volume xvrfko 10 the rtott jfrec jrcss u n btulltp- imi tin ntu morning s j it tur rn trrti steam 1 rinllng offlrv v ii i stk1i iv aofov ost trwoit pmiirtios one jo 1st wr jr it rll in afivariec or witt in llir manic from ire ni incof vcax tl 0 r r vctr if rol to paid rilum hlmi cvvri rutrti lici li pud ti it tsilj thedalo o i the allrvsalaul tnvtaritllo lurrs transient itdwrtuc- r few 8 evats iwr sotiptrwl imp fir first it ption 1 eat ikt 1 ik for ccb sr4bsuent rscrticm i c wascf tun tr felt wit c ut f alio oortitf f r ll r ttncrtlo i d adurtisetaenufev pifil lntt tnrr r inrlie plncl m mori ta linnh 1 li m vi will jim no uvo svvftiir noo it is isro no i i a oo lko t0 100 fpill stock ql photograph albums x4rcttioiint wlthcnt fiitlc dlrtxtlo will ts iricrw till fori m aua than acccra- lcr tnuicc it avcrtiacaimu must i paifl tn iitaic adtertti- ir it will it chatpd erica each mouth tf dlrrd r chaiurw oftner tban oao mcictti the conjotition must bafoaij for ttrvcclu rata chati for extract idtortltcnictit riicst b tn ths tr nooa on tutjsuv n r xioouf editor aud iyojir etor easiness dircrtorn wn lowr m n m c p 6 graduate oltnnltv collce memberof couace of pfcrticyvn and bu recant ofieaodrttldancc utnebeadof frederick ut actcn lmv rid liucl from liiraiany l il vk rtl it i aiul extra low prices iuvi5 uookstore dry seuls chsrp the traders op oanada bank 1jsj ji cu1 connection with food ejiir idjcnowlncllowdillleultit la lonfotm to flted ralea vlll alwtys ciuotbutueiinn t traojerb bank op oakada i id otrrfen tobcto ejl 6ooaco juelph branch vvocill f ur ittonuou to lh coarenlunai u boptruant do mum mil upmrd raaavta tad inkrac ulowsl it rttn o 4 net rant imc nnura wlthd torn dtta oj dotxxlt to ikmndaihil vcmbor taradvm adrtocwi ruiu aotoc a ipacitltj idrtvtl pcidorootn fjcirly oasutiby tad sotti no- bank of montreal capital rest 12000000 6000000 d vri part ciav sirpnjs xrcovchern orricr isn hi trvcrdr mcginrip i hoa corner ilu ti j t rodenck tru jl j l bessett l d 8 ngstibt ocorgctcoirt ovtuuo t uarsh 4ll m d s dds ld6 dentil v ill imuctrki hotel cvr frldtt m clean mclean swincbdlruttment has ixxn tjnm m connection with this liraach interest allowul m urrrut iut jas kftnlay hrtijfr tlllfil buanch ut midd to riaacibl finnetx tnido to firmer oh ho security of nitdo of collecting firmer nice aot md u i clitrgu medo for colleetltic hca ptibj int nolpu ohiro i acuriicucd ftcllltiu for trioiailt ucc tnaoei o til pert of th gauntry a caenu pcuklug husiucc ttuiutl a f h jones iftntcr guaijti urtncb 9k- aoijoir ontjarro itursdayove i 1 1 4 elt 5 189t tueli attnuanytklhgp harder jiticz tlim worit l crindells machijne repair shop in tddtuou horse to pnblncn rplridg l m cow preitcrea to do shoeinq general bloksmlthlng bcrrir solicitors ovne tcoavcyocert ac privsu fundi to lon offi- torn hsll c on wk a mclcan jko mcl t a iowat balustck soucitop noiart prruc sfoaey to iols omct kiabitm bok ctoo aiiuin w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mcr k 6fcculh or machine finished book papers xm high rall weuo- sews the paper uei in this journal 1a from the aboto mills wm barber bros lu s tuott uii factory munner i pain alto made woodwork re steel exgrwixgs r minabb covtetavree coittod ltc rents andaccoenu colltcted acel t ire wi 1 life -rance- trcpfrt bodctt acd toli iod to lc i od tl t ilds fkiojat le tenri j mow ats office ac lcd q5ilt0nwallbridge stone barrlc ers solicitor x totovto axd gcorgetok oscei crwlmcos bloct gcorgfovn and traden bantcbsbtss yonce l tojoewl atent6 secured for islstiovs p heney grist omx camda twtrty yatr prac ic no patent o par i roof tel ttc colcrf i i icturx picinre mouldicp ivory oak ifftames silver gilt band careful attention gli en to all work brought in 1 any mtcutiapr ltri louicut by whomcoerer mtnuttcturd will bo rri tired in tvork mto like mtnoer plow tod uitchlnery rtj alr rontuutlr on henrt arikdell tbtro tro uittl tljia lis world i ilj ft bor would ty to 1110 oft and t am it lt tula to bltr torrow lotd w heojbu mmcm tn fecbjcr tidioft tlio mill who flntftlli la tio ituoa of c u lliojiota wlio will ftltci tud iliirk you will jlnd u fau go tlin ugb tiro trottblci of tboroltro aitoy tblngt btitfcr tbm work i tliouait ts t bowbou ray tutti woro tt iiy tlitt q ly tuk wtimottkrmlout tobctr but ob paw touch btrder l vo found it cioco aien to itru9sl with worry tn 1 ctro i i ortollumtdoiwoctbvbopoof rewtrd i hut dtugcri lu idlaaeic lujrk and hs ho liu ght td not found it well laiowt tbsrd iremtuv thlofiv btr dor tiita work tborlcl rotn wbocamlllloubctnbuyhim relief from atteleu tad wttrttouia toll fiadi m uxf wo la aaocctrpfed tima rli id i enjoyment to tool ho knoi t thtt t lorrov mty cntw tt bis botrt ttioos i lycorihtnu fittter tod tmlrfc and be i f ton tdmlbi to blmi if wflh t ilb tbtra lto mtny tbinir hti ut thtn wock u ftthi r tu wu tnd be told mo uia tracli- tb tr ith tbtt trplln t n i til foe icba r bit btettinrt thtt ome id tlio end alutt i ths rut tad tba ntll tlouko tba workmta who ibaettly pladi ooul of tat tnerehutt or olert andetcl ooo will tell yoa the leuon bo fletrncd tueco it utny tbloi btider tbtn wcrk know ifaa woawdt jlflect jfantilg tuajittg its liko madgo folly rending with out hor nald sius dodd acidly hhe- wihtcd to- oama yok did i bunt out 1m bot yia let hor ltiea lau mid tome had got to itaj and tend tlicra off in lbs motnlngnd it should bo her and ho cried and hold joar tangao josephine uid tlho eidott mils boddi mother yoalreally do poll thtt girl beyond everything h thabkgoodncra thoret tha hoow ngw aid mrs dodd who wts stoat tnd acnt oc brcth and with whom climbing at bills nctcrtgreed dont yda seott ihining pink through tha trees j j madge sid it was a french gray as sorted aramlnu i well wheroa llifl differcnoo between pink and trench gray i wonder strid mrs dodd a ilttla sharply ono thin i know 1 11 bo heartily glad to get i never was so tirecf in all my bora days and i m just dying lor it cap of tea mv i what a small hoate i eicbumed arxmtnta nino bedrooms 1 i dont be uce there are nine rooms in the hottta counting garret and celltr into the bargain i but thats just madges calculation 1oa might hate known that the mmute ho beard young llartwi htod in the next place shed want to cam here jioudon t soppomshe really cares far inni 1 sid mjsi dodd j of coarse sho does sharply answered artminta if she didnt why shotild she keep that rosebud ho gave her between the seen her color up as red as t beet wheneter thes heard his name care hj shes season1891 w h1le ctarnlitff bttki to our mtnyptt rons for ibelrlibcrtl cum o in tba pttt we with lollniorm yoa tbtt w htvc entered intotn trrtpcariieiit with b btowtrt guclih tokeaiiconcjtntlf on band t fall ttockjof tbo ordlntry kicc of sash doors etc tnd will tlto cupply tn epc cltl iltci on bort notice tt gui li b rleec fra ties of all kinds mtdcio order at e tl0 keen in kock t line of bti indoi tnd door cuing corner block yoarluiiberdretsod while aa wilt price tl ou per m itssj t cry pretty ho said madge c i tud klfcavxprefw theft opinion ihst it wit a better world thaajtheirl sad any riht to expect j arsminlt sighed ts ihn reflected on tho forty lornmers of tuft own ancltinted life bat little joe whitnered to tec inseparable companion ha ortoue- siiellat im io glt4 1 im so glad 1 far sfadgs hsi tlwtyc beta like cinderella and eliza sud aramiota ike the cross rjutcrs 1 i how old jones outwitted himself are tee whyjrt ppca the tho elder mus w hemstreet lictti accnocrs vs tb cosnues of kelucftoa and lultoo order left as tbfacs pccs osce acton or afitay raaiderim in acra vjll b prompj mododto terms reouabe alsso moar to lon on the mart farorabla teems and t the lovect rvt of interest io cusi of 4590 abd cp wards jokn dat architect jcelph pt qrnct qaeai howl block market sqztrt trancis hdnan saecetaor to t f chapmac boolbindee st oeorje sicare gioph octano accosnt bootf of all kindi made to order periotiieali of erery detcnption ctrefqlly bound tiling neatly td pro aptly done artists materials a full stock of w insor a nentoii i f white doable tuhts kotht 10c 6x10 deep fhoo frame coml icte a 6 fctt cornice to t- uraii fittiuci 2c otix wall papers are ktid to be the bi f seetted in cbfi city waters bros lstwiishid 1s st oaosatsbquasf duelph i pumps bin bettkr able than heretofore we will banplj either rood or iron pjjcjpi promptlj all work uaraqteed satisfactory and inspect before urchasiag please call else where new planing mill sosh and door factory taos ebbage wanazer gentlemen order now joar ifall suif and overcoat with lots of lilacs in bad in tho front garden and the brjrders all yellow with dai lodilt and the clearest little stream yoa eve taw meandering away under tho hill j j mad 50 al oter saire dodd pcrciliousl biattlywhat 50a might eipect ob terrod araminta dodd uplifting her fine roman oo daffi dils 1 said old mrs dodd casting her spec acics despairingly on the table and lilf cs and a stream j margaret dodd where or earth were our wits wool gather uig to what sire was the kitchen v a the e a sink in the house with a water faucet how many bedrooms were there w as the dining room cheerful and how many wi uld would it hold madge wrinkled her brows and tried to think 1 i d in t quite remember said she but i iow there was 6uch a nice tortoise shell cat in the kitchen tad the sun was shining 1 jto the dining room windows o es irti certain that it wqb a cheerful roami i and ou cngtged thai houso without an j mor definite knowledge than this rraz hailai barber shop ft 4ultblet acios anatsttatre tttylubbtlreut tjjood etfotm tnetblr baoltj ti thimrcrt hair uttlly cnt iltitrttinribtropoo tlwtyspren tin bttor ludjet john camsror contractor btt cued op the tuildicf on mttn street ittely occufed ts t trunk fctor wjth new mtcbinery tnd 1 prpptred to funitsb itnfl rpocjllcttion tnd ettimtu for til cltfsea of building tnd exect til lands of hrfsmvg slitcilisci tduoljldlsq kaee all itttlrs ot sachet doors and windows and door frames anddretsed lumber and kfterrt tockobtud all drdtrs promptly t tuideo to john camerok acton livery bus line new good why yea bpecully imported for my j trtde tapttfn arttlts condition t fcxir uttlly ent j h wobdes tonsoritl artist wuiflrftou jfarble worla qtteo sletet gcclph f clark ft carter direct tmpotterm gf grsxuta and ifarble itonnnjcnt tad headftonc of aj shade flotf from the newect decif ob all work and ma terial varrauted firstclaas parties wishwz to frarshaae will pleaaa gireosa call and inspect ar ftoek and prices as we are eoafldeat we can sdinpats with any establuhmentio ontcrio htrtectold out rav interest to tbeaborsflnn iympecsfnlly solicit the patronage to my friends and the fcdt lie on their behalf j h hamilton agents wanted if you want to make money take hold and mil oorehoioe nursery stocjtl now is the time write us at once for terms uk brothers nnrwrnnen rochester n i the uudtrs cnt j ae of the u rejtcfullt solicit the patron he tnd informs thuntiiat well equippeji and stylish rig ctn 1 wys be secured at his stables trains bctwtt comfortable bus meets all 1 9 a m and h 18 cartful atttint oticien to erery oroer tnwaai of coiurn3rtiaj travel ere full v mtt cihoice patterns fit style ard workmaosbip the best pirices the lowest sly 8peciilt perfect fitting s bl pants to order fashionable clothier 09 tjprjer wyndhom st guelph ohx williams wellibgton mutual rre telknge company errujuaned 1m0 head office guelph agents wanted in- every township to sell the pictorial cyclopedia of lire stock and complete stock poctor the most complete and comprehtnskc work vrer published lu authors stand at the head at their prof fccsioa and hare a continental rtpu tauon worth its welgl t in gold to any one barwc horik sheep cttle fcwine ionltrr doe of bees a grand 01 jrtunitj to make money fiecare temtorj at once addrets e h 10yer publiatier 120 yon st torcrnto insureshuildidpk merchandise manufactories and all other dtccnj tif us ol insurable property on tho cash andprcmiuni noe bstetn f w storfe p resile jom chas davtdsok manager taylor aqeft e nelson hamiltoils marble works v coal fe lood james brown hi on hat 1 a laraquat tily of exctlknt toal which be will jto uptlj deliver to an j art of hs tows at reasonable j rices hamilton s felock former hatch s block tbeore ccntr of u oolwlchand norfolk streets guelj h john k hamilton oprletor wholesale andrejlaealcrand direct importer and rjianafsctunr of all kinds of granite and marble monumeit torulmitone otc having htalnujjnil jtpcricrict frthclatllfijexr the public ma rel on retting all superior article at a chei tier rate than anj other desler in the u est n b 1j per cnt off on a direct order re ceivtd for the nct ddab j0inel80n wants to see you for he fi as what whl suit you li dry gdods boots shoes nd groceribs a trial solicited jtround madges do yon think i cat all for my bell pianqs srxrdwood tnd elttx cat ttoto length tlwt abajia fetepltona aetata unlcttion s k cook co oeoeoetowk iffna inciloneers appraisers velu tlort polkctore real estate and aeoeral land agents fob the c0ckt1eh of htoton peel welliajton slmsoe 7or i too ontario koturr bo oan frorxv100 ap tt six per cent ptrtiec pttctaf their ttlet orther baclnete la otrr jwaot will at re tbe tame promptly ttcended to tt nlrtt btrftt omci ixt hxlzt book uill st georce- awn ik tddrosw boi m b u cook i- co 4aetibliart baxacaomcrsiqnmd 6t eut tomato g k cook t co auctioneer aargsotrn utt toronto the organs ptrf awanpkd ffold medal iselhnps desiccated wheat fac dyspeptics and anyone r witli weak digestion ts7it the iueljkfjd national food co ltd r toronto jaraalc alnfjernational eshlbition i in coruieiltlopw i onkonthl 1891 american german engllib audtcijacilaii inanuyacturer fobbali- y br quarterly payment only at c tsl kellys musio store ss ivtmcr ttfiditai stxaet ooclpb tele- tihonell kfww frank burce83 house painter paper hanger i sign writer etc is prentred toieiecote order in uty of the tbore lines la teebettmtnaer tndstrastootliie terms ererr job hiring my pertooalttfenttoa i eta usara customert eotnntete itttiftotion orttnlnglri til woods trpecttiey ordtrs ltltttm residence kftla et aetea i rill receive promi attention didn t yoajtell me to the el est iliss dodd drew a long breath of ditapr roval miss araminta ahrnggod first one can shoulder then tho other mam na pleaded maoge if joa think o tkin a few select boarders there could not be a ucer place city people like flow ers and 1 rooks and its only twenty mm ntes wa k from tho depot and the rent was extci tneiy reeuanlale forty dollars a month ft rtach a big house i oh mamma ob girts im sore yoa cant help being pleased and the martyn cotugo is only a qaartei of a mile away theyll be sach pleasant leighbort yoa know i ths c pposibon members of the dodd family b nt into a oaekie of jeering iaagh ter ma ge reddened to the trery temples why are yoa itoghlng said the what r ght have yoa to make fan of me why iont joa say more itartyn will bo t pies ant neighbor at once and dons with itr said araminta satirically wo nderstand very well what yon mean s id the eldest miss dodd its 1 ip year yoa know maliciously added mi is araminta ar i yon have him at yonr r lercy 1 you i lant all teaw mi dge and make her cry said joe a black eyed damsel of twelve fi nging her arms neck ay madge drl can have the tortoissthcll own i should so like a cot for a pet i mrs i odd wrcte to the agent the agent ret imed a most satisfactory letter the boas he said was slightly ant of re pair whi h fact poor anpxtctictl madge in her ad juration of the willow tree and the daffa lis had entirely overlooked but the owne would doubtless pat it into ex cellent o der there was water in the kitchen ondacted by ppei from a spring on the hi itide there were nine bedrooms not a i id number said the eldest miss dodd bi d a checrfnl veranda fronting the west h j thought there wpnld bo no difn cnlty in btaining a nomser of desirable boarders in fact if mrs tjodd desired it he would mention it in the neighborhood ive h t the old corey place said he carefesslj to dr martyn in the coarse of at last and to whom e strong mindea widow or other ly of old maid daughters who ke boarders tyn whistled softly but after stance of a quarter f a mile from hlb house what did u matter who took boar iers and who did hot i dan say we shall find them very pleasant leople said mrs martyn good naturedl and really it does not signify so much is wo dont come from town nntil jtme thia year it was i beautiful day in tho first bios taming w ek of may when the dodds with mnamera ble packages parcels shawl straps and band es climbed the mil from ths rail road stat m tho sun was down bat there still remi ined m the west a glow as toft as that of tl e daffodils that had so taken poor madges i y e kumberless sils er dots were beginning to sparkle ths heavens the dew- scented s r was delicious to inhale bat the dodd far lly ero tired ana aasty and dis posed in a general way to fifid faalt with everythu g twen y minutes walk from the depot 1 its half tn hoar at the very least said the eldes mist dodd stopping to rest at the prett est of rustio stiles madge has na mote fecaracy about her than a kitten job printing ikclodiko boxtptrapuits- postert bffi haadc circaloft io 4c sweated in the at moderate prices and en jror address ji p k80be fues pages office aaten bmutylaifthatri short notice appr- ij l -rr- j li frilimriint dead in lote wth him i what waiting for 1 li this tho parlor 1 isn t any bigger than a nest i little joo had ventured to path front door and enter she started back mamma tlio cried theres tome one there it a man i mamma who is it if you are tho agent sir said lie eldest mias dodd attaining the front ef war i wish yon distinctly to understand that- good gracious me it is- mr martyn i mr litre martyn had risen from a chair bv the table and stood with a candle in hit hand surveying the newcomers with some kurprire i 1 it is mrs dodd and her daughters is it not what can possibly bato brought voa to this part of the country t can i be of anv enrvico ibn t tin lilac lodge stid mrs dodd her eyes seeming as thoagb they would burst through her spectacle glasses so said mara martyn this is over look cottage i lhensaid mrs juoddin a wail of de spiir waive come to the wrong place i i unticretand now said mr martyn with ready sympathy koa are the lady who has taken the place an the hill a few rods bevond here i heard it had been rented but i did not know to whom shf 11 i show vou tlio way there allow me tq carry these bags and parcels i wcald in sist upon keeping you hero as my guests were it not that i am here for one nlghtl onlv in an extremely bachelor fashion io too to some ncccfctarj repairs and when the nert day madge dcdd arrived in charge of tho farnitare sho fonnd tho family camped down at lliio lodge i the cat was here cried little toe pan ning to meet her sister and ohyau cant think how hungry she was i thought sho neter woald have given over drinking- mtlkl and oh madge it was so funny wa came t5 tho wrong plaoo that is we thought we lived at overlook colaee instead of lilac lodge and araminta was scolding about your being tn lots with marc mar tyn- j my beihg in love kith- atom martyn 1 child what are yoa saying cried oat madge feeling if all her blood ware changed to waves of liquid fire j well about the roeebnd yoa know that yqa keep in yoar prtyerbook said joe and your tarnmgto red when we tesee yoa tboat him jatt tt yoa are turning nowl and he wts u the front roam and the window was wide open and i 1 bet six pence he heard every wardiso thecenow i where his she gone i wonder cried joe ttorine aroand in wide eyed amazement it she angry with us for losing oar wayi bat it might have happened to erly one the fsrmture was all anptiked the rooms were littered with strtw brawn paper tnd jute shavings mrs dodd and the iron clad lliz were intervewng the unhappy agent on the subject of new porch pillars modern window catches and dilspi dtted panes of glass araminta wts improvising pegs in one of the closets to hang dresses oc and joe w ts slt- tiog on the front doorstep making behave thtt fha tortoiseshfll oat was a baby in the last stages of neasles and poor madge in the biok kitchen was washing china tfter the dnsty voyage the tears dropping fast mto the dun water was ever girl exposed to so keep amorllfi cation before she felt as if she never neter could face maro martyn or any else of the martyn family again what hod she done to eliza and araminta that they need bo so cruel o her was it a crime to be only eighteen with a fresh face and cheeks like roces for her psrt madge i little madje are you herel madge staitcj so violebtly thut she had nearly dioppei one of ihe best india cap into the pmt it tvas the voioe of maro mtrtyn himself who stood darkening the ros evening low lliat had jaat filled the doorway und buiihng down upon hkr like a young apollo ive been looking for yoa everywhere said he mtdge uttered no reply sheoould htve wished to dissolve into thin air ana melt away from bis sight because he tdded there is something i want to sav to yjju very much indeed ssmethiug thtt i have bug wanted i to say only until yesterday i iscked courage to av ow my hearts desire mtdge i jove yoa do youtbiak yoa could cars for me eaiiloi- eutly to be my wife 1 she lifted to hie face her soft eyia tall of an uuvoiced language add th next instant she was olasped render to till heart dcippiug pink audfall bat said he i mistmm if into- bad once more at a keefjajtitefie kreebaa you have preserved betwita im lives of yoar prayer book dearoafli j then yoa did bettu4t f aa the doorstep ittt jvihvdimprn girl a old janet was l miser and perhipt he worst aha thtjqver hved for thoagh he did not koio ftr as to starve himself and deny himself a fife le certainly toyed money bciur then bis soal however he htd come to be fiityeafsof rge before he bethought him of his worst trick before he became- a thief m fact as well aa in wish on lbttday ha saw m the neweptper be borrowed from his neighbor end only n- turned when it was ssked forsnadrarfite- mt stating that a certain pectoa had for salt aq ink which faded in lixteea days ahd left no trace of what had been written with it i j an excellent ink stid the advertise raent for love lettertt now old jones never wrote a love fetter in his life bat h certainly addressed hat ad vernier tad reieired a imai sealed box that dty land it was very lingular list when poor david grimes died hit widow foaad only a bit of blank paper where she was sure she had pat the receipt for rent and that the orphan chll ten of doctor dana discovered that their father bad no documents to prove that ha bad paid off tfaa mortgtge jones held on he place though he had thanked heaven that it woe done with his latest hreath however no body knew auylbitjg aboat the vanishing inktqd their little hooso tu taken from i trice llheee jcekts the will of xerses jones hi to is tu seal under which ihe witdetses signed their nimer bat the testament its has vanish ed from the piper v eterj body crowded forward leplc in fact said mr peabodtluereitb6 ft it piatnlthaf writing been here erft no wotdtj didn t ptptk a faint old eatreeipt will in existence of some sort has remain na more they jroice on my poc husbands nor on the ps er we fhoagl mocfgsge paid s goed miss ahal said thi derstand esiritoire i tt araved oar pitty danoj begin la aa4 weaf o the lawyer then rising he here is tba uk with which filled the stand 1 esaid tad earned tt to the window i ail it expfaine i said hei this is marked tanlthiog ink fop love letters warranted to fade out in sixteen days ltdiessnd reodemao wi will not remark upon the conduct ooae gone to account bat you will be pleated a know that mr oliver here u fau ancles hair and worth half a million of monef oliver could hoi behave it nobody ooaidl bat it was tree and you pay be tare that poor widow prunes had her money back chat s wbe hid been cheated were repaid in fall sanhtl oliver oq3 seat for inter kalh tc live with them and li after all the ttulimng ink mtde everybody happy v l i wanted a pef i want a definttiiiatawomaa rights woman bectute t that term u some- a uojfg df 8easvx twos ue tataam timet deaf lore tlofoglisb stfluran wottlicr ant ob itlvts iweet it wts hard 14 batt ax re sailed tbti dty together tttu cold wben re ilarfailout at we noted with salsarrtisc and the lipof oar note was blao j ar tne blue of veur desk dear eyes i i 1 vi tailed to utioptt court and tbeiunbadbamt ci black than wa dodged abowerforbtlfta boar and then wo fkttedbtck toj ihb wettber crew detprrsted at ths illf tics state of its lock and lh gists let fair gave it up irf desptlr aqd niach of the uslrtcuiitstxuek v e itt 6tr the bank fa the itenn in the itetdr ftll of tbe mow intb itlngfeclsif tnd tbe bowling gale and tbe icotchiugian oaknow jve ut dv it til yes all t y e eaid for nakiao of waatbex vhit mode u tomta wu tbatct tbtt w hl1 tle whole c the kmds toother punch merfcan and canadian 5 hows them oae weatoataa iariery goveraaeta the other learnt dressmaking and jones yoang nephew 01iver an indepeadeut yoaog fellow who never thought to carry favor with hit rich ancle went over to hit house apd gave hmj a piece of his misd i a thousand dollars wot nothing o yoa uncle he laid i believe the doctor paid it bat if be did sot how coald yoa torn the girls oat of boaso and horns i i 9tt have no rj young man cried yon think u my wiil go to you wlieiijl ght to dictate to me lold jones periup of fcia my money it shtn t apt a penny of it no not a penny of it but i eee what it it youre tweet on kifty dann voa wanted the house i love kitty dunk i thantdeay that but til wtat is be be able to marry heo however ill work llscd replied oliver youll wait for my ojd shoes yelled he old man hat 1 11 swear yoa ihtat have a penny no i not ote get oat ot my house my brother aiwiyt wat aa abatiye lasaltmgeliow and yoa trahit image thank god i doit resembe yoa re torted oiiv er as be marched away wishing that ho knew how to j make mora than five dollars a week enoagh at least to enable him to save kitty from dressmaking ashamed of hfa uncle who he felt sure had cheated the poor doctor and hie orphans it ts not well for elderly gentlemen of ap- opiectio tendencies tot fall into great rages 0d jbneediscavhrcd this- that night after wearing so that the only wonder wot that the ground did not open andawollow him he bad something of the nature of a fit i happily for him a neighbor saw bun stagger and fall as he came oat to listen the gate tud helped him into the home and sent for the doctor the doctor canre shook hu head and advised him to settle his affairs and send for the minister is it ae bad as that asked old jones no matter for the minuter send for law yer pesbody i havent made my will and it i die my good tar nothing nephew oliver will get all i leave lawyer peabody summoned in haste came at once i want my will made said old jones certainly sir said mr peabody whats a good charity asked mr jones i beg pardon asked the lawyer i want to leave my money to someone something away from nephew oliver hell get it if i donci panted old jones i theres tho indigent widpws home said the lawyer hate women 1 gasped pld jones destitute clerks association said the lawyer no i wot der if the tortoiiirhell cat is there pet en i joe parentaetiisliy and added miss dodd i shouldnt a bit wond rr if we lost our way like he babe ia tbe wood said joe bat th 1 blackberries arent even ia bloom there isnt an aatamn leaf to ba ed the i hardttrftwgit wrjft for that 1 should ijf- hope for the great prite 01 tbwljtmifiatbeyi ed madge hiding her ehee against his bretst j j and before the- dodd ftnlily slept hat light they all knew about il ujt dodd 1 li li tf oliver might be taken in there in pis old age who is the richest man in the bounty old captain waddiiove worth a tail lion said mr peabod- lu leave it all to him the miser ur peabody knew him to well to remoa- ttrate he took some paper from the es critoire and he also filled ap an empty ink stand with a small bottle of ink which he fonnd tnd went to work the raiser lying with closed ejcj begged him to ex preas his mr junes s hih respsct for the character of old captain waddiiove and to say that this ts well as that spend thrifts should not wasle his savings is wts his motive in leaving all to him un known us he was it took two people to i hold the miser ap in bed while he feebly trtced his higuature but this once done he chuckled and lingo ed and hoisted thitt j he htd outwitted oliver that nutst his miud wandered the pext day he lost all use of his limbs bat he iivfd t fortnight more and died at lest quite suddenly after tryibg to swear tt the good old minister who s trove to recallbim to a since that he bid eonl ths funeral wtsovir not a tear wts iihed the time for thi reading of the will had come perhaps mr olinr joa htd better hear it said mr peabidy t you are hen at law bat for this i feitiy wtruyoa that your late ancle has proved his ill feeling towards yoa to be deep rested but i would like yoato come i will come nald 0 v er i niw my anole hated me i exp a r nothing and so he sat in th 1 qaeer little parlor where aanoas neighbors 1 ssembled to hear what miter jones hsd dqie with hit half a milion ot money the lawj er sat ia their midst he held ia his hand a paper endorsed last will and testament of x jones esq tnd after a few brief remarks jowly unfolded it ai he did 10 his eyes ki ated he aland tp 1 pr times used i cant ifiud oat wbetherttm onsocnot l i l t if to boons is to uaable to choose my own style af dress on tbe platform or off it at home or abroad therr i dont belong to the rank and fiie if to be one is to det cend to the ybo are another myie of orumeut on public discussions of impor tant questions please count me out if to be oae is to rait at another woman for earning- her htfag at aa actress or a linger provided shesdoet it honestly and purely i will take my sett ou another bench than vhat appropriated to womans rights women beetuie wanttobeqeible need lua sex my self either in aptlrel or convene tion if t wtbf all wealth to reiiderthear seivea independent of marriage aa a mere means of support shall lsr up even one of the narrow avehaeewt open to hereby custom and prejudice because i dout approve ot her entenngit jc shall i ttunt hernablicly for havinmade such a choice by what right do fconfess to be wqlinbiy to fielp my less fortunate sister if fm yetjso unenlightened that i can neither weigh the necessities of her present nor sea the sod obscurity of her future- shall i bid all womeu q be fire and garj fhert i fatten these small cords to every pare of tbem and so tie them down thtt self help i a mockery 1 because i am a quaker shall all the world be drab if my womans rights sister rejoices to a bnght bit of color on her hair or at benbreatt shall i eay that her purpose and her life cannot be pare cod earnest or if she hooees to look like the tea commandments ia petticoats shall t say that there ia ue love in her heart or good fellowship in hef life 7 not tt all aji these are tide issues matters of no consequence squabbles i tboat straws gratifying to those who deaixewamea to continue dolls or drudges and who rejoice to see confusion in the- camp of womans- rights not so i neither sirscouservotite sirs do i despair because ss is the case with every mans convention since adam some jaekusei cant be kept from braying thtrekavt been some ditgraco- 1 squabbles at the capitol if i remember right with which women hod nothing to do bf t we dont set tire to he capitol foe alhfrac dor presidents might have ban j wiser pent si finally and soberer bat oar government lunds intact and good men are not ditcoaraged if failure ammig those who have so many lifsohananr tuccen is not counted final why- should ths male foot be planned on the neck of the womans movement because it does not spring into lift hull grown msjeaue11 proportion and able to pat a girdle trauod the earth in forty inmates j jt ia a sorry thing sirs to sneer storcaitcatarethat which mesaa-eulignt- enment and jrosfrsss- how defective oe crude soever may be the feminine maeiun try with which it 10 begdn i have seldom knowd it done save by men whose sasociaf ions with woman had afwaya heen unworthy there ate it n true some good bat nar- a correspondent of the canadian iire- slall journal diawi some interesting com pansont between tne exhibitions of the agiicailarsl socicies across the border sail our otru derived from personal bbser- vat on daring the present season we gin the following extract 1 he opinion 11 freely expressed on both nd of the ijioe that the toronto indai trm is a raodel exhibition although there ma at the iiame time be same things abo h it that are not just as they ought io be oo both sides of tbe interest centres iu ie horsering sod it will probably con- lint eta do so far all time ii seems a pm ciple of oar nature to love to look upoo the latenie energies of action whether we beb ild them in thiorp animate speeding in t is ring is therefore likely to prove a i grei t auras of attraqiion th tough til genjrotipoi tjllere ii considerable similarity in the cha acerot ue exhibitiklespecially those tha appertain 0 the fivestock depart- met ts ia american shows percheron hon es iave perhaps more prominence tad the lame probablv balds tine of dairy cavtle ittie irve stock exhibiti in the ion ler are probably on a larger scale so ftr kt toe avvrtge erhibitor i concerned bat the- rjnmberli trumtls of highest ex cell nos i noto large in our canadian iho v the ncmberlof exhibitors w relative- ly i jger bat the tvertee exhibit is smeller addjfor tbtt reason kiouk with others the average of the canadian exlflbit standi higl in regard le variety of breeds car ada is by no means secoud and itui fact of much irmfictnce tbat a close analysirof tbe origin of many of the anuutls trices them to canada tie otiernseys tmaog tbe nrtlkiug i breeds figure prominently in american jhoirncga they ore evidently quietly worlintheirway into the good graces of the dairymen so that even the popular little jersey may some day have to stand tsiii td mike way for her oomewbttt fargtr tnd even richer skinned fitter the gueniey but hoh jersey ndtiuetossy 1 will 4iave to be bred on somewhat different hues ere fonr or the writer ia very mueli mistakes the chest ia besximing so uminouilv narrow in mtnv otbe onimala that hey are evidently losing coostittuoa eqmewhtt tlie distance from forearm to forearm must be increased or they wll deget erate into trail creatures hat cannot withstand he vtcisirodes of wind ind wealrer e favorite heep in tbe americau ihfaw nag of the west to day is the dhnpshire down there is no mis- takio thu feature it is so pronounced next come the oxfords tha sbopsbire crossid on ihejienao gives t a close of wool which now brings lop prices and very rrettiy improves the mutton proper ties ihe menno must wait till the australians tire of growing fine wool and the longwool breeders mpst bide heir time nutd more oi be combing wools are cajledj for how strange to a canadian to witness the entiretbeence of leicester and lincoln sqsep in soma of tbe mort promin ent ehawnugs 1 j then the method ojadging 111 djflerent the onfjadge system universally prevails ii thelwestera slates unless when some of the awards- are to he made in the swesp- itakesjclasies it eeemslo work satisfac- only he hoards and the exhibitors seem qf oue mind in their opposition to a return to the old system i why will not tjie ooejndge system work or well in canada as in the united states at the minnesota stale fair toe novel feature of formers iostitntes open the groands was introduced these peetings were held tuthe institate hall a building i fl ti row persona of both aexaa to whom pro a t f i erected specially for tbe use of the farmers kress means only fcnfaiiou and trouble t 1 j i practical lectures were given on tho live stock ffqm specimens upon tbe grounds gress means only but sach woald this day be asking leave on their knees of the old country to drink the enp of tea foc which our father fought whats a cap of tea surely whites anything quiet at any sacrifice says he torpid selfish person who peeps over the cop of his own peck measure and thinks he has seen the whole globe iaany fan dress reform i whether or not we believe in any of the vanoas proposals to revelutionlze womans dress it is at least possible to avoid the ex ttavaganaes of- fashion after all sensible it cannot be said that tbe meetings were successful 10 point oi attendance hut lfis stgurfiijant that hey were held atoll one hundred tents borrowed from the military wets erected on the grounds and in there many formers with their fonnliet remain ed encamped during the entire weekof the fair 7atrnfry cenffemln l harygstin by e j eleclncitv has voaatious in tbe green seida md on the hill side ts well as in towns and cmr in many parts of the countm the eketnehght in most effectively people even if theyxling to the time honored emplojed to lighten ihe laiorsof skirt vill not degrade themselves or it by f farmer tnd lengthen the lime at hi traijingitovermndiiv and dirty pavements neither will theypermit theirjreasmokpr o hndand re line and fnll and trim it till it is a drag on every mrivementandtheibarden of their lives moch jess will they debteoj their own comfort by wearing tight gloves shoes or corsets it is perhaps a question whether a radi cal change in thestyle of dress wodlatpre tee farmer tnd jeugthen the time tt hi dis posal uriug the busy period of theyeosr when the harvest hoe to be got in shape for ths market in the shortest time pasacble with jtha electric lulit at commahd the days are twenty four hours long instead of fourteen says electricity the energtio farmer who keeps abreast of tbe times is not content to merely carry on his thresh tug operations by day he alto works at vent the votaries of fashion nialdngniartrjs night ithlhe aid of the vivid rays of the of themselves m some way for it must be ra itsjp hownfuoh this means to 0 remembered that the sex voih whose gar ments reformers have not yet presumed to meddle has been known to endure inch die comfort in he shape ofhigh stiff cojlare hard shtdeless hats and unseasonably- warra garments i v i 1 1 wiittfrrfijjsrijtstsb vterf flftre nut rwoiltiuliglwaa vuible upon them t j r ltolet and gentlemen said lirjpec- body twsaavors oi al miracle i know thht toii thptper nms whioh i wrote 1 v uur detr little daughter wu mrxtblr tick her bowelt were blotted at hard is k brick wa f eared aha woold die i ju we uappaimd to try fleasjbasijiu tbey eurad her remarkably etefwithout viercei pellets tu the house tbey ore gentle ond effective in tctlon ond give lrb mediate relief in casei of indfgeitioa bilioosnem arid oonttipitlon they do their work thoroughly and leave no badeffecie bmallest cheapest easiest to take one a dose beat liver pifli made i uf tttxta kds ualmmt l tn bact farmer only a farmer appreciates delays which ivonld beoaaaed by wet whether ue tvxtdedby taking advatafe of try speusr ond clearing off work in doubleqoick time the proprietor ol agriealtural machinery for hue is also a gainer by this arrange- msot as the earnings of s11 plant tort single season are greatiy increased i we think it will pay electrlo light com panies who are ettahlithed mtbe beigbbor- hoodaf agncoltaro regions to organise 0 portotls electric light nlant which ohanld be complete in itssli andooald be sen oat ou eomeots notice whenever reqjlrstt toranch work as wa- describe bsse bi the slave who pay 1 i t- ji pome to tecovei filiiatwhy dr ftjorthly tt- to console him by speaking ot his debt ttv nawrf m beats sailhea ba tmjtjutjm 1 paid a tf- i kmmihimmmmiimk mtsassi plthu rsto lsllabslsoftyjsw spfpfps pwpv