Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1891, p. 2

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i karteteo ibavivt m iron- atfcvettinkoviiiiiaiuy kev i liv trmc hryttiu to uicc t mottft t litrte unvtnniimofinaiti vh oct bv i j c smith h ii welterkevden lo im is thriftc bodi o gndptt township i likval the mruifdm itareoeeg lig1i lln ttfi r va her nicai- a oew rilcam nfcu pi mrvti ts 4oilnt kcw6 dsbtfitet of vvlt xuu ktiikiwtoeivtos hi tb rvtiitnc of tlie wa 1 v iter k pontic villkm lraharai to arr lrj rfaugaiet io itofclaaon kt eibe p yf died tillilietldricof jbvicurte tcrocta oa ft mb kot charteko wulmott wife ot ii i r t k harlot hutue vlete col notes and comments it iuo kencrally believed that the diecjvcryof a ijlltm of artificial flight capbe o practical application it ouly a rrattrr of tipe ilia alo generally eon- vlii 1 lane who hate carefully in t the airship of llc future will he propelled by electricity ar northwest irovmoee have made bjimifil proviaou for the education- of the raahitulos of people who arc etpecled lo fkicdeyoctapj thia territory sttkatch cai has tjt apart 3u6i acrw of laud fr she maintenance of public schools asimbia joioooo and alberta 8300000 tlututiia car ot the canadian drsnla ng iona it pro- dsoirr iiizv jgr thi ceascn a rery unrerounerative b re- uil dealer caking btyi slight dercend foy the trois ad they say the day ot chriaty cu card ia well nigh oter a few years ero the practice ol sending these prey i trifles waa universal and the ctrutnfitt nail m the heavieefof the whole year s jos chicago llrral makes th com parison favorable to oar country ctnedj- gives to its geological survey only tc00c0 a tear wtile tbeverioos geological tax- yeys io nnricdantry abaorb nearly i00l tj annually yet caned mekw firej ihdwmr wilb thii rsodotcnra theinncaij gedloiricl record are- io part tecrd o ot filial diaapverr aad reeexrch and with lier cnetcapa arid photogravarea are tii inercsting aj ciany hoqta of trtreh canada coatame the lirgeat bnkaown areia of the american continent j mr kend exttfy kctlton aralnwotaoaaraitrfbri tlvo and an brott turmoil f a notorlous county the election rjrotcatwijtcu tme up or trial in miltou laat tliuractay brought itie poliuciana of loth partiea together ia large uujuljcr the trial conttaurf qv thurajay iind wa comptctod about noon the next day jualioas palconbridgc and street prettied anl mcxn kerrnd frtnt were coanaet far petilioncr ad mer and ucoibhoa tor the- reapoadent about mtenty chtrgca of vinlatiaa of the election act wens preferred a num ber were disniiascil but the evidence adduced in charge it wae decfoed sufficient to void the election it waa to thts effect that cpt felan of oakviuc paid one willie wallace colored s for hit vote in lii evidence wallaco stated that fclan had askci him tv number of times to ote for hcudcraoh and two or three dayn txfore tho election tclan clled at hia hoase and five liirn f which he nid waa a llaiuc due on wage from the previous harcst mr kclati atatod that wallaoo wurkel for him the previous harvest about 1 days ut 51 per day and had worked him on previous occasions at aoai cent6 and 1 per dayd elauhed tha tho k payment wan a lnlanni walaco for wagec mr kerr aildrviism t courteontcnditi that the ovft imd been fullproven mr replied add mr justice ri give the judfieiuetit of tho court 6ndutt tlutfelan ctnatsxl wallace for his vote tliat kclaiywaa an active worker a menjlcr of the eoitnuittoe and a delegate- to the convcatno not attributing to mr can any niftatttcment of facta the court arrivedat the oondi siou that mr ielau paidtlie eo to alla w for his vote that the ithargi- wis cstnh isliel and tho election voided tire aboo ia the cvidenc e aa given by tw uewtpaper reporters but the fkuc lrxm hopes to be able tor c in next issue the complete evidence in ihc case as well as tho judgment of tljo court i i tifcea by the orticial stenographer to th kt our readers my see tlie evidence cxactl as given c tlio result of the protest is another un seating added to the countys record ami the fifth election witliiu fo it vcarb roust now be held it ia tho to ai time mr henderson has been relievec of his seat tho record of the county- n the matter of election trials is rivalled in hiurio only by jialdimandj starting in i cbruary irs mr waldie defeated mr henderson at tlie gcueral elections by a vote he was derived of ris parliamentary hoesra by the court that same year aril at the electioa in february lv mr mqleod was mr hendersons opionent tie election was carried by mr henderson by a majority of 117 he was unseated in the following summer and another contest took plaoe in auguet of the saroo year this time mr waldie ran and won by 24 a petition was hied and tried and chief justice armour give judgment in favor of the petitioner an appeal was cameo to the supremo court and was puding when the disolarisn of parliamenti last february disposed of it mr waldie had represented the county for two coaaxative sessions in march last he was idefcated by a majority of 104 by mr henderson i the writ for a new election will no doubt be issued before very many weeks have passed and the public will not bo surprised to see the two candidates who have etmggled with eachothersooftenfocvictory with varying resujts again in the field the election will likely be upon the new voters list at present under revision the losing side has lome consolation from the fact that the n w law enacted last session limits the co ts in a protest to woo exclusive of witcc 3 fees in this case the witness fees will be within 200 so thit an election protest is not so jserious a a matter financially afl it vris preribua to thistime whether tllis isan advantage to the public or not is a q lesiion election trials have been securest more easily tie county in tie past pablio deemed desirable of tlie coanty immediately after thb decisipn of the cliurt in this case we impromptu meeting of antferrjrwlli w tortnwmnitj iivchy il be a a atratry tratrrinj wrto try tdeakmnt powhatta 0arku8ja no wllh lh gtrmaucaiajry jkereral alrtkinrilldttni- truisiytmiominjwi i add to h qtamt vxi alsa ot lliis utice another miof- ttncpaper will 1 6 dsacriplioa ha coatt detirimt abou i k london by qeocfio rirwnt lathrop apprbpcuwy tliuatrated thert will of cottri b poctniu in lhi c utabic pi all lh mwly tectef oottngrt i tclhr wttb ediwriat cl0imns th i at lcotionr tle yjublic indebtednesa of the areentinq hepatite arid cf the various provinces conj ttittic that country is equal to about 52- for every man woman and child liviiii within ita boundaries ii ia easy to see that repudiation on a large scale is afmet inevitable despite the natural wealth and wonderful resources or the la plata valley add it ia clear that public ctsef roust for along lime to come blight the prosperity of a region which bat foe the folly of wholesale inflation would hare enjoyed very bright prospects and almo6t universal comfort some inuretting statistics are giver jn the twenty seventh annoit report of te british bastmastergeneral which was issued a few days ago the estimated deliveries of inail matter in the united kingdom for the year lending march 31 isji weri letters 1703800080 postal cards ajj700000 book packets circulara and samples 31200000 newspapers icjooooo and parcels toj7jm vjtal of 2s2307k5c pieces of mail this isan mcteate of 62 per cent on the pretioui yeajr the average number cf pleats cf mail received by each person waa fo 01 tn first four kinds of mall matter mentioned- above 832 per cenf was deljtered in england and wales b9 per cent in scotland and e3 per cent in ireland aiid 207 per cent wall delivered ii the loudon pestal district alone there are now lfimc post offieeswrj the kingdom a coluisio on t q x r one huriaredhogw arid twentyfive i cittle killed hj utekor 7 acollision attended vith veryjilosscccoitksa short die- ik- west ta the bridge here where the rrile cilaattophe ot febrtjary 13 took at y50 oclock jaat night the iilirgtmins were regular freights ah traics were going at regulation apted orrls theyiapptoached the engineers re- urriduni with the firemen jumped for their lives ah escased without serioua irfyry tfec driver of the ieastbound eugfee london man had his floe sera tch- rt and brsised and his fight arm injured but no boile were broken and the others got nothing worse than a shaking up tlie gisfet engines came togttjier with knelabcirjvte premium thu fciifrc i auding oat a pramlam witlj its weekly wis fall wliich will bo higtily prired by to jfriendsjand followers of the late premier cf tbo dominloa it is in shape of a mejnarlal album lltuatraticg the career of sir john icaedonttd from hie birtriplaco in piasgow to his last resting placa in cetaratfui cemetery the aeriw of bandsomo vifwe are in pkotogravire executed in a mapner that b a credit to canadian art and cotnpriia an excellent variety the ooterjof thia collecttoa of pho- togravnnrsu a ibetutiful work of art the title being richlyl emhoaaed in aitver with a medallioa of the chieftain in relief surrounded by hus now meraorabl words a british sab set i wae born a british eubjrct i will d e while the background shows a shield w th the british arms and the whole ia su mounted with drapery in royal parpls riuged wjth tilvar a premium like tma hta never before ba ofietod by a newspaper in canada and will no doubt be socptit after as it will be an ornament to anp- parlor table aa wel as valuable couvetfif of the old chieftain that the general r in the interests are informed an the conservative association was held when it was decided that all tho cxpensei asoamed by the associa henderson from matter a hunters of the trial be ion relieving mfc 11 responsibility in the ful fate his rihf hands becomi trap and heldj starves t fast in a bear here till he death logic women sjni live are three foroet hard to connect bat riaanactiwlhe three as closely as the aom capable of being joinody it i logic x to ittdj that women re heat btied t wtltc notion which ia purely romanlta at any rate mrs amelii e lurr who a rriirtho most popater amcrioan author of today leads bno to this belief she laswritteaan eiqttisitely rornantio and idy ilia lovo itory which alio ha named ijov foran hour it ixivo ior- which is oon to apueec in aerial form in tlw cbl i inns of a ntetropolitan weekly- in wha wckly it wlf appear luw not yet been ann lunoed tim story opens in the wcat hidl lg of yorkshire and tho scene shifts later to a picturcsquo aud on faiiiliar region of i mexico and then lp texas a yajd of roses one of the popular paiatinga at the kew yort actdtm dt design wtl a yardlong panel of iloau a crflwd was always before it oat art critic exclaimed such a bit of natotej shdnld belong to all the people it ia too beautiful for one man to hideaway i the wa coixiiiio of boetoo aclr- ed tbe idea land xpeot twenty thousand dollars to reproduce the painting the result has been a triumph of artialio delrcaey andeojor the cuuqxkiqn makes an autumn gift of toil copy elf the painting to each of it five hundred uoosaod babscribers any other who may aabtcribe now for the first time and rfsqaest it will reostve the yard of koaea without extca charge while the ediiioa lasts besides the gift of thia beautiful picture all new subscribers will receive toe com- pajiioa free frotnj the time the aabscriptioa is received till january first inctodiug the thanksgiving arid christmas doable kambera ant for a fall year from that date the price of the companion it f 175 every fami y should take this brightest and best or illustrated literary papers in addition to its ijcal paper methbtilstmapazlne skmhcses aewefery ytora uiqtje interesting thai preface tails j icfe wsa conceived by itha pp uud the plans arrsoged lo world nd publlah this a wonderful book shoppe p uotagrapui of the world this book is jniriie interesting attractive beautiful how the messrs sh pholograpl tul votume haw thei- fojght against obstacles and overcame decjulestoeeure phatogrtpha of the kua ian mines and pricooeraf ifar- off siberia j how 1 hotocraphs of palaces iand priaoua i iovere tgns and peasants worb auoeeeaf all c secured how wkvce moauje were epentin rainy mla y anil foggy countries waiting tor clear eather to obtain good reaulli how ar angetiente were made with art associatic tot the privilege of obtaining direct jhc tograiiha of all the great paint ings and a atoary in the various galleries and cathe trala of tho world this is a privilege rarely accorded any one how hardahlp were endured ta the interiors o china india arabia turkey andaxrici to obtain photographs otihe actual life araooz the uativea in these myatecioai andsmibarbaroas coantries closing lth bow neiriy 100000 was spent n pi jdacing a book of photographs thejike of which bas never before beea attempted ii each pb jtogrsph is a gem the printed deacriptioc underueaui each of the two hundred u i wty phofograplt tbeiverj pith o 1 istory and information mr james gal iraili has secured the guelph agency j y atecday his firat day of canvass ing he sc tred twenty orders ho says ha has only t- show the book to aell it we anderstan that agents gennerallyj are taking fro s fifty co two hundred orders a week tie beauty and utility of the volume annbt be believed until seen it is then a idersfood tt glance it a marvel of abeajtueat aa well u of beauty we are lad ito know that our enter- prisigs i abluiiing co ria the tforld pabliahin co of guelph sre to jisaoe the csnac ias edition agents are wanted address world publishing co guelph ont can ida quelph hcrau the go jph ifctcaxy of kor 3rd speak ing of tbi boot aayt shepps photo- graphs of the world is a splendid work cootainini 250 photographs of the prtn- cipal pi so in the world it is an excellent work as i n evidence of this it may be meotioooc mr galbrsith has taten in two dayvotd n for fortyfive copies tiitrikik ont nov h more than a month since an englishman named david allnj who resided in tie magnetawan dis trict and who spent considerable of his time hunting started ut to examine hia traps but failed to return for ten days an uninterrupted search was kept up in the woods it being supposed that he had wan dered away and become lost the search was unproductive of results however the mystery surrounding bis fatovas iccident- ally unveiled friday by two hunters who chanced to look in a copse o huahes lying upon the ground face downward was the dead body of the hunterj and the condition of the body and tho ground show ed tliat he hod met a horrible death from starvation both of hia hands weve secure ly fastened in a bear tn p he ha evidently been in the act of setti ng the tra when by some meanb the trap losed upon his wrists with a vicelike grip unable fio releaso himself and with no lopo of njaking his voice heard in tha vastwilderness he suffered the most eicr jciating mental tor tures until starvation and exposure com bined ended hia esiste ice his wrists were f ryjhtf ully lacerated v here iihaitempt iiad been made lo wrench lis hajnds ree his head blown frbm his boiy tonixioikov gl terribly fatal shoot- ing accident occurred near the buonyside rowing clubs buildini yester4iy afternoon mr john mceacberij who lives at 112 northeoce avenue ha- the contents of a gun discharged into hi i head he waa in stantly killed the infortanate man in company with george snrflmera rented a boat from walter dea i a boat- builaer in lakesliore road anaaet out on an after- noon duck shooting txpedition nothing morewas seen of the men until summers returned with the boat and iti it lay the ibody ofmceachern with onosslde of the head shot away everything in the boat was spattered with blood and brains and presented a eickening sight ko psfticulars of the accident could bo ascertained onaccount of summers being altogethieroutoi i his mind hehadtobo confined in no ii police station the novembe nuubec contains a timely piper reapccjtiig christopher citamboa and the ditcovecy of america with numer ous illaatratlook the rev d david moore ma lato of cue kovt scotia cod- iereoce now the muthodiat missioaary in india coiitrioutesan interesting paper on bunhill fields with its memories of buafta watts defoe aud many others ot the mighty dead mr algeroa blackwood writes gracefully of the mount pilatas iuilvray his paper ia illustrated with very strikini engravings- women and their work i in methodism ia a striking article by tlw bev w bourneofshe bible cfaristain church john elder writes cnthueitatically of scotlania influence on civilization thu acience paper ia one of portentoue auguryon the machinery of the heavena banning down two atriking papers are on beligious doubts and modem poetry hy the rev w 3 dawson who recently visited canada and alleged erogrcas in theologyby s t sfeer two capital etories bex mecar- thy and farmer holroyda harvest supper by jackson wray are also given the editqrf quotes largely steads paper gods englishmen and endorses his comprehensive plan of mutual help price 51 for six months 20 cents per toronto william brlgge 82 a year number terrific foece and the result was thoat iii- trw beih were completely wteoked and tstca lere piled up in a heap the d stlrtoti xd8 will inurt teeth at train was loaded with live stock 16 aod 18 per set for tjext three raoetbi i was heavy one hundred pigs pre head of cattle were either dielf or hod to be slaagli- wreck made a terrible sight extraction free special tare given filling office matthews block actoo lei mlaardatvlataienrcoim colds ato i i r fatal accident in toronto a halto l mans team killed kim while running away tonoxro nov 7 an awful accident ocourred jjesterdayl on yonge street wm- smith a farmer of nelson township hil ton coanty wbp had driven into town with a load of meat and produce pulled up outside of mr brittons batcher shop 3g3 yonce street juatat the moment the street electric light was being lowered in front of tlie horses and the animals took fright itr brnith seized the bridle of the near horea but they reared furiously and he was thfown violently to the groqnd the wheels of tlia wagon passing orerhim as thi horses 6ptang- by the team then swung round and dashed down j yonge street coming into collision with fc wagon driven b george capps who collected grease and other material for sale to soap works- j cappa iris thrown odt immediately in front of tie rut away team the pole atrik- log hira ii rly i i the lbweriiart of the iody tearing pray lue flesh arid passing oat bitweenris lei a then falling under their iron hoofs he v as struck again and again the borate kl jring vigbro4aly continued their me rat i with the poor wretch entangled in th iharneaa- when they war stopped a 1 the life has been stamped oaf of cuppa kud ilnod brains aud entrails marked the roai tq death every shred of clothing but ode boot aaock one wristband and a neck bta kerchief bad been torn off tbfre was a chi atly wound on hlr forehead hrsieft arfabro ten thpneah torn away for ten dr twelve in jteseft hiarlglrt arnrtolb thighs fearfull lacerated i aud gapiug wounds from uj i horses hoot ell- aver bis body alethertheapecucle warafear ful one becai ed wa 7 yaars of sge an englishman i e leavea a widaw and several children aoraa of- them grown up ii i if ii guelph vvmlmcleodtfcco m hoi kn0i chjirch social the ladfei aid society of foot charcb acton wpibald a sopiktrert uc tkc town hall aoto on the ersuing of th inkagftlng day notil2th a cood prt namoie is crrangd for tho evenings cnjoyulent tsk projkttos oclock acton iiodge no 204 100j w etff tret wednetdty ereaidfi vulting lteta- wafcotne for cony erf ooatitauon retuvlwtp ip tad uwnrly to tha tjnicnifined or py of tho wyfhsliaub kuwoades i wrtffyfc wife takfla roand trip- wes sound ostaitlo in tub ve ir bear pun ik cisina to iit a toooaa bvsixksetanlsiso and visit all other coiice aul com mercial departmen u in cans la then visit the xorlberu uusiness goilfle fl ntmiixa every thing thoroagbly if wo fill to pt xluee tbo moat tkorofcgb complete pracucali udexteuslvp course at study the best college pr mlses aud thebcstanduiostcooirlete and most uitable furniture and arnpllances ve wlltglve 3 ia a full course fitkel for annual announce sent giving full particulars tteo ad dress i c a fceuinq principal stac i till and keep in the oddfellows hall rills block piles of new fall and winter fofds tumbling in they are eo utiful to behold and comfort- to look at and they are withal chqap this ia eapioially true of oardreas goods wliieh we have iti plaiq and fancy oheyiats plain and fancy tweed ffectsblae ind black crgs diagonatb camels hair cloths hkckand colored estamerieg fancy j plaids and checksi black and colored silks satin iterves eoagees pongis and berigalincsjfanicjblack goods black and colored henriettaan extensive variety of i fancy dress goods beginning a 5c per yard and upwards our staple goods are purchased riglt and selling cheap flaunels blankets and quilts reat- the right prjcp for the cus tomers grey flannels from 10c per ycl upwards jour gldvesy hesierj andladies dnderweardre at the top of the hejip for variety and lowness ofpncewohav ladies jackets cloakt ulsters childreuv reefers inj profusion and the very latest styles mantlo goods and ulstennga of all kinds including sealettes and plushes ourilillinery is in first class working order replete with the latest fall novelties our millin ery opening ill be on thursday 24th of soptambrandihe follow ing days- of the week ourdresa- nitvker has gtit back- from her holidays freshwith new ideas to match tie dress goods we must not forget to mention our tailoring department it is ai we get pustoraere from all parts of canada to patrbnize this de partment the reason why the price fit and workmanship of the- garments are right our ready- made clothing overcoats in boys and mens are incompleteassort ment prices low ladiesand gents footwear are right in price variety and quality ourcarpets rugs curfaias oilcloth linoleums were never in better shape nice fapeetry carpet for 25cper jdfor 30c per yard you will get one worthj-isi- and excellent brussels carpet for 90c per yd we may justiaad that we tried to surpass our pfcvious efforts and we have piled up and immenso varietyj of iroocls at extremely low prices inspection and patronage re- spetfully salicted wmcleod co oeorctetowk than anybody fob butin this line wo have ftlie pull and can boy cheaper thanj most people it gobdvarenof bou right thoy cdniip bo sold r inthgfiner f urs w always aelecfc he iskina nij tierhjmado lip to pur order so atrduacftijrlyoriigfctt tiu whole skius pieced goods avo dear qt any mongy we are giving great bar in mens persiaqlftbb and reaver gaps examine lour- hindoo buffalo robe i no robelobks so weltfoj the nioney no robe wears and th price places it wthm the reah of all i t ool 1 nights gnggesfc blankjts ock was never jmdre complete we showa fiaeline in 5 ttjlba at 57 cents tier lb other stores- i 65 for n6 better and comfort ables too ye have iii graw var ietyfrom fhe st a piece m kin4rtp tbe keckwood cider j jets will po for bajov u ueasion vdnelsyiaai october addilrod tvl every teesdar sod krlaay during tbabaiawie of tbsifessetr applo lafl on otler dajaf win b pressed after air oclpek uitealrad i j k t w bbbjoo k beiacioiri jm 1 i3jg j he one brflbouse and its aerss adjolnfcg recahiaycnptedrwofltsrdeit forreht it is avary desirable protertyaid win be rented at a reasonable price to a good tenant mpply lo j j mb david willuhsok 1 jij- hsvelcekflti qoelph vajible property for sale bffshfanntiploe17 a bush farm on lo17 eon if in the a abirf reetlbaeres with log eweulog t4xls timbered vltb beech nuple betnleek pine cellar reck and soft elm i i also a atone and rough cast dwelling ef 9 roesaa til and twci cellars frame stable with tea lots ef a landjm goejpb maria and queen atreeu in the tillage df acton j 1 tenner half cash or oicbange for outer pro perty 1 1 apply tov i 1 xlakg acton tint m hf soil h7aiieorbiism3ss yi avnio porcnaaedtha butclierlng uslfsi lately eaiitel on by w h butledae r whl conuune it inbonneetion wittmy otbtsjmsijefsi tboee fawrtag me iwlfli their rtrolsayfoar relyea the belt oftreatment freabkad aalt meaur saoaigcs baddies and all kiada of oeata flsh and fowl injwsaon 4 groke door and feed as low as abjwbere lutowo l i tfeau n4 fowl of ajifctoas bought by e it v- urjatflraeaon 5f0tlce it cbl 1 suaitttot rb8i tbe bevised statates of jt intlistbebahatjpensnkhatraaoraiac aay claim or oemand against- johnnnmieetyj oj tbe vulsgejof acton in the coanty of hj qentlersan deceased wbo died mor lsdaowlailaj m81althea acton am hereby notified lostnd the same wit dates aad itenw ae the lira or the scaritfeevelf iuarl beh by letter peetpeid and addressed so john andh t hoere aeton poonthie the fine foder d6wn col we dont have jail prices for the bdds e worrdrathgr i sell a lofat a small profit than ai few at k large profit wetwoal no tsal one word abiut flan gels if we douldnt prove thatburj prices ai jyonr likipg theliw1at iiz so we startat lijc imagine tao in- nesk of a 80 cent grey- tiiat pile 1 1 of english glanqelettes at 7 cents v is going down fst it tlie oldest ipnbtore i3st gdlejlpeai fr gentlemen requiring ertetio overcoat suits or trouaera should call at b woklins if so go store i burner shahes glasses etc at lowest prices j best americariarifl gan- acgan co4 oill i- w gi sjwtitihiixfeo qqrwyiidim4 latreeta qnelpi t f 7 morcliaiit tailor choice fitock of- i overcoatings cheviot wor- and tweed suitings rrousarlnga 4c savin opened up a merchant tailoring baiiness in acton with a view of atayiog here and thakina it a success i- would re- tpecffaly solicit a liberal there of the patronage ofjthe pablio ie mdeavor togire perfectsatisfectiori abreast of the times as regards style pf mc ic inapeclloninvitcd terms strictly cah tespectfully yourt j bnggd nickliti ibstea jtwwbrfyfanalm jlitaaaiktlai aas hw eejol eaw ef tte vent km utt m leaf tudteainatmsenl wrf se starts u ajj itti a ru diwj ttntumjajuj am- a m t kl loouw mi a 198 aoilaioi st wist toroirro ont itv the 3olden lion of gueipll begs to draw the attention of the ladies of acton to a few of oar leading ce psxtmants i i i v f mantles i i it oar wellknown reputation for always having tha largest ndbest assorted atop in this department u well ti trie beat viloe hasnwra than been sustained this season j 7 77miulneny7 ruartiatiomhhneryaa uauilwe leaibotb as to valne etyla and workmauahlp our importatioht were larger than ever this season espeoiilty- in aach lines of trirpminga as cannot be got in this opuntry i i i i dness mahing on or before tbe 30th 4x otxortspber tics u berebj glferi thai unm latter date the aaubxaeat to aindbnte tbe eftase of wiuont regard to any nuuiui hiehi tbey bare neubanrajeeivr ianow isfc- boudtor 1831j thitaltitatorilm h country cefljttemi7 f l tub hot op tb f a katocmtvvliji wbeklibb j j- idctorertto j frm cropr apd pruce rttj 1 f f dn1imtajvtadjfcviptwgfi si while lit slsotoeiudesall roinor tojfataii- boral ntereaitnch aa tbe poultrytaid biao- mojogjj beephworeaailjoosei ando vewhrairt besilstfann qtma alleg fireside beading domeetio ee6noasy lata snmmaty cf tbe aers of tbe wist i be tj bapitcri ate 4 hattenticsria paid and mi tb and by bboknt ehttabgl incntimdlnk matter jthan the crtps as hrowing oat haportaat of an q id wnen t sell it 1 sulcribtianiriciseatsoper a epettli kesuctipkla o 1 ycltbiiaaeet80r two subecrlf tlons in cue leabittsaiee six subseriptiont- do do i wbje- it i dot ii isel to bub 3rr affnew aebacxibeib for sdvanoenowt werwfu send tha rromoejrtajmipt ot the- nrmtttenoe to jayaaay 1st lata without ehatsa- ljj agpecffibn copleaiw addrata iltjthbb ttickbb 4b0irbilsbessvv j h ft mi asha h ashr am idfarnf stocleartd riijagexotsk ill bensesttl lor salt by jbywiuiamhernstltiot u 2boaayonoveantee our ef obeoloek lit ta es tbo todowmg val a east half oflot hor tbttortahlp of itai battoo bootadi leas 6oo4l mnk ban bqxsva hehonwlbic ooaessiaj and work alppr wft trilb mntf rd a two aoteej aatoredandweflfehoe irouea aeton sad haafaiu bo ttemtomsibsale plerlchlsaito3iklsiu4 r7f harpers wijgte luystrrieiit tho aubari wueelehntetba rbarth oau lfiterv bfaloerlee i hrttaftal rl alacovjfy trinogbarrjeetlrireiiaele potitiontban has bltlierw been the heceat msesbssm epuodei wast puodea of amtrlean e the elf of tbo na oebminaseleaot from the black loreetto jtbei hi ftjerlrlgelmandpaitai r- j attbraana arbolee alio tu be etren on ooraian anetrlen andf italian amleajrituwbjfasrssterf i tbit is a department we like to apesjcof webave confidence in it and in ihe ability of oar dreumaker we feel that we have made a decided bit in securing he services of sfias croaaland and we are aaaured that you will only have to intrust her with your work to be inapitedwilfc ihe ekmei5oufidcnc we have i dress csoods i 1- our ihelves are loaded with the very litest novelties in dreaa fabrics of the effects are vry striking sergea largely predominate we thaw a large range tweed effects and stanley cloth we respectlullyaolicit ah inspection of our stock t id tbe result laanre to be benefioial to all concerned i j d vwilllanisori fe seine andy wyndliam stouelph 84 oswald 8taiaagoiw 7 7 ajffl3jrffeh wufbe coutrlbntelraw- id other nonal 4 eatureaul lelferiiniscences 6t kathjauel eltterarjieatureadll bcmm oenees 6t katraeqe hawthorne dattmate and jlllp trteod and a personal uasorr of tho byahneteaclmshle 7il 1 i ftl hariiertpeaojresj itildaaaadat per searijm 09 aiyjaulvi tea ayoowrfpojji v 1 op free to all aabscriben in the united nadaaidlaaioi- jifinjber cuot at thatlmaf of anuraae sla vfaetfijoftuni uatftt 01 order boodd b w isa3kafcissf cloth if of eioo per vblunie fc menta eaehjby mallt posti imiea tbould be msdsjn direr draft to avoidktvam bm e m your eater isldeb i i v

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