Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1891, p. 4

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otfrc xrtmt jrcc kcss tlrluav skrjkmwru it ism it1k outwi jfoltts rod iivmttrvt i rini 11 ti v i pif it li it- lwil v i lll cln ill 1 uillulll tfil i lir i ii lun i l i tiv ij fcci- it k ii litr ilhlt l 1 i 7 r jul at 1 cm tmiilr i ii v wrtlc ff- v tatll ni m i itts it i ii 5- i- v- 1 ii ntvsms ii witifiify vc iicla lojnlll n ivm r mull or ur it luhr iiiml it it mfi lmci ml ciwtli- a ntv loiir it vl ohmil k ulliir item of general intsrost to free press raiders ifcr bert h4vrrttlttc the roost efricieut advsrtumg iu behalf o hoods sarsaparilla it tint which coinca fnini the rkslicine itelf thl i those whitreciirtd liv itpk to frinillsfiiffcr mi imllnrly who in turn ticrnr ihiiu fit mij ufteolliinito try thrt iinokfitl met iciue tliullie circle of its popularity ji rapiilly widening from thin caun hlonc and more aud more are hcooiniun oulliuki- mtic ittbclull of hoods sarprilla a it actually iumontrate it khtoliito iuoril all tint l mlid for lioods srprijln in tint it be giipn fur trisl if you need a good blood pntitrcr ot building upniediiiiie try hools sarsspiirilla ilunke r mint i- n sjujin how i il m jiriininin will in r inn wntcli i- htliikir ll ml nl tlotlun tho standttd tn merit hits first in tlic best remedy for ausummcreoranlilulc dikrrli jt acntery crumps collo ch jlett infantum ftc is ik fowlorseitrscl of wild strawberry all medicine dealers sell it at a fiiiliinimlloilli gctitli tnao nihtln kivprsl uttoinp to slart tha coucr nation biil to hip sttlpldity of hose pkuiit lie fulled completely- aftr painful pmie hu filially rejnarked jnow lit ut bo silent th koiiio illisr subject -yrrr- stjtiiiin llj all im riui auiiilioiir uiio nntiumvl t1u uitliout th- third pm4i nf tho jf noted for wnt if ynu vniit u buy or cu you witnt iitmiion k innhnio talk of the dav t the luwin ynruln jtirjni cy the whcttnrnp fo wpst clir ttid othf r vt v dittric ol irtlmjjareonly fit forliucr cviii to the roccot ruins mr lhwd hd her iocket picktd of liojkt the detroil fair shfihad ukeo the kcif with her ftarinc it would be tcciiif the left it at hotae the british itoard of trade return for auctl itwis that the imports increaced by it jichx ti tint the eijkiru decreas ed iilvxvv is cnipared with august laft ytr martia ciroj a rcsiderrt of toronto ivho had jcst rtturioi hotre rom the old ccactrywa run ocr bv a train near the ircnjigrall eedf jriisy cibt and icstant- it tilled teasjtf jrt hie rated torocto about three tri jiiitrb higher than last year thtir etnatc of the popalauon it slightly ixref tin uc zurc civea by the domin- ichn mr sou ot morte of rircmttondville waiif juji the cap o a dycatette cartridge mojt erenidc when theeipljeie went r yoacg morse lost two scptrs cft each land and both thumb hires llirsch the jewish phiunthropit ha cefd a notarial ded empowering his rerefcerutues to expend i2c for the prchti if land ard the locaticra ot colon- ie in the argintle republic for the jos the ccprxccc dented movement of grain fnai the wet is choking the kansas city maifett and tit- roas there cannot handle 4 therewere ner7jc0 car in the mis- eari pacific yard mcndiy and more were then pointy in the canadian pacific have been able to tct an independent tiding in the teronio icicitrial exhibition grounds the to- ronto kxhibtcn directors have decided to gire ccc tlnusardcf the poorest children of the city tree adnnuion to the show oa chidrent day a eiter xl- jhn george port kltin who hasliied wilh him rainy years went to the havloft lo put down hay whra the starnbled and fell against an outside door whirl did lot hsppen to be fastened of course the unfortunate lady fell to the ground where ehe was found a ponfiidera- ble time afterwards with her back broken and eu3ericpseercy she died is a short lime t the latent novelty in sport in texas was a goat race or which hundreds of dollars changed haeds the race took place at hocstcfiiu the rthence of people and the rcsyor and othr ofiiciau took a prominent pin iti the fun how to tell a married man x rnirred rain always carries hs ooadi- lon witij hra like a tnlde any body 6f average diacernrrjent can defect him at a lance he doee not picch ibis toewilh tighftrxts he does not tuut hiamii rflh rhul- he never ptru hib hair in the middle he keeps nis seat in the railway carriage when the pretty girj laden with fatradles comes in he knoirs his wife wouldnt approve of his rising hi doei notetop flirtations withkbe pood- look ii tttipbirl where he bays pis glove be remembers tht little lirds are icgii around teiling tale and ne haa a horror of curtain jrctnres somehow married men never letrn to arrive at that state of bearrtode where they appreciate the kind of littnry performance kdown as certain ietgre the married man goca to rjeep in chcrch he knows the priceq of euar and steak he knows that bnstles are going out of fashion he knows that wxnen pet their hair uj in papers pdw- dtr is no longer a- mystery to him he can detect it on the faces of his female friends ajid he looks oat that be does not cti it en li cm bepaute his wife ctd det t loo a paricr hotel ilere vcrik to ifc practically no limita- 1j to the utts tlo which paper can be and l apphci td the long list- of article in tended fcr pergonal uieiri tlw smaller ijtlailbof contraction in rilingsiock such tt vheef exjee c there hts been added a rhotfc eiteative application of paper to the needs of every dayjfe by the feoilding cf a ijoie conetracteld cf this material 1 hirnovel lesidence which has juet been crjished and n situated in uainbarg was mile entirely f paper boards which it is raid are of the hard nets of wood hut prf tn cdvanlkge over the latter lut r iha they art tireproof this of iluw- i fiuii fleeted by inpregnation r fisi jtciickl ontioiif j tj i l ij h wi- the bi1hiit kitpjuc thr- k tul frnin it jint-t- tliwft ijtjfcjnea- vt of toming gool lkkifie tijit way ifi 1- uhti wlier- it it- not gj togo tlii w lie inrjh it all pet fct h i- v tetiii vrjiji there klu jny it hej uhen the firs rfrjrkrd toiud i- tin- gutter a pyr iijftn iita mncli riiilll tt ijik two as a kng a fsativith a red ice- js aloutihe lat find it a-jt- kvery atp toward heuvtu i a tett of parage au4irit sefdeceptiou is one f the mci deadly ef alldnpert paijh netr wear a fqug face jho liinga liver iiidnr c nct as hukiaoy wte nui fir the eteupe of eftotp matter arid gftc4from the tnvjy the life of northrop v lynittrh wgetable discovery ljpa thctu to ilichrlc thvir duly mr v hltsitr ii m customs toronto writes 1 have eronshy tested the health giving projkrlin of northrop lv mans vegetable piecovtry and can teetify as to its gret value a rather unsteady man was heard to de- clare that thegcituiuc old virginia reel is a mint julep cuiitouclliiiog i had for years been troubled with dyspepsia and sick hradae an4 found but little relief until 1 got burdock blood bitters which made a perfect cure it is the best medicine i ever lufiedimy life hattic uavis mary st cliotoo taii la die do not jike to grvw old and yet theyre the very hrst to adopt new wrinkles it can do uo harm to try freemans worm powders if your child is ailidg feverish or fretful a french count won a great reputation for courage in i 70 during the siege of paris when he patriotically mounted guard upo the ram par u lie never ducked hia head nor threw himself prostrate when shot or shell whistled by orexploded hear amazing his comrades ued to aay hok wonderfully cool the fact was the count was ttone deaf in machinery lodging i you have tost of wopto ury add may 1th toronto zteifg vlvertiscir anything ants if bud- or imnil anything or if yot out wheru miyouo 1h aiivsr rohto dxiilij jiliul and read want to bnd iso in thoto the advertise- tiiiiutdu thfe third page if that papr the charge is two cents a sett ion addrces tir mail 4 a word each in toronto can- now lit t jo boys can yot tell meid columbus teacher tobacco on- the system vhat has wrestled willi his ffrst c hold up his hand well tlhj iftcct dead is the effect of little billy who e promptly tlilly whtt is makefc ye risht yo waij hhh rati i oolm of my tormentiug corns git rid of them without pain get rid of them quickly and effectually without poksib the answer w uiqpuumt and wart care tjbo grec t corn cans always uure ssfe and paiifli ss putnams extractor imj it and no t ther frauds are in the market dont no the risk of ity of returu painless corn mr6 john martin nf mouugue bridge p t i writes i was troubled last summer with very bad hesdched and con- etipatian arid sometimes could scarcely see one hotue of burdockblood bitters made a complete cure of my caae and i wish jou every success if you want to bay or sell a farm ad vertise in the toronto fvriy mail that paper reaches 100000 farmers home every week and your advertisement shonld meet the eye of someone who wants to par- chase advertisements of this class are o- serted in the toronto jfrriry mail for five cent a word each insertion or twenty cents a word for five insertions address the mail toronto canada lielna hippie t i took six bottijs of burdock blood bitters for liver compixint headache and dull stupid feeling but now 1 am entirely well and healthy having also a good appe tite which i didnot hare previously mrs t davis kegma m w t vtim baht wr rk r r rrr rtoria trvh the tn i fi en i r firtono tstiea sl tyavr iliss sh clun to cast- x tpbea she bad cbiurca cbe ve ttoi csona the palm of the hand moistened vfth dr thomas fclectric oil exerts a won- drooj control over pain fpcedily and entire ly subduing it the eclectnchealiog influ ence of this highly sanctioned medicine ib manifested by the rapid disappearance of aret and abrasions of tire fkin when nsed a texts clergyman relates tnat asbe was wendisg his way to the sanctuary- on the kabsath he saw a boy with a fishingrod over his shoulder gome in the opposite drection when the following- dialogue en- sud the clergy taking the iuitiati te dont jou know vou are a- bad bov yes sir doeeut vour father ewr punish you yes sir last summer he made me go to sundayschool twice ruinurg yotir feet with such cations the superiority of mother exterminator is fhown by i on the childron purchase give it a trial hr t a- slmiim oxygeuild emulsion of purn if you iuave weak lunb- sale by ajldmeitu an actor makes love to a pretty girl in private life dearest i lojeyoa devout- elv i iruplort jou to listetixo me i i t 1 goodnes3 wherefs the prompter caustic appli- graves worm s good effects a bottle and cod liver oil ise it for stfacobsoil promptly isi permtiestly rkeukatism latobsco tlcftdxche taothche keuraisia sore throat swelliqc s c x a t i i c i 1 spralnsjj ilri til burnt real da astbltec c a lj rrupts rnl llalcn jvcryjhcrc iia ft nam lsntrjjt fticiu oil diamo verac ura fol dyspepsia akd j ll stomach roubles kdicestion nausea sour stanrw ach cidcflrsiocs kcartburn consti pation fullness food rfslnga olsagrceatile taste kervous- ness at iriirili rccu f s- c iwtiji ryer kct by mulloq bv jiuj ju ktampa fciuu fiii a m th ueji si ttrcno oh mefisr- c c kuuuiih t jlv gents fur homo ytirtrjavijht3 oaly partial uh erf my amtrtmomd by euddap btram 1 have ued nearly every remedy without a ltvt until i got a sample bottle of mivahd s limmknt the benefit i recclvtfd from it cuhm to ooutinae iti ue tvnd now i am happy to say my arm is completely restored glamis it v haciison lliiicli wftcloii ret and timely vvisdom is shown by jiug dr iowleri kxtrict of vild klforof exprnn- of those most exposed to the rigor canadian winter buffer most with what canuot be well avoided but can be certainly and promptly cured by st jacobs oil and that is frostbites if negleeted they sometimes cause the loss of a limb but they can be easily cured ab stated a d nqyes newark michigan writes i have enquired at the drug stores for dr thomas kclectric oil hut have failed to find it we brought a bottle with us from quebec but it is nearly gooe and we do cot want to be without it as my wife il troubled wilh a pain in the shoulder and uuthing else give- relief can you send w some purity of ingredient and accuracy of compounding make milburne aromatic quinine wine the criterion of excellence a gentleman was considerine what kiud of a present to give a young lady friend and at iiht deciding that it bhould be a ring said to her now my dear friend what kind of a ring would you like it is so very puzzling there are so man v aorta well mr smith one you know dont like to make a choice iij thce matters little delicate yon nnderktind hut really if you infin upon it- wh i should like m f nghgetcjtntrirtl vhthe innocent replv vh ll n pipuhir keei strawberry ut hand tliitjizs one would rather bjave left uji- written proud father ireudipg his 6ons schoil report manners ulgar very vulgar hut itrhaps this is iereditary are you deaf or do ou buffer from noieehin the head then nend 4 cent stamp and i will send a valuable trcatiec containing full particulars for home cure which costs comparatively nothing a splendid work on deafness and ihe ear address pnifg onakeajodtreal briton if you arc euoh 1c rampant american i ehould think yotf would remain where americanh are most a jpreciatodv americau- i do in london tucj parts iovsumitwfi cncktv an old physiciao retired firorn practice having had pluccd iu hiu hands by anput india injfabianary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for thfe peed and per- nianrra cure of cotipuniptlon- bronchltlsj catarrh asthma and all tbroa s6d lttrig aflectioiib afso a ponitivfc andndical oain for nervous debility ang all ne votis com plaints after having tested its wonderful curative power in thoueacdeof cases fata fell it his doty to make it knoim to all his suffering fellows actnated by i and desire to relieve human will send free of charge to all wi this recipe iu german french or english with full directions for prepixtcig and usifcg sent bv mail by addreieiui with stamp naiijing this puer w a- novm hlfjwvtb block ivochuster u y his moltfe altering i odeiiroit bfbfjhf jt ijkh proven il abolule merit oer anil over agftin lecatie it h an un- ejuaited record of enrtft techufeit business is conducted iira thoroughly honest man- iier snd becauke it combines economy and ptrciigth being the only lodicme of which 100 does one dollar i true these strong points have mihe hoodii fjbf-apar- illa the mot successful medicine of the day t rll you rautfiktdcasgflelph wsfyana tor iptprtknioc c ml j our orfferat his pvoiig mot kijiarda luomiiatfer elunoutuas mr j h allan upholsterer toronto send us the following for fix ac seven year my wife suffered with dycfiepfiia costivenefi inward pile and ki1ny complaint we tcwa two pliysicianraid any number of medicines without getting sny relief until we got a bottle of northrop and lymans vegetable discovery this was the first relief she got and before one bxite vtm used the benefit she derirajd from it sras beyoqd onr eipectatfod jcutardt liatmeat ror eheainacltm some dhitwren qrotling too fast btcomb littlest fretful whfiaut ner- gy thin and weak fortify aim sulld them up by ui8 uw ofj qf pure on liver oil 1 kypothospkites tit latue and soda flji t kilt is 1-pbetex- cow op- cocoas 08 colds m tke 0ts iso ratikff et is omcflll atmimmttt scm it bowtir b itoaa wrmppr it til drogjiiu hfc tat tt00 castoria for infants and children trtcctntneii4itm taoirntom 111 so cutarlnlskh uhldtptadtoeifldrttluim firarfar ta uij pcakcfpudi a aacnxjc u d et nrootlfn k t th us of q aocfi b so eafnrfl md it mrtts so wtil k lava uit ec swatt a work of tumnncttjaa oeodormlt fawtretlia tutelllctnt fimllla h4 do not keep cutorlc r ithin hit rflch tta rtstor biootnjn4lflo sat goaqd churdi oruioru mm dblis onstfrdtlcia bwrbtomica dltrtaaa erucudon so worms ttiasj dp ud yraeouttajiffto tmm the oldest drtig 8 vv 1 t6ri yhyfo 11 i r smiths mool tonic r i pjdrois j 1 1 s in biwesrj fusesct tyoii ise th6 safest am lbeit prepar ation for purjf ungfehejblood and gfvirig tor et6 sys- itern lives of ohildren sudden cad viols ohokft mochut bowel bompltin8 uin prectatioa is ettrtetofwild gotosmitl i artdgetibott ira often ondinccred by t ueickt ot oholern dftrrljoca dysentery sinj a rcisonsblo nd cer- to keep dr fowler str wberry tlwuys tt htnd uo you su lly trsntlttcj or i figuratively it i tbiuk a single scratch sore victoria carbpli cuts woandi brui pposthtt klijah wis litcr- the sccountto bo taked was 9 freo translation may cause a festertne icsalvc rapidly liealt burns and all sores this man iub a dqsi of i amters ui 3 asnaco in llih lor pulti xv u have atcoui in iiik ivk paper to pay tho printer ink on it v youf eve uishtii uur object wo want you lo rn your trade wttf v fuli dtir mis ninl wo nlil i ink k-r- boots shoes trunks k valises and you will find prices fat aud ijuilllv always i- itit- or giro mo a c411 and y bnd how cheaply i can this td dcli wtk u will bt burpristd to it you out lxwkott for wm william 3 a t i fiil tuiauoieub lt in 6 pm mull pr tfttpalpued t ji fan clooso attif 4f tj- js oovvl if wb j6annaridialpni ii r oglls 4i vent into lfltwtvodt i yf s drag store eknd try it cor wyndmini maodoliald s teet cpuelpa i i i- i ttrfu lujr cttrj 1 4a n- men iwttlf iaitep tfiot frlitk tilurniulf uxra utmn ktinit isinn a n4loi con i kaic tui uk 6ie ct mtit eviixp bv or yvlltto blckhess a lifclnoi tuy 1 wtmrt mv rnnttdrxoititrf ho ic a- iwtxuwi ttkert ttarq fallrj ii lu rr4i ht lt l rcirlilrn a coif fvl at tn tuf a tviir uul a t- uotua ot hj lf rtmrjj gltltck n4 itvstokkjn h q rspt mc ibq aoeuidest acton snmmer clearing sale we specially ij vitoclobc buyers anj people with niotiey to cull arid eee and ejnriiitie our im- rnedee stock e have deter mined to clear 01 1 summer goojis even at a loss as ve consider tliiit better than to allow themselves to be eilten up with interest the purcbasiug publie catinpt afford to forget th a ifact that vye will give them pi nuine bargains bo that it will rtiitifute the scarcity of money and hard times a few illustration j dwssgootls and dress silks a large btoatc some of them reduced to half- price dress gooc s 3c per yand millinery to be cleared ont regard less of cost iiats or ic uj man tles andjacketsgenuinc harguii sj parasols 25c up sateens irin s shirtings tickin b staple oo is of all kinds extraordinary clici p ginghams 5c per yard crean seersuckers e h ryard fiicto y cotton oc per yadi white cot ton 5c per yard jopd check d shirtings 5c perard cottonac c 10c per yard a tin 3 lot of carpets grand tapestry jarpet for 25 per yard lace lurtains greij bargains fine setta for 75c ready- made clothing bj stock chieuti nlco blue serge su ts for men tojr s375 it would bi inipossible or us to enumerate ur stock but bargains will be given our milffnery and drssruaking del partmenta are alnays leadi for orders mourning atid wediliiif orders especial iittended tc gents furnishings mid nurnnler ed clothing icjiajtiiient is mi tticngp inspect kii it lid patron ngi respectfully invite w mc pure powdered l vi e plwt ctromc e btsar rornw in nr nna nf 8qualowimriknii casi acaoeqalj3jij famarxii oro st w gtouiuz nu r- a id t be8t r msksu oaa ulimijrclouia btnrstu b ourai breech loader we wisb to call the attcotipn of kportcrnen or 12 ounce top ijver laminated steel bartela oho rebouddidgi haraoaera veil selecud- pistol irip v shooter with 10q folded shells my bize or gufleri in wbat wostyle our all houad doable ffsrcilad breocft to4diilj6an 10 e bsired cxteusion rib case hardeol breech tud ihoantinri low eat citcalsjr luiit stclc aiiijpateot snap fore aicueokeredirablier heel plite a gbod doee terproof cauvascovernnel lined with btnilei kll fr 2dob address a orders th jhas stark co szndjsophurph sjt toronto 3afeppintthe to our wouh beinc rapidly potted toward prices of lots of koods exactly half what they youit pujtchases ju3t now worth yard gxey f aanel at 25c per yard the best value we ejier sold genfa faijnishioj special attractive bareain i night 8hiru only coo each cboica c boy kuittod shirts laced fronts lit 10c escli cleaning ot white knitted shirts lacod frcuu uto worth 05o good quality of boys belts 8ci beltsat 10c all bajgains henheybhirni at i5cold price cjc very special lot of mens silk scarfs cheap 20e linen collars latest shape 2 for 23a and handreda of other bargains yqu right hou8k than now look where y wltlojureor rtelil biu0ucess dfspekiaij- ikdfgestwrir 1aun0ke i erysipaas salt rhebm heartburn headache dizziness i oropsitv i fluttering 1 oftrleheaff acioftyoe f the stomai dryness i i0fthesi iaa and overy secicj cf- a trom otiitnd erect- vh rtws he completion of our new premises before ws get titera w wi fi to dispose of large portipujof our slock and have marked do vh ihousjnda of dollars worth of goods for a grakd clei rikg 8al5 wero before many advantages you can secure bt jtakikg v of mention choice of the entire stpefcof sammec in lfjeecr tined jerseys for si co and 173 each aearinjf out the balanoe of white ani fancy blomen at toe and fteacijwcu h macimore tancy french flacnels elegant patterns reducec lo goc pd 55 former price 73a fine heavy sfcirtingi wort i0ctduiid to wlcanotlierjiot of those good flanoejettcs jinly ic canton flannel sjc peryant all wooc grey jflsni els at fe3r j ijargaiusoa thpgiovecoanter wiuiutpruii joa giotm all 3c per pair formerly me mitts at 15oworui zoal blackitaffeta uitta at lie wortfi 25c large variety of laos from lo to 20e mi li rartfa three tims the price i dress trimmings 5o and ido many leu hia half price really nicogoods see them nan secure iltlces never lower under the r0 df of the kiw rimnv itanw v t p w b prent themxetits on si udef large sb spitent of st tivv nb i german made hanfeishott jackets shoojderoapet one caae of f of ftir of lv dresjc wajgora caaetmanllb tcoloiedvmteleens godf several 4 rtr r i i j wu iu uv uorf care id irf wikont urdssels tapestry and wools largo assortment of litiolemns- and floor oilelothaijd rnany other wweofta entecthe store neit to the wud fence corner ofking aud fujihsau streets look on the window foe the name j hajnilton septerdber 2nd 1601 chadian i can furnish y ou with the best pre- thomaso txt atttth- l printers jkea i ses fdr country news andfo1ij work to- be country and at lower prices thanifor anyother new cylinder- press coke tdkciton nd sebqvb improved country prouty presil ad in this thefree press is pnnted on th no 1500 drurri cylinder pie thi we have ran tho prouty fcc eight years aud thel easy to handle joosta little for repairs and is eisyoa tl today for the aioney come and see our press at worl ihemj we catf flivetyod yodr choice of a number ol difl think of it a new rjcolvfplio or art 8 col book pie above press aridthe work illustrates its mrits ss can do better newspaper or posterwbrk ohger we run it tho batter wo like it it is simple easy to run hi printers packet book we call h the- best press to behad if youdesiresamplesofwork seodfbr them and we will itentbjze and style of presses at all prices sy oh type in ihe world g adfj furnish hr or 5c0i qtop6wer press for only 606 to ss tors8oo full particulars from j- agetufoj canada actonjpiita rt 00 the uargisst scale wjorias j iw gnada v qm e ripo st y des i q jf- hay spates grain socles ifarm pcauesi teascal impfiflieds hqmet i dbawers meifgtipjiers ami sutchess supplies amkss tic rcui- write xr n cjwl86t 80nj 6 0espuaape sthetrreast x tpsontc p summer touri i f pawccstcinjraa toi poor rrix p wk btra i j detroit mackinac bland t ptoikrtiie smhiiomtj ana i iskt enron- tuna 1 r oetrqit j and cleveland fcaalr oal olig itlustratefr paa4phets asa eaoatelcerm foarnlii br 7ur oca aieak or iilissj bt7mjioaaslxnik ctisi a- schantrjawt a p dctcn- uch tlffktmitj- levelactb5fe4 ittjp ext oft i jrwr ud ihbleramorhus ramts- and vuj susfmer cqmplklhts amd fluxes o the bowels t s safei akd reliable fof chilorenormults 1 i htw a wtfat tttoftlj tor tbabsrw iaeaa trjltt w cicafaqiu al tin a thd ttrit lini i at la riaadlag lavc btt eansi iiaal vi ttrcoc la jaj f a iia that a kiri hfo bottles 71 ji a valuible texxtuc on thuibe ts btfcrer rtdta lend ma ihair zjs hiss and pa fctttn t a suoim m cru86 aoeuubi st west torohto drrr -i- j- zi pom thecooksbestfrieno larqistsal-einicanaoaii- i sllaards unlismt i k bhenmttsjn ha 4 m

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