t i rdul sco kvphy tttcksdtv korklno ir t t trw m areata i rtauitc obce iiblsjuker jy- xctosqst 1o4ticattttccoudouarrrvesar date us whw mtt ttlicripscsl t rotu 114 lent advertis- us for ant- ia- e each eaeaaqieot tbe dec advkimsttta ran roeota e ceota per neaps mtkm j eeola perlina lotaruoo covtuct rixkitrie filfawiar table thowt r us hectlw isttcbm 5 iechee linob j i ic hoi itro hool im u3 tki j0tj xdreniiroeole without neclttellreffie will u inserted till ichualelnefec j2 ssftasa nooui it dotd roreiieewwofieaer then aee ntooti he ramol el recsla ratee ccaacec for coolrtcl advj in theooe br9 am oa tbey will be left over nnlll 9 raitet be paid toe rtltetnenta tnott bo ifjdsyt otherwise following week htucwe titer and proprietor lastttess bttatccp ftt h eowrf mj b mop6 i rww55s os 1 cloumedphreiaotaedsafteoce 5 frederick itntf acton j d cren pstaicux scoacos acvocckxca orricr axr rieinccdrdr kcgarrins boas eorpee uill end frederick streete f ubeskettlis dentist c iftactowk oxtijllq t piarshalkjuis ddsld j w be at clarks jkottlorery friday leak i krfieal barristere solicitore notaries conveyancers e pritaurantetolno oaoeitetwp hlil acteu wit a ttrfjcak 1 jso a mclrux j akowat buxiites soiiatoi jnoust pciuc stoaey to loo orrtcc dttue33r iod eatcnuj oritc kaaiint blckk actoo njtujre qhiltok walbhidge 4 8t0ne j btnrtrttsoticikirti i tofosio iko gtiaacroire ojsectcreeliicn blok geortetorn and traienbank cliaiuberv9 yono l toronto jtaaros ri wh tiiifiirwe hctiost patents secured rpob isvkytlons hckb9 gkist omri isizu twenty tai practice vatent kot -ot- hbkstbeei ltccssed acfloxcee for lie co3nliej wehcrtan and halton orian ittl at the fart pjn osoe acton or at myreaideneein acton kill be promptly at- usdadlp tertol raajosable alao etoney to loan on lbe moat favorable ttnnand at ttje loet ktet of intereat 4 tna of 1560 ana cpmarda tohsday urna archttect gcttrhovr tl biel market square cbanjan fclsakcis 5f1 j saoceaaorjto t v 1 bokbixdbr stoeorceisvuarav i guelpb ontario acoonnt boots sifialrkindatnade to order pafriodicala of every dwi rjlliar ceatlr andpn fewfripti on carerully bonnd done nnsehanlavbarber shof mlllstkceljactok cthlhnlftaebmapoofcwrtpted uxor boatd tojtjjfi flxstctcs condition lcdie ted cbil4reaeatttttilj cnt j hwobdek toasorixlartiiu l i u including boot rtxdpblett potttr hill hetax circnlcrs ac c executtd in xht beet ttyle of the tur ct inorftte iticef j and on inert notice apply or tds h p udoee i feeejpeeksoffic acton weliiagtoui jfefble wrks qcebtci6rbof gzivtn clark sc cjfcrter drtkjr sran andjlfartle laoctmetrtaaalhoaditoaeaof all ikavtea and from toe atireat eaicnt all work tnd ma- texiaj warranted firctlaaa partiea wiiin to porcnaal win pleaie eire at a call and inipect onr ttock aral pricer ae wetreeonndentwe can compete with any eatajbliahinent to ont rio harinj aold oqt my fnterrtttfuie abc re ann i recpectifclly aolidt tie patrooaie to ms f rienda bd4h pobfie on tbelr beialf x ageate w nted if oa ct to mjce m tell our choice snttc time write as tt ooce far hav beotbebfi ey tke b id ead ttock no if tbo nrteryrocd bocbr n y agbns wanted m erery ttowtujiip to sell th notorial cyclo pettia of iiiva stojk ank compli te stock dokor tle moat complete and obiniirebeoiije work ererpauubei in abthori atand at te head of tbelf profcaaian and liari a continentf i repu- utleo- worth if wcicbl in told to any one hainshorw riboep cafcle bwlnc poultry dc or beee a craodomwrtanlty to make ioouey secure territory a onoe addien e n koyer putuahr 120 ton st toronto james brown f kakoo band a larfeeqaakity of excellent coal wtieh be wbi proluptly deliver to any be towd at reaaonable prloea kawooj and alabt cut ilove ijmctii 1 1 i i felpboqe pommcaicaon smcook cu j georgetown tjoonawl iacftoneen apprtiienj toti cousctori hfai jctuta at gflrxertl tsnd aehtc rop the coti tixa or ecltoopeetteluagtonsuiocm 1 tact opt trio itncwr toloao from h3 up at tit t tvideapufinetlielra out buds wtfl uave the to at moderate charcea their aal or other boaineai in aaazeproahtly bat assortment lowest price e days -1- bookstqre i gueiph 1 jt- dkjv t seifls it- ghajspl bank of montreal capital rest 8i2aooboo 6000000 i a savings pepartment has jcn ojiojicd in connection wit branch iutttfst alloncil at current eatffc jas hftnlay kanixtr gueiph biuvch wjbarber brbs j paper makers gedrsetown olt hike ikfecultt of high gkalif wkeelv news the paper used in this jonrnal is the above mill wh barber beos steel engraving t thij from s trocf etcliinpf colortd fnrtuir ticlure sjuuljiuts ivory oaak fftamg smver gelt artists materials a full itocl ol wimoi it newtons double tnbt- uokncv t loc bliodktt photo trxuifc complete av 5 fei ccrnice fjt hmss fjttidprijc j our wall papers arii j to be ibe lct stlectcd in tb wafers bros established st george s sqoare a city guelph business coll gcelpb ontario yolso men and women idgc4ted fo r puc- cea bqine3uabt bow to ern tl 1ng mite mosey ind become tnterp rising i iul atixec t actual if tsinesfi botb in tliecrv ind ptxe- n f of tnucii d iiri ticfigitinedjiilj- eiperituce n lierchiliiftl bintingmd office work b fciture of our course ing bhohth and and tyiewhitinotiifc best ficfdfof edncat3d yonnc udiestndtnt -riih- ing to biecoint ehtsrtliund writers tro tboroi bly dnlled tn iiasioife cornpondnco oom wiiliinfl to uotmetftuerij vtrbitim reixrtcrs we given kptcil tfvuiugrt isorded bfr no otbtrr kboof in tliiscountry penmanhhjp or butine drtwiyg nd otnmiiu worlchrogbt by twoiiert ieijaien of lacy fcecbinp trirvneuce theifbenctffiasguageibuagbt t tbe utet developuieiil or tbe ntnrl xletlod tjadwicb rcuifcrkablfrtsultr for cjrculevrfiftid tenni wddrtii ullaccokuidkrnncirju new planing mill -xr- sua and boor factory i johti cameron contractor haa fitted up the lnilding on main btreet lately occupied ae a trunk factory witbnew macbii lery and it prepared to f uniuh plant tpdflcat one and estimates for all clastca ofbuildlnci eaectit all kind of dressing matching and iiouldlvo juee aili bttleb op sishi doora ini wlndowi arid dor frame anddre taed liraber and keep a stock on band ah orders promptly johh camerok attendee to cepa edt acton liveryj bus lin tbe uuwrkgbfcdreepeotfnnyeoliclt theptti golof ltd public nod infoixii them thit weu equipped and styliab rigs can 1 1 tr h at bli a coniforuble bui meetf trijbs ibtwteii 9 j in md juib pn 1 ctrctulfsttcntiod given toeveryoroer rbe wants fjf mrumorcl travel lers rttllyinet- rr john part of alwayc vla- tor aceaed vltrunt ivtl saira kooka uul 6f geore- hgtaien i biiwatrwfa4 ntbmitocmrto t ik ooojk poj aoatton ortcyrimwtr tnd tc romo hamilbus tjauilt- tfceeorf auci jqhl wholefiie c und rjiuaufi tiirerof t cnt off on pett 34uvi willia1 wellington mutual iksoraitce cflmpaiyl ebtabtshed isto heap office cuelp incnreakuildinctucrchandite uanufacto ifc and allrotberdescnptioui of incurable prope ty on t3ecaab and premium kote system f wfstoke cha8 davtdsok iprettient hiiuar j johh talob aqent qmslphbranob corner of witiiuua atid qotimo 8 xeeu adraacei ma la to farmera oa uieir liwn notea ttlho lowit ct mot rata o atereat balea aafl other noteaeolleated iironpuy charts midoforootlecuuj i swrwrmnllotractiidoadcll h of tutni ol 1 sarluca bauk erarrtliiiionult bpecjali depoalted a tbe depoait kecelnl fottat4iirlcile ijraiu lataed add to ail pru 0fc4aadauallsutc britalo at terr lofc ratoa camera banj ing batineas traoaac d a f h jokes j wtoajer duelf uuelph doccttiuer iso ko balance and kbwardi datioaliid in thai department and odt pounded iflnu can b made far cume a jlje depoclt recelnt department ant parable a oraat i branch binder twne beslj brands silver compositp qrown red gap blue ribbon bottom wholesale prices oh application i k john jf bond co gruelph gln dells repair shop machine prejrcd to do h rse seoerng general elackamitliiiig woodwork re- p4ip in a uiott ctiticfactjory mciinnr ctxeful attention given to oil worltbrouchl any micloue or tmpltuuerif by vhqtni uanafacturwdwillibe repcirediu wark soever art mta- nianaf actnrw wil jilvrepcired like mtaneij flow and iijacbinery repairs consttutly oa bnd i hekry qrindell sea0i wh1ls hretumloe thankitoouf uauypt- rout or theirriberal support in the pert we witb tc iniorsb yon tft wt datc eatrd into an amngemebt witb r btawartguelnh to tee i com untlrbn bend a till ctocil of the brdintry tiw of sashjdoors etc ind will alaotanprjr toy spfcfci titeton ijiort notice at iixelpa ptiees frstntes of atl kinds inidq to orqer we also keep in cfiocfc a line of haw window aud poorcting corner block m yoarxtn iwr brwed wbile vaa wilt price tl co per h i pumps being better able thaa heretofore we will wpply either woo4 or ixoa pumpi promptly all work gairanteep tatiffartory pletce ca31 ao4 incpect before parcbttlng eliewhere j thosebbagehanaefir irelands desiccated wheat for dyspeptics and anyone with wcaji digestion 1 tryit i the ikejjip kitrokat food coud tosgnto third tearik canada or cunejpoptitble foot heater orerwowin tan hours lid comfort for 2b inraltiablelor ofc tbe boocehold and kow la the time tc f arble iwdpkf blockjfcrmerly hatch bio corner of woolwich aad yofvall khamtlton profirtetor all kiuda of grants i kttil i ater and direct irntw ter l i ifonptucnta jtombstouee etc i etteo mo rp rfen or tbelaat u pilile nay rely on getting- all st artfcle at a heaper fatetban kny othtr i e ler adlrect rder pipkerw re fencing fa a amnfjtnat an at it lekeis and wire combift makine it ihi ararat le durable and fj i li perfect enchlon erith ft dttror so groind whateiei aii ifibet aty tbe ooociderad art adj taaujit u lie pea eat hid baudaouieet f uc midet dodtiinet your money lh b art fence irtlea tao cao aare nearly oirhair and then ueto a better oce at tbeeid juatby i andiclitaisfatiysenditbi4lcaaolwe pahellitbethwi we tr war eadyilaatiiitfthf c cueldrk oit in all adru of vehicles in aitdret and office tend in your order writa for samplec and pti xa to theckne wanufactutrngco 28 foxi t wtsr toboito agekts wahted se in canada and the sd states oh hoarkia to my ulaacwos i k y i itaouti ttory hear iiialafoiahmanctfiinafoiiidpoirr a horrible andfearfal thing amewth hu cm to put tlmcilolaeatjboontolhirttymau la now ten oentc a glaaa waalttocthlkottrfaunridlodj whounatriotwoodwaauiutv sun fnodomi bat in empty ttitu whoa mortal iuardawjlt and hroau are yearulnc for the draught whlb crttwhllo roachod tho spat why do i urt to sew tho day t oh buter ii my lot twaa hard eoomrh to raiaellre cent in balmr dayi of yore alu f what infuhh ttlrt my breast theyjto put on fltfl cent moro i and yet we prate of liberty with patriot heart data deluiito dreatn i vain fieetinn chow i ten ccna fir whiskey straight 1 now how oan i sftch sum commend whcieterlfeeldry say iff fpetar teu me that i panto or 1 reply you athtightlacecl sordid driedup cusa who beterfcuewthe calm which jwhlakaysbeda athwart theioul like jomoj delicious halhi there la no balm in gilead now for uy thera u no room how many bright and ruby lose it wltheted w iii bloom i how many a man who oft waj i full as freemen well may bo j huttj pfodadown life dusty poad in aad sobriety t grip hygona dt yr qalokl lrhnjlovo o manhiod fmntli m pdo byni btry d iijlot tnude ho oftort toward mnjorlng j debtl of uh horaoi and thldywhjt having kild hi lovo to ro h bittooma fqrhcrijuttermr velnov h4 ipoana tf va lutre mta talut g ihamitfcr ovcti thit hlgtiiwhh his wife lie docued thud it iii bettor or ro tcj go way for iiwlilp i till ka cry ptove what hi mide ot flat- krj virner ii hjiii roia w forgot him ooni wy from here- 1- uoa will hevirforglt iiira sail- urc verner with mother jovipg inilgntfnjq her chltd hoart but jriif too tubaght t bft thiti roo ihoald gaijand belora the week wav over took lujr to- now yrlc to visit an airntiwlio iiad jqbg baen nrgifig her efitmug hfttitnc baii betvjeeh- v uttutknclce it ws vernsr stood leanintj thougiitf ally agai id the burs which isdinto the orchard her garden hat hang over her arm and the amme hreero lightly stirred the ripp ling curls v likli ay on h r forcliead while the un jui t iietting belaud a great golden ban of cl uds cast soft shadows across her- ace 1 sat there were other and deeber sfiac jws tli arc and a look of pain cape into her yes as the heard footsteps appt tjhin nor did slie tarn when- a yoat g gehttentan naiteaing tfown the lane bent over her gayty h ifdse were yoa so iropatieat for my i oming that yoa came so far to me bat wait sweet there are the ban be- twee j- ihi hamr laterriipted rose and thou h there ai a smile on her lips there were taarairi the bright eyes- that u jaat the roablc roable itoae what do yoa mean and harry harsh leaned toward to look into jer face she was silent and harry addeiiil u frnernjbef irhat you promised last nigh i hi vj come to hear my fate and yoa all of trouble dont yoa love me as yon hougm rose i love yoa dearly rose said soft ly i nd one look into her eyes told ier lover now itnlty she hid spoke but fath rttayfiu sh ceased as mr verner who bad been in tb i aarriagebotise and so nnavotdably had iverhettrd their words came slowly towa tl thern i there was a kindly gleam in hi i sharp griy eyes as he said let mej tell what father says little rose thin turning to harry he con tinue i f up dot be offended if an old man ispeals plainly i know yoa love my pang iter bat what pave yoa to offerin exctu age far tlie good home she anust leave if she jbecomes your wife your farm it mortgaged to the utmost and so far rou have done nothing to help it font father gave you the besti of pdacations bat i oat untnade you for a farmer and mad nothing else of yon bnt an idle fine gentl niaa that i cao sea these are harsh jcnpl8on wanits for he his xthat will siityou i mi goods- j a trial sol ottxd -it- 1 i boots shoes ant grocerie i niec3s coming the ipvar parted hopefnlly thinking tha mraratlanoary tor a tewiweeka at jnost bat woeka rolled into months and mintha intoycatsibafore they mat again illfrii denton roses aunt was something of aftj invalid incl being orieredabrooji fpthetr health insisted on her nieces accompany ing her her parents williaglv consenting when thojy thought of the advantages of travel to their child meanwhile harry was working withthe strength of ia young giant f vilii well dirocted energy bending all his efforts in oaeireclionjthei testing ms home iroji the debt waiah hangover it like a heavy cloud and npw tlie knowledge acqaired in long yeani of study camo into play soda he began jtp bo known as a suecesaful far mer ht5 crops were the best ii the marketi his cattle the strpogesfli and licalthle6t and by and by articles be traying deep thought and knowledge of the sabjects treated began to appear ill the variaas afnncaltaral journals and if vaa not long before joang ituralis opinions became aithotity tor en older anirnore eiperiencedmen harrys wrjttngsi beaide the good j they did to othersj were soarce of remjinet atton to ihimself anov great waa hit yoy when the day came in which ho his head proudly erect among hunrighbatiy a free maa owiogno man anything bat something strange had helpod to hasten thatday three times hoiiadnxvaiin envelope bearing theneriorkj poatmaaij and inclosing each timo a hundred dollars for pay meat of a just debl h at firttiarry had suspected sir vej of tryirigjto help iiim injthia way tltat gentlemans unfeigned surprise whj shown the letter iiroved his innocence- one loieyi bapiiy summer day hai going ovy to ifr verners found awaiting him when the first raptaro greetingi werepver he said why did dot yoarlast lettertel ti you were coming darling that t might havqhacj the joy of anticipation i rose did not knowjhersjjlf that tie coming llaughed jlrs- denton who seal there with her niece bat t saw h- she was longing for tha old home soi j give np being selfish and wecanle ail ohi how youre chadged deariei saii blij ifr verner critically regarding the ver elegant young lady before him i tha glancing meaningly at harry who infill working clothes with sun browned hand and face itood close beaidj iief 1 but my heart has not chafaged saiojj rose whoj caught the glance and interpreti ed- it aijieht liken slie ttrrried toward harry with fcuch a loving frosting loot that he just opened his arms andtook her straight to his honest faithful heary ive the right now for there arinoba between us he said proudly to ifr vei ner j i think rose helped take down one ct the bars jid mrs denton slyly then spite arall entreaties she told bow- in the land of art abroad rose had develop ed a taste for art herself had sltidied diligently and at last beifuba lietj pic hhxnoth6r chknce j evl 1 i xbaevidaiioa was alotadjlha fet wonts- itanrlibwnadtp uyha had dedlloed ytjtid the oodotetiad been httatwd iq trja jadgafadvpcaia aarnait and rather hfrtn luujrnftjfap ar mnciudacti and th coart waaolearedfor eonalfafon jltwaa thaifirit jeoartmartia x iad mrved on tad fhadntyaisigned ft wu far from sgfoeublev i f a young second hlatotunt in a sharp skirmish i iif iiyt brforvit wai hii firit- ifpejienoeandlr fireihad becotna paniastriojisa sad wis arrested iawtrici of fiealng from hit pott jjl never forget tbt poor fallout lookt whanmsrobad la- rttndar corpotall gard to jt arraigtiad on vhat lni altliert attimatioa hfha mot tarribto of aucturgawudids in thafi of ha nmy ha was a mara ttqpling fu appearance hia ha idicrae boyish face ajvery line vjf it axpretsive if the keenest sensibility w daainy pale and bora trace of recent and acata mental tdffsriogi at the president ijrder ha rose to hear tha accnjslttaa readj his attiioda wait ttleu likje thatof ona whose thoaghfs wara tar away if ha littenad it was bat meohanlciily till that word oowirdica wai ijtekj thrfilfi ciik i i j i ii baamed vordi i knoy bat yoar father watmy beat riendj and i cannot bear to see yoa stand idly by while the home that he toil ed fo so lonj slips from yoar hands yoa said ast now there were the bars between you tnd kpae meaning only the light obstr iction against which yoa lean 1 say franl ey yoorconduct is the one great bar betwi en yod and my daaghtar as the old tain spoke harrys face grew cold i nd hard and he drew back as if the word i were plows almost bat rose saidt i ant b 4 angry harry there is no bar i itween our love i will wait- he looked into her sweet troubled facfi and 1 is bett r nature prevailed c od bla a yba darling 1 he said your father is right i have been idle ahd wick t ly thoughtless but that is past only live faith in me and i will take dowi he bars batwaert us if life and health are f fcrod i t rjofcen ika a roan 1 said farmer ver ner itmrtitj ttheres my band orilit spoke he ia a trn friend who speaks oat frankly what heki own to be right but i may see rose srxrei f wnilsjlam working for her maynt i j j 1 ose mitt settle that said mr ver ner if he hurried away he was a shrewd carei u manjwho hated debts and despised an if ler i who believed- that what a man hone isly eajrled he priced doubly i and who belie red baajdeathat each yoang coaple ahoa a have their own home in which to begii the now life together tt harry-dis- appo nted hit expectations it was batter to find it oat jbefore intrusting rose to his keep ng h vernet had never exactly approved of har 7s oouega education butl mr marsh had iways skid twill dot hurt my son i believe that tia hiy isurely coining when farming will x as nlich profession and as honor able as ieiministrvrand farmers will be regu arly ac ucatad for their profaasion wh d needs knowledge of chemistry and geology both to understand the pro- pert ek of tils soil ha tilu j hirry had ibeeti sent id tha f best schc 3ls an to coltege afterwards and hit reached thaa haatfrted ta it an electric shook had thrilled awry nerve i qaicfc flash replaced his previous pallor as he ralmdhis eyes witk an indignant flash to tq confront ths raadar than hahiioghlf head a if iu unutterable shame jnd did not raise it again till the wja finished i j v i how say yoa prfsoherjgailty or not guilty demanded the jidjcaiadvc cite tho young man i moved trerialoas- v f r in spiuj of appearances he began after a painful effort to command bi fealingai i km not a hiaj voice faltered and hi tongue refused- lo pro- noanoa tha hateful word jjettha pleaof not guilty be entered directed trie ipresideiit and proceed with the trial u bat the aqt were few aud simple and made a clear case against the prisoner tha latter made uo attempt at denial ha frankly admitted everything indeed i butiiipite of itllliara nocowardi he said with intense earnestness of a saddep i foahd myiqlf lathe presence of a kind of peril i had never faced before t yielded to aii instjtnlanetps impulsafrdm whichti am surell woald have recovered iaiiriorneti4 all ibesfi the tnercv- of beiiit allowed kootherebsnee place me in he ranks ia a private aud iu the pott of greatestdanikrand i will prove that jt am not a craven t entreat this not to much pu my own account it for the taaa of bis dounmentj tbiait- gfbrioaa ton ihust harry and get well atto george poor majox rod knpwwsiaad tha rdceut fight weii- eon miasoaad to taker hwplaq cpngratnla yda laiqr ojjbettjf a radiant railelit up huafeatares dorajre whuipered fafji tly j j sha approachad and bent bve puiow 1 r j raisiogihis arni tebiy be dtalr har face ahd kissed her m goodiiystterl goodirymyfr they were hia laat wordajiou bb dora has now beep ji ratal yaarrf raj wife ode oldewtbbjj whottlsiie faneioi very like hac dead brdtber never lirerof ukiug the to tall hkii about brave uuole george ad haw hi sated my life ioae wlwtri my disgrace woald kill j jriuractive sammar resdru are hiiti jeaii wbed ropmjraa cleared of all be jaeiaiyiafc if torn the pedple jtthis coiatry merhbart qf thjicodtt holhing vaa said tec a few minutes grim old qolonal blake our president who twenty fear before had left an inn iu mefxoo aat at the head ot tha tabia with a gentler look on his scarred face thart was usually seen there i- t it mayit be unite in order he said vbui thareu a little aheodojeone i can toachior the lrafjiof i should liia to rilata before we proceed to- vote i v i knewja yoavg pfsoer knew huxtiii- timately i may aatd who- took hit first lesson at bbena vista he had joined the airrny with tbe notion that fighting greasers under old zachj would be rare sport bttt therea a great djffereqoa let me tell yoa between scenting tiebattle from afar and smelling powder at short range j v it so hipnaned that oar yoang friend regiment w tbe first to come to close quarters a volley of maiketry was poar ed into it tbejdead and dying lay trtlck around him the stories be had heard of jwisoaous copper bqllet j came virtdiy before hia memory and to cap ares were so sweet and simple with their stories pfopantry life in the wonderfnl new woijthey found ready sale among those who were tired of the fold masters and how all the money so earned her niecehad begged her to lend to harry jwtach she had done throagh her lawyer j hearing this harry looked d sternly at rose that her eyes filled with tears dont pe angrydear and her words and pleading voice brptnrht j back j tho memory af the day long ago by jthe orchard bars it was for our home they are in that home now harry prosperous and happy has added niany an acre to tha farm which once was so nearly lost and rose has earned enoqghi to the climai of his fears ha mexican beautify the home that iaher especial pro- vince tloy work together child life on canalboats whitehall one- of the curcsitles b life displayed along the esterfront of this city siytltha n y timn istbaway children araraarecc in absolufe safety aboirdadslboat perspn whi takes the troable jo visit cajnfies ijlp oritha naighboring dqqka wharacan jboataiay np caa tea every day the cdnmrin sight b a gronpof toddling children paying on the open decks of the low bultvi rkeil boats but paver heari of one falling overboard on one canalboat tbe betsey auc ot that lay in crcuties slip the had t orked early and late to supply of his edaoaf ioa b at traables soins crowding ontfapotr another and fall the kxpantas had stri ing to boar the burden alone mr mash lad iiublraridarjlt and dying sod anly ii t bis affairs in dire confusion of cpar harry came hprna at onca mr verner aided n evsryway an4 itin mothe iy mrs verner cued for him and made tt nch of hirn bat it vst rose bis utile tltyinita growjrr now to sweet yon g mill enhcod who iproved the con- soli rof hhrj rial and for whom ha cbild- 4 j- other daywas noticed a novelarranwroeut tor keepim ttie little ouerf wlilanboauds of safety cu the afterdeck a regular play- ground had been feuced off fof the yodng start by b hiding a high pickecfenoeyavec which tbiyooald mot olliiib this had a swinging gate secured by hasjp ttaple and padlock insideof thuinclosare ware four children who tnada tha air ring with their shouts tailing of their unalloyed happiness and contentment with the arrangsmi ut on mother boat a little way ditta it in be tame slip was another queer arnogemant to keen the litlla tots from falling overboard iti lbaqenacof the deck uas fastened a stoat ringbolt to which wai fastened three stoat bat tmu ropes a the and of eaoh rope was a stoat leather b it buckled about the waist of a ragged tt nbarned yoatigtterj the ropes were jut ioug enough to pre vent the children reaching tha edge of tha deck bar were hot too short to allow them ample room to play in tha mildrauiieamed happy topandwerehotdistared aparticle by their lather j 1 on neatly all the the children allowed o roam aeoit the deck at both cooling dowu tba river in tow while tiet qp to the dock many of bom ranks opaped anda villainous looking band of lineert that might wall fava patsedfor a troopiot beeliebabs llgfathorsa prod ding iron j aud drowning itw battles din with their deraoniao yellaj it wits a iitilatoo much for the young bmoerfs anaracticad narvesj and by a jhaaty flank movement he broke for a jhaighbdrint patch of woods he had psrdly gained the friendly shelter whan up irom a clutter of buthea almost at his feet epped a mexican officer all covered with like tha captain in the prmrerv d- as rijhened as a rabbit the lfexioaniltaxted to run tbe american took oporage and gave hot pursuit- being- tha yoongar and tpryer of tbe two he soon overhauled the fugitive collared jilm and by asafa path ted him to tha rearaadda- liversct hip over as a prisoner of war the captive tarned oat to be a general of division and tse yoang officer whose flight was reported as adaahingceuarge oa his own hookj oa body of tie anarny poncaalel in etiwpod iraaalting in tha carjtate otjtheir feader received honorable mepltdoiiii the dfa patches aadwaabravatt- ed for disttngiiisbed gallantry on the field i kow if anybody feels inclined to call thttofnoara coward let him doit tohia face his name wisjenoch t tod here ha tits i 1 ail tor the ypang fellow we have jast been tryingi dont see- that his cue is any worteithan toinatwu ouly ha hadnt jugopdjidckj but judging from hit lot ks m much mistaken if there isnt thettuff good soldier in him now lets go on vqtiqg and see whos in favor ijf glidng him another qhanee all tera and the prisoner hit name wkilgeorga colbert resigned quietly and jwaeenrolledaa a privata in my company j how i wish there might be a battle to- mi trow ha exclaimed that f might baraat onca the chance i to mochiorjg i the hospital tint hht wan fata wl happiness u rtydl nterwtlma csjptssln ha laid mjbbii shall gowithoaj rasjrat haw that ive had my- chejnee j i pshaw it- repiied- teeklniltp dlsoal his apprebanslonf ydhll live tyaee maiy more inph chancet sh you call bern he shcotbis head and requefaj ma to write to tils sjstar dora whom ha was aniloai to sea atpnoa- i i i inafaw dayatha vrattt her brohat jedtfde irt the comfortabla qnsikere- to i which wa bad remevad btm x aatittad hot in naciiirghlm ind ora titnowe both batihopeaiof thbeat thqagh geerjja nevfc- shared thani i 9na day when i was alona with hirn ha iqdked un4uta havfrhjitiint a tooff ttnja tilnt hit aprarthcletcod hat be wafaiiinj rapidly taking my hadd satd hi ifeaihat thearid is vfirysar now it majt pqnje at any moment j dpi will have no protector wheri i am gone will you not ukamyplaceaod rjeai6rothero herirv- j i i- j ijobald not speak jbqt prelaedjhvhahd- in answer i jutt thnj dors anieaistr in bar hand wan- a large oiflciallooeing pacjit 1- i hthishaajustbeanleftfdryoaiatorgfl vl -l- j please open it he atawared andea whats in ht i- dont feajstronx poogh- and somehow iny aiglri tsnt qalta clear today j dora opened the envelope and opfolded tbepaper it contained ij i i 1 t j hereciptain she said iandiog it to yoa can pvobafly explain itv i j dzza 1 1 fed after glancing 1st the flii b huzza dr a cpqntrv eortiotfrists the increasing interest tikon in danada by americans ii bestsfiowr by the patron age the dorafnionr jtues of travel and i for rnairy yearsthe beadtifii prqtineea p nova scotia riow brnnsw ck andfrincej edward island haya- beea he objtelive point of i sew york andjboatcra fparuts who have alpaed to spend the hotjdjaytpj july aodaugust in a rational manhet add eastern caifadahas no greater adrtrer than those ahieticafi who hate got real rest aud recreation beside its witters ahd tn its forests and have in september genu home tobdsiuesajwitvanotaier lease of life the tide of travel front oorirreat centres of trade fd the uarikmeprbvlncea ehdwa anj enlargement every year opthwiutanding the- fact thatwesfew- siittera have in aj measure entered into competition with them 1 j i and- placed before the american tourists thev jbeauties d untaomanitoriv britith columbia this sammerarista havapoared iutp canada from au parts of the stales onaday it wasa large party from new york qu ita way to halifax the next day ateiect ccmpany of bisiness moo from chicagevboand far maskoka lakes via the fallahamnfaandvtqtonto educational relijnous temperance and other societies swell the crowd of foariats i doing cnuada andaii ra parts frqm the tiavelers in ihehlgbetdessecompliii njentarj to canadian tpenary canadian tianiportatiqa companies and canadian hospitality j voaafactdtio this tawnier exodai o the land of the maple leaf hatha ex- canadian who goes back tp sea the old folks at home and reviaittheod stamping grounds five years ago tbit qanadinvla mtricak encouraged bf the tail waya and enthused by the reports qfppgreuriri he other tide of theline commenced in earnest tcrapend the hqiidayain the dominido today he stilllgoesjtaiagamericaii friqnds with hihriand fronihalitaxiti victoria he tin be seen touring and taking fu the sigbjt that river modntain prairiai and forest sapplr this was it shonld be insant- mee garb canada is beat flfted to gtva- ha visitor it fac idea of becimmsnae naiaral resodrses not td speak of tha attractions that jhe hand qf maa has be- tqwed upon her tha tourist be ha an raarican drcanaqfiinameriean will do riot a little in making her known abroad and knyi agency that iwili ao that puta canada imderi anoblitat ion intlmespast- fbedoipluiotk has put too small ti esti mate upon herself the day for- taking a leafoatbl tlncle sams boofcdf giorlfi- cation is here and the yoang dominion rill not be doing herself josticf if she besi tales to talk to the world from the hqasetdpa ctiicujo paper- 1 a i tb bo 04 i p m w ii imm wtt the urikord or tab 6p mllkpwliaklto tiniiramlldi ad hallow metre ij wtienlhsed to suilk od bria 1 to the jird- j v j an i the shining milk f swieur ant o little reteif i f ti ti oriental periomesoi inynb n neaom and aard i toniet floogii banners rem be jflded laultabosratoi t and the odors of ifaeevenlngteec ed drop steryboaeli i j i re wti peace and lad tcntenti lei t- both wfthmuaatdwiflioutus i at the tweet melirlosa mllkiiur 0 f tf cow an waotlarinlimamerflotyfrom ue silent t i i v t- ptntf ayidi i r timll tile grifnl oan o tb iagnnt taniaj breese i i ad ibehiiiocaxaixthi ciiflim of tbetw libti giababfiv h and- tbe onttiauciud beoehictionkrf the treetr 7 j ji f clory o thf iaxdmer sight the magf f the mooatsii- i i f- i aou he tinldlifsi of the twtligbt oa tt furm imtiinieito j f throh ill ihemias3iosmntiti htsr i ihoii itxliag foanuini i tbe tweet meilifloai mthdii ol i taaat te jojrfaliiiftbra of ht fii i saell tbd grtfefai odor fuaid hih i i rs blown from gledi itprinitje wii iom apdpewlnkji- arf romlakswwfiete tille loll in k ngoor che light r j h ttjuglitlie tbutj bftim long ycati- iiat ig j glimnenng lirehiiid ma j j i pr down thjagh tejje tiiu that cc anece j ttiiea abiiow f j- j j til ajrobthi aadaciotu bbexiseeni a fui 1 boylfindmej i at te nreei maiiilaoiwniiljuiaff of ti a cu t dlkimjoftl l of that jit tof the ja li il- i m wil mu3t along with0ter naxioaswi ir istard is spreading rigidly in idav this plant is known in aj der the name of charlock- yelldwji andv kj ncbltta it 6elongs ttojaame a tural order enjeif eraj as turnipiljlcab- b gesrapw mustard aid radishes it is irj own by dii croshaped yellow tfewtr so fknuiariij onrigjamj nelds- tlibilwiici i m istard fs i scoarging pest dryiqg up tbej 1 i griapdand serving all bther yegatotifin in ii- iti pathlt principally mecusrpse1 y gr in addibrareryfoonamcagtall wleat i w m miutarrfis easily destroyed byfreat at idwingiaf tie nature of rre isno i die- ta tefuliheehsssedisoayaiidfcs ji an ireadilyroflsintocraricebinthegijisrr i rv t to a considerable depth it retains its i 1 viiihtvtoririariyyearad5t ts reprjetetl j ii t in holdetejii yortsh ffilgiand a fie d after being i posture for ova 80 veax in which no cbirjock was teeni on jbeing pl wed ap the dormant teed rftf t j j ah i the field had as thicks crop as if it bad v v be rrsown j and it is tills ciaraceiristic wl ich acccjunts jot the vtrnptrn jfaoj i 4i h uki f deeper plowing thao psoal aj eloiwitnjit iie seed requii it sjorily when hf ted by tbe- fari nght nearthe surfacetthat ii it tlt extirpated by hoeing til i j by growing crops suitable ati x such as turnips befna and hv nd palling isexpensite bat is soi d to mpwruig oaf tbe pe tiallj successful j being mt qtioned easily destroyed by bfi rowing of stabbieb inrraediai hai vest is obefil marannafiiging jas ati m before whiter similarly it thi uj- to plow eriy fot badey and n the sorfaceiand wait for the jenartpek ot irastord to spring qp before sowing tie ore j both these roeaisj hi ve bepnieaj- pio red by goodfarmers withr- arying sue- cas ifa field is much niled with mustard it lppld be plowed ehafiow mnsaad ij rho it injuribrja oa nodr land beqkbe ll veedsit can thrive where cultivated pn cannot grow iuipriaaly j far rang and the growth off i so s most therefore iolaimed meoha of chfirjring its deydpi it i i often wwn with the crop kpc itra ih always bi token t avoid this cl rfion of perfectly clean seed ifaalard eei ifonndin lorgenantitieain theonaff 1 1 hekt after tbrething and wfaere i jha ffis given to stock tjiieje is ho ha much mnitardeed finds its tjrajato msii ore leap ixr tha cue of pat i fi sted with mnstard cnttiru eojjy is i mmendedeo atto pretent the fa of floga thi 1 hidavil feols proad jof lie- rrtuh4 li ff j joii i the church to ma ka mohey- j 4- h i popla seuerally set ttieir hearta npc ithatwbioh thay meed leaat he mail who belongs altogether dav 1 it generally the latt ofiod i hi roliglpnitbat makm ip ot ithongnta makes ribjqrbaojjn 1 he devilnever get a phancetd 1 an ifghbdrhood wharf a jtd ti 1 ryi devtl haa ta worvettra hard hbl i- of tjier chilsren i i who tiave i i 1 v mo hers i ery titnaa srmoniiieard jril rep iptancetba devflgitei hii fire my 1 tti i hard for people 4o ekjjoj vei y much who aeep- both hands pdvkels k plalk aboqt charity beginning aft hotne is i ply another way of laitiioav people know hi t wa traskingy l vorrying about uj ther irk led said tha are born aboaro the boats than they grow ap i nd umary canes marry mf iting their males from aboard other boats and immedla cly taking up the lit followed by their pannu hlsart lutlnuinnihru lit are fill add opr fslldw i he had it soon enpagh oi e of tbe fiercestfought qf the minor battles of oar late unhappy war waathat at cliyd mountain my company wasln tbi hottest of bffaod in tha tbickeat dt thi fray bravest among tha brave was g orea colharf whan onr standard tx irer was shot down and our colors la ceo it was ho who dashed ioto the ei amys ranks and wratted them if rpm the ciptors- hands beating sit way with hit o ibbad mnaket j a tbe last charge i became separated from n y many two of tha ooemyt cavalrymen n ade a dfsh at mo one i brought down with ray revowerilcriaothar a man of herculean frame was n ihi sot of aiming aj blow with his sabre which moat have oioft my kail whan i alt myselt tnddanly thrutt bask andthe ttroki dealgned lor me wu received by george pel bar- when i- saw my pretenpr that night in years ago at stewart was hafasaad by a certain treasury decision which vastly increased bis payments of dot es hit lawyer called one day abobt mitlw tstewart sppka inanwxiis way aboirt lbe ireawry decisioh let me se the decision lawyer after readiugit thropgh this law speaks orall tikgkrroents why dont j6tt have a thread qt wdriled run into these goods wbentbey are made abroad- li a will tjhatoome wilhrpheniw itrw askedthe rnerdhahfcj ft3ertfdly- j how rpuoh do yod want for that opin ion asked stewart a few montht rater fifij tiipusaad atfitift said the awyer r he got it awu modest too bat a dollar wenl farther in those da ti had it does pow if r stewart years if tar told hit lajal adiiser that the caual atiggestion tnada that day had been worth over 16000q0 o lbe mar chant p r4the wis notkoohigh uf ter all the heal way to knowibe real merit of hoods sarsaparillai ft to try it yburaatf be aura to gel hoods are yap going away this summeri no- iiballsuyalhome why beotoie tnyjwlfe is going away a 5wrstrw3fsl3ejgst3bgwt stwtitstat ii sestaskt 1 h 14- islnten jtl 5- iogs yds canj t as looliflias ta throw atones ati thai tt kllir works hard to keep wl en it- tlriuiug doesnt sbil yoa he dayil fn m ending out that tha way tcrba it olivafdcba goi4 qf ithdrs rhjr mao whoiimpljlwaol to be good on qgh to get to heaven is no k man tha th l- devil wastes any powiier on itpmi homemade furmitu homemade furniture is wurely toomss fn and morp rarely ecxipdrriical oonttioh el y a hqsband ur wjfe has a guft jar- p uterf and oan do wonders ifthireung hi iband aail build ibrniture so wall ttjat he w uld offerjto sell it with a iair ikiiihood ol guug a pdrchaaer lei him kqlldillbe o forhis homei jfiif be gbpddaif ai puchcojnfort to thej household wtoe d ihty naeilevotk of j bis wife ma jlrava tl t skuf tojtaahiph ba let tbwpi ietder afurlev bamrper taw arid b isrkrel ihomatenais itedwill 0 iathaltetidagfa pt bore tdbqy the a atajjeuatjia ahpp aluirth 1 irqia ovinapd moinayr imeantt 1 sva beepvoted 1pi whmli i iftju r a iigtjlift m tdoljs r iryeorrtortabla gape auy onr t id will oome tp piaoea iihin a sail made out of afes rrex 1 arrtkafji titht idlaormritbj i trttar ao wtttt pi i ipa a hyppdritlcafii b ve it- bbrtiroilmmt5w5m-iwew- i