Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1891, p. 2

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ww mm- n- our bppnr in 0srirtwn on july wuithwtf tjcwr844 rf adxasluw i arimotu actot ckilb itlh jajr bea- y tmlnriw4t0tik fnathjoii4ottcoiit4ojaheklj ttlr r 4wtfafar jum u sjrf 5k sbc jxfett jfrttrtss thecapitai 1 if ujmroti tanrspar jily so iml notes and comkrhts lividently there re bright prospect la tore for the sudbury nickel mine the crown 1m ivpartmentof ontario liu reeeiwd the mlorivg telegram tram pitts burg r twntlj t andew carnegie has reenvd from llie war impertinent tije ooatrsct to supply iswg000 of nickel steel for thdnew american cruisers he will order thi nickel trod kadbury and mixing wijl be by the iltmy proas e it irtportod that col domvilfc who ilbesj mr fetter id iliifis county but march it already tiunlping the otjtutita- ency in aatictpatioo cf another election at an early f some of the prominent new rnmswick liberelt it n alto said tre in favor of tawing off the frdtost against mr fosters return with critf of1the three in which the setts ot their friends j- sre attacked bat u cot domikue if not a liberal he doe not we the forte of saerin ring hit own interest for their advantage if e doti not propose to pull their chestnut watoftbefittv j the export from the doraiaion toe th bsesj year added jane soth emanated to t6vw meoatntrtd wirwttek5 foe the year ending jttn 30th ik i an inert tut year of flis5 the import ebow tetui of filsttt the agar beiugjmesiw 0is69tp and issost titcfijt07 the duty 00 the imptrtittita show decratai of 1781018 tie figure being t8s9tw6tt7ds 1890si te40izns npyditjrtlo wjs71m compared with ilowfojr june of last jeer to iucreeof jjlsci over ftoclqoq of the inert we in the product of thi fisheries the jaae import also tbow in iocreue aref jute ibwof 82ti9 i it it etunxted thtt tx leut 90800 amer ietrm go to edtope taaatily i miie the griad toax it u farther ettitected thct they py 1 1410009 to the ttinuhip com- puie fbij first mloooftjltortriroiling tipecw thrwd tai hoqoooo for pre- ok to their friendt it hfime aamin uwn tpmd to be tpjaiimitely oorrect amcrioui teeziitc it rill be wa expend oeexfy liawdooo inaijil j throcd for the meuuhip fuse fo tqforticn eoffipuiec f howerer every immtgrtnc it worth lhototbeeoantrjf of their tioptioa u u ukt the tccoabt u maeh toon ihtn bcluelslev vork tlooe repeire msjijt of thefe ernrtla during the tut file jetr 4fi if r w t gted mk ths tutement in hie pabtietudo tteriair of herim uut ujeprinoeof wile u cot he4 over er in debt lod lhu he hi ia ilct no oblqj uoo uu1 he eooti notrotdify py ps io twenty bar haari if need were bach uiararuee kr ste4 rtpreo to me for psblicttioa da tie vecy hifbett tatfagrity wilii be red throachoat the empire with plewiat carpriie it i herd- lyioo nsttch to y thtie thnott everyone bauered exxctly the oppoot por would i haee printed the thove atateent if i hd cot received it from one irbo jtt ondoobt- edly in t ptnitioa to knjw ad kho u t ectlemn i end mn oif hooori ie inctpr thie of ouleedins the pabiicl h the nert eooreotioa of the chrittitn etidrorskfetie it to be hejd in kew 1orfc ia18w jadgibg by i the recent mtidj itkhiaecpoii it wlbe c rut uteobl of the fulhfat rron everysute of the coioa frocp codukifromicro ihe atlantic the eontreition hate in- created ttaavlilyjuid rapidly in magnrtode 10000 pertooa having beta in attendanoe at he meetinr lp st looia lut and the number trowing to 15000 at hione- tpalia lut week the enrolled metnber- atup of thetodetiec now amount to one minioo and if it iscrease iq the rttio of the ten reara once their orkacizalloh it is likely w bea millioo end a half arbea the kew jark eoqtention meet j th budfltt obti oonunuatv- mk hniurwor dwiivat hit muritu n t 8pwwch-artflkrcirtl8wr- vakt sittiwndtd i- i ftnau vote retytst w ottii ifnly j the budget dtbaii hail aerrtd i main parpote fn tht it hat kept the hoiifr a raoplttg ordir pending the ejoteoflhe ttrwmcqreejy and d rl- mental nrirattoatioaav i farther etfjan- ktionof thwuatnetof the membert if ifiat body to talk for hoart to emty betjehea iitoppliod b toe appearaaca of weekly paperi lrouhodt th ooontry kith anjiple- tchnt cootaioiag uw budget tpeechea of their reapeeure wpreacauuvea thtro hare however been defivered tome excel- lent addretae deunred and qqe ot tuejlfott of the whole debate ra that of ifr hen- jeron yoar member for haltoh nd by the way one of yoar own townanten e be- iet at tilted bove he debate it times hat been continued with hardly aacoi o of member in their ptaoca ifr ifeoda ion commeooed irit tpeecb to a terjlhtn b 3m but hi remark dre many ilitlenorc and before he ree throagfi 1 he bald large and intenated asdienee hi delivery la 1 jeai and fmpreaatre j htt alrguawat were trail thought oat and merited ihe attention jiey jraoctmt from the hoate ilia poli ioi friend here odoaider him guile a dec ided acqmtitioa to the debating talent of the jhoate he oertaily nude a ipeooli tut evening brittling with new argument in al debate which had pracuoally reached that itage when it wtt doubtful itanyargui lerit that had not been heard before could he idduced kusdtt costailtlui in the light of the revelationt of the nvettigationt ehowtng uut the intpeetor io the qktebee harbor orfc were bribed md the oontrtctort toant book muti- axed to oooooal corrupt paymedta ifr parley houldrrite the tpeech in hic he feclarod that ueaar ponnolly co irere he moat honeat andaithfal contractor in 3aticdk i j i nvbsekvlvts uotus a new orderin council ha been proi hit- ted regarding the hour of attendant e of tervantc at their offioeti it provide t in future the hour of work thall be rom 8j0 am to 5 run every day except undty and iututory hotidaya aaj no itnnef hour will be allowed hereafter ho ttra clerk in the civil terviee will be 1 ilowed holiday at the expente of the de- lartment if they take them they kill i ae their pay uueaim attxk 1 i it will be of interett throaghiat the 3o- inion bat more partjcujirly to ttan en t learh that a new and- niere compret en a ve bill ha been introduced in the hohi that the tkniibjiiul tb fu wot them had a othe kltortitm hut io ttttpendtlr oinoldi wtah ru don dnr log thtteridpn fc tbuaovttnlt abroad and that it tut tfia doverum will prowauta the otnlrmtort who lrthginrtd the great fraud on- tli treaiati brought io hght by the nlefjwevv armtinuon 1 zj drowns tpo a mtiftnqhely affllr which cuit wd4lprfidqoom l pour maix ttl 88 da monday tveolng about s nf ock harold httltf oeorgt ucltchlaqj b rtha chapmtn and dora ball wall itftth botlhodtilk a tow boat toteading to mik 1 for tht iutt wurt of the harbor the had not goo tar when the boat began to fljl with water becam ahmanageabl tttflonalty ianlc in the prkencot tette 1 6u thedockt and alongth beach geo jtmclaclilaa dung to the boat with 00 d aid la tbvt other held dira dalkwell b ith of whom by tht tatiitao of twluuti tt were brought to ha there htueti 61 dy wu not noticed to ta to j the iatjfk0 ill dtcthi chap man calm up for a vi ty brief ipaoe by the tint a boat ooukt be launched and hollert body fauod ilfy 20 minuctt had euptedj betlha renialot tret not retch ed till 10 minutes later berth chapman wat til eldeat daogkter of our widely known cititen mrli a chapnua and the lymptthy erinotd tor both him aai his wife it hetctftlu bertlia wu a yoong lady of mott amiab diipotition- very much wfed by her coojpaniont f both the ijid ketler were mtmbert at th ifetfaodlit chuceit kholr and had fceen a their pli thtra tu prevlaa eveeng th laddtrineia of ufa jtornbl ahaejc mad its tore t mott keenly harold fietltr wu a too of mr dpi heller and aa an oftthe clerk la zanvhrot ator 30win0 anbjoing vi ten b r4 frort attoh and arlt ot pahfo kit im iourd of jftute u riit lag t bomootta at john suwarl ot lb teoood lint li alony oonajolag 1 h j v ktaoawia kuttdhittritndt uati bmotd vliltll trlendt iq han ulon lhl wnk u umay du at oltnwlliltmi yltludj frlti 1 hr tht week j m tdrlowty retarotd ibit wttk from ttitofrintttlilot tt and mrt wm oooke ot toroowtm the i uttu of riendi liere m t joha speight ipent t tew day thli with frltndi at berlia m jtattt if oon ipent oogpli ot day thli rk with friaod at berlin i hi and mrt w 1 iimoad left imt wtek tor bottou and the teatldt ml ntttiahyodiof ftrgui vltiteo trf to li in aotoa dating thli week mi jfyfe ptbarri w a town reof ilng aoqaainuaomjda taetdty ml chai klrkpatriokwat very hi mvtr ti dayi lota week bat it now rioararlng i mil r llltlt of toroalo hubttn ipeai log th wtalc wthfrod la town mia blanch brown of toronto if iptrn log a week or to with acton friendt ki a sarah isasto of new york if ytalti igat th ham of her mother willow successful kurqlars pur mlfn affairs not mucfvbulne ttat meatlng- of the council council met in heir regular tettioo on monday evening thersuaingpf account occcpied the attentioa of the public fernntt ij the abteoce of tbe beerei councillor perotb ocepid the chaici all the councillor were in their place the fburteerih report of the cpmmittea 00 jsnaoee ru preteoioif and the following aeopunt reeomnieoded for payment- liitn coot us load of travel ii p jiabal 6ordthlnsltag gnod tund 15 03 fio work on innory 5 c3 do worttiifarf sod tboe arthari do 3 03 chit elrtjktric work oa atnet- 1 10 william ljdd do 2so i- sua upoa motion of coanciuort harvey and andertbp the report wat adopted the progrett kt the work oh main ttreet u reported it wu decided to extend the graielling a few rod farther than t fittt intended a rood pieeeof road bedf being laid another jonah the remarkable story told by the captain of a tea vessel tucui wuhfl july 2c the bcrqno tlay c go with a cargo of im0300 worttrof tea dropped anchor here yetter day it dy from yokoharn longoterdae when 15 dtyt out tom bitklatfei uipanete tailoi moanted to the topsail to eef it dsriog gale a lurch of the restel tirew him headlong into th tea and he wti teen loddenlyta dittppear the life boat wu pet oot bat do trace of the mita- ing aailorconldbefoaud when returning to the reatel a whale rote on the orface the crew then utpectd what bad soepme of uukittki the whale teemed i great dittre koddenly after a violent fonvol alon hiakitski w thrown from itue whalet msath outo tjie cruif a wave and upoo the deck of the jot hewuaneon tcioat tod badly injured ctrefal narting brought hioj aroand and he ianowinhia normal -health- cap mtllette rooche tor the truth of thu ttoty and the taflor wa pointed oat slrceorgesuphan take tha oafh loswx july 27 la the hoate of lod toasy lord moanlttsphea mora gtatrfily known u gie oeorg stephen pretdnof the caisdiin patific luiiwcy wbowu fa jmay last raised o tin peerage toot the oatband tobtcribed to tue rait er thit ft the finrt inttano bf mitf of abriturjcoiooy befog made speer i mi of cortmou regarding the htfpcction of thips thi bill provide for the inipectoo of tackle on ahipt the idea being to prev mt tlw ose of inferior tackle and machintry which in thepaat h retulted in aeriiiu aicident atthe ptetent time the hull of tl e veatef aloae ia inrpectes u to it a- w srthinesc bat once the measure becocicc ir the tackle u well will have to past a gsvernment inptectioa so new tax it it looted by thebfll the air or rttttiv kltzruui the miniater of marine and fiaherte hi i receid the official report of the the cinadsao cruiatr drisarri of y jnkee fithiiig hoals which wer cai hing i0ort2davta6oin cinadianwat n t tar from ea4iort maine the of these boats has created great ar longst the newipapert of ijtw englarld wliichareurgittgreprittls it will turprlte th belligerent ones however to learn that ac ardfeg to the geodetic and oostt iurrjiy of the cnitedlbtates the place where the c rture ws effected i clearly canadjin witera and therefore theses teieure are tti icoy legal j i epitinvni ox tokksth ifr dsvin obtained an order of the ifooae on mopdayfor papesrtwhich msy form the ba it of anothef outigation of hr dcwdney tl e order waafor a return of the estimates of the indian department reginsv fop they suocaadad ir and stamps five oettlng money men arretted srr tt fus jul tta darfng box- gtarly wuj tucceaaf uhy oade iw chatter villa onsftardty nlgttt when lit pott- offioe wi broken intojad tisowjcth af itsmpt and tome loo change carried off two other ttore were b kq into and the tafea htbwa open bat unfortunately for tha bdrglart there wai nothing a them bat booii having finlihed ap at cheater- vilfe the came up tii keroptville ami broke lulp the pott office there and tecared f0 in kuinpsand 5 in oaooey mr cuselmaa pottmuler ai oheaferriue wired out t for a de active and mr d dlearyjwi put oa the track anf man aged to p thtsaiea ihis morniag and wire chief mccowao at this place to arrest four rneo ttealing s ride on train ko- 51a ft ight train fidc chief wu on hand on thaarrival of th4 train and tecar ed he four tf them anji placed hern in tha itil ttit if urnooaha arretted the fllth who wu aiteriug troaidione of he totals deleciir oiery and kthe pottmaatenl ahort fiaft from kemp tills and cbotterrihe artired hit afternoon and feel toertaia they hare tecared th right partitt on hundred and eight dollars worth of pottage itamp were found 10 an empty box oar which came put cjhet terrtlle this morning frmlm what tb boats i of thai mktbnbe cleabirlo ikvt wlfi ntw qaartan bju mdoobttl i day bvbpyaifo f oontlna to bt so ntil tb itoek u airjo 4 j i i miimbbydhpmtmiwflhrsvprawritwmmfd thtirneatlbuoajiiini tall i dsparlbtoi thar 11 on rp9l b 1 r- 1 thb 8ilkde rtmbntu th8drem prints and 8 atjekn8 worth lie iin will pay you- wall to tat for tb name is 1 tod fancy 8jlkt at tal or dm dbpskbntli 3al oftjaionabl goodt at pi fyrtvjwa al8afwm av n8prinu al o 80 abj akurorth tar nor rojw baaioiwu p h08iery and oioywpllai and pllajof thjgoriit to be baet al ltfhao owbab t l6 cbanlll inithb houbbpvlhibhrgf oodpbtepatlient m tha clirta law barimt 1 wm obaroitet 82- riaooari ijss ahata andmaotlaiat yanpmal isyifo eatrthit- boardjeooi ooruir ofklni iad haghaoo 1 a i it i iatpwjl b istyttptthvirt ih ijaotlee apply i jactoti idgei awn in toeoddfwwwij trtry wtoiiitdaji rti alwart wt mnwfot aa lwjii v jadn oipbera j l 1 tree ar h campbell esq returned last weak from a rttit to frfartda at perth and alm its mi and mrs- i fcaools tpeat lateral dtyt ilia wtek with frlandf in milton sad igsr 1 mr u adam diokton rttarned tut weak from roronlo whert the had tpent a keek or to reryfcleasaauy ba dr david allitoa superintendent of e ucatioa tor nor t scotia has bean appoi itad pnaidaat ot moint allison hal- wrtitr- i mf and mrtj itobett oibbons hate rwuned front ihetr trip to kew jersey they injoyed their rit bat prefer csaada tt a p aaaof retiiecce mr anton smith br who went over to qlaof rd a oobple of weeks ago- to sapatiu- tend 1 1 harretting ot tht croo of hia 10a whoa ufakes laddenly 111 returaed home ytter lay mofning mr robert andertoa who for th put foary ershu ooaapfed a petition behind tha co inters of the qlatgow hoate left yetter tyformodnlforetc mr anderson has be a a farorita with ihe young people tuf till be particular iy nj tied by the local ipcrosia ciab rowdyism inijoronto dlsgracafit scenes in duaans park i- last suriotay totoiro july 7yestrdty wulhe first sunday tinbe the patting ot tha city bylt imposing penalty ofa any person who shall to any pubfto para gardea or place for exhibitioa in the city publicly preach lecthre or declaim and 13000 citiient assernbled ih the queens park to tee how the bylaw w ud be opaerred coot iderablei rioting look place- three men were irrttted far throwing ttanes and one for mslidous injury to property the tteyoc a escorted 3ut of the park by a jeering crofd of thoatuids 1 the itojfc ssys it is uaaaettionabte that the lalt sunday of uly of the present year of grace u hi mott disorderly isrj5j the revisida of each estimates by ahiefi torino bu ever seen j it mayor inspectors hegibbbn and wadtworth tie tnobbed itapioeforoa- ffbnedj murderonf cot imeats oa tacb revision by the hah rdjjar ijewdney the comments on such by mr ivankoagnnet depat- of i ffairt the comments on all bythe late hoa thomss white ister ot the interior j irrstt sensios or the votcm lists frechette asked yesterday is it tiod ofi the government to extern thellintit of time for the completion of pi em nary lists iri view of finsl reviiioa the voters lists sir john tbomptoi rep ed that tijre wasa bill wore thi hotte with that object in view and hop d it would be reached tomorrow bill irovides for the extension from the li to 1 ith august thk lxixrises bill mr olsrk wshscet combines bill psu 00 s pnity and it raw oa its way lo tfai sea te the measure strikes out th mod lying word which makes the presen stati te jrf no effect last year the bill pus d the cootmons but was killed in thi hem te it is feared that the fate of lut year awaits the btlllin the red chamber but this will destroy the resrect that entertsineci for it end will mean fresh s and trjtagohiittis if it pcrsittent- pnplic orjiniod as expressed in mons i brxiiav otwxixnti itiij bnndsy observsnce hil of mr charlton lias not to goto the senate ti be slsuojhtered it has been cut down in the iy a vote of c3 to 18 in the kimmoqs the restrictive clauses of this ttieasore are now well known design ed torender srinday a day of nndoobted and quiet- they were sustained by the clergy in norntroas petitions to the hoasp- it was carious to see the crossing of opinions on thitj measure mr mills opposjed it on the ground that it interfered withbrovincial rignts although fa ex- plsinfe he wat quite friendly to sunday ohserjtooe tlien mr charlton crjided the cismpion of provincial rights for being sach stickler for the prindple imr ktzejf a consenstiire defended mr mills mr k hacking of winnipeg founder of tha fszas made acton friends a ifi weak hacking has aged dnwwhst siace ha wt acton bat it itill th 1 gaoial wideawake ntwtptper man of yaai i ago hit many friends here were plesset to meet hinngaiii mrs large widow of l mistioaary who w i morderad in japan it saw la winmjeg alter liendihgi year in ontarii the it now returning to resume her w rk u misiionry teacher for the chrultii nising of the jspanea she is scoomf inied bymat hiwail who is slso to eogi jeiomiasionary work hr japan and fir john- tho with him and but righter j tsutkcu hi publio sccckinf ession of tlirc portion of the i the tther iisjor followed elrhg ig forth as a iroyinckl committee had an hours yesterday the me being tajtea up enquiring into certain trantactiong affect ing sf r j it arnodi chief mechanical engine it of the eabli4 works dqjsrtoent mr 1 mold adnjitted that thersarrey steamf r joe was hi property and thaf the accoun against the government for her hire wire put in the name of mr wilson of moo treat to avoid newspaper talk mr arnold also sdmittedjtfasc be h4 borrowed money irom mr wilton to puecfasaea horse which te had not yet repeii he alto e- fcnowleiged to the receipt of apair of bronze dogcfci m mr charles benton forroerty ageatfr the edftoa electric light co sad ag ild chain and extenaioa dining table frenj i r chsnteloup of montreal mrl cfuar 1 ide a strong caaa oat gsinat mr anotdi aa4ttwcviderwadcoacinsiv threats puhucly used ha peace broken the byi disregarded the lorda day deaeojated raat and recreation prevented traffic blakaded are tot items whidh eonsiitata s redietterdny in th eceles- hutical set se of the- wsrd in tha local raoorf of iteqaeeactrt of tba west died from i ckiaw ntvviti- tj july 28 x verylaxga num ber of peopla assembled b ire this marning to pay theirjlut rtspectci o the remsins of mr edward aigley whih erritid 00 the atlantic exhrtss from- vktoria the de- xued wjaa anjold resident of moant albert ud weoilo britiib columbia soma four 1 souths ago with a view to tpeaalatioa 3 owever bit kroung upirttions he being inly some 3 years of age were cat short 1 so attack 0 icodaced lack n death spinal disease which soon jaw and fihally terminated haltons registry office mr ef b johnston inspector of beg try offioesv paid begutrar campbell an ecisi visit ut week and reported that he 1 ru very much pleased with tha careful i lanner in which the books of the office are iept they combine all the necessary entries and fact and art u complete i t eliere u tbejj can be made the office is ii every way admirably conducted a t atemeut whic 1 1 do not often make c luuapum i i f robbery in a craysyarct many who ar 1 removidg monnmenta and u mbstones iro n th old oametery to the n iw desire new aaraes and dates cut tl ereon the undersigned are experienced n arble cutters sod will engtgs to perform t y cttttingwitbj entire satisfaction snd will t pleased to mofit all desiring work on saturday lit watt stjagnewt hotel k tw designs tfbmitted for inspection i b bock or address aj b bock box 6w1 gaelpn to relleyejrusbla poor 3r pcteitiicua july 23 jlsrge credit have been tmlgned to tbe district samttvo or provincial assemblies wilh tbe object of m eting local distieta sruing from lb fa lore of the harvest to farther aid be in poventhed people the jftue for the parmeiit of taxeshu bean extended and pabliokabfcrfpuoua for hair relief have be a opened ask your druggftt for dr angnjt kc anlgs hamburg drops far the blood i j i pad of tbe ti he third ui il is opted riott wantu tot want a iii mw jlj1 rwbi iirt oa 4d tei oronto dtk want advertisements by or tall ahythinf if afion a raecaanlo a bust iew machinery lodgings if yod have ion ir orindanylliocrlf yoajwsfct to find j rat where tnyi a u advtrtit in tb to- onozajfrd read t advertise meitaoa the thjrd peg of that paper fy charge it two cenfi a i ord each- io riajfasrlormito can addn ing of nes r a almott hcntchimu wbfcatwuuresrjocspjlusdasetert sxtacfc ic rheumatism and after tirecatero lad to nan crutches ayearliterscrafufi hi the on of white swellings ippeired la rarloai parti at my body snd for it years i wis an faftlld betnc coulaed to my bed years in tacttmeea ar eleven sores ap peared iod broke eaastog ne grest rain and toaerlie ftaredlneter should tetwelli karrlalaaiviweuttoctifcagatorltlta titter i it trueonaned to my bed matt ot the time rat there fa job i read a book a dtywli itdrcastawuicit ver stateuwats oceare irjr hoods saniijirau iwistolra- raettediwttfc he raecesi ot this medicine tuit tdecldi itatryic terr great g the tan 1 torn decreased and i pul lo feef better indjla a short time i fit up and aatatd iors- tcomtuutedtotikakoodsbir uptrlll fo about a year wllen iutloeroed six boa etj i bad beeoaja to idlr relezted tromthi disease that i went to work for tie flint si sjhngmcoaadliliicii a tya law lost a stxarje oat- art aeco at of sickness i believe the disesiw s expel td front my system i always feet well am in ji otl srfrlts and litre a good appetite t anine- rsryearsof age andean walk as well- u uy 1 ne except that one limb la a little shorter lata he other awing to the loss of bane si 1 the sores formerly oa my rlstt fe to my mends my recovery teems tlraost mlrsetuv as and i uunlc hood t gartipartlu is the log pf medlctnet willluc a- lxaajk baiiroad8t kendtuvllle lad hoods sursaparilla sotabrtl dnazfsscsiidxfaras fmsredoalr 1 trclh wdiccr ipxhacarlst lswtll kut io doses one dollar his man weblroai has a dosg of printers ink in his eie 1 m tii tiilt pper to py b priawcr tor putting ink on it wt liave tcconii lisliod oar ohiect wswantrpa to read our ads kadi vi want yeur trade we have a j j i biull line -op- i booit8 shoes trunks 4 valises aod ton will hoa prices tad qutltyalwt iiatis- olva mt t all and find bow cb ply ou uuitdaaah wm wi iuamb factory i yoa will be terprittd to can ot you sat look ot for adron i i just arrived t a masons 1 1 a choice stack of croceries crockery provisions cho oe canned goods fine rolled bacor lard cheese c itatifjiiat foods brfeakfast cereals jryienic foods desiccated rolled otits desiccated wheal r farinose j rolled oatmeal cortimeal eio alto a freth stoek pf our ealabraled to hew j staton japan tt oji aad examlot oar sleek i a mason latest 1style jeliy bros aii offering brgfnducemenuall thu raonfh of july inevery deptrtmantln their atnre 1 atthey wsntto redooe their ttocjk- o men i youths boy i children ctntt ooviooat oddpaot so yoa may look oat tar bargain in tbe above hoea tor the nextsodayi i oar tweedt tod wonted an tb ftneav and best that money ooold buy and wa are determined to keep tbe price down ondar tbaof cheaper good qn evary garment wa lorn oot thit spring we will pa tb baitof trimming tha bait of workmaa ibif andgiaraneeapeiftotfit- it e rat branch th their gent faroltblngt department 11 complete arid any kind sf a hal tto collar cuffs tti of underwear sex ar suspenders yon njaj atk for hy will ibowht to yon in tb tabiat irtylt and prioaaawayi right wafaavaalarnrasg of nen 1 and boyi sumrnar bbirtt load and latioead price riiot y kulsro ataagentofor thecekbned i newiimprovednatwtarl ttltad- neck band tblrt wnjoh raqairb do bnttiol will dt any abwd txaoav by almtl measure o u fefit you mfnw ukioteetbeml f 1 1 acteaa alao for qoalplj bitcm juotijry r v 1 j a e at atorfflce arieea bsbkferoe v k ft dolmana al m4l at sol radttod from sh bk6worlbl6owi5olweandi and a mf i

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