Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1891, p. 2

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h mi- 1 a m jsgyj tmm ihilimttitemi i m nw pi ot thetam j jt7 tikx1ed j at ibtuelbodist puoa lima th nu thfmmtnr b ksataiaalltttrf m b- br m ruch itratr kt niml wumcunnai um if tthadltt penat aeuo oa uk life ml by rt jot ma vtfutuutili t lb num of the brfatai buotvhlibjtsmfehlb oath lath itopm br trp brr loeetih mf actoo kr sanaa votauttauexlfeufctttaaeatr t lje jitott tc j rifis 00r ottiw litter thmcqrvy mutai te th fort aehnth frud imu amwndvd n0t6s aboutthk lom otti ser is the ipecial committee to which wa referred the charge of ok- ration in eeet kortharaberlend preferred efthut kr edward cochrane brought in i majority tad minority report yesterday both report admit tndoanrere tha tale- of 5oe under the qevtniment bat while the minority report declare that mr cochrane bad agnllty knowladga otaooh tale um fcnajority report entirely exoner ate him i i witt rot tsk ktw hit rorsdar september itwsl notes a com the beropean mattele ara gteeuy axetted orer the report hut dnclead hit landed a foebe at sign oo um araat ooatt of atityleue an itliod beloeiflag to turkey within eery aulinc jisunc of the derdenefl endthat ah a baty fortifying the ptaotland pro- teetint theehaanel with torpadoee an exchange remarks if all the money aindtrad in reotnt muittry diapltye in eatopewtr added to the rait product of the milftary idlare if pat at useful work bow math of lha world ladertag might biretkrut eaadrad ofmiuioof for th machinery of tlttyrhter raat mefi todee of dmq in eurrodinjs ifllaneat whitaj women and children toil tad aterre t 1 1 anttrelia a dereioping quite k ny fire new cruisers foe the ooloaitt hare been cebeired from british ehiphaildeca and till the tmbitioa of he awtraliine tar ntrtl power is qot intiified theywiu be abje at the rife ihitmca are rfting to relethtsowth sect is ten yeue mora and ftinoe a ttfctlv io reoatre toon a painted hint to clear her penal ooiooi oat of new caledonia and fire p the kew eebridec altogether prof haooen of the deokagtcaj tortcj hit returned froohca trip to ihebtntf katxai e vhither he went aboot lea weeta igota i oragnin a government maeaom prof mtooan ttid bihtdatcarei over us atnaiec of boefcy jfoulaia birdt pr- 1000 tpedet of planit itiat iatended ahortlyjokeouca ool tart ion of minerak fithtndaiumals of thtt part of the dotnio ion- prof kftooun apsatx in the ntott ctowiog termt of tftelttnitoba usdkorth weat harrfau at a repeat meetine of lb toronto ehool bocrd a reeaiatton iu pteaed ftrocioa the adoption of a pnuio achool curricalua which ahbold only include what it abfcoitttei j prantictl and ueful in the way of sduotuonietiicg mghr but lata uuatdutely aaenual bruehee of edacation to be- dealt with by the high acfaoolc which win afford an opportunity for the more kenertl teaching of hygiene in the oomooo achootf and raiiare the papilt from roe msrderoaa farcing ayttem nowinwgne j theeetimtted oot of the chioaeo wjrlda pair to tie day of opening on preeentplut it 11800000 the chicago expert thtt pledged be word of chieegmtna not to aafc the goremmeat far a dollar are ad tocating the theory thtt the government thoold oontribnto kooooo of lhe ettinattcd coat and dodtring that it ui t poor nttiootl gorernmest hat cannot gfc hilf u tnnch tathectfyaf chioago thit ty the n ypreaaj it begging he cjoeation chicago agreed to niae all the money and as far at congress i toe gorenimetit that argument aecmwj khe location of the fair in chicago the pruttitn kinittry of fttblio worki htj lttned aa irchire oonttlntng tome lateraatiag figorec oonoaming raflway ft- tentiooa throsghoot the world daring the yeapof ib8sis89 at might be expected ttoineraaee wu the amabeat in the united kingdom where howerer the railway trt- tem hu reached a higher atage of derelop- tnent tha in any other coantry the itrgett aditiona htn beta mtdetaceatdt and the- united stttoc in all europe ndwayalhkra increaaad lt5 per cent tad in amrrir 131 per cent of european eooatrte the gennto empire hu ahowa the greateai energy in thit retpect it it eatimtted by the oompilert of thaae atetit- tict thai the total amount of oapittl lorett- ed in the raswtyc of he world it about aiz tad onehtlf miliitrdt tteritag chineae enterprite and induttryon the pacine eoatt and etpeatby wiuiin the ctntdita border it not confined to the uvnadry boaineat tnd when ctreamiuncea are ftronhle and prejudice not prohinitire the caleftitli are miking ahowing thtt it ttnrprite apd a ahock to aome precon- oeptiont of the cturatiin two chinete captttiitu chu lti tnd ung sun who arriredm vietorit b c from hong kong but week are td erect k big atimon anntryonthe frtter hirer ijlamnge- meott are completed and the cannery wiii be baiitjtn time to begin pecking next ettoct k tyndioate at chintmta with tmpu ctptttl backing it ittt pprcheted f nte near victoria tor a rioe mill tnd wotk oath erection of the mill will begin it once i the tysdtcete propaeee to pat op miljleige enoagh to aapply the whole interior msntry with rioe the raw material will be brought froii china there it a large demand cor rioe throughout the coantry and the tyndictte erpecte to make lott nf money thgwarofi8f2l4 remains of brrtiihsotdlerc unearth d at lundytcans slboaifioa banarti iltcuoaa iatjt to tak nlaot in chuioncotobatls the djn ndonind sou uinea tern railway hu beau ommtnqd get hu ben itruok at rook wood 1 ftetdeap nituraj aiylam in the hoateof oommont friday titer- blx inoma thil yau aoott hon if r banner toggetted to 8ir john thompaon ihtt no bjreeleouont on- feet in the oue of a- member aboepting office thoold be held until the new votera halt ware ready to iho one of any mam ber tocepting offioa and baring to get the content of hit ooatutaencr um election thoald ike plaob immediately sir john thompaon thoaght that the tuggeation nf the leader of the oppoailionwu one worthy of contidaration on he other hand mr daltoa mccarthy maintained that to pur ine inch a oouria might i end in ditfrtn- chiting a conitituehcy for a giraa time the tlztexctruxtt cisc all hope of an agreement between the two political aeetiona of the tuboommittee of the privilege and etactipnt cdmmittee tppointed to drift a report oathetarte chargaa hu been girea up tnd the two oppoticoo membert metart milla and paviet are now engaged in drafting a report of their own they expect co hare it completed today sir john thompaont report wu ready yeaterday the two re- portt will be printed and then the full com mittee willbeoalled to oontider tham to that it it not likely the report will reach the hoota before the end of the week i tkc raxme tax occsvek the frtuda bill wu patted through com mittee in the senate ittt week hon mr abbott made two amendmenta of oonee- quenoa to he bill- the firtt exemptt from the penaluet o the act caeewhere pre- aentt ire made io the wiret or ftmilieaof ottdtla by pertont baring dealing with tie government ender expreat written permnadon from the head of the depart ment to whioh the official belongt proof of which permieeian it to tie with thadaaor at the pretehtt- the aeooad amenrlment bring under the peoalue of the act peraona who aeek to exact toommittioo under pretence of influence with the government from thoae deafrout of obtain ing aetlleraent of cltima tgainit the government rax nnaoaitum ctrtiutes there wear lively little diaeotaion on tli immigration eatimttot friday evening sir richard cirtwright taid he thonght it wu urrfe the government coated paying oat a juarter of a millioa dotkri t yearfor in immigrauoa which wu either mrthictl or ateletf inaamuchl u the great majority of theimmigrtntt leave na for he united jbbatet in the put ten years the govern ment bat tpent nearly 3000000- oo immi gration they have reported in immigra- two of 360oo peraoot bat the perpedttion hu iaenattd by only 50000 a vigoronx and aagacioaa ipeech wit made by mr fnuer of iuyaboro mr wtlaon gave a dear aeooant of the rauont which hare retarded the growth of population in mani toba and the korthweet cuunit art riadr i theoepatyiminttterof agricalfure mr lowe informed yoar eorretpondent mon- 4ty that in retponae to a requett made by the government of germany the britith govanimenthtdraqleatedumgovarnment of canada to atcertaiq what cuanufy of rye the dominioo ooull pbaaiblyexport thi deciraosrornxe ont sept 3 ji exciteawst prevtilt here over a fi lnndyt lane at 2 p m today u aand pit bppotite the cemetery wtttoond a urge tfeneh in which were codod the tkeletooaaf britith toidierc someiaf the fad eoata were in perfect pondtida tnd battoat without number were fcuod tlto obasob pouchet fackkafrat backtkin real and offioert braid urto the fretent time tbout fifteen tkeleyn htr been unearthed the numbertof the rtsiijeott wee pat the bauant the regiment were iie ctth and 103rd the bftoricai bociety hat taken the ad in hand tnd it oouectine the boaea tmd will litre them ia tied ia he tnaobtt la the ceme tery the memhera of the eociety tre ooutetiag- what cejica they ntn and will htrl the treoob dptoed farther deatk from chbcera lopo pltgrima havw died from cbpfara already this saaaort loanav sept is latteri fmmfeddtn ftato he death rata from cholera among lha pilgrtmt to mecca hu been snpraaa- nentad the aothorluatettimtte that u ofa pfjgrimt died daring um eeeeoo at data be attata wan eaot aat uth lha apidainle had uaapfaartd year the depot y mmittef aaya hat ger- try baring been ryrinderl from rrarchtt- ryefnrnttia it looking to the united bute and canada for a mppiy mr lowe efatee that the lateat advices reoared today place the total rye crop in canada at two million bnahela whieh allhoagh it hu been raited to meet ha demandt for local eoonmptiaa he believes might be triiltbie for export if the price wu made in induoament 1 j xotct hon oliver mowat ooenpied a teat on the floor of the hoots friday night he wu bete oo botinet connected with the unaettled acoonnta between the province and the dominion i a deapatch ttyt there is every indication hat the mdepinity of senator andmpa will belraiteoito iioo senator ltooate who it now speaker of the senate hu been appointed chief fas- tic of the court of queena bench in the province af quebec in pltoeaf the lata sir a al dorioa senator lacoate wat appointed a qn counter in 1680 was battonniet of the bar of hpotreal tnd it a lawinlaralunirertity sen ator de bpucherville will likely be appoint ed speaker of the senate it it understood thtt mr juitioe testier of the qnelbsc court of queene cenctuhu ttfgnerl owing totge and ill health the retiring lodge wa at one time speaker of the legislative council of ctntdt- and al prominent politician ithe toronto tccjram geftt off thia tojuib anecal the btdsboodlet will be paintediut life tisenpon the canva of tho panoranni of wickedness which grit elo- lenaprill unroll before the eyeaof sn up- shtfflectorate in the bay elpjtiona juetph biisinestcoilegeauelph i orit t we irs now offering edacttiooil sd vintage tnd taition bate inch u hare not hitherto beea offered he canadian people i the scope and thoroughness of oar oommercul coarse it ttrtkingty thawa by the fact tint erertlof our student daring the put year hsd beea offered titaitibat is bootkeepert on condition that they took the commercial courta at the guelph buttoeaa cblltge in our shortfcind and typewriting department tho two leading shorthand system of th present day ace taught our method it the oufoome of tea year experienbe ia vwoliing shorthand and leant to the bate practical retail in the tbortesl fustible time iu oar modern liatatge depirtrneot yoa can gatr a pcacticsi oommtnd of silber french r garroah whff panning the commertiat course i and without extct cutrge both ftbguaget are tanght by the nttnral ttttimd wbloh enable the tuderrt to read writ tod apeak hem tnii it a rare opportunity which the amuciout tod energttie young tnta- or woman will not fauto neit in peominshfp our work it the admlr- atioa of sh who see it send for ia tbcu ialendiug to uke thit fall tbbuidvuttr at a early frino 1 liimarok it sported to hart had a slight i oplecuo ittt t j tilt ex iorar stasia it going to attitii- lit after y aitiog king leopold j dr bill ogs of hia liton who oam m canada it 18i2 itdekaged87 qetmanyt army animates will ahow f the go exdorganet il it lha jueat of sir donald si llth it hltl lonlraal a moat nieut is bsin brsoted ortr lotua kiels gra re by quabec lympaihiatrt a jewi h refugee landed in maw york tut weak rilhlwoqokn hit the en press of japan aailad trots van obuver tl ursdiy with every berth taaan thajlaia eslimila place th aurpll wheat in he korthwtat at 20000000 bath alt four lei ge whalebec c steamert and two bargee ara- b be idded to the neat of he like ifniwtitgrt hui line socialyt medal hat been giren to willie modougall of birtte cbirlet ejieek of ki iw york fell orer an alpine pi ecipfca on veduesdty and ru dashed to leath the st lawrence adirondack railway it applyia for iooorpoi attoo with a capital of w600 00l cardina fanning nt been ordered to oaue all i mdof work on aooount of age and ftilin health stmee 1 eeuetby i young englishmtn hinged hi ctelf ia he immtgntioa ibedt at ctjgsp i friday a tyndictte of ehlth cipualiata hu offered to drtnee chili j0ooo0o to meat present re uiremanta it it itil beliered thit lha grand trunk huserioui ihteuuontor entering he kartb west via i uruth and winnipeg w t 0 brian iapr m treuurer of the catholic cnighte of americ it reported misting hitteoouuu areaaidtoba ms- kw short the oni child of he ate major byertoo who waad rawned in tike erie but july wu killed sa the railw iy rack at simoo bbfriday i eolliiii a hae obcarnd in the medilect aoean beti sen italuut i at grecian ilatm ship in lich the iatt t task and over 100 lire were lost there ded at lis chiag chintjuly isth of m tliritl ferar donald marthall too of be r joaithln tad bote gofarth niaaiooarii a of the qntda presbyterian church t sd 19 month i tnd 8 dtyt ci beotutlfut co d watch t dean bri of moutr ad are now offer ing a beta fat engran 1 or plain ladlet or gent aii filled sate old watch for only iloo to be itid after yo i have resetted it and har gtren it 30 day a trial tnd find it jutt what u ey repraetn ti u it a item wind item tet fit e movement and warranted for orerlen ya rt by the nitkert and cannot be bought i ny where f- leat tnas w000 injany ret til stare deaa brojt do hi toadrertiat their kewj blood liter end stomach pflii and oooajder that l000 a year spent a tfait way jrdl do more to ad retiiae their butinestj than any other method send them yoar tddreet on postctxd tldreaaed to dux baoc mont- real que strike at ottawa two more yicttms a worwtr and a man suicide t the qraat cataract nuotai i out out jjept 10 shortly after 1 odc jc thir afferaoda ip unknown woman f ei i dressed and about is year of age threw lertelf into the npidt a short distance lb ve prospect park a genti- man name i ciheim j of philadelphia t prang ink the water i and niade a noble attempt to i are the woman bat she resist- ed hi effort i and the struggle only ceased when they ere near he brink of the falls and cthelsc wu only ible to tare himself by groping tome hanging hranohea only a couple o hour later a party on luna iiltndj were itattled to hear a yoonc man near them lay ijn going goodbyev and tarninf they aaw him spring into the wifuyrani ing water ihdiin a minute he diitppeared orer toe fills hit name it ttid to be a ibert heimlich a barber lately arrired it f io fails from hew york two more case f premiditated tuieide which u yet are ripped in mystery i greaj themhitllt has been called out to sut prasa the striker ornwtii apt 15thetrika of the mill hand here which took place yesterday tatumed a rew phase thit morning abobt fifteen hand red strikers held a meeting at the cbaudure and after listening to in- nammatory speeches moved aero to the hail tide w iere they compelled the hand at eddys p ufactory and wrightsoement work to qui t work three oompaniea of the isrd ba tolion and two of 4he govern- orgenerili foot guards hare ievioalled oat to preserve the miliiontiret property a conflict it feared a depatotlen of ttriua waited on sir john thompson tonight to argehim to cahoel he coder cahing oaf the mdilia to- mojuuw i i i sir john t iplied that he had nothing to aay in the nafter that the mtgiatratef were aimply following the ttatntes n the mstter inac inga theydid and that the militia depa rtment ooad not interfere l 1 r senator kfokfodsey iiufust relumel from rviiit i o be county of hilton he reports hf xiners u being htabiykiiuned with the itb indtnc crop throughout tha county fi 11 wheat is yielding extraordi nary retnrnt j al an exarnple heatyi mr andrew eltfc tt tbroahed 1800 bjuahtls of fsll wheat in une daypptttwa jupr kvn f- j i m bfa axfoaa iffijauheria preferring to f ofoucaeathu iii i fee urmi eoc addrat i muiooouliksptimeitil ae4iphont i a rtlhc onstaedy msn was heard to de- cura thuthgeoaemd viqanhvreal la t- mint julep 5 1 r j s 0 f u u u w w is 19 il a n in add lton to the prue lijtoi frel by jth gbottty trie foh6twln plendldutw peolal are open for cotribrtlticfn special prizes hoktes farn art trolhorae thai have m ver 4onpubllo money to be d rltea by hrmar twiib around i ing ofce branuord horse bake a lanar to pay lia00 by john i olean agfnt j 00 beti toadaterteain- atyla andipeei 1 to bioontldered by jr ago s- 00 a beit qeneral purpose teak etqa itingfind r ghl fanoe by j matthowa vi fatt at trotting horse twice irbus i the mag best tin 8 11 pru rfbrkwberoahljw ii s loond pritebj ajohnipnoaa i a fub at single road horn 1 mile ood jjy kejjy bra futi a walking horse jnlle by r lrwry caah bek ptaflingoolt from young dav lalrbyadtm cookoath beat 3prlngcolt from young davy ladjby mum cook oath beit 3omio turnout 3ig on groun si by t hvmttthewi whip beat reared gelding or filly 40 itjimyiirt ryal spioe by t a i a aeon vaine beat id rider pair kid boots bylw william cattle beat bard srada ga tile i female i ny age- by beit llerd thoroughbred cattle i wall arid t bjr beardmere ca m j beat i fat steer or iitton value kaagwya farm 5 00 s 00 2 00 00 100 a op j oo j0 heifer 60 lb butter intterj by w kern mpp 10 00 deoc tiuve dinner tett 97 beit k tb hatter donor lo rooeive 1 n beat 0 fta butter donor to reoeiva i ratter peoetbyl gmttthewt vtiui beet i ft batfor donor to receive b itter by jn arthur eaeh beit i lb batter donor to receive bi iter by w- smith oath beit 10 lb crook batter donor to reo ure bo tierj ode fancy hanging l imp by t h harding value iui beat j jb batter donor to reoeive i utter by warden bro cath beet 0 ft batter in crock donor to reoeive butter by hsholme bed ft butter in rolla donor hj receive bufter suver plated c det by g hynda ralae beet i be batter donor to nodive bij iter j tb fee by henderson hobco 1 t beat 0 ft batter in crock donor tolreoeive halt by wh stony d- son cash miscellakeocb is best arret northern 8py apple onor to rxire applet by b anewoath yk v j- best r hoop made iniits donorto recen mitxoy b agnerrath rr beat 4r home rnadtaockt donor to eceivjtookajby rjoewoath 18 beat ddaeo tornlpav grown from aed parohaaed from donor by j vkanntwin jjj beat i reeding pen fbwis ben and j hlrry 80 beet odectiou fane workvlit prize pair kidtxjjs by kenny bro stxnd priie hjgifo anoeraon oath it lady waining grolfcst number of prize i e ilnet photoaby h rarothtw ai beat i lundried shirt sett mr pott irons i s3 best j air borne made socks donor lo reoefre aocki by mclean m lean it prize jphk duff preafci ut beardfflore k co 5 00 famtle anjf breed myers btyiu spfoe by t a 00 4 00 00 tfa soo 00t new re alippsrs by jaa se xnd priaa by mclean v melean m beat i ifr hand worked slipper donor tor at ttrrfah caah r u beat 1 tad made ahirt dooor to raooije shirt piano stool by c w i kiiygaelph m best t tad made slipper donor to receive slippers organ- tool by cp kelly gaelph r 47 as 1 conk any variety by j in fanoy work dozen by rchiuu beat i oaf home made bread agate tea pot beat ight shirt donor to receive shrt by it 1 jermyn oath alexwauie vlce1 resident beit spighl have a laigie stoqk of furniture suited the the thi ever so rtumble thei es no place like home in for ushing a house or ac ding tart secure articles of comfort as wel we have a full line of furniture for by too 100 2 00 soo 3eo hariu george hynds secretarytreasurer son to every pockfitbobk thereto the poor man as the rich ffifjriit5 hender80n txm tfflftunl asm ijl ftjrrf i -r- if ana wmisloowoot 0ott0h jsand shlbjaab aak tone onr laoodbtainet itla awtorv- f v h j oriat raltia 1b lri8 it jo ft yard i mcrab4co vhu 1 y fjaatve ear tetijev i igil icmail tsttili ifimi li tome vl iwn aiiia saw -v-vi- 1 a qr dcm r aagubtwewillmake a deaperaja effort tovefor out ftim u merjaiooj ightwelghtigoodai te 1 have uidi aaiidg of dollar worth i top jmnph in jhib unettnti we waut njti tneada an overhaulihg anol pptttng down o prtcy ftq ioet abd in gomecftfea ow we ite ofitipg jqoada thtf wjerg lfcgto j j2jtj tor 9ll6 lot j loss 25s ft ifrfriind ithfrtaat will beljaat aa gitalin mw erenaive driaafabric wf jtiuji aye aftme lovely makea in i leari grey almond ittu jfafrjiijt o reaionabte prife will berrefdseijl a we want the roopi parlor dining room in many styles and pricess excjelljent value always the bedroom the kitchen j l mcc si liars farmers i i onfefail tfi gtt a supply of the tarndus itjardiiie lfochone qu j mrdeorlt by dii bros co beware of speight hnaatejf mill owners fou will fitrid it gives sajtii faction mooplfdi unaualled should be useqi in every engu pylindei oil ecyinden l mitations get only genuine lardine w r srl0 bviprincipkl i i dbrlbrs hintonciiptiinti 1 i bad f ryeirt bvan troold jwith dyipepsia at 1 tick haadaohe and loond bat little rei ifoaiiigoi flardook blood jbittert whiol made iwriacvoorr hi the best medi tin i ever lied in or flf htlti de vary skpuotoo oai fl great land timely la tborwn by heaping dr owltt ek tract of jyild litrwityabdiij fjj mlaardt li alseiit to w nr itaramataai l r l mm new scotqbj fe gewadi i t i i j vi opened up today 1ft toronta j suitings wcbrchkfht vv iim vl 1 j 1 l iv v i s- f ajij6ttetoatqn bilk e this i i time jthelp riceia 66 centf these 1 goo oh i 11101 only j two dogt ilejfc 1 tj tatrly byer j gets the pjam cotton anq jjiate hoaifery jare rediced 25 1 fc j 8jljr tjgette itid 10iar t jn all ahadea- blaok aud qrey mitta anotglovie wtiich are w j i much boafehtaffer wui hotemv c bat itijiat go at 0 difeoanr j phjallih take another tqnlhle to 6fceote ipo need to aay anyt thing aboot theae gooda yt kaow the jregnlar pnee and you tnpv iii6 prettyii4 icoouheie goodi ilfajoic when maae np yj mltlrymib8m iji foxing fttweu wtned holiday yiere trouble if ah6 kniiv wfe 1 were aelling aotqe ot f- w herch at hati hilt priced miltynery tnnatgq try our ll i and bonnetaat vatisi qcrsetjnp breakangiin u bjej silverware wedding besbnb alovltcwoas ihi a x leirriuahe r a j t 6gajrjwia a ppernfti ljrttf v bbanjduhet v yx9mtfm tv ha the best instruments and accessories j tu ns p en i ut the best the county i oyisj a proyiticialveputtipn- for excellence v a 4 ff photos in t- i 7 f mm 1 u v tvii i i p011 vi tuly kuc a 3 aii y a- 1 i tiiirt 8ai ist eswlirotiaao aitatolttaod btllj it l dbh i rm onwlt eob 1 la l jfoet talirutm with lag fei2fetf a tttooand loi ons laari4m i mm notice o p i vrcrriice 1 vt mtitad- votexw ltat tseliea- ul at u usfd all neetoit t 9ai iasaat5mi j twdtvoi fj wes win ssan mns lalis oeloekjtl grab i i ii il wa cmbl1haxfai aiajvlfell idbmalapwlf nsrsa btaaaca traekii fi danlmut bstka ete opaalbln battlqrir- m mmx i m fell i allati iiin kirxlbhitfoawhu h will the il dbwi j th ait pa i all jr8 c petlii lt

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