Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1891, p. 3

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v u- the methodist churrb aoton rev joam k inak pato tlv srvle t uts ivta setodtjo 8l0utwi i fcamij full raster a toasters an ruilon slwtm wateom tsattve ashen at the deort v at- j bank qf clmtit pitt hamilton caasaafc ino i wnm h 6 stkvkn i autcusttcs sitai47nlr mad ad all illpsrtcorcax 4 lrtctinc sa tint tad lapointa da mufswdsif j iafpwirs tat ti r i i special dkrosrcs r htfwata t a sqctsf trar rocu1 wholi iaihw method chutes under he tuskcet of the ladea aid tomorrow venm act- tnissiou liiceati alls cokuallavit for ttielkanntntiry ti i tor fifty jtcct knot church buij school fak been in a uv qparaw ant jitbfteo tatyicas will u held beit sunday va uoojlaj raru cisik o london will pretth on gundy and oq ifondil owning ajocrotneaiorat lesjmeehug wiil be held in ooaacottoa wi th whch addresses i be delivered by rj houn clark mi bnchanatj of aorrtbn in interesting occasion ik anticipated eitcraicd emminamcaist vfftoa the resfalt of tho hiih school entrancsv citrninit qtts ft miltoh it jatt to hand opa hundred and cjentecn candidates wrpteaoi of these ninety pined the highest dumber of tiarks j possible co obtain ktk 7c5 tad xhk cuedtsstal candid dites rwed from iw3 to sijj the- oriniic being secured by coraeljeui cooper a pupil ot lit ij- hiw no ttjic th avertreqcrabcr of mirk bbtttiied ni 190 y i j i in- stq6k ytids yts watcjics tgold fc silver rtfeeo clocks at geo ydtoc ring at geo hynds w eddmg preseuts at geo hy ndk silfaryear at geo hyuds stationery at qeo hyuds wall papers at geo hynds window stide ateeo hynds curtain ipoles atjeo iynds istgii othe bg watch 8e icffltt ijri jta jp vraursoasr aogo isai v little loclsjileflets which cught tho eye or ears of prprradortarihttweak cottaea mthig next mpady eveninc actop pbtc khoois i te opea joek rottaexihoncuy t i 33hrieilyire ht oijejraeaoedwork on b aew revipoe of if r p hende k p rfcin i w 1 i l 1 i r tbe tilltge of uutbtm i iboat tt pmd k000 for in idditiolto it higti school baa ball it tjiio beiag rtvicd ia toro inaffdct it batos mtd to ra ortcjciejhe puiimm v- i rtha idiaiii qf tho methoditt chcrch jiro i tocul in ib tchoot room tooiocrov erasing jjl aamber of oorcitikat took ia the x- atbfa to gritotby pirt htmiuoa tod ibefihtooitcmdiy i jhr wm keireiipfxjot 10 vosdline kelaoct hx been delireriog aew rheit to ihe bcyan that weight c3lb to the lotbel rxba nomiar of ait of diphtheric in qmtffr it sikj thera harp been nmbacj of deaths amoofi the childreo datajtiw jt ifaipb cayceoncu i agin gettinc a4it tp circaa boiineit at life utt meet- ibiirj hot ordt vere flacr from one i loantthet 4tfee jwoae ibccaaied by ui dtrid swrrkharnmer roaxtb liaei wia destroyed by fire a ff tayx io the fetter part of the f stnfcare aunnd speeial ierribea will be held in sl limyjij tjhnrch 1 next saudiy hea a aertoon ba praafaed tjbe order it the i ptata of tecopel ifonasy eredttif to th occtsioo irill eordiuly invited 1 for the rood of the of the royal tem- inthe new billion i a prbnoanoed sapcaae r tbe pt oftiakdepcrtment ia finally dropped the utter part of j essex gentree daabieointed r oaip and cs tika monici pality did the same thing long ago the town will hereafter be known as essex officially and otherwise i two yoatjba were recently arretted at falcnerston tor damaging ihae trees belonnngto a citjxen they had to pay fee nutaaga tone and cost withwamina if a agiia ihe would hare to pty thwtallpeoiity of the law which woald be 110 eadt 4k jones family of toronto wliicb u tpokeb of is the meat talented juvenile onpany eter orginiied it billed to tppear m th toirn hall aext tneiday evening tpcogramme is of a moijctl and literary icter faacy olab swicring etc and will eoncloce withra moticai tableau the camp of the gipsys the prets and pohie speak wett of the company qaatk trttelssaat yery low prices aidrcac box 10 georgetown ont if yaa waoi firstclass gaelph etsh and doors at gnelph prices t ediuoe can fill yoitr ordsr at bis planing wl tfc biggest bargain in canada iend too o kj fitnttmmont grocer gaelph ajklgetffiijof famoos empress tea blk green or japan and either 20 lbs graaa latad sugar oe 25 lbs sugar for 200 moatly -the- kews ilt kbtte jtobljckaaaotvajji iumwterlinr i bright pare caos rrifroa want one of fboee beaatifnl priated pongee silk dresses at 25 cents per ysrei write at ones to the lion of tjasfph for samples enclosing j cents in ttaoot address j d wnitiiceos ico iqa ascbantof the accident that has happened to ifr dstirtbo lps hit brother dr stirtan of gneiphwill yffit acton every ifondiy wadnesday iin4 frldaji ereninj from c n i ocl are jaa going to the rsdea 7 georgt- towb sammer base u pi ka angast prospeets of soes are better tiaffan sn tttmer oecasioo irackin futuima expected sad droknteij tccirfr xaqetiidkj awerhcraefiirn a ydaag otttntlhtte to j oulie uta archj weeaeiwo of oipriagi w4o iraa working fafairaiec near- gte iwtuiajins mat b dewiit wodep tarydutrsai iog cucamitancacj foc several years the yoing man had ba sabject to fits snd feeling one oommg on it it thoaght be went t the milk tank to bathe hit iheaij when hking his self pots- esbtoo he fell in hcadlot g and wasdrownect beforo any person was aware of his rjrjj- dicament the remains were taken home on snndiy evening and tha funeral wta held on tuesday i i intprovrmrntsacstyoscpas cnartifi i daring the ptti weile woikmea have been engtged in repalriug and tolprortnglthe tower andtpire of bt joseph chnrch a urge portion of the tin work hi seen re- j newed trie tpire hai been repaiuted and is now ttcmountj by a golden cross nine feet six inches in height the original ttop which lcc the foliowing zira conji ational church 1870 his been rjmovj ed tnd a beuitifol marble tub with the ntme bftiie church ib gilt letters the giftl ottbe rey father kenney of gaelph i ow aceupleajtspuca the improvements tuiaacs tfie appearanc o the editjei thcstory of tattea sccori the fcrc rutss is in receipt of an intereiting pamphlet with ibove titlo from eev g b ball tan of the president ol laudvs line hittorical society nnder whose auepices the little work is pahlithed in its pages tgiin it told in most fici- nitinc manner the 6tory of the heroine and her connection with tie troables of 1612 at sxindya line an agitation bis bten set on foot by the above society to aeenre the erection of a tnitable memorial itone to mirk the last resting place of this brave and noble woman and both the lsgiautcxe and the public generally arejappealed to or aid ia this laudable object i i rvyzl tvmpitrs district caoflclt the stmiannaal session of jthe district coancilof tha boy ti templix of tem perance will beheld st ifiitoo on friday and sitnrdiy 2sth and ithlinsts the meetingwill have more thin aiml interest an excellent programme it in preparation and will include the dreseutition of papers and addresses npon sabjects pertaining to tbecinse of tcmperinos ina prohibition daring the day sessions tnd a general entertiinment on friday evening the foflowing is the delegation from acton connrkrbros rev j w jrae j l warren dr dowry h p mpore and cj jenner and sisters bjidie tnfton uittie tbnrston limbert loitie speight and ada clark patrons oi industry gatertzlnmeni the first public meeting under the auspices of larne association of the patrons of industry wis held in lorne school house list thursdty evening and proved a very enjoyible sffiir a urge number of visiting patrons were present from erin and tbe school was to the doors sir chat davidson president occupied tbs chair addresses were de livered by messrs lewis cann andj idchlancurriei mrs johncripps pre- sided at tttelorgsd mr robert brown rendered several vocal and instrnmental bolds llessrt w t ctrroll tnd wm mccarthy give a number of vicilin duetts and hirrnooics trios were rendered by messrs v cimpoell j davidson and f mclean pleasant and prbficableeven- ing was spent- by the farmers- and their families and friends iaplar in ftis sphere hany kkee press reiders willrememberj mr a c cimpbell who was for some years connected with this jonflryjll and is noai in vsnconver b c ttfefollowing from t 7vlfftraimaf that cicy sliaws tbnj he is a popular yannt nmn in his new home arnont itie ccimperp it the summer gathering of tbe memberh of the loung mens christiin associttiou it like deborah wash list month writes f w tagu j general secretary yictoruj ymj3a ncoei wire more popular than mr a c cimpbell of tlie variconver ttkjram he acted as editor otthelake dfcborah liteord whose missiop wis to farnifh sport for the campers and right well was the task performed in the ithletic sports be was always at the front and did all possibleito make things lively mr cimpbell thus won for bimsetf many friends ifgrricd at gaelph there was a quiet jfeddingjiii the dublin street kethodist church wednesday aftef noon at- six oclock at which there were only the impediate relitives and a few- invited goesta tbe bride was mist miry 8 penfcdd an estimable yonng jady of tfaecit tnd sitter ouessrss gpenfold the groom was sr louis pi snyder manager of the ttaaters bapk elmira th0u ntw itimtl uppllod bv c orr it nonctjnu and bk auf e eotrio ifebt hii nutrtaid her b iv d c brel huatprtitched c l st uday ichcol work on si udty mocnjng tlia prethyuritn bands iciool olckidtt ho bptnt ha its litjt afteuoon u xv e do nay lift jaa stlfardsv foe tordixtoi when h will i pand a oon te ot weels betojs ptcseedjag o winfdg to join her hiisbam whofhv psaj mttd uier i foe sodnt timi t to grimtbyl pik am takst a good laanf ciutiru octtjif toa thic weki najtqhtjul- t ju suwstti who mi- be it in iqg with dsaaia la oue of iac i a let i jr a iqog period of tim and irhn uodei wan the atnpttatioti bt ls leg ltihegelpb btos pital ibaall fiu wteks jo usj b an nav m to hsr immaicvkisstiay eya si i it pcogretting flrorsoly t friends wlll bi i gud to lean hat sirs ju boler kiiiiawafi who its men seriously ill kith a levere attacl of i iph iberia isniw en a tab way tdwirds moovery j i i the farmers are aogitged witl tin ok andpesiliaxtasuni i thrashing t u i omtnano dint ill y cin- sl i t yjolc ing fa rly rait idln oyer ui enty b uht t io f schools dps ied y ster ttr nty now seen litre ling tlti mil agatti ity and tha iqma fields yie tha acre the publia and the boyt to the tone of mrlwtyl irih slowly rt gilnin hei itb the nuisaaoo o cattle a id pigi at 1 jfa receiving alient on from the at coca miss l and n oltrkel ol toronto fere yiaittog frieadt ia town- las week lilts annie brown of q rauamkvilli it visitingher titer jnerelln j a bro idy we are glad to bearbai d jxlf rrtt esq it recoyeriug from hit racer t 111 eu tho armory of the ijrii i comi isny has nudergpno i the rough o rerhai ling by cirp webb tiidei the iurerintec iiat i of ctptilfcdoweil ho matt into e iryt ling tnj firttctus cobdi ion be or ho it atli isd mr david jaighmaa of alias rho hi ve been tick for tome tim i back troti the ec ect o m attack of grippt died last v aek at the residence of mrdan el hsdiey mr john itcqig hii liiithedhis ton- trict with- thecon noil to grtvel oar stnets on tuesday afternoon u sir h 1 tall wis driving a heifer to theifatrghterh aso the animal took a notion to jump into the pond owing to jher head tnd toot b ing tied the would bavie drowns i bat far h igh add mr thomta ijeiuia wlio dragged hat out safely xfcccw tha aiexate i in should inform pfrj bull thitit is illegsjl to drive animals tied in that fiabiort pic way tha isdsodid coadilion krfoorf- rsilf ay cats range io pfaov ishotild ar- j kfllsxl po thetrack bsakoiai ccjantj still by acodfltrt t fctmilcr jsidrafr1 tarottbe late rtisssobscrgec ij oi4 rieidents ct thu litlad to hear of tfie death seneeane s afonj bur- roaay yrt litect in this oriatt bic dangbter if rs ightera ffranojtsv fniler enbrgexth utter a dsugh- g 3rm0tsl tfotsf lira bhhdrta jwwe ul fa i iirristjtrwba ft wstfstric yl- oocft wdbthe had 112500fobi credii sr ito frapea atttr m in- fa rfvcty banks which fitarrld oiti formerly of gaelphand employed for ij loig time as mechanical draughtsman for the j b armstrong jfiuinsictaring co tke bride was plaisjr sbmcwnglyj attired in a trey travwointjiriic ind she looked well id it after the remciyhadl bein performed by rey jabez j wusj bontbbarripton the twain immasuatefyi left by the cpk fcf montreal tnct pofnti east guelph jrrcirn mr snyder is weil known fn acton having spent his boyhoods days here the fete pkzs unites with the many friends of the happy ooqple in extending heartiest congratulaj tiont ha stole sisooo hi loltoxi augi thb directors of fh ttree raifwitf have just discovered iba john callaharii pight watchniin in their officer has etojist from tbe company daring the 1 4t leven yers nearly 1 15000 moiuy fa fi reandtenint pieces taken nightly from the liwuiiimg tha faral callai ban rt caogbt in this act and made a fall geohgetqvn t wheat took a big jump or monday mist lisggie bewt of milton guest of miss viusj bennett hia week i the first instalment of tho water pipes i i i arrived last week and are bning distributed along tha main streets mr and mr r d jwkrren left for crrimsby park on monday evening sir it e harrison is iu charts of the fit aid during mr warretia absence i a party of oir yoauglmeo compose 1 of messrs r mclsod reid dtlrymple sic- renrie and j royj of tironto spe it a very pleasant 1 iris at bni lls lake put tharsdsy eveni igl i lire j a deiurof htrilton is ijoli daying in georgetown and t a preseot the goettof mrs l l bennett mr t lusconbe of guilpb preai bed fpr the method lets here ai asbgrore ind norvil on su iday he it deserv dly popalir is a lied preacher mr kerr ol valkertouj sonlhujr of wm austen treat monday in town mr tom bradley bis been almost at deaths door this week with i severe at ack of paralysis of thebowels wa are pie sedi though to report some imprc vement to lay tom it deservedly popular with ever one for his sterling qualities ant all who k low him will hail his recovery irith delight jert hamilton who ooeup ed tha posi tiou of 2nd assistant in oar h gh school has tendered bis resignation it it not yet decided who will fill the plaa next ten i ifr andrew adams retarjed oohot day from clinton where he hai been speni rug a week hai reports having hsd the pleunre ot lutec iijg to rev i wshi ton in olihtou who siras at oua time statu ried in the methodist church here the action of he- c l aj in taspenting milton georgtfe wn and brampton 1 oka like a judical attimpt tokilllicrotse in hit and to give the pennant to the athletics by hooebr by croc k there died op wednesday evening of list week the onlychild of iilrand mr f c gilohnese i amonii hoso at the funeral ou tharsday wei a mt joieph hunt mr robettilunt m and mrs f w sheppard of berlin sud mr a e gilcbriese of toronto on monday esreniug aeirtowing j rty of friends and relsrivef w re gathers l- at the union statlop to say farewell o loved titter and jfriend vho with her hasband was going toaabama the busband mr jl ikodonala formerl of bsllinsfad baa spent soma years in bat state and cams bfck lately to take his wife who is a slstdrjof mesirs cola hp the home hejhts prerjared for i join in every ood with that toltowa them totheir farjaway honie mrs rev nelson gurrjs of torr ito who has been at hct the kick bod of her father mr tylec of brin was callini on old georgetown triad last t mr geo j bsyley havirig parclia d a stock np west hii closed oil here and left for his new field of operations ou man ay hisfamily will remain here sv bobadanjsi of london spent a fow- at his holidays hew teeing old friends and retorted to bruiriasa monday evening hii pink cheeks early isir and dn uih minnehiwll0led fooki how did yon everoyerrook the cnrlng tongs jro brother j nowj it oeettri to mefchiiit ro brosiska had onlydoni the sun ii th callowya tynd pnotfoad a cor- before ha duties ot edipr ahiefjjbt ayoft jf i ver hndsrtook the j mt oompesitojr fhd dv one horse printing es iab- lishment what aj bobri to tho sabtrjrimri fthaibeea tlpatronstf tho refa mcf would ndt to4ajj perohar oa ia gros ling beneath the bdrtfen of i hadly ited riatent iniide aad patent re edloine joa nal gnlyj flltw tier yearla alvance irit i si iatent medicine litems aid qaaok ids tnrosvn tn peiiastusne yes im rery fresh ant better ia tha bv is stale asj tha sefatmeri i yesterday a lunge party composed jrom the families andffrfencta cf the bar lers ifcleodij and h kj witsonl drpi a to tie grounds nellieprqpiseti site ol the gorgaton war jworkl betenyoir where hay picdiokod to gi lsttvie r inha yi veiiiii f f ur an noon otparf eo aojiytnant ry wkra in town da feitatdij min edith bttony imnt levlril flsyi lt li week it grimsby pick ref jot ldie spent couple ot dayi it week at grimsby pirk j hilt sarin mcdonald 61 toronto feu in tha guest of frilajs here mrs jojttmooaandciiiidxq of ians- ig are viiillug risnds hate mr and hti edward hicklinj spent a k k with deads at harriston mrs jijeeph polers of milton hai been i iltlng til mdt iere this week lfis ktima glover of orsugeville is gtieit ot tiif ifstsr at xroipsct cottage miss froalind left on saturday to tpand uuple of weeks with friends at ottawa bar jar galloway of pinton wti i act it tha ifathodistpariomgsiutwaek mr anton smith sr attended lha eral olj his- brother atgtanford yeser- 1 ifr uk itw h p sftiora and edsi re at grimsby park last week for save al iv ti stduaand family are spei i- frith friendc at cedar crick i coming and gotngj liltor to and prom aoton ihd van iui othar paraonal nota l i i mus serbia limond li viiitlug frieuds in mn h strantrfm tilitoirii vhlvfaic tblwiludl- jiends here i actok uxiox aotou she tasattrisl a 3 i t rev j w ru id bt lihw dayisld ootoirgstcwn j i itpiisi i iviiliavjssji ithbpallpalrfi a llatolj tha exhibitions which ii b attandad by farmeraandf their frlandi tin following is a hit of the fall iuoji in which taauy iiiki pnxts roideri waterloo 4lrpftr atsrustlaui ssfftb ilr w teas or john and l g matthews visli ed nitgara fills and hamilton t lis i iu ifr p ifessrs i iadt at i tins cole afltorouco his beau a gakt mr 1 h matthews for 1 a ooqple qf ekt jr cui mn drydco of kookwoid t several days ittt week at sunderund 6 if iddoik of london visidd i snds karo ba monday t loudons ci do may aaitec chatlia hill of detroit btsbaai gniistjdt bis grandfatharf oth 11 pastwwk ii u dr w c kichtrdkib teacher bansook n school has ratorned from hii vtciti it reituned his datiea ttr andhrs r d wirrea of tin raif georgetown spent sjindsyst in mtsmcusx creak v hfisses jesinicsuin and emma aid tty ahe left issstwsek to speod tfciii dsjiat grfmaby park- itrdoulfl ssfnliallin who hai been io o irnmg in the westatti states for sont a mths retarned home iistwsak j ifr an i ifrt n batedo of milton ipe al tt wednesday at ikosa cottaga the rei oe of mrs jennie b cvmaroo ifr and mrs joliu mcdoatjd of 5i bill alabama have been ipeodiog- 1 li mer with friendc in this section i ith hist elton of lome school who spending hei summer holidays at rqato bis retaraed to her duties itr alekstewirtl collector of cattocis villa and mrti scswsrt mads arcb mppelljjbm a pleasant vitit last weekj lotion p dqwuey who has been in stralislfor the put three years iiitt eltjde fpr bli home in guelph on jnus r- ffrsl j t hooped of bowrnanviile ahi t to children lucius and melbarne ra siting at her sitters mrs thomn lie- ty- j pit gorg williams and family hiva ri turned from pittsburgh mr williimt wilt commencea new contract at peneujg ii fewdiji miss m willitms kincardine m sa ada sturgeon and mr e faductere nhw lark were gaetts of hiss lottie hem- t reet last week r w h afcphsll and bride arriissd in t week from rochester to spend a f i dijs j with bis- mother ura mcpfaiil w llow street i rateruu sympathy ir extended to bit wenilsdgebf thamarkdala slaudaitl ho i lost his only taa a bright youth ol rtxteeaaa tha iothliuitj iff tod mrs e r bollert srrfved hoi ie t sitordiy evening they slopped it v brandon and banff on thir wax to aia coast and while at the ooa t kiln yatrcouvar weitminitar fesqii naurslgae at dunnvtlle i ijunuul tifxaj aug 16 natural gas m ivcnokt dannviltsiat 5 pm sitae- i i r at a depth of fli5 feet after extractmg 1 1 drill itthit hoot a strong odor of gas p i speroeptime and smstch being plscsd kpertara afiame of 8 to 10 fiat he result there was qaiu a iwd present and lbs people of tha tora jobiiant bvertbejprospects jit e byi vi to duearta park at toronto again a scans of asunday riot and attec tea tang several solos at our onboert that night ti victoria seattle portland a id oma retarntng by tha northerupaci 3o the way of dnlqth they hid a meet oyable trlpj ucrtttrg ev walter dean of clgtrynw1r w ii known to many here give a thriili igj a oaut qfj a ride thraagh the rooky moan u as from biuff to revelttroke on a rail- r d bicycle before one of the northwsst i fotth leagues the otherviniog ta iccsti piper says tbe asevmntiemiii ft o it tha first to have ever undertaken ti h l trip took his listeners fairly with lit 1 1 over tho rotdsgiin so vivid was his da criptioo sndsoinkrestiuglywtsitgitea 1 ha correspondent of tha kettle point np tejitne gaelph ifercury- hid tpe fal owing in one of his last letteri wa e very much pleasedjsst night to hear i i voice and see the face- of oar genisl fiimd bay dr oxford formerly psjtor i acton methodist jcharoh the dri plants hsiisv urcaou the lake shore a 1 1 be belngthere on a visit and- for rest htird that several gaelph peqplej weraj c i npiog here drove over and had tea with 6ansd oeatrs ottswi gpt tsdtoocfci soatfctwalsrfoo f oct 1st i aoruisru- jalksilaa hope ssth to oct i arthur arthur oct 1st erta i 1 llriir 1 ooi kin i atk yoar druggist for dr asgrfs kaenigi ixambtrrg dropl for the- blood r i ha f r ti o i iiorkuice ol ivjiliirthobtoodtrtl iiitireiwudaianu- iuilversilly kiiawnir i nud yet there ire reryfeiriicoiileiriol llitvo perfectly pure blood jllio taint otscttifulx silt rlicmh or oilier ful lturaor is hercdited and triusniltted for fenerations caustaiiontoldsallerlhf snd j jra also rictmiuute pouoiiandgsfuis of din ch0 frqm breathe we eat or w driolc nothing fctaslyelr tifa -ths- f power of hoqdr sirtiptriuoicrsjl dlieiscs of tbj blood tuts mcdlclue wben tslrly ww does erjiel every truce o scrociilir salt rbeum rcniores lbs ulnt wbleliciiuef i citarrli ntiitraliiei li f if i ti liid ictshtf and crires rlieusutlstn drives out iha germs a milirf1 bkid iml- kiiilngjetc it alp tftallrrs mid en- rtclies ibe bltnidthus orcreoral ieeliigj and building dp uio wliole syiujoi tlusxlidj testliy to hie saperlorlts dc hoods riruirllli as a blood purlscr fulllnfor tutloi tnd statements ot cures tent bee just arrived b at a maspns a cbolct block of 1 1 j i groceries i crockery l 6l provisions 1 j cholc canned doodsr l no rolad bacon lard cheese fco ti irins tlte at w the food oio ater tberoi is jjars can- ijrbtreh osttva parsapariha baidbtslllniirgtiu hiittirf5fmpim4er it c l hood t ia kfooifauiu lou kut iqo doaes one tifellau i i qms eiid ftristot alve take thisopppr- tiinity of thanking the many friends who iuended our grand unipri pic nip last saturday from early morn till jate at night oar 6pre was in a whirl of excite ment it vf a grand sight to ede the great stacks of goods melting away in k short time nothing being left bat the boards they wre on audalto tosee the many happy faces itisjast what we like to see now we are gping to still continue the push and with increased vigor you alt know that at a picnig there is always a lot of odds and ends left we arogoiiigto keep the odds and give yoa the ends suiih as ends of silk ends of dress goodsend of riijboni ends of sateens ends of priute eiilds of white and grey gingham ends of shirtijigjends of tweeds and a lot ofjotherj ends- we oaunot think of now bat yoii willseo thchi when yoa oomo nbwwe might ro on and say it grtyitdeaj and then not give yoit een a faint idea of the many bargains we are ofterilig hatwill just siiy that you wjll have to i08 natioupl foods breacfust cereals hjgieisicfiods desiccated railed oats i desiccated wheat farinose i rolled oatmeal fc coruraeal etc also a fresi stock of our clclirite23c kaw season siwa tea 1 ci ii 1j jleue call md cctulao purstcck r- tamas0s i a quick reference 6 b4ok ofilte bible- avery greft convenience v liav di bsjodt an idmlrsbleirrssirement for immedutb roferance it is sn unptoromentlon ttis deviess nitberto emnloysd tor he ssme parposs 1 w editor canada trnbyterun send your ffiblstoth ltiudsnvi uadenicaed ind havn 1 1 pblcbsiv lrtttrcbf 75c tfjllkaib 5jc xtb ertlaing votofi ot sttnimr v clearing comcandsee for yourself will not ihave to look far they will be ound on tables in th centre ot the store arid on the counters and in fact alnivorthe store- v notv dont mistake the place t tha sa obokto 1 toeokio aug i7ithe mob which fillet leens park yesterday bad more cotfii ncs iu itself than any other which tas ji lembud tiers sinoathe sanday by hw me lab force asaconseqaeaoestirnng nes were khnessed and from the ttai d- int of ordirthe day was the worst of t ia eseot series of disgraoefal sands rs out 5 pplicemen la uniform sbd to ia thai werypresai to endeavor to enface e law itwoaldaka a thoassad men to ep ocdal iv lua man are restricted n w ifjit iacjas4 was only 1st loose upon ie go to the park orr porpose to probably 85 nan yilifr this time some have and were very much disappointed i llemefnber the store of ii er bollert co 25 k 27 lower wyttelhamv st if guelksj j v teeth teeth i teeth far tho nrt thre5maatlw i batqojty stirton ld qndoito of toronta scbootof dentistry and boysj college 61 dental surgeons iv arrica seat post orboaaqfon we- specially inviteclo jebpyers lanapeopi with money to cf 11 and see iaudl examine our -im- tnense stock we havje deter mined to clear out samtnwgoods eveuit a loss as we consider that better than ito allow themselves to be eaten up with jiuteresr the purchasing public f cannot afford to forget the fact that we will give ihem genuine bargains so that it s will mitigate the scarcity of money aiidtiaid tipes a few iltdstrations dress goods and dresfe sitfcif ttftrgftsfoclr same of them reduced to half- price dress goods 3ciper yar3 millinery to he clearedoutiregard- loss of cost hats for 5c up xfan- tiesan4jacket5genuiiiebargairr8 parasols 25c up sateens prints shirtings tickings staple gsrods of atlikuiils fxtriuihliiiiiry cheap f iughjtnis 5c per yajd jcream eeraackers 3c peryardfaotory cotton 8 per yard white obt- toh5c per yard good- checked shirtings 5c per yard cottpnade 10c per yard a fine lot ofcarpms grand tap entry carpet for 25c per yard lace oastainsi great bargains fine setts fop toe eeady- made olothragi big htock cheap nice blue sergesuitsr men for tsto it would be impossible for as ta eaaaierate oaf stoct pat bargaths will bt given oat ililliriery anddressmaking jdv partments ate always readv for orders moiiraiug arid weadiiig orders especially attflnded- tc geufs farnishings andtoar order ed clothing departmenx ii im meuseiriepectionandpafrbhflge respeottnlly invited w ileobpbu aeohgetowh i 3reat clearing out of summer gfcoods dunag august w itil make a desperate eflort to clea outsam mer and light weight goods w thousands of dollars worth tocvmuch 5q thisj i i ire and we t t money- tim means an overhauling and pottiiig dowuof list 3 i prices tocost add igsomecasga maeh ibelow- e dress goods t werty iqc for g 1ltor 9 15cv fbftioc 20ctfdf v3c ibji r 18c atld m be flsgiatvij uiire jicxpensiyo dresr fabrics we atvii have s pearl grey almond jaitdj fawoj kareaaonable prce wilt i be as we wntthe room anottrer cut oit8il k ho8e timethe price is 65 cents teae v are ch jloo piilv two dofetlet the early bjiyj gejs iheplum- iottba ahdinsttt y hpsrery are rgdqaii siitaffettean4eglueii iidesladk atid ihdgiovea wblchi ftijgs6 atmgstgoat30dicouiitl jjr challjes t ajofver tiira1i to 6 center iio neejl w say arqn v thing ajfon these goo yoq know the regali phcfeind yoa k how pretty andcopl thes goods look when made np til taking a weil eatqed bolidajr therewoald be troiiweifallfe knew we were selling some ot vr ri- hef choicest hats andbonnets kalt prio murinofj mttatgo ig some ot bbmiets i a j i jrj otir jatisiv corsefrhobfeaking rl tf- vi m- v- si jwedlln t toyeli gc0d8 ik lvf berry dishes spgtr bawli sja stand j salt ippatbratsm stmsaih i jc i soojjsaliaa 44 j wtftjwsi b4wkiitsc- l these ahi n i w gboei ibwiw tj w- s ftvi u hasfhe i irisrutne aectsbriesv- turns out lie best jphtos ia ji lii kr beiife eversd fmrk u tlflri 9 ddii- t waggon sua do cse powers these oils axe uieu indhighjly reoordrhoodod tt themoda papmorielnh farmers isk for this ola ifbosborv l 1- i farm gdelnh far msnufaotnredjfl iitiiayv- msattogeits a co toranw 1 theres noplacylm ihe it -v- v ij have alavestqckof binniturt suitecllto try mm tibto ijl iliililiiiriiijiyssil ffljrs m-s- otf- iihh- the excellen efjbook fs a- iiirsj

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