Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1891, p. 3

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jtosiiamiti i t 1 tkr tohonist church the news ath0me aotok efcafot rartocscciviwkavcnue uvlirrlrcainmamaticiphi kundaj khcimtw himiclkmck1uct1bvlie liter atleodtlallj invited jtrttfmn an vltltacs always welcome ati e ruvr uilicrt therlogr jbank of hamilton head office hamilton rim at pun vr klmvl 1 im tlhfcwu tkiitn 1830000 kwoco ii s btkves ktlsnirn mlllitvlhsrbx 8inrbt president a 1 lavw t vlcecrr john phonvn cuas jvimi ilo roloh at wiw a l iei a loroetown atjency n- d sccuum and fcdvaurca niae erf all iuilm ncuritlc urivtcaailiiartsof can0 art the 1kitso 8rtm xlaltr hairus atul the covttsrvr o hikite ittacht and iom coiutatiin ca all acowtible points od- taoat favcfcable terms stvtkfis isratttuknt irrwti reeciv if i aud mvatrdi ami in- ltt allej troraut pi ctctoit to data ot withdrawal sttcial cferosits ibaj w alfa rivej at tunsct rate of interett ncj oeuoof wuhlri rulrp4 1 r it vvajson atjot 1 headquarters tc hotidar season is fast ijtroachingfnd as usual we are fnakin purstote the head- quarters for xmas and n ev year presents opening up new lines in watches jewd- erv silverware toys dolls cups and saucers books bibles vases albums oarjprieee are right our assortment cant bfe beat remercbar the place sign cf the dm watch hcalqcarleti for xmaa aoi new year 1 cieo hynds actan out cde retail ht ressi thursday november 12 1891 i little ldbriepfs which caught tho eyes or eire of free press reporter this week thanksgiving i be truly thankful to day slwcting match io town to day some very nau weather tbia work council meeting next monday evening hunter will be ant iu full fore tbia morning j municipal election excitement ip about tix week i j division court today associate jodge tiard oa the beach a harvest mitt cater it wanted at fgmcndville bee adv thaekigitingsernioo ib the methodist churchthia eveaing at 730 oclock service will be held in rinoi church tbia morning sermon at 11 oclock do not feilto read the notice of a wonderful new boob in another column f h provincial fat block bhow will held in guelph oa december 2lh and 10u dominion voter list coart in tha town hall saturday 21st insi attecj oclock the council hu about comptetei ctreet and lidewalk operations for the pie aeat year the married women of kingiville gava a concert there the otter eieaing it waa a iocoeea i thanksgiving ociil nader the auspice of the ladieaid of koci church in tha uwn hall this evening mr john mcpherson editor andpn prietbr of the graodvaliey star has eold oat to mr ih morriton anniversary serves in the ifetbodiet chnicb on sunday i2nd inat ker dr sutherland oftoroatj will preach tbe proeety oa the north comer of ckercfa add willow ttreeta reeeatly changed banda dr lowry was the purchaser at iws elget berlia boys or rather their parents bad to pay damage done to property on halloween and police court casta sir alex xiey iofortns the fhex pexss that the amount he paid for tbe homestead was sjwj and not fra a reported last week tbe farm lot 20 cou i xaisigaweya with tbe stock and implement ot it will be sold by public auction on the premises on friday oih iad- it is rumored that jadge chadwint will be promoted as chief judge of welling ton county and that gol ucdonald i offered tbe junior judgeship hiss letitu k meade 11 d c ii dtoghter of sir robert ileade naasaga weya has bpened an ofce at hamilton fcr tbe practice of btr profession a tbe holiday seafon will soon be here the feet pits has an attractive assort- meat of chromo cards suitable for christ mas advertising merchants call and see them foot a sum of money in my store da hooday nov inib owner can have r the exjne by calling at geo hyuds jewel ery ao4 fancy gols store and proving propertyi ke jame tjebb the congregational romisxer at belwood garafrata townehhp aaj highly esteemed wherever he is known succumbed to an attack of typhoid fever lun sunday afternoon ydoefi men visit the heading room in thejown jhall these evedicgb the cooncij bas kindly provided a plentiful japptyof newhpapere and magazines free to all orer fifteen years of age a couple of tffe faithful met on mill ticeet saturday morning when the follow togdinogue endued first tory that vac a bad job to have henderson unseatai tfua second tory les that was bad eooogbt bat to n by the tvideu x vl dartey knocks me ontj no more politics it mini if thats the wy they turn odt 1 f jf yojj want firstclals guelph sssb aad 4oart at goelpb prices t kcmoe can 11 ip o lt paninc mill mostly of n locftl charsiotar anct evory item intoreatlrtg krniovint o toronto the qalt itfnr ij- wcirn iht mr tk wirtttle u tarnilyaro nboitto tcniovp jo toronto mr chrittiea bdef tickstli imassuraod such large propor tiotis tjiat be finds it uecetsary to giro hit personal altcnlloa toj it oar townspeople generally will regret to have totay goodbye to to mtimabla aciuica firmer tclrljvr orrt elated the tetania from the election in etat wellington are not qoite complete at jgo to ptets hot mlicationa clearly pointlo ljioeltcuonoflcee kirkwood of eriu to eiltlie itcanoy in the- local legislature cause by lbs tetircment of col clatko mpp at iioon jcstcrjky mr kirk- wockiv majority was reported as 91 with several ilaces to bcfrom the farmers liavcreloctol tlieir kudidto and editor craig is out i i r jlrill sfttrf iroiiero- j the uwrsjfor th ilurchatiot the 1hu shedpniicrtvtmi bower aveuve were opened- ata mceiftig ct tnej council last friday evening tliejligurcs were deemed lower than could bo bbbtiudaud no tender was accepted tht matter will come up again at llio mtctiug on mouday evening belt the opinmii of mauyis that the fairest way to dispose of the jitcperty would bo by auction sale by thn means the property lvould no doubt brinii iu full valua tadthe highest bidderj would get it wioiout further iiegotintiom tdtronl eilher the council or the purchaser 1 witons rnrbly scfioolboyi ililton ovidenltv tiaii allot of uuraly 6chooboy and ihepriiietria found him self with bigrontract on bis hands last week htirary fiitertaintncnt was held tho previous friday- fcvening in the school house when tbe boyjconduated themselves u a inc4i disorderly nianucr tho llamiiiju tiyi p monday last the head teveber m the publiq school had a coutract on bvd whu he thrashed no c6s- tliau 32 of the bos tbtt misbehaved them selves at the eiitcrtiinment od friday eveafcg lat the ttcouj readier took a hacd in and repealed tho dote to soma of the boys that mi3some remarks about him and a young la ly that he was cscor v homeafler the i itertnomeih hcrlous zos o the reformers through ieader ence on the jiart of those havingtiie mittcr in charge all the appeals made by th libraj party to the revising officers ccutt ol revision of tbe damicioa voters list in the townships of esiuesing aud nilsagaweja- eicept for one division no esouesiog were put in one day too late they were sent to the judge on the htk day before the couri instead cf before the hlh day as the legal noticarequired tke judge dismissed all tbe belatad apfcils and as a result only one name wasadied iu the two townships while the conservatives added 51 names in etquesing ani 21 10 nassagaweya it is possible an apeal will be made against tbe judges acieiqn iu the matter as the lots is a ticsou one rajlrty smifi at ftirliattoa a disaatroa coiinion occared tt burling ton crossfo on tuesday morning a psitie thinking about winter clotiissj ihoold oall and inspect the stock ol b kiead before purchasing elsewhere f jhe bsrorese slacdonald and the 35 q jtmtf icsodonald have left foe kew xorfe a ro i t in kew j ytjtheririll speed the winter in jha ijietitoilto seeqr aq improvement inkita mjonsodr health it it oudettijod jti otii bernard lady heodoealds iliwr still join her iu a few days fttti ii lonnding itone wheelbarrow terthe illttt fi pipe and other articles for f iff r baafin ix scpo nwi itemt8upplcl by corrs- qnctnt and e ka j i a tofcgram from da kota oa monday kov jtwaunoaneed handdmtk of mr vvm rijsrli p sunday nov itt from tjphold fevor ho leaves a wife anil two ehlldrta and lorrdtrinr motltor the wifo aus family have ilia doepetttympilhy it hit jhth tad oereavetrient mrdarby iwt ktttgawaya lut tpring tot dakota to try to mike- a hftme tor hit wfo and fjamily who stayed with her father and motkiclat hoould return lhi fill i special services are being carried on in uia eboucrcp churoli by tho rovt w robinson and edwin fltgg tho farmeri itj this vlciulty bavo their ii i- tall ploughing tho boy i something big dtv protty well advanced band here talk of doing in thootlug on thanksgiving thee met at craijjtros erin ircotor iof erin agricultural society hillsbt rg on saturday lavo jd tho farmers of thi- bfcotionf4000nr stoeksince ihoethiuuon the jorengjmen bad a guy faulkes slipper in tlicib hall list thursday night unipri thaiifcsgivirrg servioes will bo held ill burtv church today at 11 a m the miiiistantof tllo place jvill all takejpart mr alfred fowlio has boon engaged at teacher of ictitock school for 1k1i2 johiv austin lias added another m acre to his farm bvjpurcliasing bam gamble homestead fotltlio sum of f2j00 last pseck while samuel leeson was dig ging stones on his brother johns property near orton a very largestono rolled back fallitjg oo him and so crushing him at to cause instant death mr yiii laughlln of tho 4th line lot h con 5 calodon west was instantly killed list saturday by being lucked in tha chesf with one of his horses in tba liable tho unfortunate man was a bachelor of about ftv years and was highly respected by the poopk of tho neighborhood ad wmir limekouse pedal fretsissan the u ran into the eipreswttir leaves hamtltoo at tevea am the ton on the freight jumped and escaped inj iy lutjthe crew and passen gers on the i press fared badly engineer alfred roblneilikdhiis ritht arm horribly broken neai ic sboolder bridge inspec tor james 0 iiril waa tbrowd through the plate gla door of a coach and had bis face badly cut and bruised thomas martin mail clerk ea badly bruised a were j also f h ivambe 1 breunan of si brfnnn t sons auditor j col- well of the g t r and other passengers they all ot a very bad shaking op and had narrow escapes the freight should havewaited at st anus to cross tbe eipress st josephs church haxsgtf rev father devlin and tlie congregation of st josephs church have bcn engaged for some wcvfcs in arranging for a bazaar asd series of entertainments to be held in tbe town hall for five days commencing on tbe klh decmbcr the hall will be open during the afternoon and cvtnmg on each day sunday of course- excepted and a great viriety of articles will be offered for sale goorgctovrn acton and rockwood bands -as- i 11 take par and vocal and instru mental muetc vriil also be provided by artistes from gnelph toronto and other points the most popular band will be awarded a handsome eilk fing the most popular gentlemen a goldheaded cane the most deserving little maid a bridal doll and tickets bearing thefortunate numbers will win a valuable telescope a set of harness a bedroom sett and other articles the friends of st josephs anticipate a week full of interest and profit an earnest frcrch canadian rev arnandparcnta french canadian convert from romanism preached in the methodist church onbcndyand debvered a induce on minfay evening giving a brief description of his eventful career mr earent was the first french cf ntdian ordained to tile ministry of the methodist cbarch be has fortyseven years experi ence in evangelistic work in quebec and spent eight years among the oka indians he is an earnest preacher and speaks english fairly well though be is evidently mvcbmoreathojne with bis native tongue tke old gentiemtn related bis early educa tion as a roman catholic his own conver sion and bubsftguput onion with theprotes- taijt churcb and that of bis mother and family hib efforts amocg his fellow- cojntry men and the various obstacles met with wereirecitea juebec has now 35000 protestant nvenjh canadians the ok indians and tbeir troubles with tbe luminary of st bulpico were depicted at fcneth a very large audience greeted the lecturer and be was listened to with marked attention hoard of education the monthly meeting of the board of trustees of acurn poblic school wt held on monday evening messrs t h hard ing chairman l francis geo hynds tod robert wallace were present thetender for wood were opened and fottnd to be as follows pan kennedy 1350 per cord william nellits3 and hogh mcdougall 33j for dry body wood four feet long moved by george hjinds seconded by robt wallace that the tender of hogh mcdougall which was the lowest be accepted carnal the replies dfthe teachers of tho several departments respec ting reengegemeut were read principal moore will continue at same salary g0o miss mcphail requests s5 but does not make tbe f 25 advance a condition of re- erigigement misa cleveland socepts same agreement as in force this year guving salary of t3g0 aqdlfiss kelson will retain her position in iourtfi department if the board will make her salary 250 in 1692 the question of iiicreane in salaries was left for artderlcouiirltratinu at a full meeting of the board to be held on tho 23rd inst at that meeting tho boivd will con- fer with the architect in tbe matter of details revpect og the plans for the proposed new school balding meeting adjourned at9fc5 j i mr win scott liadla narrow cscapofrom serioub injury one day last week while teaming wood to georgetown as ba came over tho bridge his load jolted and slid forward ho got of and stood on tiio tongue to push it baok and in doing so slipped his horses started dovn tho hill at a lively speed hobetween their heels and tho loul the team mode a sharp turn to guelph street and upset the load on mr scott they scrc stopped hero and mr 8 wascarried intd dr roes where hi injurie were attended to thfcjy were found not to bb bericris and soon bo wsb able to drivo las team bome mr chas ti moore who occupies a good position in the photo studio of mr c w hill formerly of acton at munrco mich is homo for a short vacation cbarlio is in excellent health and spirits some of our politicians attended tho election trial at miltonllast week we understand that sir j t filit who has for several year occupied the i position of agent of tbi g t r so acceptably it to be promoted st jacob on uw new lclmira brindli is spoken- of as his future location john willncod to learn todis- cuss siurkraut and pretzels up there talk of tke dav an epitome of the worlds doings during the week mr oibson velland has been untested monday was tho prince of wales 50th birthday partial piratysis is slid to have afflicted the pope a serious outbreak of hog cholera it re ported from butford latest report declare queen victoria to be in excellent health thanksgiving day in the6tates isset for thursday november 2si j d stephens formerly of collingwood died atwinnipeg monday the marquette election protest was dis- missed with costs monday mr porter the elect of north brdcebts been confirmed iu bis seat tbe wiuter has commenced with unusual eeverity iu eastern europe tbe eat of mr tarte montmorency was declared vacant monday the g t r locomotive shops atefrat- ford have been enlarged and improved the petition against the election of mr campbell kent was dismissed monday the silver weddiug of tbe emperor and empress o russia was celebrated yester- i- i a convict named morrison escaped from kingston penitentiary on saturday after noon owing to the advaoce in lake frelgbta the price of wheat at winnipeg baa declined i cents thomas flyon swallowed hi false teeth at milwaukee yesterday and choked to death tho level of the water in the ship chan nel between montreal and qaebeocontjnaea to fall the charges of heresy againrt prof briggs the new york divine have all been dismissed hundrede of islands have appeared in the bay of quinte in consequence of tho low water a frightful disease known a asiatic blaektokigue is reported to have broken ontjin indiana i j the bylaw to wise 60000 to erect a new market buildinj was carried at smiths fallflyesterdayj all tho leading saloon and hotel men of winnipeg have peeb fined 50 for trading in illegal hbursj aden of tbeivpa wascsptured in london eng monday ten noted burglar were among those seaured- j tarker has rafuaedrrmusiontodisinter the bodielt of rnsaitn soldier killed daring the rattdf btkiti ifar tbomadonlyproprietoi ol the grtd ceatntl hotel st thomas hat bean poi- oued by eating mushroom sir e 3 otler haoonanted to beoome a candid for the mayoralicylfbereqejte a 6ufscieu jy tijaed reqdiotion the demiaian reveoue for the four months ending with october was sl2008- 8j0 and theexpeoditure t86gi6go tho hamiltori young liberal club have endorsed themoremont to reduce ihenurfl ber of liquor licenses in that city princes ldoise h beoome a patronas of tbe association for erecting a memorial in england to sir john maodonald ia little girl named hammond wa barot to ideatb in ongevilll jfouday while tryiqg to light j fjre with coal oil the nprjthwejft elictiioson saturday suited in fa almost nnbrolieriviotoriior the liceneuien ojily two prowcma were efected pre saoro i 1 arino for contest i of applloatlqn coming nl o ily tha ladlaa of canada can compatal 8p olal faatura i 6f tha com- patltloril our ansdiaa adlaa iro alroady prapar ing or ha grsat diamond dys corn peti tion i tl eytrc going into thit ttdtk within vftntuc aarniitnal thai 1a truly mrprit- lag ail i it i a wollkndwn fact that when ever ih ltdte cntar my work in tbi wa it t alwty well done 0 ooars the grctt novelty of the wock and ilia wldo tie d cf operation- opened up by bit unique mmpttillaa wlllbo tiia meant ot drawiui in luudrecft of afdeut workart who un lor ordinary cireuintlanees woalcl hetitato before committing themiolve to trouble nd uaremaueraltvbjwork iu th i liberal and highly commeudtbio- oontett inaagaratad bt ttta proprietor of diaraon f- dye the ladie hava an gent to worl with which develops immense posiibi ilea and produce results which are pt dug to tho eye th great variety of worl in i tha vartoo olanes open for cbmpetl ion doe not by any meant takeiu all that can bo accomplished by the cele brated 1 iiimoud dyo it it loweyer in the well regulated economical and nappy home tl at diamond dye aro justly tppre- ciated i u cottidcred to be ihdiipeatlbla helps ai d aids at season succeeds season tha wit l wife- and mother uiinkt of the wearing apparel balonglog to herself has baud tr i children and realize the impor unt fac uit it can be fitted for wear once moro it rough the ute ot diamond dyes tha mi lecials ttill eood bat perhap too light in color and it may be faded with wear an i expoture to the tdn can be re dyed iu some fashionable dark color or mtdo a bvely shade of jet or blue black it jutt t noantt to hit set lady rstnirked for a rifling outlay yen can have the simmer wardrobe of a jtnau woman or child tl antformed into new and stylish article or autumn and whiter wear alreai y toore of wives and mothers have let t in the necettary application form intlmatl jg their intention of competing in tho grci c diamond oyo oompetition scheme they know axtctly the particular lino of v ork theyrcan excel in and feel that the pror used competition tchame embrace in its at pie trope jutt such work as they can bet tcodmpliih withi l the past three weeks ladie ib tha united state have written to ui asking if they rill be allowed to compete we with it dittinetly understood that this ditra ud dye competition it open only to the tdies of caaada however we devoutly trust that bur fair american cousin will in duo time ha vea competition ot the tajme kind preseated to them a very special feature of tbi diamond dye dompetition i the fact of its being free to all competltort notwith- ttndio tbe great costnf it inauguration and em iloyment of extra help for the proper c ouducting of tha scheme no fees are exac ed from the ladie for the privilege of comp ting and all gooctf tent in for exhi bition rt main the property of tho ttntkeci and are to be returned free of charge to them t will that be teen that every possible aid ia extended to the ladle to enable t tern to take large cath prize with out iucu ting any expense the ictail druggists of the dominion from oo an to ocean highly commend the scheme aud predict an interesting end profitabl s time lor the ltdies huudreds of letter received from thete druggists are fall of uturtncea of kind support and each drt ggiat has determined to d3 what he canto e icouraga the wives mother and daughtti of his town to take at many prircc a possible all wi o are not already supplied witb conapt iion books explaining tha scheme ihould apply for them at once to the well richardson co montreal hey wil be sent pott free to aof address cbmtng and qofnc tntcrue suftorlnqfw 8ydr-b6- aurrti o porfeof licawy iew koio iiavd suftcred woto hmtiij treunlyiiiciitii tlini mr a jcstijiiin a well known cmerr of 6liuiton vfc ha tnysr dcforo lal 1 wnt luekvliatisballliivbliili- lag over pouutfa jii tint yenr an jllroeiit ricvcloncd into iicuto djsiieptli midlofn i wit wauoodtalmtkiuadi-roberuilfptisinit- io leaftllortsliinfcslormicli sttqficq lmlpltjilloii ct tiio1wart iijoljqnnaucca cud ludljestlouf i could kcit sleep lest nil licrt in my jicrk lad fits of luejaiicualb sue fer ihisitthllaio i wourdluvc htlcomtd dirlu riitruiqiigratciullciiol firltqbfe nml for ilt yitt llfovus s hiircuii titled iu ny ijynletaiu iuitl nutuy rciiicdlcsi ouoday a virliiii employed by ic ufgcsed hat i tako gj hoodti suffering wlfo of wlwllb mysficib th i did iidbcorotakliigihehoia of n bnttlo t heenn to feel like anew miiii tbe teirlliloinlirtowiiitil iliad bccil ftibleetcd riiascd the palpitation of lie heart subsided hiy tloiiach becanio easier nausea dlnan- 1csrcd and rny entire system begin to tone up with rcuimlut slreugtli camo activity of 7 inlucl nml body before lliesiuibottlawattaketi- i bad regained my furmct welghtaud balunil cdidltkin i am today well and i atertlie it to taking fiwklssarsaparllla d ityou dacld9 to uko hcodifsarts- parllla do not be induced io buyaoy mjfi visitor t to and from acton and varl jusother personal notes mr i ews of stilton visited acton friends a sunday mr t h harding spent sunday witb friends i i toronto mr at d mrs jos peter of milton were in toffn n saturday end sunday mr ar 1 mrs cc speight are spending a week o so with markham friends mrs ames browq aod master jiiraj visited friends in peuetng this week rev fr charlton of tbe disciples congregs ionfjeorgetawn has resinned mr a id mr jamea mclam spent couplq t days tbi week with friends in fergus rev fa h harvey ba of guelph tpent a 3w hours on monday witb acton friends rev ames livingstone of listowe was a gu t kt the methodist parsonage on monday mrs law of beecon was tbe gaest of her brot er mr r b jermyn several days this wee rev wi rte attended north york sunday school convention at aurora on monday and tueeday mr g orga smyth who has been ill for some tin e at the residence of hi brother mr w l smyth is now reodyering rev a love of georgetown congre gational church whose resignation was presente some weak ago has withdrawn and will remain in georgetown in pie old hard rut i sw a 8 years hoods 8amu7iiunigtii5tilxfiir3 pttpawd ordf- ot 0 l hood k co tpjttieeatfel towatl hut op doses pno dollar running comments ourtheme to day it a varied one y7ev to much to talk about hero a line o novelftie there a job purcbualata bargain yonder a department which wa are clearing out altogether thia latter remark apptia eapeciallt to carpets wo sro doting themoat antiraly and you can atrike a mtnap u yoa hoy oar carpets i i tapestrr curtains m portierre are tncladed in the fins d clearing out there ate aboat 80 pairi worth money to youjto tee ham furs havo you feftthe ruihfnz of of tlta wtndt cold weather it bare note thit we bave jutt opened tbe belt vajia in beaver cape storm collar ifahtand ctp that we havo ever thowiff they age 25 per cent under present phcei black drefs co9d8 never told ode half lomany black drat goods as this teato j bretb import of heavy serge tolka spatt bedford cord and french henriett is just opened tweed dress goods what a runwove bad on f hase flood just put inti stock novelties and style and coloring arid values to pfeite the buyer selette8 taking tiialeadfor winur mantling wethow them iu different prices tullyj 15 per cent cheaper thah ever oar mantle maker know how tcinake up oi nice sklelte try thara whfte spread8 hatsit bargain american good in low price beat them all caiit get them anywhere o good for tbe money three special grades on tho counter very cheap fancy printed flannefsso much sought after for housewear showing lovely patterns- at 50 co and 70c warranted all wol not the shoddy goods that drug tho market terms cash no orefllt i e r-bollert-oa- 25 27 lower wyacleam st guelph extract relieve sickheaj3jlche cures dyspepsia tones up tee serves is the best blood purifier rroparcd aud sold by j v kannawin i cheiflst i mill street acton gjoenig some women will persist in stioking to the old hard rut through lite when the easy in i pleasant road is open to them for intt mee many toil and tjave over the wasblnc steaming themselves half to death arid rut biirg their finger sore tqget the olpthea dead whereas if thiy wiiuld use unlig it 8op upct fellow direcijoiif thia soap wj uld do most the work for them arjd sav s the bouse from steapa and the clothes i nd handsfrom injury make up yoar rdi id to- try it jl- yew draggitt for i dr aogu boots slices wehjve jaat received oar fait stofc o bots and shoes fronl the best mariir fttctarcrs ia canada and defy com- jfltitlon ia icher qaality atylatic prjpo we make a bpeciality of hamburg dropa foe tbo blood llu the zzz bujw t iiv nirieteeii iackes of liww m h j consisflno of 2 oae magnffi aad w alliacott at mtbrllahiagly lowi ww hi r00diobapartiiii ever th bwlit point lto ouruio 1 baas whli r t drm oooch liitha tertlatertftyl tha drtts good are b ajmosiaodla aristy low u tha caafr dohn make tba frerioh nupofsctorers tail verr aheap and watkitu has mmcfl and he flo thaianefit ortahi islet ire inoreailiuonabniil i eaaa 5ls qov t6ia oflolotbes a date carulriposteliii bna wmmmmmmbmmm oilolothg mawtnd imats oheapeat p17aoe8 is oajjadi hamiltoh ladies thajl they of bbautifuesilkflandslbl yicoreu tba coret trade is noru oaahahdaoaie prenoh kid ojovea th and drawer i case thread 1 ooatea i l hi viah tlzlpbm etcyls wltf out ottbt osb tjf the n8 the 8toofeofsilk8and ribbons are reallrcaaakamt it the ladia are delighted with tbe viriou styles if cortauat tba riahiibods 1 lowsalejhatainireluhapial two year l ilaatlaterimbaterta wt 6 cord 8doolonlv 3o the millinery department f rll daliahtfbrliot of est valllbflvi nif trn pi ji t j zrrrtitz tjkr ll h akdgetthemopsfhe very fdawalk on king itnettaaat corner of est xalgeto iugbtoo treat i ihanjilton ndvember 7lb lafll be had platte enter the tterk closex to be fen serosa the tdlstajb b ttbziiets f va- hae jecidedtplcontiaiie busnieas in acfqu boifig unubkj ta had renusea we hava bdoelifim mease quiutitiesofriew such as nglibh iriifhi 8coth ana oanadian tweeds aud worsteda for r 8uitingsi pantingfi attd byerctiatiiigs prohaslrs for stockor ie beat imaiiufactares of r i i i- ji l i wawillgnaitjfmrfectfit intm county diretell at wawillteoatra thtaweet cases of f i j j i 1 v metis boys and childrensi suits overcoats odd pants and 1 i m j j f v v vests6 1 hu 1i i a when we raceive oarttaokvf cents furnishings tbi weefcit tfill be he best ever thpwa ia town r- dont forget to call and tee our new style i call in hats fnd fur aps alio enquire about thai underwear tie upaader glove sox bbirtv qpllarr cufftc k 1 i rv- 1- 1 1- m wt 1 a xui rw 1 j vve waatto say a- few words oar stare with cash ia their baud tivei ii ghoiee mantles keep in mind dress coeds k v whava bbngbt an entirely new and freali stoc ol grooaassiaud will delivery themany place io town at very close priota iir ll i f fethecasji jdrbiinsers und l it la ii thai any pereoif fmfngo v tthav6itrrtg6odsaudiuetterjyulactluin got in their i j kelivlbrosi mcsfiid li 1 1 he thought o oumtw stock o german man tits auctwrape mi tt r always a leading depkrtrnent with ttsw have held that there were poisibitie vl sue- cess for ouc mantle t ade aa yes trnknowa th this sieiiittyc she realization of this isv t now herein our mant e raim a oursajes of these goods increase not onlr trom day to day bahroraseascii to season koiijiyle7otirari6atywlu sod ts represen- tatwe inonr stook pi abbty thelacgest 4 wsbtern ontaiitt r- 1 ip in est oar increase ir mantle sale i not more marked tban pur complete leadej draagoodi we halve given a good deal of care and thought to thiadep bringing into it simply serviceable dresimeferiajs in styles and colors of tbe prevailing fashion is considerab e in a dress goods slock but this hi not enough for us oar eeletv tiont must have and lobava a touch of ijanntioets or originality about them as well j- weve looked to it tint all theio poiofa aieraatwvejbdiftrrthur still s7nd brouget- prices down to a lave not reached bysuoa gcode baforej i miliinery i j x i ii 70panini etenta inj oar millinarr department are verylweltin their way we malm much of tham thiy please and helpi bnainesa but after tha opening wbatf jnat this every day is tie equal of opeoina day nevr conceptions and sfyle appaaj daily and whether in hats and bonnets trimmed or untnmmed fiowent eeatber- ribbons ornamenti or trimmings ot aiydeacriptiontwa think we eah shep otrtha largest rtpek- tba mest varied and the beat moneys worth as well as the beat taste in wmbining tba earns 4il i v shit- boots ffshtoes which for style fit and wear oaiinot be excelled i wm williams i atoa- riianlti ri tw il iis p gueilpm ts wmm vi wsm barrelled breech loadintsrinw i f 4 s hy sbw wtib f0 loaded thaliiiioy litli or guawatef proof e invaaoovef flnui libed withhanbie i i icioii oltwvc l

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