1 i the me ijhodist chcpf h mtv aut soo y i ifiaatod lueocdiauyuvft suefrta sad ffatwn elaje ai mm i bank ktidoi cicttttd cr ulrolsv fcxd tttorpt f hamilton wwjssai u0- s steves asst catalan eorajtpwk4ekbt t eod edsotee made oa ell s sins tsbssj wiisa in kinsfas dkpiattkt i ww offsfpatt h of jts- i k lcasktsos agest alto oouccoi tiie bigwatch watche frqtnsi u from si u r jbcktikixriker jft jancett1 desigitfc in lto3sp jnew tastj- jlewellery gruets nrei spoons forks wueimccilmkivelbsttk srariad ro gis trenewsatjtomg i i mostly of a lock charaotr and evr 1am mtaraatlnff t i keopealsf seericcs i the aaffltroo improvement whiah h boi in pagttts luth tfstbodlst church tnea the lit jan are now com pleted tail the charch will be t opened ueal sunday and koadalwiiu impropriate tioe betmont will b pretext at bubdijr it 10 m tnd tsirp m by rv mr tjl who ku juit mmmr eliurse of the church onmpadeyaveotag ehbmej4 l be u14 at which kd drewos will h delivered bjrre- br qlfford fargus bt a irooraktmluoniad rev ur tdg bbcea preparing ffr th jjtel several weeks and will duoourio mma flao wkhgai ai iuo mtte oc boui biudty ad koadiv i i ii dtmtharadfr drew- j j jse drew of welllalon did jaddea- t hit horn it eloti ettonuy night a jwr fix ho hd mctoat btrokaoft ipoplcsy ivbn bn lifo w in dtngtr ba hejnllicd ml his inc bqen bla lo und to toe regular botioesi of lhecot pretd- intftt th junbeticq nd ifiniibingjap quite n amoant of baiinen lut sccek 6riirdaji he was la toronto on legal but- neia he retoimmi to elora ihroogh guciph bytheyening train at aybaarty kapperand sptatjthwevabtng iqniiiy with hit family attodk 8hartir atr eleven ho wu taken aick aud diod ia an hosrt the doctor who waaffnmmoned pronoaoced ujo causo of death heart failare ih judis oceupikl iho office nrli at hia death frotas3 tp clocks tinmrw an sf- the wiu z7c ha tho followios lo aay of it uew prcsa the tim is now prinlea on a ueur rmprtfted proaty pree atalutoet ciltentacau l iihxcm gtcss n u whlth caught the eyes oh ears eff free pieas reporters this wee omi wdalner batorday and now beins c kw awwn prettjj 6oai 1 jcb et jad raai on the ttreeos is jleut i i ihay will tooh knd- forth ia tacult perfamea the raofiemm servicei in the iletho iditt thtlocb nrlt blindly and ifonday ur jl c hthfa bavins the rom abor his jtore fifted op for u toeiety hall 8uffcaptaia bennett wqi pend sataeday nd siaiay with the sjjratioo artiy h j i the yt ang man thos taylor droajred at owta rkand on bouday wa arcooiia of mrt eetjl edfiel j a apleiidid ev bridge hag jnst been jbailt oter the stratm at ifr john gordons oa the cross roadj i i i 1 eajqi bark is i now being ke ceitetj bjt liesrrs beardmoreico and the ac tad ttnhing co- i eijteen poi pis of traiialatedeaear are no being gi en by sbme of oar locf i pterehaiu for a c ollar r tn masons jave cpmraenopi dpera- tiooa ontha new r tdenee cf d henderson acponborer a enue ttm topnal i oeeting fifth fpworth beajroe arac htu i tatweek mi t james ftfoore wae jelecte president the erjptoca rains of the kreek have wooderfallytaxprared the condition of the eropc jeren the bay leaks betfer lost by a uittle pri a bbrae can- taining a inall earn f mooey fioner will ouge if ieane tt this ofice the wetlinjsoo hotel tables it gtelpbjwere baroef on friday night kute horses and other chattels valued at ft 000 frere destrojed the nw baildjing at the glirstktion fc drying sand for the locomotives is aboat conlpletad it does not iedd mach beanty to the ton landings a is mi sunday school pteniu shonld be one bf um local etenu of tbtt month or oex the faeces t an4 enjoyment of last yeara jiicnic are i ot forgotten particularly by te childrep goejph central eihibition will be betd an- the q2hd 3rd and vtu of septem bet in addition to the new half mile trade he nurfaceneot promise bnrncrons special kttractaoua ji r tip corparati jq offiocr hasjthe side walks bretw wet repaired no some af the aew plariks pat in would be better wer bevilled down to the the old planks he accident jlbat has stirtontjrrliis of goelphwill visit hobday wednesday and thb caunthy arodftd uppi illwd by corrwai news itamjss jjoncbnu and bxohanjt ed xhjrtj ave uh udhoot oaodiditea wer uimlntd at h ptjbllo school beta as wk i ii erin had three npfptent fret lui week tic t uokiltu of worcester mass ou it 0 moofliao hilubartl paid hli telatum a few days walt tait weak lmr oeqrga kamshaw fwmerly blaok amlth tn this wliago paid i t la his friends bore last week there- were jretstend n the office ot mr thomas ypuhg erta township clerk oe day last weak mr j braddy tand imokafaeatag from life stables on exam matioii he saw the manjra bean had taken fire haipcediiye4ttnlaishdilt h the wbaildlnkocuii nriu race bridge on main jstreet wis finlahak on batarnsy thir work done has been bf vsabataatial ohacaoter and will last no doubt aa long ii coming am going if j jr f lr vliltorsl e urtdmm jmofi ind vrloukothtrpilanantat i i ii mr alicia rsmith jt ii boms from rlamiltoa i i llfr knd ra w h 8pei of bsrllo are in wtt laet wefd mls rvjnor lis lookwomvltttc loton friends last week mfss a- farrsh of itockwood vtiitad rieada la aetoa last week i fiev bryoo laiag ot omcckip spent a i iw days at home tnaereak mia aioij williams vlsiuog- friends ajt bowmaavdle and vfomlty ur and mrs wm alemttreet are ffsufag friends at 8belbdrne mrs tuloohr of bolway tftttedfrtendi not toniec than former bridge which waa ertcted over a qoarter 0 a ceatryaga jfrfrocofc friday ereusoe fro n g sutil 6 oclock tbi bcffieac bargain in canada send- i f tm to ajfiwifinmiisrgrooer aiodet ittrt of fanjooa emprs tealk green ot japan and eiliicr 20 lln grana- utetf sogar lor 23 ibj bright iore cane suptrtotlzjoo j i the sxcractiois j a trip to illacinic island vut the udtjxiit r cleveland steam navigatiia co are inaarpassd the epate ia ai oat h3o fani detroit or tls60 tram cle elalnd oe the round trip inclad- iig mesii ana bertlfa 1 jstc wj i kjiajwhoyhasibeeo in basinesas bate for tit past three years traded jih it icfc a c saple pf rveeksagd for a hok sue lot ia v to kdajle the stock has reemredf- ur kingndhis family will a to 1 orobto imaa uouy excels elletbera pxstoe bit the firtt of the i bis ye r were broagbt to the malufactarcd byjiea6ra walker it co of jiadison witcoasin and we consider it the acme of a country proas wb most admit that wehad a prvjddico agaiast the proaty having used several of the dearer cylinder prtsees or jcars but seeing mr ii p moores piperuna actoi fkckpkcss the bestprjalei sltiet hi canada every week we were led to make cnjoiriea about the press which molted in the piirchtse of a no mioiproved irouty mr moore is the canadian ajjeiit through whom the press was bought id the future we hope to acu oat the 7viri a well printed as any orour coutcnirorariiii and also to improve itin other re4efc a plhracful affair pi tutsdayalternoou sn exhibition took plice in rear of a ttore oa main street which for heartless cruelty is seldom wit nessedin a civilized comraanity a upe of youths of eighjeen or theresboat eo two boj s vjio are not more than ten or eleven yeans of age fto enter a ring and engage in which they- were pleated to term i prize fight acircre of small boys was ormed and the yontrg scamps who arranged he affair set the little fellows ifighrvng and ept tbem ptfymiog and scratching each other for ten or nfteeu roipotcs as bard as hey could go until the mother of one of i he bigfellow came oat and pat a stop to i he matter one of the boys was pretty ladly braised and disabled a sound horewjiipping would do the yoang gentle- cjenwhoinperioetdedthemillmarcgood itia anything else aod it wosld not fie aarprising if the father of one of the boys let them have it the extic s gale cse i this was an nctioa brought by thomas eagle eramosa against the gale company of detroit will hemstreet acton and the gowdy ilinalactaring company of gaelph fpr skx damag3s for illegally selling the plaintiffs goods aud at an rrader vaue ipjnd was tried before judge drew in the county court guelph monday 2jth june the defendants contended that the goods were wid under an execution and at the usnalprice brouglit at auction sates of this fcand the plaintiff contended the execution was illegal the case lasted the greate irt of tin day and ele i witnesses called for jijaintiff the judge dismissed plaintiffs action holding thaj tbo iawere properly sold under efution and tho sale was reasonable a h mc donald qc yv a mclean and g w ijield for tlie various defendants t p coee for plaintiff k town xndelietaufalby trees an american paper spekking of the valae it shade trees on tbe streets says vwhat i j i can be dope utmakin tiwu agreeable by tree isahijwn atwuhington which is now shaded by sixtyjfiye thousand trees ettendmg one hundred and- twentygvoi miles these hrees which cost about forpyfive cents each to plant and protect hare rendered the oity delightful during the summer what washington was formerly rith its broad shadeless streets- tbe burning ami and omnipresent glare cannot be immgrnei by those who never indured irlmt trees i many oftfio towns and ivuiacea in cautida have-dis- cowercd the bauty aiidyaloe of troee oa cheftrtets and liavc planned liberably acton has manybeautifa trees burling un aud oakvilie are very pretty an til 9 rcbultof tree piloting bat from our oh- srvaironsf the towns of brpssels and wijifehim excel ia oatirio their beau- tifal avenues of thrifty maples tend attraction to ppris of tbe towns otherwise dreary knd desolate the rpeawho plant trees will be remembered with gratitrrde by coming generations knjltcthbutl barn rtiiiug mr william jsuksou titled a fine bank barn cfligt t monday atorrioda i tho wilson snd wmlainft were chosen captains of the espoctiv tides ths race wu i pretty close- noe hat victory eventually ratted od the side of tboe kviliorf tad his men attnoagh they were etosly followed the building went together withoatm accident pf any account the men attenrkids did ample justice to the jniny good ttilnga boantitally provided by the ladies after which yoaug ambition eogiged iq a liuly and cicitiog garni football in kaitagawej a ou jane wth tho wif of david agnew qt a daughter the long period bf dry weather has ended there lifts been splendid and re freshing showersjot rain the past few days which will wore wonders for the spring crops although ill came too tate to benefit the hiy crop much jl several farmers iu this neighborhood havo coinmencedicattingbay it will hot be very tcdiouswprk to gathej lie hay crop this year revs j yviiobiuson and fidwin flagg the hew methodist ministerai commenced their labors in naasagaweya last sunday in aetna and 1 1 kweiir- w h slorey have bean at htmlkon and vicloity siny aaluials sabscriibers often dror with notioes ol estray generally ignbraiit of the tion for the benefit o such we publish the followmg clipped frc changes the liws o that a into our sanctum animals arid are law on the qyes- m one i of our ex- ontario provide person tsking oh to stray stock t georgetown fair day laatftiday dominion day pessed ttty quietly here high school adtranoe cxaminktioas hut week weroattenciil by w pupils k our union derijt presents a dapijiedly cityliko apiwsrance 4 the change oa tiie northern division i farmers report that the recent trains thoagh late will dp an immense amount of good to alrhost every crop- strawberriesare just aboat gone and it were weil so as ai twelve oehfs per borthe ordinary hootehoid would not care to preserve more thai a dozen crates our stores and if ain streed comer all got in their electricity era saturday night and the crtectlwas very well received by all it is a fine light and will bo of greatest ad vantage to oar iowty the methodists held their annual straw berry festival dominion pay and con sidering the 6ato of jhe weather they are to be congratulated oa the soccess achieved a mos enjoyable evening was spent by all the berries were excellent receipts about icooo i j our cricket club sustained two more defeats list week both iclij wicked ones brampton and- toronto were the victors the game here an saturday with toronto restated ui georgetowns defeat bir aa imingaji51 ruus dickey and bacon of torontowere decidedly on the wicket the home team only getting 8 raiia in thejr 2nd innings for georgetown j i albtoas alone reached doubles one win ih6evenganesf the congrcatioilal pionic to the icadi unifriday was a very damp affair those whom the elements did not scare claim to have enjoyed therriselves but w ice cream in 0 degrees b thilg in ice water fishing hi a gale well its a startetanyway and wehopb other tcllools ill fall in line only wi i pteasajntei resalts j it was found necessary tocitdownaifine old maple uj front of the mckihley bloek aiid the guardian of our pe see swung iis axe with as much vigor as e gladstone in carrying oat the municipal m andate those who rewmbertl e party who drove sray tobe at tie races here may 23th willinterestedtojknowtjiat he is uoder arrest in torontcv aideifrtditiori jioeeed- ings are being taken t seild hipl to the plates to stand trial tor alrnost every crime ip the calender i i the old h fe nj vf statkiri is being torn own 1 a raerry pirty of riaryourg peopleipio- nicked at snella lake on dominionidsy inspector brother has bean in jtowo several times of late and oar innkeepers are greatly tronbied thereat i ao suction rbooi baa been opened in the heraldtbiock aid is doiota rashing business in the usual line of sjactkm goods a party of gleu sports iltinded a mat inee held for their i benefit jrt milton on bfdndly messrs dice arjd jlindsaypre- f ided aodiofiictedafiueofilulo and costs lore trouble is expected f rom the same racas j agadg of french lmemea ate patting ap new poles and chaniing the line y the montreal telegraph co in town j thay ire experts at the hasiness j itev ji pedley htkmtty his hoffleiia b c mrs fedley- temslns for aj mote miss jenola mathewispeadlng her hplidsii wiihl ittl ii tpiffiwf btr atthui laln pt poninby was sfor acotiplaofdayiw week i jr uereyjswof 8t citharlnes iieat sitsral dayi lut week in aoloo il tttithjrwnaiidlitsti ebhage i lited ftieadsjat aubaniovat jrjuridays i mluljottte hemstreetj peot aooapie of ai this weefcwlilt friends hi toronto mr ui met william liamihaw of k ncatdtne vitttsd frieoda hers last week tfr imun pr drjden of kockwood iwirs thi guests it saoderund villi lut wiek i ur aftd hn vii tfng kfciaadi lh i past freik sir a id meat kdga left an taesday be dt rham to altendt the nutrriags of mr edges li iw i i i j x ilr a t mrfpoan wailterlocslratfofd win gstalmr laiurr iiyrnsni ion dc ainior day is i j rev glb cooks assve if ikylna the rner atote 6c lhfuew sljaueacliuroh ilphofi taesdat wj kantjawla leaehe has been ding t fewldaya ia acton ilh his her i r j v ksnnawln llr eat mra john t brown of tor- wen guou at thai home of mr bro rn over the holiday v dr giffoy wt o thartday x a ue hi new charge irlie best wishes ifjlis man irienf itiia cuf fots itltai 1 t iahi a headerijoa mr fred smyth j hii mr m ititlyreof tth rifqds ia tliwria eoaptaof days last week i a mearthay ee of the dominion itai k tcniito ursj uearihar and miss 1 lufs mejlrlhur were the guests of mrs eiihie bpcmeran itosej cottage over anjdiy illar it he actoa tanning fol whojteiintly griioatci in the com- hal department 9i albert college eirillej wi awarded a diploma at the own list week j wilis aud family left 00 teciiay id spend a few weeki fa lincoln coiaty- i r aelr34mvt albert krorehamilton h tv beeaeootged by the provincial baa d y school ai wdatioa to organise tineola eiuity 1 i jkwbulb80apb ww jllloii of the motf m1racmoai ohronroltxt took place uar ttlbfjry lyeiterday jost aa lb oaoailaapaojao rflrqad spproaehes ibat vilugi tiers a a oaivt sail u tb fetpress latns ll yesterday lhe sogtnear was bornr stricken to see 4 little odlld on the irjok about fifty w ardi als4 1 aruitlid and pat on alrl brakes and when the antins was a few yard from tbe child it stumbled antflell the whole trala passed w it aud strania to say it was not isjured la he leasf wben it it tiken itrtooonildsr alion oijsmaeu the brake rods runto the th tieesoapeof he child fa mlraoa- faer id name is brosseaa and itiaga 8 yearf rntenie suivrtri- ejajswsris ew rajoplejliara suffered more soterely i j troiit dyspepsia thai ur e a urmjbon a well bionn gtvwroffaanlauvdhe sals t bifore ija iwaj luexcelicnthcaluiavcleu layover mo pbuudav in tliit year an jllraeiit developed lata acute dysiiepsla sjxia vii tedueed to ia joiiudssairerlujr iiuhilni i j siasatlojishitluiaiici ritdncfl fslplutloa of the heart ii idiluu m land iudljcitlcju- f t eould not sleep lit all befamyworitliadjuofraelawhollaaud ft dsyi at a ftmet would bare welcbnied death i became morose suliekaiidlirkttble and for etjltt years ilfeiwai a burden 1 tried wedaj a wprknw employed by lie lojjestes iiit e suffering as sia i did m and before laklnj the whole of aboitla ibcgittttofteulkaauew jaan tlie terrible pains f which i bad been iubjected ceased he palpitation ot the heart subsided my stomach became easier- nausea tusap- 1 peared and my ertuw system began to oneop with rttunilng 1 v l ltrra8theimeetivllyo mind anct body before q the ml bottle wax taken w i bad regained my former wetgfit sodniluraf condition i am today well and- 1 ascribe ft to taking hoods btrsapahlia i j k b if youdeclde to lake hoods sarsir parllla do an bi ndaccd to bay any other j al 1 i e tcdoneil jr ismu hai had quite a gi tb arttfg th past tticki his our ionc v ssbat albert and oscar from cpii sgcj and it paol with the wives of first tort a were all at home the oy had co aideratileof a jabilaftoa on tt paortb of raly i t 7 io seajtooh btampitjj ifc hs m dooa 3 of yonfagstieet who in seonanian to the back bonk they srswijsatwiir saapti tj the qa bee 1 rorincial agricaltaral 1 aad isdoi tf 1 exh ibitioo will bi held at jaoptrssi ffaasep i7th cj itsthj maoy falsiorm if nore ihaji ordiaary interest iwfltbipfi sotted korjprimlisuxmfcfot maiioe addr as s p stereosoo managec parallzeo 1 iihf gai a hsfn 1 ov thomas of jasqfield oa saturday laajfijpt iotearrevi lo idonald towiahip toehaada dp tho oterlays atore tbe shjpii n iop him rpjixi thetspiniutte his bo y from the arati t down werfe dr xiniiittand pla were cajtedioj bot shall give notice of each taking- np by publishing a notice three times in a weekly nijvspapsr if one is published within the seittion where trie eitray was taken up ana ii the property is not called for- within thi ee weeks after the first insertion of the no ice the finder shall go before a justice of he peaeaod make oath to the finding an i advertising if the properly fsljbt rfsce t q taesday morning by clamed within one yearabd should not e eed fifty dollars in valneit than belongs to tbe parly taking the same np if over fift dollars it stall be adrertised by the jai ice and bold and the excess of alf ex pel ses shall be paid over 1 to the cotraty rataqrer any person taking sip anestrsy acu neglecting o cadse ttje saine to be ad erttsed and anbraiced shall be liable to c of twenty doiiars tbe estray law- lies also tctany other personal property ch nay be found in likeroanner arbafa rerof the oofo tnnate om ierl sobadly that they wore alaiost nft- rftlble railvfay iolsaster etiiij july 3 ai tliree ocloci this ruing at ravenna ohio a n y l e it weateqi railway traid bodnd for new zoek while stan4mg at the iiapot swaitiog orders was dashed into by ai freight train a day coach in the rear was completely feleacoped and nineteen rausengers were kflljei and thirtyeight severely vrtiaaded thi svci esoon eonsnmod manjj bodies irero coach aod two sleepers tooksrend li messrs barf on cjtirke and hariiltoa of oar highctpsfstaff have tone to thir respective hdmes for the holidays bev thos hartlsojr and wrfsbsro been visiting at mr hs home daring iho pes week mr hsrtfsoil presxjhed to old trienda at the ooctiog seryioi in th hethoclistoharri 1 ker mr8hilionoaaddaorisjwpenf s few hoars pleasantly with old friend here last weekkr8hliton ii now clinton t j- i mrjfrank bold hing patln atotber iterrn at kingston bjifl cbllego it now at liorae enjoying well jilrned saeaboo mr fred aldonstrio has spentsoms years in business sccft the border ia vialtf ngathfa home here j tit ed davey of llarkdale is spending pjirt of his hotidaya with friands in town i iter thoa gee priifhed be the con- rrgattorieiiatt banday erenngjn he ibsihee of mr love i ri yedng man umed mefaddanl ooiiia of ur gdjreids pit with painful death by soojdwt facbtcago o julyitn he fell ronj ibafldfag breaking hia back the body passed ihroogb bar do ftnesday erenlog u fev -oolling- wookforfnterment l betmrcoasmserialeda mostfavor- abli mpraalonteii tusnuoa in the ihethoaiit bunion in fnjijlv wvwttf- by bslowiaetnd vto f aodmanner nth pulpit i l ts i x ew d ethtiolsti minister i l in lotortlls cfljrdlajiy ba- ed sjn 1 preabhos efocruarit irtsu rural sermons 1 i wv joseph edge sad family who have t odrr pleled a three years pastorate at ntioa artiv id in acton lut thursday anjl be rsem r of the charch arid cod- tio lase nbled that evening in the sci ocl ccf to extend them a welcome to th ir n rw ich rge there was a large nt n let preaee an enjoyable social even- iof vsi speo i and- the new psatoc was pesonaly iiatducel to dearly every pe soa ireseil afer refreshments weie pa taie 1 of he gave an address in wliicu be ref r to il a lavorible xmpreaiiohs he ha jin ady- fc fined coaoerning actoa the chi rtb and t is people by whom he was itu n id ied la had ooma to acton wfch his rh lie j hi art sad was anxious for a ai p iterate he woad get aa ai iated wl h the people ss rapidly as pot ii la bat bald give his first sttentloo to ay who- a a sick oc in trouble was gfa catee the a were so many yoang peo ple in cianscti o with the church andsras pie si dshai hi would have aa opportunity of i a sgiag iu sunday school work the chc r reiderod leveralmlectioaf daringthi ev4iigj j j j vj j his first sen ions on bouday were much ehj yedj itev mr edge is a clear aid fori ihle tpeake a logical reaspher ill trai s bs pod fa with homely and well cho en lilastri tioas and commands the eth otionof hit audience his text in the moi uing rasi fs8 6 thin ipetec said silv x and gold have i none bat such as i havigifo i liee and in heevehiag act ilim fi very iirge eongregkiions wer 1 present b 11 mornibg and erenlag and mai ylwire thi ixpressions c kindiy feelj icg indigood oinioa concerniag iheinew pt aajiil t isj chnton veo ijajastweek refsrs to ibev mr ledgiv closing serinoos and the fare m 11 meet ig of the latter itsays the 1 rewell 1 letting ou taesday evening vju a very en ayable oooistou apart from the feeling of regret at mr edges depar ture afjer ajshort i prayip metiag rafr semenls ifere served and then oaqia five nidatji fi rewella fromi hamberof the met biirs a r manning then in the name aft e united congregations ot crinton and tor lets ins la mr edge a presentation of 1 parse ontatniog 160 in gold mr mat ning in his address referred to the con li teac unbroken harmony prevailing in 1 if olrari hj j ii all i its departments thei 1 is4 sr beau the slightest friction x sarsaparilla wdlrf saaroajieta pi itiforit frsfarsdiolf tralaocd1004potriuloiitilcat 100 doe qno dollar qentienxen i prder your spring sulfc andovercoatirorn r e nelson new sprinji suitings 1 new spring 0 vercoatihg an imraepsiangeofcsioica i new paintings from 46 if 12 1 ijjer pair pare worsted a speogtl gentrii black panting at 5 pet pair hy specialty terfeotfittiag 4 pantsj to prater 1 satisfaotiok a850ked r enelsftv j ifaatuonabji clothier 98jppper wyndianst guelph irtda latest style best value v- fvc i aie offeringfcig indhceinenti ail iofjiiiyin ery depjuriment in trwssorb aathey wsjt 16 redaca their stock of meoityoai yashdchiidrenvsoits p jrl cate pddmti ere- toi inayjopik- oatfcoargiimi ult ia above lines for tiie nexsodays our jtweeda and wprsieaare fhi finii taad best thatmooey could buy and we are setermined to keep the prices down under hat of oheaper gcajbsjqu every gannjaaf e tarn dot this ipjfing we will ptii the oest of tripimings the jesj pfworkman siipandgjaaranleesperfeafit every branch in their geiwfarutsbinjgq depart mestt is eonpet iaji hat tieharcuffif set soxor soipcndera you ma will show it to yon its the 1 prices always right j we hi o mens and boys- sammef bhirti and buttooedip prices right jl i keuy broajara agents fotaiibratavi- messers nswiaj proved prfeated jmting beck band rhirt wbih requjies no bultous will fit any sued collar md is told by chest measure so- as to ft yoi perfectly aasio see them i tj i 7 agents also qrowobsfeain laundry clptwnjs- tiiitpra j ii togit mboey thats holijmow t wa knpv it iod were ffagtolielp ipa wbal ycdogeigoh farla yokahoi pe doab i yoa will spprsciate sur etorts bot i j j 4al letio i- tell ytn b6 we can ftlj jvji mufl w weiitseastoiivahat ijiattnij uitfm bootvand shoes whether 1 havj or n t if benbe hatonp thij ii and t hoes- will wear j and the canb ly them the i more mope- urn i rr groceries and rent these eeoassary articles ihat r these you often buy and raqqei ly dnarge yoa uisfor fterihtinyou any kind 01 a fit looderwear f sikvorj they sfhalid i alarge range laced gbifmekces ok r monday july 6 o- keeps up every day of the weak tliresliefsl mll dont fail to gdp isupply iof che lf4 mdas i j l scjges psstdrate the boat- liooamoit harmoa- pli theelhjurdblispwasi igj hi farewell pleasetrorr this in mind mohdayi jalf bth wednesday july 8th pfriday july ioth will be special days lines willb put focward qn thesi days wkichyoa wifl not see oft any of the others keep i loot oat for oar ainianoements on i ii v monday july 6 r i f weilseil a beanfifal line of press goods 1 yoa mil-find- it givejs mgbliti xjbqtislld gyiiiwier m ion in lhehakip piyipf the slippe bnilapera trnnksito yoa wimweiell yoa i the that how tyilliam williams yon a kia boot and slice bare see thi jcaht mjlizii ill ivx a qiik tietittttf 1 look rofijthe biblfi fclfe i- 5jdariif neai neei ions t narjiji hy and spfritpally aod the tore i yoara iad wftnessedl saocess his olds iiishipr mr and mrs edges fats e hsjppi less add- prosperity ia their new himeev ked man a hearty aman fron iieiatgiibmberiireseiit1 mrdge who w u gen linely aui prised spoke most feeii i y fe t siid thai bitajthree years in curio t wt too best of bis fitteea years minjsticiaj rvioe h hadlearriorltolova thipei pie if t charct and iq fact of all itiiibly ajeotedfa rardi and with akyflm f a lited 1 1 jiingfag ie if iti yoa tilt 4emeetagliioam- a j shook hiuds i ithonewho foltisi id by the sfood w isbss of all should be used in wery eigihe giyltndetii k bevtarebf imitation v ut will atotio i heail qafck y iad leave carkojip i alve la ap jp at cji ijwonns ibid n iffompa iipdttwc gen hide lardiri e iv bkubks refsranci it ia an improvement qnjt iiitherte implored forthe same p- i- bir osa torn l 1 5f4- psoltot canada i sendyi or bible so this unoenlgsed bid bavo lodexa vj pai dalii lettering plain fe i albert uaing aotrjnwfitt jm during the 6 right llous s are jelling off ra gldly at 111 the les00d8 have bebh of sfeciiili babgatftb if inneed tbroogh thi astsblishment and see the large bbasea olealring ou at sale prices ladies 4 per pair lot of ladiea8ilk glorea bok gkvesileatheii tipped at wo fossner bee the spiow ofleiintt of hosiery in various rrr utlajaj ahololdeep- yoblwllr find vtwhi at towekngi tertotfetaw ts embrbiteed ftouneiij a nd itsohtess thatf each forhjeulll fyo saklparasolsrenoidtboleari ewflonaoiwai mjsrwisrasa adket6ckadlin gap i sale mow bjdng held- at tho ttiibt hoi dqwsilk ebjeb janblvb iy dpj fefarnujhfags mantk iik will liwhlccanmpsreasedatexaeptioi illy low jhtdwst oorsetcoyer 2 o che half to iriormi fesde at in if oattroy f i sax isse ky i ci i- i t- t tpr iirf a vfjarti mm t- tjnujdimau atyrgain p pet sard gingbi tssfcfcsdijf tiodrstib wf i rrtt rfiua jjrf jgi uheeliea tiingdam atfios r linen xtra wjofc a rv ldbefcatl iff jtfit mm is m m ilef tad pileijwi f- itt8tjtiv sitttc6lii ale of ljues ooreets from ladies fore i as ira pel sara- ji m nrew sfcss cheskejgingbamir cmpstft v jjilj t yaj nrroer prlodllt i r vji i s fefe