Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1891, p. 4

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1 1 i h 1 thvn8dat0cjxbell 1si8j cljc flaitttg jolts notes here and wrtttsdttirtrsrtovrrxtter olft lt luii htuiitl 11 wow a ittttj- tutuea l ii to atxitu t ereu dfx elt v rite 7 o je her ejijtfrl mendl ale uov tto static upon lur icjw fbe new la hot cbk the under light erilitlq her eye notlkt story speak tot bet first loveletter she write and m she vrile tier head trecuble she tuou wbo wall xiliuafx enkuoau land le btuta ret fcee the4 ah pratfjr tutld h ere the path f kbich wj ralk f tuerted kr rouy pit sod snare- and et she dow nether iqtrulb for fear she but no caoj it is bervery btpiiineet tttt mile her aifh end pease a picture lie bcelde her thcra her tender rataeeks toil ttewirei eh lovee that noble tece wttre truth aodeovlnsdrvu surely tile st i ceo lit trcst tu hlou kit tors to aie willtw lllell hiiott lllbrni whitcor or ifticv be 1 heve dot remdhu in vain in vain t herenet rrd tfc leader tralle with erblrb bis srtt soft word cj lore ervne mid 1 tbls vibbcreyc noeron the pafe now on bii pictured fsc i her fntlte tetter doe the write while her tbocf bu rrtfuy cbtie ctch ether toward taet hxppy cod the time vfcea the btll be tlu ie od taejr itb love bcll jwcll lusvreotrelcity ii i crandmas puipjkinpies grndm was cipectiog company for dinner the minister and hisrtfe and little prl so the was ycry busy that morninp cookirc all sorts of good things and among the oilier things were the famous pompkin pies made just as hcrgrandnia had made twm her grandma why it almost made nannie diary to think abont grandmas grandma xanric was standing on a chair dose lfide the table helping grandma cook fie had come oat in the ccjmtry the day bofar to try and get over la grippe i should think said nannie that out nay ko make pumpkinpics woldnt be very good casie it6 snch old style ojd styles ttoe best for pies i goesf leached grandma ioa if it aint now 1 1 oppoae xhild yoa never do have erii in the city dp youf only the kim that live in cans an swered kannie and papa cay that they cant hold a candle to yaar bat i never could see why theyd want to i should tbink they couldnt said grandma decidly and now child we are ready for the seasoning just hind grandma the spice x over there wont yoa t nannie put her noae down ta smell arheu the bcx was opened ab tow good grandma it smells mire like christmas than minister folks i think tteres gisger and mustard standing rtght beridii each other said paodma thats tha beantyof doing yonr own rork dear cause thjey look jsst alike oat 1 ooala go to them in the dark and not make a mistake i jost then some one knocked at the sit- ucgroom door and grandma had to go now dearie dont get into mischief will yoa and nannie did not really intend to but grandma was gone a longtime indbysud by nannie begap to think it woold be a g6od joke to pttt the mustard in the place ol tha ginger papa dearlybre ajoke she tbougkjt and so do i how they all will laugh 1 so quick a thonght she changed them sow pvapa il will be beuerthan gin ger iftybe iii iiscoter tcusethmg she thought trying to quiet her conscience when grandma came back everything looked all right and she hurriedly seasoned the pies and pat them in the oven the land knows ifrsj iipkin is the beater of a stayer she said is the shut he oven door and looked at the dock but everything was ready when the min- isters family came and grandmas cap and nannie apron were stiff and spotless the dinner was good and all ate a though they enjoyed it and grandma who jastly prided herself on her cookery beamed with delight over the way things disappeared when the pie were brought on the minister wife said now we are to have some of the famous pumpkin pie that we heard so much about nannies heart pumped down like lead a she locked at grandmas happy face as ahe handed around the great golden wedges but what wa the matter wiih it 1 they all took one mouthful and then a hasty drink of water grandma quickly tasteliere then look ed atnsnnies crimson face and narjbie barst oat crying i ob grandma it was s joke she sobb ed oat no one lsogbed at all but grandma arose and took nannies hand and took ber nptturs and pot her tobeii right in broad daylight o grandma said nannie when they bd ajl gone and grandma had come upstairs i am dicgraced forever 1 ill never play a joke again its nojoke at all when it hurts folks feeling t aid grandma and nannie has been very careful ever since to remember that ywtht com- inappropriate simile lieutenant to el derly uehj hademeytn look as fresh aod dooming today is a rose of twenty sranur ttctcin afford to smile while genius and talent are quarreling tttaardatfalmettc la tho ftest trek t turn of arwi iourt to f prwisj rsjsdar a buffalo doeaor astcrna that 8000 1m l that city it gdfcttdo ue opicrn habit hautlii literally maani bad ar 1oltouous germji anting rem law manhy la id or from deoayin vtetubla tnaller ix breathed into the langt taknj op by the blood tind aaletat the viu1 fluid it purifii i by tha uie of a good medicine iiku hood icrtaparlllaj the unfottonalo vtctttn sooti i iterpowared ko in lh mora adrtnood case where ibe terrible fiver prevails this saccesafil medicine has effected reraickibla caret thote who an etposed to tnalaria or other poisoai thoald keep the blood pure hy tak ing hood sarsaparilla lady in batcher shop voa can pat aiid aboat half a doeen of jojir plumpest partridge batcher ye maam shall i send them right away lady iy hniband it bat shooting partridgec today and hell call for them ihi evening wlutt ihiet it mran 100 dosetjne foliar mean simply thatltoaj sarsaparilla u the most econ omical raedictue to bay becatte it gie more for the money than any other prepar ation kach bottle coutain lop doae and will average to list a month while other preparations taken according to directions arepje io a werk rotreforey bo sure to got hoods ercapkfilia tha best blood purifier i he jestingly a fair hand jnlia a fair hand bat you know in these days they make the most perfect counterfeit out of war or marble are you sure thi is not one she archly well if yott think its counterfeit hadnt you better ring jt tite uooni itisttftiee ipou the weatber is accepted by some ae real by other it is disputed jthe ruooti never attracts corns from the tender aching- spot putnam painleaa corni extractor remove the most painful oorna in three days thil great remedy make n0 sore spots doesnt go fooling arous4 a man foot but get to buiiuess at once and effect acare pont be impes apob by substitute and imitations et put nams and no other i i you want r tiittonsy lfnen ktannef afwayss weert clean inowy whrtt lord and lidy stanley viite the cen tral experimental farm at c uclph friday joseph hasan percy write induced to jry dr thomas ed xtrio oil for a lameness which troubled mi for three or four years and i found it the t st article 1 ever tried it has been a grea to me i was blessing the total loss by the halifax fire exceeds 200000 111 fitting boots and shoes cause corns holloway corn cure ts he article to ose get a bottle at once and cfare your corns the revolt iu yemen arabia u said to have been crushed by the turkish author ities 1 i northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery has worked wonders for dyspeptic and we dont think there is a casoof dyspepsia to be found that it will not care if the direc tions are followed mr c e williams druggist winghacn says the vegetable discovery is selling well and i know of one bad case of dyipepeia that it has cpmplete- y eared suit pressed with neatness and dis patch is what the edvertisemebt read and abstracted young lovertheraiad than determined to jive tha s job farjha said i have pressed my suit nigbt and day for three long years and susan is no nearer accepting me now than when i began the odd that halpa tooura the cotd the disagn usfeofthe coduyeroil is dissipated in ble orpure cad liver oil wfth hypopk03phites ob- rttwfr and sod the patient sijgcrmg from consumptrjon nttoxorircs cotck cbitt wasrfg ntkrtsrk i takes tbo remedy as h rould tafco rallt ajper- rtrjuwnniaj avoaif rtsiaetaprmserr take no itlirr rl dntejquu soe loo scott itowxk brllerultl ob iinssia is arrapging a commercial treaty with persiato tbeexclusion of englpind true faith blood taken 1 liaya great faith ih burdock bitters as a blood purifier i have three bottles for bad blood and find jit perfect cure it it a grand medicine and i recommend it wherever i go ida san derson toronto ont yesmnsed old mr bently j hold my yeara well thi it my seventtfirst birthday t if my parents were living they would each be over one hundred years old is it possible wss the surprised re- eponse no wonder yoa fiold your yeats well mr bently yoa cotoe of such a long- lived family c6xslihftion ctbed an old physipian retired firom pnclico having had placed in his handb by an iddia missionary the formula of a s vegetable remedy for the speedy and manerit cure of consumption bronchitis catarrh asthma and ajj throat and tnug affections also a positiveand radical cure for nervoth debility and all nervous com- plnfuts after having tested its wonderfal eumtive powera in thoasunds nf csserj has fell it his duty to make itknown to all his suffering fellow actuated by this motive and a desire to telieve human suffering i will send free of bliargeitoall wbodesireit this recipe iri germanfrencb ot finfhh with full directions for preparing and 06ing sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming this pnper w a noies 620 power fllock rochester n y a wolb ber b jntt beon trapped n lindsay ont i irfory l vivian il oar family failbfal work lias oij done by fowler extract of wild 8tp berry u atare ttjd quickcara fur dfarrhisa dysentry tad alt summer complaints i cth rreummaiidft toanitamnr frfaid j jria traem4taitiifnl mri- w biet op vivian ont- i dr t a srocnmt oaygebised emaliion ot par od unroll u iouhah tuhtasitcltauliiit for ssle- b ill rfraggttu s oeuli pet ibotue i i ausoii jtoorait uujcr irrett it ortot villa for hocte ttealingj i ur jolui itocartliy ijoroniq writai i can uniwaltaliuglyjtay that nocttrarjcy lyman vagetafat ixioqjrar it th bats medlclnaia th worh tt otred mt jot heartbaru that troubled ri for ourlhriry years during that jin x trl a great many dlflorant mcdlctauat lht nadir at medicino wn lliaiooly on that took hold and rooted oat tha disease i hope johnny laid th sunday- school tsacher to hrhai iohor your parentt tregpol bhrtftna watt ma it replied johwyi in pa utod aba bat i pii ho is a littltottbf praotioa now tiaoa he pyioo into polidcti i i- i- ifeaaui k i i u induced to at batdoot blood bitten for ooaitinatintndgenerildebility and found it a complete euro which i tika pleasure in recommending to all who may bo thus afflicted jaiiic m ctrtoa banff- n w t j marianna whom teqnytoa describes at gating athwartj tbo gloomy hat wti probably cogsgadin ho8ahauun otxroa pretavtujufltl ptranmitlt heumatism tatnbi hoadacso taathacha euraigrla i sewaniiaaf rwotlln prntblta sciatica sprains itruliea baral scalds jfoldbydrubiiis mid ivilert everywhere atiiiudiutlcg ftrnfl oh diamond veracura dyspepsfa akpitll stomach troubles indigestion nausea sour stom ach ciddlnass heartburn 0 a n st 1 1- gatlon fullness food rufrtsr itagrtmabto tatto nervout- neasr- atcrunricaaud dnltrjr tenttpyrotnoe receipt vt j civ i imt i lxrj la sumps coni dtst ui aj uapti n tmw at women seldom stop fa think snarled a cross grained husband traaenaogh said his wife bat yoa might have added thev never fail to stop and talk si baajtlful coldj watch si dean bros of montreal are now offer ing a beautiful engraved or plain ltdiec or gent siiefinej case gold watch for only 100 to be paid adei you havo received it and havs given it so day trial aerd clod it just what they represent it it a stem wind stem let fine movement and warranted for over tea years by tha maker and atuuwt be bough t anywhere ipr itets toan hoxx in any retail store dean croc do this to advertise their new blood liver and stomach pills and consider that 1 20000 a year spent in this way will joraore to 4- vertise their business thtnj any other method send them your address on a postcard addressed to drus bcos uont real que mr tpd mrs gladstone will pat tha winter in florence j th third page of the toronto stu stall it noted for want 4ejartiaament if yoa want to buy or sell anytwng if you want a situation a mechanid a boti nets machinery lodgings if yoa have lott or aand anything or if yoa want to find dut where anyone is advertise in the to ronto bail ilail and read the adrertiso- meutcon the third page at thai paper the charge is two cent a word each in sertion address 7ie hail toronto can ada mrs gfover cleveland ha attained tha degree of ma ma jcngeo eenille mrs goo rendle of gait jjnt writea i can recommend dr fowlers extract of wild 8trtwbrry for it is a sore enra for all nummer complaint we tro never without it in the house fowler wild strawberry price 35 cents say called old mr crochet to tha new boy briog memy boatjaek my name aint jack responded the boy quickly an i aint got your boot neither have you read this description of rheumatism and neural gia pnt your hind in a viae torn it until you cant bear another tarn and that rheumatism gie it another turn and that neuralgia and still youll sqffer thesa tortures when for 25 cents yoa can bay a bottle of minards liniment and bo relieved butcher to young housekeeper i have nothing left mum bur a hindquarter of lamb and liver oung housekeeper very well you may eend mi a small hindquarfer of liver never allow the bowels to remain consti pated lettj eerious evil ensue j national pills are unsurpassed as a remedy for con stipatlon i a french investigator has discovered that the character of a personb dream depends in a great measure in which side the sleeper lies the dreams of a lawyer then who habitually lie on both tides must be very rjraehrnixed aumis caatewt rreootanana it taotatoma is ll tasted to ebildran that la superior to aay racriptfaii naijacwi jld ul 4x oxford bt brookbti t tit om v qsttorlt u id universal and uimrltteo rtlua4withataamawctk ot tnrjtreroa itioatotactonalt lr aratha ntmjrat fi nuu stho do not keep oaetoru p cuttot jfiarnr do i rtewyorkaty tsmftttor loomlntdtla batormad omrcti nor oistprta and thill aljs oonunuo t an m if bat lnrartibly produced bananaul 1 c i faioisj jt d- ttawnairopfsii street and tth are kw york city tw ourtitm ooicfunj ttkiaatf briaar kifyoiul teh ays sale of watches ci which commence icks and jewellery on saturday septe watches at cast clocks at cost brooch a atcost bracetws st cost earrings at cut cufjfbuttons ek dost silverware at cast remeiiber date of sale saturday september- 26th for 10 days ee our25c bargain counter on thursday tightj at 26th r- stzukgos pure pdwnetotl lye purut 8 romcest best sdfojrloi rewtutr for matte- boata booaatna wsurpt atmtintandauiuxlnitotbs eaaeaial iixaiiidaaaibotu u tr all t refa apt drttxtsu how the fart ter hit tha 1 lawypr 1 rhode island lawyer who was a pom pous tort of a n an being at an agricul tural meeung mi de some proposals which were ohieeted to by a farmer sir- do yoa know that 1 1 tvebeed to two onirer- sitiael weil sir said uie farmer what of that had a calf that sacked two cowl tad tuaj jbtervatiott i made was the mora ho tncke the greater calf he grav are fou daaf or do yoa saffe from noises in tho head then tend s cent tamp and i will tend a rtiubis treatise o intaiuing fall particular for home core w jchr cost mmparatieiy nothing a tpleni d work on deafneu and the ear addreaareorgciusemontreal a belle wriagtr4apretty laundress if yoa hare a oo gh or oolddo not neglect it many without t trace of that hereditary disease have dnt d into a concamptire grave by rieglecfin what wt only a slight cold had they ted btckle antioan tampttvo syrup be on it was too late their urea would hare bi en spared ur a w levy mitchell it tea i think bickle anticontamptivis syrap the bat pttpti- ttioa 00 the maxke for coughs and severe colds about six year ago 1 fcsagbt a severe- cold whicl settled on my lungs and for three mot tha i had a ooagb i had a phyticiaa at ending me bat grtda- slly grtw worse an il i was on lbs verge of comampticm and had given apt hope of being cared when i wt induced ho try bicilet syrap b fore i had taken one bottle i found tny if greatly relieved and by the tone i had f nithed the second bottle i was completely c ired i always recom mend ft foe severe c old and consumption i consistency it a ewel itinotfanhion- ahle to wear much ewelery henry d james henry g jam of winnipeg man write for tevtr 1 yatra i wattroubled with pimples tnd i xitations of the skin afterother remedial failed i used four pot- tie of burdock bliodbitters and sioco then i have been qt ite free from my com plaint ib b b rill always occupy a placain my house it it a great pi blid beneflt these stgniscant wordt wt ro used in relation i to dr thoma eclect io oil by a gentleman who btct thoroughly tatted it meritainbls own ease having b ep cured byit of jame- nea of the knee ol fhrea or four years standing it never ufls to remove soreness m well as iameneat lowtv wyadham streal i pi50s cure for the best c0u6h medicine b mlsittlwaiminjttiiil fl c onsumption jfyaawaatlobayorieu i tarm adi vtrtitej in the toronto iteeky ifaiy i that paper re ae 100000 ftnnaifc hornet every week and yottr advertf ment ahoolo rneet the ejje o tomeone who wtnt topar ehaae ad feruaamenu of taw class are a ertedia tie toroato iteehy stailutfetm cent t wok ateh intertfaa or itweaw cenuwoid for five iatertiont andreas the ifiij roronto canada ktlborai fiat the ty item agaiustr attacks of tgnaj chills pilfai troubles i ferer dumb ajraet and liiut aromatic quinine ttfine i tortli wienbabrfaasfcktsavnbercastortt when ska m s a cwld sto crfed c or qutorta wbeiatmbamehisstii9ctunctooutoric when abe ua 1 cbltlrca tha cite then oasteriv a smart man explained to bit littla daughter ih t the day in summer were longer ihta in winter because heat made everything eotnand bathe coald not on the tame principle explain the length of tha ntghu ini winftr canadtl it befpg coogrttoltied every where op thaeicelleuce other manufsctar- ert- art staiuedfllttf it prominently in the front rank of her improvtmentt thank tomtctasiejidboti ot toronto who for 0 year have labored not only to accama- late motley tut to make stained and orn amentally gtti qf til kind a credit to the dominion aoirxulfv mtdrtnuevertautjseucl yoaraddrottsadweulvivi rjjj mijj trial botue mt tift ihtoarjeh- p d i p etuttmx canadian dent 16 adec ilrjlil laid st wroato canada consumption ttati pxiori ttnstr lac iu tiin smmi trut m ataaude el euec et tae wit knt ui et law ttaoac hsbeekenia zadeed so sfroec is aor uot la mjb ctfidmr uut i itt kat- two botttu tltxx rvh a txlu1btjz t oa oik tamea u aar teffartr vlia ut im akt owlxzxrbxss sat ediieae t a sloowm m o taa a0eu1de sr west toronto ont i ti lliortjeotims o be a desire among frraertndothera 6 auppliea wholesale ve afiote oar prices oh rftw jines tl packages the sameoodyalaowill bafonnijilirflngbput our itntntui8c stock wlicb wasfnererso complete as atpreeent j 1 iir 0 it tt stancfaid cranulated 8ugar in one ohtnot9 y bdrrellots a- wotfor o lfghtrejkowmlkeld i l ool raw soda rca rafslnstfioxiols tobacco mcdonalcls smoking fn cads jobaccoi prfnce wafoe chewing ilapart ttfa fnonehalf chests retalf prtepse i wholesale f japan tela frt onehatf ohesis retail price 30q whtlesale hv deylort tea in bib cads retaltprlce 50 whole lbs 65 per lb 6oc do 40c ces atlblg- redluctlons in quantities 60c 20c 25c do do sale coffee and sp i space will not permit us to gitre qjtotatioris pfonetweditth the lines tie handtg but we mightodd we are offerirti the greatest bargains ejrer shown m he county in dry goods ifuiiiiefj furs boots shoes fie i goods at the above jirfces bust be forjoash highest price paidfor buti er eggs and poaltry iv be it ever so- humble th 1 i i jfe no place likehome have a large stbek of jfurnitu can in furnishing a htjuse or adding thereto jthe jkor man secure articles of comfort as well as the ri speibrh r st sqn v iv e suited to jevety pocketbook trade maw about ffit j tujmslidf to at uon powdarrj majilsgtbel f aleaan nfaltnnett- tor swell jits b sonf lev in mi bv r dfcssbu cornea uiuiat te eante leave u humuh j doe its w qtuckerrt in inr other witter dick qiktiflemtis fltabl4 ii mchuo irotsea saddle otjil soret lilsimbst it hi bruttat costi man or beast and a it tfxftnbr trosdarf at ihtdmeni fa tbe 0 ic compare witb it btood teo joe biur ocioutmentr fortejesly dragsdstttnd djrtttrywlir b0bjc482 jmoktloux v ar 10t stylesof we have a full tine of furnitu the parlor the dining room in many styles anci prices 4 r rich uokey draw muictoijiere ahobbtghos rcix the bedroo thekilcheji iexcelletit m valne always j a speiqht manaefei threslier drmek 3yilowii3r dont jfaii to keta stidtpiy of the fampus j mccoll bros 8 tpde onjiv by co u you wilt find tt gives satisfaction i mccoils ijneualljeia dyiirjderjqii should be used in every engirre gytih let beware of imitati ons get only gen line lardinei for skeis bsr princpjtu dbslx1 3rsl i oanadiaiii print eisi resllcl i i i i- i 1 v can furnish you with the best presses for country news and job work to b hadin country and at- lower prces than for jany other new cylinder pre s a lady having a cfdenteiy brdka her trhalling bottle tier kusband who wtavery patolant taid to her i declare my dear everything that belo ig to yoa it mora or or less btoken ti ajsreplied trio lady foreven yoa are a littlecrttckedi yictoria ctrbolio 3tlv4 is a woiderfnl healing compound fo rdutc wounds tjraitee barns icetldt bail ilea pimples c anutyi sly brother had i plaint about a year teemed to relieve hii a advised at to try fo ti strawberry and moi e bottle bs wtt euttrel y crittenden baldwin j cjomb to kcton knd see our vj improved country prouty press this i v i dvlce levere sumfner caul la tea illao ie iwhy f ne iflp and not remedtea at last j my toot t extract ofi wild he had taken one cured adplaida cnt the loadoo engj figero ssys of oar oldett subscril a s writes at having suffered for ots than ten from a iiffand paint i knee he was mknentty jcared h it a thnten ntinutet aftrr ke- fijtt applic li m 8t ja b i answer i st oic tod ask how we iccoantfor thlt k wtr bt lira pair if nod alnott mtxi jacobs oil wt coppt aijd to cl promptly arid rerrriant uly woraie oause maoh i laitijemmoaglil dren frei rriant wor n ffowdert pre eitl tfaft aud mak tha rbilc bficiit and lioithy ona that ear per- i the fiiee press is printed on the above press ahdjthei work illustrates its meritsi nc r5oo cylinder press do better newspaper ofiposter worfc it wa have ran tha poaty for eight yeart and tha longer wa raait the better we ilka it easy to handle odta little forrepeire addlt aaay on tha printer i pocket bo6k it it simpleeaay to ra r t 1 waoallit the bait pre to be i today far the manoy come and tea oar pret at work if yoa desire saraplea 61 work sand tor them and vie them we can give ym yonr of a naaibeir ol difforeutiims and ttyieerotptestpa at all prioe i think of it a new 8 col jfolfo or 5 col qtqj power press for only 609 t aaay onjyse d in the world gladlr ramlkb p3pr err cne too wnta wilson 1 son i 60 erianaoe stbett eat tbr6rjtdott lit ixcsk idrbalbmcea skrt thea aan tbcm rtacb r i- baattekaac 0lcj3i3a a b sea uie moaca im oo acnr taodil c aa a fret bel sipses urf posror fxt mc- 186 aueuhdestl oronto ont 1 b u itmwi be wiil bluolfell jjyspepifa mundii ehysir salt rl heartbl readaci i or reueve dizziness j dropsy rujnirine drvif of theskjm spocfesctdisaisi a tdtred lsyzii jfot tbbqxtxztcqx blood j ij i 1 j paiacrttista uwkm oftrtppei webitjnter- detrojt mackinao island f favaemaateaii i detrojt and cleveland bur ittjwstrateopahfsiadti fc schjite aj- 0 fi btrairr um the betraf tttnrujuio sraup iff4 u- summer ocptawtsi or aduli it mii i i a3ifei or an 8 col book pressfor full particulars from u agent for canadtt actolla i a twlriirifmi r i jiiihiisiafis ipiphpisjigpft

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