of sener 1 and in anew foortb place with f j r p and b olote afterward j and k are not common m compared to the rwt r while r q end i ere nd let of all tfte utter e it io but pltce oeiri uwl fanfuir than any other the ollotvitc oin thcrifnte ftriket the tvetc fiiiler decided cnriotiu at t it sot need at all it can rink art lltety corto wtth tbceepecalitr ttorict we torcetimej tee in or neruolalinj the ptjn clarkt lihtnink eiolmetrt will relierpr il with one applica tion if external rub it in or apply with ejotht u inlerntl lor au adult laka thirty dropt in a ian of water for a chad git four or fire dropt on lamp of ingar it rivet inatani relief and eate if yon try a bottle ot clarki lirhtnbt llnlmefit you will sod it a good hin to ha in tbe boute sold by all druggitu prije fifty centt clark chemical co toronto kew york letter though in ttjlc and merit it it far mperior to them the author iiucknown iolu cnox wat t mia of woodroor uicbt aad hit tordi ran bich nd thrill kor lold and ttout eai hispfrit bright and rrocc ru hit italwirl will 1 kingt touclit in raiu hit uiiitf to chahi ana that allot brain to control bat naught on plain or tlonnr uitia- coold qawit thai mighty tool john would tit and tick till uoruinc cold iu ihining uiops pat oat for thought antold on hitaiind laid hold and brought but pain and doubt but tight tt iit on hit tontwii cut awry tank pain and torrow hit toul it gay in a fair faxiij and lookt jfor a bright umuoztow i rcaajior the heart tbe beartt youth does not paaa at jong as its parity and innocence remain te esnronrownbeftrta by the cherishing of nefitimenuwe are directed to expel we become discontented and call our diacontenl ksowiede we fotgei that all knowledge which does not increase oarhappiriea is r spurions and not to be- trusted how strong arc the hearts first straggles under t sarreir bpw it battles ynth dtstree and wars against despair and disappointment how vigorous its efforts to combat and over come tratthe sorrow is thb strongeray sarrotr is the stronger it is drawn into tbe heart by the first breatli that we inhale of this worlds sir a small seed but stiu it rrowtand gnm and twista and twist until it crushes the poor heart and then then we die ko xatter hon violent it it always he jaded aud weary tinner who declares now im going to swear off umrtutfu rtonje aftke an eicrption in favor ol dr foairv etlract of wild strawberry iu fcijovn irtnct aa a care for dimr dywuterx clwlctt nitbti sttii til bowtt traljll cae ail tho ue it to revtnl a a tbe most teiiabie an i ucctal remed obtsinable c a- tiringtlce pltlltville tat7i which erery word corint with the taiar much fleaiurc in recoemenduig dr tborata eclectric oil from hsving used it nrytc7f7 and bavingjicld it for tome time in my own case i will say for it that it in the beat preparation i have ever tried tor rheumatism a toldier will uol read robinson crutoc bceatrse it is tie work of de f weak ttomafl tbe more seoiittte nature of thc female aez renders women much more susceptible than men to those numerous illt which spring from isck of htrmony in the system tbe nerrout system gives wsr tick head ache it frnpest the appetite is lot and other ailments peculiar to the sex cause great suffering hoods sarsaparilla it peculiarly adapted for such cases and has received he most gratifying praise for tbe relief it has afforded thousands of women whose very existence before fairing it was only miserr ft strengthens the oerrec cares tick headache and indigestion puri fies and vitalizes tbe blood and gird regular and healthy action to every organ in the body jebce maxiems political philosophy you cant meznre tbe cnioc jack with a yard sticiv patriots lies tojbe paid eriu polities cant be nojeteaner than lie men thai wfc them taint alius th soljeer that done the most fittn that gits the biggest pensbnn when a farmer gets a big margirlge on his place be wants to be a statesman pertalert is interconvertibie corredcy when they sir harvested the man that makes the longest speeches and tbe most of them is mostly leggin fwicet for bimaelf and oneet for bis con- stiterents ifa hundred ceaii aint a dollar what isit hen and mezores cant be legislated hon est all fools aint in parliament it is probably- the man who married a rich wife who first started the joke on find ing a womans pocket wkat doesltsfeaa zoo doses one dollar means simply that hoods sarsapariila is tbe most esonomical medicine to feuy because it gites more for tbe money tban any otber preparation each bottle contains 100 dotes and will average to last a month while other preparations taken according to directions are gone in a week there fore be sore to get hoodi sarsaparilla tbe best blood purifier 7 p- h a photograph would seem to be self evident ye we always want to fee a proof of it five ifundrfd bouarr will be given for a case of catarrh which cannot be cored permanently by clarks catarrh core step right op to the office and prove your case and get tbe reward tbonaaods nave tried this remedy bat no one baa claimed the reward beeaw it cure in every case if yon have a cold or are troubled with catarrh ask your drug gist for clarks catarrh core price 60 cents and see what a pleasant relief it will be instantly if you are asked to take something else send to ns direct and we ua bottle by mail on receipt of price clark chemical co toronto new tork he all the fools are not dead yet she tbsts true at you live vigilant care mguance it necessary against onex- pected attacks of summer complaints no remedy is so well known pi to successful in in this clsss of diaeasrsiat dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry keep it in tbe bouse as a aafo guard altdywiilesi was enabled to remove t tlic corns root und brandt by the use of l uolloways- corn cure others wbo have tried it have the suae eiperlenst aoneleeced welshman named jones was bantering en irsrtmaii when tbe la asked him how did yon come to i your leg r weh said jones on micioi my pedigree and jookineopmy deaceet i found that there was some irish wood in tnejend becomg coortoead that had setlw fo that left leg 1 bad it cut ttaije be the powersild pf n bmtefilnglia4it ttwuhea c c iiiounw i- co for several yean i tufferedso severely from neuralgia that my hair came out and left me entirely bald i used uikahds liniment freely on my bead which en tirery cured mj neuralgia and to my astonishment i found my hair growing rapidly and now i have u good a bead of hair as i ever had springhill wit dura eliots indian bible is like stock jobbing in wall street- there are very few who can make anything out of it actnadisu ftvorile the season of green fruits and summer drinks is tbe time wfaei the worst formsof cholera morbus diarrbtca and bowel com plaints- prevail ax a afe guard dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry should be kept in the house for jo years it has been the most reliable remedy failures of batters are nearly ilwavs due to tbe fact that they cannot get ahead- ctiildren cry for pitcher- castoria f wben baby was sick we gave her castoria wben the was a ci jh tik cried for casto vtoes she becasm kits tbe clasr to castoria frtien sbs kad children tbe cave uieta cast oria- ij rpf jiria this disease may be traced to a variety of causea such ss coottioaltoc liver troubles improper fsod ttd there is one care burdock blood biltaii which may be tboroughly relied on to effect a permanent cure it has cured obstinate cases of 25 rears standing 7 l it is surpristne tbe amount of trouble a man will endure before ft reaches h owing to tbe unprecedented demand for plate glass it bas adraoced coutiberably in price messrs mcctutlend 4 sou tor onto fortunatelv made a oonlract before the advance for a very considerable quantity and are thus enabled to offer their patrons this season a reiy decided advantage in price the quality being ta- perior to any ever previously imported this is a cold snap said the slaogfy girl ac the partook of the ice cream enrich tbe blood by the nseof uilburns beef iron and wine which supplies tbe necessary blood building material tbeflhird page of tbe toronto dtiif mail is noted for want advertisements if yon want to buy or sell anything ii yorj want a situation a mechanic a brisi new machinery lodgings if yon have lost or ound anything or if yon want to find oat when anyone is advertise in tbe to ronto evily mail add read tbe advertise ments on the third page of that paper the charge is two cenu a word each in- aertion address the mail toronto can ada do yon think cousin fred im very fond of dress no i dont whyt because i dont link you wear enough of if mr joabjsrales if toronto iwritet a tbort time ago i wst surtenng from kidney complsiot and dyijs sour stomach and lame back in fsct i was completely prostrated end coffering intense psin while io tbis state a friend recommended me to try a bottle of northrop lymans vegetable discovery i oed one bottb and the permanent maimer in which it iras cird and made a tiw msn of me is such that i cannot withhold from die proprie tors thb expression of my gratitude mlaarda usdaaeal eares diadraw ffifigi rsrhtrjsibotlf just u good m potoa ia it that not a very bub reoommtmtuuoi at tbe original tod best corn ours t ptrtni nt pslnleetcorn extractor htfon toac spt any of the dsrurout soreproduolng j pb- stitutae offered by greedy dealers wbo n tkt larger profit and disregard the inureati ol ooniumtn htle palulett certain f irlahneu who wire caught la a ttiunder ttorni fled to tbe ban tor thslier presently tba barn wu itrtok and eel afie pray ye devil pray says one to ilia other civil ar it prsytir do i imowj says the other thin at yex cannot spa is a prayer hi tbo malupllcaabtui tab a somethings gk io be oooe bsoriml there are many indioauooa e orcja but dr lows worm 8yropjnets ibsci vcrj- case siioooaalolty buddrn cbaitges a coid or exposure msy cause tbvpoiso i oua acids in tho blood to clog its ciroulatio i this is ltbeumstitni clarki lightnlig liniment will stop hie pain at one it ahonldbe taken both internally and etter ally ii lie attack it severe and it affords inttanl relief kibe pain appears agala it should be met with tbt tarns treelmeni until a cure is aflocted this wonderlil preparation hts worked lorae rtmarkabjt cures smoug rheumatic sufferers wbi usee tried il is alwiyi used alter sold all drtiggists price fitly cents ciu chemical co toronto new york diamond vera cuba cures dyspemia and indigestion if you canaol pel diamond vera curm froci your dmist tend tyu for tanipla canaoian pcpor 44 and 46 lombard st toronto qnt nurowlng- nails a positive and permicent can for la growing kiilf no pain bcnl poit paid for lc tlmps or silver addrcsi hoxz erzcznc co ocillu 0vt kit ko i ciul bear tbtt ifcifuli- er aact jne why not im inn bef misa of good hibita kits tfjii miy ie acot bot for ill i dete him he is eo ro lidylike t you vyiint to hay or mil t fann ad vartisc in the toracto ivtruy mail tbit paper rcacliea 100000 farmera hornet every wec and yoaradrerutemciil ibooid meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertise m en u of tfaia ciau are n- eerted in the torouto wify uaii for five cent word each insertion or twenty cenu byword forfi c iaaertioaa addreti tbe mau toron to canada wheii affjp wan tryiui to become ths lioa of a fubionablc pirtya wit remarked that he could never be any thine bat a dandylion for year l suftered with my back which wnietinxa became a if paralyzed t inffered awfal aony for month and could not eletp but now thaokato your burdock blood bittm i am itrong mjaiii hare no pain and con work well eat well and aleep well ri lira hamerfon 23 charlotte st toronto ykow bfethero said the miaititr while the collection is being uken up the organist wui pity what will the hartert be the pacga endcrtd by the early chriitian martyn were no douhteicraciatin but not so prolonged or unrccly more dreadfal than those experienced by the safferera from icflamimtory tbeamalium a diaeaae which iceaiily ccrable at the oataet with dr thorna kclectnc oil a sovereign remedy for pain a reliable curative of kidney liver and other complaints aod a medicine of the porcct u well aa the most salutary kind tbe reatrca motrxt like to go ihopiflg is betaase they uiinfc there it womething in itore for then piles positive cure thoasacdr of testiroon- iajs ko parge ko suppository seat post paid for 27 eta in stamp addrctt ifotne specit c co orillia on l have noticed said a pert young lawyer that pembea of the lecil pro- fesiion are almost always brave men it is seldom that one shows cowardice i wonder why his is so well res poo ded an eldcrely lady ivp read somewhere that conscience makes cowards of as til and as jawyeas mostly have no conscience why of coarse they- fftvent anything to make them cowards wfiy niggle why struggle with exhausting diseases when you may be promptly cured by th use of natures remedyburdock bioodbittert the perfect cure for dyspepsia biliousness constipation sick headache and all forms of bad blood from a com moo pimple to the worst scrof nlous sore how arti yon hioely thank ton tnaai who why the inventor of scotts emulsion wtlck care of eohsuuptioif give ihanti ior its discovery that it docs not make you tick fthen you ukelt c i give thanks that it is three time as efficacious a the outaibioncd cod liver oil civt ihanti thatltissttchgwonder ful flesh producer civt tkanht taathisthebettremedjr for consumption serojula srolicliuli watting sit- cat a cough and cotdt he sure yougel ttjie genuine in salmon color wrapper sold by all druggutt at 50c and f 100 scott bowkedellcrille iwwmwwwifteww saswwtsiiatafaw4 w j for infant and ohlldren caria oaatert irwmtmieadllmtrqiertortoseyprsscrlptloal ggftg aowatotwi baaacaaald i izee iu 80 oxford fit brooalyat wllkltlirkjtti ad emtaotwi ttt- tu onrani oosraar it murray mratt s t 0 ri- 1848 1 189 1 the oldest drug store iit oxjeulfh t e8tablishzd 1mb wc lutve ha largest and most varied stock of i bnfjuh and rrtach bur brushes i toilst sap clolhts brushes toothsrushss nu1 brusbts tooth pule sbirtt brajej scotch uddermsa yulctnite rubber dressing combs labia fears atkinsons luodborts 6oif ft tad stairs prsruhas- lu bottle aod in bulk try the utetl white lutc rtsort strops sbtrlaf cups a soip all shades of diamond and turkish dyei c w c smith st co cor wyndham maodonald btreetf onelph lardinbv i ifas become kamous as the great machine oil of canada it is made by mccoll bros co toronto t cylinder oil needs only to be be used to be appreciated try it get only the genuine beware of those who imitate lardirie t henderson mcrae co hcton t week 1 w ar sbowtni u arts urgt raow 0 hew mhnt8 also kew blk pre88 ooodb we havttbsbwst raltw b black hj2hri etta at mc to town brclaldrlralaoottoj8 cotton ade8 and 8hibt1nob aaktoaaeourmcctbtalnet ills a leader orcal ralam is tweeds a 60o pw yard j hender80n mcrae 6 oo slimmer ttnderclqthing 611k balbrlggan and the natural wool all 8tet tram 14 to 44 nretst mteucrt shaw c crundy quelph i wbbchbnt tk1lohs be it ever so humble theres no place like home speight st son have a large stock of furniture suited to every pocketbook in furnishing a house or adding thereto the poor man can secure articles of comfort as well as the rich wc have a full line of furniture for the partor the bedroom the pining room the kitchen in many styles and prices excellent value always j a 8peight manatrer an old rhysician retired tirompracticc having had placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula ot eilmplo vegetable remedy for the speedy and per roanent core ot consumption bronchilii catarrh asthma and all throat and lung ajectiodj also s positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases bas fell it his duty to make it known to all his suffering fellows actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering i will send free of charge to all who desire il this recipe in german french cr english with full directions for preparing and using bent by mail by addressing with lamp naming this paper w a noves oib powers block eochcsterfx v the great drrtrojcr ii neaed cslarrb it dulls the hearing impairs the power of speech deadens the faculty of smell injures tbe orgsus ot sight and often permanently destroys tbe vision iu first appearance is with t coli at his stage if should be met wilbcisrkicstsrrli cure price 50 cents and its farther progress is stsyed it your druggist cannot supply you wilh this life saver send the price to clarks chemical co toronto or new york and a package will be sent to your address bangers of bclsj i if we were allowed into the future and coald see the fatal couaefjaences bst follow a neglected cold how differently would our course be could we realize our danger how speedily we would seek a cure but with imany it is ouly when the monster disease bas futened its fangs upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not diseases of tbe throat and lungs bronchitis asthma eon- umption and many other diseases ot like nature it is worse han madness to neglect a cold tad if is folly net to hito some good remedy available for this frequent complaint one of the most efficacious medicioes for all diseases of the throatwod lungs it dickies auticon lumptive syrup this medicine is com posed of several medicinal herbs which ixert a most wonderful influence in curing sonsumptidn and other diseases of the lungs and chest it promotes a free and nsy expectoration soothes irritation and irives the disease from the system off to europe again 7- smtfij m ballwaytlml crand trunk railway oorwo tt mim wga ksrrsss 7 19a in pssarngsr j ii am mal rhroasb s0 05 pi aecon 10 0 tp express ijjjji bipress vtlas- in aoy nj5 timkorclostxo hails oolowslaiiisedljtio oolavbsat10mamaidasopiu tbis lilns table weullbto effect do orl sfth uto ns swasdy imcttut h tt bsst taslsat io pusadcbsenass catarrh lom by dratatsu oc east by asatutk tt gassllliw wsnra pa umam the largest scale works in canada over ioo styles of hav scales grin scales farm scales tea scales iffloved show oses honey drawees hntdopfert m birrcstm wrfgu anosxss ik rtirx wrile iw terssa c wilson a son 60 esplanade stiurr east torontcont mrmlon tnu piper c fry iire too writs dunns baking powder the cooics best friend largest salc in canada dr fowlers ext of wild itmwberby cures holer a holeramorhais olica ramps larrhgea ysehtehy and all summer compubtts andfluxes of the bowels it is safe and reliable for children or adults i h our mr ryan leaves op monday for europe sailing by the white star line 8teftmer ifajntle and going direct to germany thence to france england ireland tfrtd scotland his object in leaving so early is that we may more than ever place our orders with the raaunfactarers and give them plenty of time to erecute them for tbe fall trade g b ryrn c5t co guelph l- bargains bargain shelves bargain counters bargain tables trdtr called tie greatest medicine world kbsahitely frsarsatsed u clsimsd or money refaadsi pamrhlsts tsstlmonlals etc free rtsa basah hicbode kltteb co lid 190 sqiur st w torontooat sole suirifactvirsrs for the dominion istsswars of imposltlontl sseourtradsmartt tbe caett5 bargains in every part of the house oar tables would not begin to hold the bargains we have to offer bargains in drees goods bargains in fancy goods bargains in millinery bargains in hats and gaps bargains iu staples bargains in hosiery bargains in clothing bargoins in carpets ft pure powdered lye purmt etromceirnsistt pyi below nro a few of the bargains wo oflor in dress goods double width colored lustre lie worth joc doable width colored debeige 85c worth wc doable width french serge ue worth 6c doable width bordered sailings 33a worth 00c doable width boaole saltings 2ja worth 00c double width jersey check 1 pieoe sic worth 7oc tbe above lines are all eolirely of wool and are one of the greatest bargains ever offered in dress goods being all new and desirable hoes i t williamson 0 co powder rw- j purest sth0h8est best contains oo alum ammonia ume ntesyajiylajarlaati will cure or relieve suysness dizziness fuinering drynblt ofthpskin stomacb bowels 0oo3 tklbinfflco a dyspepsia ndigestion jaundice asipais raftilheusi mst to mackinac b summer tours leiw ih wsaaawwsso det mackinac island b and 7 wy4iavn stonelpli 846tr8fc d 2e5h5amip tw aaieh he mti laiursiyulaamshi axsasasfr sajatllbtfelv v u