Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1891, p. 4

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it j wflfpbpefc tttbwcctm eakjfmfrcss thtrsav xyovgr 20 isst cljj gating fupts n4 jccive s rl ilfcmnvp tiehli until moffj hot rr ft ukiuii ci tin j litiii fttar sim tit mryi utnv do tl- wolluwv m svillirliifjiwnl vitloct 1v tlnie cict rwft lm ii r trailitttjj if tlir lt jnlfcirltlliy arl i iut i i cn tlcr ti tllr vf4ntfyut kr itr kntbl ur liireniutr hi p una theonptrtif wv i l 1 c r 1 e wvim tlitir rry t or vootioii lirnr awr notes here atid ilkere i tarns of carters interest to free prk reachir bishop john h vincent pp of buffalo n y sayi my advice il ditit dance i ctoot iticirt dont go to the thcatr evrn when i you prove thai there it itothinii- titxc4nril or essentially wicked irs the tliiiicbwe ull social dttice ft game 0 card vplayat tlicatrs fact remains ui- each thing represents n institution and that these inhil lit ion t lie danoc the card tble and ths theatre on the whole do more lurin tlilu tlisy do ood now achrtttamia one- who live uct a please himself but to llo good to tilhert therefore he should not entour age in tlic sligntct degrtv any institution that on the whole doosjlo tocietylinorc harm than rood goilm tttli 1 totnt tonii ooiusm re50ubses of nova scotia nota scotia ie tharteuocsjy rich in nat- nra mmma within its limits there are ryrt valuable rjincrrtja by far than am lntvn in ary other territory of eqcal tiro coal gold live manganese anlintony trarie gipsuiu limestoncand satdtone tvinj louol in great tbunusnee there is lonci a ert ui the province from one rrj to the oilnr in which valuable deoiit c taore tbeaminerala do not exist tits etunaiie forecukrlord the beat ticihtiea far profitable lumbering and ahrp- fcuildiri it rivera labe anj rout water teem with etb in fertile talleya pro ductive moutitainaloraa arid inexhaustible rainhea are adapted to every variety of c acriraltqre and it eqaable id6olar cjmate fr from all eitreaimof hktt ans cvjjj cr wet and drought ialanrpataed by rhit o few eonntriea in 11m world the lafd omwhieh the xeweojlaodera settled and en which larje tracts we freely riven them contlttcd cf ftaioadike in the certre of the protiooei tarsttyr with rnaoy acrea of the ajrnoat as fertimapiandear th two township cf hortbnacdjcoro waiij fn which many located form part rf the gardep of kovw sootia aj fioe an acrcultcriljand frniterowiee ountrv a arv in tha world ttretchldcetitward ad wettkttd ttwcen the adjaoeat moon tain raaea in a aoft errerchanridc luxuriant laodscape pn which afpoti tfo- iutemiptedtv clear btoe akiea lodt down the new england people who firet iet tied in this charming trcion have trana- riittei to their detoendanta aolid moral qualities acd a hib decree of intelligence in educates the aoanty of kinrt it fore most and 1 know of do part of the continent where purer 1 had ilnjoat iiid as pare kcglith istpoken or o few toleckmi in ffcech are heard the effects olp watweeat a few years aco aorna haipoas writers endeavored to mate uapoear that author caiht- to lite on particalar fcinda nf food according to their work it was inferred fr instance that weak tern and toast were proper diellfor a sentimental port and jhicy underdose beef ateajes the rieht thing jtor a savaee cosyeriationaliit ah chit cti very ircjil hat aha fact is thai differ- set krnds ofitood bays diffetent eflecta on that sery particle which resides some where within of met is understood to be i the fonctaino all verse and prose as welli a the sonrop of all good and bad actions h a most hcmiliatisg confession jo- male forcf ccar the mind being so extremely dignified a tcicg craffit to be quite inde pendent of all external inflaences bot oaht to be is not always coincident with d ho4eier mdci it may osend oar s bo denying the fact is asre ltifoovcrcd it last arvincdy tliat iseure safe and painlces ttitmans ivinlefs corn hxtractor never faiki neier causes pain nor even the slightest dincomlort boy tut mans cora eitractbr aud beware df the many cheip jlangeraus and flesh eating subclilutos in the market see that it is mido by poison v co kingston uiwm for the monkey a hiinuirist leal gayly upon the sterol ati omtiibus amicried clnrrily o the condiictor ih the atk full no sir rtjhid the iwal cnduct0r we he keja m ftl or via what ho wuhin therei itooni for tile monkey room drt astotaini oxygenized ernatilon o para oad hue oil if yoi hive tuy trouhltj uio it for sals by all dropgiils i tho brown family ttear inrjctklp ceived 100000 on friday through h death of an undo in australia tha money is divided smorg four it l laid tha deccancda estate will realiro ovfr anothstj jioouoo as a healiug toothing tpnluation tor cuts wwuhis bruiki nul so ret thera la nothing better than vldoriacarbolio salve the byo election in north brandon hstnrday resulted in victory far tha jrccnway govcriitnwta oandidsjte amflci ticy general gliffordsifton wliote majoilty over clift cotiservatlrejwa ls mlborns aromatic quinine wine ie dis tinctly saptrior to any other as an appc laz ing tonic and fortifier a boy said when 1 w a hi running after a street railway car sinking her parasol like mad aud trying out frantically hare here 1 always think that all this trouble and vexation of spirit might have been preveuted if girls were only taught to whistle on their nugera i thote mthe grntle sex wlio lnvcciieri- ffud ihe pin nud nuooyiuc cauwvi by ecconttesi nippjea rind ijiuatowl brciits can wh pprfciae the vilue of i remedy which recnoves thtj iroubo tln is pre- atelv wbt dftiiomifl iklectric oil xom bfrije carinil wheu used intcrnnlly auhm croap nixl other luilidies a copntryihaui hab a d3 that will dot permit him to euter the lipase it his wife is uuto temper he uyihb the aninntl foreseen time between his muster and mietress aud oat of cousideration for tbe former prevents his entrance what ik it hmos duces priie there lave stated there ii afetronr enen1 dutinctfori be- twe the e5ecti of icimtj- kni viettble fooa the irnmediwt effect of aaimtl food he syttetn i itimohuidfi it pro- utei of body iawhich the lower leelitgs nd the intlett have iixrtjed ciicit i ififous that the tartar acirs3 hia ixge and force a vegetable dit ojjjtiiined ha uie ointrary esltect ai lefcvmhe lower feelinca ad the intel- atit m ffcicfa fetatetbe bighef or morai feelis teem to hava more play hcaoe pefbajpa the njiid ineffetisfpe and af the tame time doll character of the herbivoroue animajc generally and euch attios as the hindoo who live chiefly od rice i i fruit in summer 8cne people eagely rerotrkthe new york vui lookhpoci froit aa a miliary tui cot a ctcfty nd live oa coarae jrtcy fooi pctil dae overtatea them and wtrca liem to change the diet it 4 absolctely oeclry jto teach aome a vereleikxi before the iwb cf beiltb bat why not eatfrnit freely it ii pleatifal o0 fl l hie pacills caut is aeodfaii at tbm aaa tnxlu tid cheriat thascwttik eppfjss w with uawaa txnuioapi blttckberriee igretfrt applea crape peri o tropical arperjca is stockine- oaf fruit etllfi fcui wrehoatw prtth bkraat6 pileapjlinallgitor pears ap6dill pjnms ccetard apple chetritiioyere green or jelly cjcoaqatf mammt apples and many otler fritf jhe natnef arevunprononnce- ttie vet better than all thee are oor ttie cemenis and raipberried if theiicud of tliskh woultj compe etch iphabitaet to eat atjetft a quart of curruku daily ther woald be little ose for the caaiurv cjorpe of that dfpartment a more deightfpj hreakfast invigoratir than the comtinaljon of carraqta and raepberries would be hard to finti the ujltuetb c tit tttejiberry blendi perfectly wil the tciditv of the currant j 100 doeea one dollar means iply thaf hoode bartaparilla is the masi ccoo omical medicine to buy because it ivtn more fcr the money than any other prepax ation kacli bottle contains 0 do see and will average to ual a month iwhile other preparations taken according to directions are pone in a week therefore be sure to get hooda sarsaparilla the best blood pnrifer muther whatisan angel m dear it is a little girl nith winps hp fliea but i hrd papa telling the governess yesterday that she was an anel will ehe y e5 ray dear the will dj- away the first thing tomorrow when yon notice tmpleaeaut eeismione after eating frt dnce commence the use of northrop tvrnonfl veetablq tiecoveryi and your dypepia will disapofar mr james stanley merchant atj copstacce writes my nrife has ukea twb bottles of xrirthrop lymans vegetable discovery lor dygpepsia asd it has doue her more good than anything she has ever usej a correspondent wanta to kcow if it is pre per to ure ayondg lady ta sing at an evening gathering after she has refased once- it is proper to nrge her a little but not enough to iudooe- her to change her mind 4 1 children cry for pitchers astoria wfteaeaby cas sfcfc wepsvt her caatcria when she was a- childhcr1ed for castoria wliea she becacsfi kiss the ducg p castoria when shhad csliumi tie gwretheiiotst orta the lorlvsprayer juink nf fraying hallowed be thy and then voting to jiceuae the if yon want to bay or sell a ifarm ad vertise in the toronto wreihj mail that paper reaches 180000 farmers homes every week arid yoar advertisement should meetthe eyeof aomeone who wntb to por- ohafie advertisements of this class are n- terted in the toronto wtty mail for five centa a word eich interlaon pr twenty- cents a word for five insertions- address thellail toronto canada sir henry tyler baa baen iutpectmg the grand trnak taonel at strnfti ihaqiast week- c k hall orayrllle litstys i have eold bt retail price ninoe the 1th of december last lof bottles of ir thomas lecltctric oil guaranteeing every bnttle 1 roust say 1 never wld a medicine in my life that gave mcb pnivertal satufaction in my own case wtth a badly olceraud throat after a pliysicirn penciling it for several day to no effect theeojectric oil cnredit thoroughly in twentvfour hoarp and in threatened croop in my children his winter it never failed to relieve almust mraediatcly andrew arbuckle of the arm of arbuckle chambers at merrickville ont got both hands caught in part of the machinery in their roller mill friday night the left hand ii destroyed and the other badly mangled f 1 aro you doaf i or do you suffer frotii uotfc fa the bead then tend cent stamp aul ill tend a valuable treitieoooutlniiirfull mttiealar for home euro which asts coo parativelyj nothing a splendid work on doifncss and the ear address inov g iiaseiuontreai forest ilres aro again dovastsjting parts of northern miohitaii the aawmill at batcheltorv tiding was destroyed with a lot ol lumber causing a loss cximatcdat smllkhi 1 suny people mke drg shopt of their stomkch liitho attempt to relieve a timple attack of liver complaint- when with a dose or two of dr thomas eilectrio oil the complaint might bocagilyand pletant- ly obviated colic piles hurts coruij lime hack anehwclleoneck aroaltpamons the troubles which it cures m hegiilato the lifer and bowels by the ju dicious use of national pillij tbey are purtiiyvegetable ur fredrick woolfenden cashier of tba dime savings bank in detroit was drowned on sunday in oriou itko uioh while bathing owing to cramps bv kdouk blood bittebsfor tha blood bukdock blood bitters for tba blood bcrdock blqou bitters for tba blood i burdock bllood bit1ehs for tho blood i burdock blood bitthrs for tha blood air willoughby of avallaoeagod2lfjia froci a load of wheat and the wagon pasted over his head completely smithing it to pulp death wai instantaneous the third page of the toronto deu uail is noted for want advertisements if you want to bay or sell anything if you want atituation a mechanic a buti ness machinery lodgings if you have lot or ound anything or if yoa want to find oat where anyone it advertise in the to ronto daily hail and read the advertise ments on the third page f that paper tho charge is two centa a word each sertion address the 3iail toronto can ada ctjacobs oil promptly and penninettly rheumatism luptbaco ncswlmtte toothache ueoraigia sam tbratt sire wale frostbt tea s cia ti x c a fiprln rralftec laf at lscxila 1i by vru joists nud dtctetx everywhere tkiia drxiiulli bnrl tt ttml oil vera cura i fot dyspep8a ad aix stomath troubles indicestiok nausea sour stom ach c i dd i noss heartburn consti pation fullness food rising pisagreeable tosto nervous ness xx irujrgitj receipt of si e nt dcnkrj ir kntny msfloa i llu llu in stamps tsiiau ttri uam ioej st tcnw oi cc hiciimw ac i had the muscles of my hand socontrac ed that i could not nte at for two yean mivxius liniment cured me and now i have the use o my htiid as well as ever dalhousie mrs rinlci satvdfb c c itniisei- a crf i had a colt so had wjti manga that t feared i would lose him misafiis xnii- mint cured liim like magic i dalhonsie cuiiistoiukii sicniniris john jackson aged it vent in bathing while heated at greenwood his clothing was subsequently found on the bank and the body was recovered yesterday hi ixid poison name li joor traffic whichjcauses gods nametorj f be continuallyiblasprierasd thy will ir dole and thed voting tltt it thall not be done ltd us not iutolemptationand theu otlg to placd temptation in every ones path j deliver ut fromievil and tlwu voting for the greatee of evils if torbeithat a little money mfy cowe o the towh trea- jr liive us thik day four daily bread n voting to hctse that which takes the brttd from thoseands i freeman ti worm powders destroy and re- tnue worms without injury to adult or in- b tltaard llalktrnl rare barm elt- h nt you awing p in a practical age ithinkj i am doing well in till maud ktlftidid jiiid ur calliper proudly he w3 ojer thi drawing ulthsbe hadtubmutai ubtabatl dcat think tlhs corkscrew ia quiia parfect i i vhy pjp af jti tfuttant a fer tlp aldrawiug of pallet on tceounl e accident that lias lappiaed to j wrfitijtoii acju every friday eutde the tomb of love mr smilh said a lady at a firv wont you please buy this bouquet to i present to the lady you lova that coud not besaid mr smith i have no sweetheart i am a married man healtli iii hcrta fitirroa iuslii bt tiuelrjawjitfitit wondly iwedo svut nd j fnsui f until 8 oclock lift jjkfpo 4di ic almost- c psbrtttbt it mtic flesff prdfdfcf it ic instead anktaabtha ladaand last aa trha taka cold aaauft mar fi rrtiih i coutfr taat nrit jtaktac scott iar meats ttutins as aiuf imitations me batlttthia fortinecl acalnat prara serious- emulsion after health giving herbs ibarks roots and berries are crefolly combined in burdock blood bitters which regulate tlia secretions purify theblood and renovsteand strength en the entire sy6tetri- price cljtr bottle 6 for 91 less thanoue centa dose he removes the greatest ornament of friendship who takes away frorn it respect cicero i i i klanrs uastebl cures harm etc tbuaaj qctntntoed u rlticed cr watj wfailtt j fimnhljts fcttiniojiliset4 pujdt fto kxb1k hkuob iuiu co iuh ii 120 kta at w toronto oat lkjutkintiiictaruartn0iniiai irtsawara erf irnposltloritl s osirjraoajiurfc tf vmmtrfmiiwbtmhwztm r m t i castoria i f 1 fbf infants and children is very liable to follow contact of the hands or face with what is known as poison ivy especially in hot weather or if the body is perspiriug freely tho trouble msy sub- side fpr a timeoulyto appear in aggravated form when opportunity offers the great purifying powers of hoods sartaptrilla thoroughly eradicate everytraca of poison from the blood as he cures it has accom- plished conclusively show it also cures scrofula salt rheum and all other affections arising from impure or poisoned blood csjaltwea adapted to eliildrltuit i rcooa nead is ii tunertar to anj pnacrlntloti lmtlwnone lf a aicnrnlt d 18jcifirdatltnokltslit i wlscuijiiriouinedlouo tbijesfjers farmers j mill gneus d bewaile of all wbl have know that dr strawberry tna oo to cope all rheca d inftotomj children it is emergendea tti roan it tekted catcerts ettrat oolfe ootyrunauaa bour blotuctt dlarrhosa eructauoo lulls worms ftras alosji aid promotas di- til ctmca cbttixt tt aturtv8trec c x jl wdartrskowinc this weiltla larrt ttntja of new prints i i aliokewblkdherisaoqds w hivo ihe bint vtlae in bivack kenrr ettai it saj a townj- j i jrailwa imeltmbti mim m m jv crattdtrunk railway erprcst- l janr ktprcallt 01 afa mall taaajlilpatangiir i ejpreati i si toi express u1l loatal mall 6npru hal 5 scjua pattcncer t hpml uoosdy iial ttkecrtxctit aolnstcst- maiiitiid330nn j doing east 10 30 abl and j- 38 lrra j tnlt nrhatablowtat lato effoct otlniia 29th v 5p4a upia pnt fail to get a supply of thefamois lrdine maeliie di wcjcif brqs pq toronto you will find it gives satisfaction mctjot s uo equalled cylinder oil ould bei used in every engine cylinder fnitations get only genuine lardine i rh kus by pr i nci phi- dekubrs care of children should wlers fittract iof wild be confidently depended mer complaints diar- cramps colic cholera morbus canker etc in ice of mind in untried i tha native metal of a well oiir isml rouiidl5reicixidad0r 5iortiij vj ilondon eng says one of the mo t eicellent remedies for iraisesj strains overtention of the itgam nts as other ailments inciden tal to ati etic tri rte is st jacobs oih is ttji 1 of it by the sporting f the sl tea aft tho tacnb joainals we msfc give tjdvice but wo cannot give condaci4franktsp r fleasai t aasyrip nothing equals it as a worm n edieina i tba name is mother graves torm 1 terminator the great est worm destroye r of the age age it i matter pf feeling not of years georgow curtjit amuseitent m an ttttdy djisradi many rjorewarti f the w morbus champs jlsentry colic etc come taddenty fn thej hight and speedy and prompt m ianb mb be hied against them dr fowle rseiti t of wild 8trawberry it the remed kee it at hand for emergen ciea it iuter fauiqto cure or relieve 8artjll king st iiugstojtj with cbroiic rfat of used nam rout n bat by the rueofc bitters i as enti i am a jaaintefl ltdyandcu certf henry vfede t gaith ma from the hs who tra all r an old pbysiclti having had piaoed iadia mist onary stlrkltiathe etcht right tactions it ring from eight princi plea in ctsetj p ditrrbccaj dysentery cramps i olic sdi mer complaint cholera morbas trie t ht remedy is fowlers extract o will 6 rawberry an unfailing enremt ia on j ti principle that natures remedies pre bejtj never travel without it observing mind is ur w h thayer wright ll q had dyspepsn for twje ty years tned many remedies nd dotl rr bat got no relief his appet te was h ry poor had a distress ing pain i i his sip i and stomach and grid rtal wasth g away f flesh when ha beard of and i medil i ly commenced taking rjorthrop t lymk s egetable discovery tha paini have ie and ho rejoices in the eojoymeri of eiop ent health iu fact he is quite a nev man to jtufgjharaan iharacter rightly a man may some times hi a very small experience provided ie has a ery large heart bnl- wer lytto i rrst attacks of cholera eqoalitt jb the he is at m ich oql any part above t aiders him self belnjj steele te of conversation and bo scsomes to himself other as he who coo- the rest of tba society donkuh affections ifso a pm cor nervotii dewitt plaints aft rr hav carative powers in this recipe ta gentik wkh fnu licoctwt tutng sac i by oj ttftnrj use fug hi 8mfowexsblockj 1 isforeanuetl lfnrttmll tays i was afflicted tottistn for years and aticines success settles of burdock blood y cured with the aboveuamed to the facts as stated jggirt jiingston ofat a grocer had for his wo with to call the attention of sportsmen to what we style oor all ronns ponbis barrelled breach loading gan 10 or 12 gauge top lever lamiaated steel barrels choke bored exteusion rib case hardened breech and monntiiigivtawjsgtciitciiar rebounding hammers well pelected pistol grip walnut stock and patent snap fors eni checkered rubber heel plate a good dose thooter wjth 100 loaded shells any sice or gasga waterproof canvas cover flannel lined with handle i i filu for 2looo f j oma jtheqhas stark go address i 52 and 60 church st tprotifo the right house clearittg sal brings crowds oficustomers i i r ague at improvement it being made on the corner of king and haghson street tho hughsoa street bocuon qf the new premises where thelbasiniss of the right hfiatb is hing clrrisd on is rapidly skywiras- daring baiidingopertuona ak iliuense clearing sale w ill be cirbibd ok to clear out as many ieoodsas poasibla to sava making thera into new quarters great inducements 1- the way of low prices aite offered to purehasera to supbtt ij ixl i i 11 i ti r3 r trjl their needs at this bargains tale department there t it is impossible to give here a satisfactory account of tha numerous bargains offered in every tpeial bargatk day every day of the week is a babgaindayi sad wfli continue to be so until tbajstock it ail sold i mjllineri department feathers flowers trimmed arid untrimmed hats at bargain prioes mantle department beaded capes cloth cages jackets reefers and mantles at bargain prices the silk department ts offering plain and fancy silks at sale prices i fancy tongaa silks only 5i wotth 70c the dre8s gods department is full of seasdrlable goods at greatly eduosd prioes print8 and sa worth 23a hosiery and i cun eens prints at 5c sol and 10c rtorth far moremooeyj uwloc lovfs piles and piles of these goods to be had at lessthan drieshalf former prioes nnwioutmi rinato ntrttirctn i r- mi -rj- r skirts r will ptjy yoawell to see enter tha stores by itha board fence corner of king and hughson streets forthenamo i ooi july hamiltoti july 22od 1691 goods w look orr the windows i thomas p ttenis adian the littli rascal virtues ob lined tii name i of the little rascal i trtraof r asked htm why this appellation was g fa him to distin ct of my trade 4at rascals quotb ios cubed retired prom practice bis hands by an east e formula of a simple vegetable r medy 4c tha speedy and per manent ca e of cat umption bronchitis catarrh a tthnia i d all throat and luug itive aojl radical care and all nervooscom- tested its wonderful tiousands of cases has tell it his dlitytbiuikeltknownjtoah his tatrtring fa lowi tuited by tl is motive and a desit i to tel e human si ffering i will send fro of ahfge to all whi i desire it n french oi engjlih for prept ing and til by iaddresalag wifli jpsper w l novts llodhester nj y- i4 pisc c rpft rtottitittt ffitl cjns jmptiom 8 i can furnish ydu with the best presses for country news and job work to bv- had ia this 1 country and- at lower prices than for any other ijew cylinder press cokb to kcton snd slijour improved courrtry proiity press the free press is printed on ihe above press and the work illustratesf its merits no i4oo erum cylinder we hare run tha prouty for eightyears and tho assy to handle costs lit la forrapairdand is easj on todavy for ttis money pome and let our preta wt wj them we inn givsyot ybac choice of s number ol tifferent sizes and styles o presses at all prices i -y- j i think of ilj a new 8 col foo or colv qtb power press foz only6bq p rprk oir an8colbqok ress dan do better newspaper or rrosterworki i i i longer wa run it the better we ilka it it ii simple easy to an easy oil typa the printer s pocket boaki we call it tha ipestp rasa tobe hu in the world ifypa desirej samplesof work said for them and- we jwill jjladl hrnish press tor 8p6- full particulars frorn- n agent for j canada actor ojit lpq larg0st scale o ve r f do sry- yea o hay scales grain scales farmscaixs tea j scales mm show cases 1011 bkclwirs vmibtroatsw srjnits aanarss re rfuy i write irtaita c wilson 4 sorv 0 ksmnidepekr ttaerr 5 tprtowttrjontil mttooatnisrareriiietjr i j 11 wilucureor reuttt bilioikneh dyspepsjat ikolgestloft mraptus salt-rheufi- heartburn headache jkustf ydizzlmess i dropsytt flirrraikg-l- of the heartl acidftyof i dryress-a- 1 dftheklfr net fijry species ci disease uv jlcbi powzzr as blood summer fiur8 pataox stmlicgtw r uw rsttsv j jioiirrrtpaper wsaaibsewtita j fltrgitmackinac isliano lajcfthooaporw 1 i- detroit andcievelandi luustff att0 laillhet j kadziciirtl ra tlckafa will b fiunimhc our esuec brfaarssractak or a a tckamjz aift q pj a 0tttitj ifaat i tke detroit t clfyeuw stu mlfco ure pusfestctrom6est bbbt j hea3ttcrnotqanirarjnttiryarmait3ia bojafti i- was aeaacttgmniisuja i- j j aa

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