Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1891, p. 1

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t rcsttrxo i v everv thursday morniko at tbi- free rtsseiralrinuuf otic ittu street t actos 0 ss douerwr rear rffessjwfj ls0 rt 5r if not 10 nail toth dt oa tie tddrca lib atrinjit adrerusw- jttt cuu pwlu tot eacb submqaeot lle table shows vsssg of irtcc mfijssrrr js um ctj j5 wtoimai without specific ifcrectiocs jf3ff i banc once each sssrljr fcr eh om than pm month the comixjcitio matt be twud for at recauu retec i tract sdfcrtitetaenti luust be ib wo k by nooo on tuesdays hruoobe editor hid proprietor j ijrajj ko liisa ino i mi ra wi to wm tin i itco toco jm 100 ttsutfss fitrtcfiitt tre towry l b u0ps u of rhyileiejirand surgeons ooceibd rwidoeeat thehead ot frederick rt accon d lb uren psttsttryi scaacox icrorrarxx orrtcr avn rmricsndr jfcgerviui hoosa corner 1111 and frederick street ju l- bennett lds dentist or oboe to am ajmsuo pvarshalliidsddslds dentisl iwsu be at clarta hotel every friday clean jiclen barritter solicitor no tan c cvmreyaccer vc print funds toloa o3oetown hall acton wm ajifcitis jvo a mclcue t ajmowat bmtstta soucixoa noting pcbuc j uoneyto lota omce dat tuesday and saurday orrici ktenifjni- block acton obtain s hilton wallbridge ast0se barristers scuitctrac taroxro ixd grosartcwx osee creelrnans block geergetews enii trtder iltnk ctmtcr g3 tocce fttaronlb jshtltoxil w n wiuuiirxie ktetosl patents secured 1 sfcxj i fos ixvkxmons hesbr gbist orrti curriat treat jti pritiee ko vittaf k rt vysf hehstbeet llccsscd acrnoveeb for the conouee ot weupjton cni hilton orders left tt the fkcz ir3s o5ce acton or n ray reetiecce in acton till be promptly it- lenilto tcnnj reasonable aijo money to loin on the inoit iironble termtusd it the loe ret of intenxt in came of ioortldnpvlrdi tohk da o i architect xjcelih ott ornct qaeenf hotel block market fcaare e1rakcis ndsak saeeeoorto t fchapmtnl sookbkdbb 5torgsiilr oaelpionttrio 1 account boafce of all kin made ja order fertolictli of 4rert4eritrtion carefully sound kolinnatly cad promptly done rhhe haslan barber shop hnx s niir acroi aney cnare a ctyliah haireat a co0daefoam aqe iuror betted and pot in gfxtls cooditica ladiee aaicoijdrea e hair uatiiy cut j hwob6ex new strong expresswacon 2llilnch phice 60c9nts baby carriages fidwji croquct r traders op canada wnted r act of pariumetit toronto headoirioh otrm l acrtoiutto oatttj l 1aid tjt bwt dry uy4iai the llet stock i ami lotrcct pricee sslls j3hekef bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 asvvxgslerartieitj has lcu ojicucd in conucction with branch iutrrttt alloweil at current fiatei this jas hf1nlay w barber bros paper makers georgetown qnt kake a srecultt 6 machine ftnisfied book papers hkn gkadi weekly xewsi the piper used in this journal is from the above mills wu barber bros steel engravings proof etchitp colonil pictures licture uouldingr ivory oak tdgyifra silveb oilt artists materials a fnll ttock o wtmor i nctoi flake white doable tcu kor tu u ltic rx 10 deep liioto fttiuie- complete 3v1 ifktcqnucep4urlru5pittigcitjc nr wall papers are kaid ro t tbt lts etccttj in hip citj waters bros kstaklishfd 18tj st george s square guiilph fjejl ml job printing kcluniks becks fumphletf toiler bill hecda circalcrf de dc executed id the t ttyle of tie trt tt modertw rici tnd ou tbort notice apply or tddr f h p uoobb pncc pncfeii office aod j i l i- i f wellington marble works f qcuec stkesi gcelph clafjk etcarter dtltect importere of grtnite aoa uirbte ltoninetit tad hedtoaeor 1i ttd cacl frfrtn tfae cirest decias all work tnd tot- tniu vtrrtatrf flrctclus ptrtiea vjehloc to rixcbse wilt plate gitf pi a ctll url inspect oar stock cm pnoe u we ere confident we ccn pampcta kith ny cubluhmtat in ontario hjtrinc cold out my interest to the tborc firm 1 ifecpoetfallr solicit the ptrone to my friend j tdd tba public oa their uehttlf i j h ham iltos ll- 1 agents wanted ifyoo ttst to mie money take bold nd ulloorcboie knriery vck- now i tbe time trite as ex once for terms may bhothebs xnnerymen kocbester k y i i aoents wanted in eyery townihip to mil the pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor 1 the raoat complete and comprehensire irofk ereepaliuehed it anthem atand at the bead of tielf profeaioa and hare a continental repu tation wortb it weight in eold p any- one haiinf horaea sheepcattie swine ponltry dosi or bk a grand opportunity to ipake jttooey 6eare territory at once addrese b n moteb pttblleber 120 ton e st toronto new planing mill sato nd poor ftotonr r- john camerpbj contractor haa fitted pp the tmildlng oa main street lately occupied as a trunk factorywithncwniaclilaery add ij prepared to furnish plans specifications and estimate for all classes of buildincsiand execate all kinds of r ditessivg matchisff ind m0lxdlvg kaex sxl rmjs or behes doors arid windersrs and door frames and dressed lumber and keep a stock on likal all orders promptly attended to john cameron acton livery ttfstis line v t j l the ondenigeed respcctfuy eolicitl tba pttron nge of tfc public icd infonnb them ttrnt weil equipped and stylish rjgs ctn al- wys be secured at hie tablet- a comfortable bus eieeti train between 9 am and ft16 pm carefalattention frca to cverv order tbo want of coinmerdal travel lers fully met john williams wellington mutual ffrejksmgeuekpilny- head ofce cuelph insores buildings mcrcbandim llanufactorie aad til other description o inearable property on the cub and premium koto bystm f w stone chas davtjdson president manager johm taylor agent cdal fc wocki 4 james brown haaonuendaiergoquantityofcicellent ool which he will promptly deliier to sny part 01 be own at reasonable price hardwooj and slab cut stove length always ea hand tofnnotiecoiniilbnfotuott j hamiltoiis garble worfoj half ilttpsf week formerly hitchs block the goreicorner of woolwich and norfolk streets guedph ont john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail dealer and direct importer and manufacturer of all- kinds of granite and marble uonuments tombstones etc having had an extensive experience for the last if years the pnbllc may rely ou betting an superior articles at a cheaper rate than any olhtr dealer inthe west k rl ceived aoooa quelph branch corner o wrndham ani quebec ttrwlc adviticci mido to fartnen on their awn notes i advance made to farmers qp iba fecur- ity of snles notca sale not a collected and no clurgo made for collcetii g radcpoi ifsj of ft and upwards rocclrod in ihobaaingybuik dcpartmcat and 4 per cent paid a general 1 inking business transacted a f h jpkeg icaasgttr qiieipli fraacb ouelpb dixnabcr isoo i crindells machete repar8h0p la tdditlou hr3e bacbinery repairing iitn now prepared to ao i shoeing aeaeral blaokfimitliliig tuft tnou cat factory maaner woodwork re- pain alio made cstrefu attention given to ail work brought in aoy titachh oor implcuieat by wbotueoarcr tdanufacturet will bo repaired iu awort man liko manner pfow and iiacliinery rtpajrt coaitautly on bijnd hekrv arikdetjl season 1891 while rcturaioc thnt o oar iixaoy pat- ronj foi tbeir liberal support la tb pc ire iwiifa to t iform yoa iha w ht8 oaeret into an arraaietseot with r eteirart qaelph toteepccatuiutoa bauda fall itoeuof tti frtlqary tixw df 3as h doors etc aad wtll alto t ipply any special c on abort xmjtfefltqttasia prise j frarjiasofaiiktrtas made to order we also keepin stock line of ne window lid doorcaeing ooraer ilkjctr ere s 1 1 yottrloml r dretwd while ron wait rjrice ii bo per u poiyips lielng- betted ble than teretofore wo will tonply cither rood omronpampt promptly all work gaart atccd aatltfactory please cah iutj inspect before arcbuiac elxcwliere th s ebbage mttnairer thirds aides p irslrnds desiccated wheat fordyi peptics and anyone witlil weak digestion thyit the ilteunt national food co ltd ohonto over 2o30c d in use in canada and the united states ten hours inrsluablefor iar in canada foe table foot heater solid comfort for 2c in write use in ail sorts pf vehicles the hpusefaold a ad in store and ofilcea now it the time to send in your orders for samples and prices to the cline manufactuirng co 28 fivr at wtsttocoxto agents wanted oiintlemen rder now yoar fall suit an d overcoat new r goodb g peciklly imported for my trade choice patterns f fit style acfl workmanship thebest prices thetlowest i- my specialty perfectfitting 4 pants to orde 15 per cent ofllrfin t dkect order rer for tbo next dvs l v s m cook co aeosoetown uotnted aootloneera apiiralr tain- tbrr cou3torakleitalflani general lan4 agents j ros tbz cocmri or i biltori pie4ifaitttisijnoo tor l 1 ff qthstfto maiswvtoteetiifrcmemaosjsfriwcwat i parti otictfiersl4oretba4ioeswn itrcsafwtubji the asm protnftlratkqdod oacndral- hare 1 ottuw axb san booisrui it oeow- jlspasssiboa vk 8- m cook t co ibssjia ottkx a qamb st esat tolrtoto kjiloo cx3aactimr j snenm and foronw bell pianos organs wk8k awaiidzd ihk gold medaii at jamaic alnternational exhibition 1891 in eoujctitlon tb atncrlcan german english and caziadian manufacturcri r v a i nelson shionable oiothier 99 ttpperffyndharast guslph i eiix ti t xn bat a ewntry fiir abfttfqjji at baucaygijoa of ithatniltoal chnnfng cojiatry girlt tb6aflh not in style wuievecoiatkill at half utita rot y cbocks i sptfladldfoha aiwtyicljssaii inctjtn sa4 storm coiintrr mi j tiltb grit aad kad vfaljci with ducky kandiln band dora a pocket goes blc licad- bho ioofbott befrflihmaot stand cbeoaaut kud cuady half waferuielok eatb ico cream roltoirt tiion a pear or tkcb iu scarcuing f ua krcry onosincat tiverybodyt bappy eujoymcat luaoccqt homo once tuortj in ttuiaclbero i tllg hertad svla and tutidea fair wo mustnt wajitl t5 sco it tbrdoclt vvouldatyojf ikd jfffnttlu siiitng jnjeiqlit ivstibitvli uiai lied lira chatterton k pry pretty yoai g widow with one littto boy boaght ja leortagoat b tind fame there to c die thought it an earthly paradise iataa entered in paradise and the very firat day that little- roland chatterton went oat i 3 play a great dog jumped i the hedge whic diridad bc mothers garden from her neigl iocs and barkod and growled moat tcrri ily at the small man in petticoats and ed dockings who at onco flew to hts motl er with piteous wails and shrieks of terrc r j jjlxuj phsijtfatan caresasd iher child ptaa fhira itrafety in the uiddle of her bed nd rakhcxi ont into the garden armed with qnrtain pole to erpl the intruder h wis there still sod had frightened the v ttle servant in a white cap who was callo rolands nursemaid i o such a degree that ite had climbed a vi ie- trellis and eluu to it half way np cr ing piteouslj- jfe tawhiie i man of portly habit and so well resaed tpdbarbered tlat bot for his disgn iting condnct ifrs chatterton would hato xneidcred him a gentleman stood on the jo her side of the ledge anghing j a 1 he wants to do i up ick your hand j yoan woman this masca ino individual was i tying heatbe bes terrp red fd low come down and be friends with him j- i i nt sir i squealed tlie little maidi im that afraid i shall di sir 1 i had a coasii i died of hydryf oby si ooh oh hesii climbtdgtrpaftcr me i ir j chatterton though i lortally afraid of the dog herself waariiete rmlned not to quail 3ef ore these insofcnt intruders sho advuoedslowfy j i c 11 your dog away kir the 6tfd the brnte has alreadj intactjr ngiifcned my k a intocoavnlsiarji now bo attacks my servants ko doubt i sljall bo the nciti nctln call bim off hi rexeo cried hpgjbtlenijn lee heard and obeyed relt ctantly ci me down child said hrs chatter ton it is most shocbng that we should have bis to bear is that y ur dog sir t lat is my dearest friind jleo re plied haportly gentleman and allow me to tell yon madam that he is worth any tea men and all thawoirjec i jhaerer h4ju persot down mrs nity o e missmisjne ito beaftvthevfapng is quite aafej ytietnt she come v chatterton conscious that the dig- the situation waa not increased by the gr at exhibition of polka dot stocking which sophy was making repeated her comm nds the maid decended and rushed into 1 ie house uttering and m s chatterton turned mastc sir only 6 1 musi wild shriek to the dogs 6he said as i cannot permit my ns life to be perpetually in danger request yoa never to allow that dog unpleasant one to be addressed in hat fajhion to bo looked at ai mi salt ba had joked at bcr tjion he had- ailed liar son her baby yet in polllcoau a oiwardly mjlkwpf cflniidefing he oxhlb of rioikadotjstoekins she did nptfoe mueh ytnpalhy for sogbp at jll ibdliaci lehaved iik a brula to ittwlgitlah joiieii to punish him andsio conld noi sea 1 r way to if however sho had a gata opet ed into thf other roan that shemighl not alwayi boauiigcdto pasthii ndowjriigb ngoot from this time the widow aoitheb lohclor llcd ini stale of warfare only po ible to to counfry nctghbdrs there was a ways a caw or chicken igooso or a turkey o quarrel over the bachelor bad hi wash ing and ironing dodo at homo uy nil chinosa servant hat offioial lid hfr cwheakhe to a br inch of an old lre which giew cm sirs chaltcrfonvside of th dlvfd- idghedge 1 i- jscrf chattertoc wftited jintil ill he shir and stocklrigs were hung up at dthen had sophy untlo tlia rope sophy at it and all ho garments lay upon fits j round kr stuphen con jultod a lawyer ane ifrf chatterton had a bill tor clothes lii e and datogoto garments preserlfod her which sho pad- it was only one pf a thou- and annoyances rit this wentona fo 11 year at least everybody in the rillag knew aboat it and everybody blameci t ia old batuelor but curiously enoaghi a great attachment had sprang op- between be original cause of the quarrel he great kcwfoundland dog priuca leonard ha widows little boy roland who ha now got litoknickerbockcirai and had i hi d his long curls out the heads df he pp xwing grmics should liavo thurefcraci but they djd not ithey pretended not to knoi any- thing aboat it j there sas a deep pond almoat j a lake hard by ho little clnsferof cotagoof vhich mrs chattcrtons was fine and rolat d had been forbidden to go ncarltj alone ajaa when bis hajir was cropped and hi ikirs put away tho baby vanished forever roty became a boy and he not only wait to the lake alone but went there ofddla about in uio water ono iday- h was misaed i i sophy had lingered at her glass a vhile ie yieit of the arrival of the yoang bulclier a great terror 6eiied upon the me ther she flew towards the pbid i as he saw her coming naughty butand ran further into tho water and lost hi foot ing jlewaadrowing djrowningbbfeiialierr eyes she could not swim but rusheftin after him shrieking loudly instantly aman rushea ross the and a jdog passed him and flew into the iter mr- sutphen was the man prince lco- thedog the former bre ag6t oat the ady tho latter the littlo boy j j rut for their promptitude both nouid along oni as soon as mrs she on have been drowned and chatterton felt sura thoy were not knelt down at leos side und kissed ijii his good brown nose yon dear thing i love you saidshe and you sir rny eternal gratitueb is yours i after this peace reigned between the cottagers offerings of roses from the gentleman and of custards from the lidy brought on calls and teajdrinking iof course aj 5frs cluttertpns boa and e aj mi ay tvliil one day while they sat opposite each oi her with roty between them and prince too at his mi iters feet mr sutphen remarl red this is very nice i should like ft to be so alw ys mrs c jattertou blushed bhonll you ho asked ill j be lory very good to roland i lclve him deal ly and 1 11 bo very good to prince t she said- and and oyou so it w is settied i wants to see gu for he has fqil hale j cu lioutiily o qua rayruenta 0 jqmef 1 icubio store i 0 lower wyudtiam street qacliii ptwlkhik i i w dry g i what will suit you 0ds to ente r my garden again il request him not td dp so replied the gei tlemtn hes partul to a bit of fuo tl ough hes iikame in that it is bis set seof the ridiculods i am j sate that brings him here if yoa will climb trees when ke appears be may think it toogood a joke to lose he mjiy insist on coming a dog who wtruld belive llkathat would prove aimself mad replied llrs chatter ton ml amqnita as averse to hydrophobia as sophy is i shall think it my duty to shpot t ira if be trespasses od my grounds again mrs chatterton did not cwn a pistol and co ld not have fured oneiii she had but the thr att enraged tho stoat u ntleman per laps- yon would iikef io shoot fne also 1 e sard observe niuu am i am on my ow i grounds not on yoursl i have my own p iniudof any ono wl o can taka a dislike oji noble animal like that who can repplae his otters of affeotioi i begin to dotbt h oreajttres sagaci yl generally he ma es no mistakes why he shonld make a ivancea to a cowardly little milksop of a x aidkirkeiling idic t of a maid- servinl i aroj sura ij cant jaess come lao ifadam j ad visa yoa to take yoar family idrvpabteuraa sooi gooeln orning thi insolent wretch chattel on i oh aint he mum gasped sophy a thedop i id mind to seyusa him mb biling water called cook from the kitchen win dow oh 1 bot he the divil ihats what heis adluckto hmj j tha i idividual thias described was not yet too ar awayto overhear ani 1 ho grinned sardoni ally j j j peop a said of mr 6utphen been jilted in hiayoatii and donej i that it veterato jokerj sothern had raada an appoii tment with tooljo to dina at a wellknoti n restaurant j the hour of m jet- ing was frxed and sothern arrived se ma few minutes- before the appointed time an elderly gentleman was dining at a table at a little distance from that prepared for the two actors he was reading a news- paper which ho had comfortably arranged beforeliim as he was eating his inter sothern walked np to him and striking- hima smart blow between- tha shoald rs safd hallo old fellow who woald have thought of seeing you here i thought neverv tho assaulted diner tar led around angrily when sotbern exclaim i beg you a thousand pardons j sir i i thought you were an old friend of m a family man whom i never expected toj see here i hopo you will pardon me tho old gentleman growled a reply i nd sothern returned to histible where he was presently joined by tole to whom ha said i see that old boy ill tt yoa halt a crown you darent go and giro him a flip on the back and pretend yoa have mista ja hiin for a friend i done 1 said toole and done it was ni- mediately with a result that r be im agined lvrdon titsiu 1 boats shoes l ajnjd grofeerel i a trial soucirbd vi j as possible gasped mrs ists eoxe i or else a jight basket j hare the governor of moscow recently avfted iojm pkriiiau journalists to witness a drill givea by jreglmeatof csifsaokiof the don thd ben ii the description which one of htfwrluri gives of the j wonderful perfor mances of i he i oatalry g tha ciar c tledrillof the cjbssaoks is somethircfe marvelou we cniv to erfii ft jat at l the moment whentne colonel rode lipu hve ol tha ir neilrambliin the jroodsitavkij ot those bcgijipadnedtinbotsn fall gallop in fronhe squadrons inline in htusia the trammander of a regicneut navee apearf befprej hit troops witioat satotfngjlhsm- and prqatjnoing the follow ing watchi good morning my fineellowsl j to this lalulitioti the entire regiment reipondi we wish ydnr lordship ood healthi tha treopa ben scattered sd the tnanepavring begjin if was simply ui taandlag imagine the most exirafsgvht equeefraln prograinnie of a cirotn enrichedv by hemostexttaordinsry variations eirecy tiling that is deieajei eotnfoal masmifoent and wild ia he eqaesttun art ad thia wasdispiayed before at fat- two jong hourt by i hoaiand 055 ia a tempest of dust and mbvemenmufficfent lomake tha coolest heid dirsy 1 wet saw tionejs bbarjetlni like panthers and men jumping like rjjonkeye weaaw cavalrymctt booted with their voabinea acres their backs ind teir sabres in their hands charging whllej standing npriuht apon their saddles- others would piss at fall speed beside cossacks stretched apoa bje ground pick them ap like pocket handkerchiefs arid arrj them off across the croups ot their saddles otriert agaittwoaid pivottrpon jlheir saddles jand playall th uti gf jcircos biowni oua horse tripping apoa someobsttcleiapparen lly rolled completely over tha rider iwe tbodgttt ha waaikilted iipon the spot but he jamped upuvifif tug heartily whila h rearranged kia dam aged garmentsi 1 when het defila began thrice thutqrjadrons defiied before their oniwl first at a walltj hei at a trot and lastly al a cbarje tba charge wa somethinji tarrifls f 1 the cossack are armed and equipped in such a minnerlbat at 4 distance it is im- poeibla either to see or to hear them vthe aniforaw- sombre the scabbard are ot leather and their weapotia are darkenedi thera is no flasbtag oc crashing oeeteel and little or no jourul sjud yet ibk whole troop 9f men and horses pass noiselessly by at fall speed like si living squill 1 he colonel scrutinised tha appearluecc of each squadron and satisfied with each performance shoated vj i j verygodl ij tp whieih the daabl row of cossacks re- plied- y jj we will do still mfjt yetijdsrlcrd- shlpl i vj y 0 egrets of happy wedlock respect each othersj individuality do not try to mouldlthaj others ideas pr principles pr maunaraf to the pattern o yoarown seek to influence each lathee onlybythe power of higher example i by your own worthfness anel culture make the other pranctofyon do not feel ttiat marriage rives yoa any right lo demand or dictate or criticise j i maintain and allow he same freedom hat eriits between good and para friendij 1 allow mtimscy to become famiiiar- com- physi tri aajyi rooi ke itr bet vals in generosity apdiet misarldt standi 13 die for the licit p works coijider marriage a thepirtirership ot eeruslbj i share tha joya ind 6orrojs of life ils tolls and its profits as equal partners should j 1 j layer of d imp metis iu your receptacfe audi pat yoar jiuts ttrajk as ibon at twisibleq choose th oholoest srirbearfandieverali of one sot will not obaie tmiesi gather fbaj trees sprlgir of moss end siiy r ilnialare leaves tbstj yod think wu refal thetr beauty after beiriir dried and ipeci ily- keep a liokoat at- ferna souls plai li srei very tmtll and i iv best fo dig lac 1 apbjr the rootsk wljl be all he mote intereatitij to havj trie whole piaqt it wltfbeprpdeutto take alonra lirge thi book which can be fwhuy capped ogelher sx you may want to press som 1 of iba most delicate sowers immediate yi- have wo- covers perforated- with large ucjestoadriiit ihafr youcan bay u koi sotbotanisit portfelioa but a cqapla of- thin boarriit yoa can readdy tnaksj yodi wlfwillauiwor every purpose pat thirty r forty stasis of dryiag paper belweeriib ocivsts ana fasten f coojla of stripe of lather so as fofotmaconenrient handle r very carefdl fa laying ycfar specimens efweea the leavef to have every h3wef sepa iteaudamooth alter sot ie pleasaiij hoifrs in the woods yoa willed ne home with yoar basket foil- of ah kiuc s al plscfi and ioweo to preserve th rdetieate colore oc the lalter it uneceasar vthat they should bb dried si oncei plai a them on yoar dryingpaper audcarefal yarrangejjevery flowat- smooths inuontalithe wridkles if wy petals have dtopp hi off set them in pucawitii a littlejrnucil ice- soma fla tert cannot bear ibe touch jot a jwarm bane and these yoa witvijnd wilted they ma be restored by spjrfnkling with luka warm water and laying jthem wy over night i 1 a cool dark plice if yoaare in a hurry cutoffp art of the stems of the whted flow rrs andplico in a vase of hot water whve tbey will straighten inia few hours after arrtagin your specimeinsaa the drying pap r lay several sheets over jarrc imder hem and put iu a press or under al heavy weij it you will never retrretjthe few dollars nvestej iu a preski twelve boars after preerine chanze the papers and press 1 un ina few diysyourpjanta will ba read- to layuwiy batjbe earefai takeefj aider pressure aotil perfectly dr or jqur larger doners wttfrnohl or sfitiuk and huiloie ail beauty 1 iu mouuti ii m j ipecimeas i- a- hmyy bioanling p pe lij i8l ten ceotsa ieefrfvut aberiniierf would perbf bs do well to start with j bidders piper whii hia cheaper and jajst sjiilable a little mac legs miy be pat on the plant hereand tt srevor you may fasten ttby putitg pirr jwstrips df papxr seroac tt when yoc r mounting is finichedj write undereach s secirnea the date whea it was found the pi ice name cenu knet species the colpr- id le- farruli er nanie tha sheets may hea tre placed iaportfolios sccordiaf ito lenera or may be arrang2d so that tha sp jcimaas from one place ire together- idiea lyemtej otrfnaf r- safety ofthe why teegraph wires are undehcrounpinchina ch a supen ttioiis revecene fur the dead aooomplishex yeirs ao iu china soine lhingjhat 1 sgard fr the comtet and livinjfj even when aided by t judicial mai dale and radical municipal kever askj personal questions nor seek j methods has been only poxtiiffv ableto explanations for you ara not a hundredth part as reponsibla to each other as you are apt to imagine let your ipvo ba foanded in admiralion and frieadjlub j 1 strive to correct your owa sails and stud to make the other happy and be ex- ebedi igly careful that you never reverse this 1 ale j k fce p your moit refined aud gentle mari ner fi r the hcme ne er refer to a mistaka that waa made with ood intentions wla t wrong is pardoned bary it in obliv in c01 ader the others honor yoar qwn and iliieli each others weaknesses with sacred jealot ily resjernbec thatilkemtier nearly always of disappointment oc overwork oc sutlering l teach other as courteously iu private treat your friends in tha drawing accomplish i 1 this cotuitry said a tele graph lfuami nwhs- waa m thi empioy of the company ferae established the first iele graph line in china tha tejes witeit ire placed nndes grouud there ia dispoied a ho telerapli ancestors are that curious shadow upor eiijked- upon cttlarly in the and if the ctimpany had iot jlhein there would lave been ines iuchina odayv dead heldin peeuharireverence in muntry and the elating of a thegrave of m ancestor is by the chinese aaiti insult not to bebor re and it isalwaysrescufed with impetuiiu ragev kowthbre are no cerpeteciea oilgenexal burning grounds in china but ey iry familys anceitorspari rural districts are buried on small bqy financiers him ha present hflf men as it gave pat he bod had hated they were see no good ly o5efldcd as in the his last pinch in 1832 the erst steam- vessel- appea red otfthe shetland coast cansing great alirm to tho islanders who not unnaturally f xk it for a ship on fire it was not however till fifteen yefers later that the secluded inhabitants of the mora northern islands were first introdt xd to vessels propelled by steam intha summer of 1847 the lata mr- ln- derson then candiiate for the represei ta- tion of the icoaata entered ijfertain vex in yeil in his steam yacht some noise ras occasioned by the blowingoffof steam two unsophisticated lakridere who s era- engaged picking limpets on ha geosh ire surveyed tha fireship in blank aston la ment j i at lejngth the more stronggoiinded of he two handed his snuff horn to his terti led companioot with the- exhortation h jamie jamie tak doo a snuff far de oil snuff noes mair wi me ill we inoff toget ler inglory i i ho bad cioncludjed the great day of wr ith hod coma and that on board was tho at gel blowing the last trumpet certainly right alfcat women ha could io any 1 f them and when lb iehaved most horrijbfy instance a fcis wis a rtoe hai nevjf be hviftdltidst wmny dutcoor ey ftho was used to look upon lernmuralproteatorsarjjsudniirers bar a new senaatioi abd a meat thinqs atjoutthe house to clean brass fixtares rub thsm w th slices of lemon hen wash iu not water a weak soluliouof oookiugsqda willoli hair brush without weakenini thebrisi li fa wiping tip 1 stained floor pre ty gloss is given by adding a little keroiu ne foil to the water to get ridof loltcoru apply cot on wool soaked in castor oil bind it pu a piece of soft lineu iiisiiitiia zvmii the east end acknowledges proprietory claim to a coapleof smalliboys who are bound to become millionaires- the other diy they jwent into partnership tosell lemonade after spending cents for lemons andconcocting a fluid that would mike the circai pjrodict tarn gteeu with envy they located on a corner and let out their musical voices j heres yer fresh lemonadai ouly 1 cent a glass its made of pure lemonsandpure jwater come slack yer thirst with the treitar of the tropics k 1 every few miuqlesj they ahinged tiieir sotjgbut they hid no difficulty in securing customers every timo theyjsold ij cdaple bfglaseesa little water wis iddedjto the larnonade and thus helisdaoaverend fofirapply- i aboat an hoar after they begun operations tha beverage was getting pretty warm but tufcemiu caxna aiong and whila ha carried a chunk of ice io tba back door of an ad jominij residence one b the boys negotiated with the waggon for a gbbdjsfted piece bfi ice by the time be driver waa back tbe boy had remodeled theirtuiie jheres yoiir icclcold lemonade- walk apaod quench yotrr thirst oalytwocenu iglass j j8ay whatudid yer raiaethe nriija fer j the ice fddnt cost you nolhiug said a prospeoflva customer i j- what der ye take u ferknywayt wu tse reply if you dont waut to bay yoa dont need ler we can dispose oi the stock without yoa meddlia ijye think were finaneiarbvkttibaigwsttoii the- family pr iniae consequently every yjim orgirde iisa reoeptaclaaf ancestral remains and a china is liictry populated the revered be uee of dead and gaue mono- golian pcogeo tbrsmaj- be buod resting beneath ever few toda of earth when the telegrapl company went to work to put up he po esriirwhich ohaogitswirea the workmen ere etdbarrasaedevcry little while by wta hf ul ciiinirrien who would ruah angrily pdn wrtain poles and chop ttrerato fheroqud aud warjuilie work- withciu b furious chatter heir peril tmknbwrj to the workmi u who were at last forced to discontinue th 1 work andexpanutiau wi demanded by heanthoritiek theuii wi learned that t ie poles tbkt were- cut ddivri had cast a st tdow some lime ddfing tliq djyon tha fei aves pfjevered ancestors of chmameu ac ltbe insult could ba wiped out in do olhe way bul b suinmarily ret moving tfie pc es tt was found that this superstltaticrn was too sacred aona among chjnese lo overcome by persuasion er would put he a ap aeiiu- at tbe the catisabft lis interfereucewssti ire somethiojto tell adnr llotls meret i jre not toid a person bi ahdsheltbeastnqte al lisuvo conieuted to share datfasfe ab i be is the happiest an1 we are to taarry i me took uie to see bis o six looms and a nqatl oh wont cava be btppjjaiic jortolt i an4r lewtiodaywm6jrixir hebuiltlthlmself ii 1 and clapboard be ladd irow youiere must pot fe said with yoor wi andohlitwiabeiutoil to brighten thatsweet and mifieit ihfvleireat to- oarie wftbona be j thecartalnaahall he of jand whitest to lt ibi sesi in tbrougu roeefvines that enrob oer lii wa- j oiw- i j j tomofrowl ihlntrn uegla- b at then we innsf keep ilk secret uetweeanswe four myou know i u mmtultof itonlyilayrblspers j dearsiiter whenaret wjcjb and when tuadsy eomes ir the weajunf ta yon little kirkln tho svjo thewetjellsthajigtnthbelfv i will tell to thovtnage ttj ule- j bat goodnews is coach uaejtbe sasslffw and goodtaewsutmuchjlcetbe deaf ttgociwhertsoeyerilhiteaij- j it id not eenined to tbo ijw t the- ineldcnjs bruit eyes tell the storjl and davies gay moodwitiead ibrti andtha secret iurbe wttepeatod whea tie weddligbellirloglntb j tin yaku what the traffic cos rrow much of oar acti fndastry hoc iu exports eacl i p hat four and a hill theiiqeor iniporters the tbtei exports ot j kindef bfj the roviude or kova scotia for dutvjratfi 188989jtbe trade returns dfmanjelmt rti eato883j8i rthli f uluiei uioot j r eaportcoalt ships timber tab agriprjtor- if uprodaca and all manafaeiured artiplea it required oolytdse half ipfvajt tljisgteat sura to pytneimiuorters liqtior biljj iu required more than ijrtiaret siuuhej fitrelga exports- of prince edsvard islvjcvto meiet tbe domibionhqdorljfll v j the total exports of ait tik mines of lbs tire quminion rttuai yeaf tbeea tratu returns lell us was wbrtft414li ptt fpisft abo encmguj to pay oor liquor ani- portk jbis ncfuded nuooai ijon copper gypaumi coal oil pliospbate soa and warble little wonderj that carad- is not being enriched by her rnioeril j llf wtaltb abundant aiitls j j j rihetotaf exports of all capadaa mapu fact una after more ihan twelve years ej ieayy uiadon borne loyallyjby tba people iujorder to develop them waa ttl811m9 or a small balaooaover thejmpoo lleroor hii 3 the manufactlircs ioo njedonri implemenja bribery and a last the telegraph company l as a matter 0 economy airdself protection laid their win s beneath the sarf aces ffbere ttrey bavebee 1 evertince i l a tiebanana ktotiee fe m k littifu the experience of naomi the dingbter of etiooh should no ha forgotten by girls slibdeouredlbat shewoild not roirry jinjone who was nptjosi-perfeot- and she atcnotretm husbadd until ste w five huudredand eighty yetrtoh tjhe bsnan goes iaok to the earliest days aleut dera soldiers as bjiy kays joined the si gei ott india seated in its shades and pa takiorof tse delcious rait hence be u me sapientumj glveilthe plant which hkewijej bears ihe name of jupitois fair lacfghtervmasa kow rtjhas been shown ie it tpccbabana is of malayan origin hcisr lid it- get to india andto south ameriof and mexico ibk feet of birds have bit ie seed a full 10000 truces while the ecx anat floaled well nigh the world around n the grei oceao but jthe banana hu tjt seeds nor hsd itaoasfqg like the glot alar cocoandtj io float it aroaodover the waters then it fliast hive been ban ed by man ii irin sigbifi cantthit arte bad traditions of visits by people from 9 eribe seas while thera was to oonaimlt in admixture of the relfgion of the braho igsin their own theology would yoa th nk that the deepiaed banana would afltnallj step forward to provethat before colnjnl niwasorljef erfcacrn iven had an existei ice some swirhiy dediaens of the old wo idbkdmigra acrossi the watslrit v entire exports f agrcultuta bcioki carriages clothing ooi lona forsoit- eraa aud steelj iealher beet- suid sbobav mttsical iniftraments ixjd maaufaotated lumber ol ail jjiudf i mjgbt take several more significant if uoc tartlmgcomparisonsaa tbay msyba m led from octr k cgoveltj r t trade rtv pcirt bat spacewoald tail me ft tpend ibrii i who ttorks bard all be week ai dripks ap bi- c saturday night going in del i necessities is well ooutijera citszen unworthy- dfhisxsersjorilu if bar canada freely aeflin ot-codn- i tries all its output of mineral wealth or v 9 sill its wsakh or all its manpdcture halfjof im entire fisheries flndukaa tsib- jff wtjole of tbesersafns apd driqlu it p dor- ind the j ear bow t its epodiibtbeti tbeji df an intemperate spendthrift jkignt ioihraca of tie owts u itljps y detr that not only do the racial but tha i j r j maurial iulerests pf canada errsaojlstu vt j snibifing the inmnrtation lot hqpors- in lada can our tiilrinrbe thni jj fj qaaaderedandlyet wttpeet goj-ilv- pre spr our country j komund strefe and intha defcliue ot mr rirlii he iras living an tiis fartuat the ramotj went up iu londoo sbaphe gon 1 1 maxj a friend mauisof inflqenb and rank hasteaed to fliooo5eld v learn the truth from m bur kej be xsneivtct thu pathetic explanation i tire borises orlljr child aj belervedroo hadi long belore died leavjega fsvoriia oldijqrse wbich waa kept in t mpark mr curka in his morning f ralkawocdd often stop ajid carsatherfayifiteaditaaj- od fine occasion hinercesved tbe bbrsekt disthiiceand noticed in turn thlt baiwls recognized by the horse t libesfiiimll clrewjnearer i nd nearotto mrj burke stopped eyed bim with a plea ding iooko rccorliluon wi iofi saidi plainly as words oould have sj id f bjate iostj him too aiidjihenm a poordi beast dejiieraiely laid hi bkid on mf itatkes bosom j j j j struck by the singularity or the docm- ren e moved by the reooiuetion of sou overwhelmed by- the le4dprneja oltthaii- aoi rial cipreseed in the mutifiioqnerrfsj o hoi natures oiiiversal language the iljat- triois statesman lot- moment lorttibj selpcesessian and claepiogj- htiarnu aronnd the neck of bis sinsi favorite auiraal liflednp in piteous grimjhatiti- whitli bd filled thcyarchesof had with the noblest straiii that erer echoed within them gulden w r i- the motherless 1 jt r there is little more pitlftil ban a hoy whc his lost hiamotlie coma id and are laad- 4 w ate xeiialgfibemli tijditajdmfir effofts la comfort them but 1j5 how 1 to beatt of reacli of their gyxiip thep- cannot understand his 1 ief k ba grieves atall jdoeui u saio or weep infoaiacie hanctkerci ef isebsss out bod cries on hiaileevebel i id the btkiai v tj ifvhi ehir4utet the parlcjrj mwiiijiiju iki thjeir teafs jriped- awaytiy iocvhesirtij ft f 5 motberly woman ets ahof is sib awkwan and one in his jossibiliue liea dead fn heait icbasthe aitm aaa tti ketjflfii j the deollnl gierabf old twe rdiy be wonderfulry r buperited andaustalnecl by ore dally i f htsfrsaijariua v r tfls erstairrflrfilliww drtijaesayitiatpoeti mvv k teewhtecvuia devil hoo ed bat that it he were j gik den nbabiffimaoneiiib 1 1 prl scijon biir joili p f it i tas mstldea erftrlk d4v1l i j af l mmwl sal ii with jaai jiiaiwri f- trt i e awkwai land roqfcjfc j1 l ndiej-and- i imtte psi jvyjl in thaiworid who bell4ffjja ijflmjw j tfj eye 1 lituetboodthotjbit fol sogoqrisnaasoliarid ligh 1 and u pc boo ifgsi4ljr jfbtpijf oar folly toned ajfrtojibiti fun ri-busji- hat j sjvar my in- 1 it- 1jh1 wrvttt tshrffc

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