i f r nur vwr t hollo oc tni asrtuie u ot if r tl kbr tim i ilu i l l i i i i p fc fotoit jtrce flrcss t0r8nft aratst is twt notes a co a rbrrwpoti tent of the st joint mid rtsoauusa thetmperftlgovsrameot tuurctifti uicrtnett to the dtlegatet that a fair atbiuttfoo will tet tfie tasuou of tfc ftnih thore it rest in doe ooarte snd tli irapretsient 1 hive gathered io london ta pent leave ne doubt linty grind at to the happy ittueio the near fatoee th trench hm6ei howtvmvhjve tiqt ap- prtitei the trcemttrt for arbitration tttd thrv iprat be in 00 gnut bjttte to jo toi 1 f i1600r rjsopers iftttttedby towut tod rahulies fa vew fork state during the voir 10 o fewecitlitn l000 were torsiguert by fcirlb while ooiy 5v0oo were maives of7fh7 inmates of utelpoor- hot of the fetate at the beginning of tha ftfyietit yet mo thin ooehaif were foreign wo at toe stale vpaaperill li4 year wuovet fsjoooooo it it not tart prtiing that the demand it mad tint uul grmler checks upon andesirtwe inirniata- tion should be imrsjtedj s hotfkofgkjons sir heof unhvl 1 railfncfrvmh thermtnttrtiv ltd ftmaft arrdtinpki aaiiw ckatlnthvt lobwes prihe si offioert and men of the united tlecrtiier phitdelfis tbsflag-ihipaf- thjjattaaua sorjtdroaynow it halifax it ire lruhiseoghtiitbotuihigfnta 10 kerwesritn is japanese 9 swedish 8 finnish 0 dtnuh 6witt 2 greeks i portugese end 004 etch spaniard bel gian uiltcih dutchmen italian km 6totiuichioiaitn betides severs tatgrcet only it of ffce whole nataber ire native bora american ciltxect tie oimposuioq of thelertw iltattrstes that of the pooaktica o the raiteii jsute i llitpttcbei from i quebec f rom tint to time rtpotl the leiiart ft the ctrgof of veuei engced iij ioaotibc whitkey ccr the biiriioebii the traffic it u fid till oeiag riproaly jpuriil 00 cd il mtimttol thtt 1000000 io retedin it a letter froof the itltad if 0tl4tiwy iaoaiptfuliaf stfoim hat more throagh the whofeol theulmd bwj everybody driak ru iptoxiotte d chilreo from tea to twelve yetri od xbj helped to thi wretched tnffic pfl leeieo aighuto iiit thtirptreott todwe tade todriok itreeat tfpefi tie now i being mtde fbr the tdoptioa of oott viiproci meuare or the apprui a ofthefctfio i jii it lsk u thotah north amcrio jrll this yer rtlieve the world from urvtt a ad thitraet wineommuid price fi r in idriooe at kit reached jut yecr tl whettcropofthe cintdkokortbieit will be eoormoos ujd old it cuaise pticet will poor tciilioal of dollvr icts the ooaatry the ooe ernt cw far the hifl 1 priea propbeied it the complete fulareof the romiro crop t cilare 10 jntrked thkt it u eitiniued tbxt irite4 of oompetiog with aoierictt tad india in applying the wortdt mtrkec with whett itofes will tctqiny reqnir to import 250000000 bafd fjwhet tnd rye to relieve the pettnti ran tctul ttrvttion footi 0 the cotntnit- jw corridor long be- hoate of commoot t freedom i judpag 1 of thetccysttiaatbr u y i uk i to be tilt ottli t editement evcrai mitten iaqaj to meet tit the indirect which in tbe cvidnc i the o erttory tt toronto hit report- fd thtt lut botb wti iha coldett july recorded daring ii put hilf cehtary tod thtt the july of lsbo iu the osly one it til to le likened la it the tvtne era are wts c3ts defiree report th united stitet thowthit thit d n try axjioettbumit been coafined la fhiltdelphit the moota one of the three j ooldett jnljt ih jity yetri the other two being jaly when the trertgt tempentore ni tad laly 1js6 when the tmsge wu the put manti wit only t friction hider bat dn jsiy5 i81g there wit taj thick u window glut m poan- fyirait kew jorfc tad throaghoat kew enbini l r is 157 ctntdt hid only lirtwo otilet ofrtilfty thit bid grown to fiftynin6 in list in ik7 tta yeu liter the cint- dua rtiiwiyi retched miletv in 1867 2 its mikt tnd this wu more thin dpibt5 in 1871 when the figoret retched 7c tnilet in 18s7 the tottl wu llt nilet ind 00 jane 90 1990 the lut dite to which the figaret here been eptspited- 13c milet were in opentioi on jane so 1330 there were retilj- uflkt muu of nilwiy in ctnidi beciau 715 miles hid been completed which hid sot been tanied orer 10 the dperitini department the increue over the yecr pretioos wu 628 cilef ccotdt hit thown princely geoer- otify to her rtilwiy corporitiooi the the ctcidiin ftcinc of court being the chief beneficiary of tbe t766tt7612 clpitaltn the canadian riawayt t81 721 oc neiriy23 percept bu been con- tribad by the domibfod pr pforinctil gcyetcmenl or maticiptlitiec there it t dignity injtpilin toilof the band u wall u toil of the head in toil to peptide for the bodily wlntt tf in ipdifid- ati lifeu well u in toil ito promote itne tfterprite of wrld fide f ime al labor tfnij teodt to ecpff btni wants to in- create rains btppioew 10 elevate mans oatare int wotdtiliabor that it bonett is honorable foo fitbor cjai the forest draics tbemortsetnd tnfes the wilder- nent rijoiee an4 qfotaotw u the rote 1 labor drives the plow tcatter the reeti reaps the harvect ladiriadi the corn and odnvertt it satobreid toitttff of lite labor tendickthe putarst nd 6weeping the irite as well u cdltivatipi the soil prafist with daily lattebtace the thod tmd iilliont of fsefarhilyofmto labor galjert the gouanier webof the caterpillar the cottoa from the field aod liie fleee trotsjlle nock and weaves it mtq raiment j toft wravni and betratlful the parple rofce of thepritroe andtodthe gay gofrnof the peassrit being alike its hsodiwork i ii -i- i orris a aog ityxi tnon tanutionai stare of tb toogdoi rnont ttrie-uc- grecvj latcstigsuoa bis bona givsa the daily throng of tpectstqi t and the ooanlry in pmeril una lb oco4 n of the itsle- menf mtae uy sirhrc r lsngsvin yctwri dy morning thit otpi si was agog with cxutomet when iltei ri kuowra uist sir hector hsing reagtsaj ut portfolio wu to puke lit defeoof before ui commiltos of rrivilepistnd tec room pseked fore uie eaqairy opjittidi wts lilua in oron ingress or egnuwttiitipotsiuteiuid tlioso whp oongrstnlsled tlwtnsalvos upou ulelr good fortune id ohtfiailtg test found thtt they hid to pay ibj price in psrsninlion kir hector strive bcoipliy and oocaiied 1 chsir at the head of ore labia uetat jatt uh sits in the hut looking neither tfrig1it nor left aid with an iuicrulsbto ekpratsion ktrjolin jthoninsoa nd if r oosbigso sit down eoar their late colleague itr tapper ws s utl farther off when the minaiet were i resk 6ic elector rose to make hit lutcmeat i he wu invited by thechtimwn toretiavttuiseatand address the combftte4itl5tgjbat he preferrsd to itand to hit hit yiicaj mighrtotcb every- ljody in the rooa i whatever may be thooghtof the mer sf- the defenoe it it iaditpauble that a food presentation of it wu msdd i libit ttatetnebtitr jlectdr taid l in- tfoa mt the accutttioiii by the kt rosrrne nexut- bat i eel bound at once to lay my nrtig- nation as fttioitter of public works in the hands of the first uicuter to that my coueagaos u well as the committee and the f have the grcatctt yitots and the value iqghtsgainit me 0- to make on icr y oonducl in be into i with h to tjona either direct or eg to me are faded ope none will- escape my notice i begin byjdecbtriag that in all depsrtmeatal works i mentioned ixforo the committee i hire tnhtlled my daty most consetentioatly to the best of my knowledge of matter and of my ability jwithont ever hiving albwed anyone toinnnence me by promises or gif u 6c any kinds whatever and that my acts hatre always hid pablic interest ti thtir objeca that i niver re ceived gifts louts or valnes whatever directly or indirectly from the firm of larkin coanoily go or from soy of its members j that in ttot i mr thomas 5io- greevy fxi i bavebeei for s long time ck friendly mrvnc and that he has been my gaett st ottawa in tjj period from 1878 to lwwtflst i resided here as a minuter and daring which i fetid cat receive from him and he never offered me any tnm of money gift or loan that mr thomas mc- greevy had never trieal directly or to my knowledge in directly to influence me mi ddy in the esecatiaa oc my duty nor to obtain directly or to my knowledge in directly verbal infortnition or documents that roy daty wonld hve required me to hold as private j t bcotlzxc toi ikciktc kciltei anotherboodling deal has made its ap pearance ta the mkir tarftseof pontics the old geoqemea af tbe senate hive not liked it that while lie commont were in each big fastness with lisqueats tnd inves- tigstiorr their own tumberoas wing of the of thebaiajinghsd noteteatbe interest af a divorce tait inquiry la other years this would not have bothered their old hearts hot now things are changed now they have the premier in their chamber and hive been gutwiiirinfreaiselves into poli tical life for the put two months lut week tne veoerahie hoots wrestled with the winnipeg and uadtoa bay bail wty bill this week they have started bigger game and are bdiy in the initiatory ttsges of 1 iiooooo boodle enqtfiry they bsre gone afield for- their charge it rightly shodld bo kfrwith the legiiiatare o qaebec to deal witii hat um senators wifmt toe diver- aiotu ths i charge is in connection with the bsie des chajears railway and irapli- cates the qaeoec government it came to the attention of the bajlway cornmittes of thebeoate while they were considering a bill which the cocraoakhad pasted incor porating anew comwtsy to take over the assets and liabilities of the old company of the bsie des chslears isiiway whichj tbe mcgreevyi bobitsilles and eiopel orgtnic- ed in the manner mate clear before the tirtelfcgreevyeomm wee v itbesrtk roc rntwr4it i ijnfortantuoatt- that ptoewtd- in the ooort ittumioutg who tbsgovjrtu tut figs jituotllui vntu fwia ifk jfr htewstltupptt rskehed iwro- com nghuid motrfty when h had been 0 rrgaeuio esse of lcscocl r uoltin b 1 ore the irtvy goanclh l loft for wmnl 1 peg yetwtday iulmcuro loaryotlli k dominion pohos lores left uooday or atina wthtwo ammontet in hit pocket with relation to 9 tagkc i thefaufai qoite a ieasatioa t in the idarymorn- government printing bureau 1 ing about 10 oclock by the arrest of alfred barrette a metsenger in the bureas- 13 ar- rettejt a young man abpnt 21 years of age and kell dressed tbefcnargeagsintt him wu for forgini on a coaple of checks the name of mr j c- gogon of york street- after his atrest he admitted being guilty ixothktcrru hectikt qosf weoo before jhe pnhlic amounts committeo it has been shown that the immigration aervi defraadedthe depart by returning forged alleged to have been pai tuoi that obtsinedcver smonntedko cevertt thousand dollars it was tbrjwrj by jlr p c jwoodtnid that ie had obtained codsirfciuap sums of mimey he baij des chilcurt rsu ay laviitigatlon te k11 crjdiniir to back jring ifwo tmpor ant witnesses lis day v mr qoorgo hakim clu k of lis coanty if yotkarrtwd hero jondty ith tha esolutlon of cdudolcnoo n the doath of sir john kaoddiiak th i lube- ond doubt uiekiostclt be ntaty ind irtlk- ionlty ctaboihiw of at y yet pretonu4 nd complilety ithr4t ihi t of the cltyiof corolito ttti iho iiiada three nav charges were laid agalhit ai red psrraite of the print lag bureau now k ttydetec ivamonlgomeryi orfdrgidgtho jamo of at williatri olid- oh on thrao primliiory 1 3tes for ui 115 lad jl2 wspowltely pho nctct were ishid by kr jphh aikw lb col amyot i opposed t the cohtiaaahos if the royal mi jtory coll sge judging from question he pt iced on th 1 order paper to- lay he dasirc to know i he governmetif iroposes to msi itain thel lititutioa intdew c its present tso it m three mora d vorces have been applied oratottawi mr jicmallar has given notice of an eti- toiry as to the t otal cost ark and reacrv including laf tookr 1 fcu tfj j iml a toullii nor omtrtl uhool will optn quota will be folly ep if banff springs ail reports of of itt location the total receipts the business before ttra council last monday evmnlne- r j e tetn of atwtpnigeg had t of agricnltara ior money oat by him tjhe a period of years by forging vouchers- i a lfs cf the exhibitions whlchlwill 1 be attended by farrrirs and i v their friends thetollowing it s lilt of the fill sjiowt in wliscb jasny fsrsipsiiis resdert sire irrferefeted attov caioy iactou tti44arialtoroato kept 7ti to ipcii hcktrh fair lcodo eptl7tii tktb central guslrt lsept2aid jth ceiitre bruseypaliej- ispet sod to tttll ekgoetlag goorekowd sept stthj t5ui i itiwtt4jo borllji iepc esthj aocb- ltenirucluralr4chathsmbeptt9tbtaotrt jqrett tniersaaooal pt johaig kept sjoct j j tvti jat tad raumt4 ittfni kiswcmtrajot soyth jrattrlooqaiulct wiij jtnhrp waufcbba bept msti to oct 1 vttmr- v- erinv40et uth ssth x 8tuije ktoliv mr pstri k bsskerri fe pne of the ten derers for he esqaimut graving dock told the rx mmittoea icrahge story thel other day rlesadjhai he had loen ap proached by john jheneyi pi ottiwaj who told him that be cttild have the contract if he would give cuewsaibantiag totloooo payable oncoaditia of flje aontracc being obtained be rernrkedjhowever that he regsraed the offer s a mke the commit tee decilei to turn nan a switttesseismessts heney frspk ki gree 7 jrd hobmt lemotae the biggest pargaid in canadatend swafttijtniijioof j flrooeroaeph m i faioous kmprwa tea bit tsjrfcsa itd either x tba erann- i i w j x 1 who ugned itbe graving dock ubllp account iery kind fron the tto 1 lowritojun30 1831 also rem all soarceel the mytterioi bancroft ehders lor tie kingto tand revealed at tho committee yesti rdsy mr- sranolty after a ood do i of pn ainfftdm itted that there n no ucb per ion as bai crofti that name lad been used for a purpose and the tiythical indirii ual jvas n presented by mr hughes his con man hector langcvirt condition of lealth says lie qtfcbe j clirdiicu it riving ha imcne iiate frien is much uneisi- iess firora ot am we le irn that it is hot tit intention to smain in parliament long lia physician 1 ounsel res a tilegrara fr irh jlr h catgrsin of the atent omca c invoyt int sfligence of the udden and seri as illness if senator cas- rcain at ono of f he islands hear cornwall rlio senator we it oat pn hstarday in per- ectly good heal b with his brother with a iew of spendin it couple iff days among he itlinds tndlit is not y ir learned how lie iilneis came on or th4 nature of the ttack charfes lepi e a workn so in the em- iloy of the pahlie works i ipartment fell rorotho roof of the library of parliament iondayjsnd snitained sali frightful ja ones that bis life it despai fed of our public aitairs council met is regular 1 ettion on ii on lay evening j u- the reeve was in the shair and every i nan at hit post the- pining of scooadtt took up the i retter part ot the erfaii g bat varioas ther matters were discaase f the fiotace committee presented their tfteenth report and the treasurer wu wered to pay he followin accoants alata coot tor stare r s si jitetaviah wocf at park d eiulth work on the ttkt h bell j do j tfeeaecara do p kennedy removal oc drtlljahed sart s cdmimf itatiotwrt i catti wort on the ttroes- w carroll do 1 f grant wtirlag l stephens niovalof iiul abed ifrscaruale j d b p ubdre printing m smith work on the rtrta f etsos a little breeze arose ore the potting is a crossing opp mite wilifma shoe store i i the eipente 0 the munipsiity nfettrs pearson htvili and harrey trjbagbta crsahjg to genetiily used by tbe ibho tbonld not have to be maintiined at ueeipenseofaptttite aliteu councillor aafirton claimed that ft was and wit originally put let l7 brtatl irdi nf vi stpa loth 8hthlforop i wthtvtrsfft tbitj ktipavu io vtahuelalastyeir rtaew 1100006 10 i ernpi rot wl i lam aoptt m rltit- the worlds ffklca iim j james ajiser 1 1 salowid netr elkhornj msnlieb i iht ot iir day ithibjjtimiiury college- it tptng 0 bt ooutiitrably 1 tlargd itni tuwx m p aj lit afoolmj will be resdyforopsnlo nsitjmcratr4 f th members 1 1 tht itoate ot cdamoat art askiogor fj 10 mats pay tht utiiotu jiarrest it a ftilors and famine it tared tl yen otas ollswatnew 1 jttctoty ihowtiu noreiie of 1070 nitntt t iw uit year 6tn wort atttti of illfcic whlikeyj havajbetaitimd mlar quebec v wsoitsalt rol utiff ram the chicago rjcstcffimjaivs ma dlioorersd i john maktott gdj wu drafted in tht mlllpbid it oreeawood oat rtr john wood hu returned home 0 oltiwiirert hltjtrip w ptjetlias 1 1 mr kortwbruir of bowmsnvllle bat died in wmnlptipf typhoid fever otcsr msodon lids birn and oropt at colboiat tt bi intottt yesterdsy active preptr j ions for war are aid to be going an in tut balgiriia ctpttii kett ljurea tartbi ku tn eagfne itruok a olrritgi killiog four people tbt fany sound colonisation railway ha psitod its go ertont laipeotitu mitt emily j gacniop of london died tn detroit while an 1 lummer vscctfori 1 1 t farther xti live discoveries of nickel are report froi 1 the sudbury dlitetct ulchtll davltt d ecltrts that the cantdiau korthwett htt 1 1 nighty fatara befere it eagltnd ft set ding government expert oat to inqaire in the argentine ftuancet louit irttuii 1 1 prisoner in montreal jail hanged himi s t with aheditrtpyetter- i x profetsor jau t af kincardine dropped dead o heart teste it pauley friday the initnt lj ng in ail at if array bay oteriyeaf form irdirfity been reieased thefprnialopeiingof the o tr tab- niarine linnet it barsia tikes place in optobtrj- acudlsa block of tl i 1 groceries crockery provisions i v ohojlce canned coadt fine rolled aeon lard chettav o iatloiitvl food- brmkfaal ooroau uygiat id foods pc8iicauid rolled oats dflgiccated wlet jpariaosej u roireri oatmeal x i u nts hiss 13 si 18 00 sis cm an 2 so ton 203 11 vrxi it is no mare a pri- 1 the onsappotite agnewt one wsa pat in by the ng will be psid foe by private cross i iby private p cocscnxob i xe crossing litel sod thai 1 saaneil williams croi hp manicpniit complaint wsf made fmm teteril quar- 1 era that the street lamps were too re- 1 iently in disasej on the dark nights the municipal officer u instructed to iltend to the uiatter and give the pabilo fbt j j 1 i i he replied that he wpald do to if his 1 jultifudinoat duties jait now would per mit dan ft verjr basj at present tbe surface wter has beea giving reti- ent along gaelph s rest and bowlr 1 f enae considerable tr labia again the formof bandtylflooded theinpremisasvand alett the defective in fcitge it remedied irni foe dsmages ar 1 threatened the xl and tidewi ik com nittea natter their atteition arrangements were completed for fiat of the few days ratepayers 1 mount of tares 1 aust be paid by iteeve lowryl i jhtl bafine tl i arly hoar ytabociy exiumad and examfci 1 itlon proves tho v ctlm wisi thlt ivi i stiewt fot j another story w uctrut oing the rounds is that tr tirte t jct iiomineit lihefal today that it will rat m v ter witch line of procedure sir 6 jcior jangettn nulnw efioioe of when he i eiinwed before the committee u he 1 1 brc aired to confront snd confoand siri efctoii by prodacinfi in- criminatingi letter o aoet him f t any point of the defeoci he 1 ity cudeav iur to make mr tarte eclat that be h ws in rfeserre to be pradi oe4 1 necessary ton- sj 1 ach ccamentt ivhich bavenot ye teetj tl e ligl it j res t tx cccfciilri 1 mr fremant 111 yar 0 quebec wl o per- cwed his renmrkt i y a si pertluous aiwlcsjy for his engfislr ma fe ti ploqoent 1 bpeal ti the govettimeot ibaialfof the ujitw uinaul rictinrof the w slide rhteb 0mttieiinieitorl4v when a pdc- tlon of the dtadelc iff to fp id oyer u nit duftervrfhoatetitslwgifiyjof ifae ocqi- pantc tfldniitniiig fflir addlphi atontw tr j n thdn psonj ditclair 10 there is a new and ttraly ttartling deeloproent in the 1 andcock pate the awjer for the da the hantcoci toikro aug will give the 1 be notified c due and that one half be fifth of september einit cilied oaton prafets e coupcil adjoined atti traqedy 1 inee mrmurdoch no tstisfied with the i malt of the flrtpottrnoremeratnation crtthf body of jhe 1 deceased gfrl sophia i andcock asked that nobody beexbamad inich wu aoccididgly done on satardajr a ijernooa in thsj pretenoe of dri teskeyv 1 l h aikiniailafa wrighi and harj- r ugton couniy crowiattorneybldgerof ir murdoch vnd detectives grier in lut howie doctors present that tha de in the ifcnll 3etal prooonh iter the enm d itective howie b nv whete tha filly examined tile jtiioeof tbe ballat tl si fort in tbedopr ripoobet of a ballot i or an tbe pohclatios led by ballet imall pieces of ipotors u lead m murdoch ant l to the house at fic as fbuudi tod otro- daokingforili y found in ladioti f made by thi hsd probsbty heen ed pfrom a pjtitj m etweeri tbe anters in tbt heal tvof theistore al slytis aftlii m il cfcnifldfa tbetkal 11 troadelalnjedii lely bydf hs rem ni we wtitjteilo po- immeajji al9 a freth stock of oar ctlobrtfsd lie kew sessonjtpsatos rissia call aad eismlnt oar slock 1 1 t t 2k jlibok q good machine i rr etc armer named igeorga ear gilt blew hit brains oat irain geuertl and viceregal to residiooo at the citadel simpto friday the gternojrj taiteartgilngli qaebc ii cahsiisiis in ftoteace italy have tent afcs liabtcriptioni towards sir jbhai memorial robert kiag ahamiitoahisjint fallen heir to t large fi rtaue eft by hit sunt in england it it claimed tint ht coal contracts for kingstoa peniten try bsre been improperly awarded atttiried woman ofiiwjth eight child ten bat eloped xiioj winnipegwith a oo ooredporter aged is- got out of depth cobohrg tharsday and man felt off the steamer ai hamilton satorday and limed john smith wu t ball in hastings coanty peter hanson while bathing 1 wu drowned an unknown mtgrremssoi wit drowned a farmhand fatally gefed by on wednesday- a psay of un ed strtet cspiuliitt will search for miner d wealth beneath whitby town sod fowoi l fleet of bdlutrrived at kingston satarday rwri fat honfreal with k0- 000buahelsogrin kr wh oabbrne of dacuqtton west durham bat threshed over 1000 bnshets of wheat from 22 ifres an bngiith syndicate bu pnchased pnctioslly ill tha leather botrd ftctoriet in the eastern sutes ii tha beifut mining jfcia hu deserted thepameu campi tod wilt follow the leid of dillaa and obrien twtnly persons were injured and two killed in a ooilifiin on the central vermont near chtm plain kit week james wailaol oak point in atlemptidg to bail ait w boat whits iatoxlcatvl fell overboard and wt i drowned tne admiraltr will ipend tloooo in euterttimng the offiotrt jaad men of tbe francij ttraadron in ttnglaiid f the spanith g iternmenthu prohibited gunblini in the cuinos at the watering ptcwwthejkarfho8ptin six persons were killed and many injured by m explosion in afirs workt factory at corunns spain an satarday j owing to tbe bad harvest in ruula the government hu prohibited fhe eiportation of any earn from that coohtiy messrs dilloa and ot3nja ire laid to have perinaded four of pariellt followers to tp over to the at ccarthyljes judge witters of the kiw brantwlck admiralty coarti wu found dead a bit bedroom jmqndiy of heart diieate i the body of msjir hyenoji of simcoe who with a banter of tor into were lost with theyicht mtbel has h en found rthe mpmentaryrcritis in p irtagal oofjtin net and growt srsn worse the govern ment proposes to reduce the trmy to 8000 mert sir franplsi aid lady boileto lord and lady campbsll and si wiilism snd lady ffplkes ari 00 t viiftto niagara falls i officer trade iiade a ca itort of 15000 worth of tmqgglad ilqftors ot tbt schooner anne pr idenek bejdw qaeb ion satarday night j harbea g clark aged seventeen of south lt ndon wsa ran over by a waggon and died from the injnriet jwhtofa he re- oeirw i the bjdy of a carrier ni tned wuiiahi wahron wa foao i at peter drq saturday partially deonmpoi ad hen 1 beep ontbe drank ifetin snf alindg jt sjjarliog of tie salt wor m were a varded a old medal at ition for their puperiot tar he priug sto j v bkld stltbet kannawin this man has adobe pbimfts dc his ete we hiro a rpaae this pstmr to nty the for potting ink on it ttaautaltitztkati t nic jcistke f 9bo4 4re tuning big iaflailtaltimnviotb t ot july in every jltptrtmtnt itt tbttr lion at w wint rtdoot ih4t itook of msniyouthboyiandqblldftnisbfv 1 ont forbalnitetbtajiprtbj lot thr fr2ivi vj onr twetdttdwortliji tyiitljritjt v- thttolohtipir goodi vba ttery gmnt wiitot ootthlrfljjirt flu ja lie i efiri bici jo elfjtfjffariiunvni department it completi and aay kind of v ifitt tlfjcoijar coitiiiet bit7iiiifweiri x sox or sntodtrtro mtv m jot mx wulihow it to yoti in el w priiwihrayhb wasuttitgrw of menxtndvifttmmir flhlrtt- laijed tndiwtened rrfgra j keuybrot are sgtnlt fra u otltbrtitd ilttsf netftopwtd pvt1i mma- jnttiagieek took ttwhlohiqalrlt no j j bahpquintjid eoliii iaiumx by chett meuare ic at to fit jfea sf1 fyi uktoitithra j i j antititfotxjnelph stsamlitandry j ipljfiwic i jiuvi iltt it n in mmm ily aiiraitardhel 11 srnspttmrtyttl jbt pntrtt l xlaq ibis in u oddwlowi hi rtnltiwsrs wessjsfc for sot tawrspply to the me nbert enjoys 1 provincial reputation j for xceuence altyadaidi r 4 we yqmjr ivo livo decouxpuihed oar object 1 mmt rut yoaio rued oar dtuii xct i i full boots 6l shoes i vi tr1mk8 ft val18e9 lad yelta will rind prices affd qgallty alwsrtsaus- itscvory 0 ire me a call tad yon will be iur flodhdw cheaply can fit r on out r thtt ad each week wbtldiiiwttbloi septemb r6 biiftii ltdceley bathing t oteipt the jam ioa exhll make of ajt the cttremely u dskostad unset tin i wheat en plfwhtah a ten da rtl j j the 0 h rneetln rill be adi inoemeht if soiinoe from aogntt fl i oephew il- bet j torojitol wti d ownt wblli an rafered h k vhtv ttut ctwtjiliflucd j r fixv ds baiaoii cinlbla tltuijiemantfor imtaedjaie o i it is tii tmprotetaeot on th dtrnom we tw ihowiof this week a large range otseemnt8 i v j alto sew blkdbeb8 goods have the best ralae in blaok he btta ttflso in tosrnj w 1 aj ipeciatdrtvet in cottonsi icx e6 ansbjlrtfkqb -l- dottdn atkto tea oar 25e gtjiaipalicer ietder i i itu t grsat valntt in tweeds ti ioo per yard- r 8alab and met t best tbttbettfiai heuby btui bptolbbi q iv x l ml i wulberioerred tiiiiiafalijtiait lt tale bf thai tunabta lehantoeersetltddtoo tetjli itbtocaaretnaiow setntrt of thttww ofinyeotwuilnftosj r any tender xb j m4retaktkbb0wj nicdm fia rwiic rtonsvi painitwj bphaii wooflttj sd lyttsitvptobipt i sousll ptmoi datsdtut jhiry henderson mcrae st co i the oldest x if t- iyqulcarilftaise potatoes unle8syou iise 01 ini 8end t inderal dry rclisr coptipaet l ret ly forbaryaii sxl of thi asberiotn astoi i hitherto smoloysd fet the tamt porpose 1 r aiyqso smrtov 1 i editor oanadapretbiteriaa v rnr bima u he lindanlgned and have rl o i i 1 rczsp 50e albert lainq aotofiilont w ww waggon adhotovrttj iaetapihi irl used andi ffum 3lph eatmtttaikloejhaltfaa jttt iamaimfiiyij iiy m aff n oijder y6rprnt suit- f k itliiltvil r l- 3b new sopij suiting nesprihg overcoating 5 h dbiit wate your time and moneyfenylrjg- tralsrt t i buyht greeqi ao0aai opr wynrlham ill laqdotiald btreet autfliili j an immensjraccwtji r paaitfngs fr6jnjr v pil m- s a bpeclai fbel orttjct tiack paiflnl ijpafjavl f r km ltypperfbotfittin is tb order s bartyiptoamnttirp m i fa4hionaitoi 66 xjnmi wisihtadbin farmer 1 alnd thrfeishler -i- s -l- j3ap onyourmaohiiier ronly thi i weltkinosti o 1 reeiilllt ss t mdiwardi i it daring tbe littthiiee years alto our j irltll jlsu jrtmlfor yonf ghly recommended at themode soother i tv e roc- r8 ft ci torontb tr m