Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1891, p. 3

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f 1 if 1 1 u- i- thjt8th0dlstghuech tmul mdq mlrv 0f hamilton lfeis a aryuensarits i xv i kattsos pspabtmext spkoul dkposrrs v twat66s agent besides our well selected ock of watches clocks jeweller- and silverware we the hnest- stock of tationery and fancy goods envelopes note papers bchool books albums bibles vases wall papers windsor bnades curtain poles and an endless variety of small wares which you need give c i ciii mr cummin and covcto ni however esteemed by alt mcthodoxt cm terred in goon 8 sign pf the big watch hriclrnd ireetmg i r death of farmer heaident i after a shotf illnessj mr johacumiiilng r for many lyeats a respected resident of qop1ic41ui some u bin daughter rx j o wl ton gtorgetowty havingat- nod ho rip i ge of eightyeight joan mr camming vn bora in ireland and came to canada ft airly life settling in caledon soceclhiatfpvcr forty yeart ago he removed tcj actotiand settled otttlfo farm at preaedt oqj upicd by mr hugh mo- dougnll ten or twelve yeari ago ho iwcnt to georgetown where bo hassincc resided i wasat a kitting ditpositioa ptthti fobtton ifcim cod neighbor and highly j ha wae a member of the xh the remains were in- etown cemetery on tuesday afternoon mi ny of lus former friendt and neighbors were present i tte tannery uterf messrs ileal jtnore ifi co having com pleted tho liltcts at tho tannery the mera- ben of tho local board of htajth went down on fri ay torintpect them a mescfog waa i fterwarde called iol tua following rcsolilion passed moved by james itclam seconded by dr lowry that in the opic ion of tiis bpardjihe actoo tanning co jiavo fully carried out the tiisrioa recently mads by the secretary of the provincial uoard of health in 1he formation of ihe filtering basin and farthur that s consider that the basin as at present conttrncted is all that reasonably can be done to purif y thbwater tue abov firot has gonp to the expense of about loog tolacaro tbo eoddcatred and theotf filters rthich is abbot 200 fat squire certainly dose excellent work in purifying thy water coming from the thecfftu new iter a 8upplid by iqorrea- pondat t and exohn s jrukqton i j xh ha ml loa bloods bavait lait luocteded in nduclng the oovlrjimnt to t her oooaimaaaf copttawo prmphecf in the uethidlsc charob niuoaj oa sonsaj thct wen jl5 pupils on the fabllo school boll rv september an average attoudidceof chaw the ism t batlingtok beach pojrtoffloelo iimlllott beach- uli 6f thtiiay dovig an rjpltdnl of ihe world durlne th wk dtt ejdin mflu8 j early oa maoday morning fire mi coreteiln ihi bouse at lr robert laing alirp wis giraa and the nelghbora lafaed oat ia tali forei doing theirhese to quach thetlaroea wli buckets of water when it waa found tllat the home coald uot be aarved the effokof the nrty were taroed towards aavina the woodshed thl was fortjmately aooomptisbed the liojite if as buroed to die ground iioatof tht fatal tarel was taken bat before tbe hoise vu ooniamed two watchea a clock and tkr 6e beds leads aad bedding wen consara- ed together with other artlclat the hoao waf a itory and a half roagh cast and i partially incared ifit ltfag wt abeent at tho time atteodiag a siok friend nmagarejra and anfortuqately took j aict jieraelf wldle there a veitaable uatldlae site disgfared there haa beexi considerable unfavortbla comment on the part of citizens the pfst week concerning the eise and character of tfce new boilding incoarte of erection on toe splendid site ooruer fjll and liaio streets it is ihn best business location in town and to ccct euch an insignificant bnilding upon sd impcrtant a site when a xhorsdat octobee istlestttc blol ot tu re ot n design ic to badly needed be o and woulevprove highly profitable iscerxinly unwisdom that was hardly looked fo in a perton of the busi ness ability ana foresight of tho owner fno property owner here coald put capital w- ctoit fvtt muss little local brieflets which caugtit thai eyes or ears of free press reporters this week indjajtrsarafner is ye tenraday no 12tb day erin show today the last of the to come a thanksgiving the aoda fiuible foaouih hae become artoakioruet bi will take psrt io the oompuuou at enu show today aulltoa batcher lu fined 10 and coau laitwakk for augbteriui within tho rnonicipalit the hoya spend lieir saturday cow in picking beecti net dont take any to chcrch or sondty school boya itra win hccraney of yanoonrer b c- h kindly aetitc budget cyf interest ing pagtra to the kite 1trss tlie orillia jim has put in a fine new tworevolution campbell fresj the 7ijvm ta evidently a proiperoaa journal ilr thaa xeeianda formerly of the gj9ptowo htrald hu purchaaekl the wailieehorg herali reanl from mr j t keaaedy bet hr edge wul delirer a lecture iu tba ksthodial churcii next thursday enieg find inat aabject eelarn the tbiagayoa borrow the fitronsof iddustry held public meeting in bannoctharn school last even- iug another wujbe field in the dublin school oo friday evening 23rd intt d stirtoti luds will insert teeth at h and 13 per set fur next three months extraction j free spetial care giveu to filling ufice ustthews block actou the conoty exhibition hut week was favored wuh delightful weather tho ahow wes a pronounced suooaas the ai tend- kxioe- urge and theresnlu highly aatia- sctory to the directorate in giting an outline of the coming ooateniion of the north- york s 6 tnel isewtnarket ira aays on tbe opening erexung rev j w bae of acton an eartteet and eloqaent s s worker will deiiver aoaddreie on victoriea how won forchnsi hr kae will alw speak on the value of 6s statutica hr june matthews met with a serious los hut friday in the death of his valuable queen mare from lnflamatioa she was considered one of tbe beat breed ing animals in the province- she was one of the team which took first prize at buffalo t couple of years ago and llr hattbew jnfornw ua he waa then offered 1 1000 for bef coking and goinq visitors jto and from acton and variousother personal notes rev d oxera of atwoodvfi visiting friends in town mr a e kicklinieft oo a trip to wiar- ton and bpriiig creek on taesday i mrakevi d auld toronto spent asiay or two this week with friends here mr and mrs thotaas somerville visited friends in artbsr during the week mrs l g jackson of newmarket was a gaeatat the maples last thursday hr and mrs john matthews and miss maggie are visiting friends m brentford mr george l beardmore sr oftoron tahtm been the guest of hie son mr a 0 beardmdre tbe past week mr john ajtiderson kit for bracenridge oo monday ge will probably remove bis family there m tbe spring miss maggie robertsoo of oarletoo returned home ou monday after spending a weak or two with acton friends mrs t esatoa left on monday to attend the ilaaual meeting of the womens missionary society at fugeraoll the many frienda of hie honor judge millar will regret to learn that be ia confin ed 4o bis room by illness wo will be pteasect to bear of his speedy recovery rtftrmer ask yattf drnggiat for dr august cpenigc hamburg drops for he blood h yoa arant firstclasa qoelptt sash and doors at goelph prices t esaioe can hi jroor otdar at nic planing milf povtiroplynvao a vegetable discovery ha mirked arwakrr for dyspeptics tad we itmokltfrimfuaol dyspspala to besetted bdt futno oars if om dlree- hcm irw fduasmat ms c e wluiams dnmwilnfa7 tbta dmatkwjr u aaohja wstl and t anowof oea xsttyatrrmanplere- to more prostab e use than in tbe erection of rtorcs with so ne pretension to modern dtsign and adeq ate to the requirements of this growing town the proprietor of the above property has amplo capital for such an undertajting and the investment would be prfportiatjatf ly much larrer than if expended inbsildiigs which in a very brief period mult be bacnjeced to better ones umltoa s s attocixtlan a wmetiog oc i tli xacatuoi ifalton sabbath school j association waa held in knox church milton last friday to ap point delegates jto tttteni tbo annual oon- vention of the ifrovinciai association to bo held at ottawa km the 27th 2sth and zhh ihst and to arrange the programme for the next county coijrrafi6a tbe presi dent mr it d warren georgetown rev it haddow b a milton and mr w v hopkins of burlington will attend as county delegates rev j w rae is member of the provincial executive and mr h i moore minutet secretary so that hilton will be pretty well represented at the ottawa convention in addition to these all ministers are eligible to attend and each sabbath school may send one delegateand one additional for every fifty scholars tbe nrpgraine for the next county ibtwotebbeielda georgetown on tbe 2tkoiri5t neii prom ises to be onetof much interest the ex ecutive will meet at ottawa to arrange for one or two prominent speakers and the following sneakers willbe invited to intro duce sabieets or deliver addresses- rev a m phillips d d rev dr thomas toronto prof pan ton g oelph revs j w rao and jos edge acton itev john pickering milton eev b s craig oak- y21e messrs mv hopkins and w free man burlington rev mr buchanan georgetown copies of the programme willbe distribnted throughout tho county in due time i t a splendlt femetrt tbe band certainly deserve the thanks of the music lovlog in the community for the really excellent concert given under thejr bmsptf xoto hull on wed- nssyeitingliet ott kh udm it is said to have been the best concert yet given here- the hall was yery comfortably filled notwithstanding the unpropitious weather th ptogrammawa an txoeptionally good one and mdeh tppreciatedt tbe artistes were the misses carrie a rt maud s stev enson and mrs wilcox of guelph mr w e ramsay of toronto and mrs dr dryden of rockwcod who ofiiciated most ably at the piano miss hand s stevenson made her first appearance in acton and created a very favorable impression she has a sweet soprano voice andher selections were well received mr6 wilcox also a new comer here sang very sweetly in old madrid and laa mr jrv e lumsay who is descrirjeci as canadas prince of comic vocalists made his first bow to an acton audience his songs made a great- hit and be was recalled afcr fcacb number special mention mustbe cpadeof that charming song comrades which- was given in cljaracter and with great fervor and realism his tecitatioa deaths doom by will carl4tonwai a fine piece of work and greatly enjojed fry the audi ence mr bamsiy has srntfy established himself as a favorite herei mrs dr- dry den rendered a piano solo with her well- known artistic ability the humorous duet master and papil byj miss maud 6 stevenson and mr ramsay was well sung and received a recall mr d henderson m p filled the jotitioii of chairman in his customary able manner we are glad to learn that the band have not sdffered finincially in their endealvoii e give the citizens a good evenings entertainment but the margin in on therigbtiride isirery i small had the weather been fino their funds would doubtless have been consider ably augnmented j j i erin the great worlds fair yesterday and today j mr alex fowlie left last week to attend the second tern of his arts course it the toronto unirer iity tcierirpaouwwitlbrsfe thexrl aunivena y with a grand coooert aboul the middl s of november tlip careuke ot the new street lamp has already thr iwn up his job in disgust rty w j haddell ha tendered his resignation as attor of hllltbarg captilt church i tbe house oo upiedby ronald mcliooald at brimtoco ioint was recently burned to the ground chilo mra mcdonald and family were ab eut adtxxatt mrj wellingvn hull of erin village has been appointed a county couiubhv r rclckwood mrs john weight is visiting toronto friendal lient young s a iaaway enjoying a hart rest drmack fsrrish received bis degree in medicine at tho examinations at trinity university mrs a kick io pf acton spent tues day with rockw d frienda mrs jno wil oo is having her recently purchased bouse remodelled and improved larfk crowds attended tbe meetings of the salvation- irtny on sunday tho guelph s a bi nd with prominent army speakers being t je attractiooa a ten year oli daughter of mr geo boltons is tase ing from btoocv poitooiog affectiug the fac i and bead arising from a slight sore or the tnoulb no bope i entertained of he recovery mr wm fanish lost a valuable team bone a short tin e ago it fell in the night down over some ocks in- the pasture field and broke its ne k a few ifromr ickwood took iu the con cert iu acton o6 show night and wete delighted with mr w e ramsey 1 set reif girdle oalifornui tteraga w i tnool i 0t if stanloiipoitoaitorolparliqut la dea i sgsd 87 j spi rlooi iwolollar bllli art floalini aroun i haimlltop a h vy snowstorm is reported from the aatfif 8c uwrtuee thiee montreal jail birds rcetved fifteen inhei eacli ou salorday sin wherries were sellldgat 80 cenla a box ic hamilton saturday h i stanley and mrs siauiey have start da an australian tour sua r fell ta a jlspthot aavea iucliesia aotth verinonf oa sunday- mot treal iadigaautly denies the preval ence o smallpox fa thai city j i ajtimer a welt knows imaoitobacr died d viaufpex gauday aged hi aboi i oaothird of the liainsn race 00 000xk peak thechfneae language tho i aada of people visited the military camp 1 1 niagara on satardte and sunday two 1 uudced thousand people witnessed he pal tell obsequies m dublin on satur day tbebremlerwlf probably have got hf reoaasfcjuctedj cabinet into lhape by bert week preqjjer greenwayt son laitransaaudg manltoha emigration business in london ont mrs foand morniat gooiu fhe lables interested ititkevbli trlbritj6n of jwlfe5bba flplrli pflfrftntflytjivilry vuv the ladies ailva td ihe frhporno i pf th pr und rsmngs the ladies if aaadaaredalighted hoi- bauds note w thjleasure the snilllng faces o wt aod lailghtsfi iadsedtbt whole ountiiy it illrred up with t pleuarable efoltemenl j v j it limply anjouuts lo thlsi uiat the inufsctirei s if the celebrateo add unu rially used ditmond dyes hare naagur- sled a grshi ompctitioti scheme known as l is dlsmoi id p j o competlllou whtoh h freely tliriwh open to every mother 4ifs and dau jlitp ot our broad dominion no less a s jul thaa ui00j0 jvilfbe dl- ibuted to tbe mutters trivet- sad daughters f- cajiada infflni lecood and third prizes 1 his fcuuifs rtaily befog j returned to the consumers of diamond riyoa every la y iu ganada jan aflord io become a conpifltor and has sufficient atelllgeace an 1 i bility to maaiup ioma of the articles ncptiooed ln be long and varied list ample litusji afforijed to all fir experimenting and becoming perfect as large cash prixes 8i thomas 6f london- out was lead an the street early sunday guelph buslifesis collage guelph ortt ikautlftu we areinow osiring educational advaa- tiges and taitioi rates such as have not hitherto boen pffe tgi the canadian people the soopej and th iroughness of our com mercial course is itrikiogly shown by tbe fact i that i everal of our students daring the past year have been offered sitnatlonsj as bojkkeepert on condition that they took th commercial course at the guelpb busiress college lu our shorthand and typewriting department the two leading shorthand systems of the present day are taught our method is t ie outcome of ten years experience in t aching shorthand and leads to tbe be practical results in the shortest possible ime in our moder i eianguage department you can get a pra itical command of either french or gernan while pursuing the commercial course and without extra charge bot6 is iguagea are taught by the katarel metliodi whtoh enables the student to read write and apeak them j this is a rare opportunity which the ambitious end e lergetio young man or woman will not fail to seize in penmanship our work is the admir atidn of all wh see it send for a specimen those intending to take a course this fall tt ould enter at as early a- date as possiple for terms ect sddress u micc 3ruick principal guelpb put banff s w t i was induced to use burdock- blood bitters for constip tion and general debility and foundit a con plete care which i take pleasure in reoomi lending to all who may be thus afilictedj james m carton banff nw t i auntjy1 advice my brother had a severe summer com- plaint about a year ago and no remedies seemed to relieve him at last my sunt advised ns to fry- fowlers extract ot wtldi strawberry and before he had taken one bottle he was entirely cured adaiaid crittenden baldwjin onl i- tbe third page of the toronto- ilitty uoll is noted for want f adiaxiisements iyoa want to buy or selj anything if yoa want a situation a mfchanjci a bast ness machinery iodgingslif yod have ion or ound anything or if yoa want to find but where aayoue is advertise ip he to ronto dtilji usui and read the advertiser ments on tbe third page of that paper tbe charge is two cents- awordl each la address the mai 4 toronto can- vnaio bentile ertioa ada mir geo kendlcv of gait ont wf tea i load recommend dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry for it t a sor cirre for alflsumaier ooajplainw without if fa the hoaee 6trarhkrj vnxtscf rl we are toever fswucswfld ifslarla i j lijertlly means bad air poisonous germs arising from low marshy land or from decaying vegetabli i matter are breathed into tbe lungs txk ti up by the blood and unless the vital flu d is purified by the ate of a good medicine ike hood tsfirsapariila the unfortunate tic tim ia soon overpowered even in the more advanced oases where the terrible fever prevails hit successful medioine has effmted remarkable odresjj those who are ezp sed to malaria or other polsourihould kee- 1 the blood pure by tak- ing hoods saraap irilla cokrcmftiokcdbn the def actltingcrotra abds agent was sentenced to is moatht impcitanment at calg ry sir ji raesfergusaoatheuew postmaster genera has been reelected fa north east manch star- it ia expected the kdclliweat central railwa of mauitoba will be m operation within nonth chim ha determined to protect all raa ikns i siding within tbo limits of tbe celestii i empire i the i ipworth bible used by john wesley is brica used by the ecumeaicaj confer- euco no r meeting at wtehiogvon the f x of honour at the worlds fair in ohlej go will be reserved for spain ss a louvenu of the discovery of aoterica john sibson a farmer living near st marys and his dsaghter were serioaily injured a a railway accident oo saturday ajexa idei goodale and herman kilts fanners living nasi little 1 falls were drownec in the erie canal ou friday night shoal s and macdoaell were each senten ced to tn yeark in stony moantain peni tentiary yesterday foe burglary at calgary at kn i c illete ooovoettiott las t week it was anp lunced that jn january next prin cipal ca en will vuit tbe holy land and egypt tbe 1 ngest xtoraecar line in the world ia tbetc mnectlog the city of mexico with galaps- 7t miles the trip ia made in eight ho irs v the g ivemment will appoint a commit- ioo to i lvestigate the administration of the sffiirt of the northwest moanted police f roe in the jooouooietters that reached the u s dei d letter offioelast year there was money a lointing to23gt2 and cheques and note i of the valuegf i117l871 david footej one of the oldest and most procaine t reaidenta in elora and who was for many years reeve of tbe village died suddenly an saturday of heart disease frank melbourne tbe rain maker has signed a contract to supply dampness to the nort iwestern part of kansas during june jul and august next fear at 19 cents an acre voting oo thequettion of the repeal of the sooltaci will take slace oa the 27 th of novembein iho county tof prammoud que tie act first adopted in the coanty ot may 8 i88d fburtei a thauachd one hundred and twenty c le barrels of apples have been shipped f ont montreal this season for the export tr id at against 5822 barrels for the same period list yt a milli a dollars in the bo of dhicag are toon to be sold inaidofjthe worlds i air this is the first of a series of five bbckt of 1000000 each to be donated b j cbioago to the expoaitida the pi pe has decidedto iecootecrata the pant son recentlyjhsacehe of a die turbance between french pilgrims and italian cii tzens he hki also ordered pil grims to efraiu from at present visiting rome aooordi ig to herr japing the hourly rate of ws er falling over niagara falls is 10000000 tons representing 16000000 horse pov er and the daily produotioo of coal in th i world would jost about suffice to pump t le water back again kst5e8 of ladli sinnui uiauuiaciurr i eases of fancy of the very tatest and mobx fashionabn ja0kkt8 rjbefbbs and a new and very handsome lot of stylish 1 aoed ahdileldebly ladois dibbot i frot one of the vbbr bei oa8e8 op millinbbyi conbisting of aoaslbf ladibs vn wraaoc very v oae blankets very tu patterns and got iho iriah looms from the sootoh the competitors offered it it an anpi ccideat act of liberality- on the pact of hi wealthy manafacturersof liamood dyetandhevec before attempted ty any limiln ottitalotiia thiworldj aid the public have the most ample proof- that every p omisa will bo faith ally carried out i during the eton tlie manufaotutera of iamond dyes have contributed liberally country faic in fjrdar ui encourage afaatehold ecc noroy sod art small and almost unkoo en conoernl havevtfiii o stimulata this cburacterof work 6yp tbe afferbf miuilcsnt sums of from one to hree dollars tint would uot m any stance defra soatof dyeiflgaiid the aking up of ooda called for wa fear iisesmall ittiators uavs not yet hit ivered the fait tjhtt the ladies value too igkly thefr ime and toateruli to be red by such wing and mticrly prixei the fairs of our aauutry having olosed or the teamen tho manufactarers of iamond dyes mean to keep the ladies uy during the long autumn and winter ivemngs by boertng large and substantial prixes iu keep ng with tho character of rork asked for the products n 6f avery competitor will ibrm an exhibi in the large sad well equipped dlamiqd dye establishment in montreal and thfee of the largest and it known dr goods firms in canada ava promised xpertsto award tht prixes these wellkncwo houses ate henry ilorgan co lenry n e hamilton md john marp iy s co graham co proprietors of the mon- realxiiiy star and family herald ittd watlji jtrj have fiiinlfied their iliugues to ait ua judges on thevarlqas assays sextfon ura for the competition youutf aucl oh ilcb aud poor have an iqual chance in thie magnificent add novel jompdtition tch ma therefore all should ivillingly enter if yod have act yet rs ieived a book gi ing fail particulars of the icheme write i t bnre to the wells richardson co montreal who will send t post free we ate aaked o iremlnd our readers of he fact that ill intending competitors ibould at once ifgnify their intentions of jecoming compe itors by sending in the orm properly filled np which is foand on page 15 of the bt ok jreferred to we wfsh o impress upon our people the fact that iiis contest it ab wliltely freeto all there s no coat for books uo entcauce fee and io money to be tout forward r it ia as free j a all as the air re breathe we trast our people will do w lat they can in tnts com petition and thci nustain the reputation of ittworaen and licit as adepts inj bpuse 2oid work and aft i i enter the ttore jeloae lo be new building comer kio ch0ie tidpbs mantles vh 5 consisting of 0 cases of dresi goods in uu very latest styles designs lapd at8t and most fasbionabi iefebs and a new and very bi elderly ladies dibeot i fboi xlinbbyi conbisting of aoasi very newest fashions dilteot from 0nj3 of the leading mantji of frenchj english and american 8tyleb of hat and bonnet shapes 1 p48e dre88 bhtetdb comfrisina different makers and stylffi f cate tjaebmere bose di a r ease blankets varv anmrtrtfni ji- alitlet which are really jba lei ijeaae silk finished vefy misses and 0hildber f4s of dolmans fo iwii noortiiotii qartald7carlin clolhs bloths windowblibds and mattings and oiclne new mantle clotha la abudaote msntle cloths and mantles i hagbioniireeftj ibjnere base dir of flsnuelt m different ajifal ifei ohilout miaues yoatl xaolei orftodirssoti it lease tarjii- i stand neil vt and tapestry lsrwdjon mmmiojes pleas m he tbonglrtofbyr hew stock of ladies german iltritles od wraps jlf1m hmtrt a tl ai tl jjxxi i our manue room and oaf ssjesof these gceasttereaw fijnly from day- im ujiuu mavnougirt ot onr flew stock ot ladies q alwayt a leading department wiih ultwe base held thai there were powribiiities of sue- nw um uqiw bua uiere were poasiouuiesot sue cess for our mantle trade aa yet unknown in this vicinity tbe reelii i tijn of this is now here la oar mantle rooxa and oaf sctesof these goods iacrease not only from da o day bat from season to season njt a iyubc variety bat yep willt id iu reptesen tallve in odr stock probably the largest in westernontario f dress otydds i oar inoream ia manue saies is not inoreoiarkedlhanoor coop ele leadership dress goods we hsve riven a goof deal ot care add ihougbt to bis department stinging into it sfmply serviceable diess meterials io styles saa colors f he prevailing fashion if considerable in a drees goof iritock but his j not enough fo us oar lelec lions mast have and do have a oachjot jsnntinessaridrfginality aboi them as well weve looked toll that all these poiotf are roet weve looked farthur ilillsnd broagu- prices dowa to s level not reached by ssnch goods before jwhhnery s j opening eveauio oar millinery department ate very jwellin their mmy we make muchofshem they please and bpp basinus but after the opening whatfjatt this every day fa the equal 61 opeilng diy new opucepjibaa atji styles- appear daily and whether in bats and bonpeta trimmed oraniritncnedflo vers peatbers ribbons ornamecfa or trimmings of any deseriptiob we think we ea i ibowyou the largest stock the most varied and tbe best moneys wot lb as well as tjtfe best taste in combiding- the eame j i mantles i fi beautiful souvenir splendb illustrations and supplements literary fc uares and artiitioarrangement beautiful eaaraviogt oharming stories and tkeches and poems wit and bamor ii delightful combination ia the christmas number of the domlimf iuui- iraki for 891 no tkpensd wlllbe spared to make i tbe most magnificent holiday souvenir e er issued in canada publish ed by tbej sabiston lithoit pub co moatrealli thb 1 139 unfortunates helot captive in the palace at pefclri an old physiolai retired firom practice having bad placed in hit hands by an east j india mftilonary he formula of a ilraple vegetable remedy f ir the speedy and per manent cars of co lsamptfoa bronchitis catarrh asthma i ndjul throat and luog affections also a p isiuvs and radical oars for nervous debilli y and all nervboa con plaints after having tested its wonderful j rarttiva powers in thousandt of cases hss fell ft his duty td i lake it known wall his lafferfog fellows ketaated by hie motive and a desire to rel eve human suffering i will send free ot ohi irge jo all who desire it this recipe fngerman french or english with faildlreotioia for preparing and uslog sept by trail by- addressing wltib stamp parolng hi t paper w a novas 820 powers clock hoohester n y ij never alj patedlht emperors harem the pi iaci of earths bepote is where the empre is of china holds her matt in1 rules over be imperial harem whole only glimpse of the outside world islwhattbey can see i the imperial ffowergarden the preset t young emperor in addition to bis- tereo awful concabines has already no leas lha t one bundted snd thirty others in his ban xt h osheas article in tbe flhutraltd imertfdn such is he life of the most b bly favored of chinese women priaooer within the palace walls they eke out i a existence in real slavery american lomen know no slavery but that whloft dep ads on themselves sometimes they are jverwprked raa dawn weak and ailing- heals the tim to tarn to tbe right jned ine the que who takes dr pieroea fi vorite eretcriptioa emancipates herself fro x her weakness and becomes a stronger a id happier woman more than that- b althy one for air weakness and ailm nts psoaiiar to womanhood favorite preioriptfon is a poaluve remedy nd because its a certain rente dy its ma ie a guaranteed one if it fails to benefit r oars in any case yoa get yoar money beet can yoa ask more ow tbe bowels to remain oonstf htions evil ensue national ordered bjm id goods m oases antles -middle- dlnei from tbefrsxtoh msnufectonen 3 rates of fancy skirtings in charming of tht vary tatesis ann mnon dinaioe m jby be aeilmmanlrfaotdberk oasjsof ladies and mi8se91 h andstjme felt ham in the rtm cturbh8 in new tork x oaflb fes 1 pase dre88 bhteldb t from tbo bngllhmaaafietnrrs 1 different useful aad jirhaii im iu belling off at abootalf prji baklade cents lurnlships twebd dry underwear shirt qollars and cbocfs i uffs be ties hats and caps what an immense stock of mantles yoa have 1 is everybodys exclamation who jvisits our targe mantle rooms the size f the stock is equalled by tho merit of the oods yoa cauhotname papular style or kizo of garment hat we havent got we invito you to seo hem pfegsmakiiig our circle of press goods customers nong the readers of the puke pkxssisooa- antly enlarging i we aireconyinced if all ew th excellent workjsiyle and qnality garments we turn out at the marvellous low prices everybody would come yoa nt get better wotk or sty e but yoa can boy boubleiwhaf wo ask ygt our custom ers cmbtac many from the args cities who tell us that while our garrients are unex celled our prices lie not half what they ff pave to pay at home will yoa give as a rial order txtilliliely m liia y lia 1 j jyoualready know that oar millinery stands- first on the list- for itylo and quality still ij seems to be a feature of advertiaiiiguo state and testate whit has been stated so- often it clinches your recollection of the fact j furs art uisurpiswas i remedy for boa ttipation i i oar entife stock this season it simply nmense jhats ei big wofd but nope too big for the stock come and see us j erms dash f- ito 6t6li j i sb 27 lower wyndham st ii- 1 i- qitelph boys and mens overcoats a ha if price a flrsfccllasa sluit- anybody wanting a suit or vrcoari1ajde tdorderat aboqfi halx the regular price andahybody who watitsto be sued tot not paying their accounts can have tliafc too after zsth oct l 1 vlv ti can have it all this month man s madeito order fdr 80 our made- fef order for about -in- bfderti iclear put the no reasonable offer will refused for anytriinglhn store as we are giving jjp business and are determined io plear out the st onehalf the regular price jmeoiidbreeioa a vf with tooall the attefitloii of sportsmen to what we style 01 u gauge top lever ian mated steel barrehu ohokebored jajtujosjoi rebounding hammers well selected pistol grip walnut stoek tod shooter with 60 loaded thill any ti liluiiiiiisi addrm jo ivt or guags waterproof eiptu cover fisnuel lined wilbhaildle r sr aiircvaaddobbli barreuedbrj ib ease hlrdeqed breeeb and faoantuii ai snap fore end cbeoksv dibber- i tar iiisialsl wii 1 i j i v- v i- fii ilm4il3l 111

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