Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1891, p. 1

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lyf i m f i j f l volume xvii no j0 clje acton jfrrc jrrss is rriuinii r- evkky f huipiuy mokmno at til frtf rrwfsumalriiitlncoflio uutfituukt acton ont trkorsircrtiw0 dollar in r vow it rat in fcdvsucr or moiln tlirco iuntl from 1ocuoluji o er 1w xr isr f hpi so id tn dttmo wlitcli yvcn lutniiii i raid ii deitd by tlis date on tlp ad 1rrj lavrl xnrtrtlilnrt kititructit advertutv tneatt ts wdu ir sinprcil lirc tor first in- sartim s mutt r hup for raoti tubtosjuctit ikmutoq cffletniit lurr tlu flitj table ibowt our ru or ttr mcrluv ol jiitnutnu lor lni lolctmm 3 ittrht 1 liity aflxtrtifconifrt wiijfnt specific direction ilb tntcrt till ftulu and cwfim acoord- id1t trnnct dtcrtiwipuu mut be ijd adrbttiwiifni noatn if drstivd 1 u t- wv a w luo 1 u hi 7 00 v oh saw ism six ir la ii 700 2 vi 1 f 10 1 m 2 no 1 m i i cbanrtvl once ch for fhauct oltonrr than rmcfl ft month tne coaiioiitlin mutt bo paid for x rttjulai rttm cluno fr extract ajtrrtiecuueu must bi id ite osc by noi on tiksuj brmoouk editor and troitf jftor business qtrrrtorp wh lowry m b mc p s orainate or trinity ollemcmbcrof coitqf fhrtjcianf snd surgeons oitwfcadrinjoncc at the head of frederick ttfmt acton itrurkn d phtsuun sirrrov accnrniern orrin avp hrsinrwrpr mectsrvin boos corner uiil tvnd frderiek itru l l beknett lds dentist georgetown ontirio i t v t ipli aush all udsldslds nvul bt ciiik hole rtm friilt m cleakamcleak bttittersdmcitor notaries coavcyuccn ie jltftf fundi to loin oamtown hill actoa wic a mclta jso a mcljun fkllstdgk op photogkapii albumgl liniviicl iliivrtfroui uirtiii klin- avuxttmciu vi extra lovy rrlcos days koukstore dry seils chekp bank of montreal the traders bank opjqanada stwi cal coniiktloa wiui toxl mlliblo i rrnori nn knomt bow dimcult it ii ot uimi o contanu to dtralo will ilyi of kl i ta 4 t thln y trldehabani op oanada uuiftorricetoaojfro ilcldlircurfll j 80400 00 lustt capital rest 12000000 6000000 t a ilowat bulkistcb soucrror noutt trouc m02cj- to lc42 orrtce dutt tanuv nj sitarja7 orrtrr kaonawiif lsk acton cpiuirl r a savings dijpaktment hits kii oji leil in joimictioii with this branch lnttrrst altottrtl l currrllt hates jas kfinlay hiuseurtilklril bluxch w barser bros paper makers georgetown- ont uiitr bpiicultt or machine finlsfied book papers higfluradk wekly news the pijer used in this joarnal if from the above mill wm barber bros- j mcnabb cowetaris ccll1tiil ktf rnt ix3 iffocn c-ir- 1 acpi kirr hna life awurwrf irrjkrtr bouplt idd taj koney to loau ca tte mci ftctble trrcn j amowatsosjcc i artor s hilton wallbridge stone iiiitrerv solicitor totosto ktv gtoegctowk oleo croelmao plock georgetown and trtdtt hick chiniur 3 toage u toronto skittos rt w htrillnrjioc urkiove e testssecured fob invest10ss hbset grist onijri cixiei twttl t04j1 prictice no patent xo pal w ek5 hehstbeet llcevsco aucnoveeb far lh coaatiei of wellinftoa iad hiltoa orders let i t thefacb press oce actoa or d myreciienc ia actoa wrll be promptly l- majloito tercus reoabe alo noaey to loin oa the mcit fironble terns tod it the lowest rte of ictcrett to sbtasof sv560iad bpfcajdi john eay architect gxjzltu ot orrice qateai hotr block miiktt squue francis nunan fracessdrto t fchafmta b00eb1kder st georces square guelpbocujio aecoaat book of ell tindi made to order periodicals of every descrirtioa carefully boand balln neatlr tad promptly doae nnhe hanlan barber shop mill stxeetactoh anaiytaate a ityjlsh haircat a oodeafqm aaeehillareticcihampooalwayicitea earors boaiaad pat ia firttclti coaditioa ladies tad childrens hair tastily cat i 4h wobdentoasorial artisti steel engrayixgs iroof ktchisps colortnl pietarra itooai aqd itciure mouldiogt ivory oak fftamss silver qilt artists materials a ful itock of wiascir a nftors white double tuus hrnith1 jc i 10 dttp iboto riaiw romputtvuc i yet ojhj1c jo llrtii futingp 25c oar wall papers re tn to it the best eeletftcd ill the nty waters bros estalilxshku lc7 st george s s9tr are gtjelph new planing mill sisb and dcwr factor john cameron contractor hu ed up tlje bauding oa main srett lately occapedi a tmtik fictonwithutw machinery and ii prepare j to funush plas fpccificatipaa and teitnztut for all cjtiitl of tiuiltlirga tad execute afl tlods of drfssinci 1 matching aad moulding kaxx aixsttlfj op stshee doors and wlndorrs and door frames and dre esed lumber and keep i stock oa hand all orden promptly wellingtou marble works qceec steeet gcelrn clark k carter dleecr irporteri of graaite aad marble moaaaieats and htradstoces of all shades and from the aeweti desigoi all work ansjtaa- tertal warranted firstclass parties witbfng to purchase will plea fiire u a call and inspect our stock and prices w we are confident we can compete with ny establish in eat in oatario haviac sold oct my interest to the abore firm i respctf ally solicit tie idtronage toiny friends aad the public oa their behalf j h hamilton keep i sded u john cameron- acton- livery bus line the nndetfipned rispectfullysclicits thepatron ace of tte public aud iaformi theni thit weil equipped andstyllbb rigs can al ways be secured at lli ttaljlcf a cirfortablf bus nicctb all traini be t iff en am and fc19 pm cirtfal attiton civti tmvcrj order the wact of commercial travel- lert fully ail john williams notcrstid ptyablo 4 wvlisr umuptsod faciuues for transmit- tine mpti a eerie s5 carrful auy bja mauufwt like tiikol i suelph branch to u mswnloucm offered by our bivltit bank dortkiaeut u- doaluofilaadunwitja reivod 104 inmrott illokwl 1 th tils sf twr mat per annum from date ofdepotit oliitiirti t14orcom loanll i iirjrcrlyoa slat may and joth no vember tcadn nooa wadel to roanooalblo tartnera aitvaor 1 mad to annen on tho aacutltv t 8jettat l alililtyinai tf collecting tatroert talea nocliarco xiade lor collecting when quelkb to all iit of tbe country banking juiineca traticacted a f h jokes uanaer guelpli urancb csrin dells maceinfi repair shop la addition to machtnerv repairing 1 am uow ivparod to uo hosf shoeing general blocksmlthing ia a mofcttatiifaitftory manner woodwork re pairs iko tnude tttciitlpn tivt n to all work brourht binoor iniiliiricnt by whomsoever relwlllbo repairtd in awork tnon- llow aid rnarbinerj repairs conttautly on bend henry grindell seasox1891 7hicf retornlnp tbankato our many pat- rdnsfor thelrlitieral support in the past we srjih to iniortn you uiat we have entered into an arrangement with r ktewart ouelpb to keep donsttjitly on hands full stock 1 of the ordinary sicca of i sash doors etc and will si so supply any special lirei on short notice at goclpo price frames of a kinds made to order wo also keen in tock a hoe of base window aad door casing corner lilocjcs ac yourlambcr dressed while ynn walu price 1 go per u pumps ilcinj better able than heretofore we wil sniiply ithcrwpod or iron pumps promptly all work guaranteed satisfactory please call aad inspect before purchasing elsewhere tuos eubage mnaaeef gentlemen order now yonr fall suit and overcoat nett good specially imported for ray trade choice patterns fit style and workmanship the best prices the lowest my specialty perfectfittlng pants to order ft e nelson f fashionable clothier 99 upper wjndbsm st gaelph wellington mutual fire insorance company ageuts wanted if f oa win to make money take bold aad sell or choice nursery etock now ii the time write us at once for terms may beothebs narwrymea itocheeter n agents wanted la every townshjp to sell tlie pictorial cyclopedia of live stock and complete stock doctor the tnoit complete and comprehensive work everpahubel ite author stand at the head of their profession tnd have a continent rcpu- utlon worth it weight in gold to any on hxriafl hothee sheep cattle nwlne poultry docs or iiei a firand opportunity to make taooey secure wrritorj at once address e k moyer publicher 120 yon e st toronto ehtabusuo 1w0 head office cuelph iniurcbbuimicpf merchandise manufactories andsll other dencriptionij ol insurable property on tlie cash and rrtmiuni note iysttm f wstone chas davidson president manager john taylor agent coal fe wood hamiltons marble works hamilton lilpctllorlncrlyhatoba hlockl tbe coreconitr of woolwich and norfont james brown eu oa hand a large quantity of excellent coal which he wfi promptly deliver to any ptrt of he town at reasonable pricee pore corner streets guelpll out john h hamilton proprietor wholesale and retail atalcr and direct ipiijortcr and manufacturer of all kinds of granite and marble monuments tombstones etc having had an extensive experience for the last 1g years the public may rely on petting all superior articles at a cheaper rate than any othtr dealer in the west nil 15 per cent of on a direct order re- ceived for the next 30 davti bell pianos jcnelson wants to see j you for he has what will suit you drygoods boots shoes i and groceries atrial solicits i a i nut nd been eighi h tl itarftll tiusksq vrsa tho collao rain d larnered- our atorcthouiea oerflow- ooc pralf lo broad i nd city mart- tho wlnda ol tort tno blow no loasci from duilcuiier no rntt tho wboat to bllbt- tliankcjtvlng to tbi i father who haableaacd n day and night no peatilenco dei r ua ko aound of wax 1 1 heard runklca lathi i ahopbeda bell alld mating hoc 1 19 avrord the broolca ruih on right mcrrujr the locgliirda locm 6 lay prtlta ood for ovry blculngacnt on thla thankigllng dtyl frldnda who havo bng been parted tho dear old bon catcad aeelc to chat of plcuure i that aro put atld of tho future apeak ailioni once tuor vrltti hearta cgtov tho gtlhcr wuhd tho board and crya ooaejctfenrcntly ihaijiiglvlnitotholordl all ielothna la pot to flight tuwtljeioot may faiut oa lilnuea thai ihy aeldom to uch foi thla one ty at lent amaathvrafloaja hfaoll stiy uatvof dainr fare oh ood ii gnofotull shout hja pajto i thaaklfflyfog or 7whero 1 stltd jfsthflff utabing ang e in ltlic iportune m tiraotuy bloom salesman in mr cratbes hig retail dry goods store was tea tliily mtiug his lahih in a dusty corner smo igst some empty jmoking botes it yrs lot s very good lunch and rarnl is tho i iy wis he had bui one gl of ico watt to drink with it a very mild plcasint looking young fcllo e wa timothy blom with eyes like a pn tty girls and fir the njliddlo but he was this been who hair parted dvn rather doleful at moment for crablie senior had just abusing him for permitting a lady jras not to be suited by mortal sales to get off without buying anything tad likewise informed him that ho had five seconds late that morning and woulljin oonseq uenoo bo deducted an oil saturday evening at was not plcksant and hi crabbers man ler wsb not plcasalnt and the dasty r and the stole sandwich wetip hot pleaiant and who can wonder that jpoor tim thy bloom lookiig up at a row of deco aied corset botes above his headland takii g his idea from the winged infant picti rod upon them remarked under his brca h i i wisli i was a cherup f a this moment even as the wish flutter ed n to the corset boicj a little boy about thro i feet high bearing on his bosom a badp with the enormous mimber 1189 cami around the counter ohd fired his pathtio eyes on- 5ir bloorosi glass of water i i i say llr bloom ho wiispered pa- thetally wont yoagitoroojestamonth- ful tt that water mr crab bo says as cash 4 ain t- to have no drinks and im chok n m bloom smiled pitifully i t the child a foi lorn widows atstsi unt aid mildly as he held ou tho glass id let you breadwinner and sere johnny take jhalf have it all if we were not limited to one glae ourselves k ueas water isgettinldear said johnny eage ly swallowing theobare allowed ofihe cookjg draught but scrupulously carejul not i o exceed the permission thinkea youreabrick mr bumps hit i le a lick when i asked him here have the paper a cuitomer left it on the desk save it for me t take home to mar whe i i go home tonighf she likes to read the murders and them tilings c ash 1189 shrieked a female voice ca h cash 1 s miss pringle i must go whisper ed j hnny and sped away in terror there were ten cash boys in the store and heyliad beknu inhered high to sound well m bloom peeped around the boxes at the lock saw he hod ten mimjtes more to him elf and opened tho papec the first thin liseye lighted upon was an advertise- men ofaano oountry seat for sale and ho read it through the descriptions of tho stab eb barns bath tubs conservatory versada lawn and kitchen garden tho well the octagon parloriceilinga as thoueh he i itendod tabuy it fo himself that after- nooi j t icn liecabt hib eye upon an account of how mr sdullen had beaten mrs mullen and beenarrested for so doing and then ho f undi himbflf reading a paragraph to the iffeot hat the heirsjof timothy bloom of lancaster england if living might haai of something to their advantage by applying to joneb johnson stret ario thuilisday n0vem1ber 12j 18di ehtjio i no mora uy qoorga i i navcr houghd shtnt said tini bloom counlariutnpfng for ttia and if tafwhlto wilt lotmc hlra tlia back parlor ill aka tjiat clo away kot ii notyetj its too soon sail houy to hersolf i but holl go wlicn ha quits nodcr- stands let trio congratufato ydu my dear mr bloom saia mr ciabbe boviog as ha patted from iha departing olerk at ha did to tho carriagooustonieri tt tho verystora- door i hava always felt i superiority ih you over tho other young men- r said to my daughter belinda tba other day i if ttworo not foe- giving offnoo tibthera i should ask mr timothy bloom to our little evenings something of tho pri ico iii dis guise about him but an employ r lias his duties they sometimes make his heart ache but ha must perform them mr bloom remembered the pucard over tho t watercooler cashes not- allowed drinks acasliwho drinks dec acted one- half and thought tnat if li crabbe really had a heart this must bo true tim bloom was a rich man rat ha had no rich friends as yet the clerks at crabbe cos hao been always iniarrclting amongst themselves and ho had not known ono in private tho boarders were not sociable ho treated them to tco cream several times and took hetty white to a concert or two he improved his mind in libraries and museums and set up a bookcase of his own into which he put a miscellaneous as- sortment of volumes but when pno day ho received a perfumed envelope inviting him to a lawn tennis party at mr crabbes country scat ho felt that tho dissipations of the wealthy had just begun for him ho accepted of course and went attired in perfect style and looking very well indeed hp returned bewildered miis crabbo was very handsome she played and sing and danced and was stylish she had set hef cap for him and mr crtbbe yes actually mr crabbe hod plainly allowed him to see tliert ho would give ha consent to tho motch two months ago ho called in 3 a stupid idiot two moiiths ago he snubbed me whenever he 6poko to me thojghjt tim bloom yes thisis the old story every body everybody oven old mis white flittering and cringing to my noney i wonder whether hetty js the sak e and in the seclusion of his own appart nent poor youhg tim bloom actually cried though mr crabbe called that evening and took him to a charming stag party vhero tha guests were principally in tho lry goods line and in every direction pnevcors caught tho remark sold a bill of goods to a man and where every ono scorned to drink anything less costly thin champagne ydu rascal said tho c4cellept father on the way home i seo yon are afraid to speak but i know you couldnt keep your eyes off my belinda lost wednesday could i hope foryour consent if she for yoa in this wordyia dear odoql afiar which the raider ft to understand rfilmgan44h4ppylif clxm j it is otno nta mjr leving to saw said girl la her ut 1d ira m ol imiy with a needle mytltohm are an inch ionl msmtna doss slimy msndiag she sji when i do it mysall my things loik so that she is asfaimtd to t ma wear lb im bit if the mother wera leu mlf-uajind- iaf ft is pcobtbu that i few hoars prsotica under hoc direction would uily rsdaea thoae oluai ttitahes to a res aectj ably small fraatloa f an inch in length anotliijr yoanj lady sdraliwi the other i day with a laagh that she always dakadj hoc own stockings by drawing theeop r of o the holes togsthec with the thn isul oeccasa weaving it f n sad oaf- ssj mother did took so mach mots tlms ind j otrliotthls sort baloag to the attttaijied or iha lazy aluc bat the dareleis l4it as pommoo and perhipt more asperating oh im very sorry bat ybd knoi i always ws battarfingers explains calmlj iha ircmy young periou iuho spills gravy in a fadyii fsp atdiaaer beciosasha is pissing the grswyboat w th her mind on the lost chapler of a st ry and does not notica that she is tipping it presently she helps to matter with kt sam vca expresaioa iq her eyeej a 3d sands the bit which she attempt tocatfn m theharl pat without looking at it flvfae scros the table did it spot your dress she asks ler sister 1 hope not bat of coarse i cati dbt help it aylig off im very sorry rfut iha trouble ia precisely that shaitnativsy sarry at least not sorry enoagh toi prov nt tho same thiuij fraaihsppentog again is itworth whila to remember that ihlra is each a thing ai being stapid with eaia fingers there shoald oe direct com a- a li- catioa betwoeo the hand dad the be i l bat some people with otherwise eite brains do uot seem to realiza this foot allow their hands a kind of helpless hberty which works disaster among brioatnj aad make many simple tasks absurdly formidable- yoatkt cantpajuoti hero and mtdqet my deaf boy ha ha 1 ha i her and seo cried mr crabbe why ask it ha unt hardwooland elalrt cut uovt length always on band j telephone comnionlcatlon s m cook co georgetown licensed auctioneers apprlseti veln- atora couectoro real ertautsd genera land agents foutue coltiebof bijt4jopeejweilha4tonsinicoesror and ontario tlouer ad loan from aiftd in at alx ser capt pirtlea plictne tielr sale or other toaueas in qttr hands will have tbe aojeproinisfy attended ta ax doderati barge omo avo fealta boom hill t oeorce- oro or addresa bos uc b u csoi 4- co mrtfe baajtcstorrice jlquwn st an toronto s scrcooe co aactlaaaart gorgtoirn and toronto u y organs wrllt awaitdcd the gold medal at jaraalc alnterntitiontq exhibition 1691 in cowitition with amerlcarigcram english i and canadian manufacturers- desiccated wheat for dyepepticaund anyone with wak digestioiit funidtaoty i try it the ittellnp national food co toronto foii on moutblyor ouartarly payment nly at c wkeuf mosk stoete 5 lower wyudham atreet ouelph teje- lihonoljs i frnk burce88 holise painter paper hanger signwriter etc is prepared to oiecuta orders in any of the bo floe la tfaebest manner ondatrasnawe terras every job having my rrjonal attrition i can- assure customsrs complete utuloeuoo orainlngin all woods a specialty i orders left at myrealdence main st eton will receive prompt attention best stylo of tho art at moderate prices and on short notice sapplr fl address h pkqobe ffix pazss office acton fy name thought qlr bloomtacrst the i with a start he remembered thatw had heard his grandfather was named tim- oth certainly ho come from lancaster enland hib father david bloom had bee an only son ho was an only son jwn elf well then he was timothy bio ims beir if it shojild prove that tho tin othy bloom inquired for was really his athers father 3at oh psha saidplr bloom this sort df thing couldnt happen trf mo itj son e other timothy not poqjiotd grand- fatl er and ho copied the address p jon s t johnson that night 1 wever wonders will never cease yh n tinvbloom the meekest of all young sale smen went home thatsaturday evenind wit i a deducted salary and a scolding he ton id mr johnson himself in his boarding hoc ie parle r and an examination of the fan ily bibl i in his possession and a certain tiwwjeitersjthat s ir bloom haa mofe than i nee decide3tt6 barn but had fornnately spared settled the matter ha ja millkon of money tiao comoto hini in i ha regular course of naturs and he was ricl ar not only than mr crabbe but thaii an of bis fashionable customers a wasa wonderful snrnrisi to little tim bit om and he scarcely grasped the idea at bis chiel con- always been tho wish of my i cart even when you were a poor clerk and she dont say i fold you jlways admire yoa al ways at nine oclock ono night mrt whitas doir bell rang and a messenger boy handed in a letter a big letter with sibg seal and immediate on ft what ootid it be something about tho property of coarse mrs white carried it herself tokr blooms room and as she handed it ihl saw him seated beside a table on which rtood wine and a tray of delicacies mr ciabbe was at supper with her boarder excuso me said timothy oh certainry said mr crabbe timothy opened the letter reodjit ottered a deep sign and passed it to fr crabbe mr crabbe read it and turned pirple do i understand it said timothy hiding his face your lawyer says the property is no lopger yours that your graiidf tther was not the right timothy bloom aid that the real beir will demand a restorafnon of all that yon liavcrspent already- yes- i was right said mr bloom but mr crabbe after all ifshill do very welb i can go back to your store andmisa belinda baa quite a sufficient little fortune of her own wocan still be happy mr crabbe leaped to his feet 1 sirt sir bo said this is a great piece of impertinence sir yon havent spoken to belinda but you assured me begad timothy i didnt chrieked mr crabbo at least i vas mistaken i came liere with the intention of telling yoa upon my word and honor that she cant endure i yout and as for the store you were a mosv incompe tent salesman there is no situation open sorry for you- but goodnight good night j goodnight saidtimothy j then as the door closed he took np his letter and carried it to old mrs white who witlrhetfy aslassistant wis seeding raisinb for next dayb pudding sitting ona on either sideof thedroglight in ihadining- room i shall have to givo up the back parlor said poor timothy and as for my half hall bedroom idjmt knowhow to pay for that for mr crabbe wont takerao bock timoberving old wretofi lsaid mrs white no matter mr bloom- ill trust you intentions being right i never will be hard on my boarders and yoa can keep the parlor nntil it is hired because its more comfortable arid try to keep up your spirits said hetty for after oil money isnt every thing j it seemed too budden to last saiimrs white i never trust thesa lawyers so the good soufj- comforted i him and after a while wnenhe asked hetty to take a little walk with him she consented there was alittle park on tho opposita mr lane and his family lived in i ha country and were the owners of the dog hero and midget hero was a largadog whila midget its yoatrjigat guest from the name wu a little the twodos were veryfand of each ot4er and had many ray fames together- i ooo summer iha lane family werjt to makas visit to soma friend who lived in i village soaie ierealeea tnilu awiy midget they took titn them hat hero tiy left behind j t hear tbe hoosa where the lone fam iy vera staying woe a hotel when lired a rejry large dog wbo wot inot alway jrstjr friendly one day uidgetwent oat a walk a ha wa passing tha hotel tha isxgadog came and commenced to ight with poor midget the little dog wo dreaifally beaten and crept to the haase aaite crestfallen i i the next day midget was musing light l h whp road tha and and that mwhbr easy chairj mothatiyiva ft in their power to do at maoh mwam ilftiog the world ap to ood atthe presows f men and women ire basy wita their own apparelther have noiim tobebokthe wouderf al vistmentt which god left down upoatheeartha r t mrs a i am so troubled aboatmy nasbaad bte says he is an agiostio and doesnt know aay thing f j mrt b fitfa jool know rhai jthat iroable is my hasbted- thinks hi knows how to cook anpld couple whogreatly giociedgod ptthjicglaajlivm were aajad aud have yoanever anj- cloadsi clonds said the wpmsa ebadj i whj yes tc elte where woaldan tha blessed showers come ffipm saribb hoi me worked ia icottcrarnlll lived a aamtio ondiprayedin her closet foe mttsioot aciwhen he died ue lowell factory girl irejoioed in fix missionaries preaching tb gospel aming he heathen whom her hsideacned monej had jut iaw the field l j i it is only ox years since an asoctjtion- wat formed to irovidetthe women of ladlsi withmedicahajtenaanca there atanowl open thirtyetght hospitals which received daring list mst oiooo njatieut thj association has forty jadydoitortassociat ed with itoftwhom hide trefengllsh in5 there are 20famalb ttadenti vj mrs btcoburo was receatlyaskect l how can it yoaugwoman best preserve the love of ir hasbicet j to which she made the follijring reply husbands likel peaches willnot keep the yetr round aqf lest they arel well preserved fitst select him ctretttlly be ra h is notloo green heithershoatehe befoifrripe ha might lookvery tantptiagajicj niellok in the mar ket bait if b it tootjbld he wut not stsud- tho preserving ppjoes but will expdehu bard stony heart hnibahds grown in the tropica of pleasure lick very nebm are usually instpldj ibk home grownarebest select youi husband it possible front i if fvrnilytreegrowinfott the sjmny side ot a church ton will be sure thin that he is apahd at heart uusoaui hiisbtndsoffen like uneoaad peacheshive tobe sorrow- tally cast away having selected yoar hasbandyouhould bave- a clearteody cheery bra of love oar- preserving kettle mast be neat and clean husbands like peacset look- very black ifilhis it untidy give him plenty kf sweetness much sagir it needed vinegar is never used in sweet preserves f yoa think hi needs a little spice nseit with cautipa not keep- stirring bim bp neithei thqald- yoa seip poking him with sharp points- to sea it be it- done it will spoil hit oolu if tha tbove receipt is followed and yoa have selected the right sottof hasbahd yoa will find hit love wall preserved l where bagpipes are used tbe istfsa of coses j thsudnd of latter lying tbirs ofan oa ths parlor anair howit chied th littf wlfa aittling with a checkered jift r i enlhofalthfalpcftmangray lijtohtlltotheaoorvidar labtreym bid been sad ttafc hr hot thooaaod fwri vkpw the mrs hart vanished jaaiu aad her cheek afcioniovnitr wekotneibaclctla rotear and the dimples nutlinttbere kti iha with a toother l joyj tosaeapnerbsbyboyv tiding hfm between her kisses that tha father heso mlaaaa 6ot will cometo tnoki tham glad wht bjve for days so sad wjrv di jw hit tuefcvlmea of th iojnfhg hett tfn comfagsnd so soon r yowiheifngaaiweethomelune a iha puts her bsbeto rest j lnteccarcradwaett kw the mnbeains oa the door tkatshedldnotseebeforer floodingalllhitooni with light seni like treatares to hersfght i lfttlc mfiafves whlbvand fair lie the letter lying there soicaef tlce yon fiakec pi anow i t- t vj after breakfut and learcb tfter wu in vain later in the day sboaid be seen cornice along the dasty bat midget and with him hero 1 little dog had gone ill the way borne his friend 1 the two dog went to the house wbire their frtendt were ate a hearty meat then trotted off staight to that hotel found the hateldog then hera gavaj dog such a whipping that i do not think ha bothered small dogs for tome time then he turned acoat and went all tba way home again tae cvta nfcffijctcrr an oldthamksqfvtnq dinner how well i remember that old thtaks- giving dinner fltather at one and mother at tbe pthir end t he cbildrea between wondering if father will ever git done carving tha turkey oh thttp ad strutting hero of tha barnysxda raids down his plamei gone and minus hit- gobble i staffed with that ha never can digest- the day before at school we had learned that greece was south of turkey bat at tha tahle we found list turkey was bound hy grease the brown surface waited for tha fork to plunge astride tha breastbona and with knife sharpened oa the jambs of the fire place lay bare the folds of white meat give to the boy dis posed to ba sentimental tho heart 3ive to the one disposed to masio thedamj- stick givatobeonedisposedtotheolotical discussionth8psrsont nose thet the piet 1 for the most part a loot art- what minoe pies i in which yoa had all con fidence fsthionedifronj all richingtedients instead of miscellaneous leavings which are only a sort of glorified hashjl not mince pies with prorbuud mysteries of origin 1 bat mother made them sweetened them flavored tlitm and laid the lower crast and the upper crust with here and there a puncture by the fork to letl yon ook through the jltght and flaky tajfice into the substance beneath no brandy for tbe old folks were stoat temperiuce bat cider about hallway between jiewjand hard dear meljwhtt a pie 1 ltdiu home journal a v x bagpipes ate not only aired in other countries than scotland batintact ere comparatively a modem innovation inthe land of the scot not having bees known there until the 15th or i5th centuries the first auf neono mention of them being in connection of them beiug in connection with the battle of balyiuaes in 1591 as a masfcal instrument ambne eabfarn nations tie bagpipe dates back to a verp remote period being almost ncifersaj throagbouttha whole of asia it is used among chinese musicians j and alto in persia and india it wit introduced into arabia and tgypt and is common in italy same of the peasants of which country come over with thehandorgtn tribe and may be seen dartng the tammer months alternately with the german bands at many english pleasure iresorts tba italian peasant believes that the bagpipef wot the bestbeloved music of that virgin mary and hat it was tl iqsfrument akiiinotki two man near relator engaged n a ianginel suit at length came to an j par several years they fa tliem fcaown peace and p iplexity of the tait h an unrest jowrcome waea tha jl upon which j lie the shepherds expreased their joy when they vliited the savior when the italian peasant visits kome on he anniversary of the birth of bcr savior he lalways csjtvei his bagpipes ivith him prior to the i6tbl century the bagpipe was- common in enjilind carv ingsofit odcar in charchea at loston great yarmouth and hull as also at melrose itis nieutiaued by chauc rand spencer ani several times by jhakei peari the pysiolopy oe ev the immense results of chnviei in one family in naw york in his cuciouastudy ot the pbyaofogy of evil dri d exhardiod dioltre that- the man of science finds two natural causes nf bvil in mankind hereditaiy and early environment the operatic n of these causes is msdeconipicuoas in norel investigation carried out by pn feasor dugdaje of itewyork wbo has beet abl to trace one criminal familyback a the time of the settiementof its first me sioers in america he has found ihatfro i tbii parent stockhas sprang 1200 sescen iahtst the lives of zoo of these have been ildieiy followed by prof dagdale the rgs ilti of the investigation sbowipg that not sue of the 709 had escaped the coniaminsi ion of evil or its oonsequences his rase trches also show that the crimes of th one family havalduriug the lost aeviotyfive yeire cost tttstate of kew york- siooj- irjjn tai how ever ore not tlwayt incuslej4ii fib 6 even after he hid told fid nt hie landladys p jetty g nddinghter m bitable wliite pretty pinkcheekea ca able damiei called hetty for short ho on y went so far as o thiilc of a pair of pa entleathcr shoes aids di mond oravai- 3ey awalcenedhiii to a iall realisation of his changed conditinn by saying rathtr se ionsly and looking i iway from him ofjooarte grandmi t woit suit yoa anv 0 igeti mr bloom aidiyonil never hata tc go back to crabbe d cos igaln side of- the street and though tha gates were looked tboy walked iropnd ts railings their talk wa long and earnest and at last timothy said well hetty poor as i am will yoa promise to marry me some day 1 and she hadinswered n simply and so it was settledandtfor young man recently- reduced from affluence to poverty drbooni certai looked very happy as they went home together bat it i was only when mrt whitebad given ber loving consent to bis marrying hetty when thoy had enough for bread and butter that ha mapelconfe6tion vi cant keep it i to myself any longer grsiadmi i wrdemaoi letter mytelf im at rich as t ever watiaive tasted my friends old crabbe hat proven false anil yoahave proven tirae i felt fare about hetty all thewhile and when we ne niarnedyoamust live with us and there shalibe no mora hard work and boardats i i v j hotaci declares thtt lifegivet nothjfagto man without great lapor labor sow i the goad seed and gathert the ample htt vest labor builds ihe seething forgeaud i ems oat the needed iron it levels the forest it builds the city it bridges the rivir tt taanelt the mountain itieschetfroii the ptowshtra up to the grandest nitchi iecy andfrdra the alphabet up to ththi tfiest learning front huts of clay it pasies to gorgeoas palaces and splendid cathedrals from vehiplea oforadity it entertmajnifi- cent itaamert it brings all science tnd philosophy to the doors of the rich tnd tha poor and mikes thinbtyerja unravil her jnystariss and gloriastltupensttvanaeiof jnsplrsupntand power to every eoniciea- tioasloiler and determined thinker and the wieth6aftainmeatand honor ibovo tha browt h eat fzt w6o kad been i chancery derstandilag- neither of tofbrt the given bem that do mentaji trffort oonld j bad come to on end njers could find notb- property to turn 4 into bey foe their own parsettaiid whah it ended tbe two litigants were relieves happy so happy were tbey that they made up oliditteteaoes between then reabtvedinsomewayitoi tubbtan6ally jeqmmemorate the isinl tmsy jpnv their i- heads together and 4ojiy htt opoa tbe ptsatant conception of liavfngl xioni raeoiorative ptctare painusd in daplioa blje foreacbof the pities ind ipay waited apao oar old artistic friepd- man toerhins to paint o piir of ptctareti tby wnukl leave ilia compositiop fiftba t dettgu to liiin inly it should clearly brtj reference to the happiby ended chancery toir 4r f j well seaman painted the pictaje jpsinted oae and woam have them examina it before hcj mod the copy 3 went to kit sitdio tod there bey pehald them- li selrves pictured oa eanvosi the liieneis exceilentcomtagout hand in basdfironi thi ebaaceryl court one- of them was biaifin a wenworn shirt and the other in acaiged pants kbirtlemand aboej late in short the bnty clotliing worn by the- piir consisted of the old shift tmb the prior old psutaioons- but tba unkempt twainwera raerrirydancingbacway dnt tcom the cduttrtpparently as bappy ia- twobegaiteer werec- jine duplicate picfora wot hot i mean prdarad ashe president of the central a tylum dublin ireland has suggested tt at in herited tendencies to crime can bajafed in the yeang by teachingaselalcccupationr which will call into piay thefacalfiejr exic- oited in criminal acts that the cnild of a clever fargc be educated lito an honest dranitsmaniia may the cntldten of several geuerattoas of pickpockets be taught clever handiwork such at watch making or other work requiting fiujsrtjn utuallydift in themayeejili republic uttzzjt to the larse number ot storlet of fthtf meanest inanwhich ire frecjenuy related o5aihoaldbaitddedofa cirtaingrdmoler he was attaed by inflammatorj rhenm tipi tnd was carefully noiaed by bit w fe who was very devoted to him in spite oi1iis fault fiudiug dispotifion hit si ffering caoiad bier to burst lntcteani s tcetimet uehatatat hit bedaide one day t friend came in and txked him h iwhe was getting hn tbtdly badly he exclalmait jid il t all my wifavfonlt r- hit fjosjibjat asked the irtand in s trprise- yet thedoctbr toldmethttmiditys- atbedtor me and there that woman i tf and cries- jast td make it moist in tbe room i he resented- it y- a beau or1829 i v ifcvjl kataacbolaal jsmrf 1 exparlmantst with apenduium satpandtmmall weight a ballet pebble or heavy battbnby a thread exacuy two httlang- f i let- thit twitik back and forth it few indhet and carefully want tt vihratlonii per minata li does the distance it twinge attecthe rate kapeat having tha thread just oui timet si long aleo baviog itjoit one fo irth it longond compare retultt i- frvj among the reminiscences- of hannibal hamlin which hare been revived in print since hit death it a characteristic anecdote of hit boyhood when about ten years old be broke his arm and upon thi splints and bandages beiagaken oijin doeibarseof time it waej found ttajjpne bad slipped but of place i another fisirgacfn wat ttuif moned andj without giving the boy a hint- of what was joomiog hejbroke the bone xgain so at set itptprlyj jj tberedpin tha youthful hannibal wh irtill had one lotnd armdrew off and ifruck the doctor in the face a performance which waajeieumdluit with the remotkt when i operate upon yoatjgaih young man i shi 11 have yoa sjrapped dowp yvhon grandpa went awciig ho wore a atln vest atralitltruuhlngrosestj embroidered on the brestt theoif tern of his tro tutors il his llnenwalte- and aaet f were afl lie latest fashion f in eighteen twentynlnfc j graidje was linelooking yrkng fellow then kj tbe did ladies uiy andtnolt aflde- jbokirtr old gentleman now the put toorepfyeart he has beent flttn baliavtr in tha metitt of cr piercei gmta medi cal ditoovery it renewed na frequently st yi parifier tnd liver in benefit or obie or maqtypi dedligpjbtllvirdi scroioloasaorei skin ditetite of tbe blood for tnd obnaaoiotioa which itiettlyattgasjituoaan wi

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