Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1891, p. 2

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waisf i 3 bairv fwwnot rji milts oa lbs lflft opt lbs ilwttt actcnoh lire ttlh fitt the wife ot tt imhilis rtioto artist i4 dahtr il- i karteted acme an6vti til hrtkll church ourilla ml wtnsmamfcpt ttrdbv tev j h vvillounkn u4f smith to wy uxv tiirtw b c k aofctson em ill or oat ifllfcafkiattoxal tti rctmeoe ot tbe irrutot partiu ujia j a oa ibelttt ket h ltc stralbcn wm fnter o oaaip- iitiiicio urrdotiutitrorlirjuit4 1 nomoa dfed scptembtr tvain trafclcir on lire ltlh tic cjlmio tt crl c er wat in stssactwvra on the s5eh rk iw utxj flinlb kite ol torrdtt ti x3 u jttxx xltrrou oixemtfr ih in krnttord st ibc residence ot blsoi hcv j acoolsy ur triotnm cvmley aged t jvn l ic ctatt jfrcc fjwss j thursday octobfr 1 1801 notes and comments i it it expected that at the approtcliiiig liberal federation rusting ur gladstone will express his distent to lorjsaliiburys fqrvigd policy and declare amongst other ihinpc hit the liberale are in favour ot the immediate eicevation of egypt j keajitiatioaatreohfoot for a reciprocity treaty betweei the united states to j the dominican kepabkc which if carried oat will admit goods from the united btctaa free while the taris sgaintt all other nausea will be raited to an average of w ptroeat afte aimile of aristotles constitution of attknt haa been received at ttie uni versity of toronto from the trustees of the british museum tbe papyrus aponwhich the work waa written was used by a farm pailifl on an egyptian estate in the first eeatttryfor tbe purposes of amemoran- dcm forty fire years ago there vera nearly v080 school booses in ontario tboaei were the days of real hardship but they produced tome clever hard beaded mighty no who blamed the way to national faeces for those who came aftar tbe toe achool hoaae iu the orernontr of the hiftj school collegiate lnatitsbs ijnirer aity and che tnaaatfe abode of oqmmeroe ab a relio of pxoaeer timea what a iale it ooold oafoul parli1mekt proftqgued tht flvamotith 8illori endad trts polulolana iitshake htnda voto etch other 5j0 extra the- loodoa staxdunt in aa article direeiiy ictired it not written by lord salialmrya prirate aecrettry referring to to he dardanelles discclty taye aa long aa turkey t ectoally gnarda the straita eoclacd will not interfere bat immed iktely ihe government of the saltan in a t of tisidity pervertity or bewilderment ahowa itaetf incapable of perfonnioclhat rmptratire daty england will aacnredly nn thrink frorn having recoaree to uped- ietits for meeting the difficulty the prertyteriin herirv peaking of the party crgtna aaya itia not reroarkable and it ia very deairable that the palpi t ahoatd condemn he political uxtu ahown to erim ottawa and quebec it ii not remarkable bt it ia rerynndeairable that the party prcaa in recording the ntter- anoec of the paipit thoald eliminate every thing that tella againit tbe party the jocrnala that do thia eipoae tliemselvea to tte imcmtatiob of preferring party triamph h public parity the precidect of the ontario branch of the dominion tern peranos alliance sir w b howlfnd ia very emphatic in his expreaaion of opznioa a the dorninfoo goverctoeote determination to appoint prooibctian omnmiaaion bavit icoodemiwtian not tpprovalyf it we are going to be detained far tyer he aaid by the recent action af otfawa they are limply plrying with oa l woald not pay any more attentiod to thit com- miaaioo thaa i wocld to a dead dog for it will bei adead dog anyway the sefiate also woundup 1 j t 1 iltt jhhit sqi ttutday comiilctcd the fifth mkith ol tho arttionof parliament hich cloaca thia af tefirjan tnh wat ihe hundredth day on whicji tho itoaac liaa aat aineo the opening lu april laat daring uwwaaioqtaoremoaaneliaifl beoa paioi ihak in aay provipaa iaio the tota ttuijkr of acta ia lilfi f wliioli m were goeronjebt raeaaorvia one a puuio bill and o pritate tho privato legialation is tnaiic op aa follpraj iuilway billa 5 bridge sjnd tuiuicl esrripaniea h iitsuranoe tiiinkfil loan anil land oottipanica 8 atlir q4mnie lit towe 4j total 80 the total uombcr ot billa pawed during thclongacittoti of ilwaaw 1iei cion tlii numbemica 1ot j iinsvt ivruxlit ktrixltji the fitfet irocooding after praycm liaul beep said and mr ppatkcr had spaken the opcti soame which admits atraugcrs to tho gallery was hoti thomas ifcgrcevys pulaifin the rattle of desk lids the rustle if bfcots and pora bung emptied frphi doaka and the clatter of- preparations for dfiarture was greater when members hoard sir john thoitiifoii afdresair them they heard him say it becomos myduty to make a motion to the hocso xvhich naturally follows the adoption of the report of tho privijcgesand electtona cottlmittc it wotld hare been very niach more agrecevbln to ttiy own feelings ptrioiially if the duty had not devolved upon me but i ictl itiy duty to move that honthoinaslfcgrqovy member for the doctoral district of qacbee west having been gp oon tbppt of the authority of this houselhy fairing to obey its order to attend in hit jilaco licrehf and hanng been adjudged by j this house guilty of oertain offences chargal agaitist him on the eleventh day of ifay lart expelled from thislloasc the niotiou was second ed by hon sir foster and aiiianimouily agreedte s00 tirvklmtjtmtv mr foster submitted trj the house esti mates for tbe payment otsooo additional indemnity to the fiicrnufe ho said the sovernmcnt had decided to do this for these reasons the sesstin had been un- usually long with very ltcjsvy duties tho session has been at a timaof the year when besiuesa icen and proteaaonal men land farmera had to leave their iiomei at great inconvenience aud loss ta themselves it had for these reasons been strongly urged npoa the government by pjchtbera of both sides of the house that it would be only fair to allow increased sessional indemnity it was not to be supposed c idtliat this f500 was a oompcuution tor the less that members had sustained by their absence from home at thu time but iit was a com pensation for the incrtfed jcrsonal expenses of hring away from homo daring the five months of the session me uiruui uriljvnt ilt laarier said he waa prepared to approve and endorse what jr faster had said he waa 6ure the jpabhe woald realite tkat the membersol the- house with very sew exceptions are rr eo who depend upon their labor for their living and havo no capital except that wlich their labor brings them sir kichard cartwrigbt said too tipressidns which the minister of finance had made woald be approved on both tides of thehouw whether tbey may be ontodetie was not sure whatever th i public might say he added be was bound to aay that he was preparer to justify the addition and take his share 3fthe respond bility i porlcra who ddedto the din by ilammlng the lids ot ihoir detkt i ai kicking thtir feet ou jlhe floor th d xlor red fa tha ace anally reaumod hla i svt and the hoaa adjourned itwo tliec only a quarter after nine ticb tirtektundrr rxriiut all hooka and documin filed at exiiiuta heforc tho privilege ani elecdoaa com mltteo during the tattcl foorievy inrtrtt gntiiio idcladinguio lidgari and qthtr jooea of account of lark a coqoolly a co wero dermled yealerday tftcrnooo in tha vaults oftko iaruamcnl bulldiugs for ufe keeping in accurdaao villi lliu decision arrived tt that tltety ihotild remain in coatody ot rarlutincat tho famous h0o- 040 pat howover mada id favor of owen k ifarphy tad bcknag tha signature of scidncl connolly whlci wat aoli for a tmall turn by ifurpliy 1 9 robort il ma groovy was not filed ay but returned to tho court of queens leach ia qaeboo tvliaro ii is an exhibit ia litigation now pending between uicha d qoaonlly sjlfllj murphy and it it mcq wv tha laat two of whom aro accated of c jtupiracy a rtcrtuk ik turorr a peculiar- incident lappcacd in tho yjiiato tuctday afternibol tha upper house went into oommitt nod a bill and had passed all tho clauses nd was about to read tho bill the third time when it wat suddenly discovered thai tha measure had never received itt first a id second reading tho error occurred throe gh tho clerk boo founding two bills with j lomewhsi simitar objects wtltsilinal jotnkus tho printing of parlitificnt laat year oott 71 1 the formal prorogatibn of tha houto took place at throe bclocl this afternoon on account of tbe length of tha leaalao the senate liaa decided lo grant holland bros the official repotun ke sooth iwajta haa just had an ei- perieooe in the british money market toenewbu similar to that of it auter colony qoeentftdd in the early part of the year the minimum price offered for a loan ot i00000 steeling which it desired waa 35 the cttxxge at which it waa taken being five pence more half a million of theanxonnt ntoreover waa not subscribed foe and the australian biota dabbed to tike it op two years ago a 3500090 loan of the aamecolony wa applied for twice over and the af erage price at which it waa taken was a pound more than the minimum offered iik i belgium has invited all the european coantrieatosjijnterpatioaal conference at brussels ontjsr 10 for the psrpcxa of de termining hpon a uniform system- of bag gage regulations for connecting railroads between the various countries england france germany italy russia spain denmark norway and sweden switzer land and roamania have accepted the tnratatioo the through checking system will be a great improvement on tbe present system of every passeoger around the igoardt van picking oat and claiming bis luggage and seeing that no one else 7 it oat for birn lieutenantgovernors huid office daring tlite pleasure of thegoveroorgeneral and are not removable witbio five years from appointments except for cause assigned tbe practice however ha been to limit their tcnare of office to five yesrs or there about in several cases thia term has already expired or wilt expire shortly ta british colombia lieutgovernoc kelsons tinje trill be apin february next and mr dewdney mpis mentiohed u his prob able aacceator lieutgov tilleys term expired fast year and liealgora camp bell and angiera will have served their fivfe years in jane and october of 1822 retpec tirely the reconstruction of the cabinet atlotuwat will doubtless tarnish materiel for the refilling of many ot tbe chaira now held by the gentlemen named i 7 t i r a bill baa been iotrodaoei ioto the new ealsod legislatare by sir george gray a former premier of tea colony for the establishment ot a senate or legislafive tpper chajmter rompoted erelasivelyof womeu to take the place ot the present inline senate the bul init be in- a satire an the eiistlng kew aiand sen- it hr htckexxxie were pbose snch a measure fortba reorgao- 23 0 dominion imitttcna of the oflowi just rn a senate of 2 mtitfe m a court ia icy 2 j- possibly they would do u 2l fe fa t the bmtiqtejrlr toe korthern s y hold goad in bua the mascralrms envs notice is given in the caiada gaultr ol the application of sir ridhurd cartwrigbt judge wilkinson and others of napince for incorporation as the therm lytic fuel com pany of canada with a capi m of tltqoo to acquire certain patents relai ing to improve ments in steam boilers and the manufacture ofgasl fiekmng lics to ryilam mr john saanders of k mptville who was sent by the government tp england to report upon the feasibilit of shipping canadian eggs to englan i and j whose report upon the subject wai 50 generally admired fbr its thorough deungwth the pubject has given practical vidence of baa belief in the possibilities f this trade he has sent one of his me t trustworthy foremen a inan who thorraghly nnder- stsnds his business to liverpool where he has opened an agency for tl e handling of canadian eggs to night mr saunders arrived in ottawa from mon ireal where he today concluded and signi d a contract with the beaver line stearr hip company for the transport of 00 ca rloads eggs to england mr saunders will make the experiment on ft scale same ently urge to test it thoroughly and ha u dnubt of a suoceesf ul result u a katftuay mht ia jctt the first saturday night iitting pf the session lastsatorday tern inited amid a scene of the wildest disorder ihe sticking point was an itern of s000 in the supple mentary estimates with wtich sum- it is proposed to commence the erection of a postoffice building at farnl am a tawrl in mississqui county which is i ostal revenue of f 1h00 a yea it was by several liberal members i hat theft was no public necessity for tho pi opened expen diture tnd that tho governm nt in piicing the amount in the estimates were actuated by political motives mr baker represen tative of misrissqui defended the proposed expenditure which he said -was- m the public interest finally vk lanaerkin andettcok to etptain why fkrnham is to liavea new posioffice but bifore hn had finished he had raised sach m uproar as the house iiad not seen befari 1 this seision he asserted that the money ras placed in the estimates tdplacate mc i aker and hit constituents at not being g ven a seat in the cabinet similarly a gra it had made to sherbrooke i jm a 11iisi to uu ivi k injured feelings at not being f ivea a port folio which the doctor said h much long ed for this was greeted by cries of oiiderfrom tbe ministerial sis bat kr lauderkiii nothing daunted followed op his statement by proceeding to quote an article published in tho com iton county chronklf a conservative papir in wtich- the revelations at ottawa re depkicec and new blood- for tbe cabine demanded the chairman of the comrditte 3 callftflum to order but he paid no atten ion again he was called to order andags n be retain ed the reading pf the articlej mr bowell called liirn a buffoon and threatened to i adjourn tha i hejnse tha doctor paid no for tiro first time in scleral months the deposits in the 0 avii gs banks exceod the withdrawal the aug ut returns thow- log deposits 534073 w thdrawalt 519 017 toronto tumram- w ion british ooh section that grand old sfed is loaded with the sins of its boss host ert at ottawa it will look more like a p ck mulo than a race horse sir julian panncefote has notified tha united states government that tha modat vivendi in regard to behriig tea seal fish ing haa been violated by tie north ameri can commercial compiny wko hive killed more than the ttipu tted natnber- tho report is current ii 1 winnipeg that mr hugh john macdom id it to replace ir carling as minister of agricnltnre mr carling has long been credited with a desire 4 emulate sir leo lard tilley and dropout of the political idrrnoil into tho quiet of a lieutenant governorship bfcollimpitti ioirsaw83matci lgteirimi tha wfieat cop of italy 1 uniuutlly toaatifati tht water inlhe erin oanal it oedsnladljr lo illlnolt fajvouted with a illh earth quast shook on larday cjrll sorrico 1 kantinatlone will ba bald in oauidtoa th ilotit nov tjit tlrikt at the lumber handc at tha chaaditrs it id ia axfitano th 0wa8aud witacvfofktj ajrittr wu defeated by 1 majority of 11 large numb rt of trnmlgranu from dakota aw uti ing tri manitoba rar dr jsj us ex chtirman j of ih british wnleyt 1 conference la dead batatas troop 00 tha koamanltn froti- lief jut pttotiili k tt night rnancoavrfle ths will of ir ladston dkato atdalt tea nrea hie wsalth tt ct2iu- robert tytoe exwtrdaa of shecbrooks oaaal y lalcided by drowntdg friday night kira h d itto a wtllknownjkelw dltt minitler dli d tt petarboro on friday fjftyaixtrtil ery men will king itaojfocbrititli giambi oa october lit ti osaertl diswootry board jot ths uathodfit chare 1 it in lanioa tt st john kb j tha body of ti unknown man wu found floating in tha rirtrat bayfield oat sanity te wieda terffltpjr spinhioj nillta have suipendod dtymantowiog to dallaan ntntdei t dbeyet ajq t r emptoyei bqttt t iood vessel jrhita coaghtng stjtardty tnd died t ot tha debates an extra sain of 1500 archbishop wklth laid ho corner atone the civil service cxami lationt will begin ot 8f nlncent academy kingston on ut ottawa and other pi loes on tuesday suardav november 10th appli atiohs will be jtmea dobard formerly c hamiltoa tcceivcd natu october rspartec died of election trialsj comino halton fixed for 17th ntt but will probably be adjumad ung affection in denver saturday hit hunt on tha charge- of- arson was convicted at brentford and aenteooed to two moalhs two montreal bremen fell down ancle vttor shaft in walert printing house tnd wera badly hurt maggie mcifilkn of alberta tried to start a era with opal oil ths funeral wat largely attended two taicictea octarred in toronto itses- the queens bench divisional court compored of jastices fsloaabridga and street sat saturday tnoning to fix tbei dates for the trial of the d minion election protests in their division some of tha dates are merely formal a id were fixed in order to comply with the s atatory provit- j ion that tbe election trial 1 hall take place within six months after if j return of tha member is protested several actaal dates for trial were how ever fixed at the reqtett ot mr w r meredith qc and a iv ayteswortb q c upon the dates wfifi hr are merely formal the 00 art will aim ily ait and ad journ tbe trial of tbe prates voeiial dates lincoln and niagara i rotest against the return ctf wm oibscn mp to ba tried at st catharines on c ct 21 th halton protest against 3avid hender son mp to bo tried at milton on oct 17th 1 i presoott protest againstjfsidore proolt mp to bo tried at lorign j on oct 17th north victoria protest a ainct john a brown mp to be tried it lindsay on oct 19lb 6oath victoria protest gainst chtrlet p sir burn mp to be tried t lindsay on oct 13th east peierboro protest against john barnham mp to be tried tt peterboro on oct 22nd south ontario and cross jedtion pro- tett against sames j davilson mp to be tried at whitby on nov nd muekoka and parry s jand protest agsinst wm ed obrien mp to be tried at bracebridge on oot hit east york protest agalctt hon aei mtcacnrio mp the trial of the protest was assigned to ths court c f appeal and no date or place fixed south perth protest against james trow mp trial of petitit n assigned to court of common pleas ani 1 date of trial fixed on october 17th at str itford spnth oxford protest to tried at in gersoll on oct lih sooth essex protest to be tried at sandwich on november 3rd monck protest proper i atntt arthur boyle m p assigned to the chancery p to remain in f heed except to say that for that impertinent i observatidn he woald disclose t le ctase of the coolness between them whi reapon mr foster moved that tbe com nittee rise tbe speaker a summoned a id the cbm- mittearcse mr bowel then carried put his threat by moving the adjournment on use mofioh to adjourn mr landertia cormiwed the reading of the irticfe tnd fiaiahedhia speech but no pinon beard him fact tilt voice was drowned oat by the discordant shoots of the government snp- court trial of cross petitioi q b division to be heard on at dunnville attcai dates rixei motions were then made by varioat counsel to fix actual dates fqr the trial of the prolets set oat below wh filed as follows i protest in south oxford to ba tnod on dec 7th at ingersoll profit in south essex to be triedori dec 28th rotest in prescott o he tried at loriginal protest in niagara to be tried on not catharines protest ia south ontario to ba tried on nov 12th at whitby october 17th cb the judges jat sandwich on dee if th liucoln and flth at st missionarvlarges4ssas5fv fesses the crlm fredrick snooits the i escaped from tha ctlgtry police btrrae ts on thursday fait was csptared in t d iset at bill edwards saloon at million 1 ridge a number of j i f ohar arrests hive 1 eati made of parties he scapturadidantlflaclandcori- t htrboanng shott tt after bit escape a despatch saya mrs tr stewart received a letter from hit sitter ifri large on tuesday anhoancing her safe- arrival in tokio japan in i ia letter wis enclosed a clipping from tha japatn ivcdf published in that city tha da r before her arrival which is as follows it wu itit ed soma time ago that a man a tiler custody at tha principal police static n in chibi prefecture had confessed to tt a murder of bev if t large which event it wilt be rernembered took place in april at latt year he was describa i as a youth of about 20 by nama of knito in tha sain district of ktrast province at firrt it ww supposed thst hf w inn he tint the hpakn shimbnn alleges tbat he extintti ktioo oondncted at the cmha magfstraay goes to prove him ihe rfal mi rdrtrry aqd the 25h instant prisoner well- mrt ltrgj knotri stiaards ltnlmtnt it tie belrt oldlion guejp ednesdijjaf thursday friday a september joth and pctober latind fx ae will show the fittest display of and- mantles ever seen in guelph i rye shall expect sprce representation of the iadies of acton andassurj them of our best effortsto make the time profitable 5 anjl i wjdliainiat 84djrilstai48gow day both ty pofaoo whiskey was tha ctuie in etch cat 1 at lafayette nd tha nublta schools hare been ocderd to ba cloecd on tccoant of the extreme he it k k fredrick hent paul second baron mefhaen died monday in london ha wit 7 yetn of ti e mr martey proi iltes that ths next gtad tcoue adraiitistrat 00 will tooompliih tha evteaatioo of eg pt the pope receij sd a party of sntntth pilgrims in the di ctl hall of the vatican early gandty trloi liog the earthquake that hss just visited tha hit tintppl valley a ascribed to the terrible heat that it prevt ling the synod of th 1 maritime provinoee of the presbyterian c torch of canada meet tt halifax oa tha tdty hr gladstone t the coming liberal meeting tt kewcialle will review lord stliihoryt fbrsigr policy engineer iwestietd of tha mcclary company london wat seriously iojarad in the machinery t ttardty lard lytton it ii said will shortly retire from the british kmbaaty in paris and will beinocebel1r sir philip carrie junes htroaart a canadian cpnvictad ttsaalt ste man of killing dan lfann wu teat intoretire nent foe tea years tha beat lot of 20 pedigree italhouf imoatly shires ever shipped to the north west are on their w y oat from england ad rices from vtr out parts ot the state of minnesota indie ta that a very general rainfall hu quench- d til the forest fire willie ctemoot le 13 year old sua of s union point mtnj farmer fooled with hit fathers gun and kfl ed bit tittle brother it is again reporad tbtt the duke of cambridge will iho tly resign the position of comaiandeeidct ief of the britisli fdroas j d g g eta confidently anticipate but however excellent unlets the attendance it at number in attendance by datetseptember 22 private telegram tay that tha recent strain haa terioail increased the bopet feebleness and utatl is condition now pantos alarm tha emperor y uiam hat faruishad a suite of tpartinenfi in tbe new palace tt potsdam entirely jii the style of the lata louis ii of btvari alex noble a sw de suicided by shoot ing and john htn p a shoetntkar that and killed himself tuesday morning at buffalo whiskey i 1 both cases i it ii reported thi t james s sinckir who has a small fi rot at lakota n d haa become etrl of jaithnets throagh un expected deaths in t ia straight line a misplaced switc 1 caasad tha complete wreck ot li freight zn on the st paul road columbus last saturday night one brakeman vaslnttap tl killed and another fatally injured the cnris said to serioasly think of sending the jews ia airge numbers to bibe ria not atoonvicts bat to be prasented with lands and forbidden to return to baasia becent returns iho n that in the twenty years ending 1886 23710 divorces were granted in the tjni ed states of which number 215176 were petitioned for by women iamsort g bt8 1 1 tha oodfallosm half hfl sttrt wnsamfry srsnlntv vsurt ilwaya rsleanw vmaenrof eoor and laws ap ilyxo ths aaitttifat mexntters wlbllufg 1 hhwob pqomalam valaabl aoail mlaby and cosimlaslon i jpivv- n u and worntn tasebtn al matt tolntre daoe a new and petsalar 1 book ttstl nony of cntsrus of masaratb lis most rstoarttbls rellgf ot tbs atwr rttssn by tie axalaentsani seetsrlsn tvsry christian wasu it rtsrritorr tltml ipply to tbs p bbkbfvllvpubiishiko ctxj rtotwtebfsni ropfirty oi i ablsh arm on lot p con u in tbatownr sbipe pwlllfl aares vttti log dwsluas mslilrtimbend witb bsecb xascle blnuock xdnseaar oeksnd soft lm- also a slot a and rough east dwelunt ob rooms and two esl us frame stable with tan lots of land on one ph tfarlraod queen strerti in tbs rlllscs of a ion terms 1 til cash or etebancg for other fn- nervy apply to ya la1so aeton oat tbsbte jienti rypcn g b eyan4- co tka pleasure in devoting part speaial mention of he coming guelph central exhibition tt u tnd u y6a andoat tedly rtmaenber the excellanl v p m guelph tttt year and tha n any complimentary remtrb that were made regarding ft bat good at tha eihibitlot wu t year ago when we consider tbe ability of the gentle men who htra this matter i 1 band and the efforts they arejultiog forth w eel lat wa ri exhibition for 1891 thtt win far larpatt thatof last year the exhibit may be it will lack itho elemenfa of in cease it should be and wt would uffja tbe people of this vicinity to oeioyal to onr district tad itt exhibition and by heir presenoe therest to send ap the bigo of their space this weeklo a lo ba held onseptembee eihibllon that was held fa a tevertl thousands over that of hut year ramtmber the and2l vpbeth lir tba dexttbrea mestbt iu si 1 aano per sett- rsrfaetllt gnsrairtsad and bastqualltyf pvgtlrtqnl08i qradualslf toronto flebeorof dentlitrj and j boyat college of dental burgeons omcxijt post pflseeaeion the wlswns rallablsfal lotthko to extend to tbi vaders ofoahada 1 cultivate a connection writ teed a and knowtaf bow diffledlt b is iforor to died rales u1 iweft graatszjiritflegm tlfan any other tha results ot our free aent vitit to the castomt haste but week are strikingly vicibla in the store at pro eat the dress goods coapldrt are fall of novelties that delight your eyes shades rextares- combintlinns and values thtt iyoa will find it difficalt toacjaal in vyestecn ootexio such gathering together of nejrityiet asteu yoa wondering where tbe ea can be and they are going quickly ws never had equal cjatiitiet in new goods forfa t money v v -l- i every woman tnuit kc or by this time that here is the pltce to get the brightest newest tnd chaisekt ot those goods with nothing extra to pay because thsy ire stjperior to others they are ihapel shapes hit year wilfi an easy elegance thtt it attractive enough to hypnotixa tny ltd r whose tastes demand novelty grace and finish v oar drettmtking depti tment is hosier thin ever f u allbbito biem ho extend to tnetn elass of buslxeis men tiladgh3 bank op oakadj panrtr cjamaii j i best frn tr hea omci toboisaw axxxvltozk kaswacb- toronto preaiaeni wnxiakbtii cjsejpb vles-prasldejit- a a alxaxvttaonto dtreetoc j fl r mcknoam toroste vhnctoz bosfcst taomtox btmiltoa director h 8- 8rmth general msniger atffilpil biunolt wscsti yopr sttenllon to thaeotrre offered tiv oar savints bank departme poarts of bl and upwaedst raeelvea- sad i allewmat toerale of i par cestperi from dais of aeposit tawttbdnwsl pair poonded bsw- yearly on hat may acj4 vemberi u t caradtaneei made to responsible farms advances taads to azxaers oh gajesnstes aspetuajtyxnans of eouactlag notes attd nebhsrge made fevepnsetinkj payabla in gialdn wo bavt utinrpsssod facilities for tins mqnsy to parts of tbe country a enseal banklag boatnaat tranitrierl i- izb johks h x- aoalph pimifi ifroarjl addrast all orders ttfp he jroi nt th6 wtty ioj on ilhe wbeststroiiqestjest contains m alom atom ola uoej phot jiatat or any itocitat auvroaurrrj toronto dnt good quality ot boys belts 80 beltatt ioc 11 bar nthetvyshirtt tt5o odprica h5o meui vary ipeeiai lot ot mens silk scarfs clieap lines collars latest shtpe 2 for 25o n 1 in tlan underwear very detirabla thirty oaletnt new cirnets in willvn t w0 wtsortmjntolin9lnmi tnd floor oiclotn and inajiy flherevr htmllton spvmbr 2nd 1891 wa wish to call the attantianof spot aien to what wa style oar all round double barrelled braectjlamdlnggon w or 12 gauge top lever laminated ttaet barce s oho ca wred extension rib case hardened breech and mountingt i low set circular rebounding hammers well selected pistol trip oalnat stock and patent snaptor end checkered rubber heel plate a good close shooter with i0o loaded thaih any size or gutgewitaipwof crfuvatwrer flanuet lined with himdle v srstchd u roa down and joavesjurtd iorn out feeling take iju f ekifeacrrof saisipa riija p61i it will create ah appetite purify arid etrich yoor bloc l ttniigtben the nervts aldj digi stion aid impart new lift to toe whole bodj i- rata ai other prenaridonlysy jv kanndwiij crtbafrat mill street acton boollci fc jtstioss 1i 71v i hare just received oar fall stool of boots and hoes from the best xoaoi i- factureh ia canada tjiddefy com- petitio 1 in either quality btyle or price i 1 v i weiiake a specitlity of 1ias starkicoliv 52 ard 60 church st torontci to our s j wohk it being rapidly paahed toward tne completion of ontniw pram tes before wa t ihi jtij- ekrge portion ot our itook and liave marked do n thdasandt of dollars wort of goodi hi i oratst rtr stview erioet of hots of goodt extotly half what they verajbefore manx advantages you va rcxr9l sale itodr ppbchases just now worth 0ntlc making jersayi for 1150 and 117 each clearing pot ih 1 taltv i en a of bnnii fanoy french flannels elegant patlarriitreducedltb we ana kl famist tatm yr z wa on more to uie another lot 6f those good flanireldltes ly ytrd gtey fitnnei at 25c perytrd the beat vklaa waever sold genta furnishing special attractive bargains nighshlrtaoplywaeaob choice of boyt kuiltad shirts ueed fronts at tooleseh clearirigbtrt white knitted shirts laced frotjts a joo worth 65i ii ft- kl rboottist shoes whioh jtor esfitanavwer eaamt excelled wjntjjams oa is 1 the glove c- redaoed mo per bargains od toe glove ooanter wiumrprise yonglovet tt samper ptr formerly 8o0 mitw at lso worth ua black taffeta mituti 15c worth 250 large variety df trocb lo to 20c soma worth three times the ptiooj k i fvir v dress trifflmhigs 5o aodloo many leatthan half price resllynioegoodtseatnemj i l v an hnndredt ofiother bargains yoa c 4 prices never lowebfondbb the roof of thb bight house than now look where yo 1 will bargafna present themselyes on all fide large shipment- nir avadlet and mens uoderwesr iuoladli g the bolte iea jtspettry and wools large at ortmi nt 0 vv i wwiy n tore next to the board fenpe corner at king tnd nghsop streets look on the window lor tbia name rtr rii jii ii r 1 i ilgifs aotiiv sco kti 1- v tiu tmulalon tba winter h la lndtieismdwrtte ladi i a ealea wboltmi oojd mali ntajelm fortlflm astti ituji oouuirtatjt tbaomaata derlm atttjrmcstflssarsmil smjkaisi istasststaisssitsaamstaitsiassi m i ftl

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