Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 1, 1891, p. 4

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m li-jy-i- i se jutott fttt tw tflofwday october i 1891 f f fjc ijcbjttg talks czntst rt f v bitabi5 i t serf otruit war tiweaoafeh or jbtt bcrv oct sotue fsturuj- tboattrthev bs lens bovs v ftttlwidtawm- ktc ssp in lodv boolea wbo cltmbtag r the hib first lwat youre rittil boy then wile eoance itroae lr jxwr piefc apoo jroor back ao4 tdgjttr atone retttcfttjlw laciest futtbeiawathu kti ttrltvtiit hnlnr stake pole kltopthtiui treves it allow hone boys h4 to fii a lead hit is ufa tai will in the dust tartct rt a th ro4 when yaare near the tcv bojrt otlherufx ny do ot stsw to blow roar boni hut riicub clltnb irav sltoot above the crord bojs brtc gnnltm end co let the ptjihiac land rd ko ui4axr wt soocfc i at the top boy wtmna ttir mil etrtla tot place and trrepqct ikate tuaanted ep the hlu j jjatjfiunjffi7y iifsigi jbswj8stfesti sb motes herk j 1yd thejre tlemt nf qifl lvurtt to pr pr rjdr aotsver stifataqe 1 jwhetiuiamealrie tedprtpa ae inlro- iuotl ate cfcttiv i tintajtwm ttj ttotld taltyt tcoatampjrtry incrisr o guard iht potttittd wire egtltttt dimigt on lh ptrt ctf the amaetoltu loiultiut mitn wnlh oonnfction rswo lot crooc hold oa the frontier thscs werawlhti lira between forty ted fitly canuv taj siitnt in th chilian omp general pinto aslject them together tad potaliag to its tttetphwjtt uid do yo see those rts general fivcry good i want ya la remember not to go neat or loach them for it yoa do joot htadt ill be lietd wd yoii cll bo nuibto to rtt urty th iadixua mild la sndataacly thtin the gtaertl inid tlitm ch ia twomtioa uk hold ot iii vira it both adt of vajteclctc uttery in full openlton itkr which he ctclttmed i oommmd roa to lt jy tho trori ctnt my htadt tra ixnambed 1 cried etch irtditn the bttry wu hea kvopped kot loog tttcrwtrdt o jartl teucd to liberty gtring them itrict iojitictia to keep the tecrtt tad tad doc betrty it ta their countrymen thit htd the detired effect for u the ttrictett ootifiiteuce to every rota of the tribe tad the ulegrtph hit ever tiace re- muaed unmolested kirig st ivifojoato otl jan 1 jmb writot tt follow t t d utti to tetufy lo uteefflotay ofl st jtt till u wjt ttmedy for irliiai u ml rhomtltb ttc tojam uajiflv family foe lotni imtpm in ftot i fiali fuotba without t bottle gt lit oil is hopaa for doubb the tm ont i j what mi ha been jorfc wtiojitjjeoa whopple e tlrtj called us- fe ctlfed hiail7ade whoppterirtc the keepee of caitll wtyaide ion tt the extreme iwce of orford coaott ittioe jtttvhereyaa mifht jamp offiato ker rtmpthiw he t ruht- brtnd da wtv honest mta wellraetaiaj in etry ptrticalir a little ioclioed to pride himeetf spoa hit hooortbte potitioa tt t pablie mta tad greatly rieo to arocthip inj men htgfa tahoaortbte ttttioa tad pow raljly i thiaki ntrec atar a mta who ooati be pat into a ittte of each iafio- jita eotttcy by the ritit of a truly- great rata u coojd whdpple hi litue btid hetd opba a thort dampiialike body rat jordintrily otrriod rtr- high not it coald be etrriedlov eaaagh ia the pretence of a rotgatte apoo bis ova domtia oa t pietttnt dty of the ittt treet ia aococt t chuoed to be nstrhii hotel in oompany with a friend whom i cu ttking ortc the vettem parfof the eoaoty partly for batiaets parpoaet tad partly plauare ky ooraptaioo mt in elderly mtn heavily baiit dark of ooccplexioa with a pltia rather homely but exeeediagly geoit tad jittttlliient faoertnd htbited in jait such a garb t toy honett htrdworkiog fore btaded i firmer might vetr oae other feauore i never taw him vitboat the refltrnoked thort ttemmed t d city tobaoeo pipe ia hit rett pocket well topped arith good old ktrk aad gat dinner tad while we were eating lhij the table with the reguitr botrfera we learned tin kajor bob hattincvwta ttopntng far a few days in the tibtge and oolyafewrodadittttitfromtheiaa kow the rot jor wit a friend of both of at tad wtule i wat waiting titer dinner for my hone to eniah hit rest my comrade pro posed that he would walk pa aad look in apart the major tad i coold itop andail far him at i oame atong and i went after my friend htd gose i went tad looked tt my hone aad on my return to the barroom the landlord hailed me with a request to know ray friendi name he ttood with a hithd oa the remitter tahe poke why laid i he hu wrtttea hit name there at large at life thtt may be retaroed jtart bat i cant mate it oct it looks likestn hamlia eractly ictrfc het yoor man the little pablictn ttarted and gacpad for breath say o ko no yoa dont msta it that watnt old hta hfmtelf vice preaitent of these united sutea 1 cpoo being attored that he had bees really enterttiniag the vice pretident of bit country withoat knowine it be wit betidie himatlf with mortification tad chagrin o dont worry my dear utrk yon may rett attored thtt mr htmlin wat entirety tititged and even pleated witu hut entertainment o taint thtt 1 groaned the anbtppy mtn jut think the vice pretident to come tad go and i not know it ah who eantav what mhjht hare been if i bad only known t c so educattok for marriage the bt idrerluiac the rnott tmcitat adtertiting is behtlf of boodt strttparilla ia thtt which cocks from the medicine ittelf that it thole who tre car by it ipetk to frieodt taller- iag timiltrly who in tarn derive benefit aad srre othert to try thit taooetaf al med icine that the circle of itt pnpaltrity it rapidly widenmc from thit ctate alone anrl more and more are becoming entussi- tttio io behtlf of hoodt strttparilla ti it actoally demoattracet it tbtolste merit ill thtt it uked for hoodt strttptrilla it that it be cireo a fair trtib if yes need a food blood parifierorbaiidin ap medicine try hoodt strttperiut the host way for ptrenlt to trtih up t child in the wty it thoald go it to travel thtt way themietve ifr jteob d- utiler kewbary writee i wit troahled with infltmmttion of the eyet to that daring nearly the whole of the sammcr of ist i cotttd not work i took tevertl bottletof korthrop lymtat vegetable ditoovery and it givet m great pleatare to inform joa that it cared me of my tffiictioo it it an excellent tnedi cioofoecottiveaets sttay a mall man never cettet talking abost imtu tacrifioe he mtkej bat he it a great mta who can tacrifiee everything tnd tty nothing aontjt advice i ify brother hid t severe earomer com plaint tboat a year ago and no remediea teemed to relieve him at last my tnnt advited at to try fowlert eitraet of wild strawberry and before he htd taken one bottle he wit entirely cared adelttde crittenden baldwin ont truth the open bold honett truth ia alwaycthe witett tlwayt the ttfest for every one in any and til ctrcsmttaaoet utautd mlitouhaujtfadrei 6mn ft mr jotb soalei of t ironk writat thort tinib ago i wmiufl iriog from kidney complalut tod uripopiit toic itomaeh aadlamebackli in fast l waieomplttalf prottrtlei and infftrd g intent pain white in thit ittte a frti nd recommended me to try a bottle of tfort trap and lymtat vegetable ditc irery i atetr one bottle and the permti ent mine ir in which it hat cured andmtdi a new m in of me it lach that i canuot v ithold fro n the nroprittort thit exprettisa it ray grt ilude every tctoti tit denftliu tod raiie ao eatlec the hait ilep in and mace plett- rewtrd wlflftli daty tnd in vir ant than the termer teuu barf jtwti i wat indacad lo uie bard oct blood bitten tarcoaitfptlionan tgenarat debility and found it a complete ct re which i tikt pletiure in reoojmendidg to til be thu ifflicted jtnjcf k btnff n w t who may canon tbo third page of the maii it noted forj want torotto zlaisf adrerumtnenti tf yoa want to bay or tell aayi yoa want a titaition a ra ichanii nets machinery iodgiogt if yoa or oand tnything or tf y a wti oat where anyone- it advetiee in the to- roato bail uau tod rw the tdvertite- mepu on the third page of thit paper the chtrge it tiro ceata i word each la tertioa addrett tit uai tocaata cta- d -i- if ireteid of a gem oc ewen a flower we would cttt the gift of t tovly thought into the heart of a friend that at ihe aagelt give never allow the boweu patod tett acridut evil pilu tre nnsarputed at a itipition aid be giting remijn coatti ktuoatl for ooa- kesry g judet henrjo jtmet of winnipeg uta write for teveral yean i wat troahled with pimple tnd irritttiadt of the tkia after other remedies filled i ated foar bot tles of bgrdock blood bitert and tines then i have been quite freo tomimy com pltiat b b b will tlwli oosapy a pltce in my houte cob ovxrea prampky ni perauekify rheumatism limbaca ketfimiei toathach w e xj r atltlgell jl sir tltro stretun froctbfccc s c i a t r a a rprne ttralkt barat scaldl sold lr dnicisu lud drilerj evertwhere ifother gravet worm exterminator is pleasant to take tore tnd effectual in de stroying wormt ktay have tried it with heat reaalta if yoa want to boy or tell a farm ad- rtrtite in the toronto weekly mail that paper reaches 100000 farmere hornet every week tnd your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to pur chase advertisements of this class are n- serted ia the toronto wkhj uail lot fire cents a word eteb intertiaa or twenty cent a word for five iaaertions address the kail toronto canada 1 t worms cause much ttcknets tmaog chil dren freemtnt worm powders prevent thit tnd make the child bright tnd healthy she itnt all that my fancy painted her bitterly exclaimed a rejected lover tnd worse than that she isnt all thtt she paint herself 1 teme trikrienre has convinced maoy thtt to use any of the substitutes offered for the only sure- pop and painlett corn- care is attended with danger get always tod ate none other thtn pdtnims ptinleta corn extractor for tore producing tubttitutes tre offered jott tt good at patoamt corn extractor gtfe cure ptinleta sulili dffuu ui hhufi it iull on diamo era c dy8p i akd sfamach fmdice ksusea ach q haartburn pation fullness foot rtftrtg qisagreeatus toite harvattt- liess i at rircpsjsacluetjvfr jotter mill at receipt of si ct ti- iljil in tumpt ehflu foil u aniiijiti wait fflt kolhing impare or injarioua cdatimate the popaltr antidote to pain throat aad lung remedy and general cotrective dr thomas eclcctnc oil it mayjbe used without tha slightest tpprefaeosiait of any other than aalutary ooniequepaeacoaght rheumatism earache bruise cuts aad cores succumb to itt action f among the graduates of the year a brave yotxng woman hat completed a coarse frankly taken in- preparation for the mttromony like many girls who mtke society tmsteraento their chief eiittence thit yoong women did not realize the deficiencies in her education until the htd won the friendship and love of one who wat her taperior iij intellectual require- meotay with the ratlizatioa of her ignor ance came the determination to ttudy for atlf improrement entering u a pupil tt a wellknown school for girls she took coarse ia literature philosophy tad other stadiea which would enable her to write aad read with accuracy and would teach her the beat methods of thought she en tered cltasea of political economy and atodied the newspapers under competent direction urging her teachers to correct all imperfections in her ipeech tnd manner the made constant effort to attain the standard which might bring her nearer to an equality with her future huthanil the straggle was not easy there were trials of jiride in studying with giflt of a more yocthfc age there were many momenta of mortification from be expos ure of her ignorance determination to tseeeed won its ntutl rewtrdr the tocjetr ri hose hrfcht tnindihtd been echpted by the roatine of pletturetfjeeame renowned in the school as one of the most earnest tnd satisfactory pupils when the prtdaatet this year into the refined home that his been in preptratioo for her the will meetber hatbtndapon aoietjoality tad ebttrtem bit friends with a feehne of ofaeerfal ooofidence she stye hat the whole world seems more stahle tince she has made sore that her fcenfence are grammatical tnd her f ronoariciation t cording to the best sulboriliev rtaea bsby was ft m rtveierrfetori4 oea tbeiras a cu io itu for czzjxa tibett the beesak hltt the etang to caitorir- syaea the bad cbiidrcavsao rvo used ctstari he that goet with wolret learnt tdhowl covkckrtkrxcdeeo 4- jaoob h bloomer of vfrgilie w y writes dr thmisaf edeotrid oil cored abulytweiledrieekknweuiroatdnmj too in fortyfghx boar one tppuattua tiso removed the pain rroro a terysoretoe r wifes foot wat also much inflamed ontaeh to that she cocld not walk about oooat the tppliai the ou tiid ia lartyjbw hoar was entirely eared moftifce aauieketiett ftttcbbc when yoa t wind p w to4 eyhader and leer tstritie awcwoi pwiw aid si boa with ughteotasi an old pbyticiah retired firom prtctice having hail ptaeed ia hit hands hy an east india jaisafboary the formalaof a- simple vegetable remedy for the speddy aad per manerii care of cons amptidc bronchitis catarrh asthma and all throat tnd lung affectiont sjao a positive aad radical core for kerroaa debility tad til kerrotu com- plaint after having teated ft wonderful earatlve powers in thohaaxiat of oases hat fed itwt duty to make it known to til hut suffering fellowi actuated by jmi motive aad a desire to relieve hurnaa rufferiag i will tend free of charge to til who desire it thtt recipe in german french or english cith foil directions for preparing and ring seat by mail by addressing with ttaop oetniag thit paper w a kortt wopowert block kochctter n y victoria carbolic salve oaderfof healing compound forcutb oand bruiset burnt scalds boils piles pimptet c do to days duty fight todayt femptt- tiodmd do not weaken and distract your self by looking forward to tliirtfli which yoa can not tec and could not undentind if you taw them si beautiful cold watch 1 a man may strive for influence tnd mitt it but let mm grow within himself in selfcontrol in bonscientidatnest in purity and sdhmiseion tnd then be will not mias it the rold to inkueace it simply the highway of duty and loyalty ur gee eendlc hrt geo kendle of gtlt ont write lean recommend dr fowlert extract of wild strawberry for it it a tare care for til tamrner eomptaintt we are never without it fn the bouse fowlers wild strawberry price 85 cent reverse are often oar best instractort latt it good tr- v- bay come dealers who try to sell a nbtt tote preparation wlietrrastomert call for hoods baritptriilt do dot allow any such false statements at thj b induce yoa to buy whit yoa do not w ct remera her that the only rtaaon for making it if thtt a few cent mora profit wilt be trjade on the tabfttmta init npott hivfug the hett roefriboddv sfrttitrillaj ititj pdeatdr to ittelf i i dean bros of montreal are now offer ing a betutifol eugrtved or pliin ltdiet or cents size filledcate gold witch for only 8100 to be paid after yoa have i redeivad tt tnd hve given it 30 days trial and findit just what they represent it is asteorwiad stem set fine movement and wttnnfed for over ten years by the rhtkeri tnd cannot be bought anywhere for lest tota 3000 in any retail store dein bros do thit to adtectlie their new blood stiver and stomach pillx and consider thtt 20000 a year spent in this way wilt do mora to ad- vertiui their business thtn any other method send tbearyoar addresi oa a post ctrd addretsiid to iwui boaidont real que f j vfv htvc ioa iteitd tfiit description of rheumatism tn neural git putyourhthdin a vls torn it until yoa cant bear another turn aud thats rheumatism give it another turn and that neartlgia and still yoau suffer these tortures when for 25 cents yoa can any a bottle of jxinirds llnirtentand ba relieved i tl tiffllrti thank yout busts tbs xjktrbbfax tbsti- itostif audi uho haw tugtfetfrum cuaoxra nnaxcaitu coveat xnd9 otcxjtt fttut of watt- ixq dlsbjjbsrafier ffy hantrm j i i vi or do yoa saffe from noise in lbs head then send s cent itamp and i will fend a valtttblt realise t uujuiog full parfleularf for honii core w ilohooslaoomparauylily nothing a spies lid work oa deafness and the ear addrett oraciluruontretl ilcaaw nopridci pie ttytsydnty smith in oat of hit thlet i etstyt v which jt itof more importance to fix u the faahitt of young people than hat of the tnoii deter mined reaftleuo o the aucrotebmeutt of ridioola uilbarnt aram itiaqaiaiuo wins farti- fle the syttem s rttait tlttckt of tgue chills btltoas feve- damb tgue and lite trouble vtclo cnoar family done by fawiert berryuaiarttnd dysentry tnd sit can recommend it alirtyttruetttdft vivian out y at vivian irk hatj i faithilt work haaj been jitraet of wild filraw- quickctre for diarthdja maimer complaints i o all at a family friend thfalfjrrrwliiihop the ctntdt st lined glasa wqrkt of toronto have agal increased their stiff id every dspartmeut the charchand hooso ornttpental glatai iraed oat by thtt fired cta be relied on 1 oth far darthiiity tnd excellence- of det n- ifersdnt rojuiring ittt tatay stylo c quality should address the mtfcert tfcci atlsaddtbon toronto a friend p ever body is often a jfriend to nobody there s wisdom ia generosity tad tome need to p to school to learn it tra i faith i have great fi ith in burdock blood bilteji is a blood purifier i have taken three i bottles for 1 id blood and find it a perfect care it is grand medicine and i recommend it who iver i goida sea demon toronto oi t drt lsjqi oxygexuzed cmaliio i of pare cod liver oil if yoa have asthmt die it for tale by all droggtatt wm mel eod co i piles of new itll and irvinter foods tumbling lie thoy arc eaattfni td behc id and comfort- to look tit and tjljcy are withal cbegpi tliis is ispicially true of oar aress goods which we hare itt plain and fanes efieviote plain and fancy tweed affects blae and black serge die jouals camels hair cloths blak and colored estamenea fan y- plaids and checks black an l colored silks satin ilerves piugees pongfs aadbengalincsjfi ney black goods black and cnloret henriettas in extensive variety rf fitncy dress goods beginning it 5c per yard aad upwards 0 i staplo goods aro partihased r gjht arid sellirjg cheap flaunels blankets and quilts are at the right pi iie for the cup- tqmers gry flat dels from 10c kt yd upwara lovefej csierj andladibs nnderwearare atthe top of the jiejtp fob varietjy and lowness of 1 rice wo have ladies jackets loakt alster ehildreus reefere in profusion and thevory iates styles- mantlb kds and wlqfiall kinds tpeluding eealettet and plushes igar muttrujry ie tti first class working order replete vrith thi latest fall- novelties j our rnillinl ery opeuihg will ti- 1 oh thnraday 24th ofsoptember tdcc thb followj- ing days of the wee fjiif dreftsl- maker hds got btak from hoi holidays treshwitn new ideas to match fie dress goods we must not forget t mention our tailoring departm jijjtj it is alj jim all parts liize this dej u ir u xnkotr 4 fhoranzii as huk itjg iroirdsprat flub bboducmm4mt aidoned if fkgutu 414 m muadtju or mttatlfklms btid vriipkitjuw tmint v 0ott bowntmumfl fctwws a trfiaaaaaayata we gt customers rpt ofoauada to patrmize this de partment the real on why the price fit aad worki lanship of the garments are righ rour ready- mado clothing ove cpats in boys aud metis are in coi dtjlete assort ment prices low ladies and ients footwear are right in price variety and quality ourcarpets rugs curtains bilch thl linoleums were never in bettc ihape nice tapestry caipet for i 5k perydfor 80ciper yard you will get one worth 45 iind exce lent ifrus sols carpet forfioc per dl wa may just add that we trii d to surpass ourprevioua efforts aijdjweliave piled up and ithmeii e variety of jfooda tttetrenlefy jpjr prices liigpeotiou jjiod r pfltiatiag re- i bpetfallyeolictod ia uxuxmat it ths ba t 011 f frank burce88 hous painter paper hanger sign writer ete rtpreprtl to aieoat orders fa any of the thov lines in to bast masntr tad tt reetontut terms eyerrjobhavtotimrpermdststteauon i at sums eattooen eomplste tttlsftctlob ortmlacmsllvoodttspeelsltr ordsrti4stair retfdeaee aftln st aeton wulnoelrs prompt ttteotlon m bccoll bros f fiblijwntd you will pnd it gives s itislctfoti jcopirs unequalted gjmtder pil should be usedin every erigine gylii der be var of imitations i get only get uintj ardine i t 1 ol tml 1 ww u u wm ctjntv iiook their stok arid ready furnishie g than ma because 1 premises fq sale or ijglly bros seuing oi dry goc ds ordered r ade glqthing gents v i j i- i and groceries at less saojjlrers are caa furnish you wth the best pr country aridat lower p lnproyed oaiciak bit i for cpuritr pr any ices than rtht ttjxt rtjtj c wltson fr 60 ebpuanade stbcwt torofitct iimiu tabijsrer seriaercaatlts v v ti rx kslina j iimmitil utuld o siatiiaai a sjrtfim siirjs ma ft h t tarn lufls tt k7ki isat on rxtmaadmatrncarv h q fte t mc 188 aoexjudc it west t roicto ont w h- r a rii ii puetstitlt petflpltaoklnao island ftgs news arid job jwork to be hi id in this other new cylinder press cokbto wtqn to3sbb our y urary proiity press x- ithe free vnolfls t today for the money them l m ress is printed on the i boye press a id tht ifirk jiliijstraie iii fltitli itel opdrumxylinder cdn do bettt r newspiaper or pstevworkitiv we htve run he proaty forelghl years and tlie long n we run it the bett r we ilk i it it u albi pie easj to rn wi icco handle ootta little for repairs and is easy on ihe 1 1 inter pdoket boot weeill it thi iwtpr i r for the money dome add tee oor preat at vc rk 1 1 yoa dt we can girt yoa yoar ohchoo of a number oft iffer 1 1 sines i thiikfctr- coli j i f yoa dtsira smpli of war sand for th itb and j tod tfylet o sfrenet tt all phoatv qtoli p weri isfor bfaly i i lor 8da ml p irtitularg from weclt if o beapre btjiaclkth i i i viv ijv i detroft hur jjlu aiy schant tnoetroli cuvttand jpmirhj irtjiat otadril pewotttitilieh- mstmif j m sfi

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